Пример #1
void check_cpgrid()
    std::cout << '\n' << "CpGrid<" << refinement << ">\n" << std::endl;

    Dune::CpGrid grid;
    Dune::array<int   , 3> dims;
    std::fill(dims.begin(), dims.end(), 1 << refinement);
    Dune::array<double, 3> cell_sz;
    std::fill(cell_sz.begin(), cell_sz.end(), 1.0 / (1 << refinement));

    grid.createCartesian(dims, cell_sz);

    // Test the interface
    Dune::GridInterfaceEuler<Dune::CpGrid> gie(grid);
#if 0
Пример #2
    void findPeriodicPartners(std::vector<BoundaryFaceInfo>& bfinfo,
                              Dune::array<double, 6>& side_areas,
                              const GridView& g,
                              const Dune::array<bool, 2*GridView::dimension>& is_periodic,
                              double spatial_tolerance = 1e-6)
	// Pick out all boundary faces, simultaneously find the
	// bounding box of their centroids, and the max id.
        const int dim = GridView::dimension;
        typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Iterator CI;
	typedef typename GridView::IntersectionIterator FI;
	typedef Dune::FieldVector<double, dim> Vector;
	std::vector<FI> bface_iters;
	Vector low(1e100);
	Vector hi(-1e100);
	int max_bid = 0;
	for (CI c = g.template begin<0>(); c != g.template end<0>(); ++c) {
	    for (FI f = g.ibegin(*c); f != g.iend(*c); ++f) {
		if (f->boundaryId()) {
		    Vector fcent = f->geometry().center();
		    for (int dd = 0; dd < dim; ++dd) {
			low[dd] = std::min(low[dd], fcent[dd]);
			hi[dd] = std::max(hi[dd], fcent[dd]);
		    max_bid = std::max(max_bid, f->boundaryId());
	int num_bdy = bface_iters.size();
	if (max_bid != num_bdy) {
	    THROW("createPeriodic() assumes that every boundary face has a unique boundary id. That seems to be violated.");

	// Store boundary face info in a suitable structure. Also find side total volumes.
	std::fill(side_areas.begin(), side_areas.end(), 0.0);
	for (int i = 0; i < num_bdy; ++i) {
	    BoundaryFaceInfo bf;
	    bf.face_index = i;
	    bf.bid = bface_iters[i]->boundaryId();
	    bf.canon_pos = -1;
	    bf.partner_face_index = -1;
	    bf.partner_bid = 0;
	    bf.area = bface_iters[i]->geometry().volume();
	    bf.centroid = bface_iters[i]->geometry().center();
	    for (int dd = 0; dd < dim; ++dd) {
		double coord = bf.centroid[dd];
		if (fabs(coord - low[dd]) <= spatial_tolerance) {
		    bf.canon_pos = 2*dd;
		} else if (fabs(coord - hi[dd]) <= spatial_tolerance) {
		    bf.canon_pos = 2*dd + 1;
	    if (bf.canon_pos == -1) {
		std::cerr << "Centroid: " << bf.centroid << "\n";
		std::cerr << "Bounding box min: " << low << "\n";
		std::cerr << "Bounding box max: " << hi << "\n";
		THROW("Boundary face centroid not on bounding box. Maybe the grid is not an axis-aligned shoe-box?");
	    side_areas[bf.canon_pos] += bf.area;
	    bf.centroid[bf.canon_pos/2] = 0.0;
	ASSERT(bfinfo.size() == bface_iters.size());

	// Sort the infos so that partners end up close.
	std::sort(bfinfo.begin(), bfinfo.end());

	// Identify partners.
	for (int i = 0; i < num_bdy; ++i) {
	    if (bfinfo[i].partner_face_index != -1) {
	    if (!is_periodic[bfinfo[i].canon_pos]) {
	    int lower = std::max(0, i - 10);
	    int upper = std::min(num_bdy, i + 10);
	    bool ok = match(bfinfo, i, lower, upper);
	    if (!ok) {
		// We have not found a partner.
		ok = match(bfinfo, i, 0, num_bdy);
		if (!ok) {
		    MESSAGE("Warning: No partner found for boundary id " << bfinfo[i].bid);
		    // THROW("No partner found.");