virtual void exception_CasB(const Ice::Exception& exc) { try { exc.ice_throw(); } catch(const C& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(...) { test(false); } called(); }
void exception_unknownDerivedAsBase(const Ice::Exception& exc) { try { exc.ice_throw(); } catch(const Base& b) { test(b.b == "UnknownDerived.b"); test(b.ice_id() == "::Test::Base"); } catch(...) { test(false); } called(); }
void exception_baseAsBase(const Ice::Exception& exc) { try { exc.ice_throw(); } catch(const Base& b) { test(b.b == "Base.b"); test(b.ice_id() =="::Test::Base"); } catch(...) { test(false); } called(); }
void exception_knownDerivedAsKnownDerived(const Ice::Exception& exc) { try { exc.ice_throw(); } catch(const KnownDerived& k) { test(k.b == "KnownDerived.b"); test(k.kd == "KnownDerived.kd"); test(k.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownDerived"); } catch(...) { test(false); } called(); }
void exception_knownIntermediateAsBase(const Ice::Exception& exc) { try { exc.ice_throw(); } catch(const KnownIntermediate& ki) { test(ki.b == "KnownIntermediate.b"); test( == ""); test(ki.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownIntermediate"); } catch(...) { test(false); } called(); }
void exception_unknownMostDerived1AsKnownIntermediate(const Ice::Exception& exc) { try { exc.ice_throw(); } catch(const KnownIntermediate& ki) { test(ki.b == "UnknownMostDerived1.b"); test( == ""); test(ki.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownIntermediate"); } catch(...) { test(false); } called(); }
void exceptAbortI(const Ice::Exception& ex) { try { ex.ice_throw(); } catch(const Ice::ConnectionLostException&) { } catch(const Ice::ConnectFailedException&) { } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { cout << ex << endl; test(false); } called(); }
void ProxyOutgoingAsyncBase::abort(const Ice::Exception& ex) { assert(!_childObserver); if(finished(ex)) { invokeCompletedAsync(); } else if(dynamic_cast<const Ice::CommunicatorDestroyedException*>(&ex)) { // // If it's a communicator destroyed exception, don't swallow // it but instead notify the user thread. Even if no callback // was provided. // ex.ice_throw(); } }
void exception_knownMostDerivedAsKnownIntermediate(const Ice::Exception& exc) { try { exc.ice_throw(); } catch(const KnownMostDerived& kmd) { test(kmd.b == "KnownMostDerived.b"); test( == ""); test(kmd.kmd == "KnownMostDerived.kmd"); test(kmd.ice_id() == "::Test::KnownMostDerived"); } catch(...) { test(false); } called(); }
virtual void exception_AorDasAorD(const Ice::Exception& exc) { try { exc.ice_throw(); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(const D& ex) { test(ex.dMem == -1); } catch(...) { test(false); } called(); }
void handleException(const Ice::Exception& ex) const { try { ex.ice_throw(); } catch(const Ice::UserException&) { throw; } catch(const Ice::ObjectNotExistException&) { throw ServerNotExistException(_id); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& e) { ostringstream os; os << e; throw NodeUnreachableException(_node, os.str()); } }
virtual void exception_ModA(const Ice::Exception& exc) { try { exc.ice_throw(); } catch(const Mod::A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.a2Mem == 2); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { // // This operation is not supported in Java. // } catch(...) { test(false); } called(); }
void IceInternal::LocatorInfo::getEndpointsException(const ReferencePtr& ref, const Ice::Exception& exc) { assert(ref->isIndirect()); try { exc.ice_throw(); } catch(const AdapterNotFoundException&) { if(ref->getInstance()->traceLevels()->location >= 1) { Trace out(ref->getInstance()->initializationData().logger, ref->getInstance()->traceLevels()->locationCat); out << "adapter not found" << "\n"; out << "adapter = " << ref->getAdapterId(); } NotRegisteredException ex(__FILE__, __LINE__); ex.kindOfObject = "object adapter"; = ref->getAdapterId(); throw ex; } catch(const ObjectNotFoundException&) { if(ref->getInstance()->traceLevels()->location >= 1) { Trace out(ref->getInstance()->initializationData().logger, ref->getInstance()->traceLevels()->locationCat); out << "object not found" << "\n"; out << "object = " << ref->getInstance()->identityToString(ref->getIdentity()); } NotRegisteredException ex(__FILE__, __LINE__); ex.kindOfObject = "object"; = ref->getInstance()->identityToString(ref->getIdentity()); throw ex; } catch(const NotRegisteredException&) { throw; } catch(const LocalException& ex) { if(ref->getInstance()->traceLevels()->location >= 1) { Trace out(ref->getInstance()->initializationData().logger, ref->getInstance()->traceLevels()->locationCat); out << "couldn't contact the locator to retrieve adapter endpoints\n"; if(ref->getAdapterId().empty()) { out << "object = " << ref->getInstance()->identityToString(ref->getIdentity()) << "\n"; } else { out << "adapter = " << ref->getAdapterId() << "\n"; } out << "reason = " << ex; } throw; } }
void AMI_PeraWsAstICE_CreateWSByXpdlStream_I::ice_exception( const Ice::Exception& ex ) { SendIceMsg( ex.ice_name().c_str(), "createws" ); }
void IceInternal::IncomingBase::__handleException(const Ice::Exception& ex) { try { ex.ice_throw(); } catch(RequestFailedException& ex) { if( { =; } if(ex.facet.empty() && !_current.facet.empty()) { ex.facet = _current.facet; } if(ex.operation.empty() && !_current.operation.empty()) { ex.operation = _current.operation; } if(_os.instance()->initializationData().properties->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Warn.Dispatch", 1) > 1) { __warning(ex); } if(_response) { _os.endWriteEncaps(); _os.b.resize(headerSize + 4); // Dispatch status position. if(dynamic_cast<ObjectNotExistException*>(&ex)) { _os.write(static_cast<Byte>(DispatchObjectNotExist)); } else if(dynamic_cast<FacetNotExistException*>(&ex)) { _os.write(static_cast<Byte>(DispatchFacetNotExist)); } else if(dynamic_cast<OperationNotExistException*>(&ex)) { _os.write(static_cast<Byte>(DispatchOperationNotExist)); } else { assert(false); }; // // For compatibility with the old FacetPath. // if(ex.facet.empty()) { _os.write(static_cast<string*>(0), static_cast<string*>(0)); } else { _os.write(&ex.facet, &ex.facet + 1); } _os.write(ex.operation, false); _connection->sendResponse(&_os, _compress); } else { _connection->sendNoResponse(); } } catch(const UnknownLocalException& ex) { if(_os.instance()->initializationData().properties->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Warn.Dispatch", 1) > 0) { __warning(ex); } if(_response) { _os.endWriteEncaps(); _os.b.resize(headerSize + 4); // Dispatch status position. _os.write(static_cast<Byte>(DispatchUnknownLocalException)); _os.write(ex.unknown, false); _connection->sendResponse(&_os, _compress); } else { _connection->sendNoResponse(); } } catch(const UnknownUserException& ex) { if(_os.instance()->initializationData().properties->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Warn.Dispatch", 1) > 0) { __warning(ex); } if(_response) { _os.endWriteEncaps(); _os.b.resize(headerSize + 4); // Dispatch status position. _os.write(static_cast<Byte>(DispatchUnknownUserException)); _os.write(ex.unknown, false); _connection->sendResponse(&_os, _compress); } else { _connection->sendNoResponse(); } } catch(const UnknownException& ex) { if(_os.instance()->initializationData().properties->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Warn.Dispatch", 1) > 0) { __warning(ex); } if(_response) { _os.endWriteEncaps(); _os.b.resize(headerSize + 4); // Dispatch status position. _os.write(static_cast<Byte>(DispatchUnknownException)); _os.write(ex.unknown, false); _connection->sendResponse(&_os, _compress); } else { _connection->sendNoResponse(); } } catch(const LocalException& ex) { if(_os.instance()->initializationData().properties->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Warn.Dispatch", 1) > 0) { __warning(ex); } if(_response) { _os.endWriteEncaps(); _os.b.resize(headerSize + 4); // Dispatch status position. _os.write(static_cast<Byte>(DispatchUnknownLocalException)); ostringstream str; str << ex; _os.write(str.str(), false); _connection->sendResponse(&_os, _compress); } else { _connection->sendNoResponse(); } } catch(const UserException& ex) { if(_os.instance()->initializationData().properties->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Warn.Dispatch", 1) > 0) { __warning(ex); } if(_response) { _os.endWriteEncaps(); _os.b.resize(headerSize + 4); // Dispatch status position. _os.write(static_cast<Byte>(DispatchUnknownUserException)); ostringstream str; str << ex; _os.write(str.str(), false); _connection->sendResponse(&_os, _compress); } else { _connection->sendNoResponse(); } } catch(const Exception& ex) { if(_os.instance()->initializationData().properties->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Warn.Dispatch", 1) > 0) { __warning(ex); } if(_response) { _os.endWriteEncaps(); _os.b.resize(headerSize + 4); // Dispatch status position. _os.write(static_cast<Byte>(DispatchUnknownException)); ostringstream str; str << ex; _os.write(str.str(), false); _connection->sendResponse(&_os, _compress); } else { _connection->sendNoResponse(); } } }
void IceExceptionCounter::increase(Ice::Exception& e) { LOG_INFO("[" << fileName_ << "]-IceExceptionCounter::increase with " << e.what()); increase(); }
void ProxyFlushBatch::handleRetryException(const Ice::Exception& ex) { _proxy->__setRequestHandler(_handler, 0); // Clear request handler ex.ice_throw(); // No retries, we want to notify the user of potentially lost batch requests }
virtual void ice_exception(const Ice::Exception& ex) { fprintf(stderr, "sayHello AMI called failed:\n%s\n", ex.toString().c_str()); }
void IcePHP::convertException(zval* zex, const Ice::Exception& ex) { ZVAL_UNDEF(zex); ostringstream ostr; ostr << ex; string str = ostr.str(); try { ex.ice_throw(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& e) { zend_class_entry* cls = idToClass(e.ice_id()); if(cls) { if(object_init_ex(zex, cls) != SUCCESS) { runtimeError("unable to create exception %s", cls->name->val); return; } if(!convertLocalException(e, zex)) { return; } } else { cls = idToClass("Ice::UnknownLocalException"); assert(cls); if(object_init_ex(zex, cls) != SUCCESS) { runtimeError("unable to create exception %s", cls->name->val); return; } setStringMember(zex, "unknown", str); } } catch(const Ice::UserException&) { zend_class_entry* cls = idToClass("Ice::UnknownUserException"); assert(cls); if(object_init_ex(zex, cls) != SUCCESS) { runtimeError("unable to create exception %s", cls->name->val); return; } setStringMember(zex, "unknown", str); } catch(const Ice::Exception&) { zend_class_entry* cls = idToClass("Ice::UnknownException"); assert(cls); if(object_init_ex(zex, cls) != SUCCESS) { runtimeError("unable to create exception %s", cls->name->val); return; } setStringMember(zex, "unknown", str); } return; }
void AMI_PeraWsAstICE_CreateCacheByWS_I::ice_exception( const Ice::Exception& ex ) { SendIceMsg( ex.ice_name().c_str(), "open" ); }
void AMI_PeraWsAstICE_CreateWSByCache_I::ice_exception( const Ice::Exception& ex ) { SendIceMsg( ex.ice_name().c_str(), "save" ); }
void AMI_PeraWsAstICE_CopyCache_I::ice_exception( const Ice::Exception& ex ) { SendIceMsg( ex.ice_name().c_str(), "resume" ); }
void AMI_PeraWsAstICE_DeleteCache_I::ice_exception( const Ice::Exception& ex ) { SendIceMsg( ex.ice_name().c_str(), "delete" ); }