Пример #1
// generate display IDs for Far faces
static void
createFaceNumbers(OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
    std::vector<Vertex> const & vertexBuffer) {

    static char buf[16];

    if (refiner.IsUniform()) {
        int maxlevel = refiner.GetMaxLevel(),
            firstvert = 0;

        for (int i=0; i<maxlevel; ++i) {
            firstvert += refiner.GetLevel(i).GetNumVertices();

        OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyLevel const & refLastLevel = refiner.GetLevel(maxlevel);

        for (int face=0; face<refLastLevel.GetNumFaces(); ++face) {

            Vertex center(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            OpenSubdiv::Far::ConstIndexArray const verts = refLastLevel.GetFaceVertices(face);

            float weight = 1.0f / (float)verts.size();

            for (int vert=0; vert<verts.size(); ++vert) {
                center.AddWithWeight(vertexBuffer[firstvert+verts[vert]], weight);

            snprintf(buf, 16, "%d", face);
            g_font->Print3D(center.GetPos(), buf, 2);
    } else {
        int maxlevel = refiner.GetMaxLevel(),
//            patch = refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumFaces(),
            firstvert = refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices();

        for (int level=1; level<=maxlevel; ++level) {

            OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyLevel const & refLevel = refiner.GetLevel(level);

            int nfaces = refLevel.GetNumFaces();

            for (int face=0; face<nfaces; ++face /*, ++patch */) {

                Vertex center(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

                OpenSubdiv::Far::ConstIndexArray const verts = refLevel.GetFaceVertices(face);

                float weight = 1.0f / (float)verts.size();

                for (int vert=0; vert<verts.size(); ++vert) {
                    center.AddWithWeight(vertexBuffer[firstvert+verts[vert]], weight);
                snprintf(buf, 16, "%d", face);
                g_font->Print3D(center.GetPos(), buf, 2);
Пример #2
// generate display IDs for Far verts
static void
createVertNumbers(OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
    std::vector<Vertex> const & vertexBuffer) {

    int maxlevel = refiner.GetMaxLevel(),
        firstvert = 0;

    if (refiner.IsUniform()) {
        for (int i=0; i<maxlevel; ++i) {
            firstvert += refiner.GetLevel(i).GetNumVertices();

    static char buf[16];
    if (refiner.IsUniform()) {
        for (int i=firstvert; i<(int)vertexBuffer.size(); ++i) {
            snprintf(buf, 16, "%d", i);
            g_font->Print3D(vertexBuffer[i].GetPos(), buf, 1);
    } else {

        for (int level=0, vert=0; level<=refiner.GetMaxLevel(); ++level) {
            for (int i=0; i<refiner.GetLevel(level).GetNumVertices(); ++i, ++vert) {
                snprintf(buf, 16, "%d", i);
                g_font->Print3D(vertexBuffer[vert].GetPos(), buf, 1);
Пример #3
InterpolateFVarData(OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner & refiner,
    Shape const & shape, std::vector<float> & fvarData) {

    int channel = 0,    // shapes only have 1 UV channel
        fvarWidth = 2;

    int maxlevel = refiner.GetMaxLevel(),
        numValuesM = refiner.GetLevel(maxlevel).GetNumFVarValues(channel),
        numValuesTotal = refiner.GetNumFVarValuesTotal(channel);

    if (shape.uvs.empty() || numValuesTotal<=0) {

    OpenSubdiv::Far::PrimvarRefiner primvarRefiner(refiner);

    if (refiner.IsUniform()) {

        // For uniform we only keep the highest level of refinement:
        fvarData.resize(numValuesM * fvarWidth);

        std::vector<FVarVertex> buffer(numValuesTotal - numValuesM);

        FVarVertex * src = &buffer[0];
        memcpy(src, &shape.uvs[0], shape.uvs.size()*sizeof(float));

        //  Defer the last level to treat separately with its alternate destination:
        for (int level = 1; level < maxlevel; ++level) {
            FVarVertex * dst = src + refiner.GetLevel(level-1).GetNumFVarValues(channel);

            primvarRefiner.InterpolateFaceVarying(level, src, dst, channel);

            src = dst;

        FVarVertex * dst = reinterpret_cast<FVarVertex *>(&fvarData[0]);
        primvarRefiner.InterpolateFaceVarying(maxlevel, src, dst, channel);

    } else {

        // For adaptive we keep all levels:
        fvarData.resize(numValuesTotal * fvarWidth);

        FVarVertex * src = reinterpret_cast<FVarVertex *>(&fvarData[0]);
        memcpy(src, &shape.uvs[0], shape.uvs.size()*sizeof(float));

        for (int level = 1; level <= maxlevel; ++level) {
            FVarVertex * dst = src + refiner.GetLevel(level-1).GetNumFVarValues(channel);

            primvarRefiner.InterpolateFaceVarying(level, src, dst, channel);

            src = dst;
Пример #4
// generate display IDs for Far edges
static void
createEdgeNumbers(OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
    std::vector<Vertex> const & vertexBuffer, bool ids=false, bool sharpness=false) {

    if (ids or sharpness) {

        int maxlevel = refiner.GetMaxLevel(),
            firstvert = 0;

        for (int i=0; i<maxlevel; ++i) {
            firstvert += refiner.GetLevel(i).GetNumVertices();

        OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyLevel const & refLastLevel = refiner.GetLevel(maxlevel);

        static char buf[16];
        for (int i=0; i<refLastLevel.GetNumEdges(); ++i) {

            Vertex center(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            OpenSubdiv::Far::ConstIndexArray const verts = refLastLevel.GetEdgeVertices(i);

            center.AddWithWeight(vertexBuffer[firstvert+verts[0]], 0.5f);
            center.AddWithWeight(vertexBuffer[firstvert+verts[1]], 0.5f);

            if (ids) {
                snprintf(buf, 16, "%d", i);
                g_font->Print3D(center.GetPos(), buf, 3);

            if (sharpness) {
                float sharpness = refLastLevel.GetEdgeSharpness(i);
                if (sharpness>0.0f) {
                    snprintf(buf, 16, "%g", sharpness);
                    g_font->Print3D(center.GetPos(), buf, std::min(8,(int)sharpness+4));
Пример #5
static void
createMesh(ShapeDesc const & shapeDesc, int level) {

    typedef Far::LimitStencilTableFactory::LocationArray LocationArray;

    Shape const * shape = Shape::parseObj(shapeDesc.data.c_str(), shapeDesc.scheme);

    // create Far mesh (topology)
    OpenSubdiv::Sdc::SchemeType sdctype = GetSdcType(*shape);
    OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options sdcoptions = GetSdcOptions(*shape);

    OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner * refiner =
            OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefinerFactory<Shape>::Options(sdctype, sdcoptions));

    // save coarse topology (used for coarse mesh drawing)
    OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyLevel const & refBaseLevel = refiner->GetLevel(0);

    int nverts = refBaseLevel.GetNumVertices();

    // save rest pose
    g_orgPositions = shape->verts;

    if (g_bilinear) {
        Far::TopologyRefiner::UniformOptions options(level);
        options.fullTopologyInLastLevel = true;
    } else {
        Far::TopologyRefiner::AdaptiveOptions options(level);
        options.useSingleCreasePatch = false;

    Far::PtexIndices ptexIndices(*refiner);
    int nfaces = ptexIndices.GetNumFaces();

    float * u = new float[g_nsamples*nfaces], * uPtr = u,
          * v = new float[g_nsamples*nfaces], * vPtr = v;

    std::vector<LocationArray> locs(nfaces);

    srand( static_cast<int>(2147483647) ); // use a large Pell prime number
    for (int face=0; face<nfaces; ++face) {

        LocationArray & larray = locs[face];
        larray.ptexIdx = face;
        larray.numLocations = g_nsamples;
        larray.s = uPtr;
        larray.t = vPtr;

        for (int j=0; j<g_nsamples; ++j, ++uPtr, ++vPtr) {
            *uPtr = (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
            *vPtr = (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;

    delete g_controlStencils;
    g_controlStencils = Far::LimitStencilTableFactory::Create(*refiner, locs);

    delete [] u;
    delete [] v;

    g_nsamplesDrawn = g_controlStencils->GetNumStencils();

    delete shape;
    delete refiner;

    delete g_stencilOutput;
    if (g_kernel == kCPU) {
        g_stencilOutput = new StencilOutput<Osd::CpuGLVertexBuffer,
                                                g_controlStencils, nverts);
    } else if (g_kernel == kOPENMP) {
        g_stencilOutput = new StencilOutput<Osd::CpuGLVertexBuffer,
                                                g_controlStencils, nverts);
    } else if (g_kernel == kTBB) {
        g_stencilOutput = new StencilOutput<Osd::CpuGLVertexBuffer,
                                                g_controlStencils, nverts);
    } else if (g_kernel == kCUDA) {
        g_stencilOutput = new StencilOutput<Osd::CudaGLVertexBuffer,
                                                g_controlStencils, nverts);
    } else if (g_kernel == kCL) {
        static Osd::EvaluatorCacheT<Osd::CLEvaluator> clEvaluatorCache;
        g_stencilOutput = new StencilOutput<Osd::CLGLVertexBuffer,
                                                g_controlStencils, nverts,
    } else if (g_kernel == kGLXFB) {
        static Osd::EvaluatorCacheT<Osd::GLXFBEvaluator> glXFBEvaluatorCache;
        g_stencilOutput = new StencilOutput<Osd::GLVertexBuffer,
                                                g_controlStencils, nverts,
    } else if (g_kernel == kGLCompute) {
        static Osd::EvaluatorCacheT<Osd::GLComputeEvaluator> glComptueEvaluatorCache;
        g_stencilOutput = new StencilOutput<Osd::GLVertexBuffer,
                                                g_controlStencils, nverts,

Пример #6
MayaPolySmooth::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data ) {

    MStatus status;

    // Check which output attribute we have been asked to compute.  If this
    // node doesn't know how to compute it, we must return
    // MS::kUnknownParameter.

    if( plug == a_output ) {

        bool createdSubdMesh = false;

        int subdivisionLevel = data.inputValue(a_subdivisionLevels).asInt();
        short stateH = data.inputValue(state).asShort();

        if ((subdivisionLevel > 0) and (stateH !=1)) {

            // == Retrieve input mesh ====================================
            // Get attr values
            MObject inMeshObj        = data.inputValue(a_inputPolymesh).asMesh();
            short vertBoundaryMethod = data.inputValue(a_vertBoundaryMethod).asShort();
            short fvarBoundaryMethod = data.inputValue(a_fvarBoundaryMethod).asShort();
            bool  fvarPropCorners    = data.inputValue(a_fvarPropagateCorners).asBool();
            bool  smoothTriangles    = data.inputValue(a_smoothTriangles).asBool();
            short creaseMethodVal    = data.inputValue(a_creaseMethod).asShort();

            // == Get Mesh Functions and Iterators ==========================
            MFnMeshData inMeshDat(inMeshObj);
            MFnMesh inMeshFn(inMeshObj, &status);
            MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting inMeshFn\n");
            MItMeshPolygon inMeshItPolygon(inMeshObj, &status);
            MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting inMeshItPolygon\n");

            // Convert attr values to OSD enums
            OpenSubdiv::Sdc::SchemeType type = OpenSubdiv::Sdc::SCHEME_CATMARK;

            // == Create Far topology ==========================
            OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options options;
            options.SetFVarLinearInterpolation(ConvertMayaFVarBoundary(fvarBoundaryMethod, fvarPropCorners));
            options.SetCreasingMethod(creaseMethodVal ?
                 OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::CREASE_CHAIKIN : OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::CREASE_UNIFORM);
            options.SetTriangleSubdivision(smoothTriangles ?
                 OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::TRI_SUB_SMOOTH : OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::TRI_SUB_CATMARK);

            // Storage for face-varying values (UV sets, vertex colors...)
            std::vector<MFloatArray> uvSet_uCoords;
            std::vector<MFloatArray> uvSet_vCoords;
            std::vector<MColorArray> colorSet_colors;

            bool hasUVs = false, hasColors = false;
            float maxCreaseSharpness=0.0f;
            OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner * refiner = gatherTopology(
                inMeshFn, inMeshItPolygon, type, options, &hasUVs, &hasColors,
                uvSet_uCoords, uvSet_vCoords, colorSet_colors, &maxCreaseSharpness);


            // == Refine & Interpolate ==========================

            // Prepare vertex information
            Vertex const * initialVerts = 
                reinterpret_cast<Vertex const *>(inMeshFn.getRawPoints(&status));
            std::vector<Vertex> refinedVerts(
                refiner->GetNumVerticesTotal() - refiner->GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices());
            Vertex const * srcVerts = &initialVerts[0];
            Vertex * dstVerts = &refinedVerts[0];
            // Verify the refiner has the correct number of values 
            // needed to interpolate the different channels
            int numInitialUVs = refiner->GetLevel(0).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELUV);
            int numInitialColors = refiner->GetLevel(0).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELCOLOR);

            if (hasUVs && numInitialUVs <= 0) {
                hasUVs = false;
                MGlobal::displayError("Model with incorrect data, the UV channel will not be interpolated.");

            if (hasColors && numInitialColors <= 0) {
                hasColors = false;  
                MGlobal::displayError("Model with incorrect data, the color channel will not be interpolated.");

            // Prepare UV information if needed
            std::vector<FVarVertexUV> initialUVs, refinedUVs;
            FVarVertexUV const * srcUV = NULL;
            FVarVertexUV * dstUV = NULL;
            if(hasUVs) {
                for (int i=0; i<numInitialUVs; ++i) {
                    initialUVs[i].u = uvSet_uCoords[0][i];
                    initialUVs[i].v = uvSet_vCoords[0][i];
                srcUV = &initialUVs[0];
                dstUV = &refinedUVs[0];

            // Prepare color information if needed
            std::vector<FVarVertexColor> initialColors, refinedColors;
            FVarVertexColor const * srcColor = NULL;
            FVarVertexColor * dstColor = NULL;
            if(hasColors) {
                for (int i=0; i<numInitialColors; ++i) {
                    initialColors[i].r = colorSet_colors[0][i].r;
                    initialColors[i].g = colorSet_colors[0][i].g;
                    initialColors[i].b = colorSet_colors[0][i].b;
                    initialColors[i].a = colorSet_colors[0][i].a;
                srcColor = &initialColors[0];
                dstColor = &refinedColors[0];

            // Interpolate the vertices and the different channels
            OpenSubdiv::Far::PrimvarRefiner primvarRefiner(*refiner); 
            for (int level = 1; level <= subdivisionLevel; ++level) {
                // Interpolate vertices
                primvarRefiner.Interpolate(level, srcVerts, dstVerts);
                srcVerts = dstVerts;
                dstVerts += refiner->GetLevel(level).GetNumVertices();

                // Interpolate the uv set
                if(hasUVs) {
                    primvarRefiner.InterpolateFaceVarying(level, srcUV, dstUV, CHANNELUV);
                    srcUV = dstUV;
                    dstUV += refiner->GetLevel(level).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELUV);

                // Interpolate any color set
                if(hasColors) {
                    primvarRefiner.InterpolateFaceVarying(level, srcColor, dstColor, CHANNELCOLOR);
                    srcColor = dstColor;
                    dstColor += refiner->GetLevel(level).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELCOLOR);

            // == Convert subdivided OpenSubdiv mesh to MFnMesh Data outputMesh =============

            // Create New Mesh Data Object
            MFnMeshData newMeshData;
            MObject     newMeshDataObj = newMeshData.create(&status);
            MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR creating outputData");

            // Create out mesh
            status = convertToMayaMeshData(*refiner, refinedVerts, hasUVs, 
                refinedUVs, hasColors, refinedColors, inMeshFn, newMeshDataObj);
            MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR convertOsdFarToMayaMesh");

            // Propagate objectGroups from inMesh to outMesh (for per-facet shading, etc)
            status = createSmoothMesh_objectGroups(inMeshFn, inMeshDat,
                newMeshData, subdivisionLevel, refiner->GetLevel(subdivisionLevel).GetNumFaces());

            // Write to output plug
            MDataHandle outMeshH = data.outputValue(a_output, &status);
            MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting polygon data handle\n");

            int isolation = std::min(10,(int)ceil(maxCreaseSharpness)+1);

            // == Cleanup OSD ============================================

            // REVISIT: Re-add these deletes
            delete refiner;

            // note that the subd mesh was created (see the section below if !createdSubdMesh)
            createdSubdMesh = true;

        // Pass-through inMesh to outMesh if not created the subd mesh
        if (!createdSubdMesh) {
            MDataHandle outMeshH = data.outputValue(a_output, &status);
            status = outMeshH.copy(data.outputValue(a_inputPolymesh, &status));
            MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting polygon data handle\n");

        // Clean up Maya Plugs

    } else {
        // Unhandled parameter in this compute function, so return MS::kUnknownParameter
        // so it is handled in a parent compute() function.
        return MS::kUnknownParameter;
    return MS::kSuccess;
Пример #7
static MStatus
convertToMayaMeshData(OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
    std::vector<Vertex> const & refinedVerts,
    bool hasUVs, std::vector<FVarVertexUV> const & refinedUVs,
    bool hasColors, std::vector<FVarVertexColor> const & refinedColors,
    MFnMesh & inMeshFn, MObject newMeshDataObj) {

    MStatus status;

    typedef OpenSubdiv::Far::ConstIndexArray IndexArray;

    int maxlevel = refiner.GetMaxLevel();

    OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyLevel const & refLastLevel 
                                                = refiner.GetLevel(maxlevel);

    int nfaces = refLastLevel.GetNumFaces();

    // Init Maya Data

    // Face Counts
    MIntArray faceCounts(nfaces);
    for (int face=0; face < nfaces; ++face) {
        faceCounts[face] = 4;

    // Face Connects
    MIntArray faceConnects(nfaces*4);
    for (int face=0, idx=0; face < nfaces; ++face) {
        IndexArray fverts = refLastLevel.GetFaceVertices(face);
        for (int vert=0; vert < fverts.size(); ++vert) {
            faceConnects[idx++] = fverts[vert];

    // Points
    int nverts = refLastLevel.GetNumVertices();
    int firstOfLastVert = refiner.GetNumVerticesTotal() 
                        - nverts 
                        - refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices();

    MFloatPointArray points(nverts);
    for (int vIt = 0; vIt < nverts; ++vIt) {
        Vertex const & v = refinedVerts[firstOfLastVert + vIt];
        points.set(vIt, v.position[0], v.position[1], v.position[2]);

    // Create New Mesh from MFnMesh
    MFnMesh newMeshFn;
    MObject newMeshObj = newMeshFn.create(points.length(), faceCounts.length(),
        points, faceCounts, faceConnects, newMeshDataObj, &status);
    MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot create new mesh");

    // Get face-varying set names and other info from the inMesh
    MStringArray uvSetNames;
    MStringArray colorSetNames;
    std::vector<int> colorSetChannels;
    std::vector<MFnMesh::MColorRepresentation> colorSetReps;
    int totalColorSetChannels = 0;
    status = getMayaFvarFieldParams(inMeshFn, uvSetNames, colorSetNames,
        colorSetChannels, colorSetReps, totalColorSetChannels);

    // Add new UVs back to the mesh if needed
    if (hasUVs) {

        MIntArray fvarConnects(faceConnects.length());
        int count = 0;
        for (int f = 0; f < refLastLevel.GetNumFaces(); ++f) {
            IndexArray faceIndices = refLastLevel.GetFaceFVarValues(f, CHANNELUV);
            for (int index = 0 ; index < faceIndices.size() ; ++index) {
                fvarConnects[count++] = faceIndices[index];

        int nuvs = refLastLevel.GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELUV);
        int firstOfLastUvs = refiner.GetNumFVarValuesTotal(CHANNELUV) 
                             - nuvs
                             - refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELUV);

        MFloatArray uCoord(nuvs), vCoord(nuvs);
        for (int uvIt = 0; uvIt < nuvs; ++uvIt) {
            FVarVertexUV const & uv = refinedUVs[firstOfLastUvs + uvIt];
            uCoord[uvIt] = uv.u;
            vCoord[uvIt] = uv.v;

        // Currently, the plugin only supports one UV set
        int uvSetIndex = 0;
        if (uvSetIndex > 0) {
            status = newMeshFn.createUVSetDataMesh( uvSetNames[uvSetIndex] );
            MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot create UVSet");
        static MString defaultUVName("map1");
        MString const * uvname = uvSetIndex==0 ? 
            &defaultUVName : &uvSetNames[uvSetIndex];
        status = newMeshFn.setUVs(uCoord, vCoord, uvname);                  
        MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot set UVs for set : "+*uvname);

        status = newMeshFn.assignUVs(faceCounts, fvarConnects, uvname);     
        MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot assign UVs");

    // Add new colors back to the mesh if needed
    if (hasColors) {

        int count = 0;
        MIntArray fvarConnects2(faceConnects.length());
        for (int f = 0 ; f < refLastLevel.GetNumFaces(); ++f) {
            IndexArray faceIndices = refLastLevel.GetFaceFVarValues(f, CHANNELCOLOR);
            for (int index = 0 ; index < faceIndices.size() ; ++index) {
                fvarConnects2[count++] = faceIndices[index];
        int ncols = refLastLevel.GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELCOLOR);
        int firstOfLastCols = refiner.GetNumFVarValuesTotal(CHANNELCOLOR) 
                              - ncols
                              - refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELCOLOR);

        MColorArray colorArray(ncols);
        for (int colIt = 0; colIt < ncols; ++colIt) {
            FVarVertexColor const & c = refinedColors[firstOfLastCols + colIt];
            colorArray.set(colIt, c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a);

        // Currently, the plugin only supports one color sets
        int colorSetIndex = 0;

        // Assign color buffer and map the ids for each face-vertex
        // API Limitation: Cannot set MColorRepresentation here
        status = newMeshFn.createColorSetDataMesh(
        MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot create ColorSet");

        bool isColorClamped = inMeshFn.isColorClamped(
            colorSetNames[colorSetIndex], &status);                   
        MCHECKERR(status, "Can not get Color Clamped ");

        status = newMeshFn.setIsColorClamped(
            colorSetNames[colorSetIndex], isColorClamped);                     
        MCHECKERR(status, "Can not set Color Clamped : " + isColorClamped);

        status = newMeshFn.setColors(
            colorArray, &colorSetNames[colorSetIndex], 
        MCHECKERR(status, "Can not set Colors");

        status = newMeshFn.assignColors(
            fvarConnects2, &colorSetNames[colorSetIndex]);                          
        MCHECKERR(status, "Can not assign Colors");

    return MS::kSuccess;
Пример #8
MayaPolySmooth::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data ) {

    MStatus status;

    // Check which output attribute we have been asked to compute.  If this
    // node doesn't know how to compute it, we must return
    // MS::kUnknownParameter.

    if( plug == a_output ) {

        bool createdSubdMesh = false;

        int subdivisionLevel = data.inputValue(a_subdivisionLevels).asInt();
        short stateH = data.inputValue(state).asShort();

        if ((subdivisionLevel > 0) and (stateH !=1)) {

            // == Retrieve input mesh ====================================
            // Get attr values
            MObject inMeshObj        = data.inputValue(a_inputPolymesh).asMesh();
            short vertBoundaryMethod = data.inputValue(a_vertBoundaryMethod).asShort();
            short fvarBoundaryMethod = data.inputValue(a_fvarBoundaryMethod).asShort();
            bool  fvarPropCorners    = data.inputValue(a_fvarPropagateCorners).asBool();
            bool  smoothTriangles    = data.inputValue(a_smoothTriangles).asBool();
            short creaseMethodVal    = data.inputValue(a_creaseMethod).asShort();

            // == Get Mesh Functions and Iterators ==========================
            MFnMeshData inMeshDat(inMeshObj);
            MFnMesh inMeshFn(inMeshObj, &status);
            MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting inMeshFn\n");
            MItMeshPolygon inMeshItPolygon(inMeshObj, &status);
            MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting inMeshItPolygon\n");

            // Convert attr values to OSD enums
            OpenSubdiv::Sdc::SchemeType type = OpenSubdiv::Sdc::SCHEME_CATMARK;

            // Create Far topology
            OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options options;
            options.SetFVarLinearInterpolation(ConvertMayaFVarBoundary(fvarBoundaryMethod, fvarPropCorners));
            options.SetCreasingMethod(creaseMethodVal ?
                 OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::CREASE_CHAIKIN : OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::CREASE_UNIFORM);
            options.SetTriangleSubdivision(smoothTriangles ?
                 OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::TRI_SUB_SMOOTH : OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::TRI_SUB_CATMARK);

            float maxCreaseSharpness=0.0f;
            OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner * refiner =
                gatherTopology(inMeshFn, inMeshItPolygon, type, options, &maxCreaseSharpness);


            // Refine & Interpolate

            Vertex const * controlVerts =
                reinterpret_cast<Vertex const *>(inMeshFn.getRawPoints(&status));

            std::vector<Vertex> refinedVerts(
                refiner->GetNumVerticesTotal() - refiner->GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices());
            Vertex const * srcVerts = controlVerts;
            Vertex * dstVerts = &refinedVerts[0];
            for (int level = 1; level <= subdivisionLevel; ++level) {
                OpenSubdiv::Far::PrimvarRefiner(*refiner).Interpolate(level, srcVerts, dstVerts);
                srcVerts = dstVerts;
                dstVerts += refiner->GetLevel(level).GetNumVertices();

            // == Convert subdivided OpenSubdiv mesh to MFnMesh Data outputMesh =============

            // Create New Mesh Data Object
            MFnMeshData newMeshData;
            MObject     newMeshDataObj = newMeshData.create(&status);
            MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR creating outputData");

            // Create out mesh
            status = convertToMayaMeshData(*refiner, refinedVerts, inMeshFn, newMeshDataObj);
            MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR convertOsdFarToMayaMesh");

            // Propagate objectGroups from inMesh to outMesh (for per-facet shading, etc)
            status = createSmoothMesh_objectGroups(inMeshFn, inMeshDat,
                newMeshData, subdivisionLevel, refiner->GetLevel(subdivisionLevel).GetNumFaces());

            // Write to output plug
            MDataHandle outMeshH = data.outputValue(a_output, &status);
            MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting polygon data handle\n");

            int isolation = std::min(10,(int)ceil(maxCreaseSharpness)+1);

            // == Cleanup OSD ============================================
            // REVISIT: Re-add these deletes
            delete refiner;

            // note that the subd mesh was created (see the section below if !createdSubdMesh)
            createdSubdMesh = true;

        // Pass-through inMesh to outMesh if not created the subd mesh
        if (!createdSubdMesh) {
            MDataHandle outMeshH = data.outputValue(a_output, &status);
            status = outMeshH.copy(data.outputValue(a_inputPolymesh, &status));
            MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting polygon data handle\n");

        // Clean up Maya Plugs

    } else {
        // Unhandled parameter in this compute function, so return MS::kUnknownParameter
        // so it is handled in a parent compute() function.
        return MS::kUnknownParameter;
    return MS::kSuccess;
Пример #9
static MStatus
convertToMayaMeshData(OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner const & refiner,
    std::vector<Vertex> const & vertexBuffer, MFnMesh const & inMeshFn,
        MObject newMeshDataObj) {

    MStatus status;

    typedef OpenSubdiv::Far::ConstIndexArray IndexArray;

    int maxlevel = refiner.GetMaxLevel();

    OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyLevel const & refLastLevel 
                                                = refiner.GetLevel(maxlevel);

    int nfaces = refLastLevel.GetNumFaces();
    // Init Maya Data

    // -- Face Counts
    MIntArray faceCounts(nfaces);
    for (int face=0; face < nfaces; ++face) {
        faceCounts[face] = 4;

    // -- Face Connects
    MIntArray faceConnects(nfaces*4);
    for (int face=0, idx=0; face < nfaces; ++face) {
        IndexArray fverts = refLastLevel.GetFaceVertices(face);
        for (int vert=0; vert < fverts.size(); ++vert) {
            faceConnects[idx++] = fverts[vert];

    // -- Points
    MFloatPointArray points(refLastLevel.GetNumVertices());
    Vertex const * v = &vertexBuffer.at(0);

    for (int level=1; level<=maxlevel; ++level) {
        int nverts = refiner.GetLevel(level).GetNumVertices();
        if (level==maxlevel) {
            for (int vert=0; vert < nverts; ++vert, ++v) {
                points.set(vert, v->position[0], v->position[1], v->position[2]);
        } else {
            v += nverts;

    // Create New Mesh from MFnMesh
    MFnMesh newMeshFn;
    MObject newMeshObj = newMeshFn.create(points.length(), faceCounts.length(),
        points, faceCounts, faceConnects, newMeshDataObj, &status);
    MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot create new mesh");

    int fvarTotalWidth = 0;

    if (fvarTotalWidth > 0) {

        // Get face-varying set names and other info from the inMesh
        MStringArray uvSetNames;
        MStringArray colorSetNames;
        std::vector<int> colorSetChannels;
        std::vector<MFnMesh::MColorRepresentation> colorSetReps;
        int totalColorSetChannels = 0;
        status = getMayaFvarFieldParams(inMeshFn, uvSetNames, colorSetNames,
            colorSetChannels, colorSetReps, totalColorSetChannels);

#if defined(DEBUG) or defined(_DEBUG)
        int numUVSets = uvSetNames.length();
        int expectedFvarTotalWidth = numUVSets*2 + totalColorSetChannels;
        assert(fvarTotalWidth == expectedFvarTotalWidth);

// XXXX fvar stuff here


    return MS::kSuccess;