Пример #1
void ConfBridge::on_property_changed (std::string key, GmConfEntry *entry)
  CallManager & manager = (CallManager &) service;

  // Video options
  if (key == VIDEO_CODECS_KEY "maximum_video_tx_bitrate") {

    CallManager::VideoOptions options;
    manager.get_video_options (options);
    options.maximum_transmitted_bitrate = gm_conf_entry_get_int (entry);
    PTRACE(4, "OpalConfBridge\tmaximum_video_tx_bitrate set to " << options.maximum_transmitted_bitrate << "kb/s");
    manager.set_video_options (options);
  else if (key == VIDEO_CODECS_KEY "temporal_spatial_tradeoff") {

    CallManager::VideoOptions options;
    manager.get_video_options (options);
    options.temporal_spatial_tradeoff = gm_conf_entry_get_int (entry);
    manager.set_video_options (options);
  else if (key == VIDEO_DEVICES_KEY "size") {

    CallManager::VideoOptions options;
    manager.get_video_options (options);
    options.size = gm_conf_entry_get_int (entry);
    manager.set_video_options (options);
  else if (key == VIDEO_DEVICES_KEY "max_frame_rate") {

    CallManager::VideoOptions options;
    manager.get_video_options (options);
    options.maximum_frame_rate = gm_conf_entry_get_int (entry);
    if ( (options.maximum_frame_rate < 1) || (options.maximum_frame_rate > 30) ) {
      PTRACE(1, "OpalConfBridge\t" << VIDEO_DEVICES_KEY "max_frame_rate" << " out of range, ajusting to 30");
      options.maximum_frame_rate = 30;
    manager.set_video_options (options);
  else if (key == VIDEO_CODECS_KEY "maximum_video_rx_bitrate") {

    CallManager::VideoOptions options;
    manager.get_video_options (options);
    options.maximum_received_bitrate = gm_conf_entry_get_int (entry);
    manager.set_video_options (options);

  // NAT Key
  else if (key == NAT_KEY "stun_server") {

    gchar* stun_server = gm_conf_entry_get_string (entry);
    manager.set_stun_server (stun_server ? stun_server : "stun.ekiga.net");
    g_free (stun_server);
  else if (key == NAT_KEY "enable_stun") {

    manager.set_stun_enabled (gm_conf_entry_get_bool (entry));

  // Jitter buffer configuration
  else if (key == AUDIO_CODECS_KEY "maximum_jitter_buffer") {

    manager.set_maximum_jitter (gm_conf_entry_get_int (entry));

  // Silence detection
  else if (key == AUDIO_CODECS_KEY "enable_silence_detection") {

    manager.set_silence_detection (gm_conf_entry_get_bool (entry));

  // Echo cancellation
  else if (key == AUDIO_CODECS_KEY "enable_echo_cancellation") {

    manager.set_echo_cancellation (gm_conf_entry_get_bool (entry));
  // Audio & video codecs
  else if (key == AUDIO_CODECS_KEY "media_list"
           || key == VIDEO_CODECS_KEY "media_list") {

    // This is a bit longer, we are not sure the list stored in the 
    // configuration is complete, and it could also contain unsupported codecs
    GSList *audio_codecs = NULL;
    GSList *video_codecs = NULL;

    if (key == AUDIO_CODECS_KEY "media_list") {

      audio_codecs = gm_conf_entry_get_list (entry);
      video_codecs = gm_conf_get_string_list (VIDEO_CODECS_KEY "media_list");
    else {

      video_codecs = gm_conf_entry_get_list (entry);
      audio_codecs = gm_conf_get_string_list (AUDIO_CODECS_KEY "media_list");

    Ekiga::CodecList codecs;
    Ekiga::CodecList a_codecs (audio_codecs);
    Ekiga::CodecList v_codecs (video_codecs);

    // Update the manager codecs
    codecs = a_codecs;
    codecs.append (v_codecs);
    manager.set_codecs (codecs);

    g_slist_foreach (audio_codecs, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
    g_slist_free (audio_codecs);
    g_slist_foreach (video_codecs, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
    g_slist_free (video_codecs);

    // Update the GmConf keys, in case we would have missed some codecs or
    // used codecs we do not really support
    if (a_codecs != codecs.get_audio_list ()) {

      audio_codecs = codecs.get_audio_list ().gslist ();
      gm_conf_set_string_list (AUDIO_CODECS_KEY "media_list", audio_codecs);
      g_slist_foreach (audio_codecs, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
      g_slist_free (audio_codecs);

    if (v_codecs != codecs.get_video_list ()) {

      video_codecs = codecs.get_video_list ().gslist ();
      gm_conf_set_string_list (VIDEO_CODECS_KEY "media_list", video_codecs);
      g_slist_foreach (video_codecs, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
      g_slist_free (video_codecs);

  // SIP related keys
  else if (key.find (SIP_KEY) != string::npos) {

    boost::shared_ptr<Opal::Sip::EndPoint> sip_manager = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Opal::Sip::EndPoint> (manager.get_protocol_manager ("sip"));
    if (sip_manager) {

      if (key == SIP_KEY "outbound_proxy_host") {

        gchar* str = gm_conf_entry_get_string (entry);
        if (str != NULL)
          sip_manager->set_outbound_proxy (str);
        g_free (str);
      else if (key == SIP_KEY "dtmf_mode") {

        sip_manager->set_dtmf_mode (gm_conf_entry_get_int (entry));
      else if (key == SIP_KEY "forward_host") {

        gchar* str = gm_conf_entry_get_string (entry);
        if (str != NULL)
          sip_manager->set_forward_uri (str);
        g_free (str);
      else if (key == SIP_KEY "binding_timeout") {

        sip_manager->set_nat_binding_delay (gm_conf_entry_get_int (entry));

  // H.323 keys
#ifdef HAVE_H323
  else if (key.find (SIP_KEY) != string::npos) {

    boost::shared_ptr<Opal::H323::EndPoint> h323_manager = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Opal::H323::EndPoint> (manager.get_protocol_manager ("h323"));
    if (h323_manager) {

      if (key == H323_KEY "enable_h245_tunneling") {

        h323_manager->DisableH245Tunneling (!gm_conf_entry_get_bool (entry));
      else if (key == H323_KEY "enable_early_h245") {

        h323_manager->DisableH245inSetup (!gm_conf_entry_get_bool (entry));
      else if (key == H323_KEY "enable_fast_start") {

        h323_manager->DisableFastStart (!gm_conf_entry_get_bool (entry));
      else if (key == H323_KEY "dtmf_mode") {

        h323_manager->set_dtmf_mode (gm_conf_entry_get_int (entry));
      else if (key == H323_KEY "forward_host") {

        gchar* str = gm_conf_entry_get_string (entry);
        if (str != NULL)
          h323_manager->set_forward_uri (str);
        g_free (str);

  // Personal Data Key
  else if (key == PERSONAL_DATA_KEY "full_name") {

    gchar* str = gm_conf_entry_get_string (entry);
    if (str != NULL)
      manager.set_display_name (str);
    g_free (str);

  // Misc keys
  else if (key == CALL_FORWARDING_KEY "forward_on_no_answer") {

    manager.set_forward_on_no_answer (gm_conf_entry_get_bool (entry));
  else if (key == CALL_FORWARDING_KEY "forward_on_busy") {

    manager.set_forward_on_busy (gm_conf_entry_get_bool (entry));
  else if (key == CALL_FORWARDING_KEY "always_forward") {

    manager.set_unconditional_forward (gm_conf_entry_get_bool (entry));
  else if (key == CALL_OPTIONS_KEY "no_answer_timeout") {

    manager.set_reject_delay (gm_conf_entry_get_int (entry));
  else if (key == CALL_OPTIONS_KEY "auto_answer") {

    manager.set_auto_answer (gm_conf_entry_get_bool (entry));
  else if (key == PROTOCOLS_KEY "rtp_tos_field") {

    manager.set_rtp_tos (gm_conf_entry_get_int (entry));

  // Ports keys
  else if (key == PORTS_KEY "udp_port_range"
           || key == PORTS_KEY "tcp_port_range") {

    gchar* ports = NULL;
    gchar **couple = NULL;
    unsigned min_port = 0;
    unsigned max_port = 0;

    ports = gm_conf_entry_get_string (entry);
    if (ports)
      couple = g_strsplit (ports, ":", 2);
    g_free (ports);

    if (couple && couple [0])
      min_port = atoi (couple [0]);

    if (couple && couple [1])
      max_port = atoi (couple [1]);

    if (key == PORTS_KEY "udp_port_range")
      manager.set_udp_ports (min_port, max_port);
      manager.set_tcp_ports (min_port, max_port);

    g_strfreev (couple);
