static bool computeMassAndDiagInertia(Ext::InertiaTensorComputer& inertiaComp, 
		PxVec3& diagTensor, PxQuat& orient, PxReal& massOut, PxVec3& coM, bool lockCOM, const PxRigidBody& body, const char* errorStr)
	// The inertia tensor and center of mass is relative to the actor at this point. Transform to the
	// body frame directly if CoM is specified, else use computed center of mass
	if (lockCOM)
		inertiaComp.translate(-coM);  // base the tensor on user's desired center of mass.
		//get center of mass - has to be done BEFORE centering.
		coM = inertiaComp.getCenterOfMass();

		//the computed result now needs to be centered around the computed center of mass:;
	// The inertia matrix is now based on the body's center of mass desc.massLocalPose.p
	massOut = inertiaComp.getMass();
	diagTensor = PxDiagonalize(inertiaComp.getInertia(), orient);

	if ((diagTensor.x > 0.0f) && (diagTensor.y > 0.0f) && (diagTensor.z > 0.0f))
		return true;
		Ps::getFoundation().error(PxErrorCode::eDEBUG_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, 
								"%s: inertia tensor has negative components (ill-conditioned input expected). Approximation for inertia tensor will be used instead.", errorStr);

		// keep center of mass but use the AABB as a crude approximation for the inertia tensor
		PxBounds3 bounds = body.getWorldBounds();
		PxTransform pose = body.getGlobalPose();
		bounds = PxBounds3::transformFast(pose.getInverse(), bounds);
		Ext::InertiaTensorComputer it(false);
		it.scaleDensity(massOut / it.getMass());
		PxMat33 inertia = it.getInertia();
		diagTensor = PxVec3(inertia.column0.x, inertia.column1.y, inertia.column2.z);
		orient = PxQuat(PxIdentity);

		return true;
Пример #2
static bool computeMassAndDiagInertia(Ext::InertiaTensorComputer& inertiaComp, 
		PxVec3& diagTensor, PxQuat& orient, PxReal& massOut, PxVec3& coM, bool lockCOM)
	// The inertia tensor and center of mass is relative to the actor at this point. Transform to the
	// body frame directly if CoM is specified, else use computed center of mass
	if (lockCOM)
		inertiaComp.translate(-coM);  // base the tensor on user's desired center of mass.
		//get center of mass - has to be done BEFORE centering.
		coM = inertiaComp.getCenterOfMass();

		//the computed result now needs to be centered around the computed center of mass:;
	// The inertia matrix is now based on the body's center of mass desc.massLocalPose.p
	massOut = inertiaComp.getMass();
	diagTensor = PxDiagonalize(inertiaComp.getInertia(), orient);
	return true;