int loadParameters(cv::String filepath) override { cv::FileStorage fs; //if user specified a pathfile, try to use it. if (!filepath.empty()) {, cv::FileStorage::READ); } // If the file opened, read the parameters. if (fs.isOpened()) { fs["borderX"] >> Param.borderX; fs["borderY"] >> Param.borderY; fs["corrWinSizeX"] >> Param.corrWinSizeX; fs["corrWinSizeY"] >> Param.corrWinSizeY; fs["correlationThreshold"] >> Param.correlationThreshold; fs["textrureThreshold"] >> Param.textrureThreshold; fs["neighborhoodSize"] >> Param.neighborhoodSize; fs["disparityGradient"] >> Param.disparityGradient; fs["lkTemplateSize"] >> Param.lkTemplateSize; fs["lkPyrLvl"] >> Param.lkPyrLvl; fs["lkTermParam1"] >> Param.lkTermParam1; fs["lkTermParam2"] >> Param.lkTermParam2; fs["gftQualityThres"] >> Param.gftQualityThres; fs["gftMinSeperationDist"] >> Param.gftMinSeperationDist; fs["gftMaxNumFeatures"] >> Param.gftMaxNumFeatures; fs.release(); return 1; }
static void glob_rec(const cv::String& directory, const cv::String& wildchart, std::vector<cv::String>& result, bool recursive) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *ent; if ((dir = opendir (directory.c_str())) != 0) { /* find all the files and directories within directory */ try { while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != 0) { const char* name = ent->d_name; if((name[0] == 0) || (name[0] == '.' && name[1] == 0) || (name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '.' && name[2] == 0)) continue; cv::String path = directory + native_separator + name; if (isDir(path, dir)) { if (recursive) glob_rec(path, wildchart, result, recursive); } else { if (wildchart.empty() || wildcmp(name, wildchart.c_str())) result.push_back(path); } } } catch (...) { closedir(dir); throw; } closedir(dir); } else CV_Error(CV_StsObjectNotFound, cv::format("could not open directory: %s", directory.c_str())); }
cv::String CameraWrapperConnector::getPathLibFolder() { if (!pathLibFolder.empty()) return pathLibFolder; Dl_info dl_info; if(0 != dladdr((void *)nextFrame, &dl_info)) { LOGD("Library name: %s", dl_info.dli_fname); LOGD("Library base address: %p", dl_info.dli_fbase); const char* libName=dl_info.dli_fname; while( ((*libName)=='/') || ((*libName)=='.') ) libName++; char lineBuf[2048]; FILE* file = fopen("/proc/self/smaps", "rt"); if(file) { while (fgets(lineBuf, sizeof lineBuf, file) != NULL) { //verify that line ends with library name int lineLength = strlen(lineBuf); int libNameLength = strlen(libName); //trim end for(int i = lineLength - 1; i >= 0 && isspace(lineBuf[i]); --i) { lineBuf[i] = 0; --lineLength; } if (0 != strncmp(lineBuf + lineLength - libNameLength, libName, libNameLength)) { //the line does not contain the library name continue; } //extract path from smaps line char* pathBegin = strchr(lineBuf, '/'); if (0 == pathBegin) { LOGE("Strange error: could not find path beginning in lin \"%s\"", lineBuf); continue; } char* pathEnd = strrchr(pathBegin, '/'); pathEnd[1] = 0; LOGD("Libraries folder found: %s", pathBegin); fclose(file); return pathBegin; } fclose(file); LOGE("Could not find library path"); } else { LOGE("Could not read /proc/self/smaps"); } } else { LOGE("Could not get library name and base address"); } return cv::String(); }
// Detect faces in a photo std::vector<FaceRect> detectFaces(cv::String inputName, cv::String cascadeName, double scale, bool infer = false) { cv::CascadeClassifier cascade; if (!cascade.load(cascadeName)) { std::cout << "error;Could not load classifier cascade. Filename: \"" << cascadeName << "\"" << std::endl; } if (inputName.empty()) { std::cout << "error;You must specify the file to process." << std::endl; } cv::Mat img = cv::imread(inputName, 1); if (img.empty()) { std::cout << "error;Could not load the file to process. Filename: \"" << inputName << "\"" << std::endl; } std::vector<cv::Rect> faces; cv::Size smallImgSize; static bool disableDnn; #ifdef HAS_OPENCV_DNN disableDnn = faceDetectNet.empty(); #else disableDnn = true; #endif if (disableDnn) { // Classical face detection cv::Mat gray; cvtColor(img, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); cv::Mat smallImg(cvRound(img.rows / scale), cvRound(img.cols / scale), CV_8UC1); smallImgSize = smallImg.size(); cv::resize(gray, smallImg, smallImgSize, 0, 0, cv::INTER_LINEAR); cv::equalizeHist(smallImg, smallImg); cascade.detectMultiScale(smallImg, faces, 1.1, 2, CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE, cv::Size(30, 30)); } else { #ifdef HAS_OPENCV_DNN // DNN based face detection faces = detectFacesMat(img); smallImgSize = img.size(); // Not using the small image here #endif } std::vector<FaceRect> scaled; for (std::vector<cv::Rect>::const_iterator r = faces.begin(); r != faces.end(); r++) { FaceRect i; i.x = (float) r->x / smallImgSize.width; i.y = (float) r->y / smallImgSize.height; i.width = (float) r->width / smallImgSize.width; i.height = (float) r->height / smallImgSize.height; #ifdef HAS_OPENCV_DNN if (infer && !faceRecogNet.empty()) { // Get colour image for vector generation cv::Mat colourImg; cv::resize(img, colourImg, smallImgSize, 0, 0, cv::INTER_LINEAR); i.vec = faceToVecMat(colourImg(*r)); // Run vector conversion on the face } else { i.vec.assign(128, 0); } #else i.vec.assign(128, 0); #endif scaled.push_back(i); } return scaled; }