Пример #1
void ObjectModelLine::projectPoints (const std::vector<int> &inliers, const Eigen::VectorXd &model_coefficients,
		PointCloud3D* projectedPointCloud){

	assert (model_coefficients.size () == 6);

	// Obtain the line point and direction
	Eigen::Vector4d line_pt  (model_coefficients[0], model_coefficients[1], model_coefficients[2], 0);
	Eigen::Vector4d line_dir (model_coefficients[3], model_coefficients[4], model_coefficients[5], 0);

	// Iterate through the 3d points and calculate the distances from them to the line
	for (size_t i = 0; i < inliers.size (); ++i)
		Eigen::Vector4d pt ((*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[inliers[i]].getX(), (*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[inliers[i]].getY(),
				(*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[inliers[i]].getZ(), 0);
		// double k = (DOT_PROD_3D (points[i], p21) - dotA_B) / dotB_B;
		double k = (pt.dot (line_dir) - line_pt.dot (line_dir)) / line_dir.dot (line_dir);

		Eigen::Vector4d pp = line_pt + k * line_dir;
		// Calculate the projection of the point on the line (pointProj = A + k * B)
//		std::vector<Point3D> *projectedPoints = projectedPointCloud->getPointCloud();

Пример #2
StereoDisparity::getXyzValues(int u, int v, float disparity)
  Eigen::Vector4d uvd1((double) u, (double) v, disparity, 1);
  Eigen::Vector4d xyzw = (*_uvd1_to_xyz) * uvd1;
  return xyzw.head<3>() / xyzw.w();
Пример #3
 inline sm::kinematics::Transformation transformationFromPropertyTree(const sm::ConstPropertyTree & config)
     Eigen::Vector4d q = sm::eigen::quaternionFromPropertyTree( sm::ConstPropertyTree(config, "q_a_b") );
     q = q / q.norm();
     Eigen::Vector3d t = sm::eigen::vector3FromPropertyTree( sm::ConstPropertyTree(config, "t_a_b_a" ) );
     return sm::kinematics::Transformation(q,t);
Пример #4
void BezierBoundarySolver::_IterateCurvatureReduction(BezierBoundaryProblem* pProblem,Eigen::Vector4d& params)
    double epsilon = 0.0001;
    //create a jacobian for the parameters by perturbing them
    Eigen::Vector4d Jt; //transpose of the jacobian
    BezierBoundaryProblem origProblem = *pProblem;
    double maxK = _GetMaximumCurvature(pProblem);
    for(int ii = 0; ii < 4 ; ii++){
        Eigen::Vector4d epsilonParams = params;
        epsilonParams[ii] += epsilon;
        double kPlus = _GetMaximumCurvature(pProblem);

        epsilonParams[ii] -= 2*epsilon;
        double kMinus = _GetMaximumCurvature(pProblem);
        Jt[ii] = (kPlus-kMinus)/(2*epsilon);

    //now that we have Jt, we can calculate JtJ
    Eigen::Matrix4d JtJ = Jt*Jt.transpose();
    //thikonov regularization
    JtJ += Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity();

    Eigen::Vector4d deltaParams = JtJ.inverse() * Jt*maxK;
    params -= deltaParams;
    //double finalMaxK = _GetMaximumCurvature(pProblem);

    //dout("2D Iteration took k from " << maxK << " to " << finalMaxK);
Пример #5
    static void qprod(const Eigen::Vector4d & q, const Eigen::Vector4d & p, Eigen::Vector4d & prod_result) {
        double a=q(0);
        Eigen::Vector3d v = q.segment(1, 3); //coefficients q
        double x=p(0);
        Eigen::Vector3d u = p.segment(1, 3); //coefficients p

        prod_result << a*x-v.transpose()*u, (a*u+x*v) + v.cross(u);
Пример #6
 void ExpMapQuaternion::pseudoLog_(RefVec out, const ConstRefVec& x, const ConstRefVec& y)
   Eigen::Vector4d tmp;
   toQuat q(tmp.data());
   const toConstQuat xQ(x.data());
   const toConstQuat yQ(y.data());
   q = xQ.inverse()*yQ; //TODO double-check that formula
Пример #7
 Eigen::Vector3d PointcloudProc::projectPoint(Eigen::Vector4d& point, CamParams cam) const
   Eigen::Vector3d keypoint;
   keypoint(0) = (cam.fx*point.x()) / point.z() + cam.cx;
   keypoint(1) = (cam.fy*point.y()) / point.z() + cam.cy;
   keypoint(2) = (cam.fx*(point.x()-cam.tx)/point.z() + cam.cx);
   return keypoint;
Пример #8
Eigen::Vector3d intersectRayPlane(const Eigen::Vector3d ray,
  const Eigen::Vector3d ray_origin, const Eigen::Vector4d plane)
    // Plane defined as ax + by + cz + d = 0
    // Ray: P = P0 + tV
    // Plane: P.N + d = 0, where P is intersection point
    // t = -(P0.N + d)/(V.N) , P = P0 + tV
    float t = -(ray_origin.dot(plane.head(3)) + plane[3]) / (ray.dot(plane.head(3)));
    Eigen::Vector3d P = ray_origin + t*ray;
    return P;
Пример #9
void randomUnitQuaternion(Eigen::Vector4d &quat) {
    static boost::random::mt19937 rng(time(NULL));
    static boost::random::normal_distribution<> normal;

    do {
        quat(0) = normal(rng);
        quat(1) = normal(rng);
        quat(2) = normal(rng);
        quat(3) = normal(rng);
    } while (quat.norm() < 0.00001);
Пример #10
const double CMiniVisionToolbox::getTransformationDelta( const Eigen::Isometry3d& p_matTransformationFrom, const Eigen::Isometry3d& p_matTransformationTo )
    //ds compute pose change
    const Eigen::Isometry3d matTransformChange( p_matTransformationTo*p_matTransformationFrom.inverse( ) );

    //ds check point
    const Eigen::Vector4d vecSamplePoint( 40.2, -1.25, 2.5, 1.0 );
    double dNorm( vecSamplePoint.norm( ) );
    const Eigen::Vector4d vecDifference( vecSamplePoint-matTransformChange*vecSamplePoint );
    dNorm = ( dNorm + vecDifference.norm( ) )/2;

    //ds return norm
    return ( std::fabs( vecDifference(0) ) + std::fabs( vecDifference(1) ) + std::fabs( vecDifference(2) ) )/dNorm;
bool WHeadPositionCorrection::checkMovementThreshold( const WLEMDHPI::TransformationT& trans )
    const Eigen::Vector4d diffTrans = m_transExc.data().col( 3 ) - trans.data().col( 3 );
    if( diffTrans.norm() > m_movementThreshold )
        m_transExc = trans;
        return true;
    // TODO(pieloth): check rotation, e.g. with 1 or more key points
    // initial: pick 6 key points from dipoles min/max (x,0,0); (0,y,0); (0,0,z)
    // compare max distance
    // keyPoint 3x6
    // (trans * keyPoints).colwise().norm() - (m_transExc * keyPoints).colwise().norm()).maxCoeff(), mind homog. coord.
    return false;
mathtools::geometry::euclidian::Line<4> skeleton::model::Perspective::toObj(
		const Eigen::Matrix<double,skeleton::model::meta<skeleton::model::Projective>::stordim,1> &vec,
		const mathtools::geometry::euclidian::Line<4> &) const
	Eigen::Vector4d origin;
	origin.block<3,1>(0,0) = m_frame3->getOrigin();
	origin(3) = 0.0;

	Eigen::Vector4d vecdir;
	vecdir.block<3,1>(0,0) = m_frame3->getBasis()->getMatrix()*Eigen::Vector3d(vec(0),vec(1),1.0);
	vecdir(3) = vec(2);

	return mathtools::geometry::euclidian::Line<4>(origin,vecdir);
Пример #13
Visualization::Visualization(bot_lcmgl_t* lcmgl, const StereoCalibration* calib)
  : _lcmgl(lcmgl),
  // take the  Z corresponding to disparity 5 px as 'max Z'
  Eigen::Matrix4d uvdtoxyz = calib->getUvdToXyz();
  Eigen::Vector4d xyzw = uvdtoxyz * Eigen::Vector4d(1, 1, 5, 1);
  xyzw /= xyzw.w();
  _max_z = xyzw.z();

  // take the  Z corresponding to 3/4 disparity img width px as 'min Z'
  xyzw = uvdtoxyz * Eigen::Vector4d(1, 1, (3*calib->getWidth())/4, 1);
  xyzw /= xyzw.w();
  _min_z = xyzw.z();
Пример #14
  void Node::motors_cb(const controller::Motors::ConstPtr& msg)
    //get quad charectaristics
    float d = msg->d;
    float kf = msg->kf;
    float kt = msg->kt;

    //get motor speeds (rad/s)
    const Eigen::Vector4d motor_speeds(

    //calculate forces and moments
    const Eigen::Vector4d motor_thrust = kf * motor_speeds.cwiseProduct(motor_speeds);
    Eigen::Matrix4d convert;
    convert << 1, 1, 1, 1,
               0, d, 0, -d,
               -d, 0, d, 0,
               kt, -kt, kt, -kt;
    const Eigen::Vector4d f_moments = convert * motor_thrust;

    //publish message
    geometry_msgs::Twist out;
    out.linear.z = f_moments[0];
    out.angular.x = f_moments[1];
    out.angular.y = f_moments[2];
    out.angular.z = f_moments[3];

Пример #15
pcl::visualization::worldToView (const Eigen::Vector4d &world_pt, const Eigen::Matrix4d &view_projection_matrix, int width, int height)
  // Transform world to clipping coordinates
  Eigen::Vector4d world (view_projection_matrix * world_pt);
  // Normalize w-component
  world /= world.w ();

  // X/Y screen space coordinate
  int screen_x = int (floor (double (((world.x () + 1) / 2.0) * width) + 0.5));
  int screen_y = int (floor (double (((world.y () + 1) / 2.0) * height) + 0.5));

  // Calculate -world_pt.y () because the screen Y axis is oriented top->down, ie 0 is top-left
  //int winY = (int) floor ( (double) (((1 - world_pt.y ()) / 2.0) * height) + 0.5); // top left

  return (Eigen::Vector2i (screen_x, screen_y));
Пример #16
std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> getRaster() {
  const unsigned int row_bytes = scene.cam.viewportWidth * 3;
  const unsigned int buf_len = scene.cam.viewportHeight * row_bytes;
  auto buf = std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]>(new unsigned char[buf_len]);
  const double multFactor = 1 / (1.0 * NUM_AA_SUBPIXELS);
  const Eigen::Vector4d maxrgb(255, 255, 255, 0);
      tbb::blocked_range2d<int, int>(0, scene.cam.viewportHeight, 0,
      [&](tbb::blocked_range2d<int, int> &r) {

        // Support for AA sampler
        std::vector<Ray, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Ray>> rays(
            NUM_AA_SUBPIXELS, Ray(Eigen::Vector4d(0, 0, 0, 1),
                                  Eigen::Vector4d(1, 0, 0, 0), ID_AIR));
        RandomAASampler sampler(scene.cam);

        for (int row = r.rows().begin(); row != r.rows().end(); ++row) {
          for (int col = r.cols().begin(); col != r.cols().end(); ++col) {
            Camera cam(scene.cam);
            Eigen::Vector4d color = Eigen::Vector4d::Zero();
            // materials stack for refraction
            std::array<int, MAX_DEPTH + 1> objStack;
            if (!aa) {
              Ray ray = cam.constructRayThroughPixel(col, row);
              color = getColor(ray, 0, 0, objStack);
            } else {
              sampler.constructRaysThroughPixel(col, row, rays);
              for (int i = 0; i < NUM_AA_SUBPIXELS; ++i) {
                color += getColor(rays[i], 0, 0, objStack);
              color *= multFactor;

            color = 255 * color;
            color = color.cwiseMin(maxrgb);
            buf[row * row_bytes + (col * 3)] = color[0];
            buf[row * row_bytes + (col * 3) + 1] = color[1];
            buf[row * row_bytes + (col * 3) + 2] = color[2];
  return buf;
Пример #17
void ObjectModelCylinder::selectWithinDistance (const Eigen::VectorXd &model_coefficients, double threshold,
		std::vector<int> &inliers){
	assert (model_coefficients.size () == 7);

	int nr_p = 0;
	inliers.resize (this->inputPointCloud->getSize());

	Eigen::Vector4d line_pt  (model_coefficients[0], model_coefficients[1], model_coefficients[2], 0);
	Eigen::Vector4d line_dir (model_coefficients[3], model_coefficients[4], model_coefficients[5], 0);
	double ptdotdir = line_pt.dot (line_dir);
	double dirdotdir = 1.0 / line_dir.dot (line_dir);
	// Iterate through the 3d points and calculate the distances from them to the sphere
	for (size_t i = 0; i < this->inputPointCloud->getSize(); ++i)
		// Aproximate the distance from the point to the cylinder as the difference between
		// dist(point,cylinder_axis) and cylinder radius
		Eigen::Vector4d pt = Eigen::Vector4d ((*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[i].getX(),
				(*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[i].getZ(), 0);

		Eigen::Vector4d n = Eigen::Vector4d (this->normals->getNormals()->data()[i].getX(),
				this->normals->getNormals()->data()[i].getZ(), 0);

		double d_euclid = fabs (pointToLineDistance (pt, model_coefficients) - model_coefficients[6]);

		// Calculate the point's projection on the cylinder axis
		double k = (pt.dot (line_dir) - ptdotdir) * dirdotdir;
		Eigen::Vector4d pt_proj = line_pt + k * line_dir;
		Eigen::Vector4d dir = pt - pt_proj;
		dir.normalize ();

		// Calculate the angular distance between the point normal and the (dir=pt_proj->pt) vector
		double d_normal = fabs (getAngle3D (n, dir));
		d_normal = fmin (d_normal, M_PI - d_normal);

		if (fabs (this->normalDistanceWeight * d_normal + (1 - this->normalDistanceWeight) * d_euclid) < threshold)
			// Returns the indices of the points whose distances are smaller than the threshold
			inliers[nr_p] = i;
	inliers.resize (nr_p);
Пример #18
const CPoint3DCAMERA CMiniVisionToolbox::getPointStereoLinearTriangulationSVDDLT( const cv::Point2d& p_ptPointLEFT, const cv::Point2d& p_ptPointRIGHT, const Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 4 >& p_matProjectionLEFT, const Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 4 >& p_matProjectionRIGHT )
    //ds A matrix for system: A*X=0
    Eigen::Matrix4d matAHomogeneous;

    matAHomogeneous.row(0) = p_ptPointLEFT.x*p_matProjectionLEFT.row(2)-p_matProjectionLEFT.row(0);
    matAHomogeneous.row(1) = p_ptPointLEFT.y*p_matProjectionLEFT.row(2)-p_matProjectionLEFT.row(1);
    matAHomogeneous.row(2) = p_ptPointRIGHT.x*p_matProjectionRIGHT.row(2)-p_matProjectionRIGHT.row(0);
    matAHomogeneous.row(3) = p_ptPointRIGHT.y*p_matProjectionRIGHT.row(2)-p_matProjectionRIGHT.row(1);

    //ds solve system subject to ||A*x||=0 ||x||=1
    const Eigen::JacobiSVD< Eigen::Matrix4d > matSVD( matAHomogeneous, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV );

    //ds solution x is the last column of V
    const Eigen::Vector4d vecX( matSVD.matrixV( ).col( 3 ) );

    return vecX.head( 3 )/vecX(3);
Пример #19
// Calculate the fitting error of a plane to certain 3D data
double PlaneFit::fitPlaneError(const Points3D& P, const Eigen::Vector4d& coeff)
	// Calculate the normalised equation coefficients (to put the resulting error in units of normal distance to plane)
	Eigen::Vector3d normal = coeff.head<3>();
	double norm = normal.norm();
	double scale = (norm > 0.0 ? norm : coeff.w());
	Eigen::Vector3d abc = normal / scale;
	double d = coeff.w() / scale;

	// Calculate the average distance to the plane of the data points
	double err = 0.0;
	size_t N = P.size();
	for(size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
		err += fabs(abc.dot(P[i]) + d)/N;

	// Return the calculated error
	return err;
TEST(UncertainHomogeneousPointTestSuite, testUav)
  try {
    using namespace sm::kinematics;
    Eigen::Vector4d p;
    p = p/p.norm();
    Eigen::Matrix3d U;
    U = sm::eigen::randomCovariance<3>();
    UncertainHomogeneousPoint uhp(p,U);
    sm::eigen::assertNear(U, uhp.U_av_form(), 1e-10, SM_SOURCE_FILE_POS, "Checking that I can recover the av/form point uncertainty");
  catch(std::exception const & e)
      FAIL() << e.what();
Пример #21
namespace motors
  class Node {
      explicit Node(const ros::NodeHandle& pnh);
      void motors_cb(const controller::Motors::ConstPtr& msg);

      ros::NodeHandle pnh_;
      ros::Subscriber motors_sub_;
      ros::Publisher force_pub_;

  }; //class Node

  Node::Node(const ros::NodeHandle& pnh) : pnh_(pnh)
    motors_sub_ = pnh_.subscribe("/motor_speeds", 1, &Node::motors_cb, this);
    force_pub_ = pnh_.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>("/force", 1); 

  void Node::motors_cb(const controller::Motors::ConstPtr& msg)
    //get quad charectaristics
    float d = msg->d;
    float kf = msg->kf;
    float kt = msg->kt;

    //get motor speeds (rad/s)
    const Eigen::Vector4d motor_speeds(

    //calculate forces and moments
    const Eigen::Vector4d motor_thrust = kf * motor_speeds.cwiseProduct(motor_speeds);
    Eigen::Matrix4d convert;
    convert << 1, 1, 1, 1,
               0, d, 0, -d,
               -d, 0, d, 0,
               kt, -kt, kt, -kt;
    const Eigen::Vector4d f_moments = convert * motor_thrust;

    //publish message
    geometry_msgs::Twist out;
    out.linear.z = f_moments[0];
    out.angular.x = f_moments[1];
    out.angular.y = f_moments[2];
    out.angular.z = f_moments[3];

} //namespace motors
Пример #22
    EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW /* Structures containing 
				       "fixed-sized vectorizable" Eigen classes
				       need proper memory alignment */
    Ray(const Eigen::Vector4d &orig, const Eigen::Vector4d &direction, const int fromObj=ID_AIR) :
	origin(orig), dir(direction), fromObj(fromObj) {
	BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(orig[3] == 1, 
			 "Origin of ray must have 4th coord equal to 1");
	BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(direction[3] == 0, 
			 "Direction of ray must have 4th coord equal to 0");
	BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(std::abs(direction.norm() - 1) < EPSILON, "Require unit direction vector!");
Пример #23
void ObjectModelCylinder::getDistancesToModel (const Eigen::VectorXd &model_coefficients, std::vector<double> &distances){

	assert (model_coefficients.size () == 7);

	distances.resize (this->inputPointCloud->getSize());

	Eigen::Vector4d line_pt  (model_coefficients[0], model_coefficients[1], model_coefficients[2], 0);
	Eigen::Vector4d line_dir (model_coefficients[3], model_coefficients[4], model_coefficients[5], 0);

	double ptdotdir = line_pt.dot (line_dir);

	double dirdotdir = 1.0 / line_dir.dot (line_dir);
	// Iterate through the 3d points and calculate the distances from them to the sphere
	for (size_t i = 0; i < this->inputPointCloud->getSize(); ++i)
		// Aproximate the distance from the point to the cylinder as the difference between
		// dist(point,cylinder_axis) and cylinder radius
		// Todo to be revised
		Eigen::Vector4d pt = Eigen::Vector4d ((*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[i].getX(),
				(*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[i].getY(), (*inputPointCloud->getPointCloud())[i].getZ(), 0);

		Eigen::Vector4d n = Eigen::Vector4d (this->normals->getNormals()->data()[i].getX(),
				this->normals->getNormals()->data()[i].getZ(), 0);

		double d_euclid = fabs (pointToLineDistance (pt, model_coefficients) - model_coefficients[6]);

		// Calculate the point's projection on the cylinder axis
		double k = (pt.dot (line_dir) - ptdotdir) * dirdotdir;
		Eigen::Vector4d pt_proj = line_pt + k * line_dir;
		Eigen::Vector4d dir = pt - pt_proj;
		dir.normalize ();

		// Calculate the angular distance between the point normal and the (dir=pt_proj->pt) vector
		double d_normal = fabs (getAngle3D (n, dir));
		d_normal = fmin (d_normal, M_PI - d_normal);

		distances[i] = fabs (this->normalDistanceWeight * d_normal + (1 - this->normalDistanceWeight)
				* d_euclid);
Пример #24
 * @brief Convert a quaternion to the corresponding rotation matrix
 * @note Pay attention to the convention used. The function follows the
 *    conversion in "Indirect Kalman Filter for 3D Attitude Estimation:
 *    A Tutorial for Quaternion Algebra", Equation (78).
 *    The input quaternion should be in the form
 *      [q1, q2, q3, q4(scalar)]^T
inline Eigen::Matrix3d quaternionToRotation(
    const Eigen::Vector4d& q) {
  const Eigen::Vector3d& q_vec = q.block(0, 0, 3, 1);
  const double& q4 = q(3);
  Eigen::Matrix3d R =
    (2*q4*q4-1)*Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() -
    2*q4*skewSymmetric(q_vec) +
  //TODO: Is it necessary to use the approximation equation
  //    (Equation (87)) when the rotation angle is small?
  return R;
    void cloudCallback(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::ConstPtr & cloud)
        if( ( !cloud_updated ) && ( goal_completion_time + ros::Duration(2.0) < cloud->header.stamp ) )
                // update the pose
                listener.waitForTransform( "/arm_kinect_frame", "/map", cloud->header.stamp, ros::Duration(5.0));
                listener.lookupTransform( "/map", "/arm_kinect_frame", cloud->header.stamp, kinect2map);

                listener.waitForTransform( "/arm_kinect_optical_frame", "/map", cloud->header.stamp, ros::Duration(5.0));
                listener.lookupTransform( "/map", "/arm_kinect_optical_frame", cloud->header.stamp, optical2map);

                tf::Vector3 position_( kinect2map.getOrigin() );
                position.x() = position_.x();
                position.y() = position_.y();
                position.z() = position_.z();

                tf::Quaternion orientation_( kinect2map.getRotation() );
                orientation.x() = orientation_.x();
                orientation.y() = orientation_.y();
                orientation.z() = orientation_.z();
                orientation.w() = orientation_.w();

                ROS_INFO_STREAM("position = " << position.transpose() );
                ROS_INFO_STREAM("orientation = " << orientation.transpose() );

                // update the cloud
                pcl::copyPointCloud(*cloud, *xyz_cld_ptr);	// Do I need to copy it?
                //xyz_cld_ptr = cloud;
                cloud_updated = true;
            catch (tf::TransformException ex) {
                ROS_ERROR("%s", ex.what());

Пример #26
 * @brief Convert a rotation matrix to a quaternion.
 * @note Pay attention to the convention used. The function follows the
 *    conversion in "Indirect Kalman Filter for 3D Attitude Estimation:
 *    A Tutorial for Quaternion Algebra", Equation (78).
 *    The input quaternion should be in the form
 *      [q1, q2, q3, q4(scalar)]^T
inline Eigen::Vector4d rotationToQuaternion(
    const Eigen::Matrix3d& R) {
  Eigen::Vector4d score;
  score(0) = R(0, 0);
  score(1) = R(1, 1);
  score(2) = R(2, 2);
  score(3) = R.trace();

  int max_row = 0, max_col = 0;
  score.maxCoeff(&max_row, &max_col);

  Eigen::Vector4d q = Eigen::Vector4d::Zero();
  if (max_row == 0) {
    q(0) = std::sqrt(1+2*R(0, 0)-R.trace()) / 2.0;
    q(1) = (R(0, 1)+R(1, 0)) / (4*q(0));
    q(2) = (R(0, 2)+R(2, 0)) / (4*q(0));
    q(3) = (R(1, 2)-R(2, 1)) / (4*q(0));
  } else if (max_row == 1) {
    q(1) = std::sqrt(1+2*R(1, 1)-R.trace()) / 2.0;
    q(0) = (R(0, 1)+R(1, 0)) / (4*q(1));
    q(2) = (R(1, 2)+R(2, 1)) / (4*q(1));
    q(3) = (R(2, 0)-R(0, 2)) / (4*q(1));
  } else if (max_row == 2) {
    q(2) = std::sqrt(1+2*R(2, 2)-R.trace()) / 2.0;
    q(0) = (R(0, 2)+R(2, 0)) / (4*q(2));
    q(1) = (R(1, 2)+R(2, 1)) / (4*q(2));
    q(3) = (R(0, 1)-R(1, 0)) / (4*q(2));
  } else {
    q(3) = std::sqrt(1+R.trace()) / 2.0;
    q(0) = (R(1, 2)-R(2, 1)) / (4*q(3));
    q(1) = (R(2, 0)-R(0, 2)) / (4*q(3));
    q(2) = (R(0, 1)-R(1, 0)) / (4*q(3));

  if (q(3) < 0) q = -q;
  return q;
Пример #27
bool FrustumCulling::Contains(const Eigen::Vector3d& point) const
  Eigen::Vector4d pointHomo = toHomo( point );

    (pointHomo.dot (leftPlane_) <= 0) &&
    (pointHomo.dot (rightPlane_) <= 0) &&
    (pointHomo.dot (topPlane_) <= 0) &&
    (pointHomo.dot (bottomPlane_) <= 0) &&
    (pointHomo.dot (nearPlane_) <= 0) &&
    // el plano lejano no se tiene en cuenta para filtrar puntos (se podria omitir su computo)
    (pointHomo.dot (farPlane_) <= 0);
Пример #28
void publishPointMarker(ros::Publisher &vis_pub, const Eigen::Vector4d &p, int ID)

    visualization_msgs::Marker marker;
        // Set the frame ID and timestamp.  See the TF tutorials for information on these.
    marker.header.frame_id = "base_link";
    marker.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();

    marker.ns = "point";
    marker.id = ID;

    // Set the marker type.  Initially this is CUBE, and cycles between that and SPHERE, ARROW, and CYLINDE

    marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE;
    marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
    marker.pose.position.x = p.x();
    marker.pose.position.y = p.y();
    marker.pose.position.z = p.z();
    marker.pose.orientation.x = 0.0;
    marker.pose.orientation.y = 0.0;
    marker.pose.orientation.z = 0.0;
    marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0;
    marker.scale.x = 0.05;
    marker.scale.y = 0.05;
    marker.scale.z = 0.05;
    marker.color.a = 1.0;
    marker.color.r = 1.0;
    marker.color.g = 0.0;
    marker.color.b = 0.0;

    marker.lifetime = ros::Duration();


Пример #29
Eigen::Vector4d Centroid3D::computeCentroid (PointCloud3D *inCloud, const std::vector<int> &indices) {
	Eigen::Vector4d centroid;
	centroid.setZero ();

	if (indices.size () == 0) {
		return Eigen::Vector4d(0,0,0,0);

	// For each point in the cloud
	int cp = 0;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size (); ++i) {
		// Check if the point is invalid
		if ( isnan( (*inCloud->getPointCloud())[indices[i]].getX() ) || isnan( (*inCloud->getPointCloud())[indices[i]].getY() ) || isnan( (*inCloud->getPointCloud())[indices[i]].getZ() ))

		centroid[0] += (*inCloud->getPointCloud())[indices[i]].getX();
		centroid[1] += (*inCloud->getPointCloud())[indices[i]].getY();
		centroid[2] += (*inCloud->getPointCloud())[indices[i]].getZ();

	centroid /= cp;
	return centroid;
Пример #30
ObjectModelCylinder::pointToLineDistance (const Eigen::Vector4d &pt, const Eigen::Vector4d &line_pt, const Eigen::Vector4d &line_dir)
	// Calculate the distance from the point to the line
	// D = ||(P2-P1) x (P1-P0)|| / ||P2-P1|| = norm (cross (p2-p1, p2-p0)) / norm(p2-p1)
	Eigen::Vector4d r, p_t;
	r = line_pt + line_dir;
	p_t = r - pt;

#ifdef EIGEN3
	Eigen::Vector3d c = p_t.head<3> ().cross (line_dir.head<3> ());
	Eigen::Vector3d c = p_t.start<3> ().cross (line_dir.start<3> ());
	return (sqrt (c.dot (c) / line_dir.dot (line_dir)));