void MainWindow::fileSaveAs() { WebTab *w = currentTab(); KUrl srcUrl = w->url(); // First, try with suggested file name... QString name = w->page()->suggestedFileName(); // Second, with KUrl fileName... if (name.isEmpty()) { name = srcUrl.fileName(); } // Last chance... if(name.isEmpty()) { name = srcUrl.host() + QString(".html"); } const QString destUrl = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(name, QString(), this); if (destUrl.isEmpty()) return; KIO::Job *job = KIO::file_copy(srcUrl, KUrl(destUrl), -1, KIO::Overwrite); job->addMetaData("MaxCacheSize", "0"); // Don't store in http cache. job->addMetaData("cache", "cache"); // Use entry from cache if available. job->uiDelegate()->setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled(true); }
void DolphinContextMenu::openTrashContextMenu() { Q_ASSERT(m_context & TrashContext); QAction* emptyTrashAction = new QAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("trash-empty")), i18nc("@action:inmenu", "Empty Trash"), this); KConfig trashConfig(QStringLiteral("trashrc"), KConfig::SimpleConfig); emptyTrashAction->setEnabled(!trashConfig.group("Status").readEntry("Empty", true)); addAction(emptyTrashAction); addCustomActions(); QAction* propertiesAction = m_mainWindow->actionCollection()->action(QStringLiteral("properties")); addAction(propertiesAction); addShowMenuBarAction(); if (exec(m_pos) == emptyTrashAction) { KIO::JobUiDelegate uiDelegate; uiDelegate.setWindow(m_mainWindow); if (uiDelegate.askDeleteConfirmation(QList<QUrl>(), KIO::JobUiDelegate::EmptyTrash, KIO::JobUiDelegate::DefaultConfirmation)) { KIO::Job* job = KIO::emptyTrash(); KJobWidgets::setWindow(job, m_mainWindow); job->ui()->setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled(true); } } }
void ResourceHandleManager::add(ResourceHandle* job, FrameQtClient* frameClient) { ResourceHandleInternal* d = job->getInternal(); DeprecatedString url = d->m_request.url().url(); KIO::Job* kioJob = 0; if (job->method() == "POST") { DeprecatedString postData = job->postData().flattenToString().deprecatedString(); QByteArray postDataArray(postData.ascii(), postData.length()); kioJob = KIO::http_post(KUrl(url), postDataArray, false); kioJob->addMetaData("PropagateHttpHeader", "true"); kioJob->addMetaData("content-type", "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); } else kioJob = KIO::get(KUrl(url), false, false); Q_ASSERT(kioJob != 0); QObject::connect(kioJob, SIGNAL(data(KIO::Job*, const QByteArray&)), this, SLOT(slotData(KIO::Job*, const QByteArray&))); QObject::connect(kioJob, SIGNAL(mimetype(KIO::Job*, const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotMimetype(KIO::Job*, const QString&))); QObject::connect(kioJob, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), this, SLOT(slotResult(KJob*))); m_jobToKioMap.insert(job, kioJob); m_kioToJobMap.insert(kioJob, job); if (!m_frameClient) m_frameClient = frameClient; else ASSERT(m_frameClient == frameClient); }
void TweetJob::start() { kDebug() << "starting job" << m_url; QByteArray data; QOAuth::ParamMap params; data = "source=kdemicroblog"; params.insert("source", "kdemicroblog"); { QMapIterator<QString, QVariant> i(m_parameters); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); if (!i.value().toString().isEmpty()) { if (i.key() == "status") { const QByteArray status = i.value().toString().toUtf8().toPercentEncoding(); params.insert("status", status); data = data.append("&status=" + status); } else { const QByteArray key = i.key().toLatin1(); const QByteArray value = i.value().toString().toLatin1(); params.insert(key, value); data = data.append("&"+key+"="+value); } } } } KIO::Job *job = KIO::http_post(m_url, data, KIO::HideProgressInfo); job->addMetaData("content-type", "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); m_source->oAuthHelper()->sign(job, m_url.pathOrUrl(), params, KOAuth::POST); connect(job, SIGNAL(data(KIO::Job*,QByteArray)), this, SLOT(recv(KIO::Job*,QByteArray))); connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), this, SLOT(result(KJob*))); }
void IconApplet::showConfigurationInterface() { KPropertiesDialog *dialog = m_dialog.data(); m_configTarget = m_url; if (m_hasDesktopFile) { const QFileInfo fi(m_url.toLocalFile()); if (!fi.isWritable()) { const QString suggestedName = fi.baseName(); m_configTarget = KService::newServicePath(false, suggestedName); KIO::Job *job = KIO::file_copy(m_url, m_configTarget); job->exec(); } } if (dialog) { KWindowSystem::setOnDesktop(dialog->winId(), KWindowSystem::currentDesktop()); dialog->show(); KWindowSystem::activateWindow(dialog->winId()); } else { dialog = new KPropertiesDialog(m_configTarget, 0 /*no parent widget*/); m_dialog = dialog; connect(dialog, SIGNAL(applied()), this, SLOT(acceptedPropertiesDialog())); connect(dialog, SIGNAL(canceled()), this, SLOT(cancelledPropertiesDialog())); dialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); dialog->setWindowTitle(i18n("%1 Icon Settings", m_configTarget.fileName())); dialog->show(); } }
void ImgurTalker::slotResult(KJob* kjob) { KIO::Job* job = static_cast<KIO::Job*>(kjob); if ( job->error() ) { ImgurError err; err.message = tr("Upload failed"); emit signalError(err); //job->errorString() kDebug() << "Error :" << job->errorString(); } bool parseOk = false; switch(m_state) { case IE_REMOVEPHOTO: parseOk = parseResponseImageRemove(m_buffer); break; case IE_ADDPHOTO: parseOk = parseResponseImageUpload(m_buffer); break; default: break; } m_buffer.resize(0); emit signalUploadDone(); emit signalBusy(false); return; }
void KexiUserFeedbackAgent::sendData() { kDebug(); if (d->areas == NoAreas) { return; } if (KGlobal::mainComponent().aboutData()->programName() != i18n(KEXI_APP_NAME)) { // Do not send feedback if this is not really Kexi but a test app based on Kexi return; } if (!d->redirectChecked) { sendRedirectQuestion(); return; } QByteArray postData; foreach (const QByteArray& key, d->keys) { Area area = d->areasForKeys.value(key); if (area != NoAreas && (d->areas & area)) { if (!postData.isEmpty()) { postData += ','; } postData += (QByteArray("\"") + key + "\":\"" + escapeJson(d->data.value(key).toString()).toUtf8() + '"'); } } kDebug() << postData; KIO::Job* sendJob = KIO::storedHttpPost(postData, KUrl(d->url + "/send"), KIO::HideProgressInfo); connect(sendJob, SIGNAL(result(KFakeJob*)), this, SLOT(sendDataFinished(KJob*))); sendJob->addMetaData("content-type", "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); }
void KIO_Delete::deleteItem( const KornMailId *item, KURL kurl, KIO::MetaData metadata, const KIO_Protocol *& protocol ) { KIO::Job* job = 0; kurl = dynamic_cast<const KornStringId*>( item )->getId(); protocol->deleteMailKURL( kurl, metadata ); if( kurl.port() == 0 ) kurl.setPort( protocol->defaultPort( _kio->_ssl ) ); if( protocol->deleteFunction() == KIO_Protocol::get ) { job = KIO::get( kurl, true, false ); if( protocol->connectionBased() ) KIO::Scheduler::assignJobToSlave( _slave, dynamic_cast< KIO::SimpleJob* >( job ) ); else KIO::Scheduler::scheduleJob( dynamic_cast< KIO::SimpleJob* >( job ) ); } else if( protocol->deleteFunction() == KIO_Protocol::del ) { job = KIO::del( kurl, false, false ); } else return; //Unknown deleteFunction connect( job, SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job* ) ), this, SLOT( slotResult( KIO::Job* ) ) ); job->addMetaData( metadata ); _jobs->append( dynamic_cast< KIO::Job* >( job ) ); }
void SatellitesComponent::updateTLEs() { int i = 0; QProgressDialog progressDlg( i18n( "Update TLEs..." ), i18n( "Abort" ), 0, m_groups.count() ); progressDlg.setWindowModality( Qt::WindowModal ); progressDlg.setValue( 0 ); foreach ( SatelliteGroup *group, m_groups ) { if ( progressDlg.wasCanceled() ) return; if( group->tleUrl().isEmpty() ) continue; progressDlg.setLabelText( i18n( "Update %1 satellites", group->name() ) ); KIO::Job* getJob = KIO::file_copy(group->tleUrl(), group->tleFilename(), -1, KIO::Overwrite | KIO::HideProgressInfo ); if( getJob->exec() ) { group->readTLE(); group->updateSatellitesPos(); progressDlg.setValue( ++i ); } else { getJob->uiDelegate()->showErrorMessage(); } } }
void Importer::finalizeImport() { KIO::Job* job = KIO::del(d->mTempImportDir, KIO::HideProgressInfo); if (job->ui()) { job->ui()->setWindow(d->mAuthWindow); } importFinished(); }
void KexiUserFeedbackAgent::sendRedirectQuestion() { QByteArray postData = "get_url"; kDebug() << postData; KIO::Job* sendJob = KIO::storedHttpPost(postData, KUrl(d->url + "/send"), KIO::HideProgressInfo); connect(sendJob, SIGNAL(result(KFakeJob*)), this, SLOT(sendRedirectQuestionFinished(KJob*))); sendJob->addMetaData("content-type", "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); }
void KNewFileMenuPrivate::executeStrategy() { m_tempFileToDelete = m_copyData.tempFileToDelete(); const QString src = m_copyData.sourceFileToCopy(); QString chosenFileName = expandTilde(m_copyData.chosenFileName(), true); if (src.isEmpty()) return; KUrl uSrc(src); if (uSrc.isLocalFile()) { // In case the templates/.source directory contains symlinks, resolve // them to the target files. Fixes bug #149628. KFileItem item(uSrc, QString(), KFileItem::Unknown); if (item.isLink()) uSrc.setPath(item.linkDest()); if (!m_copyData.m_isSymlink) { // If the file is not going to be detected as a desktop file, due to a // known extension (e.g. ".pl"), append ".desktop". #224142. QFile srcFile(uSrc.toLocalFile()); if (srcFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { KMimeType::Ptr wantedMime = KMimeType::findByUrl(uSrc); KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::findByNameAndContent(m_copyData.m_chosenFileName, srcFile.read(1024)); //kDebug() << "mime=" << mime->name() << "wantedMime=" << wantedMime->name(); if (!mime->is(wantedMime->name())) chosenFileName += wantedMime->mainExtension(); } } } // The template is not a desktop file [or it's a URL one] // Copy it. KUrl::List::const_iterator it = m_popupFiles.constBegin(); for (; it != m_popupFiles.constEnd(); ++it) { KUrl dest(*it); dest.addPath(KIO::encodeFileName(chosenFileName)); KUrl::List lstSrc; lstSrc.append(uSrc); KIO::Job* kjob; if (m_copyData.m_isSymlink) { kjob = KIO::symlink(src, dest); // This doesn't work, FileUndoManager registers new links in copyingLinkDone, // which KIO::symlink obviously doesn't emit... Needs code in FileUndoManager. //KIO::FileUndoManager::self()->recordJob(KIO::FileUndoManager::Link, lstSrc, dest, kjob); } else { //kDebug(1203) << "KIO::copyAs(" << uSrc.url() << "," << dest.url() << ")"; KIO::CopyJob * job = KIO::copyAs(uSrc, dest); job->setDefaultPermissions(true); kjob = job; KIO::FileUndoManager::self()->recordJob(KIO::FileUndoManager::Copy, lstSrc, dest, job); } kjob->ui()->setWindow(m_parentWidget); QObject::connect(kjob, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), q, SLOT(slotResult(KJob*))); } }
void KonqPopupMenuPrivate::slotPopupEmptyTrashBin() { KIO::JobUiDelegate uiDelegate; uiDelegate.setWindow(m_parentWidget); if (uiDelegate.askDeleteConfirmation(QList<QUrl>(), KIO::JobUiDelegate::EmptyTrash, KIO::JobUiDelegate::DefaultConfirmation)) { KIO::Job *job = KIO::emptyTrash(); KJobWidgets::setWindow(job, m_parentWidget); job->ui()->setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled(true); // or connect to the result signal } }
bool NetAccess::delInternal( const KUrl & url, QWidget* window ) { d->bJobOK = true; // success unless further error occurs KIO::Job * job = KIO::del( url ); job->ui()->setWindow (window); connect( job, SIGNAL( result (KJob *) ), this, SLOT( slotResult (KJob *) ) ); enter_loop(); return d->bJobOK; }
void ReadOnlyPart::abortLoad() { m_file = ""; if ( m_job ) { KIO::Job *job = m_job; m_job = 0; job->kill(); } }
void Observer::killJob(int progressId) { KIO::Job *job = m_dctJobs[progressId]; if(!job) { kdWarning() << "Can't find job to kill ! There is no job with progressId=" << progressId << " in this process" << endl; return; } job->kill(false /* not quietly */); }
void KrTrashHandler::emptyTrash() { QByteArray packedArgs; QDataStream stream(&packedArgs, QIODevice::WriteOnly); stream << (int)1; KIO::Job *job = KIO::special(QUrl(QStringLiteral("trash:/")), packedArgs); KNotification::event("Trash: emptied", QString() , QPixmap() , 0l, KNotification::DefaultEvent); KIO::JobUiDelegate *ui = static_cast<KIO::JobUiDelegate*>(job->uiDelegate()); ui->setWindow(krMainWindow); QObject::connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KJob *)), ACTIVE_PANEL->func, SLOT(refresh())); }
/// Helper to sanely show an error message for a job void showJobError(KJob *job) { assert(job); // we can be called from the KJob::kill, where we are no longer a KIO::Job // so better safe than sorry KIO::Job *kiojob = qobject_cast<KIO::Job *>(job); if (kiojob && kiojob->uiDelegate()) { kiojob->uiDelegate()->showErrorMessage(); } else { qCWarning(AKONADIMIME_LOG) << "There is no GUI delegate set for a kjob, and it failed with error:" << job->errorString(); } }
bool ftp_vfs::populateVfsList(const QUrl &origin, bool showHidden) { QString errorMsg; if (!origin.isValid()) errorMsg = i18n("Malformed URL:\n%1", origin.url()); if (!KProtocolManager::supportsListing(origin)) { if (origin.scheme() == "ftp" && KProtocolManager::supportsReading(origin)) errorMsg = i18n("Krusader does not support FTP access via HTTP.\nIf it is not the case, please check and change the proxy settings in the System Settings."); else errorMsg = i18n("Protocol not supported by Krusader:\n%1", origin.url()); } if (!errorMsg.isEmpty()) { printf("error\n"); if (!quietMode) emit error(errorMsg); return false; } busy = true; vfs_origin = origin.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash); //QTimer::singleShot( 0,this,SLOT(startLister()) ); listError = false; // Open the directory marked by origin KIO::Job *job = KIO::listDir(vfs_origin, KIO::HideProgressInfo, showHidden); connect(job, SIGNAL(entries(KIO::Job*, const KIO::UDSEntryList&)), this, SLOT(slotAddFiles(KIO::Job*, const KIO::UDSEntryList&))); connect(job, SIGNAL(redirection(KIO::Job*, const QUrl&)), this, SLOT(slotRedirection(KIO::Job*, const QUrl&))); connect(job, SIGNAL(permanentRedirection(KIO::Job*, const QUrl&, const QUrl&)), this, SLOT(slotPermanentRedirection(KIO::Job*, const QUrl&, const QUrl&))); connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), this, SLOT(slotListResult(KJob*))); if(!parentWindow.isNull()) { KIO::JobUiDelegate *ui = static_cast<KIO::JobUiDelegate*>(job->uiDelegate()); ui->setWindow(parentWindow); } if (!quietMode) { emit startJob(job); } while (busy && vfs_processEvents()); if (listError) return false; return true; }
bool ClientApp::doList( int firstArg ) { KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); KUrl dir = args->url(firstArg); KIO::Job * job = KIO::listDir(dir, KIO::HideProgressInfo); if ( !s_interactive ) job->setUiDelegate(0); connect(job, SIGNAL(entries(KIO::Job*,KIO::UDSEntryList)), SLOT(slotEntries(KIO::Job*,KIO::UDSEntryList))); connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KJob *)), this, SLOT(slotResult(KJob *))); this->exec(); return m_ok; }
QString NetAccess::mimetypeInternal( const KUrl & url, QWidget* window ) { d->bJobOK = true; // success unless further error occurs d->m_mimetype = QLatin1String("unknown"); KIO::Job * job = KIO::mimetype( url ); job->ui()->setWindow (window); connect( job, SIGNAL( result (KJob *) ), this, SLOT( slotResult (KJob *) ) ); connect( job, SIGNAL( mimetype (KIO::Job *, const QString &) ), this, SLOT( slotMimetype (KIO::Job *, const QString &) ) ); enter_loop(); return d->m_mimetype; }
void KNNetAccess::startJobSmtp() { if(smtpJobQueue.isEmpty()) return; currentSmtpJob = smtpJobQueue.first(); smtpJobQueue.remove(smtpJobQueue.begin()); currentSmtpJob->prepareForExecution(); if(currentSmtpJob->success()) { KNLocalArticle *art = static_cast<KNLocalArticle *>(currentSmtpJob->data()); // create url query part QString query("headers=0&from="); query += KURL::encode_string(art->from()->email()); QStrList emails; art->to()->emails(&emails); for(char *e = emails.first(); e; e = emails.next()) { query += "&to=" + KURL::encode_string(e); } // create url KURL destination; KNServerInfo *account = currentSmtpJob->account(); if(account->encryption() == KNServerInfo::SSL) destination.setProtocol("smtps"); else destination.setProtocol("smtp"); destination.setHost(account->server()); destination.setPort(account->port()); destination.setQuery(query); if(account->needsLogon()) { destination.setUser(account->user()); destination.setPass(account->pass()); } KIO::Job *job = KIO::storedPut(art->encodedContent(true), destination, -1, false, false, false); connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KIO::Job *)), SLOT(slotJobResult(KIO::Job *))); if(account->encryption() == KNServerInfo::TLS) job->addMetaData("tls", "on"); else job->addMetaData("tls", "off"); currentSmtpJob->setJob(job); kdDebug(5003) << "KNNetAccess::startJobSmtp(): job started" << endl; } else { threadDoneSmtp(); } }
bool QExtFileInfo::internalCopy(const KURL& src, const KURL& target, int permissions, bool overwrite, bool resume, QWidget* window) { bJobOK = true; // success unless further error occurs KIO::Scheduler::checkSlaveOnHold(true); KIO::Job * job = KIO::file_copy( src, target, permissions, overwrite, resume ); job->setWindow (window); connect( job, SIGNAL( result (KIO::Job *) ), this, SLOT( slotResult (KIO::Job *) ) ); enter_loop(); return bJobOK; }
void KIOPasteTest::testPasteJob() { QFETCH(QList<QUrl>, urls); QFETCH(bool, data); QFETCH(bool, cut); QFETCH(QString, expectedFileName); QMimeData mimeData; bool isDir = false; bool isFile = false; if (!urls.isEmpty()) { mimeData.setUrls(urls); QFileInfo fileInfo(urls.first().toLocalFile()); isDir = fileInfo.isDir(); isFile = fileInfo.isFile(); } if (data) { mimeData.setText(QStringLiteral("Hello world")); } KIO::setClipboardDataCut(&mimeData, cut); QTemporaryDir destTempDir; QVERIFY(destTempDir.isValid()); const QString destDir = destTempDir.path(); KIO::Job *job = KIO::paste(&mimeData, QUrl::fromLocalFile(destDir), KIO::HideProgressInfo); QSignalSpy spy(job, SIGNAL(itemCreated(QUrl))); QVERIFY(spy.isValid()); job->setUiDelegate(0); const bool expectedSuccess = !expectedFileName.isEmpty(); QCOMPARE(job->exec(), expectedSuccess); if (expectedSuccess) { const QString destFile = destDir + '/' + expectedFileName; QVERIFY2(QFile::exists(destFile), qPrintable(expectedFileName)); if (isDir) { QVERIFY(QFileInfo(destFile).isDir()); } else { QVERIFY(QFileInfo(destFile).isFile()); QFile file(destFile); QVERIFY(file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)); QCOMPARE(QString(file.readAll()), QString("Hello world")); } if (cut) { QVERIFY(!QFile::exists(urls.first().toLocalFile())); } else { QVERIFY(QFile::exists(urls.first().toLocalFile())); } QCOMPARE(spy.count(), isFile || cut ? 1 : 2); QCOMPARE(spy.at(0).at(0).value<QUrl>().toLocalFile(), destFile); } }
bool ClientApp::doRemove( int firstArg ) { KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); int argc = args->count(); KUrl::List srcLst; for ( int i = firstArg; i < argc; i++ ) srcLst.append( args->url(i) ); KIO::Job * job = KIO::del( srcLst, s_jobFlags ); if ( !s_interactive ) job->setUiDelegate( 0 ); connect( job, SIGNAL( result( KJob * ) ), this, SLOT( slotResult( KJob * ) ) ); this->exec(); return m_ok; }
void KonqOperations::_del( Operation method, const KUrl::List & _selectedUrls, ConfirmationType confirmation ) { KUrl::List selectedUrls; for (KUrl::List::ConstIterator it = _selectedUrls.begin(); it != _selectedUrls.end(); ++it) if (KProtocolManager::supportsDeleting(*it)) selectedUrls.append(*it); if (selectedUrls.isEmpty()) { delete this; // this one is ok, _del is always called directly return; } if ( confirmation == SKIP_CONFIRMATION || askDeleteConfirmation( selectedUrls, method, confirmation, parentWidget() ) ) { //m_srcUrls = selectedUrls; KIO::Job *job; m_method = method; switch( method ) { case TRASH: { job = KIO::trash( selectedUrls ); KIO::FileUndoManager::self()->recordJob( KIO::FileUndoManager::Trash, selectedUrls, KUrl("trash:/"), job ); break; } case EMPTYTRASH: { // Same as in ktrash --empty QByteArray packedArgs; QDataStream stream( &packedArgs, QIODevice::WriteOnly ); stream << (int)1; job = KIO::special( KUrl("trash:/"), packedArgs ); KNotification::event("Trash: emptied", QString() , QPixmap() , 0l, KNotification::DefaultEvent ); break; } case DEL: job = KIO::del( selectedUrls ); break; default: kWarning() << "Unknown operation: " << method ; delete this; // this one is ok, _del is always called directly return; } job->ui()->setWindow(parentWidget()); connect( job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(slotResult(KJob*)) ); } else { delete this; // this one is ok, _del is always called directly } }
bool NetAccess::dircopyInternal(const KUrl::List& src, const KUrl& target, QWidget* window, bool move) { d->bJobOK = true; // success unless further error occurs KIO::Job * job = move ? KIO::move( src, target ) : KIO::copy( src, target ); job->ui()->setWindow (window); connect( job, SIGNAL( result (KJob *) ), this, SLOT( slotResult (KJob *) ) ); enter_loop(); return d->bJobOK; }
void ImageshackTalker::slotResult(KJob* kjob) { KIO::Job* job = static_cast<KIO::Job*>(kjob); if (job->error()) { if (m_loginInProgress) { checkRegistrationCodeDone(job->error(), job->errorString()); m_loginInProgress = false; } else if (m_state == IMGHCK_GETGALLERIES) { emit signalBusy(false); emit signalGetGalleriesDone(job->error(), job->errorString()); } else if (m_state == IMGHCK_ADDPHOTO || m_state == IMGHCK_ADDPHOTOGALLERY) { emit signalBusy(false); emit signalAddPhotoDone(job->error(), job->errorString()); } m_state = IMGHCK_DONOTHING; m_job = 0; return; } int step; switch (m_state) { case IMGHCK_CHECKREGCODE: m_job = 0; parseCheckRegistrationCode(m_buffer); break; case IMGHCK_ADDPHOTOGALLERY: step = job->property("k_step").toInt(); if (step == STEP_UPLOADITEM) parseUploadPhotoDone(m_buffer); else parseAddPhotoToGalleryDone(m_buffer); break; case IMGHCK_ADDVIDEO: case IMGHCK_ADDPHOTO: m_job = 0; parseUploadPhotoDone(m_buffer); break; case IMGHCK_GETGALLERIES: m_job = 0; parseGetGalleries(m_buffer); break; default: break; } }
static bool checkNetworkAccess() { if (s_networkAccess == Unknown) { QElapsedTimer tm; tm.start(); KIO::Job *job = KIO::get(QUrl(s_iconUrl), KIO::NoReload, KIO::HideProgressInfo); if (job->exec()) { s_networkAccess = Yes; qDebug() << "Network access OK. Download time" << tm.elapsed() << "ms"; } else { qWarning() << job->errorString(); s_networkAccess = No; } } return s_networkAccess == Yes; }
bool NetAccess::filecopyInternal(const KUrl& src, const KUrl& target, int permissions, KIO::JobFlags flags, QWidget* window, bool move) { d->bJobOK = true; // success unless further error occurs KIO::Scheduler::checkSlaveOnHold(true); KIO::Job * job = move ? KIO::file_move( src, target, permissions, flags ) : KIO::file_copy( src, target, permissions, flags ); job->ui()->setWindow (window); connect( job, SIGNAL( result (KJob *) ), this, SLOT( slotResult (KJob *) ) ); enter_loop(); return d->bJobOK; }