void computeSV(flens::GeMatrix<flens::FullStorage<T, cxxblas::ColMajor> > &A, T &cB, T &CB) { flens::GeMatrix<flens::FullStorage<T, cxxblas::ColMajor> > U(A.numRows(),A.numRows()), V(A.numCols(),A.numCols()); DenseVector<Array<T> > s(A.numCols()); int iterations = svd(A,s,U,V); CB = s(s.firstIndex()); cB = s(s.lastIndex()); }
void computeEV(flens::GeMatrix<flens::FullStorage<T, cxxblas::ColMajor> > &A, T &cB, T &CB) { flens::GeMatrix<flens::FullStorage<T, cxxblas::ColMajor> > U(A.numRows(),A.numRows()), V(A.numCols(),A.numCols()); int N = A.numRows(); DenseVector<Array<T> > wr(N), wi(N); flens::GeMatrix<flens::FullStorage<T, cxxblas::ColMajor> > vl,vr; ev(false, false, A, wr, wi, vl, vr); cB=wr(wr.firstIndex()), CB=wr(wr.lastIndex()); for (int i=1; i<=wr.lastIndex(); ++i) { cB = std::min(cB,wr(i)); CB = std::max(CB,wr(i)); } }
void Invert(flens::GeMatrix<FS> &A) { assert(A.numRows()==A.numCols()); flens::DenseVector<flens::Array<int> > p(A.numRows()); int info = flens::trf(A, p); if (info != 0) { std::ostringstream oss; if (info < 0) { oss << "Internal FLENS/Lapack error: Error in argument " << -info << " of xxtrf call."; } else { // info > 0 oss << "Error in triangle factorization: The matrix is singular with its " << info << " diagonal element exactly equal to zero."; } throw Exception(oss.str()); } info = flens::tri(A, p); if (info != 0) { std::ostringstream oss; if (info < 0) { oss << "Internal FLENS/Lapack error: Error in argument " << -info << " of xxtri call."; } else { // info > 0 oss << "Error in triangle inversion: The matrix is singular with its " << info << " diagonal element exactly equal to zero."; } throw Exception(oss.str()); } }
void read(flens::GeMatrix<flens::FullStorage<ElementType> > &GeMatrix, std::string filename) { typedef int IndexType; IndexType j,k; FILE * in; // Format check std::string format; if ((typeid(ElementType)==typeid(int)) || (typeid(ElementType)==typeid(unsigned int)) || (typeid(ElementType)==typeid(long int)) || (typeid(ElementType)==typeid(long unsigned int))) format = "%d"; else format = "%lf"; if( (in = fopen(filename.c_str(),"r")) ==NULL) { perror("read: "); return; } if (fscanf(in,"%d %d",&j, &k)==0) { GeMatrix.resize(0,0); } else { GeMatrix.resize(j,k); for(IndexType r=1; r<=GeMatrix.numRows(); ++r) { for(IndexType c=1; c<=GeMatrix.numCols(); ++c) { fscanf(in, format.c_str(), &GeMatrix(r,c)); } } } };