void ImageHFApp::updateData( ImageHFApp::ColorSwitch whichColor )
	Surface32f::Iter pixelIter = mImage.getIter();
	auto vertPosIter = mVboMesh->mapAttrib3f( geom::POSITION );
	auto vertColorIter = mVboMesh->mapAttrib3f( geom::COLOR );

	while( pixelIter.line() ) {
		while( pixelIter.pixel() ) {
			Color color( pixelIter.r(), pixelIter.g(), pixelIter.b() );
			float height;
			const float muteColor = 0.2f;

			// calculate the height based on a weighted average of the RGB, and emphasize either the red green or blue color in each of those modes
			switch( whichColor ) {
				case kColor:
					height = color.dot( Color( 0.3333f, 0.3333f, 0.3333f ) );
				case kRed:
					height = color.dot( Color( 1, 0, 0 ) );
					color *= Color( 1, muteColor, muteColor );
				case kGreen:
					height = color.dot( Color( 0, 1, 0 ) );
					color *= Color( muteColor, 1, muteColor );
				case kBlue:
					height = color.dot( Color( 0, 0, 1 ) );
					color *= Color( muteColor, muteColor, 1 );					

			// the x and the z coordinates correspond to the pixel's x & y
			float x = pixelIter.x() - mWidth / 2.0f;
			float z = pixelIter.y() - mHeight / 2.0f;

			*vertPosIter++ = vec3( x, height * 30.0f, z );
			*vertColorIter++ = vec3( color.r, color.g, color.b );

Пример #2
void FiretrailApp::update()
    const auto ray = mCamera.generateRay(getMousePos() - getWindowPos(), getWindowSize());
    float result = .0f;
    ray.calcPlaneIntersection(vec3(.0f, .0f, 5.0f), vec3(.0f, -2.0f, 1.0f), &result);
    mHeadPosition += (ray.calcPosition(result) - mHeadPosition) * .8f;
    const auto length = mSpline.getLength();
    if (length <= .0f) return;
    auto mappedPosAttrib = mVboMesh->mapAttrib3f( geom::POSITION );
    const auto d = min(mMaxDSlice, length / (float)NUM_SPLINE_NODES);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_SPLINE_NODES; ++i)
        *mappedPosAttrib++ = mSpline.positionAtLength(d * i);
    mFps = getAverageFps();
    if (mRecordingMovie)
        if( mMovieExporter && getElapsedFrames() > 1 && getElapsedFrames() < MAX_MOVIE_FRAMES )
            mMovieExporter->addFrame( copyWindowSurface() );
        else if( mMovieExporter && getElapsedFrames() >= MAX_MOVIE_FRAMES )