void OsmPbfWriterPrivate::writeFileblock(const QString &type, const QByteArray &unpackedData, const bool useCompression, const QByteArray &indexData) { if (type.isNull() || unpackedData.isNull()) qFatal("%s", qPrintable(QObject::tr("Type and/or unpacked data is null"))); if (!fileOpen) throw OsmPbfWriter::FileNotOpenException(); if (unpackedData.size() > maxBlockSize) maxBlockSize = unpackedData.size(); OSMPBF::Blob blobParsed; if (useCompression) { QByteArray payloadPacked = qCompress(unpackedData).mid(4); blobParsed.set_raw_size(unpackedData.size()); blobParsed.set_zlib_data(payloadPacked.constData(), payloadPacked.size()); fileZlibDelta += (unpackedData.size() - payloadPacked.size()); // FIXME: this doesn't account for raw_size which is not set without compression } else { blobParsed.set_raw(unpackedData.constData(), unpackedData.length()); } QByteArray blobPacked = packPbfMessageToArray(blobParsed); OSMPBF::BlobHeader blobHeaderParsed; blobHeaderParsed.set_type(type.toUtf8().constData(), type.toUtf8().size()); blobHeaderParsed.set_datasize(blobPacked.length()); if (!indexData.isNull()) blobHeaderParsed.set_indexdata(indexData.constData(), indexData.length()); QByteArray blobHeaderPacked = packPbfMessageToArray(blobHeaderParsed); fileOut.write(arrayFromBEU(blobHeaderPacked.length(), 4)); fileOut.write(blobHeaderPacked); fileOut.write(blobPacked); blocksCount++; fileRealSize += (4 + blobHeaderPacked.size() + blobPacked.size()); }
void CThreadLoader::Start(CThreadUnit** pTasks, int countTasks) { m_pprimblock=new OSMPBF::PrimitiveBlock; if(m_nCount >0) { assert(false); } boost::timer::nanosecond_type const secunda(1000000000LL); boost::timer::cpu_timer uTimer; //unsigned uTime=0; if(m_nThredNumber==0) { uTimer.start(); } std::vector<char> buffer_blob_header; std::vector<char> buffer(OSMPBF::max_uncompressed_blob_size); std::vector<unsigned char> unpack_buffer(OSMPBF::max_uncompressed_blob_size); const char* pbWork; //for(int l=0;l<20;++l) for(;;) { // storage of size, used multiple times __int32 sz; OSMPBF::BlobHeader blobheader; { //Начало паралельной работы boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(*m_pcsFile); if(feof(m_fp)) break; // read the first 4 bytes of the file, this is the size of the blob-header if(fread(&sz, sizeof(sz), 1, m_fp) != 1) break; // end of file reached // convert the size from network byte-order to host byte-order sz = ntohl(sz); // ensure the blob-header is smaller then MAX_BLOB_HEADER_SIZE if(sz > OSMPBF::max_blob_header_size) err("blob-header-size is bigger then allowed (%u > %u)", sz, OSMPBF::max_blob_header_size); buffer_blob_header.resize(sz); // read the blob-header from the file if(fread(&buffer_blob_header[0], sz, 1, m_fp) != 1) err("unable to read blob-header from file"); // parse the blob-header from the read-buffer if(!blobheader.ParseFromArray(&buffer_blob_header[0], sz)) err("unable to parse blob header"); // size of the following blob sz = blobheader.m_datasize.m_val; // ensure the blob is smaller then MAX_BLOB_SIZE if(sz > OSMPBF::max_uncompressed_blob_size) err("blob-size is bigger then allowed (%u > %u)", sz, OSMPBF::max_uncompressed_blob_size); // read the blob from the file if(fread(&buffer[0], sz, 1, m_fp) != 1) err("unable to read blob from file"); //Отсюда можно работать паралельно } // ++m_nCount; continue; // parse the blob from the read-buffer OSMPBF::Blob blob; if(!blob.ParseFromArray(&buffer[0], sz)) err("unable to parse blob"); // set when we find at least one data stream bool found_data = false; // if the blob has uncompressed data if(!blob.m_raw.empty()) { // we have at least one datastream found_data = true; // size of the blob-data sz = blob.m_raw.size(); // check that raw_size is set correctly if(sz != blob.m_raw_size.m_val) warn(" reports wrong raw_size: %u bytes", blob.m_raw_size.m_val); // copy the uncompressed data over to the unpack_buffer //memcpy(&unpack_buffer[0], &buffer[0], sz); pbWork=&buffer[0]; } // if the blob has zlib-compressed data if(!blob.m_zlib_data.empty()) { // issue a warning if there is more than one data steam, a blob may only contain one data stream if(found_data) warn(" contains several data streams"); // we have at least one datastream found_data = true; // the size of the compressesd data sz = blob.m_zlib_data.size(); // zlib information z_stream z; // next byte to decompress z.next_in = (z_const Bytef *) blob.m_zlib_data.m_pBegin; // number of bytes to decompress z.avail_in = sz; // place of next decompressed byte z.next_out = &unpack_buffer[0]; pbWork= (const char*) &unpack_buffer[0]; // space for decompressed data z.avail_out = blob.m_raw_size.m_val; // misc z.zalloc = Z_NULL; z.zfree = Z_NULL; z.opaque = Z_NULL; if(inflateInit(&z) != Z_OK) { err(" failed to init zlib stream"); } if(inflate(&z, Z_FINISH) != Z_STREAM_END) { err(" failed to inflate zlib stream"); } if(inflateEnd(&z) != Z_OK) { err(" failed to deinit zlib stream"); } // unpacked size sz = z.total_out; } // if the blob has lzma-compressed data if(!blob.m_lzma_data.empty()) { // issue a warning if there is more than one data steam, a blob may only contain one data stream if(found_data) warn(" contains several data streams"); // we have at least one datastream found_data = true; // issue a warning, lzma compression is not yet supported err(" lzma-decompression is not supported"); } // check we have at least one data-stream if(!found_data) err(" does not contain any known data stream"); // switch between different blob-types if(blobheader.m_type.compareString("OSMHeader")==0) { OSMPBF::Headerblock headerblock ; // parse the HeaderBlock from the blob if(!headerblock.ParseFromArray(pbWork, sz)) err("unable to parse header block"); } else if(blobheader.m_type.compareString("OSMData")==0) { m_pprimblock->Clear(); // parse the PrimitiveBlock from the blob if(!m_pprimblock->ParseFromArray(pbWork, sz)) err("unable to parse primitive block"); // iterate over all PrimitiveGroups for(int i = 0, l = m_pprimblock->m_primitivegroup.size(); i < l; i++) { // one PrimitiveGroup from the the Block OSMPBF::PrimitiveGroup& pg = m_pprimblock->m_primitivegroup[i]; bool found_items=false; // tell about nodes if(pg.m_nodes.size() > 0) { found_items = true; for(size_t i=0;i<pg.m_nodes.size();++i) AddNode(pg.m_nodes[i]); } // tell about dense nodes if(!pg.m_dense.empty()) { found_items = true; AddDense(pg.m_dense); } // tell about ways if(pg.m_ways.size() > 0) { found_items = true; for(size_t i=0;i<pg.m_ways.size();++i) AddWay(pg.m_ways[i]); } // tell about relations if(pg.m_relations.size() > 0) { found_items = true; for(size_t i=0;i<pg.m_relations.size();++i) AddRelations(pg.m_relations[i]); } if(!found_items) warn(" contains no items"); } } else { // unknown blob type warn(" unknown blob type: %s", blobheader.m_type.toString().c_str()); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LONG l =INTERLOCKED_INCREMENT(m_nCount); if(m_nThredNumber==0) { boost::timer::cpu_times const elapsed_times(uTimer.elapsed()); boost::timer::nanosecond_type elapsed(elapsed_times.wall); if(elapsed >= secunda) { info("Bloks=%d",l); uTimer.start(); } } } m_tabNode_Cash.Save(); m_tabNode_NotVisible_Cash.Save(); m_tabNI_Cash.Save(); m_tabNI_NotVisible_Cash.Save(); m_tabWI_Cash.Save(); m_tabWI_NotVisible_Cash.Save(); m_tabRI_Cash.Save(); m_tabRI_NotVisible_Cash.Save(); m_tabkvNode_cash.Save(); m_tabkvWay_cash.Save(); m_tabkvRelation_cash.Save(); delete m_pprimblock; m_pprimblock=NULL; }
// application main method int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // check if the output is a tty so we can use colors #ifdef WIN32 usecolor = 0; #else usecolor = isatty(1); #endif static struct option long_options[] = { {"color", no_argument, 0, 'c'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; while (1) { int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "c", long_options, 0); if (c == -1) { break; } switch (c) { case 'c': usecolor = true; break; default: exit(1); } } // check for proper command line args if (optind != argc-1) { err("usage: %s [--color] file.osm.pbf", argv[0]); } // open specified file FILE *fp = fopen(argv[optind], "rb"); if (!fp) { err("can't open file '%s'", argv[optind]); } // read while the file has not reached its end while (!feof(fp)) { // storage of size, used multiple times int32_t sz; // read the first 4 bytes of the file, this is the size of the blob-header if (fread(&sz, sizeof(sz), 1, fp) != 1) { break; // end of file reached } // convert the size from network byte-order to host byte-order sz = ntohl(sz); // ensure the blob-header is smaller then MAX_BLOB_HEADER_SIZE if (sz > OSMPBF::max_blob_header_size) { err("blob-header-size is bigger then allowed (%u > %u)", sz, OSMPBF::max_blob_header_size); } // read the blob-header from the file if (fread(buffer, sz, 1, fp) != 1) { err("unable to read blob-header from file"); } // parse the blob-header from the read-buffer if (!blobheader.ParseFromArray(buffer, sz)) { err("unable to parse blob header"); } // tell about the blob-header info("\nBlobHeader (%d bytes)", sz); debug(" type = %s", blobheader.type().c_str()); // size of the following blob sz = blobheader.datasize(); debug(" datasize = %u", sz); // optional indexdata if (blobheader.has_indexdata()) { debug(" indexdata = %u bytes", blobheader.indexdata().size()); } // ensure the blob is smaller then MAX_BLOB_SIZE if (sz > OSMPBF::max_uncompressed_blob_size) { err("blob-size is bigger then allowed (%u > %u)", sz, OSMPBF::max_uncompressed_blob_size); } // read the blob from the file if (fread(buffer, sz, 1, fp) != 1) { err("unable to read blob from file"); } // parse the blob from the read-buffer if (!blob.ParseFromArray(buffer, sz)) { err("unable to parse blob"); } // tell about the blob-header info("Blob (%d bytes)", sz); // set when we find at least one data stream bool found_data = false; // if the blob has uncompressed data if (blob.has_raw()) { // we have at least one datastream found_data = true; // size of the blob-data sz = blob.raw().size(); // check that raw_size is set correctly if (sz != blob.raw_size()) { warn(" reports wrong raw_size: %u bytes", blob.raw_size()); } // tell about the blob-data debug(" contains uncompressed data: %u bytes", sz); // copy the uncompressed data over to the unpack_buffer memcpy(unpack_buffer, buffer, sz); } // if the blob has zlib-compressed data if (blob.has_zlib_data()) { // issue a warning if there is more than one data steam, a blob may only contain one data stream if (found_data) { warn(" contains several data streams"); } // we have at least one datastream found_data = true; // the size of the compressesd data sz = blob.zlib_data().size(); // tell about the compressed data debug(" contains zlib-compressed data: %u bytes", sz); debug(" uncompressed size: %u bytes", blob.raw_size()); // zlib information z_stream z; // next byte to decompress z.next_in = (unsigned char*) blob.zlib_data().c_str(); // number of bytes to decompress z.avail_in = sz; // place of next decompressed byte z.next_out = (unsigned char*) unpack_buffer; // space for decompressed data z.avail_out = blob.raw_size(); // misc z.zalloc = Z_NULL; z.zfree = Z_NULL; z.opaque = Z_NULL; if (inflateInit(&z) != Z_OK) { err(" failed to init zlib stream"); } if (inflate(&z, Z_FINISH) != Z_STREAM_END) { err(" failed to inflate zlib stream"); } if (inflateEnd(&z) != Z_OK) { err(" failed to deinit zlib stream"); } // unpacked size sz = z.total_out; } // if the blob has lzma-compressed data if (blob.has_lzma_data()) { // issue a warning if there is more than one data steam, a blob may only contain one data stream if (found_data) { warn(" contains several data streams"); } // we have at least one datastream found_data = true; // tell about the compressed data debug(" contains lzma-compressed data: %u bytes", blob.lzma_data().size()); debug(" uncompressed size: %u bytes", blob.raw_size()); // issue a warning, lzma compression is not yet supported err(" lzma-decompression is not supported"); } // check we have at least one data-stream if (!found_data) { err(" does not contain any known data stream"); } // switch between different blob-types if (blobheader.type() == "OSMHeader") { // tell about the OSMHeader blob info(" OSMHeader"); // parse the HeaderBlock from the blob if (!headerblock.ParseFromArray(unpack_buffer, sz)) { err("unable to parse header block"); } // tell about the bbox if (headerblock.has_bbox()) { OSMPBF::HeaderBBox bbox = headerblock.bbox(); debug(" bbox: %.7f,%.7f,%.7f,%.7f", (double)bbox.left() / OSMPBF::lonlat_resolution, (double)bbox.bottom() / OSMPBF::lonlat_resolution, (double)bbox.right() / OSMPBF::lonlat_resolution, (double)bbox.top() / OSMPBF::lonlat_resolution); } // tell about the required features for (int i = 0, l = headerblock.required_features_size(); i < l; i++) { debug(" required_feature: %s", headerblock.required_features(i).c_str()); } // tell about the optional features for (int i = 0, l = headerblock.optional_features_size(); i < l; i++) { debug(" optional_feature: %s", headerblock.optional_features(i).c_str()); } // tell about the writing program if (headerblock.has_writingprogram()) { debug(" writingprogram: %s", headerblock.writingprogram().c_str()); } // tell about the source if (headerblock.has_source()) { debug(" source: %s", headerblock.source().c_str()); } } else if (blobheader.type() == "OSMData") { // tell about the OSMData blob info(" OSMData"); // parse the PrimitiveBlock from the blob if (!primblock.ParseFromArray(unpack_buffer, sz)) { err("unable to parse primitive block"); } // tell about the block's meta info debug(" granularity: %u", primblock.granularity()); debug(" lat_offset: %u", primblock.lat_offset()); debug(" lon_offset: %u", primblock.lon_offset()); debug(" date_granularity: %u", primblock.date_granularity()); // tell about the stringtable debug(" stringtable: %u items", primblock.stringtable().s_size()); // number of PrimitiveGroups debug(" primitivegroups: %u groups", primblock.primitivegroup_size()); // iterate over all PrimitiveGroups for (int i = 0, l = primblock.primitivegroup_size(); i < l; i++) { // one PrimitiveGroup from the the Block OSMPBF::PrimitiveGroup pg = primblock.primitivegroup(i); bool found_items=false; // tell about nodes if (pg.nodes_size() > 0) { found_items = true; debug(" nodes: %d", pg.nodes_size()); if (pg.nodes(0).has_info()) { debug(" with meta-info"); } } // tell about dense nodes if (pg.has_dense()) { found_items = true; debug(" dense nodes: %d", pg.dense().id_size()); if (pg.dense().has_denseinfo()) { debug(" with meta-info"); } } // tell about ways if (pg.ways_size() > 0) { found_items = true; debug(" ways: %d", pg.ways_size()); if (pg.ways(0).has_info()) { debug(" with meta-info"); } } // tell about relations if (pg.relations_size() > 0) { found_items = true; debug(" relations: %d", pg.relations_size()); if (pg.relations(0).has_info()) { debug(" with meta-info"); } } if (!found_items) { warn(" contains no items"); } } } else { // unknown blob type warn(" unknown blob type: %s", blobheader.type().c_str()); } } // close the file pointer fclose(fp); // clean up the protobuf lib google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary(); }