LuaPlus::LuaObject LuaScriptComponent::GetObjectId()
	// return the object id to lua
	LuaPlus::LuaObject ret;
	ret.AssignInteger(LuaStateManager::Get()->GetLuaState(), m_pOwner->GetId());
	return ret;
Пример #2
LuaPlus::LuaObject BaseScriptComponent::GetActorId(void)
	//GCC_LOG("ObjectSystem", "BaseScriptComponent::GetEntityId() return 0x" + ToStr(m_pOwner->GetId(), 16) + " on C++ side");

	// [rez] Wtf??  Returning an unsigned int here will produce really odd results in Release mode (debug is 
	// fine).  The number will sometimes get truncated, so 0xb1437643 might become 0xb1437600.  Even though the 
	// C++ side is getting the right number, it gets mangled on the way out to Lua.  The somewhat hacky fix here 
	// is to return a LuaPlus::LuaObject, which seems to work just fine.  I'm not sure if this will cause any 
    // efficiency issues, but I'm guessing the LuaPlus internals do something like this anyway to marshal the 
    // data back to Lua land, so it's probably okay.
	LuaPlus::LuaObject ret;
	ret.AssignInteger(LuaStateManager::Get()->GetLuaState(), m_pOwner->GetId());
	return ret;

	//return m_pOwner->GetId();