 TimelineLayoutHelper::layout_headers_recursive (TrackTree::iterator_base parent_iterator
                                                ,const int branch_offset
                                                ,const int header_width
                                                ,const int indent_width
                                                ,const int depth
                                                ,const bool parent_expanded)
   REQUIRE(depth >= 0);
   const bool dragging = is_dragging_track();
   int child_offset = 0;
   TrackTree::sibling_iterator iterator;
   for (iterator = layoutTree.begin(parent_iterator);
        iterator != layoutTree.end(parent_iterator);
       Gdk::Rectangle rect;
       int track_height = 0;
       const shared_ptr<model::Track> &modelTrack = *iterator;
       shared_ptr<timeline::Track> timeline_track = lookup_timeline_track(modelTrack);
       // Is this the root track of a dragging branch?
       bool being_dragged = false;
       if (dragging)
         being_dragged = (modelTrack == *draggingTrackIter);
       // Is the track going to be shown?
       if (parent_expanded)
           // Calculate and store the box of the header
           track_height = timeline_track->get_height()
                          + TimelineWidget::TrackPadding;
           const int indent = depth * indent_width;
           rect = Gdk::Rectangle(indent                             // x
                                ,branch_offset + child_offset       // y
                                ,max( header_width - indent, 0 )    // width
                                ,track_height);                     // height
           // Offset for the next header
           child_offset += track_height;
           // Is this header being dragged?
           if (being_dragged)
             rect.set_y(dragPoint.get_y() - dragStartOffset.get_y());
           headerBoxes[timeline_track] = rect;
       // Is the track animating?
       const bool is_track_animating = timeline_track->is_expand_animating();
       animating |= is_track_animating;
       // Recurse to children?
       const bool expand_child = (animating || timeline_track->get_expanded())
                                 && parent_expanded;
       int child_branch_height =
           layout_headers_recursive (iterator
                                    ,rect.get_y() + track_height
                                    ,depth + 1
       // Do collapse animation as necessary
       if (is_track_animating)
           // Calculate the height of the area which will be
           // shown as expanded
           const float a = timeline_track->get_expand_animation_state();
           child_branch_height *= a * a;
           const int y_limit = branch_offset + child_offset + child_branch_height;
           // Obscureed tracks according to the animation state
           TrackTree::pre_order_iterator descendant_iterator(iterator);
           TrackTree::sibling_iterator end(iterator);
           for (descendant_iterator = layoutTree.begin(parent_iterator);
                descendant_iterator != end;
               const weak_ptr<timeline::Track> track = lookup_timeline_track(*descendant_iterator);
               const Gdk::Rectangle &rect = headerBoxes[track];
               if (rect.get_y() + rect.get_height() > y_limit)
           // Tick the track expand animation
       child_offset += child_branch_height;
   return child_offset;