int TriKota::ThyraDirectApplicInterface::derived_map_ac(const Dakota::String& ac_name) { if (App != Teuchos::null) { // Test for consistency of problem definition between ModelEval and Dakota TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(numVars > numParameters, std::logic_error, "TriKota_Dakota Adapter Error: "); TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(numFns > numResponses, std::logic_error, "TriKota_Dakota Adapter Error: "); TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(hessFlag, std::logic_error, "TriKota_Dakota Adapter Error: "); MEB::InArgs<double> inArgs = App->createInArgs(); MEB::OutArgs<double> outArgs = App->createOutArgs(); TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(gradFlag && !supportsSensitivities, std::logic_error, "TriKota_Dakota Adapter Error: "); // Load parameters from Dakota to ModelEval data structure { Thyra::DetachedVectorView<double> my_p(model_p); for (unsigned int i=0; i<numVars; i++) my_p[i]=xC[i]; } // Evaluate model inArgs.set_p(0,model_p); outArgs.set_g(0,model_g); if (gradFlag) outArgs.set_DgDp(0,0, MEB::DerivativeMultiVector<double>(model_dgdp,orientation)); App->evalModel(inArgs, outArgs); Thyra::DetachedVectorView<double> my_g(model_g); for (unsigned int j=0; j<numFns; j++) fnVals[j]= my_g[j]; if (gradFlag) { if (orientation == MEB::DERIV_MV_BY_COL) { for (unsigned int j=0; j<numVars; j++) { Thyra::DetachedVectorView<double> my_dgdp_j(model_dgdp->col(j)); for (unsigned int i=0; i<numFns; i++) fnGrads[i][j]= my_dgdp_j[i]; } } else { for (unsigned int j=0; j<numFns; j++) { Thyra::DetachedVectorView<double> my_dgdp_j(model_dgdp->col(j)); for (unsigned int i=0; i<numVars; i++) fnGrads[j][i]= my_dgdp_j[i]; } } } } else { TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(parallelLib.parallel_configuration().ea_parallel_level().server_intra_communicator() != MPI_COMM_NULL, std::logic_error, "\nTriKota Parallelism Error: ModelEvaluator=null, but analysis_comm != MPI_COMMM_NULL"); } return 0; }
TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST( Rythmos_ForwardSensitivityExplicitModelEvaluator, evalModel ) { typedef Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase MEB; RCP<ForwardSensitivityExplicitModelEvaluator<double> > model = forwardSensitivityExplicitModelEvaluator<double>(); RCP<SinCosModel> innerModel = sinCosModel(false); double a = 0.4; double f = 1.5; double L = 1.6; { RCP<ParameterList> pl = Teuchos::parameterList(); pl->set("Accept model parameters",true); pl->set("Implicit model formulation",false); pl->set("Coeff a", a ); pl->set("Coeff f", f ); pl->set("Coeff L", L ); innerModel->setParameterList(pl); } model->initializeStructure(innerModel, 0 ); RCP<VectorBase<double> > x; MEB::InArgs<double> pointInArgs; // Used to change the solution for re-evaluation RCP<StepperBase<double> > stepper; // Used for initializePointState { pointInArgs = innerModel->createInArgs(); pointInArgs.set_t(0.1); x = Thyra::createMember(innerModel->get_x_space()); { Thyra::DetachedVectorView<double> x_view( *x ); x_view[0] = 2.0; x_view[1] = 3.0; } pointInArgs.set_x(x); RCP<VectorBase<double> > p0 = Thyra::createMember(innerModel->get_p_space(0)); { Thyra::DetachedVectorView<double> p0_view( *p0 ); p0_view[0] = a; p0_view[1] = f; p0_view[2] = L; } pointInArgs.set_p(0,p0); { // Create a stepper with these initial conditions to use to call // initializePointState on this ME: stepper = forwardEulerStepper<double>(); stepper->setInitialCondition(pointInArgs); model->initializePointState(Teuchos::inOutArg(*stepper),false); } } MEB::InArgs<double> inArgs = model->createInArgs(); RCP<VectorBase<double> > x_bar = Thyra::createMember(model->get_x_space()); RCP<Thyra::DefaultMultiVectorProductVector<double> > s_bar = Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<Thyra::DefaultMultiVectorProductVector<double> >( x_bar, true ); RCP<Thyra::MultiVectorBase<double> > S = s_bar->getNonconstMultiVector(); // Fill S with data { TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( S->domain()->dim(), 3 ); TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( S->range()->dim(), 2 ); RCP<VectorBase<double> > S0 = S->col(0); RCP<VectorBase<double> > S1 = S->col(1); RCP<VectorBase<double> > S2 = S->col(2); TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( S0->space()->dim(), 2 ); TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( S1->space()->dim(), 2 ); TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( S2->space()->dim(), 2 ); Thyra::DetachedVectorView<double> S0_view( *S0 ); S0_view[0] = 7.0; S0_view[1] = 8.0; Thyra::DetachedVectorView<double> S1_view( *S1 ); S1_view[0] = 9.0; S1_view[1] = 10.0; Thyra::DetachedVectorView<double> S2_view( *S2 ); S2_view[0] = 11.0; S2_view[1] = 12.0; } inArgs.set_x(x_bar); MEB::OutArgs<double> outArgs = model->createOutArgs(); RCP<VectorBase<double> > f_bar = Thyra::createMember(model->get_f_space()); RCP<Thyra::DefaultMultiVectorProductVector<double> > f_sens = Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<Thyra::DefaultMultiVectorProductVector<double> >( f_bar, true ); RCP<Thyra::MultiVectorBase<double> > F_sens = f_sens->getNonconstMultiVector().assert_not_null(); V_S(Teuchos::outArg(*f_bar),0.0); outArgs.set_f(f_bar); inArgs.set_t(0.1); model->evalModel(inArgs,outArgs); // Verify F_sens = df/dx*S = df/dp // df/dx = [ 0 1 ] // [ -(f/L)*(f/L) 0 ] // S = [ 7 9 11 ] x = [ 2 ] // [ 8 10 12 ] [ 3 ] // df/dp = [ 0 0 0 ] // [ (f/L)*(f/L) 2*f/(L*L)*(a-x_0) -2*f*f/(L*L*L)*(a-x_0) ] // F_sens_0 = // [ 8 ] // [ -7*(f/L)*(f/L)+(f*f)/(L*L) ] // F_sens_1 = // [ 10 ] // [ -9*(f/L)*(f/L)+2*f/(L*L)*(a-x_0) ] // F_sens_2 = // [ 12 ] // [ -11*(f/L)*(f/L)-2*f*f/(L*L*L)*(a-x_0) ] // double tol = 1.0e-10; { TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( F_sens->domain()->dim(), 3 ); TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( F_sens->range()->dim(), 2 ); RCP<VectorBase<double> > F_sens_0 = F_sens->col(0); RCP<VectorBase<double> > F_sens_1 = F_sens->col(1); RCP<VectorBase<double> > F_sens_2 = F_sens->col(2); TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( F_sens_0->space()->dim(), 2 ); TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( F_sens_1->space()->dim(), 2 ); TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( F_sens_2->space()->dim(), 2 ); Thyra::DetachedVectorView<double> F_sens_0_view( *F_sens_0 ); TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY( F_sens_0_view[0], 8.0, tol ); TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY( F_sens_0_view[1], -7.0*(f/L)*(f/L)+(f*f)/(L*L), tol ); Thyra::DetachedVectorView<double> F_sens_1_view( *F_sens_1 ); TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY( F_sens_1_view[0], 10.0, tol ); TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY( F_sens_1_view[1], -9*(f/L)*(f/L)+2*f/(L*L)*(a-2.0), tol ); Thyra::DetachedVectorView<double> F_sens_2_view( *F_sens_2 ); TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY( F_sens_2_view[0], 12.0, tol ); TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY( F_sens_2_view[1], -11*(f/L)*(f/L)-2*f*f/(L*L*L)*(a-2.0), tol ); } // Now change x and evaluate again. { Thyra::DetachedVectorView<double> x_view( *x ); x_view[0] = 20.0; x_view[1] = 21.0; } // We need to call initializePointState again due to the vector // being cloned inside. stepper->setInitialCondition(pointInArgs); model->initializePointState(Teuchos::inOutArg(*stepper),false); model->evalModel(inArgs,outArgs); { TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( F_sens->domain()->dim(), 3 ); TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( F_sens->range()->dim(), 2 ); RCP<VectorBase<double> > F_sens_0 = F_sens->col(0); RCP<VectorBase<double> > F_sens_1 = F_sens->col(1); RCP<VectorBase<double> > F_sens_2 = F_sens->col(2); TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( F_sens_0->space()->dim(), 2 ); TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( F_sens_1->space()->dim(), 2 ); TEST_EQUALITY_CONST( F_sens_2->space()->dim(), 2 ); Thyra::DetachedVectorView<double> F_sens_0_view( *F_sens_0 ); TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY( F_sens_0_view[0], 8.0, tol ); TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY( F_sens_0_view[1], -7.0*(f/L)*(f/L)+(f*f)/(L*L), tol ); Thyra::DetachedVectorView<double> F_sens_1_view( *F_sens_1 ); TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY( F_sens_1_view[0], 10.0, tol ); TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY( F_sens_1_view[1], -9*(f/L)*(f/L)+2*f/(L*L)*(a-20.0), tol ); Thyra::DetachedVectorView<double> F_sens_2_view( *F_sens_2 ); TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY( F_sens_2_view[0], 12.0, tol ); TEST_FLOATING_EQUALITY( F_sens_2_view[1], -11*(f/L)*(f/L)-2*f*f/(L*L*L)*(a-20.0), tol ); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { using std::endl; typedef double Scalar; typedef double ScalarMag; using Teuchos::describe; using Teuchos::RCP; using Teuchos::rcp; using Teuchos::rcp_implicit_cast; using Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast; using Teuchos::as; using Teuchos::ParameterList; using Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor; typedef Teuchos::ParameterList::PrintOptions PLPrintOptions; typedef Thyra::ModelEvaluatorBase MEB; typedef Thyra::DefaultMultiVectorProductVectorSpace<Scalar> DMVPVS; using Thyra::productVectorBase; bool result, success = true; Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc,&argv); RCP<Epetra_Comm> epetra_comm; #ifdef HAVE_MPI epetra_comm = rcp( new Epetra_MpiComm(MPI_COMM_WORLD) ); #else epetra_comm = rcp( new Epetra_SerialComm ); #endif // HAVE_MPI RCP<Teuchos::FancyOStream> out = Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase::getDefaultOStream(); try { // // Read commandline options // CommandLineProcessor clp; clp.throwExceptions(false); clp.addOutputSetupOptions(true); std::string paramsFileName = ""; clp.setOption( "params-file", ¶msFileName, "File name for XML parameters" ); std::string extraParamsString = ""; clp.setOption( "extra-params", &extraParamsString, "Extra XML parameters" ); std::string extraParamsFile = ""; clp.setOption( "extra-params-file", &extraParamsFile, "File containing extra parameters in XML format."); double maxStateError = 1e-6; clp.setOption( "max-state-error", &maxStateError, "The maximum allowed error in the integrated state in relation to the exact state solution" ); double finalTime = 1e-3; clp.setOption( "final-time", &finalTime, "Final integration time (initial time is 0.0)" ); int numTimeSteps = 10; clp.setOption( "num-time-steps", &numTimeSteps, "Number of (fixed) time steps. If <= 0.0, then variable time steps are taken" ); bool useBDF = false; clp.setOption( "use-BDF", "use-BE", &useBDF, "Use BDF or Backward Euler (BE)" ); bool useIRK = false; clp.setOption( "use-IRK", "use-other", &useIRK, "Use IRK or something" ); bool doFwdSensSolve = false; clp.setOption( "fwd-sens-solve", "state-solve", &doFwdSensSolve, "Do the forward sensitivity solve or just the state solve" ); bool doFwdSensErrorControl = false; clp.setOption( "fwd-sens-err-cntrl", "no-fwd-sens-err-cntrl", &doFwdSensErrorControl, "Do error control on the forward sensitivity solve or not" ); double maxRestateError = 0.0; clp.setOption( "max-restate-error", &maxRestateError, "The maximum allowed error between the state integrated by itself verses integrated along with DxDp" ); double maxSensError = 1e-4; clp.setOption( "max-sens-error", &maxSensError, "The maximum allowed error in the integrated sensitivity in relation to" " the finite-difference sensitivity" ); Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verbLevel = Teuchos::VERB_DEFAULT; setVerbosityLevelOption( "verb-level", &verbLevel, "Top-level verbosity level. By default, this gets deincremented as you go deeper into numerical objects.", &clp ); bool testExactSensitivity = false; clp.setOption( "test-exact-sens", "no-test-exact-sens", &testExactSensitivity, "Test the exact sensitivity with finite differences or not." ); bool dumpFinalSolutions = false; clp.setOption( "dump-final-solutions", "no-dump-final-solutions", &dumpFinalSolutions, "Determine if the final solutions are dumpped or not." ); CommandLineProcessor::EParseCommandLineReturn parse_return = clp.parse(argc,argv); if( parse_return != CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL ) return parse_return; if ( Teuchos::VERB_DEFAULT == verbLevel ) verbLevel = Teuchos::VERB_LOW; const Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel solnVerbLevel = ( dumpFinalSolutions ? Teuchos::VERB_EXTREME : verbLevel ); // // Get the base parameter list that all other parameter lists will be read // from. // RCP<ParameterList> paramList = Teuchos::parameterList(); if (paramsFileName.length()) updateParametersFromXmlFile( paramsFileName, paramList.ptr() ); if(extraParamsFile.length()) Teuchos::updateParametersFromXmlFile( "./"+extraParamsFile, paramList.ptr() ); if (extraParamsString.length()) updateParametersFromXmlString( extraParamsString, paramList.ptr() ); if (testExactSensitivity) { paramList->sublist(DiagonalTransientModel_name).set("Exact Solution as Response",true); } paramList->validateParameters(*getValidParameters(),0); // Only validate top level lists! // // Create the Stratimikos linear solver factory. // // This is the linear solve strategy that will be used to solve for the // linear system with the W. // Stratimikos::DefaultLinearSolverBuilder linearSolverBuilder; linearSolverBuilder.setParameterList(sublist(paramList,Stratimikos_name)); RCP<Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<Scalar> > W_factory = createLinearSolveStrategy(linearSolverBuilder); // // Create the underlying EpetraExt::ModelEvaluator // RCP<EpetraExt::DiagonalTransientModel> epetraStateModel = EpetraExt::diagonalTransientModel( epetra_comm, sublist(paramList,DiagonalTransientModel_name) ); *out <<"\nepetraStateModel valid options:\n"; epetraStateModel->getValidParameters()->print( *out, PLPrintOptions().indent(2).showTypes(true).showDoc(true) ); // // Create the Thyra-wrapped ModelEvaluator // RCP<Thyra::ModelEvaluator<double> > stateModel = epetraModelEvaluator(epetraStateModel,W_factory); *out << "\nParameter names = " << *stateModel->get_p_names(0) << "\n"; // // Create the Rythmos stateStepper // RCP<Rythmos::TimeStepNonlinearSolver<double> > nonlinearSolver = Rythmos::timeStepNonlinearSolver<double>(); RCP<ParameterList> nonlinearSolverPL = sublist(paramList,TimeStepNonlinearSolver_name); nonlinearSolverPL->get("Default Tol",1e-3*maxStateError); // Set default if not set nonlinearSolver->setParameterList(nonlinearSolverPL); RCP<Rythmos::StepperBase<Scalar> > stateStepper; if (useBDF) { stateStepper = rcp( new Rythmos::ImplicitBDFStepper<double>( stateModel, nonlinearSolver ) ); } else if (useIRK) { // We need a separate LOWSFB object for the IRK stepper RCP<Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase<Scalar> > irk_W_factory = createLinearSolveStrategy(linearSolverBuilder); RCP<Rythmos::RKButcherTableauBase<double> > irkbt = Rythmos::createRKBT<double>("Backward Euler"); stateStepper = Rythmos::implicitRKStepper<double>( stateModel, nonlinearSolver, irk_W_factory, irkbt ); } else { stateStepper = rcp( new Rythmos::BackwardEulerStepper<double>( stateModel, nonlinearSolver ) ); } *out <<"\nstateStepper:\n" << describe(*stateStepper,verbLevel); *out <<"\nstateStepper valid options:\n"; stateStepper->getValidParameters()->print( *out, PLPrintOptions().indent(2).showTypes(true).showDoc(true) ); stateStepper->setParameterList(sublist(paramList,RythmosStepper_name)); // // Setup finite difference objects that will be used for tests // Thyra::DirectionalFiniteDiffCalculator<Scalar> fdCalc; fdCalc.setParameterList(sublist(paramList,FdCalc_name)); fdCalc.setOStream(out); fdCalc.setVerbLevel(verbLevel); // // Use a StepperAsModelEvaluator to integrate the state // const MEB::InArgs<Scalar> state_ic = stateModel->getNominalValues(); *out << "\nstate_ic:\n" << describe(state_ic,verbLevel); RCP<Rythmos::IntegratorBase<Scalar> > integrator; { RCP<ParameterList> integratorPL = sublist(paramList,RythmosIntegrator_name); integratorPL->set( "Take Variable Steps", as<bool>(numTimeSteps < 0) ); integratorPL->set( "Fixed dt", as<double>((finalTime - state_ic.get_t())/numTimeSteps) ); RCP<Rythmos::IntegratorBase<Scalar> > defaultIntegrator = Rythmos::controlledDefaultIntegrator<Scalar>( Rythmos::simpleIntegrationControlStrategy<Scalar>(integratorPL) ); integrator = defaultIntegrator; } RCP<Rythmos::StepperAsModelEvaluator<Scalar> > stateIntegratorAsModel = Rythmos::stepperAsModelEvaluator( stateStepper, integrator, state_ic ); stateIntegratorAsModel->setVerbLevel(verbLevel); *out << "\nUse the StepperAsModelEvaluator to integrate state x(p,finalTime) ... \n"; RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > x_final; { Teuchos::OSTab tab(out); x_final = createMember(stateIntegratorAsModel->get_g_space(0)); eval_g( *stateIntegratorAsModel, 0, *state_ic.get_p(0), finalTime, 0, &*x_final ); *out << "\nx_final = x(p,finalTime) evaluated using stateIntegratorAsModel:\n" << describe(*x_final,solnVerbLevel); } // // Test the integrated state against the exact analytical state solution // RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > exact_x_final = create_Vector( epetraStateModel->getExactSolution(finalTime), stateModel->get_x_space() ); result = Thyra::testRelNormDiffErr( "exact_x_final", *exact_x_final, "x_final", *x_final, "maxStateError", maxStateError, "warningTol", 1.0, // Don't warn &*out, solnVerbLevel ); if (!result) success = false; // // Solve and test the forward sensitivity computation // if (doFwdSensSolve) { // // Create the forward sensitivity stepper // RCP<Rythmos::ForwardSensitivityStepper<Scalar> > stateAndSensStepper = Rythmos::forwardSensitivityStepper<Scalar>(); if (doFwdSensErrorControl) { stateAndSensStepper->initializeDecoupledSteppers( stateModel, 0, stateModel->getNominalValues(), stateStepper, nonlinearSolver, integrator->cloneIntegrator(), finalTime ); } else { stateAndSensStepper->initializeSyncedSteppers( stateModel, 0, stateModel->getNominalValues(), stateStepper, nonlinearSolver ); // The above call will result in stateStepper and nonlinearSolver being // cloned. This helps to ensure consistency between the state and // sensitivity computations! } // // Set the initial condition for the state and forward sensitivities // RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > s_bar_init = createMember(stateAndSensStepper->getFwdSensModel()->get_x_space()); assign( s_bar_init.ptr(), 0.0 ); RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > s_bar_dot_init = createMember(stateAndSensStepper->getFwdSensModel()->get_x_space()); assign( s_bar_dot_init.ptr(), 0.0 ); // Above, I believe that these are the correct initial conditions for // s_bar and s_bar_dot given how the EpetraExt::DiagonalTransientModel // is currently implemented! RCP<const Rythmos::StateAndForwardSensitivityModelEvaluator<Scalar> > stateAndSensModel = stateAndSensStepper->getStateAndFwdSensModel(); MEB::InArgs<Scalar> state_and_sens_ic = stateAndSensStepper->getModel()->createInArgs(); // Copy time, parameters etc. state_and_sens_ic.setArgs(state_ic); // Set initial condition for x_bar = [ x; s_bar ] state_and_sens_ic.set_x( stateAndSensModel->create_x_bar_vec(state_ic.get_x(),s_bar_init) ); // Set initial condition for x_bar_dot = [ x_dot; s_bar_dot ] state_and_sens_ic.set_x_dot( stateAndSensModel->create_x_bar_vec(state_ic.get_x_dot(),s_bar_dot_init) ); *out << "\nstate_and_sens_ic:\n" << describe(state_and_sens_ic,verbLevel); stateAndSensStepper->setInitialCondition(state_and_sens_ic); // // Use a StepperAsModelEvaluator to integrate the state+sens // RCP<Rythmos::StepperAsModelEvaluator<Scalar> > stateAndSensIntegratorAsModel = Rythmos::stepperAsModelEvaluator( rcp_implicit_cast<Rythmos::StepperBase<Scalar> >(stateAndSensStepper), integrator, state_and_sens_ic ); stateAndSensIntegratorAsModel->setVerbLevel(verbLevel); *out << "\nUse the StepperAsModelEvaluator to integrate state + sens x_bar(p,finalTime) ... \n"; RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > x_bar_final; { Teuchos::OSTab tab(out); x_bar_final = createMember(stateAndSensIntegratorAsModel->get_g_space(0)); eval_g( *stateAndSensIntegratorAsModel, 0, *state_ic.get_p(0), finalTime, 0, &*x_bar_final ); *out << "\nx_bar_final = x_bar(p,finalTime) evaluated using stateAndSensIntegratorAsModel:\n" << describe(*x_bar_final,solnVerbLevel); } // // Test that the state computed above is same as computed initially! // *out << "\nChecking that x(p,finalTime) computed as part of x_bar above is the same ...\n"; { Teuchos::OSTab tab(out); RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > x_in_x_bar_final = productVectorBase<Scalar>(x_bar_final)->getVectorBlock(0); result = Thyra::testRelNormDiffErr<Scalar>( "x_final", *x_final, "x_in_x_bar_final", *x_in_x_bar_final, "maxRestateError", maxRestateError, "warningTol", 1.0, // Don't warn &*out, solnVerbLevel ); if (!result) success = false; } // // Compute DxDp using finite differences // *out << "\nApproximating DxDp(p,t) using directional finite differences of integrator for x(p,t) ...\n"; RCP<Thyra::MultiVectorBase<Scalar> > DxDp_fd_final; { Teuchos::OSTab tab(out); MEB::InArgs<Scalar> fdBasePoint = stateIntegratorAsModel->createInArgs(); fdBasePoint.set_t(finalTime); fdBasePoint.set_p(0,stateModel->getNominalValues().get_p(0)); DxDp_fd_final = createMembers( stateIntegratorAsModel->get_g_space(0), stateIntegratorAsModel->get_p_space(0)->dim() ); typedef Thyra::DirectionalFiniteDiffCalculatorTypes::SelectedDerivatives SelectedDerivatives; MEB::OutArgs<Scalar> fdOutArgs = fdCalc.createOutArgs( *stateIntegratorAsModel, SelectedDerivatives().supports(MEB::OUT_ARG_DgDp,0,0) ); fdOutArgs.set_DgDp(0,0,DxDp_fd_final); // Silence the model evaluators that are called. The fdCal object // will show all of the inputs and outputs for each call. stateStepper->setVerbLevel(Teuchos::VERB_NONE); stateIntegratorAsModel->setVerbLevel(Teuchos::VERB_NONE); fdCalc.calcDerivatives( *stateIntegratorAsModel, fdBasePoint, stateIntegratorAsModel->createOutArgs(), // Don't bother with function value fdOutArgs ); *out << "\nFinite difference DxDp_fd_final = DxDp(p,finalTime): " << describe(*DxDp_fd_final,solnVerbLevel); } // // Test that the integrated sens and the F.D. sens are similar // *out << "\nChecking that integrated DxDp(p,finalTime) and finite-diff DxDp(p,finalTime) are similar ...\n"; { Teuchos::OSTab tab(out); RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > DxDp_vec_final = Thyra::productVectorBase<Scalar>(x_bar_final)->getVectorBlock(1); RCP<const Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> > DxDp_fd_vec_final = Thyra::multiVectorProductVector( rcp_dynamic_cast<const Thyra::DefaultMultiVectorProductVectorSpace<Scalar> >( DxDp_vec_final->range() ), DxDp_fd_final ); result = Thyra::testRelNormDiffErr( "DxDp_vec_final", *DxDp_vec_final, "DxDp_fd_vec_final", *DxDp_fd_vec_final, "maxSensError", maxSensError, "warningTol", 1.0, // Don't warn &*out, solnVerbLevel ); if (!result) success = false; } } } TEUCHOS_STANDARD_CATCH_STATEMENTS(true,*out,success); if(success) *out << "\nEnd Result: TEST PASSED" << endl; else *out << "\nEnd Result: TEST FAILED" << endl; return ( success ? 0 : 1 ); } // end main() [Doxygen looks for this!]