Пример #1
// ***************************************************************************
void					CMaterial::decompUserTexMat(uint stage, float &uTrans, float &vTrans, float &wRot, float &uScale, float &vScale)
	nlassert(stage < IDRV_MAT_MAXTEXTURES);
	nlassert(isUserTexMatEnabled(stage)); // must activate animated texture matrix for this stage
	CMatrix convMat; // exported v are already inverted (todo: optim this...)
	convMat.setRot(CVector::I, -CVector::J, CVector::K);

	const NLMISC::CMatrix texMat = convMat * _TexUserMat->TexMat[stage] * convMat;
	/// find the rotation around w
	NLMISC::CVector i = texMat.getI();
	NLMISC::CVector j = texMat.getJ();
	uScale = sqrtf(i.x * i.x + j.x * j.x);
	vScale = sqrtf(i.y * i.y + j.y * j.y);
	float angle = acosf(i.x / i.norm());
	if (i.y < 0)
		angle = 2.f * (float) NLMISC::Pi - angle;
	wRot = angle;

	// compute position
	CMatrix InvSR;
	InvSR.setRot(texMat.getI(), texMat.getJ(), texMat.getK());
	CVector half(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.f);
	CVector offset = half + InvSR * (texMat.getPos() -half);
	uTrans = - offset.x;
	vTrans = - offset.y;
Пример #2
 * Get the orientation vectors
void					CListenerAL::getOrientation( NLMISC::CVector& front, NLMISC::CVector& up ) const
	// Forward then up
	ALfloat v[6];
	alGetListenerfv( AL_ORIENTATION, v );
	// Coordsys conversion
	front.set( v[0], -v[2], v[1] );
	up.set( v[3], -v[5], v[4] );
 * Set the direction vector (3D mode only, ignored in stereo mode) (default: (0,0,0) as non-directional)
void CStreamSource::setDirection(const NLMISC::CVector& dir)
	CAutoMutex<CMutex> autoMutex(m_BufferMutex);


	// Set the direction
	if (hasPhysicalSource())
		if (!m_Buffers[0]->isStereo())
			static bool coneset = false;
			if (dir.isNull()) // workaround // For what?
				getPhysicalSource()->setCone(float(Pi * 2), float(Pi * 2), 1.0f); // because the direction with 0 is not enough for a non-directional source!
				getPhysicalSource()->setDirection(CVector::I);  // Don't send a 0 vector, DSound will complain. Send (1,0,0), it's omnidirectional anyway.
				coneset = false;
//				if (!coneset)
					getPhysicalSource()->setCone(m_StreamSound->getConeInnerAngle(), m_StreamSound->getConeOuterAngle(), m_StreamSound->getConeOuterGain());
					coneset = true;
Пример #4
void CDirectionEdit::selectNewVect(const CPoint &point)
	const float epsilon = 10E-3f;
	NLMISC::CVector v = _Wrapper->get();
	if (point.x > CornerDist && point.y > CornerDist && point.x < (CornerDist + BasisSize) && point.y < (CornerDist + BasisSize))
		ScreenToVect(v.x, v.z, point.x, point.y, CornerDist, CornerDist, BasisSize);	
		float d = v.x * v.x + v.z * v.z;
		float f; 
		if (fabsf(d > epsilon))
			f = sqrtf((1.f - v.y * v.y) / d);
			f = 1;

		v.x *= f;
		v.z *= f;

	if (point.x > CornerDist && point.y > (BasisGap + BasisSize + CornerDist) && point.x < (CornerDist + BasisSize) && point.y < (CornerDist + BasisGap + 2 * BasisSize))
		ScreenToVect(v.y, v.z, point.x, point.y, CornerDist, CornerDist + BasisGap + BasisSize, BasisSize);	
		float d = v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z;
		float f; 
		if (fabsf(d > epsilon))
			f = sqrtf((1.f - v.x * v.x) / d);
			f = 1;

		v.y *= f;
		v.z *= f;



Пример #5
void CDirectionWidget::setNewVecYZ(float x, float y)
	const float epsilon = 10E-3f;
	NLMISC::CVector v = _value;

	v.y = x;
	v.z = y;

	float d = v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z;
	float f;
	if (fabs(d) > epsilon)
		f = sqrt((1.f - v.x * v.x) / d);
		f = 1;

	v.y *= f;
	v.z *= f;


Пример #6
 * Get the velocity vector
void				 	CListenerAL::getVelocity( NLMISC::CVector& vel ) const
	// Coordsys conversion
	float glposz;
	alGetListener3f( AL_VELOCITY, &vel.x, &vel.z, &glposz );
	vel.y = - glposz;
	float velarray [3];
	alGetListenerfv( AL_VELOCITY, velarray );
	// Coordsys conversion
	vel.set( velarray[0], -velarray[2], velarray[1] );
void CDirectionWidget::setNewVecYZ(float x, float y)
	const float epsilon = 10E-3f;
	NLMISC::CVector v = _Wrapper->get();
	v.y = x;
	v.z = y;
	float d = v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z;
	float f; 
	if (fabs(d) > epsilon)
		f = sqrt((1.f - v.x * v.x) / d);
		f = 1;
	v.y *= f;
	v.z *= f;

	_ui.xzWidget->setVector(_Wrapper->get().x, _Wrapper->get().z);
	_ui.yzWidget->setVector(_Wrapper->get().y, _Wrapper->get().z);
Пример #8
// ***************************************************************************
void CExportNel::getNELBoneLocalScale(INode &node, TimeValue time, NLMISC::CVector &nelScale)
	// To get the correct local Scale, we use an other bone as reference (if present)
	INode	*referenceNode= getNELScaleReferenceNode(node);

	// get the Max local pos.
	Matrix3 localTM (TRUE);
	getLocalMatrix (localTM, node, time);
	NLMISC::CVector		maxScale;
	NLMISC::CQuat		maxRot;
	NLMISC::CVector		maxPos;
	decompMatrix (maxScale, maxRot, maxPos, localTM);

	// Biped node case, take the scale from ratio with the reference node.
		// Replace scale with ratio from reference value, if possible
		if (referenceNode)
			ScaleValue	scaleValue;
			// get my Offset scale.
			CVector		myScale;
			scaleValue = node.GetObjOffsetScale();
			myScale.x= scaleValue.s.x;
			myScale.y= scaleValue.s.y;
			myScale.z= scaleValue.s.z;

			// get its Offset scale.
			CVector		refScale;
			scaleValue = referenceNode->GetObjOffsetScale();
			refScale.x= scaleValue.s.x;
			refScale.y= scaleValue.s.y;
			refScale.z= scaleValue.s.z;

			// Get The ratio as the result
			nelScale.x= myScale.x / refScale.x;
			nelScale.y= myScale.y / refScale.y;
			nelScale.z= myScale.z / refScale.z;
			// Not present, suppose no scale.

	// get the scale from std way.
		// We are a normal node here, not biped.

		/* If this node do not inherit scale (ie must unherit), then we must not take the localScale computed 
			with getLocalMatrix. In this case, the local Scale is simply the NodeTM scale.
		if( getNELUnHeritFatherScale(node) )
			Matrix3	nodeTM;
			nodeTM = node.GetNodeTM (time);
			decompMatrix (maxScale, maxRot, maxPos, nodeTM);
			// Get the scale from worldMatrix.
			nelScale= maxScale;
			// Get the scale from localMatrix.
			nelScale= maxScale;
