void ttt::JSONTissueTrackingProject::StoreFrameInfo(){ Json::Value root; Json::StyledWriter writer; root["platenessSteps"]=this->m_PlatenessSteps; root["platenessHighestScale"]=this->m_HighestPlatenessScale; root["platenessLowestScale"]=this->m_LowestPlatenessScale; root["vertexnessSteps"]=this->m_VertexnessSteps; root["vertexnessHighestScale"]=this->m_HighestVertexnessScale; root["vertexnessLowestScale"]=this->m_LowestVertexnessScale; std::stringstream fileNameStream; fileNameStream << m_ProjectPath << "/" << "frame-"<< m_Frame << ".json"; std::string projectConfigFile; fileNameStream >> projectConfigFile; std::string jsoncontent=writer.write(root); std::ofstream file (projectConfigFile.c_str(), std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc); file << jsoncontent; file.close(); }
// write_json(data[, styled]) -> string or nil and error message int ModApiUtil::l_write_json(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; bool styled = false; if (!lua_isnone(L, 2)) { styled = lua_toboolean(L, 2); lua_pop(L, 1); } Json::Value root; try { read_json_value(L, root, 1); } catch (SerializationError &e) { lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushstring(L, e.what()); return 2; } std::string out; if (styled) { Json::StyledWriter writer; out = writer.write(root); } else { Json::FastWriter writer; out = writer.write(root); } lua_pushlstring(L, out.c_str(), out.size()); return 1; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // saveDependancy void CsCore::saveDependancies( const BcPath& FileName ) { BcPath DependanciesFileName( FileName ); // Append new extension. DependanciesFileName.append( ".dep" ); // Json::Value Object( Json::arrayValue ); if( DependancyMap_.find( *FileName ) != DependancyMap_.end() ) { CsDependancyList& DependancyList = DependancyMap_[ *FileName ]; for( CsDependancyListIterator It( DependancyList.begin() ); It != DependancyList.end(); ++It ) { Object.append( saveDependancy( (*It) ) ); } } // Output using styled writer. Json::StyledWriter Writer; std::string JsonOutput = Writer.write( Object ); BcFile OutFile; if( OutFile.open( (*DependanciesFileName).c_str(), bcFM_WRITE ) ) { OutFile.write( JsonOutput.c_str(), JsonOutput.size() ); OutFile.close(); } }
bool KeepLiveStreamAlive() { //Example request: //{"CardId":"String content","Channel":{"BroadcastStart":"String content","BroadcastStop":"String content","ChannelId":"1627aea5-8e0a-4371-9022-9b504344e724","ChannelType":0,"DefaultPostRecordSeconds":2147483647,"DefaultPreRecordSeconds":2147483647,"DisplayName":"String content","GuideChannelId":"1627aea5-8e0a-4371-9022-9b504344e724","LogicalChannelNumber":2147483647,"Sequence":2147483647,"Version":2147483647,"VisibleInGuide":true},"RecorderTunerId":"1627aea5-8e0a-4371-9022-9b504344e724","RtspUrl":"String content","StreamLastAliveTime":"\/Date(928142400000+0200)\/","StreamStartedTime":"\/Date(928142400000+0200)\/","TimeshiftFile":"String content"} //Example response: //true if(!g_current_livestream.empty()) { Json::StyledWriter writer; std::string arguments = writer.write(g_current_livestream); Json::Value response; int retval = ForTheRecordJSONRPC("ForTheRecord/Control/KeepLiveStreamAlive", arguments, response); if (retval != E_FAILED) { //if (response == "true") //{ return true; //} } } return false; }
bool CExtInstaller::GenerateNativeAppConfig() { /* { "name": "com.baidu.antivirus", "description": "Chrome Native Messaging API Baidu AntiVirus Host", "path": "exe path", "type": "stdio", "allowed_origins": [ "chrome-extension://afbbkciigbkkonnbcagfkobemjhehfem/" ] } */ Json::Value root; root["name"] = Json::Value(CHROME_SAMPLE_NATIVE_HOST_NAME); root["description"] = Json::Value("Chrome Native Messaging API Baidu AntiVirus Host"); std::string nativeAppPath = WtoA(m_CurrentDir +_T("\\") +NAPP_PATH); root["path"] = Json::Value(nativeAppPath); root["type"] = Json::Value("stdio"); std::string allowed_origins = "chrome-extension://"; allowed_origins.append(CHROME_SAMPLE_CRX_ID_A); allowed_origins.append("/"); root["allowed_origins"].append(allowed_origins); Json::StyledWriter fw; std::string szOssNativeAppConfig = fw.write(root); std::ofstream out(GetNativeAppConfigPath().c_str()); out<<szOssNativeAppConfig; out.close(); return true;
void JsonTree::write( DataTargetRef target, bool createDocument ) { // Declare output string string jsonString = ""; try { // Create JsonCpp data to send to parser Json::Value value = createNativeDoc( createDocument ); // This routine serializes JsonCpp data and formats it Json::StyledWriter writer; jsonString = writer.write( value.toStyledString() ); boost::replace_all( jsonString, "\\n", "\r\n" ); boost::replace_all( jsonString, "\\\"", "\"" ); if( jsonString.length() >= 3 ) { jsonString = jsonString.substr( 1, boost::trim_copy( jsonString ).length() - 2 ); } jsonString += "\0"; } catch ( ... ) { throw ExcJsonParserError( "Unable to serialize JsonTree." ); } // Save data to file OStreamRef os = target->getStream(); os->writeData( jsonString.c_str(), jsonString.length() ); }
int main() { Json::Value fromScratch; Json::Value array; array.append("hello"); array.append("world"); fromScratch["hello"] = "world"; fromScratch["number"] = 2; fromScratch["array"] = array; fromScratch["object"]["hello"] = "world"; output(fromScratch); // write in a nice readible way Json::StyledWriter styledWriter; cout << styledWriter.write(fromScratch); // ---- parse from string ---- // write in a compact way Json::FastWriter fastWriter; std::string jsonMessage = fastWriter.write(fromScratch); Json::Value parsedFromString; Json::Reader reader; bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse(jsonMessage, parsedFromString); if (parsingSuccessful) { cout << styledWriter.write(parsedFromString) << endl; } cin.ignore(1); return 0; }
bool JsonSerializer::serialize(JsonSerializable *pObj, std::string &output) { /* if(pObj==NULL) return false; Json::Value serializeRoot; pObj->serialize(serializeRoot); Json::StyledWriter writer; output = writer.write(serializeRoot); return true; */ if(pObj==NULL) return false; // treat pObj as an array Json::ValueType vt = Json::arrayValue; Json::Value serializeArrayRoot(vt); Json::Value serializeRoot; int num_of_elements = sizeof(pObj)/sizeof(JsonSerializable); for(int i=0; i<num_of_elements; i++) { (pObj[i]).serialize(serializeRoot); serializeArrayRoot[i] = serializeRoot; } Json::StyledWriter writer; output = writer.write(serializeArrayRoot); return true; }
//Callback for profile created on the other side; notification about seat state void CStateUpdater::incomingNotification(Json::Value seatState) { Json::StyledWriter writer; std::string deserializedJson = writer.write(seatState); LOG4CPLUS_INFO(mLogger, "The following state came: "+deserializedJson); //updating GUI according to the new state emit showSeat(); int status = seatState.get("currSeat", 0).asInt(); if (status == 0) { LOG4CPLUS_INFO(mLogger, "Currently displayed seat is Driver's seat"); emit current_seat_viewDriver(); } else { LOG4CPLUS_INFO(mLogger, "Currently displayed seat is Passenger's seat"); emit current_seat_viewPass(); } status = seatState.get("heaterDriver", 0).asInt(); emit heaterDriver(status); status = seatState.get("heaterPass", 0).asInt(); emit heaterPass(status); status = seatState.get("bottom_x", 0).asInt(); emit bottom_x(status); status = seatState.get("bottom_y", 0).asInt(); emit bottom_y(status); status = seatState.get("back_x", 0).asInt(); emit back_x(status); status = seatState.get("back_y", 0).asInt(); emit back_y(status); status = seatState.get("back_angle", 0).asInt(); emit back_angle(status); }
int UnitTestJsonCpp::Run(void) { Json::Value root; Json::Value arrayObj; Json::Value item; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i ++) { item["key"] = i; arrayObj.append(item); } root["key1"] = "value1"; root["key2"] = "value2"; root["array"] = arrayObj; std::string out = root.toStyledString(); std::cout << out << std::endl; Json::StyledWriter writer; std::string output = writer.write(root); std::ofstream out_file("duplicate_config.json" ); out_file << output; out_file.flush(); return 0; }
bool Config::addUser(int32_t id, uint32_t token) { std::ofstream file("conf/users.json"); Json::Value newUser(Json::objectValue); Json::StyledWriter writer; Json::Value::UInt i = _root["users"].size(); if (!file.fail()) { if ((newUser["id"] = id) == Json::nullValue) return (false); if ((newUser["token"] = token) == Json::nullValue) return (false); if ((_root["users"][i] = newUser) == Json::nullValue) return (false); file << writer.write(_root); file.close(); return (true); } else { std::cerr << "can't open the file" << std::endl; return (false); } }
void RestApiOutput::AnswerJson(const Json::Value& value) { CheckStatus(); if (convertJsonToXml_) { #if ORTHANC_PUGIXML_ENABLED == 1 std::string s; Toolbox::JsonToXml(s, value); output_.SetContentType("application/xml"); output_.Answer(s); #else LOG(ERROR) << "Orthanc was compiled without XML support"; throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_InternalError); #endif } else { Json::StyledWriter writer; output_.SetContentType("application/json"); output_.Answer(writer.write(value)); } alreadySent_ = true; }
bool StructuredSVM::Save(const char *fname, bool saveFull, bool getLock) { if(getLock) Lock(); Json::Value root; if(modelfile) free(modelfile); modelfile = StringCopy(fname); if(sum_w) root["Sum w"] = sum_w->save(); root["Regularization (C)"] = params.C; root["Training accuracy (epsilon)"] = params.eps; root["T"] = (int)t; if(trainfile) root["Training Set"] = trainfile; root["Custom"] = Save(); if(saveFull) { char full_name[1000]; sprintf(full_name, "%s.online", fname); root["Online Data"] = full_name; if(!SaveOnlineData(full_name)) { Unlock(); return false; } } Json::StyledWriter writer; FILE *fout = fopen(fname, "w"); if(!fout) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open %s for writing\n", fname); Unlock(); return false; } fprintf(fout, "%s", writer.write(root).c_str()); fclose(fout); if(getLock) Unlock(); return true; }
void SignalingWebSocketPeer::sendLocalSDP(std::string type, std::string sdp) { Json::StyledWriter writer; Json::Value message; message["type"] = type; if(sdp.length() > 800) { for(int i=0; i<sdp.length(); i+=800) { int n = MIN(sdp.length()-i+1,800); message["sdpPartial"] = sdp.substr(i, n); std::string msg = writer.write(message); send(msg.c_str()); } message.removeMember("sdpPartial"); message["endSdp"] = "yes"; std::string msg = writer.write(message); send(msg.c_str()); } else { message["sdp"] = sdp; std::string msg = writer.write(message); send(msg.c_str()); } }
CTrustListError CFileStorage::readAll(tUidVector& uids) { LOG4CPLUS_TRACE_METHOD(msLogger, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); // if (!isReady()) // return CTrustListError(CTrustListError::ERROR_STORAGE, gsModuleName, "file is not ready"); Json::Value root; if (!reopen(ios::in) || !read(file, root)) return CTrustListError(CTrustListError::ERROR_STORAGE, gsModuleName, "unable to parse file"); Json::StyledWriter writer; std::string val = writer.write(root); LOG4CPLUS_INFO(msLogger, "Read all trust list: " + val); const Json::Value trusted = root[gsTrustedTag]; if (trusted.isNull()) return CTrustListError::NoTLError(gsModuleName);; for (size_t i = 0; i < trusted.size(); ++i) { uids.push_back(trusted[i].asString()); } return CTrustListError::NoTLError(gsModuleName);; }
void heartbeat(ThriftHeartbeatResponse& _return, const ThriftHeartbeatMessage& msg) { ::sailor::MutexLocker locker(&_mutex); // save msg HeartbeatMessage matrix_msg = to_matrix(msg); std::string out; Json::Value v = matrix_msg.to_json(); Json::StyledWriter writer; out = writer.write(v); cout << "============================================================"; cout << out << endl; cout << "============================================================"; // set response _return = g_res; if(g_hb_count > 0) { g_hb_count --; } if(g_hb_count == 0) { LOG.info("HB count reach, quit"); exit(0); return; } }
bool JSONExporter::runOnScop(Scop &S) { std::string FileName = ImportDir + "/" + getFileName(S); Json::Value jscop = getJSON(S); Json::StyledWriter writer; std::string fileContent = writer.write(jscop); // Write to file. std::error_code EC; tool_output_file F(FileName, EC, llvm::sys::fs::F_Text); std::string FunctionName = S.getFunction().getName(); errs() << "Writing JScop '" << S.getNameStr() << "' in function '" << FunctionName << "' to '" << FileName << "'.\n"; if (!EC) { F.os() << fileContent; F.os().close(); if (!F.os().has_error()) { errs() << "\n"; F.keep(); return false; } } errs() << " error opening file for writing!\n"; F.os().clear_error(); return false; }
/* * Create JSON data to store */ std::vector<uint8_t> Engine::SetupSnapshotData() { Json::StyledWriter writer; Json::Value root; root[JSON_KEY_VERSION] = JSON_VERSION; std::string strKey = std::string(JSON_KEY_LEVELS); for (int32_t i = 0; i < NUM_GAME_WORLD; ++i) for (int32_t j = 0; j < NUM_GAME_STAGES; ++j) { if (scores_[i][j]) { std::ostringstream str; str << i + 1 << "-" << j + 1; root[strKey][str.str()] = scores_[i][j]; } } std::string source = writer.write(root); std::vector<uint8_t> v; auto it = source.begin(); auto end = source.end(); while (it != end) { uint8_t i = *it++; v.push_back(i); } LOGI("Created Game Data: size: %d", v.size()); return v; }
// These methods are the true native code we intend to reach from WebWorks std::string DeviceEmailsNDK::getDefaultEmailAddress() { m_pParent->getLog()->debug("DeviceEmailsNDK.getDefaultEmailAddress"); Json::StyledWriter writer; Json::Reader reader; Json::Value root; Account dAccount = m_accountService->defaultAccount(Service::Messages); QString emailAddress = dAccount.settingsProperty("email_address").value<QString>(); std::string sEmail = emailAddress.toStdString(); std::size_t found = sEmail.find('@'); if(sEmail.length()>0 && found!=std::string::npos){ root["success"]= true; root["defaultemail"]=sEmail; root["isEnterprise"]=(dAccount.isEnterprise())?true:false; } else{ root["success"]= false; } std::string myJson = writer.write( root ); return myJson; }
bool JSONExporter::runOnScop(Scop &scop) { S = &scop; Region &R = S->getRegion(); std::string FileName = ImportDir + "/" + getFileName(S); Json::Value jscop = getJSON(scop); Json::StyledWriter writer; std::string fileContent = writer.write(jscop); // Write to file. std::string ErrInfo; tool_output_file F(FileName.c_str(), ErrInfo); std::string FunctionName = R.getEntry()->getParent()->getName(); errs() << "Writing JScop '" << R.getNameStr() << "' in function '" << FunctionName << "' to '" << FileName << "'.\n"; if (ErrInfo.empty()) { F.os() << fileContent; F.os().close(); if (!F.os().has_error()) { errs() << "\n"; F.keep(); return false; } } errs() << " error opening file for writing!\n"; F.os().clear_error(); return false; }
bool cPlayer::SaveToDisk() { cFile::CreateFolder(FILE_IO_PREFIX + AString("players")); // create the JSON data Json::Value JSON_PlayerPosition; JSON_PlayerPosition.append(Json::Value(GetPosX())); JSON_PlayerPosition.append(Json::Value(GetPosY())); JSON_PlayerPosition.append(Json::Value(GetPosZ())); Json::Value JSON_PlayerRotation; JSON_PlayerRotation.append(Json::Value(GetRotation())); JSON_PlayerRotation.append(Json::Value(GetPitch())); JSON_PlayerRotation.append(Json::Value(GetRoll())); Json::Value JSON_Inventory; m_Inventory.SaveToJson(JSON_Inventory); Json::Value root; root["position"] = JSON_PlayerPosition; root["rotation"] = JSON_PlayerRotation; root["inventory"] = JSON_Inventory; root["health"] = m_Health; root["xpTotal"] = m_LifetimeTotalXp; root["xpCurrent"] = m_CurrentXp; root["air"] = m_AirLevel; root["food"] = m_FoodLevel; root["foodSaturation"] = m_FoodSaturationLevel; root["foodTickTimer"] = m_FoodTickTimer; root["foodExhaustion"] = m_FoodExhaustionLevel; root["world"] = GetWorld()->GetName(); if (m_GameMode == GetWorld()->GetGameMode()) { root["gamemode"] = (int) eGameMode_NotSet; } else { root["gamemode"] = (int) m_GameMode; } Json::StyledWriter writer; std::string JsonData = writer.write(root); AString SourceFile; Printf(SourceFile, "players/%s.json", m_PlayerName.c_str() ); cFile f; if (!f.Open(SourceFile, cFile::fmWrite)) { LOGERROR("ERROR WRITING PLAYER \"%s\" TO FILE \"%s\" - cannot open file", m_PlayerName.c_str(), SourceFile.c_str()); return false; } if (f.Write(JsonData.c_str(), JsonData.size()) != (int)JsonData.size()) { LOGERROR("ERROR WRITING PLAYER JSON TO FILE \"%s\"", SourceFile.c_str()); return false; } return true; }
/** * Constructor * @param equipletID identifier for the equiplet * @param moduleID identifier for the deltarobot **/ stewartGoughNodeNamespace::StewartGoughNode::StewartGoughNode(std::string equipletName, rexos_datatypes::ModuleIdentifier moduleIdentifier) : rexos_module::ActorModule::ActorModule(equipletName, moduleIdentifier), stewartGough(NULL), lastX(0.0), lastY(0.0), lastZ(0.0){ REXOS_INFO("StewartGoughNode Constructor entering..."); // get the properties and combine them for the deltarobot std::string properties = this->getModuleProperties(); std::string typeProperties = this->getModuleTypeProperties(); Json::Reader reader; Json::Value jsonNode; Json::Value typeJsonNode; reader.parse(properties, jsonNode); reader.parse(typeProperties, typeJsonNode); std::vector<std::string> typeJsonNodeMemberNames = typeJsonNode.getMemberNames(); for(int i = 0; i < typeJsonNodeMemberNames.size(); i++) { jsonNode[typeJsonNodeMemberNames[i]] = typeJsonNode[typeJsonNodeMemberNames[i]]; } Json::StyledWriter writer; ROS_INFO("%s", writer.write(jsonNode).c_str()); // Create a stewart gough robot stewartGough = new rexos_stewart_gough::StewartGough(jsonNode); }
bool CConfig::save() { std::wstring path = get_exe_path(); path += L"\\"; path += cfg; std::ofstream out(path); if (!out)return false; Json::Value value; std::string a; utf8::utf16to8(_cur_singer_id.begin(), _cur_singer_id.end(), std::back_inserter(a)); value[keyCurSingerId] = a; value[keySerialKey] = _serial_key; if (!_singersCfg.empty()) { for (auto singer_cfg : _singersCfg) { //value[keySingers] = singer_cfg.first; //auto& singerValue = value[keySingers]; for (auto song_cfg : singer_cfg.second) { value[keySingers][singer_cfg.first][song_cfg.first][keyListened] = song_cfg.second.first; value[keySingers][singer_cfg.first][song_cfg.first][keyTested] = song_cfg.second.second; } } } value[keyTotalScore] = _total_score; #ifdef SAVE_UNZIP_PASSWD_2_CFG value[keyPasswd] = _unzip_passwd; #endif Json::StyledWriter writer; out << writer.write(value); out.close(); return true; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { VertxBus vertxeb; vertxeb.Connect("https://localhost:8080/eventbus", [&] { // OnOpen Json::Value jval; jval["name"] = "John"; vertxeb.Send("test.hello", jval, VertxBus::ReplyHandler([&](const Json::Value& jmsg, const VertxBus::VertxBusReplier& vbr) { Json::StyledWriter writer; std::cout << "Received:\n" << writer.write(jmsg["body"]) << std::endl; vertxeb.Close(); })); }, [&](const std::error_code& ec) { // OnClose std::cout << "Connection closed." << std::endl; }, [&](const std::error_code& ec, const Json::Value& jmsg_fail) { // OnFail std::cerr << "Connection failed: " << ec.message() << std::endl; if (!jmsg_fail.empty()) { Json::StyledWriter writer; std::cerr << writer.write(jmsg_fail) << std::endl; } }); vertxeb.WaitClosed(); return 0; }
int main(void) { int sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if(sockfd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "error: socket(client)!\n"); exit(1); } struct sockaddr_in addr; addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); addr.sin_port = htons(8888); socklen_t sock_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr); //std::string send_buf; //char send_buf[128]; //memset(send_buf, 0, sizeof(send_buf)); Json::Value root; root["content"] = Json::Value("hello, world"); Json::StyledWriter styledwriter; std::string send_buf = styledwriter.write(root); socklen_t len = sizeof(struct sockaddr); //int send_size = sendto(sockfd, send_buf.c_str(), send_buf.size(), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, len); int send_size = sendto(sockfd, &send_buf, send_buf.size(), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, len); std::cout<<"客户端已经发送的数据量为:"<<send_size<<std::endl; std::cout<<"所发送的内容为:"<<send_buf<<std::endl; }
bool WriteDisplayData(Json::Value jDisplayList) { Json::StyledWriter writer; std::string jsonString = writer.write(jDisplayList); if (!jsonString.length()) { return true; } char filePath[MAX_PATH]; sprintf_s(filePath, "%s/DBM_MuseumData.json", GetUserDirectory().c_str()); IFileStream currentFile; IFileStream::MakeAllDirs(filePath); if (!currentFile.Create(filePath)) { _ERROR("%s: couldn't create preset file (%s) Error (%d)", __FUNCTION__, filePath, GetLastError()); return true; } currentFile.WriteBuf(jsonString.c_str(), jsonString.length()); currentFile.Close(); return false; }
extern "C" void network_error() { Json::Value writerRoot; writerRoot["result"] = 1; writerRoot["type"] = "network error"; Json::StyledWriter writer; ThttpdInstance::getInstance()->PostMessage(writer.write(writerRoot)); }
void Config::writeLevelsGame() { char fileName [1024]; sprintf (fileName, SETTINGS_JSON.c_str(), cocos2d::CCFileUtils::getWriteablePath().c_str()); Json::Value root; unsigned long bufferSize = 0; unsigned char * uc = cocos2d::CCFileUtils::getFileData(fileName,"a+", &bufferSize); if(bufferSize > 0) { char * ca = (char *) uc; string buffer = string(ca); Json::Reader reader; reader.parse(buffer.c_str(), root); } else { string fullPath = cocos2d::CCFileUtils::fullPathFromRelativePath(INITSETTINGS_JSON.c_str()); unsigned long bufferSizeI = 0; unsigned char * dataI = cocos2d::CCFileUtils::getFileData(fullPath.c_str(),"r", &bufferSizeI); char * ca = (char *) dataI; string buffer = string(ca); Json::Reader reader; reader.parse(buffer.c_str(), root); delete dataI; } delete uc; Json::StyledWriter writer; std::string outputString = writer.write(root); ofstream file; file.open(fileName); file << outputString; file.close(); }
std::string Socket::json_string() { srand(time(NULL)); int size ; while(1) { size = 50;//rand() % 100 ; if(size > 0) { break ; } } Json::Value root ; Json::Value arr ; while(size) { Json::Value elem ; char title[128] = ""; char summary[128]=""; sprintf(title , "tile_%d", size); sprintf(summary, "summary_%d", size); elem["title"] = title ; elem["summary"] = summary ; arr.append(elem); size -- ; } root["files"]=arr ; Json::FastWriter writer ; Json::StyledWriter stlwriter ; return stlwriter.write(root); }
void ttt::JSONTissueTrackingProject::StoreProjectInfo(){ Json::Value root; Json::StyledWriter writer; root["name"]=m_ProjectName; root["spacing"]["x"]=m_Spacing[0]; root["spacing"]["y"]=m_Spacing[1]; root["spacing"]["z"]=m_Spacing[2]; root["samplingPeriod"]=m_SamplingPeriod; std::string jsoncontent=writer.write(root); std::stringstream fileNameStream; fileNameStream << m_ProjectPath << "/" << "project.json"; std::string projectConfigFile; fileNameStream >> projectConfigFile; std::ofstream file (projectConfigFile.c_str(), std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc); file << jsoncontent; file.close(); }