Пример #1
// Tries to guess the display type that is used for the passed contact
static DisplayNameEditWidget::DisplayType guessedDisplayType( const KABC::Addressee &contact )
  if ( contact.formattedName() == ( contact.givenName() + QLatin1Char( ' ' ) + contact.familyName() ) ) {
    return DisplayNameEditWidget::SimpleName;
  } else if ( contact.formattedName() == contact.assembledName() ) {
    return DisplayNameEditWidget::FullName;
  } else if ( contact.formattedName() == ( contact.familyName() + QLatin1String( ", " ) + contact.givenName() ) ) {
    return DisplayNameEditWidget::ReverseNameWithComma;
  } else if ( contact.formattedName() == ( contact.familyName() + QLatin1Char( ' ' ) + contact.givenName() ) ) {
    return DisplayNameEditWidget::ReverseName;
  } else if ( contact.formattedName() == contact.organization() ) {
    return DisplayNameEditWidget::Organization;
  } else {
    return DisplayNameEditWidget::CustomName;
Пример #2
QVariant PersonsModel::dataForAddressee(const QString &personId, const KABC::Addressee &person, int role) const
    Q_D(const PersonsModel);

    switch(role) {
    case FormattedNameRole:
        return person.formattedName();
    case PhotoRole:
        if (!person.photo().data().isNull()) {
            return person.photo().data();
        } else if (!person.photo().url().isEmpty()) {
            return QPixmap(person.photo().url());
        } else {
            return QPixmap(d->genericAvatarImagePath);
    case PersonIdRole:
        return personId;
    case PersonVCardRole:
        return QVariant::fromValue<KABC::Addressee>(person);
    case ContactsVCardRole:
        return QVariant::fromValue<KABC::AddresseeList>(d->metacontacts[d->personIndex[personId].row()].contacts());
    case GroupsRole:
        return person.categories();
    return QVariant();
Пример #3
void HtmlExport::formatAttendees( QTextStream *ts, Incidence *event )
    Attendee::List attendees = event->attendees();
    if (attendees.count()) {
        *ts << "<em>";
        KABC::AddressBook *add_book = KABC::StdAddressBook::self( true );
        KABC::Addressee::List addressList;
        addressList = add_book->findByEmail(event->organizer().email());
        KABC::Addressee o = addressList.first();
        if (!o.isEmpty() && addressList.size()<2) {
            *ts << "<a href=\"mailto:" << event->organizer().email() << "\">";
            *ts << cleanChars(o.formattedName()) << "</a>\n";
        else *ts << event->organizer().fullName();
        *ts << event->organizer().fullName();
        *ts << "</em><br />";
        Attendee::List::ConstIterator it;
        for( it = attendees.begin(); it != attendees.end(); ++it ) {
            Attendee *a = *it;
            if (!a->email().isEmpty()) {
                *ts << "<a href=\"mailto:" << a->email();
                *ts << "\">" << cleanChars(a->name()) << "</a>";
            else {
                *ts << "    " << cleanChars(a->name());
            *ts << "<br />" << "\n";
    } else {
        *ts << "    &nbsp;\n";
Пример #4
bool KABCHandler::hasNameMatch(const KABC::Addressee& contact, const QString& name)
    if (contact.assembledName().lower().find(name) != -1) return true;

    if (contact.formattedName().lower().find(name) != -1) return true;

    return false;
Пример #5
QString ContactsModel::getName(KABC::Addressee contact) const
    QString name = contact.formattedName();
    if (name.isEmpty()) {
        name = QString("%1 %2").arg(contact.givenName()).arg(contact.familyName());
    return name;
void akonadimailsearch::onItemsFetched(KJob *job)
	if (job->error()) {
		kWarning() << job->errorString();
	} else {
		ItemFetchJob *itemFetchJob = qobject_cast<ItemFetchJob*>(job);
		foreach (const Item &item, itemFetchJob->items()) {
			if(item.hasPayload<KABC::Addressee>()) {
				const QString id = item.url().prettyUrl();
				const KABC::Addressee contact = item.payload<KABC::Addressee>();
				QTextStream out(stdout);
				if(contact.preferredEmail().size() > 0 && \
					( contact.preferredEmail().contains(mysearch) || contact.formattedName().contains(mysearch) )){
					out << contact.formattedName() << " <" << contact.preferredEmail()<< ">" <<endl;
	if (--activeFetchJobsCount == 0) {
		emit finished();
void KCalResourceSlox::parseIncidenceAttribute( const QDomElement &e,
                                                Incidence *incidence )
  QString tag = e.tagName();
  QString text = decodeText( e.text() );
  if ( text.isEmpty() ) return;

  if ( tag == fieldName( IncidenceTitle ) ) {
    incidence->setSummary( text );
  } else if ( e.tagName() == fieldName( Description ) ) {
    incidence->setDescription( text );
  } else if ( tag == fieldName( Reminder ) ) {
    int minutes = text.toInt();
    if ( minutes != 0 ) {
      Alarm::List alarms = incidence->alarms();
      Alarm *alarm;
      if ( alarms.isEmpty() ) alarm = incidence->newAlarm();
      else alarm = alarms.first();
      if ( alarm->type() == Alarm::Invalid ) {
        alarm->setType( Alarm::Display );
      Duration d( minutes * -60 );
      alarm->setStartOffset( d );
      alarm->setEnabled( true );
    } else {
      // 0 reminder -> disable alarm
  } else if ( tag == fieldName( CreatedBy ) ) {
    KABC::Addressee a;
    if ( mAccounts ) a = mAccounts->lookupUser( text );
    else kDebug() << "KCalResourceSlox: no accounts set";
    incidence->setOrganizer( Person( a.formattedName(), a.preferredEmail() ) );
  } else if ( tag == fieldName( Participants ) ) {
    parseMembersAttribute( e, incidence );
  } else if ( tag == "readrights" ) {
    parseReadRightsAttribute( e, incidence );
  } else if ( tag == fieldName( Categories ) ) {
    incidence->setCategories( text.split( QRegExp(",\\s*") ) );
  } else if ( tag == fieldName( LastModified ) && type() == "ox" ) {
    incidence->setCustomProperty( "SLOX", "LastModified", text );
Пример #8
    bool AddressbookHandler::retrieveAddresseeListFromDevice( KABC::Addressee::List &mAddresseeList, QValueList<uint32_t> &idList )
        KABC::VCardConverter vCardConv;
        bool ret = true;

        for ( QValueList<uint32_t>::const_iterator it = idList.begin(); it != idList.end(); ++it ) {

            kdDebug(2120) << "Retrieving Contact from device: " << "RRA-ID-" +
                    QString::number ( *it, 16 ).rightJustify( 8, '0' ) << endl;

            QString vCard = m_rra->getVCard( mTypeId, *it );
            if (vCard.isEmpty()) {
                addErrorEntry("RRA-ID-" + QString::number ( *it, 16 ).rightJustify( 8, '0' ));
                ret = false;

            KABC::Addressee addr = vCardConv.parseVCard ( vCard );
            addr.setFormattedName(addr.formattedName().replace("\\,", ","));

            QString kdeId;

            if ((kdeId = mUidHelper->kdeId("SynCEAddressbook", addr.uid(), "---")) != "---") {
            } else {
                mUidHelper->addId("SynCEAddressbook", addr.uid(), addr.uid());

            kdDebug(2120) << "    ID-Pair: KDEID: " << addr.uid() << " DeviceID: " <<
                "RRA-ID-" + QString::number ( *it, 16 ).rightJustify( 8, '0' ) << endl;

            mAddresseeList.push_back( addr );


        return ret;
Пример #9
bool AddresseeEmailSelection::itemEquals( const KABC::Addressee &addressee, uint index, const QString &pattern ) const
  return (pattern == addressee.formattedName() + " " + email( addressee, index )) ||
         (addressee.emails().contains( pattern ));
Пример #10
NameEditDialog::NameEditDialog( const KABC::Addressee &addr, int type,
                                bool readOnly, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
  : KDialogBase( Plain, i18n( "Edit Contact Name" ), Help | Ok | Cancel,
                 Ok, parent, name, true ), mAddressee( addr )
  QWidget *page = plainPage();
  QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout( page );
  layout->setSpacing( spacingHint() );
  layout->addColSpacing( 2, 100 );
  QLabel *label;

  label = new QLabel( i18n( "Honorific prefixes:" ), page );
  layout->addWidget( label, 0, 0 );
  mPrefixCombo = new KComboBox( page );
  mPrefixCombo->setDuplicatesEnabled( false );
  mPrefixCombo->setEditable( true );
  mPrefixCombo->setEnabled( !readOnly );
  label->setBuddy( mPrefixCombo );
  layout->addMultiCellWidget( mPrefixCombo, 0, 0, 1, 2 );

  QWhatsThis::add( mPrefixCombo, i18n( "The predefined honorific prefixes can be extended in the settings dialog." ) );

  label = new QLabel( i18n( "Given name:" ), page );
  layout->addWidget( label, 1, 0 );
  mGivenNameEdit = new KLineEdit( page );
  mGivenNameEdit->setReadOnly( readOnly );
  label->setBuddy( mGivenNameEdit );
  layout->addMultiCellWidget( mGivenNameEdit, 1, 1, 1, 2 );

  label = new QLabel( i18n( "Additional names:" ), page );
  layout->addWidget( label, 2, 0 );
  mAdditionalNameEdit = new KLineEdit( page );
  mAdditionalNameEdit->setReadOnly( readOnly );
  label->setBuddy( mAdditionalNameEdit );
  layout->addMultiCellWidget( mAdditionalNameEdit, 2, 2, 1, 2 );

  label = new QLabel( i18n( "Family names:" ), page );
  layout->addWidget( label, 3, 0 );
  mFamilyNameEdit = new KLineEdit( page );
  mFamilyNameEdit->setReadOnly( readOnly );
  label->setBuddy( mFamilyNameEdit );
  layout->addMultiCellWidget( mFamilyNameEdit, 3, 3, 1, 2 );

  label = new QLabel( i18n( "Honorific suffixes:" ), page );
  layout->addWidget( label, 4, 0 );
  mSuffixCombo = new KComboBox( page );
  mSuffixCombo->setDuplicatesEnabled( false );
  mSuffixCombo->setEditable( true );
  mSuffixCombo->setEnabled( !readOnly );
  label->setBuddy( mSuffixCombo );
  layout->addMultiCellWidget( mSuffixCombo, 4, 4, 1, 2 );

  QWhatsThis::add( mSuffixCombo, i18n( "The predefined honorific suffixes can be extended in the settings dialog." ) );

  label = new QLabel( i18n( "Formatted name:" ), page );
  layout->addWidget( label, 5, 0 );

  mFormattedNameCombo = new KComboBox( page );
  mFormattedNameCombo->setEnabled( !readOnly );
  layout->addWidget( mFormattedNameCombo, 5, 1 );
  connect( mFormattedNameCombo, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), SLOT( typeChanged( int ) ) );

  mFormattedNameEdit = new KLineEdit( page );
  mFormattedNameEdit->setEnabled( type == CustomName && !readOnly );
  layout->addWidget( mFormattedNameEdit, 5, 2 );

  mParseBox = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Parse name automatically" ), page );
  mParseBox->setEnabled( !readOnly );
  connect( mParseBox, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), SLOT( parseBoxChanged(bool) ) );
  connect( mParseBox, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), SLOT( modified() ) );
  layout->addMultiCellWidget( mParseBox, 6, 6, 0, 1 );

  // Fill in the values
  mFamilyNameEdit->setText( addr.familyName() );
  mGivenNameEdit->setText( addr.givenName() );
  mAdditionalNameEdit->setText( addr.additionalName() );
  mFormattedNameEdit->setText( addr.formattedName() );

  // Prefix and suffix combos
  KConfig config( "kabcrc" );
  config.setGroup( "General" );

  QStringList sTitle;
  sTitle += "";
  sTitle += i18n( "Dr." );
  sTitle += i18n( "Miss" );
  sTitle += i18n( "Mr." );
  sTitle += i18n( "Mrs." );
  sTitle += i18n( "Ms." );
  sTitle += i18n( "Prof." );
  sTitle += config.readListEntry( "Prefixes" );

  QStringList sSuffix;
  sSuffix += "";
  sSuffix += i18n( "I" );
  sSuffix += i18n( "II" );
  sSuffix += i18n( "III" );
  sSuffix += i18n( "Jr." );
  sSuffix += i18n( "Sr." );
  sSuffix += config.readListEntry( "Suffixes" );

  mPrefixCombo->insertStringList( sTitle );
  mSuffixCombo->insertStringList( sSuffix );

  mPrefixCombo->setCurrentText( addr.prefix() );
  mSuffixCombo->setCurrentText( addr.suffix() );

  mAddresseeConfig.setAddressee( addr );
  mParseBox->setChecked( mAddresseeConfig.automaticNameParsing() );

  KAcceleratorManager::manage( this );

  connect( mPrefixCombo, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ),
           this, SLOT( modified() ) );
  connect( mGivenNameEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ),
           this, SLOT( modified() ) );
  connect( mAdditionalNameEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ),
           this, SLOT( modified() ) );
  connect( mFamilyNameEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ),
           this, SLOT( modified() ) );
  connect( mSuffixCombo, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ),
           this, SLOT( modified() ) );
  connect( mFormattedNameCombo, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),
           this, SLOT( modified() ) );
  connect( mFormattedNameCombo, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),
           this, SLOT( formattedNameTypeChanged() ) );
  connect( mFormattedNameEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ),
           this, SLOT( modified() ) );
  connect( mFormattedNameEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ),
           this, SLOT( formattedNameChanged( const QString& ) ) );

  mFormattedNameCombo->setCurrentItem( type );
  mChanged = false;
Пример #11
QString KWMailMergeKABC::getValue( const QString &name, int record ) const
    kdDebug() << "KWMailMergeKABC::getValue(" << name << ", " << record << ")" << endl;
    if ( record < 0 )
        return name;

    // This doesn't ever happen, right? So why is it there? Dirk Schmidt
    if ( record == -1 && _iterator == _addressBook->end() )
        return "";

    // Set the iterator to the asked Addressee.
    bool uidAvailable = false;
    if ( record != -1 )
        int counter = 0;

        for ( _UIDIterator = _exclusiveUIDs.begin(); _UIDIterator != _exclusiveUIDs.end()
                && counter < record; _UIDIterator++ )

        for ( _iterator = _addressBook->begin(); _iterator != _addressBook->end(); ++_iterator )

            if( _iterator->uid() == *_UIDIterator )
                uidAvailable = true;

    if( !uidAvailable )
        return ( i18n ( "KAddressbook entry '%1' not available." ).arg( *_UIDIterator ) );

    KABC::Addressee addr = *_iterator;
    _iterator++; // Don't know why. Could be removed? Dirk Schmidt

    // Return the asked variable.
    if ( name == "KAddressbook identifier" )
        return addr.uid();
    if ( name == "Name" )
        return addr.name();
    if ( name == "Formatted name" )
        return addr.formattedName();
    if ( name == "Family names" )
        return addr.familyName();
    if ( name == "Given name" )
        return addr.givenName();
    if ( name == "Additional names" )
        return addr.additionalName();
    if ( name == "Honorific prefixes" )
        return addr.prefix();
    if ( name == "Honorific suffixes" )
        return addr.suffix();
    if ( name == "Nick name" )
        return addr.nickName();
    if ( name == "Birthday" )
        return KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( addr.birthday().date() );

    if ( name == "Home address: Street" )
        KABC::Address a = addr.address( KABC::Address::Home );
        return a.street();
    if ( name == "Home address: Locality" )
        KABC::Address a = addr.address( KABC::Address::Home );
        return a.locality();
    if ( name == "Home address: Region" )
        KABC::Address a = addr.address( KABC::Address::Home );
        return a.region();
    if ( name == "Home address: Postal code" )
        KABC::Address a = addr.address( KABC::Address::Home );
        return a.postalCode();
    if ( name == "Home address: Country" )
        KABC::Address a = addr.address( KABC::Address::Home );
        return a.country();
    if ( name == "Home address: Label" )
        KABC::Address a = addr.address( KABC::Address::Home );
        return a.label();

    if ( name == "Business address: Street" )
        KABC::Address a = addr.address( KABC::Address::Work );
        return a.street();
    if ( name == "Business address: Locality" )
        KABC::Address a = addr.address( KABC::Address::Work );
        return a.locality();
    if ( name == "Business address: Region" )
        KABC::Address a = addr.address( KABC::Address::Work );
        return a.region();
    if ( name == "Business address: Postal code" )
        KABC::Address a = addr.address( KABC::Address::Work );
        return a.postalCode();
    if ( name == "Business address: Country" )
        KABC::Address a = addr.address( KABC::Address::Work );
        return a.country();
    if ( name == "Business address: Label" )
        KABC::Address a = addr.address( KABC::Address::Work );
        return a.label();

    if ( name == "Prefered address: Street" )
        KABC::Address a = addr.address( KABC::Address::Pref );
        return a.street();

    if ( name == "Prefered address: Locality" )
        KABC::Address a = addr.address( KABC::Address::Pref );
        return a.locality();
    if ( name == "Prefered address: Region" )
        KABC::Address a = addr.address( KABC::Address::Pref );
        return a.region();
    if ( name == "Prefered address: Postal code" )
        KABC::Address a = addr.address( KABC::Address::Pref );
        return a.postalCode();
    if ( name == "Prefered address: Country" )
        KABC::Address a = addr.address( KABC::Address::Pref );
        return a.country();
    if ( name == "Prefered address: Label" )
        KABC::Address a = addr.address( KABC::Address::Pref );
        return a.label();

    if ( name == "Home phone" )
        KABC::PhoneNumber phone = addr.phoneNumber( KABC::PhoneNumber::Home );
        return phone.number();
    if ( name == "Business phone" )
        KABC::PhoneNumber phone = addr.phoneNumber( KABC::PhoneNumber::Work );
        return phone.number();
    if ( name == "Mobile phone" )
        KABC::PhoneNumber phone = addr.phoneNumber( KABC::PhoneNumber::Cell );
        return phone.number();
    if ( name == "Home fax" )
        KABC::PhoneNumber phone = addr.phoneNumber( KABC::PhoneNumber::Home | KABC::PhoneNumber::Fax );
        return phone.number();
    if ( name == "Business fax" )
        KABC::PhoneNumber phone = addr.phoneNumber( KABC::PhoneNumber::Work | KABC::PhoneNumber::Fax );
        return phone.number();
    if ( name == "Car phone" )
        KABC::PhoneNumber phone = addr.phoneNumber( KABC::PhoneNumber::Car );
        return phone.number();
    if ( name == "ISDN" )
        KABC::PhoneNumber phone = addr.phoneNumber( KABC::PhoneNumber::Isdn );
        return phone.number();
    if ( name == "Pager" )
        KABC::PhoneNumber phone = addr.phoneNumber( KABC::PhoneNumber::Pager );
        return phone.number();

    if ( name == "Email" )
        return addr.preferredEmail();
    if ( name == "Mailer" )
        return addr.mailer();
    if ( name == "Time zone" )
        KABC::TimeZone zone = addr.timeZone();
        return QString::number( zone.offset() );
    if ( name == "Geographic position" )
        KABC::Geo geo = addr.geo();
        QString lat;
        QString longi;
        if(  geo.latitude()<0 )
            lat = QString( i18n("%1 South") ).arg( -geo.latitude() );
            lat = QString( i18n("%1 North") ).arg( geo.latitude() );

        if(  geo.longitude()<0 )
            // There is something going wrong, because "W" is replaced by "q ".
            // Needs fix.
            longi = QString( i18n("%1 West") ).arg( -geo.longitude() );
            longi = QString( i18n("%1 East") ).arg( geo.longitude() );

        return i18n( "Geographic coordinates", "%1, %2" ).arg ( lat, longi );

    if ( name == "Title" )
        return addr.title();
    if ( name == "Role" )
        return addr.role();
    if ( name == "Organization" )
        return addr.organization();
    if ( name == "Note" )
        return addr.note();
    if ( name == "productId" )
        return addr.productId();
    if ( name == "Revision" )
        return KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( addr.revision().date() );
    if ( name == "sortString" )
        return addr.sortString();
    if ( name == "URL" )
        return addr.url().url();
    if ( name == "Secrecy" )
        KABC::Secrecy secrecy = addr.secrecy();
        return KABC::Secrecy::typeLabel( secrecy.type() );

    return ( i18n("Unkown mail merge variable: %1").arg ( name ) ) ;
bool VCard_LDIFCreator::readContents( const QString &path )
  // read file contents
  QFile file( path );
  if ( !file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
    return false;

  QString info;

  // read the file
  QByteArray contents = file.readAll();

  // convert the file contents to a KABC::Addressee address
  KABC::Addressee::List addrList;
  KABC::Addressee addr;
  KABC::VCardConverter converter;

  addrList = converter.parseVCards( contents);
  if ( addrList.count() == 0 ) {
    KABC::AddresseeList l; // FIXME porting
    if ( !KABC::LDIFConverter::LDIFToAddressee( contents, l ) )
	return false;
    // FIXME porting
    KABC::AddresseeList::ConstIterator it( l.constBegin() );
    for ( ; it != l.constEnd(); ++ it ) {
        addrList.append( *it );
  if ( addrList.count()>1 ) {
    // create an overview (list of all names)
    name = i18np("One contact found:", "%1 contacts found:", addrList.count());
    int no, linenr;
    for (linenr=no=0; linenr<30 && no<addrList.count(); ++no) {
       addr = addrList[no];
       info = addr.formattedName().simplified();
       if (info.isEmpty())
          info = addr.givenName() + ' ' + addr.familyName();
       info = info.simplified();
       if (info.isEmpty())
    return true;

  // create card for _one_ contact
  addr = addrList[ 0 ];

  // prepare the text
  name = addr.formattedName().simplified();
  if ( name.isEmpty() )
    name = addr.givenName() + ' ' + addr.familyName();
  name = name.simplified();

  KABC::PhoneNumber::List pnList = addr.phoneNumbers();
  QStringList phoneNumbers;
  for (int no=0; no<pnList.count(); ++no) {
    QString pn = pnList[no].number().simplified();
    if (!pn.isEmpty() && !phoneNumbers.contains(pn))
  if ( !phoneNumbers.isEmpty() )
      text += phoneNumbers.join("\n") + '\n';

  info = addr.organization().simplified();
  if ( !info.isEmpty() )
    text += info + '\n';

  // get an address
  KABC::Address address = addr.address(KABC::Address::Work);
  if (address.isEmpty())
    address = addr.address(KABC::Address::Home);
  if (address.isEmpty())
    address = addr.address(KABC::Address::Pref);
  info = address.formattedAddress();
  if ( !info.isEmpty() )
    text += info + '\n';

  return true;
Пример #13
KABC::AddresseeList GMXXXPort::importContacts( const QString& ) const
  KABC::AddresseeList addrList;

  QString fileName = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( ":xxport_gmx", 
                      GMX_FILESELECTION_STRING, 0 );
  if ( fileName.isEmpty() )
    return addrList;

  QFile file( fileName );
  if ( !file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
    QString msg = i18n( "<qt>Unable to open <b>%1</b> for reading.</qt>" );
    KMessageBox::error( parentWidget(), msg.arg( fileName ) );
    return addrList;

  QDateTime dt;
  QTextStream gmxStream( &file );
  gmxStream.setEncoding( QTextStream::Latin1 );
  QString line, line2;
  line  = gmxStream.readLine();
  line2 = gmxStream.readLine();
  if (!line.startsWith("AB_ADDRESSES:") || !line2.startsWith("Address_id")) {
	KMessageBox::error( parentWidget(), i18n("%1 is not a GMX address book file.").arg(fileName) );
	return addrList;

  QStringList strList;
  typedef QMap<QString, KABC::Addressee *> AddressMap;
  AddressMap addrMap;

  // "Address_id,Nickname,Firstname,Lastname,Title,Birthday,Comments,Change_date,Status,Address_link_id,Categories"
  line = gmxStream.readLine();
  while (!line.startsWith("####") && !gmxStream.atEnd()) {
    while (1) {
       strList = QStringList::split('#', line, true);
       if (strList.count() >= 11) 

    KABC::Addressee *addr = new KABC::Addressee;

    if (addr->formattedName().isEmpty())

    if (checkDateTime(strList[5],dt)) addr->setBirthday(dt);
    if (checkDateTime(strList[7],dt)) addr->setRevision(dt);
    // addr->setStatus(strList[8]); Status
    // addr->xxx(strList[9]); Address_link_id 
    // addr->setCategory(strList[10]); Categories
    addrMap[strList[0]] = addr;

    line = gmxStream.readLine();

  // now read the address records
  line  = gmxStream.readLine();
  if (!line.startsWith("AB_ADDRESS_RECORDS:")) {
	kdWarning() << "Could not find address records!\n";
	return addrList;
  // Address_id,Record_id,Street,Country,Zipcode,City,Phone,Fax,Mobile,Mobile_type,Email,
  // Homepage,Position,Comments,Record_type_id,Record_type,Company,Department,Change_date,Preferred,Status
  line = gmxStream.readLine();
  line = gmxStream.readLine();

  while (!line.startsWith("####") && !gmxStream.atEnd()) {
    while (1) {
       strList = QStringList::split('#', line, true);
       if (strList.count() >= 21) 

    KABC::Addressee *addr = addrMap[strList[0]];
    if (addr) {
	for ( QStringList::Iterator it = strList.begin(); it != strList.end(); ++it )
		*it = (*it).simplifyWhiteSpace();
	// strList[1] = Record_id (numbered item, ignore here)
	int id = strList[14].toInt(); // Record_type_id (0=work,1=home,2=other)
	int type = (id==0) ? KABC::Address::Work : KABC::Address::Home;
	if (!strList[19].isEmpty() && strList[19].toInt()!=0)
		type |= KABC::Address::Pref; // Preferred address (seems to be bitfield for telephone Prefs)
        KABC::Address adr = addr->address(type);
	addr->insertPhoneNumber( KABC::PhoneNumber(strList[6], KABC::PhoneNumber::Home) );
	addr->insertPhoneNumber( KABC::PhoneNumber(strList[7], KABC::PhoneNumber::Fax) );
	int celltype = KABC::PhoneNumber::Cell;
	// strList[9]=Mobile_type // always 0 or -1(default phone).
	if (strList[9].toInt()) celltype |= KABC::PhoneNumber::Pref;
	addr->insertPhoneNumber( KABC::PhoneNumber(strList[8], celltype) );
	if (!strList[11].isEmpty()) addr->setUrl(strList[11]);
	if (!strList[12].isEmpty()) addr->setRole(strList[12]);
	// strList[13]=Comments
	// strList[14]=Record_type_id (0,1,2) - see above
	// strList[15]=Record_type (name of this additional record entry)
	if (!strList[16].isEmpty()) addr->setOrganization(strList[16]); // Company
	if (!strList[17].isEmpty()) addr->insertCustom( 
			"KADDRESSBOOK", "X-Department", strList[17]); // Department
        if (checkDateTime(strList[18],dt)) addr->setRevision(dt); // Change_date
	// strList[19]=Preferred (see above)
	// strList[20]=Status (should always be "1")
    } else {
	kdWarning() << "unresolved line: " << line << endl;

    line = gmxStream.readLine();

  // now add the addresses to to addrList
  for ( AddressMap::Iterator it = addrMap.begin(); it != addrMap.end(); ++it ) {
     KABC::Addressee *addr = it.data();
     delete addr;

  return addrList;
Пример #14
QString Contact::toXml(const KABC::Addressee &addr)
     * Handle distribution lists.
            return (*s_distListMap)[ addr.uid() ];
            return QString();

     * Handle normal contacts.
    QString xml;
    xml += "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
    xml += "<contact>\n";

    xml += "<direct_ref>" + addr.uid() + "</direct_ref>\n";
    xml += "<sensitivity>" + custom("sensitivity", addr, "0") + "</sensitivity>\n";

    xml += "<message_class>IPM.Contact</message_class>\n";
    xml += "<is_recurring>" + custom("is_recurring", addr, "false") + "</is_recurring>\n";
    xml += "<reminder_set>" + custom("reminder_set", addr, "false") + "</reminder_set>\n";
    xml += "<send_rich_info>" + custom("send_rich_info", addr, "false") + "</send_rich_info>\n";
    xml += "<subject>" + addr.formattedName() + "</subject>\n";
    xml += "<last_modification_time>" + addr.revision().toString(Qt::ISODate) + "</last_modification_time>\n";

    xml += "<display_name_prefix>" + addr.prefix() + "</display_name_prefix>\n";
    xml += "<first_name>" + addr.givenName() + "</first_name>\n";
    xml += "<middle_name>" + addr.additionalName() + "</middle_name>\n";
    xml += "<last_name>" + addr.familyName() + "</last_name>\n";
    xml += "<suffix>" + addr.suffix() + "</suffix>\n";
    xml += "<display_name>" + addr.assembledName() + "</display_name>\n";
    xml += "<file_as>" + addr.formattedName() + "</file_as>\n";
    xml += "<nickname>" + addr.nickName() + "</nickname>\n";

    xml += "<web_page_address>" + addr.url().url() + "</web_page_address>\n";
    xml += "<company_name>" + addr.organization() + "</company_name>\n";
    xml += "<job_title>" + addr.title() + "</job_title>\n";

    QStringList emails = addr.emails();
    for(uint i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        QString type, address, comment, display;

        if(i < emails.count())
            type = "SMTP";
            address = emails[ i ];

             * If the contact was created by kontact use the email address as
             * display name and the formatted name as comment, otherwise we use
             * the values from the server.
            if(custom("comes_from_scalix", addr) != "true")
                comment = addr.formattedName();
                display = emails[ i ];
                comment = custom(QString("email%1_address_with_comment").arg(i + 1), addr);
                display = custom(QString("email%1_display_name").arg(i + 1), addr);

        xml += QString("<email%1_address_type>").arg(i + 1) + type +
               QString("</email%1_address_type>").arg(i + 1) + "\n";
        xml += QString("<email%1_address>").arg(i + 1) + address +
               QString("</email%1_address>").arg(i + 1) + "\n";
        xml += QString("<email%1_address_with_comment>").arg(i + 1) + comment +
               QString("</email%1_address_with_comment>").arg(i + 1) + "\n";
        xml += QString("<email%1_display_name>").arg(i + 1) + display +
               QString("</email%1_display_name>").arg(i + 1) + "\n";

    KABC::PhoneNumber phone = addr.phoneNumber(KABC::PhoneNumber::Home);
    xml += "<home_phone_number>" + phone.number() + "</home_phone_number>\n";

    phone = addr.phoneNumber(KABC::PhoneNumber::Work);
    xml += "<work_phone_number>" + phone.number() + "</work_phone_number>\n";

    phone = addr.phoneNumber(KABC::PhoneNumber::Work | KABC::PhoneNumber::Fax);
    xml += "<work_fax_number>" + phone.number() + "</work_fax_number>\n";

    phone = addr.phoneNumber(KABC::PhoneNumber::Cell);
    xml += "<mobile_phone_number>" + phone.number() + "</mobile_phone_number>\n";

    const KABC::Address workAddress = addr.address(KABC::Address::Work);
    xml += "<work_address_street>" + workAddress.street() + "</work_address_street>\n";
    xml += "<work_address_zip>" + workAddress.postalCode() + "</work_address_zip>\n";
    xml += "<work_address_city>" + workAddress.locality() + "</work_address_city>\n";
    xml += "<work_address_state>" + workAddress.region() + "</work_address_state>\n";
    xml += "<work_address_country>" + workAddress.country() + "</work_address_country>\n";

    const KABC::Address homeAddress = addr.address(KABC::Address::Home);
    xml += "<home_address_street>" + homeAddress.street() + "</home_address_street>\n";
    xml += "<home_address_zip>" + homeAddress.postalCode() + "</home_address_zip>\n";
    xml += "<home_address_city>" + homeAddress.locality() + "</home_address_city>\n";
    xml += "<home_address_state>" + homeAddress.region() + "</home_address_state>\n";
    xml += "<home_address_country>" + homeAddress.country() + "</home_address_country>\n";

    const KABC::Address otherAddress = addr.address(KABC::Address::Dom);
    xml += "<other_address_street>" + otherAddress.street() + "</other_address_street>\n";
    xml += "<other_address_zip>" + otherAddress.postalCode() + "</other_address_zip>\n";
    xml += "<other_address_city>" + otherAddress.locality() + "</other_address_city>\n";
    xml += "<other_address_state>" + otherAddress.region() + "</other_address_state>\n";
    xml += "<other_address_country>" + otherAddress.country() + "</other_address_country>\n";

    if(homeAddress.type() & KABC::Address::Pref)
        xml += "<selected_mailing_address>1</selected_mailing_address>\n";
    else if(workAddress.type() & KABC::Address::Pref)
        xml += "<selected_mailing_address>2</selected_mailing_address>\n";
    else if(otherAddress.type() & KABC::Address::Pref)
        xml += "<selected_mailing_address>3</selected_mailing_address>\n";

    xml += "<im_address>" + addr.custom("KADDRESSBOOK", "X-IMAddress") + "</im_address>\n";
    xml += "<manager>" + addr.custom("KADDRESSBOOK", "X-ManagersName") + "</manager>\n";
    xml += "<department>" + addr.custom("KADDRESSBOOK", "X-Department") + "</department>\n";
    xml += "<assistant>" + addr.custom("KADDRESSBOOK", "X-AssistantsName") + "</assistant>\n";
    xml += "<profession>" + addr.custom("KADDRESSBOOK", "X-Profession") + "</profession>\n";
    xml += "<office_location>" + addr.custom("KADDRESSBOOK", "X-Office") + "</office_location>\n";
    xml += "<spouse>" + addr.custom("KADDRESSBOOK", "X-SpousesName") + "</spouse>\n";

    xml += "<bday>" + addr.birthday().toString(Qt::ISODate) + "</bday>\n";
    xml += "<anniversary>" + addr.custom("KADDRESSBOOK", "X-Anniversary") + "</anniversary>\n";

    xml += "<mapi_charset>" + custom("mapi_charset", addr, "UTF8") + "</mapi_charset>";

    xml += "</contact>\n";

    return xml;
Пример #15
bool ContactListView::event( QEvent *e )

  if( e->type() != QEvent::ToolTip )
    return K3ListView::event( e );
  if ( !tooltips() )
    return true;
  QHelpEvent * he = static_cast< QHelpEvent * >( e );
  QPoint pnt = viewport()->mapFromGlobal( mapToGlobal( he->pos() ) );
  Q3ListViewItem * item = itemAt ( pnt );
  if ( item )
    ContactListViewItem *plvi = static_cast<ContactListViewItem *>( item );
    QString s;

    //kDebug(5720) <<"Tip rec:" << r.x() <<"," << r.y() <<"," << r.width()
    //          << "," << r.height();

    KABC::Addressee a = plvi->addressee();
    if (a.isEmpty())
      return true;

    s += i18nc("label: value", "%1: %2", a.formattedNameLabel(),

    s += '\n';
    s += i18nc("label: value", "%1: %2", a.organizationLabel(),

    QString notes = a.note().trimmed();
    if ( !notes.isEmpty() ) {
      notes += '\n';
      s += '\n' + i18nc("label: value", "%1: \n", a.noteLabel());
      QFontMetrics fm( font() );

      // Begin word wrap code based on QMultiLineEdit code
      int i = 0;
      bool doBreak = false;
      int linew = 0;
      int lastSpace = -1;
      int a = 0;
      int lastw = 0;

      while ( i < int(notes.length()) ) {
        doBreak = false;
        if ( notes[i] != '\n' )
          linew += fm.width( notes[i] );

        if ( lastSpace >= a && notes[i] != '\n' )
          if  (linew >= parentWidget()->width()) {
            doBreak = true;
            if ( lastSpace > a ) {
              i = lastSpace;
              linew = lastw;
              i = qMax( a, i-1 );

        if ( notes[i] == '\n' || doBreak ) {
          s += notes.mid( a, i - a + (doBreak?1:0) ) +'\n';

          a = i + 1;
          lastSpace = a;
          linew = 0;

        if ( notes[i].isSpace() ) {
          lastSpace = i;
          lastw = linew;

        if ( lastSpace <= a ) {
          lastw = linew;

    if ( s.isEmpty() )
      QToolTip::showText( he->globalPos(), s );
  return true;
Пример #16
bool AddresseeEmailSelection::itemMatches( const KABC::Addressee &addressee, uint index, const QString &pattern ) const
  return addressee.formattedName().startsWith( pattern, false ) ||
         email( addressee, index ).startsWith( pattern, false );
Пример #17
QString AddresseeEmailSelection::itemText( const KABC::Addressee &addressee, uint index ) const
  return addressee.formattedName() + " " + email( addressee, index );
Пример #18
QString CSVTemplate::fieldText(int column, const KABC::Addressee& addressee) const
    if (column < 0 || addressee.isEmpty()) return QString();
    if (m_columnToField.isEmpty()) return QString();

    QMap<int, int>::const_iterator it = m_columnToField.find(column);
    if (it == m_columnToField.end()) return QString();

    QString text;
    switch (it.value())
        case  0: // "Formatted Name"
            text = addressee.formattedName();
        case  1: // "Family Name"
            text = addressee.familyName();
        case  2: // "Given Name"
            text = addressee.givenName();
        case  3: // "Additional Names"
            text = addressee.additionalName();
        case  4: // "Honorific Prefixes"
            text = addressee.prefix();
        case  5: // "Honorific Suffixes"
            text = addressee.suffix();
        case  6: // "Nick Name"
            text = addressee.nickName();
        case  7: // "Birthday"
            text = formatDate(addressee.birthday());
        case  8: // "Home Address Street"
            text = addressee.address(Address::Home).street();
        case  9: // "Home Address Locality"
            text = addressee.address(Address::Home).locality();
        case 10: // "Home Address Region"
            text = addressee.address(Address::Home).region();
        case 11: // "Home Address Postal Code"
            text = addressee.address(Address::Home).postalCode();
        case 12: // "Home Address Country"
            text = addressee.address(Address::Home).country();
        case 13: // "Home Address Label"
            text = addressee.address(Address::Home).label();
        case 14: // "Business Address Street"
            text = addressee.address(Address::Work).street();
        case 15: // "Business Address Locality"
            text = addressee.address(Address::Work).locality();
        case 16: // "Business Address Region"
            text = addressee.address(Address::Work).region();
        case 17: // "Business Address Postal Code"
            text = addressee.address(Address::Work).postalCode();
        case 18: // "Business Address Country"
            text = addressee.address(Address::Work).country();
        case 19: // "Business Address Label"
            text = addressee.address(Address::Work).label();
        case 20: // "Home Phone"
            text = addressee.phoneNumber(PhoneNumber::Home).number();
        case 21: // "Business Phone"
            text = addressee.phoneNumber(PhoneNumber::Work).number();
        case 22: // "Mobile Phone"
            text = addressee.phoneNumber(PhoneNumber::Cell).number();
        case 23: // "Home Fax"
            text = addressee.phoneNumber(PhoneNumber::Fax | PhoneNumber::Home).number();
        case 24: // "Business Fax"
            text = addressee.phoneNumber(PhoneNumber::Fax | PhoneNumber::Work).number();
        case 25: // "Car Phone"
            text = addressee.phoneNumber(PhoneNumber::Car).number();
        case 26: // "Isdn"
            text = addressee.phoneNumber(PhoneNumber::Isdn).number();
        case 27: // "Pager"
            text = addressee.phoneNumber(PhoneNumber::Pager).number();
        case 28: // "Email Address"
            text = addressee.preferredEmail();
        case 29: // "Mail Client"
            text = addressee.mailer();
        case 30: // "Title"
            text = addressee.title();
        case 31: // "Role"
            text = addressee.role();
        case 32: // "Organization"
            text = addressee.organization();
        case 33: // "Note"
            text = addressee.note();
        case 34: // "URL"
            text = addressee.url().prettyUrl();
        case 35: // "Department"
        case 36: // "Profession"
        case 37: // "Assistant's Name"
        case 38: // "Manager's Name"
        case 39: // "Spouse's Name"
        case 40: // "Office"
        case 41: // "IM Address"
        case 42: // "Anniversary"


    return text;