openni::Status openDevice(const char* uri, bool defaultRightColor) { openni::Status nRetVal = openni::OpenNI::initialize(); if (nRetVal != openni::STATUS_OK) { return nRetVal; } // Register to OpenNI events. static OpenNIDeviceListener deviceListener; openni::OpenNI::addDeviceDisconnectedListener(&deviceListener); openni::OpenNI::addDeviceStateChangedListener(&deviceListener); // Open the requested device. nRetVal =; if (nRetVal != openni::STATUS_OK) { return nRetVal; } g_pPlaybackControl = g_device.getPlaybackControl(); openCommon(g_device, defaultRightColor); return openni::STATUS_OK; }
void changeRegistration(int value) { openni::ImageRegistrationMode mode = (openni::ImageRegistrationMode)value; if (!g_device.isValid() || !g_device.isImageRegistrationModeSupported(mode)) { return; } g_device.setImageRegistrationMode(mode); }
openni::Status openDevice(const char* uri, DeviceConfig config) { openni::Status nRetVal = openni::OpenNI::initialize(); if (nRetVal != openni::STATUS_OK) { return nRetVal; } // Register to OpenNI events. static OpenNIDeviceListener deviceListener; openni::OpenNI::addDeviceDisconnectedListener(&deviceListener); openni::OpenNI::addDeviceStateChangedListener(&deviceListener); // Open the requested device. nRetVal =; if (nRetVal != openni::STATUS_OK) { return nRetVal; } if (0 != openCommon(g_device, config)) { return openni::STATUS_ERROR; } // If we are here, then the depth camera has been opened okay. // Now let's try the sixense, if requested if (config.b_captureSixense) { return openSixenseDevice(); } return openni::STATUS_OK; }
virtual void onDeviceDisconnected(const openni::DeviceInfo* pInfo) { if (strcmp(pInfo->getUri(), g_device.getDeviceInfo().getUri()) == 0) { setErrorState("Device disconnected!"); } }
void KinectCamera::closecamera(void) { mColorStream.destroy(); mDepthStream.destroy(); mDevice.close(); openni:: OpenNI::shutdown(); }
openni::Status openDevice(const char* uri, DeviceConfig config) { openni::Status nRetVal = openni::OpenNI::initialize(); if (nRetVal != openni::STATUS_OK) { return nRetVal; } // Register to OpenNI events. static OpenNIDeviceListener deviceListener; openni::OpenNI::addDeviceDisconnectedListener(&deviceListener); openni::OpenNI::addDeviceStateChangedListener(&deviceListener); // Open the requested device. nRetVal =; if (nRetVal != openni::STATUS_OK) { return nRetVal; } if (0 != openCommon(g_device, config)) { return openni::STATUS_ERROR; } return openni::STATUS_OK; }
int openCommon(openni::Device& device, DeviceConfig config) { g_pPlaybackControl = g_device.getPlaybackControl(); int ret; ret = openStream(device, "depth", openni::SENSOR_DEPTH, config.openDepth, g_depthStream, &g_depthSensorInfo, &g_bIsDepthOn); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } ret = openStream(device, "color", openni::SENSOR_COLOR, config.openColor, g_colorStream, &g_colorSensorInfo, &g_bIsColorOn); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } ret = openStream(device, "IR", openni::SENSOR_IR, config.openIR, g_irStream, &g_irSensorInfo, &g_bIsIROn); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } initConstants(); readFrame(); return 0; }
openni::VideoMode OpenNi2Video::FindOpenNI2Mode( openni::Device & device, openni::SensorType sensorType, int width, int height, int fps, openni::PixelFormat fmt ) { // Query supported modes for device const openni::Array<openni::VideoMode>& modes = device.getSensorInfo(sensorType)->getSupportedVideoModes(); // Select last listed mode which matches parameters int best_mode = -1; for(int i = 0; i < modes.getSize(); i++) { if( (!width || modes[i].getResolutionX() == width) && (!height || modes[i].getResolutionY() == height) && (!fps || modes[i].getFps() == fps) && (!fmt || modes[i].getPixelFormat() == fmt) ) { best_mode = i; } } if(best_mode >= 0) { return modes[best_mode]; } throw pangolin::VideoException("Video mode not supported"); }
openni::Status openDeviceFromList(bool defaultRightColor) { openni::Status rc = openni::OpenNI::initialize(); if (rc != openni::STATUS_OK) { return rc; } openni::Array<openni::DeviceInfo> deviceList; openni::OpenNI::enumerateDevices(&deviceList); for (int i = 0; i < deviceList.getSize(); ++i) { printf("[%d] %s [%s] (%s)\n", i+1, deviceList[i].getName(), deviceList[i].getVendor(), deviceList[i].getUri()); } printf("\n"); int chosen = 1; do { printf("Choose device to open (1) [0 to exit]: "); int rc = scanf("%d", &chosen); if (rc <= 0 || chosen == 0) { return openni::STATUS_ERROR; } } while (chosen < 1 || chosen > deviceList.getSize());[chosen-1].getUri()); if (rc != openni::STATUS_OK) { return rc; } g_pPlaybackControl = g_device.getPlaybackControl(); openCommon(g_device, defaultRightColor); return openni::STATUS_OK; }
int openStream(openni::Device& device, const char* name, openni::SensorType sensorType, SensorOpenType openType, openni::VideoStream& stream, const openni::SensorInfo** ppSensorInfo, bool* pbIsStreamOn) { *ppSensorInfo = device.getSensorInfo(sensorType); *pbIsStreamOn = false; if (openType == SENSOR_OFF) { return 0; } if (*ppSensorInfo == NULL) { if (openType == SENSOR_ON) { printf("No %s sensor available\n", name); return -1; } else { return 0; } } openni::Status nRetVal = stream.create(device, sensorType); if (nRetVal != openni::STATUS_OK) { if (openType == SENSOR_ON) { printf("Failed to create %s stream:\n%s\n", openni::OpenNI::getExtendedError(), name); return -2; } else { return 0; } } nRetVal = stream.start(); if (nRetVal != openni::STATUS_OK) { stream.destroy(); if (openType == SENSOR_ON) { printf("Failed to start depth stream:\n%s\n", openni::OpenNI::getExtendedError()); return -3; } else { return 0; } } *pbIsStreamOn = true; return 0; }
void KinectCamera::startcamera(void) { openni::OpenNI::initialize();//初始化 openni::ANY_DEVICE );//打开设备(已在全局变量中声明设备mDevice) mColorStream.create( mDevice, openni::SENSOR_COLOR );// 创建数据流 mColorStream.start();//开启数据流 mDepthStream.create( mDevice, openni::SENSOR_DEPTH );// 创建数据流 mDepthStream.start();//开启数据流 fig=1; }
void toggleFrameSync(int) { if (g_bFrameSyncOn) { g_device.setDepthColorSyncEnabled(false); displayMessage("Frame sync off"); } else { openni::Status rc = g_device.setDepthColorSyncEnabled(true); if (rc != openni::STATUS_OK) { displayMessage("Can't frame sync"); return; } displayMessage("Frame sync on"); } g_bFrameSyncOn = !g_bFrameSyncOn; }
void toggleImageRegistration(int) { openni::ImageRegistrationMode mode = g_device.getImageRegistrationMode(); openni::ImageRegistrationMode newMode = openni::IMAGE_REGISTRATION_OFF; if (mode == openni::IMAGE_REGISTRATION_OFF) { newMode = openni::IMAGE_REGISTRATION_DEPTH_TO_COLOR; } if (g_device.isImageRegistrationModeSupported(newMode)) { g_device.setImageRegistrationMode(newMode); } else { displayError("Couldn't change image registration to unsupported mode"); } }
void toggleEmitterState(int) { static OniBool bEmitterState = TRUE; if (g_device.getProperty(XN_MODULE_PROPERTY_EMITTER_STATE, &bEmitterState) != XN_STATUS_OK && g_device.getProperty(KINECT_DEVICE_PROPERTY_EMITTER_STATE, &bEmitterState) != XN_STATUS_OK) { // Continue with the latest value even in case of error } bEmitterState = !bEmitterState; if (g_device.setProperty(XN_MODULE_PROPERTY_EMITTER_STATE, bEmitterState) != XN_STATUS_OK && g_device.setProperty(KINECT_DEVICE_PROPERTY_EMITTER_STATE, bEmitterState) != XN_STATUS_OK) { displayError("Couldn't set the emitter state"); return; } displayMessage ("Emitter state: %s", bEmitterState?"On":"Off"); }
void closeDevice() { g_depthStream.stop(); g_colorStream.stop(); g_irStream.stop(); g_depthStream.destroy(); g_colorStream.destroy(); g_irStream.destroy(); g_device.close(); openni::OpenNI::shutdown(); }
virtual void onDeviceStateChanged(const openni::DeviceInfo* pInfo, openni::DeviceState errorState) { if (strcmp(pInfo->getUri(), g_device.getDeviceInfo().getUri()) == 0) { if (errorState != 0) { setErrorState("Device is in error state! (error %d)", errorState); } else { setErrorState(""); } } }
void open(const char* uri) { if ( != openni::STATUS_OK) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(GrabberException("Failed to open device") << GrabberException::ErrorInfo(openni::OpenNI::getExtendedError())); if (color_stream.create(device, openni::SENSOR_COLOR) != openni::STATUS_OK) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(GrabberException("Failed to create color stream") << GrabberException::ErrorInfo(openni::OpenNI::getExtendedError())); openni::VideoMode color_mode; color_mode.setFps(30); color_mode.setResolution(color_image_resolution.width, color_image_resolution.height); color_mode.setPixelFormat(openni::PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888); color_stream.setVideoMode(color_mode); color_image_size = color_image_resolution.width * color_image_resolution.height * 3; color_stream.setMirroringEnabled(false); if (color_stream.start() != openni::STATUS_OK) { color_stream.destroy(); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(GrabberException("Failed to start color stream") << GrabberException::ErrorInfo(openni::OpenNI::getExtendedError())); } streams.push_back(&color_stream); auto control = device.getPlaybackControl(); if (control != nullptr) { // This is a file, make sure we get every frame control->setSpeed(-1.0f); control->setRepeatEnabled(false); num_frames = control->getNumberOfFrames(color_stream); is_file = true; if (num_frames == -1) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(GrabberException("Unable to determine number of frames in ONI file")); } }
int SensorOpenNI::initialize() { LOG(INFO) << "Initializing OpenNI"; ///< force shutdown before starting!! kinect::OpenNI::shutdown(); kinect::Status rc; rc = kinect::STATUS_OK; /// Fetch the device URI to pass to Device::open() const char* deviceURI = kinect::ANY_DEVICE; /// Initialize the device rc = kinect::OpenNI::initialize(); if(rc!=kinect::STATUS_OK) { mDebug()<<"Initialization Errors (if any): "<< kinect::OpenNI::getExtendedError(); kinect::OpenNI::shutdown(); exit(0); } /// Open the device using the previously fetched device URI rc =; if (rc != kinect::STATUS_OK) { mDebug()<<"Device open failed: "<<kinect::OpenNI::getExtendedError(); kinect::OpenNI::shutdown(); exit(0); } /// Create the depth stream rc = g_depthStream.create(device, kinect::SENSOR_DEPTH); if (rc == kinect::STATUS_OK) { /// start the depth stream, if its creation was successful rc = g_depthStream.start(); if (rc != kinect::STATUS_OK) { mDebug()<<"Couldn't start depth stream: "<<kinect::OpenNI::getExtendedError(); g_depthStream.destroy(); exit(0); } } else { mDebug()<<"Couldn't find depth stream: "<<kinect::OpenNI::getExtendedError(); exit(0); } if (!g_depthStream.isValid()) { mDebug()<<"No valid depth streams. Exiting"; kinect::OpenNI::shutdown(); exit(0); } /// Create the color stream rc = g_colorStream.create(device, kinect::SENSOR_COLOR); if (rc == kinect::STATUS_OK) { /// start the color stream, if its creation was successful rc = g_colorStream.start(); if (rc != kinect::STATUS_OK) { mDebug()<<"Couldn't start color stream: "<<kinect::OpenNI::getExtendedError(); g_colorStream.destroy(); exit(0); } } else { mDebug()<<"Couldn't find color stream: "<<kinect::OpenNI::getExtendedError(); exit(0); } if (!g_colorStream.isValid()) { mDebug()<<"No valid color streams. Exiting"; kinect::OpenNI::shutdown(); exit(0); } /// Configure resolutions { /// Attempt to set for depth { kinect::VideoMode mode = g_depthStream.getVideoMode(); if(((int)camera->FPS())==60) mode.setFps(60); else mode.setFps(30); mode.setResolution(camera->width(), camera->height()); rc = g_depthStream.setVideoMode(mode); if (rc != kinect::STATUS_OK) std::cerr << "error setting video mode (depth)" << std::endl; } /// Attempt to set for color { kinect::VideoMode mode = g_colorStream.getVideoMode(); if(((int)camera->FPS())==60) mode.setFps(60); else mode.setFps(30); mode.setFps(30); ///< @todo check!!! mode.setResolution(camera->width(), camera->height()); rc = g_colorStream.setVideoMode(mode); if (rc != kinect::STATUS_OK) std::cerr << "error setting video mode (color)" << std::endl; } } #ifdef THIS_CAUSES_INIT_STALLS /// Enable depth/color frame synchronization rc = device.setDepthColorSyncEnabled(true); if (rc != kinect::STATUS_OK) { qDebug()<<"Could not synchronise device"; // VGA Kinect always seems to shut down here kinect::OpenNI::shutdown(); exit(0); } #endif /// Camera settings kinect::CameraSettings* settings = g_colorStream.getCameraSettings(); settings->setAutoExposureEnabled(true); settings->setAutoWhiteBalanceEnabled(true); /// Fetch the camera intrinsics #if 0 float w = g_depthStream.getVideoMode().getResolutionX();protected:
void openCommon(openni::Device& device, bool defaultRightColor) { XnStatus nRetVal = XN_STATUS_OK; g_bIsDepthOn = false; g_bIsColorOn = false; g_bIsIROn = false; g_depthSensorInfo = device.getSensorInfo(openni::SENSOR_DEPTH); g_colorSensorInfo = device.getSensorInfo(openni::SENSOR_COLOR); g_irSensorInfo = device.getSensorInfo(openni::SENSOR_IR); if (g_depthSensorInfo != NULL) { nRetVal = g_depthStream.create(device, openni::SENSOR_DEPTH); if (nRetVal != openni::STATUS_OK) { printf("Failed to create depth stream:\n%s\n", openni::OpenNI::getExtendedError()); return; } nRetVal = g_depthStream.start(); if (nRetVal != openni::STATUS_OK) { printf("Failed to start depth stream:\n%s\n", openni::OpenNI::getExtendedError()); g_depthStream.destroy(); return; } g_bIsDepthOn = true; } if (g_colorSensorInfo != NULL) { nRetVal = g_colorStream.create(device, openni::SENSOR_COLOR); if (nRetVal != openni::STATUS_OK) { printf("Failed to create color stream:\n%s\n", openni::OpenNI::getExtendedError()); return; } if (defaultRightColor) { nRetVal = g_colorStream.start(); if (nRetVal != openni::STATUS_OK) { printf("Failed to start color stream:\n%s\n", openni::OpenNI::getExtendedError()); g_colorStream.destroy(); return; } g_bIsColorOn = true; } } if (g_irSensorInfo != NULL) { nRetVal = g_irStream.create(device, openni::SENSOR_IR); if (nRetVal != openni::STATUS_OK) { printf("Failed to create IR stream:\n%s\n", openni::OpenNI::getExtendedError()); return; } if (!g_bIsColorOn) { nRetVal = g_irStream.start(); if (nRetVal != openni::STATUS_OK) { printf("Failed to start IR stream:\n%s\n", openni::OpenNI::getExtendedError()); g_irStream.destroy(); return; } g_bIsIROn = true; } } initConstants(); readFrame(); }
~Impl() { color_stream.stop(); color_stream.destroy(); device.close(); openni::OpenNI::shutdown(); }