int ESMC_VMGet(ESMC_VM vm, int *localPet, int *petCount, int *peCount, MPI_Comm *mpiCommunicator, int *pthreadsEnabledFlag, int *openMPEnabledFlag){ #undef ESMC_METHOD #define ESMC_METHOD "ESMC_VMGet()" // initialize return code; assume routine not implemented int rc = ESMC_RC_NOT_IMPL; // final return code ESMCI::VM *vmp = (ESMCI::VM*)(vm.ptr); *localPet = vmp->getLocalPet(); *petCount = vmp->getPetCount(); //compute peCount int npets = vmp->getNpets(); *peCount = 0; // reset for (int i=0; i<npets; i++) *peCount += vmp->getNcpet(i); *mpiCommunicator = vmp->getMpi_c(); *pthreadsEnabledFlag = vmp->isPthreadsEnabled(); *openMPEnabledFlag = vmp->isOpenMPEnabled(); // return successfully rc = ESMF_SUCCESS; return rc; }
extern "C" void FTN(c_esmc_regrid_getiwts)(ESMCI::VM **vmpp, Grid **gridpp, Mesh **meshpp, ESMCI::Array **arraypp, int *staggerLoc, int *regridScheme, int*rc) { #undef ESMC_METHOD #define ESMC_METHOD "c_esmc_regrid_getiwts()" Trace __trace(" FTN(regrid_getiwts)()"); ESMCI::VM *vm = *vmpp; ESMCI::Array &array = **arraypp; int localPet = vm->getLocalPet(); int petCount = vm->getPetCount(); Mesh &mesh = **meshpp; Grid &grid = **gridpp; try { // Get the integration weights MEField<> *iwts = mesh.GetField("iwts"); if (!iwts) Throw() << "Could not find integration weights field on this mesh" <<std::endl; if(!get_iwts(mesh, iwts, regridScheme)) Throw() << "Online regridding error" << std::endl; CpMeshDataToArray(grid, *staggerLoc, mesh, array, iwts); } catch(std::exception &x) { // catch Mesh exception return code if (x.what()) { ESMC_LogDefault.ESMC_LogMsgFoundError(ESMC_RC_INTNRL_BAD, x.what(), rc); } else { ESMC_LogDefault.ESMC_LogMsgFoundError(ESMC_RC_INTNRL_BAD, "UNKNOWN", rc); } return; } catch(int localrc){ // catch standard ESMF return code ESMC_LogDefault.ESMC_LogMsgFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, rc); return; } catch(...){ ESMC_LogDefault.ESMC_LogMsgFoundError(ESMC_RC_INTNRL_BAD, "- Caught unknown exception", rc); return; } // Set return code if (rc!=NULL) *rc = ESMF_SUCCESS; }
extern "C" void FTN(c_esmc_regrid_create)(ESMCI::VM **vmpp, Mesh **meshsrcpp, ESMCI::Array **arraysrcpp, int *srcstaggerLoc, Mesh **meshdstpp, ESMCI::Array **arraydstpp, int *dststaggerLoc, int *regridMethod, int *regridConserve, int *regridScheme, int *unmappedaction, ESMCI::RouteHandle **rh, int *has_rh, int *has_iw, int *nentries, ESMCI::TempWeights **tweights, int*rc) { #undef ESMC_METHOD #define ESMC_METHOD "c_esmc_regrid_create()" Trace __trace(" FTN(regrid_test)(ESMCI::VM **vmpp, ESMCI::Grid **gridsrcpp, int *srcstaggerLoc, ESMCI::Grid **griddstcpp, int *dststaggerLoc, int*rc"); ESMCI::VM *vm = *vmpp; ESMCI::Array &srcarray = **arraysrcpp; ESMCI::Array &dstarray = **arraydstpp; int localPet = vm->getLocalPet(); int petCount = vm->getPetCount(); Mesh &srcmesh = **meshsrcpp; Mesh &dstmesh = **meshdstpp; try { // Weights matrix IWeights wts; if(!online_regrid(srcmesh, dstmesh, wts, regridConserve, regridMethod, regridScheme, unmappedaction)) Throw() << "Online regridding error" << std::endl; //wts.Print(Par::Out()); // We have the weights, now set up the sparsemm object // Firstly, the index list std::pair<UInt,UInt> iisize = wts.count_matrix_entries(); int num_entries = iisize.first; int *iientries = new int[2*iisize.first]; int larg[2] = {2, iisize.first}; // Gather the list ESMCI::InterfaceInt ii(iientries, 2, larg); ESMCI::InterfaceInt *iiptr = ⅈ double *factors = new double[iisize.first]; // Gather the data WMat::WeightMap::iterator wi = wts.begin_row(), we = wts.end_row(); UInt i = 0; for (; wi != we; ++wi) { const WMat::Entry &w = wi->first; std::vector<WMat::Entry> &wcol = wi->second; for (UInt j = 0; j < wcol.size(); ++j) { UInt twoi = 2*i; const WMat::Entry &wc = wcol[j]; // I expected things to be (dst,src), but they are (src_id,dst_id) //iientries[twoi] =; iientries[twoi+1] =; iientries[twoi+1] =; iientries[twoi] =; factors[i] = wc.value; i++; } // for j } // for wi /* Par::Out() << "Matrix entries" << std::endl; for (UInt n = 0; n < num_entries; ++n) { Par::Out() << std::setw(5) << iientries[2*n] << std::setw(5) << iientries[2*n+1] << std::setw(15) << factors[n] << std::endl; } wts.Print(Par::Out()); */ // Build the ArraySMM if (*has_rh != 0) { int localrc; enum ESMC_TypeKind tk = ESMC_TYPEKIND_R8; FTN(c_esmc_arraysmmstore)(arraysrcpp, arraydstpp, rh, &tk, factors, &num_entries, &iiptr, &localrc); if (ESMC_LogDefault.ESMC_LogMsgFoundError(localrc,ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU,NULL)) throw localrc; // bail out with exception } *nentries = num_entries; // Clean up. If has_iw, then we will use the arrays to // fill out the users pointers. These will be deleted following a copy. if (*has_iw == 0) { delete [] factors; delete [] iientries; *nentries = 0; } else { // Save off the weights so the F90 caller can allocate arrays and // copy the values. *tweights = new ESMCI::TempWeights; (*tweights)->nentries = num_entries; (*tweights)->factors = factors; (*tweights)->iientries = iientries; } } catch(std::exception &x) { // catch Mesh exception return code if (x.what()) { ESMC_LogDefault.ESMC_LogMsgFoundError(ESMC_RC_INTNRL_BAD, x.what(), rc); } else { ESMC_LogDefault.ESMC_LogMsgFoundError(ESMC_RC_INTNRL_BAD, "UNKNOWN", rc); } return; } catch(int localrc){ // catch standard ESMF return code ESMC_LogDefault.ESMC_LogMsgFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, rc); return; } catch(...){ ESMC_LogDefault.ESMC_LogMsgFoundError(ESMC_RC_INTNRL_BAD, "- Caught unknown exception", rc); return; } // Set return code if (rc!=NULL) *rc = ESMF_SUCCESS; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //BOP // !IROUTINE: ESMCI::TestStart() - Initialize the framework, print a standard msg // // !INTERFACE: int TestStart( // // !RETURN VALUE: // ESMF_SUCCESS or ESMF_FAILURE // // !ARGUMENTS: const char *file, // in - test filename int line, // in - test line number in test filename int only) { // in - if set to 0, print on stderr also // // !DESCRIPTION: // Initializes the framework, prints out the standard messages needed // by the testing scripts. // If {\tt only} is zero, also print same message to stderr as well // as the normal output on stdout. The default for {\tt only} is 1. // //EOP //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int rc; ESMCI::VM *globalVM; char msgbuf[ESMF_MAXSTR], failMsg[ESMF_MAXSTR]; int numPETs; ESMCI::LogErr *whichLog; // TODO: this should be settable by the user whichLog = &ESMC_LogDefault; if (file == NULL) { sprintf(msgbuf, "FAIL %s, line %d, null filename passed to " "ESMCI::TestStart()\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); whichLog->Write(msgbuf, ESMC_LOG_INFO); if (!only) fprintf(stderr, "%s", msgbuf); return(ESMF_FAILURE); } char logFileName[160]; const char *underScore = strchr(file, '_'); if (underScore == NULL) underScore = file-1; const char *period = strrchr(file, '.'); int numChars = period - underScore; strncpy(logFileName, underScore+1, numChars); strcpy(logFileName+numChars, "Log\0"); rc = ESMCI_Initialize((char *)"", ESMC_CAL_NOCALENDAR, logFileName, ESMC_LOG_MULTI); if (rc != ESMF_SUCCESS) { sprintf(msgbuf, "FAIL rc=%d, %s, line %d, Unable to initialize ESMF\n", rc, file, line); whichLog->Write(msgbuf, ESMC_LOG_INFO); if (!only) fprintf(stderr, "%s", msgbuf); return(rc); } globalVM = ESMCI::VM::getGlobal(&rc); if ((globalVM == NULL) || (rc != ESMF_SUCCESS)) { sprintf(msgbuf, "FAIL rc=%d, %s, line %d, Unable to get GlobalVM\n", rc, file, line); whichLog->Write(msgbuf, ESMC_LOG_INFO); if (!only) fprintf(stderr, "%s", msgbuf); return (false); } numPETs = globalVM->getPetCount(); sprintf(msgbuf, "Beginning Test, file %s, line %d\n", file, line); whichLog->Write(msgbuf, ESMC_LOG_INFO); if (!only) fprintf(stderr, "%s", msgbuf); sprintf(msgbuf, "NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS %d\n", numPETs); whichLog->Write(msgbuf, ESMC_LOG_INFO); if (!only) fprintf(stderr, "%s", msgbuf); return(ESMF_SUCCESS); } // end ESMC_TestStart
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //BOP // !IROUTINE: ESMCI::TestNumPETs() - Verify there are exactly this number of PETs // // !INTERFACE: bool TestNumPETs( // // !RETURN VALUE: // true or false // // !ARGUMENTS: int petCount, // in - the exact acceptable number of PETs char *file, // in - test filename int line, // in - test line number in test filename int only) { // in - if set to 0, print on stderr also // // !DESCRIPTION: // Returns true only if there are exactly the number of requested PETs. // If {\tt only} is zero, also print same message to stderr as well // as the normal output on stdout. The default for {\tt only} is 1. // //EOP //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int rc; ESMCI::VM *globalVM; char msgbuf[ESMF_MAXSTR], failMsg[ESMF_MAXSTR]; int numPETs; ESMCI::LogErr *whichLog; // TODO: this should be settable by the user whichLog = &ESMC_LogDefault; if (file == NULL) { sprintf(msgbuf, "FAIL %s, line %d, null filename passed to " "ESMCI::TestNumPETs()\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); whichLog->Write(msgbuf, ESMC_LOG_INFO); if (!only) fprintf(stderr, "%s", msgbuf); return (false); } globalVM = ESMCI::VM::getGlobal(&rc); if ((globalVM == NULL) || (rc != ESMF_SUCCESS)) { sprintf(msgbuf, "FAIL rc=%d, %s, line %d, Unable to get GlobalVM\n", rc, file, line); whichLog->Write(msgbuf, ESMC_LOG_INFO); if (!only) fprintf(stderr, "%s", msgbuf); return (false); } numPETs = globalVM->getPetCount(); if (numPETs != petCount) { sprintf(failMsg, "These tests must run on exactly %d processors.\n", petCount); sprintf(msgbuf, "SKIP %s, %s, line %d\n", failMsg, file, line); whichLog->Write(msgbuf, ESMC_LOG_INFO); if (!only) fprintf(stderr, "%s", msgbuf); return (false); } return (true); }