bool ScanMatcher::globalMatching(OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& referenceVset, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* _referenceVertex, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* _currentVertex, SE2 *trel, double maxScore){ OptimizableGraph::VertexSet vset; vset.insert(_currentVertex); return globalMatching(referenceVset, _referenceVertex, vset, _currentVertex, trel, maxScore); }
bool ScanMatcher::scanMatchingLC(OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& referenceVset, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* _referenceVertex, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* _currentVertex, std::vector<SE2>& trel, double maxScore){ OptimizableGraph::VertexSet currvset; currvset.insert(_currentVertex); return scanMatchingLC(referenceVset, _referenceVertex, currvset, _currentVertex, trel, maxScore); //return scanMatchingLChierarchical(referenceVset, _originVertex, currvset, _currentVertex, trel, maxScore); }
void GraphSLAM::checkHaveLaser(OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& vset){ OptimizableGraph::VertexSet tmpvset = vset; for (OptimizableGraph::VertexSet::iterator it = tmpvset.begin(); it != tmpvset.end(); it++){ OptimizableGraph::Vertex *vertex = (OptimizableGraph::Vertex*) *it; if (!findLaserData(vertex)) vset.erase(*it); } }
void EdgePointXYCovPointXYCov::initialEstimate(const OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& from, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* to) { assert(from.size() == 1 && from.count(_vertices[0]) == 1 && "Can not initialize VertexSE2 position by VertexPointXYCov"); VertexPointXYCov* vi = static_cast<VertexPointXYCov*>(_vertices[0]); VertexPointXYCov* vj = static_cast<VertexPointXYCov*>(_vertices[1]); if (from.count(vi) > 0 && to == vj) { vj->estimate() = vi->estimate(); // * _measurement; } }
void EstimatePropagator::propagate(OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v, const EstimatePropagator::PropagateCost& cost, const EstimatePropagator::PropagateAction& action, double maxDistance, double maxEdgeCost) { OptimizableGraph::VertexSet vset; vset.insert(v); propagate(vset, cost, action, maxDistance, maxEdgeCost); }
void EdgeSE2PointXYCalib::initialEstimate(const OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& from, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* /*to*/) { assert(from.size() == 1 && from.count(_vertices[0]) == 1 && "Can not initialize VertexSE2 position by VertexPointXY"); if (from.count(_vertices[0]) != 1) return; VertexSE2* vi = static_cast<VertexSE2*>(_vertices[0]); VertexPointXY* vj = static_cast<VertexPointXY*>(_vertices[1]); vj->setEstimate(vi->estimate() * _measurement); }
void GraphSLAM::addNeighboringVertices(OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& vset, int gap){ OptimizableGraph::VertexSet temp = vset; for (OptimizableGraph::VertexSet::iterator it = temp.begin(); it!=temp.end(); it++){ OptimizableGraph::Vertex* vertex = (OptimizableGraph::Vertex*) *it; for (int i = 1; i <= gap; i++){ OptimizableGraph::Vertex *v = (OptimizableGraph::Vertex *) _graph->vertex(vertex->id()+i); if (v && v->id() != _lastVertex->id()){ OptimizableGraph::VertexSet::iterator itv = vset.find(v); if (itv == vset.end()) vset.insert(v); else break; } } for (int i = 1; i <= gap; i++){ OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = (OptimizableGraph::Vertex*) _graph->vertex(vertex->id()-i); if (v && v->id() != _lastVertex->id()){ OptimizableGraph::VertexSet::iterator itv = vset.find(v); if (itv == vset.end()) vset.insert(v); else break; } } } }
void EdgeSE3PointXYZDepth::initialEstimate(const OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& from, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* /*to_*/) { (void) from; assert(from.size() == 1 && from.count(_vertices[0]) == 1 && "Can not initialize VertexDepthCam position by VertexTrackXYZ"); VertexSE3 *cam = dynamic_cast<VertexSE3*>(_vertices[0]); VertexPointXYZ *point = dynamic_cast<VertexPointXYZ*>(_vertices[1]); const Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3>& invKcam = params->invKcam(); Eigen::Vector3d p; p(2) = _measurement(2); p.head<2>() = _measurement.head<2>()*p(2); p=invKcam*p; point->setEstimate(cam->estimate() * (params->offsetMatrix() * p)); }
void EdgeSE2PointXYBearing::initialEstimate(const OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& from, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* /*to*/) { assert(from.size() == 1 && from.count(_vertices[0]) == 1 && "Can not initialize VertexSE2 position by VertexPointXY"); if (from.count(_vertices[0]) != 1) return; double r=2.; const VertexSE2* v1 = static_cast<const VertexSE2*>(_vertices[0]); VertexPointXY* l2 = static_cast<VertexPointXY*>(_vertices[1]); SE2 t=v1->estimate(); t.setRotation(t.rotation().angle()+_measurement); Vector2d vr; vr[0]=r; vr[1]=0; l2->setEstimate(t*vr); }
void EdgeSE3PointXYZ::initialEstimate(const OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& from, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* /*to_*/) { (void) from; assert(from.size() == 1 && from.count(_vertices[0]) == 1 && "Can not initialize VertexDepthCam position by VertexTrackXYZ"); VertexSE3 *cam = dynamic_cast<VertexSE3*>(_vertices[0]); VertexPointXYZ *point = dynamic_cast<VertexPointXYZ*>(_vertices[1]); // SE3OffsetCache* vcache = (SE3OffsetCache* ) cam->getCache(_cacheIds[0]); // if (! vcache){ // cerr << "fatal error in retrieving cache" << endl; // } // SE3OffsetParameters* params=vcache->params; Eigen::Vector3d p=_measurement; point->setEstimate(cam->estimate() * (offsetParam->offset() * p)); }
void EdgeSE2::initialEstimate(const OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& from, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* /* to */) { VertexSE2* fromEdge = static_cast<VertexSE2*>(_vertices[0]); VertexSE2* toEdge = static_cast<VertexSE2*>(_vertices[1]); if (from.count(fromEdge) > 0) toEdge->setEstimate(fromEdge->estimate() * _measurement); else fromEdge->setEstimate(toEdge->estimate() * _inverseMeasurement); }
void GraphSLAM::checkCovariance(OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& vset){ /////////////////////////////////// // we need now to compute the marginal covariances of all other vertices w.r.t the newly inserted one CovarianceEstimator ce(_graph); ce.setVertices(vset); ce.setGauge(_lastVertex); ce.compute(); assert(!_lastVertex->fixed() && "last Vertex is fixed"); assert(_firstRobotPose->fixed() && "first Vertex is not fixed"); OptimizableGraph::VertexSet tmpvset = vset; for (OptimizableGraph::VertexSet::iterator it = tmpvset.begin(); it != tmpvset.end(); it++){ VertexSE2 *vertex = (VertexSE2*) *it; MatrixXd Pv = ce.getCovariance(vertex); Matrix2d Pxy; Pxy << Pv(0,0), Pv(0,1), Pv(1,0), Pv(1,1); SE2 delta = vertex->estimate().inverse() * _lastVertex->estimate(); Vector2d hxy (delta.translation().x(), delta.translation().y()); double perceptionRange =1; if (hxy.x()-perceptionRange>0) hxy.x() -= perceptionRange; else if (hxy.x()+perceptionRange<0) hxy.x() += perceptionRange; else hxy.x() = 0; if (hxy.y()-perceptionRange>0) hxy.y() -= perceptionRange; else if (hxy.y()+perceptionRange<0) hxy.y() += perceptionRange; else hxy.y() = 0; double d2 = hxy.transpose() * Pxy.inverse() * hxy; if (d2 > 5.99) vset.erase(*it); } }
void EdgeSE3::initialEstimate(const OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& from_, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* /*to_*/) { VertexSE3 *from = static_cast<VertexSE3*>(_vertices[0]); VertexSE3 *to = static_cast<VertexSE3*>(_vertices[1]); if (from_.count(from) > 0) { to->setEstimate(from->estimate() * _measurement); } else from->setEstimate(to->estimate() * _measurement.inverse()); //cerr << "IE" << endl; }
void EdgeSE2PlaceVicinity::initialEstimate( const OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& from, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* /*to*/) { VertexSE2* fromEdge = static_cast<VertexSE2*>(_vertices[0]); VertexSE2* toEdge = static_cast<VertexSE2*>(_vertices[1]); if (from.count(fromEdge) > 0) toEdge->setEstimate(fromEdge->estimate()); else fromEdge->setEstimate(toEdge->estimate()); }
void EdgeSE3Offset::initialEstimate(const OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& from_, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* /*to_*/) { VertexSE3 *from = static_cast<VertexSE3*>(_vertices[0]); VertexSE3 *to = static_cast<VertexSE3*>(_vertices[1]); Eigen::Isometry3d virtualMeasurement = _cacheFrom->offsetParam()->offset() * measurement() * _cacheTo->offsetParam()->offset().inverse(); if (from_.count(from) > 0) { to->setEstimate(from->estimate() * virtualMeasurement); } else from->setEstimate(to->estimate() * virtualMeasurement.inverse()); }
void EdgeSE3PointXYZDisparity::initialEstimate(const OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& from, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* /*to*/) { (void) from; assert(from.size() == 1 && from.count(_vertices[0]) == 1 && "Can not initialize VertexDepthCam position by VertexTrackXYZ"); VertexSE3 *cam = dynamic_cast<VertexSE3*>(_vertices[0]); VertexPointXYZ *point = dynamic_cast<VertexPointXYZ*>(_vertices[1]); // VertexCameraCache* vcache = (VertexCameraCache* ) cam->getCache(_cacheIds[0]); // if (! vcache){ // cerr << "fatal error in retrieving cache" << endl; // } //ParameterCamera* params=vcache->params; const Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3>& invKcam = params->invKcam(); Eigen::Vector3d p; double w=1./_measurement(2); p.head<2>() = _measurement.head<2>()*w; p(2) = w; p = invKcam * p; p = cam->estimate() * (params->offset() * p); point->setEstimate(p); }
double EstimatePropagatorCostOdometry::operator()(OptimizableGraph::Edge* edge, const OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& from_, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* to_) const { OptimizableGraph::Edge* e = dynamic_cast<OptimizableGraph::Edge*>(edge); OptimizableGraph::Vertex* from = dynamic_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(*from_.begin()); OptimizableGraph::Vertex* to = dynamic_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(to_); if (std::abs(from->id() - to->id()) != 1) // simple method to identify odometry edges in a pose graph return std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); SparseOptimizer::EdgeContainer::const_iterator it = _graph->findActiveEdge(e); if (it == _graph->activeEdges().end()) // it has to be an active edge return std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); return e->initialEstimatePossible(from_, to); }
void transformPointsFromVSet(OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& vset, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* _referenceVertex, RawLaser::Point2DVector& scansInRefVertex){ VertexSE2* referenceVertex=dynamic_cast<VertexSE2*>(_referenceVertex); scansInRefVertex.clear(); for (OptimizableGraph::VertexSet::iterator it = vset.begin(); it != vset.end(); it++){ VertexSE2 *vertex = (VertexSE2*) *it; RobotLaser* laserv = dynamic_cast<RobotLaser*>(vertex->userData()); if (laserv){ RawLaser::Point2DVector vscan = laserv->cartesian(); SE2 trl = laserv->laserParams().laserPose; RawLaser::Point2DVector scanInRefVertex; if (vertex->id() == referenceVertex->id()){ ScanMatcher::applyTransfToScan(trl, vscan, scanInRefVertex); }else{ SE2 trel = referenceVertex->estimate().inverse() * vertex->estimate(); SE2 transf = trel * trl; ScanMatcher::applyTransfToScan(transf, vscan, scanInRefVertex); } scansInRefVertex.insert(scansInRefVertex.end(), scanInRefVertex.begin(), scanInRefVertex.end()); } } }
void EdgeSE2DistanceOrientation::initialEstimate( const OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& from, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* /*to*/) { VertexSE2* fromEdge = static_cast<VertexSE2*>(_vertices[0]); VertexSE2* toEdge = static_cast<VertexSE2*>(_vertices[1]); double dist = sqrt(_measurement[0] * _measurement[0] + _measurement[1] * _measurement[1]); double theta = _measurement[2]; double x = dist * cos(theta), y = dist * sin(theta); SE2 tmpMeasurement(x,y,theta); SE2 inverseTmpMeasurement = tmpMeasurement.inverse(); if (from.count(fromEdge) > 0) toEdge->setEstimate(fromEdge->estimate() * tmpMeasurement); else fromEdge->setEstimate(toEdge->estimate() * inverseTmpMeasurement); }
void computeSimpleStars(StarSet& stars, SparseOptimizer* optimizer, EdgeLabeler* labeler, EdgeCreator* creator, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* gauge_, std::string edgeTag, std::string vertexTag, int level, int step, int backboneIterations, int starIterations, double rejectionThreshold, bool debug){ cerr << "preforming the tree actions" << endl; HyperDijkstra d(optimizer); // compute a spanning tree based on the types of edges and vertices in the pool EdgeTypesCostFunction f(edgeTag, vertexTag, level); d.shortestPaths(gauge_, &f, std::numeric_limits< double >::max(), 1e-6, false, std::numeric_limits< double >::max()/2); HyperDijkstra::computeTree(d.adjacencyMap()); // constructs the stars on the backbone BackBoneTreeAction bact(optimizer, vertexTag, level, step); bact.init(); cerr << "free edges size " << bact.freeEdges().size() << endl; // perform breadth-first visit of the visit tree and create the stars on the backbone d.visitAdjacencyMap(d.adjacencyMap(),&bact,true); stars.clear(); for (VertexStarMultimap::iterator it=bact.vertexStarMultiMap().begin(); it!=bact.vertexStarMultiMap().end(); it++){ stars.insert(it->second); } cerr << "stars.size: " << stars.size() << endl; cerr << "size: " << bact.vertexStarMultiMap().size() << endl; // for each star // for all vertices in the backbone, select all edges leading/leaving from that vertex // that are contained in freeEdges. // mark the corresponding "open" vertices and add them to a multimap (vertex->star) // select a gauge in the backbone // push all vertices on the backbone // compute an initial guess on the backbone // one round of optimization backbone // lock all vertices in the backbone // push all "open" vertices // for each open vertex, // compute an initial guess given the backbone // do some rounds of solveDirect // if (fail) // - remove the vertex and the edges in that vertex from the star // - make the structures consistent // pop all "open" vertices // pop all "vertices" in the backbone // unfix the vertices in the backbone int starNum=0; for (StarSet::iterator it=stars.begin(); it!=stars.end(); it++){ Star* s =*it; HyperGraph::VertexSet backboneVertices = s->_lowLevelVertices; HyperGraph::EdgeSet backboneEdges = s->_lowLevelEdges; if (backboneEdges.empty()) continue; // cerr << "optimizing backbone" << endl; // one of these should be the gauge, to be simple we select the fisrt one in the backbone OptimizableGraph::VertexSet gauge; gauge.insert(*backboneVertices.begin()); s->gauge()=gauge; s->optimizer()->push(backboneVertices); s->optimizer()->setFixed(gauge,true); s->optimizer()->initializeOptimization(backboneEdges); s->optimizer()->computeInitialGuess(); s->optimizer()->optimize(backboneIterations); s->optimizer()->setFixed(backboneVertices, true); // cerr << "assignind edges.vertices not in bbone" << endl; HyperGraph::EdgeSet otherEdges; HyperGraph::VertexSet otherVertices; std::multimap<HyperGraph::Vertex*, HyperGraph::Edge*> vemap; for (HyperGraph::VertexSet::iterator bit=backboneVertices.begin(); bit!=backboneVertices.end(); bit++){ HyperGraph::Vertex* v=*bit; for (HyperGraph::EdgeSet::iterator eit=v->edges().begin(); eit!=v->edges().end(); eit++){ OptimizableGraph::Edge* e = (OptimizableGraph::Edge*) *eit; HyperGraph::EdgeSet::iterator feit=bact.freeEdges().find(e); if (feit!=bact.freeEdges().end()){ // edge is admissible otherEdges.insert(e); bact.freeEdges().erase(feit); for (size_t i=0; i<e->vertices().size(); i++){ OptimizableGraph::Vertex* ve= (OptimizableGraph::Vertex*)e->vertices()[i]; if (backboneVertices.find(ve)==backboneVertices.end()){ otherVertices.insert(ve); vemap.insert(make_pair(ve,e)); } } } } } // RAINER TODO maybe need a better solution than dynamic casting here?? OptimizationAlgorithmWithHessian* solverWithHessian = dynamic_cast<OptimizationAlgorithmWithHessian*>(s->optimizer()->solver()); if (solverWithHessian) { s->optimizer()->push(otherVertices); // cerr << "optimizing vertices out of bbone" << endl; // cerr << "push" << endl; // cerr << "init" << endl; s->optimizer()->initializeOptimization(otherEdges); // cerr << "guess" << endl; s->optimizer()->computeInitialGuess(); // cerr << "solver init" << endl; s->optimizer()->solver()->init(); // cerr << "structure" << endl; if (!solverWithHessian->buildLinearStructure()) cerr << "FATAL: failure while building linear structure" << endl; // cerr << "errors" << endl; s->optimizer()->computeActiveErrors(); // cerr << "system" << endl; solverWithHessian->updateLinearSystem(); // cerr << "directSolove" << endl; } else { cerr << "FATAL: hierarchical thing cannot be used with a solver that does not support the system structure construction" << endl; } // // then optimize the vertices one at a time to check if a solution is good for (HyperGraph::VertexSet::iterator vit=otherVertices.begin(); vit!=otherVertices.end(); vit++){ OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v=(OptimizableGraph::Vertex*)(*vit); v->solveDirect(); // cerr << " " << d; // if a solution is found, add a vertex and all the edges in //othervertices that are pointing to that edge to the star s->_lowLevelVertices.insert(v); for (HyperGraph::EdgeSet::iterator eit=v->edges().begin(); eit!=v->edges().end(); eit++){ OptimizableGraph::Edge* e = (OptimizableGraph::Edge*) *eit; if (otherEdges.find(e)!=otherEdges.end()) s->_lowLevelEdges.insert(e); } } //cerr << endl; // relax the backbone and optimize it all // cerr << "relax bbone" << endl; s->optimizer()->setFixed(backboneVertices, false); //cerr << "fox gauge bbone" << endl; s->optimizer()->setFixed(s->gauge(),true); //cerr << "opt init" << endl; s->optimizer()->initializeOptimization(s->_lowLevelEdges); optimizer->computeActiveErrors(); double initialChi = optimizer->activeChi2(); int starOptResult = s->optimizer()->optimize(starIterations); //cerr << starOptResult << "(" << starIterations << ") " << endl; double finalchi=-1.; cerr << "computing star: " << starNum << endl; int vKept=0, vDropped=0; if (!starIterations || starOptResult > 0 ){ optimizer->computeActiveErrors(); finalchi = optimizer->activeChi2(); #if 1 s->optimizer()->computeActiveErrors(); // cerr << "system" << endl; if (solverWithHessian) solverWithHessian->updateLinearSystem(); HyperGraph::EdgeSet prunedStarEdges = backboneEdges; HyperGraph::VertexSet prunedStarVertices = backboneVertices; for (HyperGraph::VertexSet::iterator vit=otherVertices.begin(); vit!=otherVertices.end(); vit++){ //discard the vertices whose error is too big OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v=(OptimizableGraph::Vertex*)(*vit); MatrixXd h(v->dimension(), v->dimension()); for (int i=0; i<v->dimension(); i++){ for (int j=0; j<v->dimension(); j++) h(i,j)=v->hessian(i,j); } EigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> esolver; esolver.compute(h); VectorXcd ev= esolver.eigenvalues(); double emin = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); double emax = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); for (int i=0; i<ev.size(); i++){ emin = ev(i).real()>emin ? emin : ev(i).real(); emax = ev(i).real()<emax ? emax : ev(i).real(); } double d=emin/emax; // cerr << " " << d; if (d>rejectionThreshold){ // if a solution is found, add a vertex and all the edges in //othervertices that are pointing to that edge to the star prunedStarVertices.insert(v); for (HyperGraph::EdgeSet::iterator eit=v->edges().begin(); eit!=v->edges().end(); eit++){ OptimizableGraph::Edge* e = (OptimizableGraph::Edge*) *eit; if (otherEdges.find(e)!=otherEdges.end()) prunedStarEdges.insert(e); } //cerr << "K( " << v->id() << "," << d << ")" ; vKept ++; } else { vDropped++; //cerr << "R( " << v->id() << "," << d << ")" ; } } s->_lowLevelEdges=prunedStarEdges; s->_lowLevelVertices=prunedStarVertices; #endif //cerr << "addHedges" << endl; //now add to the star the hierarchical edges std::vector<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*> vertices(2); vertices[0]= (OptimizableGraph::Vertex*) *s->_gauge.begin(); for (HyperGraph::VertexSet::iterator vit=s->_lowLevelVertices.begin(); vit!=s->_lowLevelVertices.end(); vit++){ OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v=(OptimizableGraph::Vertex*)*vit; vertices[1]=v; if (v==vertices[0]) continue; OptimizableGraph::Edge* e=creator->createEdge(vertices); //rr << "creating edge" << e << Factory::instance()->tag(vertices[0]) << "->" << Factory::instance()->tag(v) <endl; if (e) { e->setLevel(level+1); optimizer->addEdge(e); s->_starEdges.insert(e); } else { cerr << "HERE" << endl; cerr << "FATAL, cannot create edge" << endl; } } } cerr << " gauge: " << (*s->_gauge.begin())->id() << " kept: " << vKept << " dropped: " << vDropped << " edges:" << s->_lowLevelEdges.size() << " hedges" << s->_starEdges.size() << " initial chi " << initialChi << " final chi " << finalchi << endl; if (debug) { char starLowName[100]; sprintf(starLowName, "star-%04d-low.g2o", starNum); ofstream starLowStream(starLowName); optimizer->saveSubset(starLowStream, s->_lowLevelEdges); } bool labelOk=false; if (!starIterations || starOptResult > 0) labelOk = s->labelStarEdges(0, labeler); if (labelOk) { if (debug) { char starHighName[100]; sprintf(starHighName, "star-%04d-high.g2o", starNum); ofstream starHighStream(starHighName); optimizer->saveSubset(starHighStream, s->_starEdges); } } else { cerr << "FAILURE: " << starOptResult << endl; } starNum++; //label each hierarchical edge s->optimizer()->pop(otherVertices); s->optimizer()->pop(backboneVertices); s->optimizer()->setFixed(s->gauge(),false); } StarSet stars2; // now erase the stars that have 0 edges. They r useless for (StarSet::iterator it=stars.begin(); it!=stars.end(); it++){ Star* s=*it; if (s->lowLevelEdges().size()==0) { delete s; } else stars2.insert(s); } stars=stars2; }
void EstimatePropagator::propagate(OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& vset, const EstimatePropagator::PropagateCost& cost, const EstimatePropagator::PropagateAction& action, double maxDistance, double maxEdgeCost) { reset(); PriorityQueue frontier; for (OptimizableGraph::VertexSet::iterator vit=vset.begin(); vit!=vset.end(); ++vit){ OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(*vit); AdjacencyMap::iterator it = _adjacencyMap.find(v); assert(it != _adjacencyMap.end()); it->second._distance = 0.; it->second._parent.clear(); it->second._frontierLevel = 0; frontier.push(&it->second); } while(! frontier.empty()){ AdjacencyMapEntry* entry = frontier.pop(); OptimizableGraph::Vertex* u = entry->child(); double uDistance = entry->distance(); //cerr << "uDistance " << uDistance << endl; // initialize the vertex if (entry->_frontierLevel > 0) { action(entry->edge(), entry->parent(), u); } /* std::pair< OptimizableGraph::VertexSet::iterator, bool> insertResult = */ _visited.insert(u); OptimizableGraph::EdgeSet::iterator et = u->edges().begin(); while (et != u->edges().end()){ OptimizableGraph::Edge* edge = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Edge*>(*et); ++et; int maxFrontier = -1; OptimizableGraph::VertexSet initializedVertices; for (size_t i = 0; i < edge->vertices().size(); ++i) { OptimizableGraph::Vertex* z = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(edge->vertex(i)); AdjacencyMap::iterator ot = _adjacencyMap.find(z); if (ot->second._distance != numeric_limits<double>::max()) { initializedVertices.insert(z); maxFrontier = (max)(maxFrontier, ot->second._frontierLevel); } } assert(maxFrontier >= 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < edge->vertices().size(); ++i) { OptimizableGraph::Vertex* z = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(edge->vertex(i)); if (z == u) continue; size_t wasInitialized = initializedVertices.erase(z); double edgeDistance = cost(edge, initializedVertices, z); if (edgeDistance > 0. && edgeDistance != std::numeric_limits<double>::max() && edgeDistance < maxEdgeCost) { double zDistance = uDistance + edgeDistance; //cerr << z->id() << " " << zDistance << endl; AdjacencyMap::iterator ot = _adjacencyMap.find(z); assert(ot!=_adjacencyMap.end()); if (zDistance < ot->second.distance() && zDistance < maxDistance){ //if (ot->second.inQueue) //cerr << "Updating" << endl; ot->second._distance = zDistance; ot->second._parent = initializedVertices; ot->second._edge = edge; ot->second._frontierLevel = maxFrontier + 1; frontier.push(&ot->second); } } if (wasInitialized > 0) initializedVertices.insert(z); } } } // writing debug information like cost for reaching each vertex and the parent used to initialize #ifdef DEBUG_ESTIMATE_PROPAGATOR cerr << "Writing cost.dat" << endl; ofstream costStream("cost.dat"); for (AdjacencyMap::const_iterator it = _adjacencyMap.begin(); it != _adjacencyMap.end(); ++it) { HyperGraph::Vertex* u = it->second.child(); costStream << "vertex " << u->id() << " cost " << it->second._distance << endl; } cerr << "Writing init.dat" << endl; ofstream initStream("init.dat"); vector<AdjacencyMapEntry*> frontierLevels; for (AdjacencyMap::iterator it = _adjacencyMap.begin(); it != _adjacencyMap.end(); ++it) { if (it->second._frontierLevel > 0) frontierLevels.push_back(&it->second); } sort(frontierLevels.begin(), frontierLevels.end(), FrontierLevelCmp()); for (vector<AdjacencyMapEntry*>::const_iterator it = frontierLevels.begin(); it != frontierLevels.end(); ++it) { AdjacencyMapEntry* entry = *it; OptimizableGraph::Vertex* to = entry->child(); initStream << "calling init level = " << entry->_frontierLevel << "\t ("; for (OptimizableGraph::VertexSet::iterator pit = entry->parent().begin(); pit != entry->parent().end(); ++pit) { initStream << " " << (*pit)->id(); } initStream << " ) -> " << to->id() << endl; } #endif }
bool ScanMatcher::scanMatchingLC(OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& referenceVset, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* _referenceVertex, OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& currvset, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* _currentVertex, std::vector<SE2>& trel, double maxScore){ cerr << "Loop Closing Scan Matching" << endl; //cerr << "Size of Vset " << referenceVset.size() << endl; VertexSE2* referenceVertex =dynamic_cast<VertexSE2*>(_referenceVertex); resetGrid(); trel.clear(); RawLaser::Point2DVector scansInRefVertex; transformPointsFromVSet(referenceVset, _referenceVertex, scansInRefVertex); _grid.addAndConvolvePoints<RawLaser::Point2DVector>(scansInRefVertex.begin(), scansInRefVertex.end(), _kernel); RawLaser::Point2DVector scansInCurVertex; transformPointsFromVSet(currvset, _currentVertex, scansInCurVertex); Vector2dVector reducedScans; CharGrid::subsample(reducedScans, scansInCurVertex, 0.1); RegionVector regions; RegionVector regionspi; for (OptimizableGraph::VertexSet::iterator it = referenceVset.begin(); it != referenceVset.end(); it++){ VertexSE2 *vertex = (VertexSE2*) *it; Region reg; SE2 relposv(.0, .0, .0); if (vertex->id() != referenceVertex->id()) relposv = referenceVertex->estimate().inverse() * vertex->estimate(); Vector3f lower(-.5+relposv.translation().x(), -2.+relposv.translation().y(), -1.+relposv.rotation().angle()); Vector3f upper( .5+relposv.translation().x(), 2.+relposv.translation().y(), 1.+relposv.rotation().angle()); reg.lowerLeft = lower; reg.upperRight = upper; regions.push_back(reg); lower[2] += M_PI; upper[2] += M_PI; reg.lowerLeft = lower; reg.upperRight = upper; regionspi.push_back(reg); } std::vector<MatcherResult> mresvec; double thetaRes = 0.025; // was 0.0125*.5 //Results discretization double dx = 0.5, dy = 0.5, dth = 0.2; std::map<DiscreteTriplet, MatcherResult> resultsMap; clock_t t_ini, t_fin; double secs; t_ini = clock(); _grid.greedySearch(mresvec, reducedScans, regions, thetaRes, maxScore, dx, dy, dth); t_fin = clock(); secs = (double)(t_fin - t_ini) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("%.16g ms. Matcher results: %i\n", secs * 1000.0, (int) mresvec.size()); if (mresvec.size()){ mresvec[0].transformation[2] = normalize_theta(mresvec[0].transformation[2]); cerr << "Found Loop Closure Edge. Transf: " << mresvec[0].transformation.x() << " " << mresvec[0].transformation.y() << " " << mresvec[0].transformation.z() << endl; CharGrid::addToPrunedMap(resultsMap, mresvec[0], dx, dy, dth); } t_ini = clock(); _grid.greedySearch(mresvec, reducedScans, regionspi, thetaRes, maxScore, dx, dy, dth); t_fin = clock(); secs = (double)(t_fin - t_ini) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("%.16g ms. Matcher results: %i\n", secs * 1000.0, (int) mresvec.size()); if (mresvec.size()){ mresvec[0].transformation[2] = normalize_theta(mresvec[0].transformation[2]); cerr << "Found Loop Closure Edge PI. Transf: " << mresvec[0].transformation.x() << " " << mresvec[0].transformation.y() << " " << mresvec[0].transformation.z() << endl; CharGrid::addToPrunedMap(resultsMap, mresvec[0], dx, dy, dth); } for (std::map<DiscreteTriplet, MatcherResult>::iterator it = resultsMap.begin(); it!= resultsMap.end(); it++){ MatcherResult res = it->second; Vector3d adj=res.transformation; SE2 transf; transf.setTranslation(Vector2d(adj.x(), adj.y())); transf.setRotation(normalize_theta(adj.z())); trel.push_back(transf); std::cerr << "Final result: " << transf.translation().x() << " " << transf.translation().y() << " " << transf.rotation().angle() << std::endl; } if (trel.size()) return true; return false; }
void GraphSLAM::addDataSM(SE2 currentOdom, RobotLaser* laser){ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lockg(graphMutex); //Add current vertex VertexSE2 *v = new VertexSE2; SE2 displacement = _lastOdom.inverse() * currentOdom; SE2 currEst = _lastVertex->estimate() * displacement; v->setEstimate(currEst); v->setId(++_runningVertexId + idRobot() * baseId()); //Add covariance information //VertexEllipse *ellipse = new VertexEllipse; //Matrix3f cov = Matrix3f::Zero(); //last vertex has zero covariance //ellipse->setCovariance(cov); //v->setUserData(ellipse); v->addUserData(laser); std::cout << endl << "Current vertex: " << v->id() << " Estimate: "<< v->estimate().translation().x() << " " << v->estimate().translation().y() << " " << v->estimate().rotation().angle() << std::endl; _graph->addVertex(v); //Add current odometry edge EdgeSE2 *e = new EdgeSE2; e->setId(++_runningEdgeId + idRobot() * baseId()); e->vertices()[0] = _lastVertex; e->vertices()[1] = v; OptimizableGraph::VertexSet vset; vset.insert(_lastVertex); int j = 1; int gap = 5; while (j <= gap){ VertexSE2 *vj = dynamic_cast<VertexSE2 *>(graph()->vertex(_lastVertex->id()-j)); if (vj) vset.insert(vj); else break; j++; } SE2 transf; bool shouldIAdd = _closeMatcher.closeScanMatching(vset, _lastVertex, v, &transf, maxScore); if (shouldIAdd){ e->setMeasurement(transf); e->setInformation(_SMinf); }else{ //Trust the odometry e->setMeasurement(displacement); // Vector3d dis = displacement.toVector(); // dis.x() = fabs(dis.x()); // dis.y() = fabs(dis.y()); // dis.z() = fabs(dis.z()); // dis += Vector3d(1e-3,1e-3,1e-2); // Matrix3d dis2 = dis*dis.transpose(); // Matrix3d newcov = dis2.cwiseProduct(_odomK); // e->setInformation(newcov.inverse()); e->setInformation(_odominf); } _graph->addEdge(e); _lastOdom = currentOdom; _lastVertex = v; }
bool ScanMatcher::verifyMatching(OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& vset1, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* _referenceVertex1, OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& vset2, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* _referenceVertex2, SE2 trel12, double *score){ VertexSE2* referenceVertex2=dynamic_cast<VertexSE2*>(_referenceVertex2); resetGrid(); CharGrid auxGrid = _grid; //Transform points from vset2 in the reference of referenceVertex1 using trel12 RawLaser::Point2DVector scansvset2inref1; for (OptimizableGraph::VertexSet::iterator it = vset2.begin(); it != vset2.end(); it++){ VertexSE2 *vertex = (VertexSE2*) *it; RobotLaser* laserv = dynamic_cast<RobotLaser*>(vertex->userData()); RawLaser::Point2DVector vscan = laserv->cartesian(); SE2 trl = laserv->laserParams().laserPose; RawLaser::Point2DVector scanInRefVertex1; if (vertex->id() == referenceVertex2->id()){ applyTransfToScan(trel12 * trl, vscan, scanInRefVertex1); }else{ //Transform scans to the referenceVertex2 coordinates SE2 tref2_v = referenceVertex2->estimate().inverse() * vertex->estimate(); applyTransfToScan(trel12 * tref2_v * trl, vscan, scanInRefVertex1); } scansvset2inref1.insert(scansvset2inref1.end(), scanInRefVertex1.begin(), scanInRefVertex1.end()); } //Scans in vset1 RawLaser::Point2DVector scansvset1; transformPointsFromVSet(vset1, _referenceVertex1, scansvset1); //Add local map from vset2 into the grid _grid.addAndConvolvePoints<RawLaser::Point2DVector>(scansvset2inref1.begin(), scansvset2inref1.end(), _kernel); //Find points from vset1 not explained by map vset2 RawLaser::Point2DVector nonmatchedpoints; _grid.searchNonMatchedPoints(scansvset1, nonmatchedpoints, .3); //Add those points to a grid to count them auxGrid.addAndConvolvePoints<RawLaser::Point2DVector>(nonmatchedpoints.begin(), nonmatchedpoints.end(), _kernel); // ofstream image1; // std::stringstream filename1; // filename1 << "map2.ppm"; //; // _LCGrid.grid().saveAsPPM(image1, false); // ofstream image2; // std::stringstream filename2; // filename2 << "mapnonmatched.ppm"; //; // auxGrid.grid().saveAsPPM(image2, false); // //Just for saving the image // resetLCGrid(); // _LCGrid.addAndConvolvePoints<RawLaser::Point2DVector>(scansvset1.begin(), scansvset1.end(), _LCKernel); // ofstream image3; // std::stringstream filename3; // filename3 << "map1.ppm"; //; // _LCGrid.grid().saveAsPPM(image3, false); //Counting points around trel12 Vector2f lower(-.3+trel12.translation().x(), -.3+trel12.translation().y()); Vector2f upper(+.3+trel12.translation().x(), +.3+trel12.translation().y()); auxGrid.countPoints(lower, upper, score); cerr << "Score: " << *score << endl; double threshold = 40.0; if (*score <= threshold) return true; return false; }