Пример #1
//! [ksDeepCopy]
kdb::KeySet ksDeepCopy (kdb::KeySet orig)
	kdb::KeySet deepCopy;
	orig.rewind ();
	while (orig.next ())
		deepCopy.append (orig.current ().dup ());
	return deepCopy;
Пример #2
// TODO: replace with proper ContainerEq
void compareKeySet (kdb::KeySet ks1, kdb::KeySet ks2)
	using namespace kdb;
	KeySet::iterator i1 = ks1.begin ();
	for (KeySet::iterator i2 = ks2.begin (); i2 != ks2.end (); ++i1, ++i2)
		EXPECT_EQ (*i1, *i2);
	EXPECT_EQ (i1, ks1.end ()) << "second iterator not at end";
Пример #3
static inline void doCheck(Checker *c, kdb::KeySet ks)
	try {
	catch (const char *)
		/* Make sure that it will be released */

Пример #4
	Factory(kdb::KeySet config) :
		kdb::Key root = config.next();

		m_factory.insert(std::make_pair("list", new Cnstancer<ListChecker>()));

		kdb::Key k;
		while ((k = config.next()))
			if (!k.isDirectBelow(root)) throw "Factory: key for configuration is not direct below";

			kdb::KeySet cks(config.cut(k));
			m_factory.insert(std::make_pair(k.getBaseName(), new StructInstancer(cks)));
Пример #5
int Plugin::error (kdb::KeySet & ks, kdb::Key & parentKey)
	if (!plugin->kdbError)
		throw MissingSymbol("kdbError");

	return plugin->kdbError(plugin, ks.getKeySet(), parentKey.getKey());
Пример #6
int Plugin::set (kdb::KeySet & ks, kdb::Key & parentKey)
	if (!plugin->kdbSet)
		throw MissingSymbol("kdbSet");

	return plugin->kdbSet(plugin, ks.getKeySet(), parentKey.getKey());
Пример #7
 * @brief Easily allows to generate regression tests for keysets.
 * @param tocheck the keyset to check (name + string)
 * @param name the name of the keyset
void outputGTest(kdb::KeySet tocheck, std::string name)
	std::cout << name << ".rewind();" << std::endl;
		std::cout << name << ".next();" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "EXPECT_TRUE(" << name
			<< ".current().getName() == \""
			<< tocheck.current().getName()
			<< "\") << \"name of element in keyset wrong\";"
			<< std::endl;
		std::cout << "EXPECT_TRUE(" << name
			<< ".current().getString() == \""
			<< tocheck.current().getString()
			<< "\") << \"string of element in keyset wrong\";"
			<< std::endl;
Пример #8
	void check(kdb::KeySet &ks) override

		kdb::Key confRoot = config.next();
		if (!confRoot) throw "StructChecker: No confRoot found";

		kdb::Key cur;
		kdb::Key root = ks.next();
		if (!root) throw "StructChecker: No root key found";

		while ((cur = ks.next()))
			kdb::Key searchKey = config.next();
			if (!searchKey) throw "StructChecker: More keys found than structure should have";
			if (!cur.isDirectBelow(root)) throw "StructChecker: key is not direct below";

			if (searchKey.getBaseName() != cur.getBaseName())
				throw "StructChecker: did not find expected subkey";

			cur.copyAllMeta (searchKey);

		if (config.next()) throw "StructChecker: There should be more elements in the structure";
Пример #9
	void check (kdb::KeySet &ks) override
		kdb::Key k;
		kdb::KeySet ks2 (ks.dup());

		kdb::Key root = ks2.next();
		if (!root) throw "ListChecker: no root key found";

		while ((k = ks2.next()))
			if (!root.isDirectBelow(k)) throw "ListChecker: key is not direct below";

			kdb::KeySet cks(ks2.cut(k));

Пример #10
	/**This function avoid that every return path need to release the
	  * configuration. */
	inline static int openHelper (ckdb::Plugin * handle, kdb::KeySet & config, ckdb::Key * errorKey, Builder builder)
		if (config.lookup ("/module"))
			// suppress warnings if it is just a module
			// don't buildup the Delegated then
			return 0;

			elektraPluginSetData (handle, (*builder) (config));
		catch (const char * msg)
			ELEKTRA_ADD_WARNING (69, errorKey, msg);
			return -1;

		return get (handle) != nullptr ? 1 : -1;
Пример #11
void GlobalPlugins::serialize (kdb::KeySet & ret)
	// transform to suitable data structure
	std::map<std::shared_ptr<Plugin>, Placements> pp;
	for (auto const & placements : plugins)
		for (auto const & plugin : placements.second)
			std::istringstream ss (plugin->lookupInfo ("status"));
			std::string status;
			bool isglobal = false;
			while (ss >> status)
				if (status == "global") isglobal = true;

			if (!isglobal)
				throw NoGlobalPlugin (plugin->name ());

			pp[plugin].addPlacement (placements.first);

	ret.append (Key ("system/elektra/globalplugins", KEY_VALUE, "", KEY_END));
	ret.append (Key ("system/elektra/globalplugins/postcommit", KEY_VALUE, "list", KEY_END));
	ret.append (Key ("system/elektra/globalplugins/postcommit/user", KEY_VALUE, "list", KEY_END));
	ret.append (Key ("system/elektra/globalplugins/postcommit/user/placements", KEY_VALUE, "", KEY_END));
	ret.append (Key ("system/elektra/globalplugins/postcommit/user/placements/set", KEY_VALUE, "presetstorage precommit postcommit",
	ret.append (
		Key ("system/elektra/globalplugins/postcommit/user/placements/get", KEY_VALUE, "pregetstorage postgetstorage", KEY_END));
	ret.append (Key ("system/elektra/globalplugins/postcommit/user/placements/error", KEY_VALUE, "prerollback postrollback", KEY_END));
	ret.append (Key ("system/elektra/globalplugins/postcommit/user/plugins", KEY_VALUE, "", KEY_END));
	Key i ("system/elektra/globalplugins/postcommit/user/plugins/#0", KEY_END);
	for (auto const & plugin : pp)
		i.setString (plugin.first->name ());
		ret.append (i.dup ());
		Key placements (i.dup ());
		placements.addBaseName ("placements");
		ret.append (placements);

		ret.append (g (placements, "get", plugin.second.get));
		ret.append (g (placements, "set", plugin.second.set));
		ret.append (g (placements, "error", plugin.second.error));

		serializeConf (ret, Key (i.getName () + "/config", KEY_VALUE, "", KEY_END), plugin.first->getConfig ());
		ckdb::elektraArrayIncName (*i);
	ret.append (Key ("system/elektra/globalplugins/postrollback", KEY_VALUE, "list", KEY_END));
	ret.append (Key ("system/elektra/globalplugins/precommit", KEY_VALUE, "list", KEY_END));
	ret.append (Key ("system/elektra/globalplugins/pregetstorage", KEY_VALUE, "list", KEY_END));
	ret.append (Key ("system/elektra/globalplugins/postgetstorage", KEY_VALUE, "list", KEY_END));
	ret.append (Key ("system/elektra/globalplugins/presetstorage", KEY_VALUE, "list", KEY_END));
	ret.append (Key ("system/elektra/globalplugins/prerollback", KEY_VALUE, "list", KEY_END));
Пример #12
 * @pre name and mountpoint set
 * Add plugin serialization into keyset ret.
 * Only can be done once!
 * (see firstRef in Plugin)
 * */
void Backend::serialize (kdb::KeySet & ret)
	assert (!mp.empty ());
	Key backendRootKey (Backends::mountpointsPath, KEY_END);
	backendRootKey.addBaseName (mp);
	backendRootKey.setString ("This is a configuration for a backend, see subkeys for more information");
	ret.append (backendRootKey);

	if (mp == "/")
		ret.append (*Key (backendRootKey.getName () + "/mountpoint", KEY_VALUE, "/", KEY_COMMENT,
				  "The mountpoint says the location where the backend should be mounted.\n"
				  "This is the root mountpoint.\n",
	else if (mp.at (0) == '/')
		Key k ("system" + mp, KEY_END);
		Key restrictedPath ("system/elektra", KEY_END);
		if (!k) throw MountpointInvalidException ();
		if (restrictedPath.isBelow (k)) throw MountpointInvalidException ();
		ret.append (*Key (backendRootKey.getName () + "/mountpoint", KEY_VALUE, mp.c_str (), KEY_COMMENT,
				  "The mountpoint says the location where the backend should be mounted.\n"
				  "This is a cascading mountpoint.\n"
				  "That means it is both mounted to dir, user and system.",
		Key k (mp, KEY_END);
		Key restrictedPath ("system/elektra", KEY_END);
		if (!k) throw MountpointInvalidException ();
		if (restrictedPath.isBelow (k)) throw MountpointInvalidException ();
		ret.append (*Key (backendRootKey.getName () + "/mountpoint", KEY_VALUE, mp.c_str (), KEY_COMMENT,
				  "The mountpoint says the location where the backend should be mounted.\n"
				  "This is a normal mountpoint.\n",

	const string configBasePath = Backends::getBasePath (mp) + "/config";
	ret.append (Key (configBasePath, KEY_END));

	config.rewind ();
	Key common = config.next ();
	Key oldParent ("system", KEY_END);
	Key newParent (configBasePath, KEY_END);

	for (KeySet::iterator i = config.begin (); i != config.end (); ++i)
		Key k (i->dup ());
		ret.append (kdb::tools::helper::rebaseKey (k, oldParent, newParent));

	errorplugins.serialise (backendRootKey, ret);
	getplugins.serialise (backendRootKey, ret);
	setplugins.serialise (backendRootKey, ret);

	ret.append (*Key (backendRootKey.getName () + "/config/path", KEY_VALUE, configFile.c_str (), KEY_COMMENT,
			  "The path for this backend. Note that plugins can override that with more specific configuration.", KEY_END));