void Example3_NurbsIn()
    std::cout << "loading archive" << std::endl;
    IArchive archive( Alembic::AbcCoreHDF5::ReadArchive(), "nurbs3.abc" );

    std::cout << "making INuPatch object" << std::endl;
    INuPatch myNurbs( IObject( archive, kTop) , "nurbs_surface_withW");

    std::cout << "getting INuPatch schema" << std::endl;
    INuPatchSchema &nurbsSchema = myNurbs.getSchema();

    // get the samples from the curves
    std::cout << "getting INuPatch sample" << std::endl;
    INuPatchSchema::Sample nurbsSample;
    nurbsSchema.get( nurbsSample );

    // test the bounding box

    std::cout << nurbsSample.getSelfBounds().min << std::endl;
    std::cout << nurbsSample.getSelfBounds().max << std::endl;

    TESTING_ASSERT( nurbsSample.getSelfBounds().min == V3d( 0.0, 0.0, -3.0 ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( nurbsSample.getSelfBounds().max == V3d( 3.0, 3.0, 3.0 ) );

    std::cout << "Number of trim curves: " << nurbsSample.getTrimNumLoops() << std::endl;
    TESTING_ASSERT( nurbsSample.getTrimNumLoops() == 0 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( nurbsSample.hasTrimCurve() == false );
    TESTING_ASSERT( nurbsSample.getPositionWeights()->size() ==
                    ( size_t ) g_nP );
    TESTING_ASSERT( nurbsSchema.isConstant() == true );
Пример #2
void ProcessNuPatch( INuPatch &patch, ProcArgs &args )
    INuPatchSchema &ps = patch.getSchema();
    TimeSamplingPtr ts = ps.getTimeSampling();
    SampleTimeSet sampleTimes;
    GetRelevantSampleTimes( args, ts, ps.getNumSamples(), sampleTimes );
    //trim curves are described outside the motion blocks
    if ( ps.hasTrimCurve() )
        //get the current time sample independent of any shutter values
        INuPatchSchema::Sample sample = ps.getValue(
                ISampleSelector( args.frame / args.fps ) );
        RiTrimCurve( sample.getTrimNumCurves()->size(), //numloops
                (RtInt*) sample.getTrimNumCurves()->get(),
                (RtInt*) sample.getTrimOrders()->get(),
                (RtFloat*) sample.getTrimKnots()->get(),
                (RtFloat*) sample.getTrimMins()->get(),
                (RtFloat*) sample.getTrimMaxes()->get(),
                (RtInt*) sample.getTrimNumVertices()->get(),
                (RtFloat*) sample.getTrimU()->get(),
                (RtFloat*) sample.getTrimV()->get(),
                (RtFloat*) sample.getTrimW()->get() );
    bool multiSample = sampleTimes.size() > 1;
    if ( multiSample ) { WriteMotionBegin( args, sampleTimes ); }
    for ( SampleTimeSet::iterator iter = sampleTimes.begin();
          iter != sampleTimes.end(); ++iter )
        ISampleSelector sampleSelector( *iter );
        INuPatchSchema::Sample sample = ps.getValue( sampleSelector );
        ParamListBuilder paramListBuilder;
        //build this here so that it's still in scope when RiNuPatchV is
        std::vector<RtFloat> pwValues;
        if ( sample.getPositionWeights() )
            if ( sample.getPositionWeights()->size() == sample.getPositions()->size() )
                //need to combine P with weight form Pw
                pwValues.reserve( sample.getPositions()->size() * 4 );
                const float32_t * pStart = reinterpret_cast<const float32_t * >(
                        sample.getPositions()->get() );
                const float32_t * wStart = reinterpret_cast<const float32_t * >(
                        sample.getPositionWeights()->get() );
                for ( size_t i = 0, e = sample.getPositionWeights()->size();
                        i < e;  ++i )
                    pwValues.push_back( pStart[i*3] );
                    pwValues.push_back( pStart[i*3+1] );
                    pwValues.push_back( pStart[i*3+2] );
                    pwValues.push_back( wStart[i] );
                paramListBuilder.add( "Pw", (RtPointer) &pwValues[0] );
        if ( pwValues.empty() )
            //no Pw so go straight with P
            paramListBuilder.add( "P",
                    (RtPointer)sample.getPositions()->get() );
        ICompoundProperty arbGeomParams = ps.getArbGeomParams();
        AddArbitraryGeomParams( arbGeomParams,
                    sampleSelector, paramListBuilder );
        //For now, use the last knot value for umin and umax as it's
        //not described in the alembic data 
                (RtFloat *) sample.getUKnot()->get(),
                0.0, //umin
                (RtFloat *) sample.getVKnot()->get(),
                0.0, //vmin
                sample.getVKnot()->get()[sample.getVKnot()->size()-1], //vmax
                paramListBuilder.vals() );
    if ( multiSample ) { RiMotionEnd(); }