Пример #1
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  // Check arguments
  if (argc < 5) {
    std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " NODES_FILE TETS_FILE\n";

  // Construct the first mesh
  MeshType mesh;
  //construct the second mesh
  MeshType mesh2;

  std::vector<typename MeshType::node_type> mesh_node;
  // Read all Points and add them to the Mesh
  std::ifstream nodes_file(argv[1]);
  Point p;
  while (CS207::getline_parsed(nodes_file, p)) {

  // Read all mesh triangles and add them to the Mesh
  std::ifstream tris_file(argv[2]);
  std::array<int,3> t;
  while (CS207::getline_parsed(tris_file, t)) {
    mesh.add_triangle(mesh_node[t[0]], mesh_node[t[1]], mesh_node[t[2]]);

  std::vector<typename MeshType::node_type> mesh_node2;
  // Read all Points and add them to the Mesh
  std::ifstream nodes_file2(argv[3]);
  while (CS207::getline_parsed(nodes_file2, p)) {

  // Read all mesh triangles and add them to the Mesh
  std::ifstream tris_file2(argv[4]);
  while (CS207::getline_parsed(tris_file2, t)) {
    mesh2.add_triangle(mesh_node2[t[0]], mesh_node2[t[1]], mesh_node2[t[2]]);
  //move the second mesh to the specified position
  for(auto it = mesh2.node_begin();it!=mesh2.node_end();++it){
    (*it).position().elem[1] +=4 ;
    (*it).position().elem[2] +=4 ;

  // Print out the stats
  std::cout << mesh.num_nodes() << " "
            << mesh.num_edges() << " "
            << mesh.num_triangles() << std::endl;
  std::cout << mesh2.num_nodes() << " "
            << mesh2.num_edges() << " "
            << mesh2.num_triangles() << std::endl;

  //set the mass and velocity of each Node for the first mesh
  for (auto it = mesh.node_begin(); it != mesh.node_end(); ++it){
    (*it).value().mass = float(1)/mesh.num_nodes();
    (*it).value().velocity = Point(0, 10, 10);
  //set the mass and velocity of each Node for the second mesh
  for (auto it = mesh2.node_begin(); it != mesh2.node_end(); ++it){
    (*it).value().mass = float(1)/mesh.num_nodes();
    (*it).value().velocity = Point(0, -10, -10);

  //set K and L for each edge
  for (auto it = mesh.node_begin(); it != mesh.node_end(); ++it)
    for (auto j = (*it).edge_begin(); j != (*it).edge_end(); ++j){
       (*j).value().L = (*j).length();
       (*j).value().K = 16000;

  for (auto it = mesh2.node_begin(); it != mesh2.node_end(); ++it)
    for (auto j = (*it).edge_begin(); j != (*it).edge_end(); ++j){
       (*j).value().L = (*j).length();
       (*j).value().K = 16000;

  // Launch the SDLViewer
  CS207::SDLViewer viewer;
  auto node_map = viewer.empty_node_map(mesh);

  viewer.add_nodes(mesh.node_begin(), mesh.node_end(), node_map);
  viewer.add_edges(mesh.edge_begin(), mesh.edge_end(), node_map);
  viewer.add_nodes(mesh2.node_begin(), mesh2.node_end(), node_map);
  viewer.add_edges(mesh2.edge_begin(), mesh2.edge_end(), node_map);

  //Begin the mass-spring simulation
  double dt = 0.0002;
  double t_start = 0.0;
  double t_end   = 10.0;
  //three color parameter
  int color1 = 1; 
  int color2 = 1; 
  int color3 = 1; 
  //Create listener
  Pause_listener* pause = new Pause_listener(dt); 
  Speed_listener* speed = new Speed_listener(dt, dt); 
  XYZ_listener<MeshType>* xyz = new XYZ_listener<MeshType>(&mesh);
  Color_listener* col = new Color_listener(&color1, &color2, &color3);
  //add listener

  //Initialize forces
  WindForce wind_force(Point(0,100,200));
  PressureForce<typename MeshType::node_type, MeshType> pressure_force(1, 2500, &mesh);
  DampingForce damp_force(float(1)/mesh.num_nodes());
  //auto force = make_combined_force(MassSpringForce(), GravityForce(), make_combined_force(pressure_force, damp_force, wind_force));
  auto force = make_combined_force(MassSpringForce(), make_combined_force(pressure_force, damp_force, wind_force));
  //Initialize constriants
  auto constraint = PlaneConstraint<MeshType>(-4);

  //simulation processing   
  for (double t = t_start; t < t_end; t += dt) {
    constraint(mesh, 0);
    constraint(mesh2, 0);
    //define a collision constrain
    auto collision_constrain = CollisionConstraint<MeshType>();
    //add the forces to the meshs at each dt
    symp_euler_step(mesh, t, dt, force);
    symp_euler_step(mesh2, t, dt, force);
    //detec the collision betweent the two meshes
    CollisionDetector<MeshType> c;
    std::vector<unsigned> collision;
    std::vector<unsigned> collision2;

    //find the corresponding mesh for each node
    for (auto it=c.begin(); it!= c.end(); ++it){
      auto boom = *it;
      Node n = boom.n1;
      if (boom.mesh1 == &mesh)
      if (boom.mesh1 == &mesh2)

    //add the collision constrain to the meshes
    //update with removed nodes
    //clear teh viewer's node
    //update viewer with new positions and new edges
    viewer.add_nodes(mesh.node_begin(), mesh.node_end(), color(color1, color2, color3), node_map);
    viewer.add_edges(mesh.edge_begin(), mesh.edge_end(), node_map);
    viewer.add_nodes(mesh2.node_begin(), mesh2.node_end(), color(color1, color2, color3), node_map);
    viewer.add_edges(mesh2.edge_begin(), mesh2.edge_end(), node_map);

    // These lines slow down the animation for small graphs
    if (mesh.num_nodes() < 100)

  return 0;
Пример #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  // Check arguments
  if (argc < 5) {
    std::cerr << "Usage: final_project NODES_FILE TRIS_FILE ball.nodes ball.tris \n";

  MeshType mesh;
  std::vector<typename MeshType::node_type> mesh_node;

  // Read all water Points and add them to the Mesh
  std::ifstream nodes_file(argv[1]);
  Point p;
  uint water_nodes = 0;
  while (CS207::getline_parsed(nodes_file, p)) {

  // Read all water mesh triangles and add them to the Mesh
  std::ifstream tris_file(argv[2]);
  std::array<int,3> t;
  int water_tris = 0;
  while (CS207::getline_parsed(tris_file, t)) {
    mesh.add_triangle(mesh_node[t[0]], mesh_node[t[1]], mesh_node[t[2]]);
  uint water_edges = mesh.num_edges();

  std::ifstream nodes_file2(argv[3]);
  double radius = 1 * scale;
  while (CS207::getline_parsed(nodes_file2, p)) {
    p *= scale;
    p.z += + start_height;

  // Read all ball mesh triangles and add them to the mesh
  std::ifstream tris_file2(argv[4]);
  while (CS207::getline_parsed(tris_file2, t)) {
    mesh.add_triangle(mesh_node[t[0]+water_nodes], mesh_node[t[1]+water_nodes], mesh_node[t[2]+water_nodes]);

  // Print out the stats
  std::cout << mesh.num_nodes() << " "
            << mesh.num_edges() << " "
            << mesh.num_triangles() << std::endl;

  /* Set the initial conditions */ 
  // Set the initial values of the nodes and get the maximum height double
  double max_h = 0;
  double dx = 0;
  double dy = 0;
  auto init_cond = Still();
  auto b_init_cond = Cone(); 

  // Find the maximum height and apply initial conditions to nodes
  for (auto it = mesh.node_begin(); it != mesh.node_end(); ++it) { 
    auto n = *it;
    if (n.index() < water_nodes){
	    n.value().q = init_cond(n.position());
	    n.value().b = b_init_cond(n.position());
	    max_h = std::max(max_h, n.value().q.h);
  	else {
  		n.value().q = QVar(n.position().z, 0, 0);
      n.value().mass = total_mass/(mesh.num_nodes() - water_nodes);
      n.value().velocity = Point(0.0,0.0,0.0);

  // Set the initial values of the triangles to the average of their nodes and finds S
  // Set the triangle direction values so that we can determine which 
  // way to point normal vectors. This part assumes a convex shape
  Point center = get_center(mesh); 
  for (auto it = mesh.triangle_begin(); it != mesh.triangle_end(); ++it) {
    auto t = *it; 
    if (t.index() < water_tris){
	    t.value().q_bar = (t.node1().value().q + 
	                       t.node2().value().q + 
	                       t.node3().value().q) / 3.0;
	    t.value().q_bar2 = t.value().q_bar;

	    double b_avg = (t.node1().value().b + 
	                    t.node2().value().b + 
	                    t.node3().value().b) / 3.0;
	    // finds the max dx and dy to calculate Source
	    dx = std::max(dx, fabs(t.node1().position().x - t.node2().position().x));
	    dx = std::max(dx, fabs(t.node2().position().x - t.node3().position().x));
	    dx = std::max(dx, fabs(t.node3().position().x - t.node1().position().x));
	    dy = std::max(dy, fabs(t.node1().position().y - t.node2().position().y));
	    dy = std::max(dy, fabs(t.node2().position().y - t.node3().position().y));
	    dy = std::max(dy, fabs(t.node3().position().y - t.node1().position().y));
	    t.value().S = QVar(0, -grav * t.value().q_bar.h * b_avg / dx, -grav * t.value().q_bar.h * b_avg / dy);

  // Calculate the minimum edge length and set edge inital condititons
  double min_edge_length = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
  uint count = 0;
  for (auto it = mesh.edge_begin(); it != mesh.edge_end(); ++it, count++){
    if (count < water_edges)
      min_edge_length = std::min(min_edge_length, (*it).length());
    else {
      (*it).value().spring_constant = spring_const;
      (*it).value().initial_length = (*it).length();
  // Launch the SDLViewer
  CS207::SDLViewer viewer;

  auto node_map = viewer.empty_node_map(mesh);
  viewer.add_nodes(mesh.node_begin(), mesh.node_end(),
                   Color(water_nodes), NodePosition(), node_map);
  viewer.add_edges(mesh.edge_begin(), mesh.edge_end(), node_map);
  // adds solid color-slows down program significantly
  //viewer.add_triangles(mesh.triangle_begin(), mesh.triangle_end(), node_map);

  // CFL stability condition requires dt <= dx / max|velocity|
  // For the shallow water equations with u = v = 0 initial conditions
  //   we can compute the minimum edge length and maximum original water height
  //   to set the time-step
  // Compute the minimum edge length and maximum water height for computing dt
  double dt = 0.25 * min_edge_length / (sqrt(grav * max_h));
  double t_start = 0;
  double t_end = 10;
  Point ball_loc = Point(0,0,0);
  double dh = 0;
  // double pressure = gas_const/(4/3*M_PI*radius*radius*radius);

  // add listener
  my_listener* l = new my_listener(viewer,mesh,dt); 

  // Preconstruct a Flux functor
  EdgeFluxCalculator f;
  // defines the constraint
  PlaneConstraint c = PlaneConstraint(plane_const);

  // Begin the time stepping
  for (double t = t_start; t < t_end; t += dt) {
    // define forces on ball
    GravityForce g_force;
    BuoyantForce b_force = BuoyantForce(dh, ball_loc.z);
    WindForce w_force;
    MassSpringForce ms_force;
    // PressureForce p_force = PressureForce(pressure);
    // DampingForce d_force = DampingForce(mesh.num_nodes());
    auto combined_forces = make_combined_force(g_force, b_force, w_force, ms_force);
    // Step forward in time with forward Euler
    hyperbolic_step(mesh, f, t, dt, ball_loc, water_tris);

    // Update node values with triangle-averaged values
    ball_loc = post_process(mesh, combined_forces, c, t, dt, water_nodes);

    // Update the viewer with new node positions
    viewer.add_nodes(mesh.node_begin(), mesh.node_end(), 
                     Color(water_nodes), NodePosition(), node_map);
    // viewer.add_triangles(mesh.triangle_begin(), mesh.triangle_end(), node_map);

    // find radius of cross sectional radius of ball submerged
    dh = ball_loc.z;
    if (dh > 2*radius)
      dh = 2 * radius;
    ball_loc.z = cross_radius(radius, dh);

    // These lines slow down the animation for small meshes.
    if (mesh.num_nodes() < 100)
  return 0;