Пример #1
 return_value getReturnValue( const llvm::Type &type, const llvm::GenericValue &_value ) {
   switch ( type.getTypeID() ) {
     case llvm::Type::VoidTyID:
       return return_value();
     case llvm::Type::IntegerTyID:
     case llvm::Type::FloatTyID:
     case llvm::Type::DoubleTyID:
     case llvm::Type::PointerTyID:
       throw InvalidArgument();
Пример #2
  void VisitTFunction(const TFunction& type)
    vector<llvm::Type*> llvmParams;
    for(auto& f : static_cast<TList&>(*type.parameter).fields) {

    auto llvmResult = result;

    result = llvm::FunctionType::get(llvmResult, llvmParams, false);
    result = result->getPointerTo();
Пример #3
// get value object specialized to work with llvm IR types
ABISysV_hexagon::GetReturnValueObjectImpl( lldb_private::Thread &thread, llvm::Type &retType ) const
    Value value;
    ValueObjectSP vObjSP;

    // get the current register context
    RegisterContext *reg_ctx = thread.GetRegisterContext().get();
    if (!reg_ctx)
        return vObjSP;

    // for now just pop R0 to find the return value
    const lldb_private::RegisterInfo *r0_info = reg_ctx->GetRegisterInfoAtIndex( 0 );
    if ( r0_info == nullptr )
        return vObjSP;
    // void return type
    if ( retType.isVoidTy( ) )
        value.GetScalar( ) = 0;
    // integer / pointer return type
    if ( retType.isIntegerTy( ) || retType.isPointerTy( ) )
        // read r0 register value
        lldb_private::RegisterValue r0_value;
        if ( !reg_ctx->ReadRegister( r0_info, r0_value ) )
            return vObjSP;

        // push r0 into value
        uint32_t r0_u32 = r0_value.GetAsUInt32( );

        // account for integer size
        if ( retType.isIntegerTy() && retType.isSized() )
            uint64_t size = retType.getScalarSizeInBits( );
            uint64_t mask = ( 1ull << size ) - 1;
            // mask out higher order bits then the type we expect
            r0_u32 &= mask;

        value.GetScalar( ) = r0_u32;
    // unsupported return type
        return vObjSP;

    // pack the value into a ValueObjectSP
    vObjSP = ValueObjectConstResult::Create
    return vObjSP;
Пример #4
DataType llvm_type_to_nts_type ( const llvm::Type & t )
	if ( t.isIntegerTy() )
		auto & it = llvm::cast<llvm::IntegerType> ( t );
		return DataType ( ScalarType::BitVector ( it.getBitWidth() ) );
	/*else if ( t.isPointerTy() ) {
		return nts::DataType::BitVector ( 64 ); // 64 bit pointers
		throw std::logic_error ( "Only integer types are supported" );
Пример #5
ABISysV_hexagon::PrepareTrivialCall ( Thread &thread, 
                                      lldb::addr_t  sp  , 
                                      lldb::addr_t  pc  , 
                                      lldb::addr_t  ra  , 
                                      llvm::Type   &prototype,
                                      llvm::ArrayRef<ABI::CallArgument> args) const
    // default number of register passed arguments for varg functions
    const int nVArgRegParams = 1;
    Error error;

    // grab the process so we have access to the memory for spilling
    lldb::ProcessSP proc = thread.GetProcess( );

    // push host data onto target
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < args.size( ); i++ )
        const ABI::CallArgument &arg = args[i];
        // skip over target values
        if ( arg.type == ABI::CallArgument::TargetValue )
        // round up to 8 byte multiple
        size_t argSize = ( arg.size | 0x7 ) + 1;

        // create space on the stack for this data
        sp -= argSize;

        // write this argument onto the stack of the host process
        proc.get( )->WriteMemory( sp, arg.data, arg.size, error );
        if ( error.Fail( ) )
            return false;

        // update the argument with the target pointer
        //XXX: This is a gross hack for getting around the const
        *((size_t*)(&arg.value)) = sp;

    // print the original stack pointer
    printf( "sp : %04lx \n", sp );

    // make sure number of parameters matches prototype
    assert( prototype.getFunctionNumParams( ) == args.size( ) );

    // check if this is a variable argument function
    bool isVArg = prototype.isFunctionVarArg();

    // get the register context for modifying all of the registers
    RegisterContext *reg_ctx = thread.GetRegisterContext().get();
    if (!reg_ctx)
        return false;
    // number of arguments passed by register
    int nRegArgs = nVArgRegParams;
    if (! isVArg )
        // number of arguments is limited by [R0 : R5] space
        nRegArgs = args.size( );
        if ( nRegArgs > 6 )
            nRegArgs = 6;

    // pass arguments that are passed via registers
    for ( int i = 0; i < nRegArgs; i++ )
        // get the parameter as a u32
        uint32_t param = (uint32_t)args[i].value;
        // write argument into register
        if (!reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned( i, param ))
            return false;

    // number of arguments to spill onto stack
    int nSpillArgs = args.size( ) - nRegArgs;
    // make space on the stack for arguments
    sp -= 4 * nSpillArgs;
    // align stack on an 8 byte boundary
    if ( sp & 7 )
        sp -= 4;

    // arguments that are passed on the stack
    for ( size_t i = nRegArgs, offs=0; i < args.size( ); i++ )
        // get the parameter as a u32
        uint32_t param = (uint32_t)args[i].value;
        // write argument to stack
        proc->WriteMemory( sp + offs, (void*)&param, sizeof( param ), error );
        if ( !error.Success( ) )
            return false;
        offs += 4;

    // update registers with current function call state
    reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned ( 41, pc );
    reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned ( 31, ra );
    reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned ( 29, sp );
//  reg_ctx->WriteRegisterFromUnsigned ( FP ??? );

    // quick and dirty stack dumper for debugging
    for ( int i = -8; i < 8; i++ )
        uint32_t data = 0;
        lldb::addr_t addr = sp + i * 4;
        proc->ReadMemory( addr, (void*)&data, sizeof( data ), error );
        printf( "\n0x%04lx 0x%08x ", addr, data );
        if ( i == 0 ) printf( "<<-- sp" );
    printf( "\n" );
    return true;
Пример #6
void Stream::writeType(std::ostream &OS, const llvm::Type &Ty) {
  llvm::raw_os_ostream raw(OS);