inline Mat::Mat(const gpu::GpuMat& m) : flags(0), dims(0), rows(0), cols(0), data(0), refcount(0), datastart(0), dataend(0), datalimit(0), allocator(0), size(&rows) {*this); }
void App::handleKey(char key) { switch (key) { case 27: running = false; break; case 'p': case 'P': printParams(); break; case 'g': case 'G': if (left.channels() == 1 && p.method != Params::BM) { left = left_src; right = right_src; } else { cvtColor(left_src, left, CV_BGR2GRAY); cvtColor(right_src, right, CV_BGR2GRAY); } d_left.upload(left); d_right.upload(right); cout << "image_channels: " << left.channels() << endl; imshow("left", left); imshow("right", right); break; case 'm': case 'M': switch (p.method) { case Params::BM: p.method = Params::BP; break; case Params::BP: p.method = Params::CSBP; break; case Params::CSBP: p.method = Params::BM; break; } cout << "method: " << p.method_str() << endl; break; case 's': case 'S': if (p.method == Params::BM) { switch (bm.preset) { case gpu::StereoBM_GPU::BASIC_PRESET: bm.preset = gpu::StereoBM_GPU::PREFILTER_XSOBEL; break; case gpu::StereoBM_GPU::PREFILTER_XSOBEL: bm.preset = gpu::StereoBM_GPU::BASIC_PRESET; break; } cout << "prefilter_sobel: " << bm.preset << endl; } break; case '1': p.ndisp = p.ndisp == 1 ? 8 : p.ndisp + 8; cout << "ndisp: " << p.ndisp << endl; bm.ndisp = p.ndisp; bp.ndisp = p.ndisp; csbp.ndisp = p.ndisp; break; case 'q': case 'Q': p.ndisp = max(p.ndisp - 8, 1); cout << "ndisp: " << p.ndisp << endl; bm.ndisp = p.ndisp; bp.ndisp = p.ndisp; csbp.ndisp = p.ndisp; break; case '2': if (p.method == Params::BM) { bm.winSize = min(bm.winSize + 1, 51); cout << "win_size: " << bm.winSize << endl; } break; case 'w': case 'W': if (p.method == Params::BM) { bm.winSize = max(bm.winSize - 1, 2); cout << "win_size: " << bm.winSize << endl; } break; case '3': if (p.method == Params::BP) { bp.iters += 1; cout << "iter_count: " << bp.iters << endl; } else if (p.method == Params::CSBP) { csbp.iters += 1; cout << "iter_count: " << csbp.iters << endl; } break; case 'e': case 'E': if (p.method == Params::BP) { bp.iters = max(bp.iters - 1, 1); cout << "iter_count: " << bp.iters << endl; } else if (p.method == Params::CSBP) { csbp.iters = max(csbp.iters - 1, 1); cout << "iter_count: " << csbp.iters << endl; } break; case '4': if (p.method == Params::BP) { bp.levels += 1; cout << "level_count: " << bp.levels << endl; } else if (p.method == Params::CSBP) { csbp.levels += 1; cout << "level_count: " << csbp.levels << endl; } break; case 'r': case 'R': if (p.method == Params::BP) { bp.levels = max(bp.levels - 1, 1); cout << "level_count: " << bp.levels << endl; } else if (p.method == Params::CSBP) { csbp.levels = max(csbp.levels - 1, 1); cout << "level_count: " << csbp.levels << endl; } break; } }
void MultiBandBlenderGpu::feed(const gpu::GpuMat &d_img, const gpu::GpuMat &d_mask, Point tl) { CV_Assert(d_img.type() == CV_16SC3); CV_Assert(d_mask.type() == CV_8U); // Keep source image in memory with small border int gap = 3 * (1 << num_bands_); Point tl_new(max(dst_roi_.x, tl.x - gap), max(dst_roi_.y, tl.y - gap)); Point br_new(min(, tl.x + d_img.cols + gap), min(, tl.y + d_img.rows + gap)); // Ensure coordinates of top-left, bottom-right corners are divided by (1 << num_bands_). // After that scale between layers is exactly 2. // // We do it to avoid interpolation problems when keeping sub-images only. There is no such problem when // image is bordered to have size equal to the final image size, but this is too memory hungry approach. tl_new.x = dst_roi_.x + (((tl_new.x - dst_roi_.x) >> num_bands_) << num_bands_); tl_new.y = dst_roi_.y + (((tl_new.y - dst_roi_.y) >> num_bands_) << num_bands_); int width = br_new.x - tl_new.x; int height = br_new.y - tl_new.y; width += ((1 << num_bands_) - width % (1 << num_bands_)) % (1 << num_bands_); height += ((1 << num_bands_) - height % (1 << num_bands_)) % (1 << num_bands_); br_new.x = tl_new.x + width; br_new.y = tl_new.y + height; int dy = max(br_new.y -, 0); int dx = max(br_new.x -, 0); tl_new.x -= dx; br_new.x -= dx; tl_new.y -= dy; br_new.y -= dy; int top = tl.y - tl_new.y; int left = tl.x - tl_new.x; int bottom = br_new.y - tl.y - d_img.rows; int right = br_new.x - tl.x - d_img.cols; // Create the source image Laplacian pyramid gpu::GpuMat d_img_with_border; gpu::copyMakeBorder(d_img, d_img_with_border, top, bottom, left, right, BORDER_REFLECT, Scalar(), stream_); vector<gpu::GpuMat> d_src_pyr_laplace; createLaplacePyrGpu(d_img_with_border, num_bands_, d_src_pyr_laplace); // Create the weight map Gaussian pyramid gpu::GpuMat d_weight_map; stream_.enqueueConvert(d_mask, d_weight_map, CV_32F, 1./255.); vector<gpu::GpuMat> d_weight_pyr_gauss(num_bands_ + 1); gpu::copyMakeBorder(d_weight_map, d_weight_pyr_gauss[0], top, bottom, left, right, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar(), stream_); for (int i = 0; i < num_bands_; ++i) gpu::pyrDown(d_weight_pyr_gauss[i], d_weight_pyr_gauss[i + 1], stream_); int y_tl = tl_new.y - dst_roi_.y; int y_br = br_new.y - dst_roi_.y; int x_tl = tl_new.x - dst_roi_.x; int x_br = br_new.x - dst_roi_.x; // Add weighted layer of the source image to the final Laplacian pyramid layer gpu::GpuMat d_tmp; for (int i = 0; i <= num_bands_; ++i) { gpu::GpuMat d_src_roi = d_src_pyr_laplace[i](cv::Rect(0, 0, x_br-x_tl, y_br-y_tl)); gpu::GpuMat d_dst_roi = d_dst_pyr_laplace_[i](cv::Rect(x_tl, y_tl, x_br-x_tl, y_br-y_tl)); gpu::GpuMat d_weight_roi = d_weight_pyr_gauss[i](cv::Rect(0, 0, x_br-x_tl, y_br-y_tl)); gpu::GpuMat d_dst_weight_roi = d_dst_band_weights_[i](cv::Rect(x_tl, y_tl, x_br-x_tl, y_br-y_tl)); // dst_roi += src_roi * weight_roi; // dst_weight_roi += weight_roi; gpu::multiply(d_src_roi, d_weight_roi, d_tmp, 1, -1, stream_); gpu::add(d_dst_roi, d_tmp, d_dst_roi, gpu::GpuMat(), -1, stream_); gpu::add(d_dst_weight_roi, d_weight_roi, d_dst_weight_roi, gpu::GpuMat(), -1, stream_); x_tl /= 2; y_tl /= 2; x_br /= 2; y_br /= 2; } stream_.waitForCompletion(); }