Пример #1
    //int bin = 999999;
    for( ControlList::iterator i = _controls.begin(); i != _controls.end(); ++i )
        Control* control = i->get();
        if ( control->isDirty() || _contextDirty )
            osg::Vec2f size;
            control->calcSize( _context, size );

            osg::Vec2f surfaceSize( _context._vp->width(), _context._vp->height() );
            control->calcPos( _context, osg::Vec2f(0,0), surfaceSize );

            osg::Geode* geode = _geodeTable[control];
            geode->removeDrawables( 0, geode->getNumDrawables() );
            DrawableList drawables;
            control->draw( _context, drawables );

            for( DrawableList::iterator j = drawables.begin(); j != drawables.end(); ++j )
                j->get()->setDataVariance( osg::Object::DYNAMIC );
      //          j->get()->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails( bin++, "RenderBin" );
                geode->addDrawable( j->get() );
    _contextDirty = false;
Пример #2
ControlParameter *
MidiDevice::getControlParameter(const std::string &type, Rosegarden::MidiByte controllerValue)
    ControlList::iterator it = m_controlList.begin();

    for (; it != m_controlList.end(); ++it)
        if (it->getType() == type)
            // Return matched on type for most events
            if (type != Rosegarden::Controller::EventType) 
                return &*it;
            // Also match controller value for Controller events
            if (it->getControllerValue() == controllerValue)
                return  &*it;

    return 0;
Пример #3
    std::stringstream midiDevice;

    midiDevice << "    <device id=\""  << m_id 
               << "\" name=\""         << m_name 
               << "\" direction=\""    << (m_direction == Play ?
                                           "play" : "record")
               << "\" variation=\""    << (m_variationType == VariationFromLSB ?
                                           "LSB" :
                                           m_variationType == VariationFromMSB ?
                                           "MSB" : "")
               << "\" connection=\""   << encode(m_connection)
               << "\" type=\"midi\">"  << std::endl << std::endl;

    midiDevice << "        <librarian name=\"" << encode(m_librarian.first)
               << "\" email=\"" << encode(m_librarian.second)
               << "\"/>" << std::endl;

    if (m_metronome)
        // Write out the metronome - watch the MidiBytes
        // when using the stringstream
        midiDevice << "        <metronome "
                   << "instrument=\"" << m_metronome->getInstrument() << "\" "
                   << "barpitch=\"" << (int)m_metronome->getBarPitch() << "\" "
                   << "beatpitch=\"" << (int)m_metronome->getBeatPitch() << "\" "
                   << "subbeatpitch=\"" << (int)m_metronome->getSubBeatPitch() << "\" "
                   << "depth=\"" << (int)m_metronome->getDepth() << "\" "
                   << "barvelocity=\"" << (int)m_metronome->getBarVelocity() << "\" "
                   << "beatvelocity=\"" << (int)m_metronome->getBeatVelocity() << "\" "
                   << "subbeatvelocity=\"" << (int)m_metronome->getSubBeatVelocity() 
                   << "\"/>"
                   << std::endl << std::endl;

    // and now bank information
    BankList::iterator it;
    InstrumentList::iterator iit;
    ProgramList::iterator pt;

    for (it = m_bankList.begin(); it != m_bankList.end(); ++it)
        midiDevice << "        <bank "
                   << "name=\"" << encode(it->getName()) << "\" "
                   << "percussion=\"" << (it->isPercussion() ? "true" : "false") << "\" "
                   << "msb=\"" << (int)it->getMSB() << "\" "
                   << "lsb=\"" << (int)it->getLSB() << "\">"
                   << std::endl;

        // Not terribly efficient
        for (pt = m_programList.begin(); pt != m_programList.end(); ++pt)
            if (pt->getBank() == *it)
                midiDevice << "            <program "
                           << "id=\"" << (int)pt->getProgram() << "\" "
                           << "name=\"" << encode(pt->getName()) << "\" ";
                if (!pt->getKeyMapping().empty()) {
                    midiDevice << "keymapping=\"" 
                               << encode(pt->getKeyMapping()) << "\" ";
                midiDevice << "/>" << std::endl;

        midiDevice << "        </bank>" << std::endl << std::endl;

    // Now controllers (before Instruments, which can depend on 
    // Controller colours)
    midiDevice << "        <controls>" << std::endl;
    ControlList::iterator cIt;
    for (cIt = m_controlList.begin(); cIt != m_controlList.end() ; ++cIt)
        midiDevice << cIt->toXmlString();
    midiDevice << "        </controls>" << std::endl << std::endl;

    // Add instruments
    for (iit = m_instruments.begin(); iit != m_instruments.end(); ++iit)
        midiDevice << (*iit)->toXmlString();

    KeyMappingList::iterator kit;

    for (kit = m_keyMappingList.begin(); kit != m_keyMappingList.end(); ++kit)
        midiDevice << "        <keymapping "
                   << "name=\"" << encode(kit->getName()) << "\">\n";

        for (MidiKeyMapping::KeyNameMap::const_iterator nmi =
                 kit->getMap().begin(); nmi != kit->getMap().end(); ++nmi) {
            midiDevice << "          <key number=\"" << (int)nmi->first
                       << "\" name=\"" << encode(nmi->second) << "\"/>\n";

        midiDevice << "        </keymapping>\n";

    midiDevice << "    </device>" << std::endl;

    return midiDevice.str();
MIDIInstrumentParameterPanel::setupControllers(MidiDevice *md)
    RG_DEBUG << "setupControllers()";

    if (!md)

    // To cut down on flicker, we avoid destroying and recreating
    // widgets as far as possible here.  If a label already exists,
    // we just set its text; if a rotary exists, we only replace it
    // if we actually need a different one.

    Composition &comp = m_doc->getComposition();

    ControlList list = md->getControlParameters();

    // Sort by IPB position.
    std::sort(list.begin(), list.end(),

    int count = 0;
    RotaryInfoVector::iterator rotaryIter = m_rotaries.begin();

    // For each controller
    for (ControlList::iterator it = list.begin();
            it != list.end(); ++it) {
        if (it->getIPBPosition() == -1)

        // Get the knob colour (even if it's default, because otherwise it turns
        // black instead of the default color from the map!  it was here the
        // whole time, this simple!)
        const Colour c = comp.getGeneralColourMap().getColourByIndex(
        const QColor knobColour = QColor(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue());

        Rotary *rotary = 0;

        // If the Rotary widgets have already been created, update them.
        if (rotaryIter != m_rotaries.end()) {

            // Update the controller number that is associated with the
            // existing rotary widget.

            rotaryIter->controller = it->getControllerValue();

            // Update the properties of the existing rotary widget.

            rotary = rotaryIter->rotary;

            // If the default is 64, then this is most likely a "centered"
            // control which should show its distance from the 12 o'clock
            // position around the outside.
            rotary->setCentered((it->getDefault() == 64));

            // Update the controller name.

            // Next Rotary widget

        } else {  // Need to create the Rotary widget.

            // Create a horizontal box for the Rotary/Label pair.
            QWidget *hbox = new QWidget(m_rotaryFrame);
            QHBoxLayout *hboxLayout = new QHBoxLayout;

            // Add a Rotary

            float pageStep = 5.0;
            if (it->getMax() - it->getMin() < 10)
                pageStep = 1.0;
            else if (it->getMax() - it->getMin() < 20)
                pageStep = 2.0;

            rotary = new Rotary(hbox,          // parent
                                it->getMin(),  // minimum
                                it->getMax(),  // maximum
                                1.0,           // step
                                pageStep,      // pageStep
                                it->getDefault(),  // initialPosition
                                20,                // size
                                Rotary::NoTicks,   // ticks
                                false,             // snapToTicks
                                (it->getDefault() == 64));  // centred, see setCentered() above

            // Add a label

            SqueezedLabel *label = new SqueezedLabel(QObject::tr(it->getName().c_str()), hbox);

            RG_DEBUG << "setupControllers(): Adding new widget at " << (count / 2) << "," << (count % 2);

            // Add the compound (Rotary and Label) widget to the grid.
            m_rotaryGrid->addWidget(hbox, count / 2, (count % 2) * 2, Qt::AlignLeft);

            // Add to the Rotary info list
            RotaryInfo ri;
            ri.rotary = rotary;
            ri.label = label;
            ri.controller = it->getControllerValue();

            // Connect for changes to the Rotary by the user.
            connect(rotary, SIGNAL(valueChanged(float)),
                    m_rotaryMapper, SLOT(map()));

            rotaryIter = m_rotaries.end();

        // Add signal mapping


    // If there are more rotary widgets than this instrument needs,
    // delete them.
    if (rotaryIter != m_rotaries.end()) {
        for (RotaryInfoVector::iterator it = rotaryIter; it != m_rotaries.end(); ++it) {
            // ??? Instead of deleting and recreating, we could hide the
            //     extras and bring them back when needed.
            delete it->rotary;
            delete it->label;