int TrainingSet::getTrainingSet(cv::vector<cv::Mat> &images, cv::vector<int> &labels, cv::vector<QString> &names){ QStringList directoriesList = getAvailableFaces(); labels.clear(); images.clear(); names.clear(); for(int i=0; i<directoriesList.size(); i++){ QString person =; QDir faceDirectory; faceDirectory.setPath(mainDirectory.path() + "/" + person); QStringList photosList = faceDirectory.entryList(QDir::Files); foreach(QString photo, photosList){ images.push_back(cv::imread(faceDirectory.path().toStdString() + "/" + photo.toStdString(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)); labels.push_back(i); } names.push_back(person); }
void setWorldPoints(cv::vector<cv::vector<cv::Point3f> > &worldPoints, const cv::Size patternSize, const int &fileNum){ worldPoints.clear(); worldPoints.resize(fileNum); for(int i = 0; i < fileNum; i++ ) { for(int j = 0; j < patternSize.height; j++ ) for(int k = 0; k < patternSize.width; k++ ) worldPoints[i].push_back(cv::Point3f(k*g_squareSize, j*g_squareSize, 0)); } }
void loadImages(cv::vector<cv::Mat> &rgb, cv::vector<cv::Mat> &depth, const int &fileNum){ rgb.clear(); depth.clear(); for(int i = 0; i < fileNum; ++i){ stringstream rgbfilename, depthfilename; rgbfilename << FLAGS_folder <<"/" << FLAGS_color << i << FLAGS_type; depthfilename << FLAGS_folder << "/" << FLAGS_depth << i << FLAGS_type; cout << "loading : " << rgbfilename.str() << " and " << depthfilename.str() << endl; // load RGB image cv::Mat tempRGB = cv::imread(rgbfilename.str(), 0); rgb.push_back(tempRGB); // load depth image cv::Mat tempDepth = cv::imread(depthfilename.str(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH); tempDepth.convertTo(tempDepth, CV_8U, 255.0/1000.0); // cv::Mat maxDist = cv::Mat::ones(tempDepth.rows, tempDepth.cols, CV_8U) * MAX_DEPTH; // cv::Mat minDist = cv::Mat::ones(tempDepth.rows, tempDepth.cols, CV_8U) * MIN_DEPTH; // cv::min(tempDepth, maxDist, tempDepth); // tempDepth -= minDist; cv::resize(tempDepth, tempDepth, cv::Size(), 2.0,2.0); cv::Mat roiTempDepth; cv::resize(tempDepth(cv::Rect(40, 43,498,498 / 4 * 3)), roiTempDepth, cv::Size(640, 480)); depth.push_back(roiTempDepth); std::cout << "loaded" << std::endl; cv::imshow("rgb",rgb[i]); cv::imshow("depth",depth[i]); cv::waitKey(100); } }
void loadImages(cv::vector<cv::Mat> &lefts, cv::vector<cv::Mat> &rights, const int &fileNum) { cv::namedWindow("Left", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE | CV_WINDOW_FREERATIO); cv::namedWindow("Right", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE | CV_WINDOW_FREERATIO); lefts.clear(); rights.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < fileNum; i++) { std::stringstream lfile, rfile; lfile << FLAGS_dir << "/left_" << i << FLAGS_suffix; rfile << FLAGS_dir << "/right_" << i << FLAGS_suffix; std::cout << "load: " << lfile.str() << ", " << rfile.str() << std::endl; cv::Mat left = cv::imread(lfile.str(), 0); cv::Mat right = cv::imread(rfile.str(), 0); lefts.push_back(left); rights.push_back(right); cv::imshow("Left", left); cv::imshow("Right", right); cv::waitKey(100); } }
void SiftGPUWrapper::detect(const cv::Mat& image, cv::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints, std::vector<float>& descriptors, const Mat& mask) const { if (error) { keypoints.clear(); ROS_FATAL("SiftGPU cannot be used. Detection of keypoints failed"); } //get image cvMatToSiftGPU(image, data); int num_features = 0; SiftGPU::SiftKeypoint* keys = 0; ROS_DEBUG("SIFTGPU: cols: %d, rows: %d", image.cols, image.rows); if (siftgpu->RunSIFT(image.cols, image.rows, data, GL_LUMINANCE, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)) { num_features = siftgpu->GetFeatureNum(); ROS_INFO("Number of features found: %i", num_features); keys = new SiftGPU::SiftKeypoint[num_features]; descriptors.resize(128 * num_features); //descriptors = new float[128 * num_features]; siftgpu->GetFeatureVector(&keys[0], &descriptors[0]); } else { ROS_WARN("SIFTGPU->RunSIFT() failed!"); } //copy to opencv structure keypoints.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < num_features; ++i) { KeyPoint key(keys[i].x, keys[i].y, keys[i].s, keys[i].o); keypoints.push_back(key); } // FILE *fp = fopen("bla.pgm", "w"); // WritePGM(fp, data, image.cols, image.rows); // fclose(fp); }
void paperRegistration::detectFigures(cv::vector<cv::vector<cv::Point>>& squares, cv::vector<cv::vector<cv::Point>>& triangles, float minLength, float maxLength, int tresh_binary) { if (currentDeviceImg.empty()) return; //cv::Mat image = currentDeviceImg; //cv::Mat image = cv::imread("C:/Users/sophie/Desktop/meinz.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);// cv::imread(path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); //resize(image, image, cv::Size(500,700)); squares.clear(); triangles.clear(); cv::Mat gray; cv::Mat element = getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(7,7)); cv::vector<cv::vector<cv::Point> > contours; //compute binary image //use dilatation and erosion to improve edges threshold(currentDeviceImg, gray, tresh_binary, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY_INV); dilate(gray, gray, element, cv::Point(-1,-1)); erode(gray, gray, element, cv::Point(-1,-1)); // find contours and store them all as a list cv::findContours(gray, contours, CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); //test each contour cv::vector<cv::Point> approx; cv::vector<cv::vector<cv::Point> >::iterator iterEnd = contours.end(); for(cv::vector<cv::vector<cv::Point> >::iterator iter = contours.begin(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter) { // approximate contour with accuracy proportional // to the contour perimeter cv::approxPolyDP(*iter, approx, arcLength(*iter, true)*0.03, true); //contours should be convex if (isContourConvex(approx)) { // square contours should have 4 vertices after approximation and // relatively large length (to filter out noisy contours) if( approx.size() == 4) { bool rectangular = true; for( int j = 3; j < 6; j++ ) { // if cosines of all angles are small // (all angles are ~90 degree) then write // vertices to result if (fabs(90 - fabs(computeAngle(approx[j%4], approx[j-3], approx[j-2]))) > 7) { rectangular = false; break; } } if (!rectangular) continue; float side1 = computeLength(approx[0], approx[1]); float side2 = computeLength(approx[1], approx[2]); if (side1 > minLength && side1 < maxLength && side2 > minLength && side2 < maxLength) squares.push_back(approx); } // triangle contours should have 3 vertices after approximation and // relatively large length (to filter out noisy contours) else if ( approx.size() == 3) { float side1 = computeLength(approx[0], approx[1]); float side2 = computeLength(approx[1], approx[2]); float side3 = computeLength(approx[2], approx[0]); if (side1 > minLength && side1 < maxLength && side2 > minLength && side2 < maxLength && side3 > minLength && side3 < maxLength) triangles.push_back(approx); } } } }