bool CardsMoveStruct::tryParse(const Json::Value &arg) { if (!arg.isArray() || arg.size() != 8) return false; if ((!arg[0].isInt() && !arg[0].isArray()) || !isIntArray(arg, 1, 2) || !isStringArray(arg, 3, 6)) return false; if (arg[0].isInt()) { int size = arg[0].asInt(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) card_ids.append(Card::S_UNKNOWN_CARD_ID); } else if (!QSanProtocol::Utils::tryParse(arg[0], card_ids)) return false; from_place = (Player::Place)arg[1].asInt(); to_place = (Player::Place)arg[2].asInt(); from_player_name = toQString(arg[3]); to_player_name = toQString(arg[4]); from_pile_name = toQString(arg[5]); to_pile_name = toQString(arg[6]); reason.tryParse(arg[7]); return true; }
bool QSanProtocol::Countdown::tryParse(Json::Value val) { if (!val.isArray() || (val.size() != 2 && val.size() != 3) || !val[0].isString() || val[0].asString() != S_COUNTDOWN_MAGIC) return false; if (val.size() == 3) { if (!Utils::isIntArray(val, 1, 2)) return false; m_current = (time_t)val[1].asInt(); m_max = (time_t)val[2].asInt(); m_type = S_COUNTDOWN_USE_SPECIFIED; return true; } else if (val.size() == 2) { CountdownType type = (CountdownType)val[1].asInt(); if (type != S_COUNTDOWN_NO_LIMIT && type != S_COUNTDOWN_USE_DEFAULT) return false; else m_type = type; return true; } else return false; }
void PossibleRooms::Load( Json::Value const& possibleRooms ) { mRoomIds.clear(); if (possibleRooms.isArray()) { for (auto& possibleRoom : possibleRooms) { std::string roomIdStr; int32_t chance; if (Json::GetStr( possibleRoom["room_id"], roomIdStr ) && Json::GetInt( possibleRoom["weight"], chance )) { int32_t isBase = 1; Json::GetInt( possibleRoom["base"], isBase ); AddPossibleRoom( AutoId( roomIdStr ), chance, isBase==1 ); } } } mUniqueRoomIds = MakeRoomeIdsUnique( mRoomIds ); }
bool ParseTeamInfosJson(const std::string& team_infos_json, bool include_invalid_team, std::list<TeamInfo>& team_infos) { Json::Value json; Json::Reader reader; if (reader.parse(team_infos_json, json) && json.isArray()) { int len = json.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { TeamInfo info; ParseTeamInfoJson(json[i], info); if (info.IsValid() || (!info.IsValid() && include_invalid_team)) team_infos.push_back(info); } return true; } return false; }
bool k8s_api_handler::handle_component(const Json::Value& json, const msg_data* data) { m_error = false; if(!json.isNull()) { if(json.isArray()) { for(const auto& version : json) { if(version.isConvertibleTo(Json::stringValue)) { m_extensions.push_back(version.asString()); } else { g_logger.log("K8s API handler error: could not extract API versions or extensions from JSON.", sinsp_logger::SEV_ERROR); m_error = true; return false; } } } else if(json.isConvertibleTo(Json::stringValue)) { m_extensions.push_back(json.asString()); } else { g_logger.log("K8s API handler error: could not extract API versions or extensions from JSON.", sinsp_logger::SEV_ERROR); m_error = true; return false; } m_data_received = true; } else { g_logger.log("K8s API handler error: json is null.", sinsp_logger::SEV_ERROR); m_error = true; return false; } return true; }
TEST_F(GetComponentsTest, PositiveExecute) { compute::json::GetComponents command_json; GetComponents* command = new GetComponents(""); EXPECT_NO_THROW(command_json.set_command(command)); Json::Value params; Json::Value result; params["id"] = ""; EXPECT_NO_THROW(command_json.method(params, result)); ASSERT_TRUE(result.isArray()); ASSERT_EQ(result.size(), 10); for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { ASSERT_EQ(result[i]["component"].asString(), std::to_string(i)); } }
bool mesos_state_t::handle_groups(const Json::Value& root, marathon_group::ptr_t to_group, const std::string& framework_id) { Json::Value groups = root["groups"]; if(!groups.isNull() && groups.isArray()) { for(const auto& group : groups) { to_group = add_group(group, to_group, framework_id); ASSERT(to_group); handle_groups(group, to_group, framework_id); } } else { g_logger.log("No groups found.", sinsp_logger::SEV_WARNING); return false; } return true; }
void jsonParser::setLaserPulses(Json::Value &document, EM_FIELD *emfield){ std::string name1 = _JSON_OBJ_ARRAY_LASER_; Json::Value lasers; if (setValue(lasers, document, name1.c_str())) { if (lasers.isArray()){ std::string name2; for (unsigned int index = 0; index < lasers.size(); index++){ Json::Value myLaser = lasers[index]; name2 = _JSON_BOOL_ENABLED; bool enabled = false; setBool(&enabled, myLaser, name2.c_str()); if (enabled){ laserPulse *pulse1 = new(laserPulse); laserPulseBoolFlags flags; flags.type = setLaserType(pulse1, myLaser); flags.pol = setLaserPolarization(pulse1, myLaser); flags.duration = setLaserDurationFWHM(pulse1, myLaser); flags.initialPosition = setLaserInitialPosition(pulse1, myLaser); flags.a = setLaserAmplitude(pulse1, myLaser); flags.waist = setLaserWaist(pulse1, myLaser); flags.focusPosition = setLaserFocusPosition(pulse1, myLaser); flags.rotation = setLaserRotation(pulse1, myLaser); flags.lambda = setLaserLambda(pulse1, myLaser); flags.riseTime = setLaserRiseTime(pulse1, myLaser); if (checkLaserBoolFlags(flags, pulse1)){ emfield->addPulse(pulse1); } else if (isThisJsonMaster){ std::cout << "warning: laser #" << index << " is incorrectly defined\n"; } delete pulse1; } } } } }
void MapSystem::OnMapLoad( core::MapLoadEvent const& Evt ) { ClearMapElements(); PathVect_t Paths; Filesys& FSys = Filesys::Get(); FSys.GetFileNames( Paths, Evt.mMapName ); for( PathVect_t::const_iterator i = Paths.begin(), e = Paths.end(); i != e; ++i ) { boost::filesystem::path const& Path = *i; PathVect_t LevelPaths; FSys.GetFileNames( LevelPaths, Path ); if( Path.extension().string() != ".json" ) { continue; } AutoFile JsonFile = FSys.Open( *i ); if( !JsonFile.get() ) { continue; } JsonReader Reader( *JsonFile ); if( !Reader.IsValid() ) { continue; } Json::Value Root = Reader.GetRoot(); if( !Root.isArray() ) { continue; } for( Json::Value::iterator i = Root.begin(), e = Root.end(); i != e; ++i ) { Json::Value& mapElementDesc = *i; if( !AddMapElementFromOneTextureDesc( mapElementDesc ) ) { return; } } } EventServer<core::MapLoadedEvent>::Get().SendEvent( core::MapLoadedEvent() ); }
bool war_story::is_defeated_npc(int player_id, int map_id, int npc_id) const { na::file_system::json_value_map::const_iterator it = _maps.find(map_id); if(it!=_maps.end()) { Json::Value progress = get_player_progress(player_id,map_id); Json::Value arr = progress[sg::story_def::defeated_list]; if(!arr.isArray()) return false; for (Json::Value::iterator i = arr.begin();i!=arr.end();++i) { Json::Value defeated_info = *i; int _id = defeated_info[sg::army_def::army_id].asInt(); if(npc_id==_id) { return true; } } } return false; }
/** * Returns Point3 structure for give input json array */ Eigen::Vector3f SkeletonRepresentationJSON::jsonGetPoint3(const Json::Value &jsonValue) { Eigen::Vector3f point = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero(); if (jsonValue.isNull()) return Eigen::Vector3f(); if (jsonValue.isArray() && jsonValue.size() == 3) { Json::ValueIterator it = jsonValue.begin(); point[0] = static_cast<float>((*it).asFloat()); it++; point[1] = static_cast<float>((*it).asFloat()); it++; point[2] = static_cast<float>((*it).asFloat()); } else return point;//throw Exception("Error in PoseSet::jsonGetPoint3(): value size = %d", jsonValue.size()); return point; }
void Game::renderFromJSON(const Json::Value &msgs) { invariant(msgs.isArray(), "json messages must be array"); invariant(msgs.size() > 0, "messges must be nonempty"); for (auto msg : msgs) { auto type = must_have_idx(msg, "type").asString(); if (type == "render") { handleRenderMessage(msg); } else if (type == "start") { Renderer::get()->setGameTime(0.f); Renderer::get()->setTimeMultiplier(1.f); } else if (type == "game_over") { // TODO(zack/connor): do more here auto winning_team = toID(must_have_idx(msg, "winning_team")); LOG(DEBUG) << "Winning team : " << winning_team << '\n'; running_ = false; } else { invariant_violation("unknown message type: " + type); } } }
TEST_F(GetCollectionTest, PositiveExecute) { compute::json::GetCollection command_json; GetCollection* command = new GetCollection("TestModuleId", "TestName"); EXPECT_NO_THROW(command_json.set_command(command)); Json::Value params; Json::Value result; params["component"] = "TestModuleId"; params["name"] = "TestName"; EXPECT_NO_THROW(command_json.method(params, result)); ASSERT_TRUE(result.isArray()); ASSERT_EQ(result.size(), 10); for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { ASSERT_EQ(result[i]["subcomponent"].asString(), std::to_string(i)); } }
bool cMotion::LoadJson(const Json::Value& root) { bool succ = true; if (!root[gLoopKey].isNull()) { mLoop = root[gLoopKey].asBool(); } if (!root[gFrameKey].isNull()) { Json::Value frames = root.get(gFrameKey, 0); assert(frames.isArray()); int num_frames = frames.size(); int data_size = 0; if (num_frames > 0) { int idx0 = 0; Json::Value frame_json = frames.get(idx0, 0); data_size = frame_json.size(); mFrames.resize(num_frames, data_size); } for (int f = 0; f < num_frames; ++f) { Eigen::VectorXd curr_frame; succ = ParseFrameJson(frames.get(f, 0), curr_frame); if (succ) { assert(mFrames.cols() == curr_frame.size()); mFrames.row(f) = curr_frame; } else { mFrames.resize(0, 0); break; } } } return succ; }
void OrthancPeerParameters::FromJson(const Json::Value& peer) { if (!peer.isArray() || (peer.size() != 1 && peer.size() != 3)) { throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_BadFileFormat); } std::string url; try { url = peer.get(0u, "").asString(); if (peer.size() == 1) { SetUsername(""); SetPassword(""); } else if (peer.size() == 3) { SetUsername(peer.get(1u, "").asString()); SetPassword(peer.get(2u, "").asString()); } else { throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_BadFileFormat); } } catch (...) { throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_BadFileFormat); } if (url.size() != 0 && url[url.size() - 1] != '/') { url += '/'; } SetUrl(url); }
Result FriendsAPI::get(const string &sessionKey, int page, int count, QVector<UID> &list) { // char pageBuf[10]; // sprintf_s(pageBuf, 10, "%d", page); string pageBuf; pageBuf = QString::number(page).toStdString(); // char countBuf[10]; // sprintf_s(countBuf, 10, "%d", count); string countBuf; countBuf = QString::number(count).toStdString(); RequestParam params; params.addParam("api_key", Config::m_apiKey); params.addParam("method", Method::FRIENDS_GET); params.addParam("call_id", Utility::getCallId()); params.addParam("v", Config::m_apiVersion); params.addParam("session_key", sessionKey); params.addParam("format", Config::m_resultFormat); params.addParam("page", pageBuf); params.addParam("count", countBuf); params.addParam("sig", Utility::stringToUTF8(Utility::getSignature(params))); Response response; m_request->syncRequest(Config::m_RESTServerURL, Request::Post, params, &response); Json::Value root; Json::Reader reader; if(reader.parse(response.getRawData(), root, false)) { if(!root.isArray() && !root["error_code"].isNull()) return root["error_code"].asUInt(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < root.size(); i++) list.push_back(root[i].asUInt()); return RESULT_OK; } else return RESULT_JSON_INVALID; }
Space::Space(Game *game, RefCountedPtr<Galaxy> galaxy, const Json::Value &jsonObj, double at_time) : m_starSystemCache(galaxy->NewStarSystemSlaveCache()) , m_game(game) , m_frameIndexValid(false) , m_bodyIndexValid(false) , m_sbodyIndexValid(false) , m_bodyNearFinder(this) #ifndef NDEBUG , m_processingFinalizationQueue(false) #endif { if (!jsonObj.isMember("space")) throw SavedGameCorruptException(); Json::Value spaceObj = jsonObj["space"]; m_starSystem = StarSystem::FromJson(galaxy, spaceObj); const SystemPath &path = m_starSystem->GetPath(); Uint32 _init[5] = { path.systemIndex, Uint32(path.sectorX), Uint32(path.sectorY), Uint32(path.sectorZ), UNIVERSE_SEED }; Random rand(_init, 5); m_background.reset(new Background::Container(Pi::renderer, rand)); RebuildSystemBodyIndex(); CityOnPlanet::SetCityModelPatterns(m_starSystem->GetPath()); m_rootFrame.reset(Frame::FromJson(spaceObj, this, 0, at_time)); RebuildFrameIndex(); if (!spaceObj.isMember("bodies")) throw SavedGameCorruptException(); Json::Value bodyArray = spaceObj["bodies"]; if (!bodyArray.isArray()) throw SavedGameCorruptException(); for (Uint32 i = 0; i < bodyArray.size(); i++) m_bodies.push_back(Body::FromJson(bodyArray[i], this)); RebuildBodyIndex(); Frame::PostUnserializeFixup(m_rootFrame.get(), this); for (Body* b : m_bodies) b->PostLoadFixup(this); GenSectorCache(galaxy, &path); }
void MemEd::openFile(const char* filename) { Json::Value root; ifstream ifs;; if ( { throw MedException(string("Open JSON: Fail to open file ") + filename); } ifs >> root; ifs.close(); storeMutex.lock(); getStore()->clear(); if (root.isArray()) { loadLegacyJson(root); } else { loadJson(root); } storeMutex.unlock(); }
BtcAddressBalances BtcJsonLegacy::ListReceivedByAddress(const int32_t &minConf, const bool &includeEmpty, const bool &includeWatchonly) { Json::Value params = Json::Value(); params.append(minConf); params.append(includeEmpty); Json::Value result = Json::Value(); if(!ProcessRpcString(this->modules->btcRpc->SendRpc(CreateJsonQuery(METHOD_LISTRECEIVEDBYADDRESS, params)), result)) return BtcAddressBalances(); // error if(!result.isArray()) return BtcAddressBalances(); BtcAddressBalances addressBalances; for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { addressBalances.push_back(BtcAddressBalancePtr(new BtcAddressBalance(result[i]))); } return addressBalances; }
thruster_vector parse_thrusters(const Json::Value& arr) { if (!arr.isArray()) { throw std::runtime_error("Expected array of thrusters."); } thruster_vector ts; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { Json::Value root = arr[i]; if (!root.isObject()) { throw std::runtime_error("Expected thruster object."); } PARSE_STRING(name); PARSE_VECTOR3(pos); PARSE_TWO_DOUBLES(hp, yaw, pitch); thruster t { name, pos, yaw, pitch }; ts.push_back(t); } return ts; }
void AsyncScriptExecutor::GetElementIdList(const Json::Value& json_object) { LOG(TRACE) << "Entering AsyncScriptExecutor::GetElementIdList"; if (json_object.isArray()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < json_object.size(); ++i) { GetElementIdList(json_object[i]); } } else if (json_object.isObject()) { if (json_object.isMember(JSON_ELEMENT_PROPERTY_NAME)) { // Capture the ID of any element in the arg list, and std::string element_id; element_id = json_object[JSON_ELEMENT_PROPERTY_NAME].asString(); this->element_id_list_.push_back(element_id); } else { std::vector<std::string> property_names = json_object.getMemberNames(); std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = property_names.begin(); for (; it < property_names.end(); ++it) { GetElementIdList(json_object[*it]); } } } }
Json::Value fetchJsonValue(const std::string &url, std::vector<std::string> *extra_headers) { HTTPFetchRequest fetchrequest; HTTPFetchResult fetchresult; fetchrequest.url = url; fetchrequest.caller = HTTPFETCH_SYNC; if (extra_headers != NULL) fetchrequest.extra_headers = *extra_headers; httpfetch_sync(fetchrequest,fetchresult); if (!fetchresult.succeeded) { return Json::Value(); } Json::Value root; Json::Reader reader; std::istringstream stream(; if (!reader.parse( stream, root ) ) { errorstream << "URL: " << url << std::endl; errorstream << "Failed to parse json data " << reader.getFormattedErrorMessages(); errorstream << "data: \"" << << "\"" << std::endl; return Json::Value(); } if (root.isArray()) { return root; } if ((root["list"].isArray())) { return root["list"]; } else { return root; } return Json::Value(); }
Frame *Frame::FromJson(const Json::Value &jsonObj, Space *space, Frame *parent, double at_time) { Frame *f = new Frame(); f->m_parent = parent; if (!jsonObj.isMember("frame")) throw SavedGameCorruptException(); Json::Value frameObj = jsonObj["frame"]; if (!frameObj.isMember("flags")) throw SavedGameCorruptException(); if (!frameObj.isMember("radius")) throw SavedGameCorruptException(); if (!frameObj.isMember("label")) throw SavedGameCorruptException(); if (!frameObj.isMember("pos")) throw SavedGameCorruptException(); if (!frameObj.isMember("ang_speed")) throw SavedGameCorruptException(); if (!frameObj.isMember("init_orient")) throw SavedGameCorruptException(); if (!frameObj.isMember("index_for_system_body")) throw SavedGameCorruptException(); if (!frameObj.isMember("index_for_astro_body")) throw SavedGameCorruptException(); f->m_flags = frameObj["flags"].asInt(); f->m_radius = StrToDouble(frameObj["radius"].asString()); f->m_label = frameObj["label"].asString(); JsonToVector(&(f->m_pos), frameObj, "pos"); f->m_angSpeed = StrToDouble(frameObj["ang_speed"].asString()); matrix3x3d orient; JsonToMatrix(&orient, frameObj, "init_orient"); f->SetInitialOrient(orient, at_time); f->m_sbody = space->GetSystemBodyByIndex(frameObj["index_for_system_body"].asUInt()); f->m_astroBodyIndex = frameObj["index_for_astro_body"].asUInt(); f->m_vel = vector3d(0.0); // m_vel is set to zero. if (!frameObj.isMember("child_frames")) throw SavedGameCorruptException(); Json::Value childFrameArray = frameObj["child_frames"]; if (!childFrameArray.isArray()) throw SavedGameCorruptException(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < childFrameArray.size(); ++i) { f->m_children.push_back(FromJson(childFrameArray[i], space, f, at_time)); } SfxManager::FromJson(frameObj, f); f->ClearMovement(); return f; }
bool ShopItemInfoFromServer::parseShopBuyInfoFromServer() { m_mapBuyShopInfo.clear(); const char* pMessage = m_strShopBuyList.c_str(); CCLOG("download step m_strShopBuyList %s",pMessage); if (pMessage == NULL || pMessage == "" || pMessage == "error") { return false; } Json::Value jsonValue; if (!parseJsonStr(pMessage, jsonValue)) { CCLOGERROR("UpdateInfoFromServer Error: %s",pMessage); return false; } bool isArray = jsonValue.isArray(); if (isArray) { unsigned int arraySize = jsonValue.size(); for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { const Json::Value jProduct_id = jsonValue[i]["id"]; const Json::Value jAmount = jsonValue[i]["count"]; if (false == jProduct_id.isNull() && false == jAmount.isNull()) { int id = atoi(jProduct_id.asCString()); int amount = atoi(jAmount.asCString()); m_mapBuyShopInfo.insert(std::make_pair(id, amount)); } } } return true; }
//解释搜索结果以生成搜索目录树 void CSearchDlg::ParserSearchTree(std::string searchResp) { try { Json::Reader reader; Json::Value root; if(!reader.parse(searchResp,root,false)) { return ; } if(!root.isArray()) { return; } std::string RoomID,RoomName,UserCount; int rootsize = root.size(); for(int i=0;i<rootsize;++i) { hallNode* newNode = new hallNode; RoomID = root[i][SEARCH_RESULTS_ROOMITEM_ROOMID].asString(); RoomName = root[i][SEARCH_RESULTS_ROOMITEM_ROOMNAME].asString(); UserCount = root[i][SEARCH_RESULTS_ROOMITEM_USERCOUNT].asString(); newNode->m_RoomID = atoi(RoomID.c_str()); newNode->m_Name.Format(_T("%s(%s)"),common::utility::stringhelper::UTF8ToUnicode(RoomName).c_str(),common::utility::stringhelper::UTF8ToUnicode(RoomID).c_str()); newNode->m_PeopleNum.Format(_T("%s人"),common::utility::stringhelper::UTF8ToUnicode(UserCount).c_str()); newNode->m_pngNormalExpand = m_pngNormal; newNode->m_pngSelectContract = m_pngNormal; m_SearchNode.push_back(newNode); } } catch (...) { return; } }
std::vector<ProbeAPI::CountryInfo> ProbeAPI::ParseCountries(const std::string& sJson) { Json::Reader reader; Json::Value root; const bool parsedOK = reader.parse(sJson, root); if (!parsedOK) { throw PException(eRetCode::ApiParsingFail) << "Failed parsing json: " << reader.getFormattedErrorMessages(); } // { // "GetCountriesResult": [ // { // "CountryCode": "AF", // "CountryFlag": "", // "CountryName": "Afghanistan", // "ProbesCount": 5 // }, // { // "CountryCode": "AL", // "CountryFlag": "", // "CountryName": "Albania", // "ProbesCount": 14 // }, const Json::Value items = root["GetCountriesResult"]; assert(items.isArray()); const Json::ArrayIndex n = items.size(); std::vector<CountryInfo> res; res.reserve(n); for (Json::ArrayIndex index = 0; index < n; ++index) { const Json::Value item = items[index]; res.emplace_back(item); // create CountryInfo() } return res; }
std::vector<ServerListSpec> getOnline() { //不要每次都获取 static std::vector<ServerListSpec> serverlist; if (serverlist.size() > 0) { return serverlist; } Json::Value root = fetchJsonValue((g_settings->get("serverlist_url")+"/list").c_str(),0); if (root.isArray()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < root.size(); i++) { if (root[i].isObject()) { serverlist.push_back(root[i]); } } } return serverlist; }
DimTypeList schemaToDims(const Json::Value& json) { DimTypeList output; // XYZ might be natively stored as integral values, typically when the // disk-storage for Entwine is scaled/offset. Since we're abstracting // this out, always ask for XYZ as doubles. auto isXyz([](Dimension::Id id) { return id == Dimension::Id::X || id == Dimension::Id::Y || id == Dimension::Id::Z; }); if (!json.isNull() && json.isArray()) { for (const auto& jsonDim : json) { const Dimension::Id id( Dimension::id(jsonDim["name"].asString())); const int baseType( Utils::toNative( Dimension::fromName(jsonDim["type"].asString()))); const int size(jsonDim["size"].asUInt64()); const Dimension::Type type( isXyz(id) ? Dimension::Type::Double : static_cast<Dimension::Type>(baseType | size)); output.emplace_back(id, type); } } return output; }
BtcTransactions BtcJsonLegacy::ListTransactions(const std::string &account, const int32_t &count, const int32_t &from, const bool &includeWatchonly) { Json::Value params = Json::Value(); params.append(account); params.append(count); params.append(from); Json::Value result = Json::Value(); if(!ProcessRpcString(this->modules->btcRpc->SendRpc(CreateJsonQuery(METHOD_LISTTRANSACTIONS, params)), result)) return BtcTransactions(); // error if(!result.isArray()) return BtcTransactions(); BtcTransactions transactions; for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { transactions.push_back(BtcTransactionPtr(new BtcTransaction(result[i]))); } return transactions; }
drag_plane_vector parse_drag_planes(const Json::Value& arr) { if (!arr.isArray()) { throw std::runtime_error("Expected array of drag planes."); } drag_plane_vector dps; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { Json::Value root = arr[i]; if (!root.isObject()) { throw std::runtime_error("Expected drag plane object."); } PARSE_VECTOR3(pos); PARSE_VECTOR3(normal); PARSE_DOUBLE(cD); PARSE_DOUBLE(area); drag_plane dp { pos, normal, cD, area }; dps.push_back(dp); } return dps; }