Пример #1
IpAddress IpAddress::GetPublicAddress(Time timeout)
    // The trick here is more complicated, because the only way
    // to get our public IP address is to get it from a distant computer.
    // Here we get the web page from http://www.sfml-dev.org/ip-provider.php
    // and parse the result to extract our IP address
    // (not very hard: the web page contains only our IP address).

    Http server("www.sfml-dev.org");
    Http::Request request("/ip-provider.php", Http::Request::Get);
    Http::Response page = server.SendRequest(request, timeout);
    if (page.GetStatus() == Http::Response::Ok)
        return IpAddress(page.GetBody());

    // Something failed: return an invalid address
    return IpAddress();