MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr CXmlBase::GetXmlDocPtrByStream(CComBSTR bstrXml , CString strXmlPathFile) { CString str(_T("")); HRESULT hr = S_OK; MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr pDoc; //载入到xml文档结构中 hr = pDoc.CreateInstance(__uuidof(MSXML2::DOMDocument40)); if (FAILED(hr)) { //WRITELOG("END, FAILED TO INVOKE pDoc.CreateInstance"); return NULL; } pDoc->async = VARIANT_FALSE; //加载方式为“同步” pDoc->validateOnParse = VARIANT_FALSE; //文档结构有错误时,停止解析。 if (VARIANT_FALSE == pDoc->loadXML(bstrXml.m_str)) { //WRITELOG("END, FAILED TO INVOKE pDoc->loadXML"); return NULL; } if (!strXmlPathFile.IsEmpty()) { if (S_OK != pDoc->save((LPCTSTR)strXmlPathFile)) { //WRITELOG("END, FAILED TO INVOKE pDoc->save"); } } return pDoc; }
MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr CXmlBase::GetXmlDocPtrByFile(LPCTSTR lpszXmlPathFile , LPCTSTR lpszNamespace) { CComBSTR bstrXml; CString str(_T("")); HRESULT hr = S_OK; MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr pDoc; //载入到xml文档结构中 hr = pDoc.CreateInstance(__uuidof(MSXML2::DOMDocument40)); if (FAILED(hr)) { // WRITELOG("END, FAILED TO INVOKE pDoc.CreateInstance"); return NULL; } pDoc->async = VARIANT_TRUE; //加载方式为“同步” pDoc->validateOnParse = VARIANT_FALSE; //文档结构有错误时,停止解析。 if (VARIANT_FALSE == pDoc->load(lpszXmlPathFile)) { //WRITELOG("END, FAILED TO INVOKE pDoc->load(%s)", strXmlPathFile); return NULL; } if (lpszNamespace != NULL) { hr = pDoc->setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath"); if (FAILED(hr)) return NULL; hr = pDoc->setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", lpszNamespace); if (FAILED(hr)) return NULL; } return pDoc; }
MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr CXmlBase::InsertEnterAndTabs(MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pParentNode, MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNode, int nLevel) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr pDoc = NULL; MSXML2::IXMLDOMTextPtr pTabsText = NULL; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pTabsNode = NULL; MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr pElement = NULL; CString strText(_T("")), strTabs(_T("")); CComBSTR bstrText; if (nLevel < 0 || pParentNode == NULL) return NULL; if(pNode == NULL)nLevel = 0; for (int i=0; i<nLevel; i++) { strTabs += _T("\t"); } strText.Format(_T("%s%s"), _T("\r\n"), (LPCTSTR)strTabs); bstrText = _bstr_t(strText).GetBSTR(); try { pDoc = pParentNode->GetownerDocument(); if (pDoc == NULL) return NULL; pTabsText = pDoc->createTextNode((LPCTSTR)strText); if (pTabsText == NULL) return NULL; CComVariant varNode = pNode.GetInterfacePtr(); pTabsNode = pParentNode->insertBefore(pTabsText, varNode); //hr = pDoc->raw_createTextNode(bstrText.m_str, &pTabsText); //if (FAILED(hr) || pTabsText == NULL) return NULL; //pElement = pTabsText; //pTabsNode = pParentNode->appendChild(pElement); //pTabsNode = pDoc->createTextNode((LPCTSTR)strText); //if (pTabsNode == NULL) return NULL; //pNode = pNode->appendChild(pTabsNode); } catch(_com_error &e) { CString str; str.Format(_T("创建xml节点发生异常。\r\nComError:\r\n%s") , e.ErrorMessage()); ::MessageBox(NULL,str, g_sAppTitle, MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); return NULL; } catch(...) { return NULL; } return pTabsNode; }
BOOL CXmlBase::SetNameSpace(MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr& pDoc, LPCTSTR lpszNameSpace) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (lpszNameSpace == NULL || pDoc == NULL) return FALSE; hr = pDoc->setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath"); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE; hr = pDoc->setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", lpszNameSpace); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr CXmlBase::CreateXmlDocPtr(void) { ::CoInitialize(NULL); MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr pDoc = NULL; HRESULT hr = pDoc.CreateInstance(__uuidof(MSXML2::DOMDocument40)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return NULL; } pDoc->async = VARIANT_FALSE; //加载方式为“同步” pDoc->validateOnParse = VARIANT_FALSE; //文档结构有错误时,停止解析。 //pDoc->preserveWhiteSpace = VARIANT_TRUE; return pDoc; }
void CWordManager::WordEditorInsertActiveElement(void) { CElementManager & em = ((CReportAsistentApp *) AfxGetApp())->m_pGeneralManager->ElementManager; LPCTSTR strElementName = getLastElementName(); //load element int element_index = em.ElementIdFromName(strElementName); MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr active_element = em.CreateEmptyElement(element_index); //load document MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr doc; doc.CreateInstance(_T("Msxml2.DOMDocument")); em.LoadSkeletonDTD((MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr &) doc); //insert element to chapter and document doc->documentElement-> appendChild(em.CreateEmptyElement(ELID_CHAPTER))-> appendChild(active_element); //configure by dialog if (CSkeletonDoc::EditActiveElement(active_element)) { //transform and generate CAElTransform transform(active_element); transform.DoAllTransnformations(); #ifdef _DEBUG MSXML2::IXMLDOMParseErrorPtr err = doc->validate(); if (err->errorCode != S_OK) { AfxMessageBox(err->reason); AfxMessageBox(active_element->selectSingleNode("output")->xml); } #endif GenerateXMLStringToWordEditor(active_element->xml); } active_element.Release(); doc.Release(); }
MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr setupXMLParser(char *path) { HRESULT hr; MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr xmlDoc; hr = CoInitialize(NULL); hr = xmlDoc.CreateInstance(__uuidof(MSXML2::DOMDocument60), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER); if (FAILED(hr)) return NULL; if (xmlDoc->load(path) != VARIANT_TRUE) return NULL; hr = xmlDoc->setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:r=''"); hr = xmlDoc->setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath"); return xmlDoc; }
//取得指定xpath的节点 MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr CXmlBase::GetNodePtr(LPCTSTR lpszXPath , MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr pDoc) { if (pDoc == NULL || lpszXPath == NULL) return NULL; CComBSTR bstrText = _bstr_t(lpszXPath).GetBSTR(); return pDoc->selectSingleNode(bstrText.m_str); }
//设置指定xpath的节点值 BOOL CXmlBase::SetNodeValue(LPCTSTR lpszValue, LPCTSTR lpszXPath , MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr pDoc) { if (pDoc == NULL || lpszXPath == NULL) return FALSE; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr pNodeList = pDoc->selectNodes(lpszXPath); long lCnt = pNodeList->Getlength(); if (lCnt == 0) return FALSE; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNode = pNodeList->Getitem(0); return SetNodeValue(lpszValue, pNode); }
void readGeometry(dae_reader_t *reader, MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr xmlDoc) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr nodeList; nodeList = xmlDoc->selectNodes("/r:COLLADA/r:library_geometries/r:geometry"); int count = nodeList->length; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr node = nodeList->Getitem(i); readMesh(reader, node); } }
void CShootManagerSys::LoadShootSolutionSector(int iSector, LPCTSTR szFilename) { if(iSector >= m_ShootSolutionSectorArray.Num()) return; int i; MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr pDoc; pDoc.CreateInstance(__uuidof(DOMDocument40)); pDoc->load((_variant_t)szFilename); // 성공한 슛부터 로드한다. MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr pNodeListSuccess = pDoc->selectNodes(L"root/success"); for(i=0; i<pNodeListSuccess->Getlength(); i++) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNodeSuccess = pNodeListSuccess->Getitem(i); CShootSolution Solution; Solution.Create(pNodeSuccess, true, this); m_ShootSolutionSectorArray[iSector].first.push_back(Solution); } MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr pNodeListFail = pDoc->selectNodes(L"root/fail"); for(i=0; i<pNodeListFail->Getlength(); i++) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNodeFail = pNodeListFail->Getitem(i); CShootSolution Solution; Solution.Create(pNodeFail, false, this); m_ShootSolutionSectorArray[iSector].second.push_back(Solution); } pDoc.Release(); }
MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr CXmlBase::CreateRootNode(MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr pDoc , LPCTSTR lpszRootText) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr pElement = NULL; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNode = NULL; CComBSTR bstrRootText = _bstr_t("root").GetBSTR(); if (pDoc == NULL) return NULL; if (lpszRootText != NULL) bstrRootText = lpszRootText; if (bstrRootText.Length() == 0) return NULL; try { //hr = pDoc->raw_createElement(bstrRootText.m_str, &pElement); //if (FAILED(hr) || pElement == NULL) return NULL; //pNode = pElement; pNode = pDoc->createNode(NODE_ELEMENT, bstrRootText.m_str, _T("")); if (pNode == NULL) return NULL; //hr = pDoc->raw_appendChild(pNode, NULL); //if (FAILED(hr)) return NULL; pNode = pDoc->appendChild(pNode); } catch(_com_error &e) { CString str; str.Format(_T("创建xml根节点发生异常。\r\nComError:\r\n%s") , e.ErrorMessage()); ::MessageBox( NULL, str, g_sAppTitle, MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); return NULL; } catch(...) { return NULL; } return pNode; }
MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr CXmlBase::InsertNode( MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pParentNode , MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNodeBack , LPCTSTR lpszNodeText ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr pDoc = NULL; MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr pElement = NULL; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNode = NULL; CComBSTR bstrNodeText = _bstr_t("node").GetBSTR(); if (pParentNode == NULL || lpszNodeText == NULL) return NULL; bstrNodeText = lpszNodeText; if (bstrNodeText.Length() == 0) return NULL; try { pDoc = pParentNode->GetownerDocument(); if (pDoc == NULL) return NULL; //hr = pDoc->raw_createElement(bstrNodeText.m_str, &pElement); //if (FAILED(hr) || pElement == NULL) return NULL; pNode = pDoc->createNode(NODE_ELEMENT, bstrNodeText.m_str, _T("")); if (pNode == NULL) return NULL; CComVariant varNode = pNodeBack.GetInterfacePtr(); pNode = pParentNode->insertBefore(pNode, varNode); } catch(_com_error &e) { CString str; str.Format(_T("插入xml节点发生异常。\r\nComError:\r\n%s") , e.ErrorMessage()); ::MessageBox(NULL,str, g_sAppTitle, MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); return NULL; } catch(...) { return NULL; } return pNode; }
MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr CXmlBase::CreateXmlTitle(MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr pDoc) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMProcessingInstructionPtr pi = NULL; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNode = NULL; if (pDoc == NULL) return NULL; try { pi = pDoc->createProcessingInstruction(_T("xml") , _T("version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"")); if (pi == NULL) return NULL; pNode = pi; if (NULL == (pNode = pDoc->appendChild(pNode))) { pi.Release(); pNode.Release(); return NULL; } pi.Release(); //pNode.Release(); } catch(_com_error &e) { CString str; str.Format(_T("创建xml头发生异常。\r\nComError:\r\n%s") , e.ErrorMessage()); ::MessageBox( NULL,str, g_sAppTitle, MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); return NULL; } catch(...) { return NULL; } return pNode; }
void CShootManagerSys::LoadShootSolutionSector(int iSector, SFullName nameFile) { if(iSector >= m_ShootSolutionSectorArray.Num()) return; int i; MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr pDoc = NULL; DFileGPack packFile; packFile.Open(nameFile); CFileSys::LoadBinaryXML(pDoc, packFile.GetFile(), packFile.GetSize()); packFile.Close(); // 성공한 슛부터 로드한다. MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr pNodeListSuccess = pDoc->selectNodes(L"root/success"); for(i=0; i<pNodeListSuccess->Getlength(); i++) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNodeSuccess = pNodeListSuccess->Getitem(i); CShootSolution Solution; Solution.Create(pNodeSuccess, true, this); Solution.SetSectorIndex(iSector); m_ShootSolutionSectorArray[iSector].first.push_back(Solution); } MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr pNodeListFail = pDoc->selectNodes(L"root/fail"); for(i=0; i<pNodeListFail->Getlength(); i++) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNodeFail = pNodeListFail->Getitem(i); CShootSolution Solution; Solution.Create(pNodeFail, false, this); Solution.SetSectorIndex(iSector); m_ShootSolutionSectorArray[iSector].second.push_back(Solution); } CFileSys::UnloadXML(pDoc); }
MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr CXmlBase::GetNodeListPtr(LPCTSTR lpszXPath , MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr pDoc) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr pNodeList; CComBSTR bstrText; if (lpszXPath == NULL) { return NULL; } if (pDoc == NULL) { return NULL; } bstrText = _bstr_t(lpszXPath).GetBSTR(); pNodeList = pDoc->selectNodes(bstrText.m_str); return pNodeList; }
void getAxisOrientation(dae_reader_t *reader, MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr xmlDoc) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr node = xmlDoc->selectSingleNode("/r:COLLADA/r:asset/r:up_axis"); reader->x = 0; reader->y = 1; reader->z = 2; if (node != NULL) { string orientation = node->text; if (orientation[0] == 'Y') { reader->z = 1; reader->y = 2; } } }
MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr ValidateConfigXML() { wchar_t moduleFileName[MAX_PATH] = {0}; if(0 == GetModuleFileNameW(GetModuleHandle(_T("TestConnectSdk.dll")/*"TestConnectAPITool.dll"*/), moduleFileName, MAX_PATH)) throw Workshare::Exception(_T("Failed to obtain the filename of the current module")); CStdStringW schemaUrl; schemaUrl.Format(L"res://%s/ConnectAPITestTool.xsd", moduleFileName); MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr spConfigSchema; HRESULT hr = spConfigSchema.CreateInstance(__uuidof(MSXML2::DOMDocument60)); if(FAILED(hr)) throw Workshare::ClassNotFoundException(_T("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0"), _T("Failed to create an XML dom object.")); if(VARIANT_TRUE != spConfigSchema->load(schemaUrl.c_str())) ThrowMSXMLParseError(spConfigSchema->parseError, _T("Failed to load 'ConnectAPITestTool.xsd'.")); MSXML2::IXMLDOMSchemaCollection2Ptr spSchemaCollection; hr = spSchemaCollection.CreateInstance(__uuidof(MSXML2::XMLSchemaCache60)); if(FAILED(hr)) throw Workshare::ClassNotFoundException(_T("Msxml2.XMLSchemaCache.6.0"), _T("Failed to create an XML schema collection.")); hr = spSchemaCollection->add(L"", spConfigSchema.GetInterfacePtr()); if(S_OK != hr) throw Workshare::Exception(_T("Failed to add 'ConnectAPITestTool.xsd' to schema collection.")); MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr spConfigXML; hr = spConfigXML.CreateInstance(__uuidof(MSXML2::DOMDocument60)); if(FAILED(hr)) throw Workshare::ClassNotFoundException(_T("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0"), _T("Failed to create an XML dom object.")); spConfigXML->async = VARIANT_FALSE; spConfigXML->resolveExternals = VARIANT_FALSE; spConfigXML->validateOnParse = VARIANT_FALSE; spConfigXML->schemas = spSchemaCollection.GetInterfacePtr(); if(VARIANT_TRUE != spConfigXML->load(L"ConnectAPITestTool.xml")) ThrowMSXMLParseError(spConfigXML->parseError, _T("Failed to load 'ConnectAPITestTool.xml'.")); MSXML2::IXMLDOMParseErrorPtr spError = spConfigXML->validate(); if(S_OK != spError->errorCode) ThrowMSXMLParseError(spError, _T("Failed to validate 'ConnectAPITestTool.xml'.")); return spConfigXML; }
MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr CXmlBase::GetRootNodePtr(MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr pDoc) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr pRoot; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNode; HRESULT hr = NULL; if (pDoc == NULL) { //WRITELOG("END, pDoc为空"); return NULL; } hr = pDoc->get_documentElement(&pRoot); if (FAILED(hr) || NULL == pRoot) { // WRITELOG("END, pDoc取得根节点失败"); return NULL; } pNode = pRoot; return pNode; }
//设置指定xpath的节点属性 BOOL CXmlBase::SetAttrValue(LPCTSTR lpszValue, LPCTSTR lpszAttrName, LPCTSTR lpszXPath , MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr pDoc) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNode = NULL; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr pNodeList = NULL; long lCnt = 0; if (pDoc == NULL || lpszXPath == NULL) return FALSE; try { pNodeList = pDoc->selectNodes(lpszXPath); lCnt = pNodeList->Getlength(); if (lCnt == 0) return FALSE; pNode = pNodeList->Getitem(0); } catch (_com_error e) { ::MessageBox(NULL, e.ErrorMessage(), NULL, MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); return FALSE; } return SetAttrValue(lpszValue, lpszAttrName, pNode); }
void CShootManagerSys::LoadShootSolutionSet(SFullName nameFile) { int i; MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr pDoc = NULL; DFileGPack packFile; packFile.Open(nameFile); CFileSys::LoadBinaryXML(pDoc, packFile.GetFile(), packFile.GetSize()); packFile.Close(); // 시뮬레이터에서 사용하는 거리 범위들을 로드한다. MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr pNodeListDistance; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNodeDistance; float fDistance; pNodeListDistance = pDoc->selectNodes(L"root/distance_range/distance"); for(i=0; i<pNodeListDistance->Getlength(); i++) { pNodeDistance = pNodeListDistance->Getitem(i); _bstr_t distance = pNodeDistance->GetnodeTypedValue(); sscanf((LPCTSTR)distance, "%f", &fDistance); m_DistanceList.push_back(fDistance); } // 시뮬레이터에서 사용하는 각도 범위들을 로드한다. // 여기서 각도는 (골대 - 슈터) 와 양의 z 축 사이의 각도를 말한다. // degree 로 저장되어 있으므로 Angle 로 변환시킨다. MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr pNodeListAngle; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNodeAngle; float fDegree; int iAngle; pNodeListAngle = pDoc->selectNodes(L"root/angle_range/degree"); for(i=0; i<pNodeListAngle->Getlength(); i++) { pNodeAngle = pNodeListAngle->Getitem(i); _bstr_t degree = pNodeAngle->GetnodeTypedValue(); sscanf((LPCTSTR)degree, "%f", &fDegree); iAngle = Degree2Angle(fDegree); // degree 에서 Angle 로 변환한다. m_AngleList.push_back(iAngle); } // 전체 섹터 개수를 계산하고 여기에 맞게 메모리를 생성한다. int iNumSector = m_DistanceList.size() * (m_AngleList.size() + 1) + 6; for(i=0; i<iNumSector; i++) { ShootSolutionSector *pShootSolutionSector = new (m_ShootSolutionSectorArray) ShootSolutionSector; } // 각 섹터별로 섹터안의 Shoot Solution 들을 로드한다. MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr pNodeListSector = pDoc->selectNodes(L"root/sector"); MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNodeSector; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNodeIndex; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNodePath; for(i=0; i<pNodeListSector->Getlength(); i++) { pNodeSector = pNodeListSector->Getitem(i); pNodeIndex = pNodeSector->selectSingleNode(L"index"); pNodePath = pNodeSector->selectSingleNode(L"path"); _bstr_t index = pNodeIndex->GetnodeTypedValue(); _bstr_t path = pNodePath->GetnodeTypedValue(); SString strName = (LPCTSTR)path; DCutPath(strName); DCutFileExt(strName); strName[strName.Len()-3] = 'b'; int iIndex = atoi((LPCTSTR)index); LoadShootSolutionSector(iIndex, SFullName("simulator",strName)); // int iIndex = atoi((LPCTSTR)index); // SString sFilePath = szFilename; // sFilePath = DGetPathOnly(sFilePath); // sFilePath += "\\"; // sFilePath += (LPCTSTR)path; // sFilePath.Format("%s\\%s\\%s", g_szCurrentPath, g_szSimulatorPath, (LPCTSTR)path); // LoadShootSolutionSector(iIndex, (LPCTSTR)sFilePath); } CFileSys::UnloadXML(pDoc); }
CRDPConfig::CRDPConfig(const char *configFile) { // Local variables and initializations HRESULT hResult = S_OK; char cNodeType; // set the defaults mConfigError = false; // TODO - check for config error - report in Capture Fail mDrive = "C:"; mRoot = "/DATA"; // NOTE: don't use backslash in file names mInfoDrive = "C:"; mInfoRoot = "/xampp/htdocs/RDP_Data"; mInfoFile = "messages.log"; mMsgLogDrive = "C:"; mMsgLogRoot = "/xampp/htdocs/RDP_Data"; mMsgLogFile = "messages.log"; mTestDataDrive = "C:"; mTestDataRoot = "/DATA/TestData"; //mTestDataEnabled = false; mDebugLevel = -1; mMSSListenerPort = 65000; mDrive = "C:"; mRoot = "\\DATA\\"; mLeadInSize = 21; mDataBlockSize = 150; mLeadOutSize = 0; mNoOfCards = 2; mNoOfPortsPerCard = 4; // Read the XML file and update the config values // Initialize the COM library hResult = CoInitialize(NULL); if (FAILED(hResult)) { MsgLog::Error("RDPConfig module - Failed to initialize COM environment"); return; } // Main try block for MSXML DOM operations try { // MSXML COM smart pointers // Use the Dccument2 class to enable schema validation MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr spDocInput; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr spNodeTemp; MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr spElemTemp; MSXML2::IXMLDOMAttributePtr spAttrTemp; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr spNLChildren; // Create the COM DOM Document object hResult = spDocInput.CreateInstance(__uuidof(DOMDocument)); if FAILED(hResult) { MsgLog::Error("RDPConfig module - Failed to create Document instance"); return; } // Load the document synchronously spDocInput->async = VARIANT_FALSE; // Load input document. MSXML default for load is to // validate while parsing. hResult = spDocInput->load(configFile); // Check for load, parse, or validation errors if( hResult != VARIANT_TRUE) { MsgLog::Error("Parsing error reading config file %s", configFile); return; } else { MsgLog::Info("Config file %s opened successfully", configFile); } // Get document element spElemTemp = spDocInput->documentElement; if (Debug::Enabled(Debug::CONFIG)) std::cout<<std::endl<<"Document Element name: "<<spElemTemp->nodeName<<std::endl; // Walk through children of document element // and process according to type spNodeTemp = spElemTemp->firstChild; // TODO more checking needed for the config file while (spNodeTemp != NULL) { // Process node depending on type cNodeType = spNodeTemp->nodeType; switch (cNodeType) { // Comment Node case NODE_COMMENT: if (Debug::Enabled(Debug::CONFIG)) std::cout<<"Comment Node:" << std::endl << " "<<_bstr_t(spNodeTemp->nodeValue)<<std::endl; break; // Element Node case NODE_ELEMENT: { std::string tempString; spElemTemp = (IXMLDOMElementPtr) spNodeTemp; std::string node = (const char *)spElemTemp->nodeName; Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, "Processing %s", node.c_str()); // A note on processing attributes // MSXML doesn't support the hasAttribute method, // so we'll try to get the Attribute node, then its value. // eg // spAttrTemp = spElemTemp->getAttributeNode("Attribute1"); // if (spAttrTemp != NULL) // test if "get" was successful // ... if (node == "MSS") { spAttrTemp = spElemTemp->getAttributeNode("PORT"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { mMSSListenerPort = (u_short)strtol((char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue), NULL, 0); Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, " PORT Value: %d", mMSSListenerPort); } } else if (node == "DISK") { spAttrTemp = spElemTemp->getAttributeNode("DRIVE"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { mDrive = (char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue); Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, " DRIVE: %s", mDrive.c_str()); } spAttrTemp = spElemTemp->getAttributeNode("ROOT"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { mRoot = (char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue); FixPath(mRoot); // replace all backslashes \ with forward slashes / Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, " ROOT: %s", mRoot.c_str()); } } else if (node == "INFO") { spAttrTemp = spElemTemp->getAttributeNode("DRIVE"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { mInfoDrive = (char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue); Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, " INFO DRIVE: %s", mInfoDrive.c_str()); } spAttrTemp = spElemTemp->getAttributeNode("ROOT"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { mInfoRoot = (char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue); FixPath(mInfoRoot); // replace all backslashes \ with forward slashes / Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, " INFO ROOT: %s", mInfoRoot.c_str()); } spAttrTemp = spElemTemp->getAttributeNode("FILE"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { mInfoFile = (char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue); Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, " INFO FILE: %s", mInfoFile.c_str()); } } else if (node == "MSGLOG") { spAttrTemp = spElemTemp->getAttributeNode("DRIVE"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { mMsgLogDrive = (char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue); Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, " MSGLOG DRIVE: %s", mMsgLogDrive.c_str()); } spAttrTemp = spElemTemp->getAttributeNode("ROOT"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { mMsgLogRoot = (char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue); FixPath(mMsgLogRoot); // replace all backslashes \ with forward slashes / Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, " MSGLOG ROOT: %s", mMsgLogRoot.c_str()); } spAttrTemp = spElemTemp->getAttributeNode("FILE"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { mMsgLogFile = (char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue); Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, " MSGLOG FILE: %s", mMsgLogFile.c_str()); } } else if (node == "TESTDATA") { spAttrTemp = spElemTemp->getAttributeNode("DRIVE"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { mTestDataDrive = (char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue); Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, " TESTDATA DRIVE: %s", mTestDataDrive.c_str()); } spAttrTemp = spElemTemp->getAttributeNode("ROOT"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { mTestDataRoot = (char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue); FixPath(mTestDataRoot); // replace all backslashes \ with forward slashes / Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, " MSGLOG ROOT: %s", mTestDataRoot.c_str()); } //spAttrTemp = spElemTemp->getAttributeNode("ENABLED"); //if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { // tempString = (char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue); // std::transform(tempString.begin(), tempString.end(), tempString.begin(), std::toupper); // mTestDataEnabled = (tempString == "YES"); //} } else if (node == "DEBUG") { spAttrTemp = spElemTemp->getAttributeNode("LEVEL"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { mDebugLevel = strtol((char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue), NULL, 0); Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, " DEBUG LEVEL: %d", mDebugLevel); } } else if (node == "FIBREOPTICINTERFACE") { MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr spChildNode = spNodeTemp->firstChild; int noOfCards = 2; // default to 2 cards int noOfPortsPerCard = 4; // default to 4 ports per card while (spChildNode != NULL) { if (spChildNode->nodeType == NODE_ELEMENT) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr spChildElem = (IXMLDOMElementPtr) spChildNode; std::string nodeName = (const char *)spChildNode->nodeName; Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, " Processing %s", nodeName.c_str()); //Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, " Processing %s", (const char *)spChildNode->nodeName); if (nodeName == "HARDWARE") { // eg <HARDWARE CARDS="2" PORTS="4"/> spAttrTemp = spChildElem->getAttributeNode("CARDS"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { noOfCards = strtol((char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue), NULL, 0); } spAttrTemp = spChildElem->getAttributeNode("PORTS"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { noOfPortsPerCard = strtol((char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue), NULL, 0); } } else if (nodeName == "FORMAT") { // eg <FORMAT LEADIN="21" DATABLOCK="150" LEADOUT="0"/> spAttrTemp = spChildElem->getAttributeNode("LEADIN"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { mLeadInSize = strtol((char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue), NULL, 0); if (mLeadInSize < 0) mConfigError = true; } spAttrTemp = spChildElem->getAttributeNode("DATABLOCK"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { mDataBlockSize = strtol((char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue), NULL, 0); if (mDataBlockSize < 0) mConfigError = true; } spAttrTemp = spChildElem->getAttributeNode("LEADOUT"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { mLeadOutSize = strtol((char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue), NULL, 0); if (mLeadOutSize < 0) mConfigError = true; } if (mLeadInSize+mDataBlockSize+mLeadOutSize > Global::MAX_IQ_SAMPLES) mConfigError = true; } else if (nodeName == "DEVICE") { // eg <DEVICE CARD="0" PORT="2" ID="sfm_0_sfpdp_2" READ="YES" WRITE="NO"/> int card, port, fibre; bool bRead, bWrite; std::string id; spAttrTemp = spChildElem->getAttributeNode("CARD"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { card = strtol((char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue), NULL, 0); } spAttrTemp = spChildElem->getAttributeNode("PORT"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { port = strtol((char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue), NULL, 0); } spAttrTemp = spChildElem->getAttributeNode("FIBRE"); // TODO check that fibre value runs from 0 up to n if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { fibre = strtol((char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue), NULL, 0); } spAttrTemp = spChildElem->getAttributeNode("ID"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { id = (char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue); } spAttrTemp = spChildElem->getAttributeNode("READ"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { tempString = (char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue); std::transform(tempString.begin(), tempString.end(), tempString.begin(), std::toupper); bRead = (tempString == "YES"); } spAttrTemp = spChildElem->getAttributeNode("WRITE"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { tempString = (char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue); std::transform(tempString.begin(), tempString.end(), tempString.begin(), std::toupper); bWrite = (tempString == "YES"); } Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, "\tCARD = %d", card); Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, "\tPORT = %d", port); Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, "\tFIBRE = %d", fibre); Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, "\tid = %s", id.c_str()); Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, "\tRead? = %s", (bRead)?"Yes":"No"); Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, "\tWrite? = %s", (bWrite)?"Yes":"No"); if ( (card >= 0) && (card < Global::MAX_CARDS) // card is 0..max-1 ? && (port >= 0) && (port < Global::MAX_PORTS) // port is 0..max-1 ? && (bRead || bWrite) // either reader or writer or both ? ) { CDevice device(card, port, bRead, bWrite, fibre, id); mDevice.push_back(device); } } else if (nodeName == "PROCESSING") { // eg <PROCESSING HEADERCRCCHECK="YES" // DATACRCCHECK="YES" // HEADERMARK="7FACE0FF" // /> std::string mark; spAttrTemp = spChildElem->getAttributeNode("HEADERCRCCHECK"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { tempString = (char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue); std::transform(tempString.begin(), tempString.end(), tempString.begin(), std::toupper); mHeaderCRCCheck = (tempString == "YES"); } spAttrTemp = spChildElem->getAttributeNode("DATACRCCHECK"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { tempString = (char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue); std::transform(tempString.begin(), tempString.end(), tempString.begin(), std::toupper); mDataCRCCheck = (tempString == "YES"); } spAttrTemp = spChildElem->getAttributeNode("HEADERMARK"); if (spAttrTemp != NULL) { tempString = (char *)_bstr_t(spAttrTemp->nodeValue); if (tempString.length() != 8) { MsgLog::Error("HEADERMARK conversion error - %s", tempString.c_str()); mConfigError = true; } else { //tempString = for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(DWORD); i++) { int val; std::string s = tempString.substr(2*i, 2); if (Global::FromString(val, s, std::hex)) { val &= 0xFF; Global::headerBOM1.c[i] = val; Global::headerBOM2.c[sizeof(DWORD) - i - 1] = val; } else { mConfigError = true; MsgLog::Error("HEADERMARK conversion error - %s", tempString.c_str()); } } } } Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, "\tHEADERCRCCHECK? = %s", (mHeaderCRCCheck)?"Yes":"No"); Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, "\tDATACRCCHECK? = %s", (mDataCRCCheck)?"Yes":"No"); Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, "\tHeader Word = 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x", Global::headerBOM1.c[0], Global::headerBOM1.c[1], Global::headerBOM1.c[2], Global::headerBOM1.c[3]); } } spChildNode = spChildNode->nextSibling; // Get the next child of the Document Element //Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, "\tlength of mDevice is %d", mDevice.size()); } mNoOfCards = ( (noOfCards > 0) && (noOfCards <= Global::MAX_CARDS) ) ? noOfCards : 2; mNoOfPortsPerCard = ( (noOfPortsPerCard > 0) && (noOfPortsPerCard <= Global::MAX_PORTS) ) ? noOfPortsPerCard : 4; Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, "Number of cards = %d", mNoOfCards); Debug::PrintLine(Debug::CONFIG, "Number of ports per card = %d", mNoOfPortsPerCard); } else { if (Debug::Enabled(Debug::CONFIG)) std::cout << "Ignoring element: " << spElemTemp->nodeName << std::endl; } } // Everything else allowed by the schema default: // Skip unexpected processing instructions // and white space text nodes break; } // End of switch block spNodeTemp = spNodeTemp->nextSibling; // Get the next child of the Document Element } // End of while block } // End of try block catch (_com_error &e) // Catch COM exceptions { std::cerr << "COM Error" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Message = " << e.ErrorMessage() << std::endl; return; } CoUninitialize(); Debug::SetLevel(mDebugLevel); }
bool Engine::LoadContent() { // Setup our SpriteBatch. m_pSpriteBatch = new DirectX::SpriteBatch(d3dContext_); m_pFont->Initialize(d3dDevice_, std::wstring(L"Calibri18.spritefont")); m_pSprite->Initialize(d3dDevice_, std::wstring(L""), 10.0f, 10.0f); m_textToDisplay = Text(); m_textToDisplay.Initialize(std::wstring(L"Sarah"), DirectX::SimpleMath::Vector2(200.0f, 200.0f)); try { MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr xmlDoc; HRESULT hr = xmlDoc.CreateInstance(__uuidof(MSXML2::DOMDocument60), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER); teamStats.InitializeTeam("Players.xml"); // Make sure the file was loaded correctly before trying to load the players. if (xmlDoc->load("Players.xml") == VARIANT_TRUE) { //xmlDoc->setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath"); //teamStats.LoadPlayers(xmlDoc); } if (xmlDoc->load("input.xml") != VARIANT_TRUE) { DXTRACE_MSG("Unable to load input.xml\n"); xmlDoc->save("input.xml"); //xmlDoc-> } else { DXTRACE_MSG("XML was successfully loaded \n"); xmlDoc->setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath"); MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr wheels = xmlDoc->selectNodes("/Car/Wheels/*"); DXTRACE_MSG("Car has %u wheels\n", wheels->Getlength()); DXTRACE_MSG(wheels->Getitem(0)->text); //ptr-> MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr node; node = xmlDoc->createNode(MSXML2::NODE_ELEMENT, ("Engine"), ("")); node->text = ("Engine 1.0"); xmlDoc->documentElement->appendChild(node); hr = xmlDoc->save("output.xml"); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DXTRACE_MSG("output.xml successfully saved\n"); } } } catch (_com_error &e) { DXTRACE_MSG(e.ErrorMessage()); } return true; }
bool CGameApp::Init() { // plasma 2005.07.06 - 디버그 모드에선 그냥 직접 읽고, 릴리즈 모드에선 pak 파일에서 추출해서 사용한다. #ifdef _DEBUG // if( !g_TextManager.Load("text_data/text.dat") ) if( !g_TextManager.LoadPack("text.dat", "text_data") ) { MessageBox( NULL, "Text.Dat load fail", "Error", MB_OK ); } #else if( !g_TextManager.LoadPack("text.dat", "text_data") ) { MessageBox( NULL, "Text.Dat load fail", "Error", MB_OK ); } #endif // Create game all systems. m_pGSystem = new CSystemWin32Imp; m_pGSystem->Init(m_pProcessInfo); // 2003/11/19 by impurity create xml system MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr pDoc = NULL; //#ifdef _DEBUG // CFileSys::ConvertBinaryXML("script\\window.xml","script\\window.bml"); // FILE* fIn; // if(NULL!=(fIn=fopen("script\\window.bml","rb"))) // { // CFileSys::LoadBinaryXML(pDoc, fIn); // } // fclose( fIn ); //#else DFileGPack packFile; packFile.Open(SFullName("script","window.bml")); CFileSys::LoadBinaryXML(pDoc, packFile.GetFile(), packFile.GetSize()); packFile.Close(); //#endif MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNode = NULL; if(pNode=pDoc->selectSingleNode(L"./root/window/bitperpixel")) { m_DisplayMode.iBitPerPixel = (short)pNode->GetnodeTypedValue(); } else { m_DisplayMode.iBitPerPixel = 16; } m_DisplayMode.iDeviceType = 0; //if(pNode=pDoc->selectSingleNode(L"./root/window/fullmode")) //{ // m_DisplayMode.iFullScreen = (bool)pNode->GetnodeTypedValue(); // ((CProcessInfoWin32Imp *)m_pProcessInfo)->m_bFullScreen = true; //} //else { m_DisplayMode.iFullScreen = false; ((CProcessInfoWin32Imp *)m_pProcessInfo)->m_bFullScreen = false; } m_DisplayMode.iRefreshRate = 0; m_DisplayMode.iZBufferDepth = 32; if(pNode=pDoc->selectSingleNode(L"./root/window/width")) { m_DisplayMode.iWidth = (short)pNode->GetnodeTypedValue(); } else { m_DisplayMode.iWidth = 800; } if(pNode=pDoc->selectSingleNode(L"./root/window/height")) { m_DisplayMode.iHeight = (short)pNode->GetnodeTypedValue(); } else { m_DisplayMode.iHeight = 600; } CFileSys::UnloadXML(pDoc); m_pGameFactory = new CGameFactoryImp; // Register Game factory to Factory System. m_pGSystem->GetFactorySys()->RegisterGameFactory( m_pGameFactory ); // 3d base initial. InitPhysics(); CWindowSysWin32Imp* pWindowSysWin32Imp = (CWindowSysWin32Imp*)m_pGSystem->GetWindowSys(); if( !m_pGSystem->GetGControlSys()->Create( pWindowSysWin32Imp->m_hWnd, m_DisplayMode ) ) { // Device create error DLogWriteSystem("Create Device Error"); Shutdown(); } int Xplus = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER)*2*GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFIXEDFRAME); int Yplus = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER)*2*GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFIXEDFRAME) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); SetWindowPos(pWindowSysWin32Imp->m_hWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)-m_DisplayMode.iWidth)/2, (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)-m_DisplayMode.iHeight)/2 , m_DisplayMode.iWidth+Xplus, m_DisplayMode.iHeight+Yplus, SWP_SHOWWINDOW); m_pGSystem->GetGControlSys()->GetDevice()->SetRenderState( D3DRS_AMBIENT, 0xAAAAAA ); m_pGSystem->GetGControlSys()->SetTextureAutoCompress( true ); DLogEnable(true); // 우선 모든 Layer 들을 생성한다. CResourceSysWin32Imp *pResourceSys = (CResourceSysWin32Imp *)m_pGSystem->GetResourceSys(); pResourceSys->CreateLayerAll(); pResourceSys->CreateTask(FACTORY_ID_TASK_FRAME_PLAYER); CFrameTask *pTask = (CFrameTask *)pResourceSys->GetTask(FACTORY_ID_TASK_FRAME_PLAYER); m_pGSystem->GetTaskSys()->PostTaskCommand(CTaskCommand::FRAMESYNC_PUSH_BACK, pTask); pWindowSysWin32Imp->SetWndProcTask(pTask); // insert only game layer to task. CQuickConnection::Instance.Initial(); // 욕설 필터링을 작동한다. LoadCurses("curse.pak"); // 2006.4.23 doo 메크로채팅 텍스트를 로드한다. g_pMacroChatFinder = new CMacroChat; g_pMacroChatFinder->Init(); // Login Server 의 ip, port 를 저장한다. // 임시로 CQuickConnection 에서 ip, port 를 가져오도록 하였다. CInfoSys *pInfoSys = m_pGSystem->GetInfoSys(); pInfoSys->SetLoginServerAddress((LPCTSTR)CQuickConnection::Instance.m_sServerAddr, CQuickConnection::Instance.m_iServerPort); //m_pGSystem->GetInfoSys()->SetPPLName(SName("ppl_ting")); // Reject Popup CInfoSys::SGameIDInfo *pGameIDInfo; pGameIDInfo = m_pGSystem->GetInfoSys()->GetGameIDInfo(); pGameIDInfo->bRejectPopup = false; pGameIDInfo->bObserverChar = false; CQuickConnection::Instance.m_nIsQuickMode = 1; CQuickConnection::Instance.m_nIsHost = 1; CQuickConnection::Instance.m_sServerAddr = ""; CQuickConnection::Instance.m_iServerPort = 10000; CQuickConnection::Instance.m_nIsFullCourt = 0; CQuickConnection::Instance.m_nFrameSpeedOn = 1; CQuickConnection::Instance.m_nHostPort = 10001; CQuickConnection::Instance.m_nPlayerOn = 1; CQuickConnection::Instance.m_sPlayMode = "auto"; CQuickConnection::Instance.m_vecPos[0] = SVector(1,0,0); CQuickConnection::Instance.m_vecPos[1] = SVector(0,0,1); CQuickConnection::Instance.m_vecPos[2] = SVector(2,0,0); CQuickConnection::Instance.m_vecPos[3] = SVector(0,0,2); CQuickConnection::Instance.m_vecPos[4] = SVector(3,0,0); CQuickConnection::Instance.m_vecPos[5] = SVector(0,0,3); CQuickConnection::Instance.m_sConnectAddr = ""; CQuickConnection::Instance.m_sConnectionId = "c1test45"; CQuickConnection::Instance.m_nClientPort = 10000; CQuickConnection::Instance.m_nCharID = 5; CQuickConnection::Instance.m_nCharType = 5; CQuickConnection::Instance.m_dwTeamID = 0; //CQuickConnection::Instance.m_dwMyId = 1; if( CQuickConnection::Instance.m_nIsQuickMode ) { CFrameTask* pFrameTask = (CFrameTask*)pTask; // game render layer. CRenderLayer_Game* pRenderLayer = (CRenderLayer_Game *)pResourceSys->GetRenderLayer( FACTORY_ID_RENDERLAYER_GAME ); pFrameTask->PostRenderLayerCommand( CRenderLayerCommand::PUSH_BACK, pRenderLayer ); pRenderLayer->ResourceLoad(m_pGSystem, NULL); // game logic layer. CLogicLayer* pLogicLayer = pResourceSys->GetLogicLayer( FACTORY_ID_LOGICLAYER_GAME ); pFrameTask->PostLogicLayerCommand( CLogicLayerCommand::PUSH_BACK, pLogicLayer ); // host logic layer. if( CQuickConnection::Instance.m_nIsHost ) { pLogicLayer = pResourceSys->GetLogicLayer( FACTORY_ID_LOGICLAYER_HOST ); CLogicLayer_Host* pHostLogicLayer = (CLogicLayer_Host*)pLogicLayer; pHostLogicLayer->InitHost(CQuickConnection::Instance.m_nHostPort, 1 ); pFrameTask->PostLogicLayerCommand( CLogicLayerCommand::PUSH_BACK, pLogicLayer ); } m_pGSystem->GetInfoSys()->LoadGameOption("game.cfg"); } else // insert all layer to excute game. { // lobby layer. // CInterfaceLayer *pInterfaceLayer_Login = pResourceSys->GetInterfaceLayer(FACTORY_ID_INTERFACELAYER_CREATECHAR); // pTask->PostInterfaceLayerCommand(CInterfaceLayerCommand::PUSH_BACK, pInterfaceLayer_Login); // room layer. } // plasma 2005.07.06 - Resource Table #ifdef _DEBUG /* CTableResource* pItemRsc = new CTableResource; std::vector<std::string> ItemCustomKey; ItemCustomKey.push_back("ItemCode"); pItemRsc->SetCustomKey(ItemCustomKey); pItemRsc->Load("text_data/ItemShop.txt"); CTableRscManager::Instance().AddTableResource( "item", pItemRsc ); CTableResource* pSkillRsc = new CTableResource; std::vector<std::string> SkillCustomKey; SkillCustomKey.push_back("SkillNo"); SkillCustomKey.push_back("Kind"); pSkillRsc->SetCustomKey(SkillCustomKey); pSkillRsc->Load("text_data/skillshop.txt"); CTableRscManager::Instance().AddTableResource( "skill", pSkillRsc ); CTableResource* pTrainingRsc = new CTableResource; std::vector<std::string> TrainingCustomKey; TrainingCustomKey.push_back("TrainingNo"); pTrainingRsc->SetCustomKey(TrainingCustomKey); pTrainingRsc->Load("text_data/TrainingShop.txt"); CTableRscManager::Instance().AddTableResource( "training", pTrainingRsc ); */ CTableResource* pItemRsc = new CTableResource; std::vector<std::string> ItemCustomKey; ItemCustomKey.push_back("ItemCode"); pItemRsc->SetCustomKey(ItemCustomKey); pItemRsc->LoadPack("text_data", "ItemShop.txt"); CTableRscManager::Instance().AddTableResource( "item", pItemRsc ); CTableResource* pSkillRsc = new CTableResource; std::vector<std::string> SkillCustomKey; SkillCustomKey.push_back("SkillNo"); SkillCustomKey.push_back("Kind"); pSkillRsc->SetCustomKey(SkillCustomKey); pSkillRsc->LoadPack("text_data", "skillshop.txt"); CTableRscManager::Instance().AddTableResource( "skill", pSkillRsc ); CTableResource* pTrainingRsc = new CTableResource; std::vector<std::string> TrainingCustomKey; TrainingCustomKey.push_back("TrainingNo"); pTrainingRsc->SetCustomKey(TrainingCustomKey); pTrainingRsc->LoadPack("text_data", "TrainingShop.txt"); CTableRscManager::Instance().AddTableResource( "training", pTrainingRsc ); #else CTableResource* pItemRsc = new CTableResource; std::vector<std::string> ItemCustomKey; ItemCustomKey.push_back("ItemCode"); pItemRsc->SetCustomKey(ItemCustomKey); pItemRsc->LoadPack("text_data", "ItemShop.txt"); CTableRscManager::Instance().AddTableResource( "item", pItemRsc ); CTableResource* pSkillRsc = new CTableResource; std::vector<std::string> SkillCustomKey; SkillCustomKey.push_back("SkillNo"); SkillCustomKey.push_back("Kind"); pSkillRsc->SetCustomKey(SkillCustomKey); pSkillRsc->LoadPack("text_data", "skillshop.txt"); CTableRscManager::Instance().AddTableResource( "skill", pSkillRsc ); CTableResource* pTrainingRsc = new CTableResource; std::vector<std::string> TrainingCustomKey; TrainingCustomKey.push_back("TrainingNo"); pTrainingRsc->SetCustomKey(TrainingCustomKey); pTrainingRsc->LoadPack("text_data", "TrainingShop.txt"); CTableRscManager::Instance().AddTableResource( "training", pTrainingRsc ); #endif return true; }
void CShootManagerSys::LoadShootSolutionSet(LPCTSTR szFilename) { int i; MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr pDoc; pDoc.CreateInstance(__uuidof(DOMDocument40)); pDoc->load((_variant_t)szFilename); // 시뮬레이터에서 사용하는 거리 범위들을 로드한다. MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr pNodeListDistance; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNodeDistance; float fDistance; pNodeListDistance = pDoc->selectNodes(L"root/distance_range/distance"); for(i=0; i<pNodeListDistance->Getlength(); i++) { pNodeDistance = pNodeListDistance->Getitem(i); _bstr_t distance = pNodeDistance->GetnodeTypedValue(); sscanf((LPCTSTR)distance, "%f", &fDistance); m_DistanceList.push_back(fDistance); } // 시뮬레이터에서 사용하는 각도 범위들을 로드한다. // 여기서 각도는 (골대 - 슈터) 와 양의 z 축 사이의 각도를 말한다. // degree 로 저장되어 있으므로 Angle 로 변환시킨다. MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr pNodeListAngle; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNodeAngle; float fDegree; int iAngle; pNodeListAngle = pDoc->selectNodes(L"root/angle_range/degree"); for(i=0; i<pNodeListAngle->Getlength(); i++) { pNodeAngle = pNodeListAngle->Getitem(i); _bstr_t degree = pNodeAngle->GetnodeTypedValue(); sscanf((LPCTSTR)degree, "%f", &fDegree); iAngle = Degree2Angle(fDegree); // degree 에서 Angle 로 변환한다. m_AngleList.push_back(iAngle); } // 전체 섹터 개수를 계산하고 여기에 맞게 메모리를 생성한다. int iNumSector = m_DistanceList.size() * (m_AngleList.size() + 1) + 6; for(i=0; i<iNumSector; i++) { ShootSolutionSector *pShootSolutionSector = new (m_ShootSolutionSectorArray) ShootSolutionSector; } // 각 섹터별로 섹터안의 Shoot Solution 들을 로드한다. MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr pNodeListSector = pDoc->selectNodes(L"root/sector"); MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNodeSector; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNodeIndex; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNodePath; for(i=0; i<pNodeListSector->Getlength(); i++) { pNodeSector = pNodeListSector->Getitem(i); pNodeIndex = pNodeSector->selectSingleNode(L"index"); pNodePath = pNodeSector->selectSingleNode(L"path"); _bstr_t index = pNodeIndex->GetnodeTypedValue(); _bstr_t path = pNodePath->GetnodeTypedValue(); int iIndex = atoi((LPCTSTR)index); SString sFilePath = szFilename; sFilePath = DGetPathOnly(sFilePath); sFilePath += "\\"; sFilePath += (LPCTSTR)path; // sFilePath.Format("%s\\%s\\%s", g_szCurrentPath, g_szSimulatorPath, (LPCTSTR)path); LoadShootSolutionSector(iIndex, (LPCTSTR)sFilePath); } pDoc.Release(); }