bool HttpReqImpl::enumHeader(Message<bool, HeaderFieldPair> caller) const { for (HeaderMap::Iterator iter = requestHdrs.getFwIter(); iter.hasItems();) { const HeaderMap::Entity& e = iter.getNext(); if (caller(HeaderFieldPair(e.key, e.value))) return true; } return false; }
void HttpReqImpl::sendHeaders() { if (bHeaderSent) return; if (bNeedContinue) { remainPostData = 0; chunkedPost = false; } bNeedContinue = false; bool hasServer = false; bool hasContentType = false; bool hasTransfEnc = false; bool hasConnection = false; bool hasLength = false; bool hasDate = false; static ConstStrA contentTypeKey = getHeaderFieldName(fldContentType); static ConstStrA serverKey = getHeaderFieldName(fldServer); static ConstStrA transfEnc = getHeaderFieldName(fldTransferEncoding); static ConstStrA connectionStr = getHeaderFieldName(fldConnection); static ConstStrA contenLenStr = getHeaderFieldName(fldContentLength); static ConstStrA dateStr = getHeaderFieldName(fldDate); ConstStrA statusMsgStr = this->statusMsg; if (statusMsgStr.empty()) statusMsgStr = getStatusMessage(statusCode); PrintTextA print(*inout); print.setNL("\r\n"); print("HTTP/%1.%2 %3 %4\n") << httpMajVer << httpMinVer << statusCode << statusMsgStr; if (statusCode == 101) { hasTransfEnc = hasConnection = hasContentType = true; useChunked = false; remainPostData = naturalNull; switchedProtocol = true; TimeStamp reqEndTime = TimeStamp::now(); natural reqTime = (reqEndTime - reqBeginTime).getMilis(); logRequest(reqTime); } for (HeaderMap::Iterator iter = responseHdrs.getFwIter(); iter.hasItems();) { const HeaderMap::Entity hdrPair = iter.getNext(); if (!hasContentType && hdrPair.key == contentTypeKey) hasContentType = true; if (!hasServer && hdrPair.key == serverKey) hasServer = true; if (!hasTransfEnc && hdrPair.key == transfEnc) hasTransfEnc = !(useChunked && hdrPair.value == ConstStrA("chunked")); if (!hasConnection && hdrPair.key == connectionStr) hasConnection = true; if (!hasDate && hdrPair.key == dateStr) hasDate = true; if (!hasLength && hdrPair.key == contenLenStr) { hasLength = true; } print("%1: %2\n") << ConstStrA(hdrPair.key) << ConstStrA(hdrPair.value); } if (!hasContentType) print("%1: %2\n") << contentTypeKey << "text/html;charset=UTF-8"; if (!hasServer) print("%1: %2\n") << serverKey << serverIdent; if (hasLength) { useChunked = false; } if (!hasDate) { TimeStamp::RFC1123Time datenow = TimeStamp::now().asRFC1123Time(); print("%1: %2\n") << dateStr << ConstStrA(datenow); } if (!hasTransfEnc && useChunked && !closeConn) print("%1: %2\n") << transfEnc << "chunked"; else useChunked = false; if (!hasConnection && closeConn) print("%1: %2\n") << connectionStr << "close"; print("\n"); /* LogObject(THISLOCATION).progress("%7 - %3 %4 HTTP/%1.%2 %5 %6") << httpMajVer << httpMajVer << ConstStrA(method) << ConstStrA(path) << statusCode << statusMsgStr << getIfc<IHttpPeerInfo>().getPeerRealAddr();*/ responseHdrs.clear(); //for code 100 or 101, additional header will be next if (statusCode == 100) { //set status code 200 to simply processing reply (handler don't need to reset 100 status statusCode = 200; //unset message this->statusMsg = HdrStr(); //now, handler can exit function with status 100 - when data arrives, onData will be called } else { //header sent, prevent sending new headers bHeaderSent = true; } }
void WinHttpStream::initRequest() { TextParser<wchar_t> parser; if (!parser(L"%1://%[*-_.a-zA-Z0-9:@]2%%[/](*)*3",url)) throw FileOpenError(THISLOCATION,ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND,url); String protocol = parser[1].str(); String hostident = parser[2].str(); String::SplitIterator hostidentsplit = hostident.split('@'); String ident; String domain; domain = hostidentsplit.getNext(); while (hostidentsplit.hasItems()) { ident = ident + domain + ConstStrW('@'); domain = hostidentsplit.getNext(); } String path = parser[3].str(); natural port; String username; String password; bool secure; if (parser( L"%1:%u2",domain)) { domain = parser[1].str(); port = parser[2]; secure = false; } else if (protocol == ConstStrW(L"http")) { port = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT; secure = false; } else if (protocol == ConstStrW(L"https")) { port = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT; secure = true; } else throw FileOpenError(THISLOCATION,ERROR_NOT_FOUND,url); if (!ident.empty()) { if (parser(L"%1:%2@",ident)) { username = parser[1].str(); password = parser[2].str(); } else { throw FileMsgException(THISLOCATION,0,url,"Invalid identification field in the url"); } } DWORD accessType; switch (settings.proxyMode) { case pmManual: accessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY; case pmDirect: accessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT; case pmAuto: accessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG; } TextFormatBuff<wchar_t> fmt; String proxyName; if (accessType == INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY) { fmt(L"%1:%2") << settings.proxyAddr << settings.proxyPort; proxyName = fmt.write(); } if (hInternet) InternetCloseHandle(hInternet); hInternet = InternetOpenW(settings.userAgent.cStr(),accessType,proxyName.cStr(),0,0); if (hInternet == 0) throw FileMsgException(THISLOCATION,GetLastError(),url,"Cannot initialize WinInet"); if (hConnect) InternetCloseHandle(hConnect); hConnect = InternetConnectW(hInternet,domain.cStr(),(INTERNET_PORT)port, username.empty()?0:username.cStr(), password.empty()?0:password.cStr(), INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP ,0,0); if (hConnect == 0) throw FileMsgException(THISLOCATION,GetLastError(),url,"Cannot connect remote site"); DWORD reqFlags = INTERNET_FLAG_NO_UI |INTERNET_FLAG_HYPERLINK ; if (redirDisabled) reqFlags|=INTERNET_FLAG_NO_AUTO_REDIRECT ; if (!settings.cookiesEnabled) reqFlags|=INTERNET_FLAG_NO_COOKIES; if (secure) reqFlags|=INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE; hHTTPConn = HttpOpenRequestW(hConnect,String(method).cStr(),path.cStr(), 0,0,0,reqFlags,0); if (hHTTPConn == 0) throw FileMsgException(THISLOCATION,GetLastError(),url,"Cannot connect remote site"); AutoArray<wchar_t> hdrall; for (HeaderMap::Iterator iter = hdrmap.getFwIter(); iter.hasItems();) { const HeaderMap::Entity &e = iter.getNext(); fmt(L"%1: %2\n") << e.key << e.value; hdrall.append(fmt.write()); } if (!hdrall.empty() && !HttpAddRequestHeadersW(hHTTPConn,,(DWORD)hdrall.length(),HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE|HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD)) throw FileMsgException(THISLOCATION,GetLastError(),url,"AddRequest failed"); if (!HttpSendRequestW(hHTTPConn,0,0,,(DWORD)postBuffer.length())) { bool stillError = true; DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); if (dwError == ERROR_INTERNET_INVALID_CA && settings.allowUntrustedCert) { DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwBuffLen = sizeof(dwFlags); InternetQueryOption (hHTTPConn, INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, (LPVOID)&dwFlags, &dwBuffLen); dwFlags |= SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CA; InternetSetOption (hHTTPConn, INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, &dwFlags, sizeof (dwFlags) ); if (HttpSendRequestW(hHTTPConn,0,0,,(DWORD)postBuffer.length())) stillError = false; } if (stillError) throw FileMsgException(THISLOCATION,GetLastError(),url,"Failed to SendRequest"); } postBuffer.clear(); }