Пример #1
/** Convert the X range given into the unit of the input workspace
 *  @param index ::  The current spectrum index
 *  @param startX :: Returns the start of the range in the workspace's unit
 *  @param endX ::   Returns the end of the range in the workspace's unit
void RemoveBins::transformRangeUnit(const int& index, double& startX, double& endX)
  const Kernel::Unit_sptr inputUnit = m_inputWorkspace->getAxis(0)->unit();
  // First check for a 'quick' conversion
  double factor,power;
  if ( m_rangeUnit->quickConversion(*inputUnit,factor,power) )
    startX = factor * std::pow(m_startX,power);
    endX = factor * std::pow(m_endX,power);
    double l1,l2,theta;
    std::vector<double> endPoints;
    std::vector<double> emptyVec;
    startX = endPoints.front();
    endX = endPoints.back();

  if (startX > endX)
    const double temp = startX;
    startX = endX;
    endX = temp;

  g_log.debug() << "For index " << index << ", X range given corresponds to " << startX << "-" << endX << " in workspace's unit" << std::endl;
Пример #2
double RemoveLowResTOF::calcTofMin(const std::size_t workspaceIndex) {
  const Kernel::V3D &sourcePos = m_instrument->getSource()->getPos();
  const Kernel::V3D &samplePos = m_sample->getPos();
  const Kernel::V3D &beamline = samplePos - sourcePos;
  double beamline_norm = 2. * beamline.norm();

  // Get a vector of detector IDs
  std::vector<detid_t> detNumbers;
  const std::set<detid_t> &detSet =
  detNumbers.assign(detSet.begin(), detSet.end());

  double tmin = 0.;
  if (isEmpty(m_wavelengthMin)) {
    std::map<detid_t, double> offsets; // just an empty offsets map
    double dspmap =
        Instrument::calcConversion(m_L1, beamline, beamline_norm, samplePos,
                                   m_instrument, detNumbers, offsets);

    // this is related to the reference tof
    double sqrtdmin =
        sqrt(m_Tmin / m_DIFCref) + m_K * log10(dspmap * m_DIFCref);
    if (sqrtdmin <= 0.)
      return 0.;
    tmin = sqrtdmin * sqrtdmin / dspmap;
    if (tmin != tmin) {
      g_log.warning() << "tmin is nan because dspmap = " << dspmap << ".\n";
  } else {
    double l2 = 0;
    for (std::set<detid_t>::const_iterator it = detSet.begin();
         it != detSet.end(); ++it) {
      l2 += m_instrument->getDetector(*it)->getDistance(*m_sample);
    l2 /= static_cast<double>(detSet.size());

    Kernel::Unit_sptr wavelength = UnitFactory::Instance().create("Wavelength");
    // unfortunately there isn't a good way to convert a single value
    std::vector<double> X(1), temp(1);
    X[0] = m_wavelengthMin;
    wavelength->toTOF(X, temp, m_L1, l2, 0., 0, 0., 0.);
    tmin = X[0];

  g_log.debug() << "tmin[" << workspaceIndex << "] " << tmin << "\n";

  return tmin;
Пример #3
double RemoveLowResTOF::calcTofMin(const std::size_t workspaceIndex,
                                   const SpectrumInfo &spectrumInfo) {

  const double l1 = spectrumInfo.l1();

  // Get a vector of detector IDs
  std::vector<detid_t> detNumbers;
  const auto &detSet = m_inputWS->getSpectrum(workspaceIndex).getDetectorIDs();
  detNumbers.assign(detSet.begin(), detSet.end());

  double tmin = 0.;
  if (isEmpty(m_wavelengthMin)) {
    std::map<detid_t, double> offsets; // just an empty offsets map
    Geometry::Instrument_const_sptr instrument = m_inputWS->getInstrument();
    double dspmap = Conversion::tofToDSpacingFactor(
        l1, spectrumInfo.l2(workspaceIndex),
        spectrumInfo.twoTheta(workspaceIndex), detNumbers, offsets);

    // this is related to the reference tof
    double sqrtdmin =
        sqrt(m_Tmin / m_DIFCref) + m_K * log10(dspmap * m_DIFCref);
    if (sqrtdmin <= 0.)
      return 0.;
    tmin = sqrtdmin * sqrtdmin / dspmap;
    if (tmin != tmin) {
      g_log.warning() << "tmin is nan because dspmap = " << dspmap << ".\n";
  } else {
    const double l2 = spectrumInfo.l2(workspaceIndex);

    Kernel::Unit_sptr wavelength = UnitFactory::Instance().create("Wavelength");
    // unfortunately there isn't a good way to convert a single value
    std::vector<double> X(1), temp(1);
    X[0] = m_wavelengthMin;
    wavelength->toTOF(X, temp, l1, l2, 0., 0, 0., 0.);
    tmin = X[0];

  g_log.debug() << "tmin[" << workspaceIndex << "] " << tmin << "\n";

  return tmin;
Пример #4
void PawleyFunction::setMatrixWorkspace(
    boost::shared_ptr<const MatrixWorkspace> workspace, size_t wi,
    double startX, double endX) {
  if (workspace) {
    Axis *xAxis = workspace->getAxis(wi);
    Kernel::Unit_sptr wsUnit = xAxis->unit();

    if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Units::Empty>(wsUnit) ||
        boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Units::dSpacing>(wsUnit)) {
      m_wsUnit = m_dUnit;
    } else {
      double factor, power;
      if (wsUnit->quickConversion(*m_dUnit, factor, power)) {
        m_wsUnit = wsUnit;
      } else {
        throw std::invalid_argument("Can not use quick conversion for unit.");

  m_wrappedFunction->setMatrixWorkspace(workspace, wi, startX, endX);