// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP HandMadeKalmanFilterConstantCoeffCpp(NumericVector a0
  , NumericMatrix P0, NumericMatrix T, NumericMatrix Z , NumericMatrix HH, NumericMatrix GG, NumericMatrix yt)
  // convert data to Eigen class
  Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd > a0e(&a0[0], (size_t)(a0.size()));
  Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd > P0e(&P0[0], P0.rows(), P0.cols());
  Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd > Te(&T[0], T.rows(), T.cols());
  Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd > Ze(&Z[0], Z.rows(), Z.cols());
  Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd > HHe(&HH[0], HH.rows(), HH.cols());
  Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd > GGe(&GG[0], GG.rows(), GG.cols());
  // HMKF initialization block
  cout << T.rows() << " " << Z.rows() << " " << HH.rows() << " " << GG.rows() << endl;
  HMKF kf = HMKF(T.rows(), Z.rows());
  kf.setModel(Te, Ze, HHe, GGe);
  kf.initialize(a0e, P0e);

  // filtering steps
  NumericVector x(yt.cols()), xp(yt.cols()), V(yt.cols());
  for(int i=0; i!=yt.cols(); ++i){
    NumericMatrix::Column col = yt(_,i);
//    std::cout << "y:" << col[0] << std::endl;
    kf.filter(Map<Eigen::VectorXd >(&col[0], col.size()));
//    xp[i]= (kf.getxp())(0);
    x[i] = (kf.getx())(0);
//    V[i] = (kf.getV())(0,0);
  return List::create(_("x") = x, _("xp") = xp, _("V") = V);
Пример #2
 void append(  List fillVecs) {
     // "append" fill oldmat w/  
     // we will loop through cols, filling retmat in with the vectors in list
     // then update retmat_size to index the next free
     // newLenths isn't used, added for compatibility
     std::size_t sizeOld, sizeAdd, sizeNew, icol;
     NumericVector fillTmp;
     // check that number of vectors match
     if ( nvec != fillVecs.size()) {
         throw std::range_error("In append(): dimension mismatch");
     for (icol = 0; icol<nvec; icol++){
         // vector to append
         fillTmp = fillVecs[icol];
         // compute lengths
         sizeOld = lengths[icol];
         sizeAdd = fillTmp.size();
         sizeNew = sizeOld + sizeAdd;
         // grow data matrix as needed
         if ( sizeNew > allocLen) {
         // iterator for col to fill
         NumericMatrix::Column dataCol = data(_, icol);
         // fill row of return matrix, starting at first non-zero elem
         std::copy( fillTmp.begin(), fillTmp.end(), dataCol.begin() + sizeOld);
         // update size of retmat
         lengths[icol] = sizeNew;
Пример #3
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double runit_NumericMatrix_column( NumericMatrix m ){
    NumericMatrix::Column col = m.column(0) ;
    return std::accumulate( col.begin(), col.end(), 0.0 ) ;