Пример #1
metashell::parse_config(int argc_,
                        const char* argv_[],
                        const std::map<std::string, engine_entry>& engines_,
                        iface::environment_detector& env_detector_,
                        std::ostream* out_,
                        std::ostream* err_)
  using boost::program_options::options_description;
  using boost::program_options::variables_map;
  using boost::program_options::store;
  using boost::program_options::notify;
  using boost::program_options::parse_command_line;
  using boost::program_options::value;

  data::config cfg;

  if (argc_ > 0)
    cfg.metashell_binary = argv_[0];

  const char** const minus_minus =
      std::find(argv_, argv_ + argc_, std::string("--"));
  if (minus_minus != argv_ + argc_)
        cfg.extra_clang_args.end(), minus_minus + 1, argv_ + argc_);
  const int argc = minus_minus - argv_;

  std::string con_type("readline");
  cfg.use_precompiled_headers = true;

  std::string help_engine;

  const std::string engine_info =
      "The engine (C++ compiler) to use. Available engines: " +
      boost::algorithm::join(engines_ | boost::adaptors::map_keys, ", ") +
      ". Default: " + cfg.engine;

  options_description desc("Options");
  // clang-format off
    ("help", "Display help")
    ("verbose,V", "Verbose mode")
    ("no_highlight,H", "Disable syntax highlighting")
    ("indent", "Enable indenting (experimental)")
      "Disable precompiled header usage."
      " (It needs clang++ to be available and writes to the local disc.)"
      "Display help for pragmas in MarkDown format and exit."
      "Display help for mdb commands in MarkDown format and exit"
      "Disable saving the environment using the #msh environment save"
      "console", value(&con_type)->default_value(con_type),
      "Console type. Possible values: plain, readline, json"
    ("nosplash", "Disable the splash messages")
      "log", value(&cfg.log_file),
      "Log into a file. When it is set to -, it logs into the console."
    ("engine", value(&cfg.engine), engine_info.c_str())
    ("help_engine", value(&help_engine), "Display help about the engine")
    ("preprocessor", "Starts the shell in preprocessor mode");
  // clang-format on

  using dec_arg = decommissioned_argument;
  using dec_type = decommissioned_argument::type;
  std::vector<dec_arg> dec_args{
      dec_arg{"include", 'I', dec_type::multiple_values},
      dec_arg{"define", 'D', dec_type::multiple_values},
      dec_arg{"std", dec_type::one_value},
      dec_arg{"no_warnings", 'w', dec_type::flag},
      dec_arg{'f', dec_type::one_value}, dec_arg{'s', dec_type::one_value},
          "clang", dec_type::one_value,
          "Please use \"--engine clang\" with the custom clang binary instead.",
          "{NAME} has been decommissioned. You can specify the clang binary to"
          " use by using the clang engine. For example:\n"
          "\n" +
              std::string(argv_[0]) +
              " --engine clang -- {VALUE} -std=c++0x -ftemplate-depth=256"
              " -Wfatal-errors" +
              (env_detector_.on_windows() ?
                   " -fno-ms-compatibility -U_MSC_VER" :
          "enable_saving", dec_type::flag,
          "Saving is enabled by default. To disable it, use --disable_saving.",
          "Saving is enabled by default."}};

  for (auto& a : dec_args)

    variables_map vm;
    store(parse_command_line(argc, argv_, desc), vm);

    for (const auto& a : dec_args)

    cfg.verbose = vm.count("verbose") || vm.count("V");
    cfg.syntax_highlight = !(vm.count("no_highlight") || vm.count("H"));
    cfg.indent = vm.count("indent") != 0;
    cfg.con_type = metashell::data::parse_console_type(con_type);
    cfg.use_precompiled_headers = !vm.count("no_precompiled_headers");
    cfg.saving_enabled = !vm.count("disable_saving");
    cfg.splash_enabled = vm.count("nosplash") == 0;
    cfg.preprocessor_mode = vm.count("preprocessor");
    if (vm.count("log") == 0)
      cfg.log_mode = data::logging_mode::none;
      cfg.log_mode = (cfg.log_file == "-") ? data::logging_mode::console :

    if (vm.count("help"))
      if (out_)
        show_help(*out_, desc);
      return parse_config_result::exit(false);
    else if (vm.count("show_pragma_help"))
      return parse_config_result::exit(false);
    else if (vm.count("show_mdb_help"))
      return parse_config_result::exit(false);
    else if (vm.count("help_engine"))
      show_engine_help(engines_, help_engine, out_, argv_[0]);
      return parse_config_result::exit(false);
      return parse_config_result::start_shell(cfg);
  catch (const std::exception& e_)
    if (err_)
      *err_ << e_.what() << "\n\n";
      show_help(*err_, desc);
    return parse_config_result::exit(true);