void NativeTextfieldWin::OnMouseMove(UINT keys, const gfx::Point& point)
     // Clamp the selection to the visible text so the user can't drag to select
     // the "phantom newline".  In theory we could achieve this by clipping the X
     // coordinate, but in practice the edit seems to behave nondeterministically
     // with similar sequences of clipped input coordinates fed to it.  Maybe it's
     // reading the mouse cursor position directly?
     // This solution has a minor visual flaw, however: if there's a visible
     // cursor at the edge of the text (only true when there's no selection),
     // dragging the mouse around outside that edge repaints the cursor on every
     // WM_MOUSEMOVE instead of allowing it to blink normally.  To fix this, we
     // special-case this exact case and discard the WM_MOUSEMOVE messages instead
     // of passing them along.
     // But even this solution has a flaw!  (Argh.)  In the case where the user
     // has a selection that starts at the edge of the edit, and proceeds to the
     // middle of the edit, and the user is dragging back past the start edge to
     // remove the selection, there's a redraw problem where the change between
     // having the last few bits of text still selected and having nothing
     // selected can be slow to repaint (which feels noticeably strange).  This
     // occurs if you only let the edit receive a single WM_MOUSEMOVE past the
     // edge of the text.  I think on each WM_MOUSEMOVE the edit is repainting its
     // previous state, then updating its internal variables to the new state but
     // not repainting.  To fix this, we allow one more WM_MOUSEMOVE through after
     // the selection has supposedly been shrunk to nothing; this makes the edit
     // redraw the selection quickly so it feels smooth.
     CHARRANGE selection;
     const bool possibly_can_discard_mousemove =
         (selection.cpMin==selection.cpMax) &&
         (((selection.cpMin==0) &&
         (ClipXCoordToVisibleText(point.x(), false)>point.x())) ||
         ((selection.cpMin==GetTextLength()) &&
         (ClipXCoordToVisibleText(point.x(), false)<point.x())));
     if(!can_discard_mousemove_ || !possibly_can_discard_mousemove)
         can_discard_mousemove_ = possibly_can_discard_mousemove;
         ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
         // Force the Y coordinate to the center of the clip rect.  The edit
         // behaves strangely when the cursor is dragged vertically: if the cursor
         // is in the middle of the text, drags inside the clip rect do nothing,
         // and drags outside the clip rect act as if the cursor jumped to the
         // left edge of the text.  When the cursor is at the right edge, drags of
         // just a few pixels vertically end up selecting the "phantom newline"...
         // sometimes.
         RECT r;
         DefWindowProc(WM_MOUSEMOVE, keys, MAKELPARAM(point.x(), (r.bottom-r.top)/2));
Пример #2
static void initMouseEvent(WebInputEvent::Type t, WebMouseEvent::Button b,
                           const gfx::Point& pos, WebMouseEvent* e)
    e->type = t;
    e->button = b;
    e->modifiers = 0;
    e->x = pos.x();
    e->y = pos.y();
    e->globalX = pos.x();
    e->globalY = pos.y();
    e->timeStampSeconds = getCurrentEventTimeSec();
    e->clickCount = clickCount;
Пример #3
    bool SingleSplitView::IsPointInDivider(const gfx::Point& p)
        if(GetChildViewCount() < 2)
            return false;

        if(!GetChildViewAt(0)->IsVisible() || !GetChildViewAt(1)->IsVisible())
            return false;

        int divider_relative_offset;
            divider_relative_offset = p.x() -
                GetChildViewAt(base::IsRTL() ? 1 : 0)->width();
            divider_relative_offset = p.y() - GetChildViewAt(0)->height();
        return (divider_relative_offset>=0 &&
Пример #4
 int DialogClientView::NonClientHitTest(const gfx::Point& point)
     if(size_box_bounds_.Contains(point.x()-x(), point.y()-y()))
         return HTBOTTOMRIGHT;
     return ClientView::NonClientHitTest(point);
 void NativeTextfieldWin::OnLButtonUp(UINT keys, const gfx::Point& point)
     ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
     DefWindowProc(WM_LBUTTONUP, keys,
         MAKELPARAM(ClipXCoordToVisibleText(point.x(), false), point.y()));
Пример #6
void DraggedTabView::MoveTo(const gfx::Point& screen_point)
    int x;
        // On RTL locales, a dragged tab (when it is not attached to a tab strip)
        // is rendered using a right-to-left orientation so we should calculate the
        // window position differently.
        gfx::Size ps = GetPreferredSize();
        x = screen_point.x() + ScaleValue(mouse_tab_offset_.x() - ps.width());
        x = screen_point.x() - ScaleValue(mouse_tab_offset_.x());
    int y = screen_point.y() - ScaleValue(mouse_tab_offset_.y());

    // TODO(beng): make this cross-platform
    int show_flags = container_->IsVisible() ? SWP_NOZORDER : SWP_SHOWWINDOW;
    SetWindowPos(container_->GetNativeView(), HWND_TOP, x, y, 0, 0,
                 SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE | show_flags);
    void NativeTextfieldWin::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT keys, const gfx::Point& point)
        // Save the double click info for later triple-click detection.
        tracking_double_click_ = true;
        double_click_point_ = point;
        double_click_time_ = GetCurrentMessage()->time;

        ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
        DefWindowProc(WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, keys,
            MAKELPARAM(ClipXCoordToVisibleText(point.x(), false), point.y()));
void GanttViewMenuController::ShowContextMenuForView(
    view::View* source,
    const gfx::Point& p,
    bool is_mouse_gesture)
    scoped_ptr<view::Menu> menu(view::Menu::Create(this,
        view::Menu::TOPLEFT, source->GetWidget()->GetNativeView()));
        L"创建节点模式", view::Menu::RADIO);
        L"创建链接模式", view::Menu::RADIO);
    menu->RunMenuAt(p.x(), p.y());
    void NativeTextfieldWin::OnLButtonDown(UINT keys, const gfx::Point& point)
        // Check for triple click, then reset tracker.  Should be safe to subtract
        // double_click_time_ from the current message's time even if the timer has
        // wrapped in between.
        const bool is_triple_click = tracking_double_click_ &&
            IsDoubleClick(double_click_point_.ToPOINT(), point.ToPOINT(),
        tracking_double_click_ = false;

        ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
        DefWindowProc(WM_LBUTTONDOWN, keys,
            MAKELPARAM(ClipXCoordToVisibleText(point.x(), is_triple_click),