mc_weight_type Try() {

#ifdef DEBUG
  std::cout << "I AM IN Try for Remove_Cdag_C_Delta" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "CONFIG BEFORE: " << Config.DT << std::endl;
  //for (int a = 0; a<Config.Na; ++a) print_det(Config.dets[a]);

  // the det has to be recomputed each time, since global moves will change it
  det = Config.dets[a_level]; 

  // Pick up a couple of C, Cdagger to remove at random
  const int Na(det->NumberOfC());
  if (Na==0) return 0;
  int numCdag = 1 + Random(Na);
  int numC = 1 + Random(Na);
  // det is in decreasing order.
  numC    = Na - numC  + 1;
  numCdag = Na - numCdag  + 1;

  // Remove the operators from the traces
  // the -Na +1 is to move backward, to compare with V1 ...
  Config.DT.removeTwoOperators(*det->select_Cdagger( numCdag ),
    *det->select_C( numC ));

  // Acceptance probability
  mc_weight_type p = Config.DT.ratioNewTrace_OldTrace() * det->try_remove(numCdag,numC);
  double Tratio = power(2*Nalpha* Config.Beta / double(2*Na) ,2);

#ifdef DEBUG
  std::cout << "RATIO: " << Config.DT.ratioNewTrace_OldTrace() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "CONFIG AFTER: " << Config.DT << std::endl;
  //for (int a = 0; a<Config.Na; ++a) print_det(Config.dets[a]);

  return p/Tratio;
 mc_weight_type Try() {

#ifdef DEBUG
  std::cout << "I AM IN Try for Remove_Cdag_C_Delta_SegmentPicture" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "CONFIG BEFORE: " << Config.DT << std::endl;
  for (int a = 0; a<Config.Na; ++a) print_det(Config.dets[a]);

  // the det pointer has to be recomputed each time, since global moves will change it
  det = Config.dets[a_level]; 

  // Pick up a couple of C, Cdagger to remove at random
  const int Na(det->size());
  if (Na==0) return 0;

  // I am selecting the n th C or Cdag operator, starting from small time.
  // Because the det orders the tau in decreasing order (cf insert)
  // I need to iterate over the C, Cdag in reverse.
  int n = Random(2*Na); // pick up n
  // the Cs will look like 0 : c1 c2 c1 c2 c1 c2 c1 c2  : beta
  // where c1, c2 are C,Cdag or Cdag,C
  // from n, I now compute the number of the c1,c2 operator (between 0 and N-1)
  // if n = 2p, n1 = p , n2 = p 
  // if n = 2p+1, n1 = p +1 , n2 = p 
  //       e.g. c1[0] c2[0] c1[1] c2[1] c1[2] c2[2] c1[3] c2[3]
  //        n=    0    1     2     3     4     5     6      7
  //eg n=2,p=1              {          }
  //eg n=3,p=1                    {         }
  //eg n=7,p=3        }                                   {    // be careful of the cyclic condition
  int n1 = 1+ (n+1)/2, n2 = 1 + n/2;
  const bool use_cyclicity (n1 > Na);
  if (use_cyclicity) n1 = 1; // cyclic condition

  // decide whether C1 is C or Cdag
  bool Cisfirst = (det->Cdagger_rbegin()->tau > det->C_rbegin()->tau );
  int numC =    (Cisfirst ? n1: n2);
  int numCdag = (Cisfirst ? n2: n1);
#ifdef DEBUG
  cout<<" Cfirst n n1 n2 "<< Cisfirst<< "  "<<n<< "  "<< n1 <<  "  "<< n2 <<endl;
  cout<<numC<< "  "<<numCdag <<endl;

  // take an iterator on the couple C,Cdag
  Configuration::DET_TYPE::Cdagger_reverse_iterator  itCdag = det->select_reverse_Cdagger( numCdag );
  Configuration::DET_TYPE::C_reverse_iterator           itC = det->select_reverse_C( numC );

  // Remove the operators from the traces

  // first_point is the first of the couple, next_point is the op on a_level *after* the second
  // with cyclicity
  // if cyclicity was not used, the first point is simply the lowest tau
  // otherwise it is the *highest* tau !
  Configuration::OP_REF first_point, next_point;
  const bool C_before_Cdag(((*itC)->tau < (*itCdag)->tau));
  if ((!use_cyclicity && C_before_Cdag) || (use_cyclicity && !C_before_Cdag)) {
   first_point = *itC;
   next_point = (itC == det->C_rend() ? *det->C_rbegin() : *itC); // cyclicity check
  else {
   first_point = *itCdag;
   next_point = (itCdag == det->Cdagger_rend() ? *det->Cdagger_rbegin() : *itCdag); // cyclicity check

  double length_max =  ( first_point == next_point ? Config.Beta : 
    Config.CyclicOrientedTimeDistance(next_point->tau- first_point->tau) );

  // Acceptance probability
  mc_weight_type p = Config.DT.ratioNewTrace_OldTrace() * det->try_remove(Na-numCdag, Na-numC);
  double Tratio  =  (Na ==1 ? 1 : 2*Na) / (Config.Beta * length_max);      
  // (Na term : because if we have only 1 couple of C Cdagger, n = 0 and 1 will lead to the same couple
  // and this is the only case like this.
#ifdef DEBUG
  cout<< " length_max "<<length_max<<endl;
  std::cout << "RATIO: " << Config.DT.ratioNewTrace_OldTrace() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "CONFIG AFTER: " << Config.DT << std::endl;
  return p*Tratio;