Пример #1
static void GenerateApiBindConfig
    std::ofstream& cfgStream,       ///< Stream to send the configuration to.
    legato::App& app,               ///< The application being built.
    const legato::ExeToExeApiBind& binding  ///< Binding to internal exe.component.interface.
    const std::string& clientInterfaceId = binding.ClientInterface();

    std::string clientServiceName;

    // If the binding is a wildcard binding (applies to everything with a given service name),
    if (clientInterfaceId.compare(0, 2, "*.") == 0)
        // Strip off the "*." wildcard specifier to get the service name.
        clientServiceName = clientInterfaceId.substr(2);
    // Otherwise, look-up the client interface and take the service name from there.
        const auto& interface = app.FindClientInterface(clientInterfaceId);

        clientServiceName = interface.ExternalName();

    GenerateSingleApiBindingToApp( cfgStream,
                                   binding.ServerInterface() );
Пример #2
static void GenerateIpcBindingConfig
    std::ofstream& cfgStream,
    legato::App& app,
    const legato::BuildParams_t& buildParams ///< Build parameters, such as the "is verbose" flag.
    // Create nodes under "bindings", where each binding has its own node, named with the client
    // interface service name.
    cfgStream << "  \"bindings\"" << std::endl;
    cfgStream << "  {" << std::endl;

    // If cross-building for an embedded target (not "localhost"),
    if (buildParams.Target() != "localhost")
        // Add a bind to the Log Client interface of the Log Control Daemon (which runs as root).

    // Add all the binds that were specified in the .adef file or .sdef file for this app.
    for (const auto& mapEntry : app.ExternalApiBinds())
        GenerateApiBindConfig(cfgStream, app, mapEntry.second);
    for (const auto& mapEntry : app.InternalApiBinds())
        GenerateApiBindConfig(cfgStream, app, mapEntry.second);

    cfgStream << "  }" << std::endl << std::endl;
Пример #3
void CheckForLimitsConflicts
    const legato::App& app
    size_t maxMemoryBytes = app.MaxMemoryBytes().Get();
    size_t maxFileSystemBytes = app.MaxFileSystemBytes().Get();

    for (const auto& procEnv : app.ProcEnvironments())
        size_t maxLockedMemoryBytes = procEnv.MaxLockedMemoryBytes().Get();

        if (maxLockedMemoryBytes > maxMemoryBytes)
            std::stringstream warning;
            warning << "maxLockedMemoryBytes (" << maxLockedMemoryBytes
                    << ") will be limited by the maxMemoryBytes limit (" << maxMemoryBytes << ").";
            PrintWarning(app, warning.str());

        size_t maxFileBytes = procEnv.MaxFileBytes().Get();
        size_t maxCoreDumpFileBytes = procEnv.MaxCoreDumpFileBytes().Get();

        if (maxCoreDumpFileBytes > maxFileBytes)
            std::stringstream warning;
            warning << "maxCoreDumpFileBytes (" << maxCoreDumpFileBytes
                    << ") will be limited by the maxFileBytes limit (" << maxFileBytes << ").";
            PrintWarning(app, warning.str());

        if (maxCoreDumpFileBytes > maxFileSystemBytes)
            std::stringstream warning;
            warning << "maxCoreDumpFileBytes (" << maxCoreDumpFileBytes
                    << ") will be limited by the maxFileSystemBytes limit ("
                    << maxFileSystemBytes << ") if the core file is inside the sandbox temporary"
                    " file system.";
            PrintWarning(app, warning.str());

        if (maxFileBytes > maxFileSystemBytes)
            std::stringstream warning;
            warning << "maxFileBytes (" << maxFileBytes
                    << ") will be limited by the maxFileSystemBytes limit ("
                    << maxFileSystemBytes << ") if the file is inside the sandbox temporary"
                    " file system.";
            PrintWarning(app, warning.str());
Пример #4
static void GenerateAppVersionConfig
    std::ofstream& cfgStream,
    const legato::App& app
    if (app.Version() != "")
        cfgStream << "  \"version\" \"" << app.Version() << "\"" << std::endl;
Пример #5
static void GenerateConfigTreeAclConfig
    std::ofstream& cfgStream,
    legato::App& app
    const char readable[] = "read";
    const char writeable[] = "write";
    const char* accessModePtr;

    // Create nodes under "configLimits/acl", where each tree has its own node, named with the
    // tree name, that contains either the word "read" or the word "write".
    cfgStream << "  \"configLimits\"" << std::endl;
    cfgStream << "  {" << std::endl;
    cfgStream << "    \"acl\"" << std::endl;
    cfgStream << "    {" << std::endl;

    // Add all the trees that were specified in the .adef file.
    for (const auto& mapEntry : app.ConfigTrees())
        if (mapEntry.second & legato::PERMISSION_WRITEABLE)
            accessModePtr = writeable;
            accessModePtr = readable;
        cfgStream << "      \"" << mapEntry.first << "\" \"" << accessModePtr << "\"" << std::endl;

    cfgStream << "    }" << std::endl << std::endl;
    cfgStream << "  }" << std::endl << std::endl;
Пример #6
static void BuildExecutables
    legato::App& app,
    const legato::BuildParams_t& buildParams
    // Create an Executable Builder object.
    ExecutableBuilder_t exeBuilder(buildParams);

    // For each executable,
    auto& exeList = app.Executables();
    for (auto i = exeList.begin(); i != exeList.end(); i++)
        legato::Executable& exe = i->second;

        // Put the intermediate build output files under a directory named after the executable.
        std::string objOutputDir = legato::CombinePath(buildParams.ObjOutputDir(), exe.CName());

        // Auto-generate the source code file containing main() and add it to the default component.
        exeBuilder.GenerateMain(exe, objOutputDir);

        // Build the executable.
        exeBuilder.Build(exe, objOutputDir);
Пример #7
static void GenerateGroupsConfig
    std::ofstream& cfgStream,
    const legato::App& app
    const auto& groupsList = app.Groups();

    // If the groups list is empty, nothing needs to be done.
    if (groupsList.empty())

    // Group names are specified by inserting empty leaf nodes under the "groups" branch
    // of the application's configuration tree.
    cfgStream << "  \"groups\"" << std::endl;
    cfgStream << "  {" << std::endl;

    for (auto groupName : groupsList)
        cfgStream << "    \"" << groupName << "\" \"\"" << std::endl;

    cfgStream << "  }" << std::endl << std::endl;
Пример #8
static void GenerateApiBindConfig
    std::ofstream& cfgStream,       ///< Stream to send the configuration to.
    legato::App& app,               ///< The application being built.
    const legato::ExeToUserApiBind& binding  ///< Binding to external user name and service name.
    const std::string& clientInterfaceId = binding.ClientInterface();

    std::string clientServiceName;

    // If the binding is a wildcard binding (applies to everything with a given service name),
    if (clientInterfaceId.compare(0, 2, "*.") == 0)
        // Strip off the "*." wildcard specifier to get the service name.
        clientServiceName = clientInterfaceId.substr(2);
    // Otherwise, look-up the client interface and take the service name from there.
        const auto& interface = app.FindClientInterface(clientInterfaceId);

        clientServiceName = interface.ExternalName();

    // If there is no server user name,
    if (binding.ServerUserName().empty())
        // Make sure there's a server app name.
        if (binding.ServerAppName().empty())
            throw legato::Exception("INTERNAL ERROR: Neither user name nor app name provided"
                                    " for server in binding of '" + binding.ClientInterface()
                                    + "'.");

        GenerateSingleApiBindingToApp( cfgStream,
                                       binding.ServerInterfaceName() );
    // If there is a server user name,
        // Make sure there isn't also a server app name.
        if (!binding.ServerAppName().empty())
            throw legato::Exception("INTERNAL ERROR: Both user name and app name provided"
                                    " for server in binding of '" + binding.ClientInterface()
                                    + "'.");

        GenerateSingleApiBindingToUser( cfgStream,
                                        binding.ServerInterfaceName() );
Пример #9
static void PrintWarning
    const legato::App& app,
    const std::string& warning
    std::cerr << "** Warning: application '" << app.Name() << "': " << warning << std::endl;
Пример #10
static void GenerateProcessEnvVarsConfig
    std::ofstream& cfgStream,
    const legato::App& app,
    const legato::ProcessEnvironment& procEnv
    // The PATH environment variable has to be handled specially.  If no PATH variable is
    // specified in the .adef, we must provide one.
    bool pathSpecified = false;

    // Any environment variables are declared under a node called "envVars".
    // Each env var has its own node, with the name of the node being the name of
    // the environment variable.
    cfgStream << "      \"envVars\"" << std::endl;
    cfgStream << "      {" << std::endl;
    for (const auto& pair : procEnv.EnvVarList())
        if (pair.first == "PATH")
            pathSpecified = true;

        cfgStream << "        \"" << pair.first << "\" \"" << pair.second << "\""
                  << std::endl;

    if (!pathSpecified)
        // The default path depends on whether the application is sandboxed or not.
        std::string path = "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin";
        if (app.IsSandboxed() == false)
            path = "/opt/legato/apps/" + app.Name() + "/bin:" + path;
        cfgStream << "        \"PATH\" \"" << path << "\"" << std::endl;

    cfgStream << "      }" << std::endl;
Пример #11
static legato::Component& GetComponent
    const std::string& name     ///< Name of the component.
    auto& map = App.ComponentMap();

    // Check if we have already parsed a component with the same name.
    // If so, it's an error!
    if (map.find(name) != map.end())
        throw legato::Exception("Multiple components with the same name (" + name + ").");

    // Tell the App to create a new Component object for us and then get the parser to populate it.
    legato::Component& component = App.CreateComponent(name);
    legato::parser::ParseComponent(component, BuildParams);

    return component;
Пример #12
static void GenerateSystemConfig
    const std::string& stagingDirPath,  ///< Path to the root of the app's staging directory.
    legato::App& app,                   ///< The app to generate the configuration for.
    const legato::BuildParams_t& buildParams ///< Build parameters, such as the "is verbose" flag.
    // TODO: Rename this file to something that makes more sense (like "system.cfg", because it
    // gets installed in the "system" config tree).
    std::string path = stagingDirPath + "/root.cfg";

    if (buildParams.IsVerbose())
        std::cout << "Generating system configuration data for app '" << app.Name() << "' in file '"
                  << path << "'." << std::endl;

    std::ofstream cfgStream(path, std::ofstream::trunc);

    cfgStream << "{" << std::endl;

    GenerateAppVersionConfig(cfgStream, app);

    GenerateAppLimitsConfig(cfgStream, app);

    GenerateGroupsConfig(cfgStream, app);

    GenerateFileMappingConfig(cfgStream, app);

    GenerateProcessConfig(cfgStream, app);

    GenerateIpcBindingConfig(cfgStream, app, buildParams);

    GenerateConfigTreeAclConfig(cfgStream, app);

    cfgStream << "}" << std::endl;
Пример #13
void ApplicationBuilder_t::Build
    legato::App& app,
    std::string outputDirPath   ///< Directory into which the generated app bundle should be put.

    // Construct the working directory structure, which consists of an "work" directory and
    // a "staging" directory.  Inside the "staging" directory, there is "lib", "bin", and any
    // other directories required to hold files bundled by the application or one of its components.
    // The "work" directory is for intermediate build output, like generated .c files and .o files.
    // The "staging" directory will get tar-compressed to become the actual application file.

    if (m_Params.IsVerbose())
        std::cout << "Creating working directories under '" << m_Params.ObjOutputDir() << "'."
                  << std::endl;

    legato::BuildParams_t buildParams(m_Params);

    const std::string& stagingDirPath = m_Params.StagingDir();
    buildParams.LibOutputDir(stagingDirPath + "/lib");
    buildParams.ExeOutputDir(stagingDirPath + "/bin");
    buildParams.ObjOutputDir(m_Params.ObjOutputDir() + "/work");

    // Clean the staging area.

    // Create directories.

    // Build all the components in the application, each with its own working directory
    // to avoid file name conflicts between .o files in different components, and copy all
    // generated and bundled files into the application staging area.
    // NOTE: Components have to be built before any other components that depend on them.
    //       They also need to be bundled into the app in the same order, so that higher-layer
    //       components can override files bundled by lower-layer components.
    ComponentBuilder_t componentBuilder(buildParams);
    auto& map = app.ComponentMap();
    for (auto& mapEntry : map)
        auto& componentPtr = mapEntry.second;

        BuildAndBundleComponent(*componentPtr, componentBuilder, buildParams.ObjOutputDir());

    // Build all the executables and their IPC libs.
    BuildExecutables(app, buildParams);

    // Copy in any bundled files and directories from the "bundles:" section of the .adef.
    // Note: do the directories first, in case the files list adds files to those directories.
    for (auto& fileMapping : app.BundledDirs())
        mk::CopyToStaging(  fileMapping.m_SourcePath,
                            m_Params.IsVerbose()    );
    for (auto& fileMapping : app.BundledFiles())
        mk::CopyToStaging(  fileMapping.m_SourcePath,
                            m_Params.IsVerbose()    );

    // Generate the app-specific configuration data that tells the framework what limits to place
    // on the app when it is run, etc.
    GenerateSystemConfig(stagingDirPath, app, m_Params);

    // TODO: Generate the application's configuration tree (containing all its pool sizes,
    //       and anything else listed under the "config:" section of the .adef.)

    // TODO: Copy in the metadata (.adef and Component.cdef) files so they can be retrieved
    //       by Developer Studio.

    // Zip it all up.
    std::string outputPath = legato::CombinePath(   outputDirPath,
                                                    app.Name() + "." + buildParams.Target() );
    if (!legato::IsAbsolutePath(outputPath))
        outputPath = legato::GetWorkingDir() + "/" + outputPath;
    std::string tarCommandLine = "tar cjf \"" + outputPath + "\" -C \"" + stagingDirPath + "\" .";
    if (m_Params.IsVerbose())
        std::cout << "Packaging application into '" << outputPath << "'." << std::endl;
        std::cout << std::endl << "$ " << tarCommandLine << std::endl << std::endl;

Пример #14
static void GenerateFileMappingConfig
    std::ofstream& cfgStream,
    const legato::App& app
    size_t index = 0;

    // Create nodes under "files", where each node is named with an index, starting a 0,
    // and contains a "src" node and a "dest" node.
    cfgStream << "  \"files\"" << std::endl;
    cfgStream << "  {" << std::endl;

    // Import the files specified in the .adef file.
    for (const auto& mapping : app.RequiredFiles())
        GenerateSingleFileMappingConfig(cfgStream, index++, mapping);

    // Bundled files also need to be imported into the application sandbox.
    for (const auto& mapping : app.BundledFiles())
        GenerateBundledObjectMappingConfig(cfgStream, index++, mapping);

    // Bundled directories also need to be imported into the application sandbox.
    for (const auto& mapping : app.BundledDirs())
        GenerateBundledObjectMappingConfig(cfgStream, index++, mapping);

    // Map into the sandbox all the files for all the components.
    for (const auto& pair : app.ComponentMap())
        const auto& componentPtr = pair.second;

        // External files...
        for (const auto& mapping : componentPtr->RequiredFiles())
            GenerateSingleFileMappingConfig(cfgStream, index++, mapping);

        // External directories...
        for (const auto& mapping : componentPtr->RequiredDirs())
            GenerateSingleFileMappingConfig(cfgStream, index++, mapping);

        // NOTE: Bundled files and directories also need to be mapped into the application sandbox
        // because the application's on-target install directory is outside its runtime sandbox.

        // Bundled files...
        for (const auto& mapping : componentPtr->BundledFiles())
            GenerateBundledObjectMappingConfig(cfgStream, index++, mapping);

        // Bundled directories...
        for (const auto& mapping : componentPtr->BundledDirs())
            GenerateBundledObjectMappingConfig(cfgStream, index++, mapping);

    cfgStream << "  }" << std::endl << std::endl;
Пример #15
static void GenerateProcessConfig
    std::ofstream& cfgStream,
    const legato::App& app
    // Create nodes under "procs", where each process has its own node, named after the process.
    cfgStream << "  \"procs\"" << std::endl;
    cfgStream << "  {" << std::endl;

    for (const auto& procEnv : app.ProcEnvironments())
        for (const auto& process : procEnv.ProcessList())
            cfgStream << "    \"" << process.Name() << "\"" << std::endl;
            cfgStream << "    {" << std::endl;

            // The command-line argument list is an indexed list of arguments under a node called
            // "args", where the first argument (0) must be the executable to run.
            cfgStream << "      \"args\"" << std::endl;
            cfgStream << "      {" << std::endl;
            cfgStream << "        \"0\" \"" << process.ExePath() << "\"" << std::endl;
            int argIndex = 1;
            for (const auto& arg : process.CommandLineArgs())
                cfgStream << "        \"" << argIndex << "\" \"" << arg << "\"" << std::endl;
            cfgStream << "      }" << std::endl;

            GenerateProcessEnvVarsConfig(cfgStream, app, procEnv);

            // Generate the priority, fault action, and limits configuration.
            if (procEnv.FaultAction().IsSet())
                cfgStream << "      \"faultAction\" \"" << procEnv.FaultAction().Get() << "\""
                          << std::endl;
            if (procEnv.StartPriority().IsSet())
                cfgStream << "      \"priority\" \"" << procEnv.StartPriority().Get() << "\""
                          << std::endl;

            cfgStream << "      \"maxCoreDumpFileBytes\" ["
                      << procEnv.MaxCoreDumpFileBytes().Get()
                      << "]" << std::endl;

            cfgStream << "      \"maxFileBytes\" [" << procEnv.MaxFileBytes().Get() << "]"
                      << std::endl;

            cfgStream << "      \"maxLockedMemoryBytes\" ["
                      << procEnv.MaxLockedMemoryBytes().Get() << "]"
                      << std::endl;

            cfgStream << "      \"maxFileDescriptors\" ["
                      << procEnv.MaxFileDescriptors().Get() << "]"
                      << std::endl;

            if (procEnv.WatchdogTimeout().IsSet())
                cfgStream << "      \"watchdogTimeout\" [" << procEnv.WatchdogTimeout().Get() << "]"
                          << std::endl;
            if (procEnv.WatchdogAction().IsSet())
                cfgStream << "      \"watchdogAction\" \"" << procEnv.WatchdogAction().Get() << "\""
                          << std::endl;

            cfgStream << "    }" << std::endl;

    cfgStream << "  }" << std::endl << std::endl;
Пример #16
static void GenerateAppLimitsConfig
    std::ofstream& cfgStream,
    const legato::App& app
    if (app.IsSandboxed() == false)
        cfgStream << "  \"sandboxed\" !f" << std::endl;

    if (app.StartMode() == legato::App::MANUAL)
        cfgStream << "  \"startManual\" !t" << std::endl;

    cfgStream << "  \"maxThreads\" [" << app.MaxThreads().Get() << "]" << std::endl;

    cfgStream << "  \"maxMQueueBytes\" [" << app.MaxMQueueBytes().Get() << "]"
              << std::endl;

    cfgStream << "  \"maxQueuedSignals\" [" << app.MaxQueuedSignals().Get() << "]"
              << std::endl;

    cfgStream << "  \"maxMemoryBytes\" [" << app.MaxMemoryBytes().Get() << "]" << std::endl;

    cfgStream << "  \"cpuShare\" [" << app.CpuShare().Get() << "]" << std::endl;

    if (app.MaxFileSystemBytes().IsSet())
        // This is not supported for unsandboxed apps.
        if (app.IsSandboxed() == false)
            std::cerr << "**** Warning: File system size limit being ignored for unsandboxed"
                      << " application '" << app.Name() << "'." << std::endl;
            cfgStream << "  \"maxFileSystemBytes\" [" << app.MaxFileSystemBytes().Get() << "]"
                      << std::endl;

    if (app.WatchdogTimeout().IsSet())
        cfgStream << "  \"watchdogTimeout\" [" << app.WatchdogTimeout().Get() << "]" << std::endl;

    if (app.WatchdogAction().IsSet())
        cfgStream << "  \"watchdogAction\" \"" << app.WatchdogAction().Get() << "\"" << std::endl;
Пример #17
static legato::Executable& ConstructObjectModel
    bool errorFound = false;

    // Create a new Executable object.
    legato::Executable& exe = App.CreateExecutable(ExePath);

    if (BuildParams.IsVerbose())
        std::cout << "Making executable '" << exe.OutputPath() << "'" << std::endl
                  << "\t(using exe name '" << exe.CName() << "')" << std::endl
                  << "\tcontaining:" << std::endl;

    // For each item of content, we have to figure out what type of content it is and
    // handle it accordingly.
    for (auto contentName: ContentNames)
        const char* contentType;

        if (legato::IsCSource(contentName))
            contentType = "C source code";

            // Add the source code file to the default component.
            exe.AddCSourceFile(legato::FindFile(contentName, BuildParams.ComponentDirs()));
        else if (legato::IsLibrary(contentName))
            contentType = "library";

            // Add the library file to the list of libraries to be linked with the default
            // component.
        else if (legato::IsComponent(contentName, BuildParams.ComponentDirs()))
            contentType = "component";

            // Find the component and add it to the executable's list of component instances.
            // NOTE: For now, we only support one instance of a component per executable, and it is
            //       identified by the file system path to that component (relative to a directory
            //       somewhere in the component search path).
            legato::Component& component = GetComponent(contentName);
            contentType = "** unknown **";

            std::cerr << "** ERROR: Couldn't identify content item '"
                      << contentName << "'." << std::endl;

            errorFound = true;

        if (BuildParams.IsVerbose())
            std::cout << "\t\t'" << contentName << "' (" << contentType << ")" << std::endl;

    if (errorFound)
        throw std::runtime_error("Unable to identify requested content.");

    return exe;