Пример #1
template <typename GeneratorT> int
pcl::common::CloudGenerator<pcl::PointXY, GeneratorT>::fill (int width, int height, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXY>& cloud)
  if (width < 1)
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::common::CloudGenerator] Cloud width must be >= 1\n!");
    return (-1);
  if (height < 1)
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::common::CloudGenerator] Cloud height must be >= 1\n!");
    return (-1);
  if (!cloud.empty ())
    PCL_WARN ("[pcl::common::CloudGenerator] Cloud data will be erased with new data\n!");

  cloud.width = width;
  cloud.height = height;
  cloud.resize (cloud.width * cloud.height);
  cloud.is_dense = true;

  for (pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXY>::iterator points_it = cloud.begin ();
       points_it != cloud.end ();
    points_it->x = x_generator_.run ();
    points_it->y = y_generator_.run ();
  return (0);
bool loadMeshFromFile(const std::string& filename, pcl::PointCloud<PointT>& pointcloud) {
	std::string::size_type index = filename.rfind(".");
	if (index == std::string::npos) return false;

	std::string extension = filename.substr(index + 1);

	if (extension == "pcd") {
		if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile<PointT>(filename, pointcloud) == 0 && !pointcloud.empty()) return true;
	} else {
		// Supported file types: .3dc .3ds .asc .ac .bsp .dae .dw .dxf .fbx .flt .gem .geo .iv .ive .logo .lwo .lw .lws .md2 .obj .ogr .osg .pfb .ply .shp .stl .x .wrl ...
		// http://trac.openscenegraph.org/projects/osg/browser/OpenSceneGraph/trunk/src/osgPlugins
		// http://trac.openscenegraph.org/projects/osg/wiki/Support/UserGuides/Plugins
		osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> node(osgDB::readNodeFile(filename));
		if (node) {
			osg::Geode* geode = node->asGeode();
			if (geode && geode->getNumDrawables() > 0) {
				osg::Geometry* geometry = geode->getDrawable(0)->asGeometry();
				if (geometry) {
					return convertMeshToPCLPointCloud(geometry, pointcloud);

	return false;
Eigen::Vector4f ConvexConnectedVoxels::cloudMeanNormal(
    const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>::Ptr normal,
    bool isnorm) {
    if (normal->empty()) {
        return Eigen::Vector4f(0, 0, 0, 0);
    float x = 0.0f;
    float y = 0.0f;
    float z = 0.0f;
    int icounter = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < normal->size(); i++) {
        if ((!isnan(normal->points[i].normal_x)) &&
            (!isnan(normal->points[i].normal_y)) &&
            (!isnan(normal->points[i].normal_z))) {
            x += normal->points[i].normal_x;
            y += normal->points[i].normal_y;
            z += normal->points[i].normal_z;
    Eigen::Vector4f n_mean = Eigen::Vector4f(
    if (isnorm) {
    return n_mean;
Пример #4
 void TSDFVolumeWrapper::integrateCloud(
         const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>& cloud,
         const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>& normals,
         const Eigen::Affine3d& trans) {
     tsdf_volume_->integrateCloud(cloud, normals, trans);
cv::Mat PointCloudImageCreator::projectPointCloudToImagePlane(
    const pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr cloud,
    const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo::ConstPtr &camera_info,
    cv::Mat &mask) {
    if (cloud->empty()) {
       return cv::Mat();
    cv::Mat objectPoints = cv::Mat(static_cast<int>(cloud->size()), 3, CV_32F);
    for (int i = 0; i < cloud->size(); i++) {
       objectPoints.at<float>(i, 0) = cloud->points[i].x;
       objectPoints.at<float>(i, 1) = cloud->points[i].y;
       objectPoints.at<float>(i, 2) = cloud->points[i].z;
    float K[9];
    float R[9];
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
       K[i] = camera_info->K[i];
       R[i] = camera_info->R[i];
    cv::Mat cameraMatrix = cv::Mat(3, 3, CV_32F, K);
    cv::Mat rotationMatrix = cv::Mat(3, 3, CV_32F, R);
    float tvec[3];
    tvec[0] = camera_info->P[3];
    tvec[1] = camera_info->P[7];
    tvec[2] = camera_info->P[11];
    cv::Mat translationMatrix = cv::Mat(3, 1, CV_32F, tvec);

    float D[5];
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
       D[i] = camera_info->D[i];
    cv::Mat distortionModel = cv::Mat(5, 1, CV_32F, D);
    cv::Mat rvec;
    cv::Rodrigues(rotationMatrix, rvec);
    std::vector<cv::Point2f> imagePoints;
    cv::projectPoints(objectPoints, rvec, translationMatrix,
                      cameraMatrix, distortionModel, imagePoints);
    cv::Scalar color = cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0);
    cv::Mat image = cv::Mat(
       camera_info->height, camera_info->width, CV_8UC3, color);
    mask = cv::Mat::zeros(
       camera_info->height, camera_info->width, CV_32F);
    for (int i = 0; i < imagePoints.size(); i++) {
       int x = imagePoints[i].x;
       int y = imagePoints[i].y;
       if (!std::isnan(x) && !std::isnan(y) && (x >= 0 && x <= image.cols) &&
           (y >= 0 && y <= image.rows)) {
          image.at<cv::Vec3b>(y, x)[2] = cloud->points[i].r;
          image.at<cv::Vec3b>(y, x)[1] = cloud->points[i].g;
          image.at<cv::Vec3b>(y, x)[0] = cloud->points[i].b;

          mask.at<float>(y, x) = 255.0f;
    return image;
  bool calibrate(const std::string frame_id)
    physical_points_.header.frame_id = fixed_frame;
    cout << "Is the checkerboard correct? " << endl;
    cout << "Move edge of gripper to point 1 in image and press Enter. " << endl;
    cout << "Move edge of gripper to point 2 in image and press Enter. " << endl;
    cout << "Move edge of gripper to point 3 in image and press Enter. " << endl;
    cout << "Move edge of gripper to point 4 in image and press Enter. " << endl;
    Eigen::Matrix4f t;

    // Old Method:
    // pcl::estimateRigidTransformationSVD( physical_points_, image_points_, t );

    pcl::registration::TransformationEstimation<pcl::PointXYZ, pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr 
      transformation_estimation (new pcl::registration::TransformationEstimationSVD<pcl::PointXYZ, pcl::PointXYZ>);

    transformation_estimation->estimateRigidTransformation ( physical_points_, image_points_, t );

    // Output       
    tf::Transform transform = tfFromEigen(t), trans_full, camera_transform_unstamped;
    tf::StampedTransform camera_transform;
    cout << "Resulting transform (camera frame -> fixed frame): " << endl << t << endl << endl;
      tf_listener_.lookupTransform(frame_id, camera_frame, ros::Time(0), camera_transform);
    catch (tf::TransformException& ex)
      ROS_WARN("[calibrate] TF exception:\n%s", ex.what());
      return false;

    camera_transform_unstamped = camera_transform;
    trans_full = camera_transform_unstamped.inverse()*transform;
    Eigen::Matrix4f t_full = EigenFromTF(trans_full);
    Eigen::Matrix4f t_full_inv = (Eigen::Transform<float,3,Affine>(t_full).inverse()).matrix();
    cout << "Resulting transform (fixed frame -> camera frame): " << endl << t_full << endl << endl;
    printStaticTransform(t_full_inv, fixed_frame, camera_frame);

    return true;
Пример #7
    void viz_cb (pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer& viz)
//    cout << "PbMapMaker::viz_cb(...)\n";
      if (cloud1->empty())
        boost::this_thread::sleep (boost::posix_time::milliseconds (10));

//        boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock (viz_mutex);

//        viz.removeAllShapes();

        { //mrpt::synch::CCriticalSectionLocker csl(&CS_visualize);
          boost::mutex::scoped_lock updateLock(visualizationMutex);

//          if (!viz.updatePointCloud (cloud, "sphereCloud"))
//            viz.addPointCloud (sphereCloud, "sphereCloud");

          if (!viz.updatePointCloud (cloud1, "cloud1"))
            viz.addPointCloud (cloud1, "cloud1");

          if (!viz.updatePointCloud (cloud2, "cloud2"))
            viz.addPointCloud (cloud2, "cloud2");

          if (!viz.updatePointCloud (cloud3, "cloud3"))
            viz.addPointCloud (cloud3, "cloud3");

          if (!viz.updatePointCloud (cloud4, "cloud4"))
            viz.addPointCloud (cloud4, "cloud4");

          if (!viz.updatePointCloud (cloud5, "cloud5"))
            viz.addPointCloud (cloud5, "cloud5");

          if (!viz.updatePointCloud (cloud6, "cloud6"))
            viz.addPointCloud (cloud6, "cloud6");

          if (!viz.updatePointCloud (cloud7, "cloud7"))
            viz.addPointCloud (cloud7, "cloud7");

          if (!viz.updatePointCloud (cloud8, "cloud8"))
            viz.addPointCloud (cloud8, "cloud8");
bool insertPoints(const osg::Geometry* geometry, pcl::PointCloud<PointT>& pointcloud) {
	const osg::Vec3Array* vertex_points = (osg::Vec3Array*)geometry->getVertexArray();
	for (osg::Vec3Array::size_type i = 0; i < vertex_points->size(); ++i) {
		PointT point;
		point.x = (*vertex_points)[i][0];
		point.y = (*vertex_points)[i][1];
		point.z = (*vertex_points)[i][2];

	pointcloud.is_dense = false;
	pointcloud.width = pointcloud.size();
	pointcloud.height = 1;

	return !pointcloud.empty();
bool addNormals(const osg::Geometry* geometry, pcl::PointCloud<PointT>& pointcloud) {
	const osg::Vec3Array* vertex_normals = (osg::Vec3Array*)geometry->getNormalArray();
	size_t pointcloud_index = 0;
	size_t pointcloud_normal_stride = (geometry->getNormalBinding() != osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX) ? 3 : 1;

	for (osg::Vec3Array::size_type normals_index = 0; normals_index < vertex_normals->size(); ++normals_index) {
		for (size_t i = 0; i < pointcloud_normal_stride && pointcloud_index < pointcloud.size(); ++i) {
			PointT* point = &pointcloud.points[pointcloud_index++];
			point->normal_x = (*vertex_normals)[normals_index][0];
			point->normal_y = (*vertex_normals)[normals_index][1];
			point->normal_z = (*vertex_normals)[normals_index][2];

	return !pointcloud.empty();
bool addRGB(const osg::Geometry* geometry, pcl::PointCloud<PointT>& pointcloud) {
	const osg::Vec4Array* vertex_colors = (osg::Vec4Array*) geometry->getColorArray();
	size_t pointcloud_index = 0;
	size_t pointcloud_color_stride = (geometry->getColorBinding() != osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX) ? 3 : 1;

	for (osg::Vec4Array::size_type colors_index = 0; colors_index < vertex_colors->size(); ++colors_index) {
		for (size_t i = 0; i < pointcloud_color_stride && pointcloud_index < pointcloud.size(); ++i) {
			PointT* point = &pointcloud.points[pointcloud_index++];
			point->r = (*vertex_colors)[colors_index][0] * 256;
			point->g = (*vertex_colors)[colors_index][1] * 256;
			point->b = (*vertex_colors)[colors_index][2] * 256;

	return !pointcloud.empty();
Пример #11
int Conversion::convert(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr & cloud, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr & colorCloud, 
                       const int & r, const int & g, const int & b){
       for (int i=0; i<cloud->points.size ();i++){
            pcl::PointXYZRGB point;
            point.x = cloud->points[i].x;
            point.y = cloud->points[i].y;
            point.z = cloud->points[i].z;
            point.r = r;
            point.g = g;
            point.b = b;
      return 1;
Пример #12
template <typename PointT, typename Scalar> inline unsigned int
pcl::compute3DCentroid (const pcl::PointCloud<PointT> &cloud, 
                        Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 4, 1> &centroid)
  if (cloud.empty ())
    return (0);

  // Initialize to 0
  centroid.setZero ();
  // For each point in the cloud
  // If the data is dense, we don't need to check for NaN
  if (cloud.is_dense)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud.size (); ++i)
      centroid[0] += cloud[i].x;
      centroid[1] += cloud[i].y;
      centroid[2] += cloud[i].z;
    centroid[3] = 0;
    centroid /= static_cast<Scalar> (cloud.size ());

    return (static_cast<unsigned int> (cloud.size ()));
  // NaN or Inf values could exist => check for them
    unsigned cp = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud.size (); ++i)
      // Check if the point is invalid
      if (!isFinite (cloud [i]))

      centroid[0] += cloud[i].x;
      centroid[1] += cloud[i].y;
      centroid[2] += cloud[i].z;
    centroid[3] = 0;
    centroid /= static_cast<Scalar> (cp);

    return (cp);
Пример #13
template <typename PointT, typename Scalar> inline void
pcl::computeNDCentroid (const pcl::PointCloud<PointT> &cloud, 
                        Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> &centroid)
  typedef typename pcl::traits::fieldList<PointT>::type FieldList;

  // Get the size of the fields
  centroid.setZero (boost::mpl::size<FieldList>::value);

  if (cloud.empty ())
  // Iterate over each point
  int size = static_cast<int> (cloud.size ());
  for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
    // Iterate over each dimension
    pcl::for_each_type<FieldList> (NdCentroidFunctor<PointT, Scalar> (cloud[i], centroid));
  centroid /= static_cast<Scalar> (size);
Пример #14
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	void makeImage () {

		// Compute the maximum depth
		double maxDepth = -1, minDepth = 10000000;
		for (int h=0; h<point_cloud_ptr->height; h++) {
			for (int w=0; w<point_cloud_ptr->width; w++) {
				pcl::PointXYZRGBA point = point_cloud_ptr->at(w, h);
				if(point.z > maxDepth) maxDepth = point.z;
				if(point.z < minDepth) minDepth = point.z;

		// Create the image
		im = cv::Mat(point_cloud_ptr->height, 2*point_cloud_ptr->width, CV_8UC3);
		if (point_cloud_ptr->empty()) return;

		for (int h=0; h<im.rows; h++) {
			for (int w=0; w<point_cloud_ptr->width; w++) {
				pcl::PointXYZRGBA point = point_cloud_ptr->at(w, h);
				Eigen::Vector3i rgb = point.getRGBVector3i();
				im.at<cv::Vec3b>(h,w)[0] = rgb[2];
				im.at<cv::Vec3b>(h,w)[1] = rgb[1];
				im.at<cv::Vec3b>(h,w)[2] = rgb[0];
			for (int w=0; w<point_cloud_ptr->width; w++) {
				pcl::PointXYZRGBA point = point_cloud_ptr->at(w, h);
				int val = (int) (255 * ((point.z-minDepth)/(maxDepth-minDepth)));
				im.at<cv::Vec3b>(h,w+point_cloud_ptr->width)[0] = val;
				im.at<cv::Vec3b>(h,w+point_cloud_ptr->width)[1] = val;
				im.at<cv::Vec3b>(h,w+point_cloud_ptr->width)[2] = val;


		// Convert the image to hsv for processing later
  	cv::cvtColor(im, im_hsv, cv::COLOR_BGR2HSV);

		cv::imshow("image", im);
Пример #15
static int vscanDetection(int closest_waypoint)

    if (_vscan.empty() == true)
        return -1;

    for (int i = closest_waypoint + 1; i < closest_waypoint + _search_distance; i++) {

        if(i > _path_dk.getPathSize() - 1 )
            return -1;

        tf::Vector3 tf_waypoint = _path_dk.transformWaypoint(i);
        //tf::Vector3 tf_waypoint = TransformWaypoint(_transform,_current_path.waypoints[i].pose.pose);

        //std::cout << "waypoint : "<< tf_waypoint.getX()  << " "<< tf_waypoint.getY() << std::endl;
        int point_count = 0;
        for (pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::const_iterator item = _vscan.begin(); item != _vscan.end(); item++) {
            if ((item->x == 0 && item->y == 0) || item->z > _detection_height_top || item->z < _detection_height_bottom)

            tf::Vector3 point((double) item->x, (double) item->y, 0);
            double dt = tf::tfDistance(point, tf_waypoint);
            if (dt < _detection_range) {
                //std::cout << "distance :" << dt << std::endl;
                //std::cout << "point : "<< (double) item->x  << " " <<  (double)item->y  <<  " " <<(double) item->z << std::endl;
                //std::cout << "count : "<< point_count << std::endl;

            if (point_count > _threshold_points)
                return i;

    return -1;

Пример #16
int extremeFinder::find(pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr cloud)
  if (cloud->empty() || cloud->size() == 0)
    std::cout << "Cloud empty!" << std::endl;
    return -1;

  for (int i = 0; i < cloud->size(); i++)
    try {
      PointT p = cloud->at(i);
      if (p.x > x_max) x_max = p.x;
      if (p.x < x_min) x_min = p.x;

      if (p.y > y_max) y_max = p.y;
      if (p.y < y_min) y_min = p.y;

      if (p.z > z_max) z_max = p.z;
      if (p.z < z_min) z_min = p.z;

      x_mean += p.x;
      y_mean += p.y;
      z_mean += p.z;
    catch (const std::out_of_range& err) {
      std::cerr << "Out of Range error: " << err.what() 
                << ". Iteration number: " << i << std::endl;

  x_mean /= cloud->size();
  y_mean /= cloud->size();
  z_mean /= cloud->size();
  return 0;
Пример #17
bool updateViewer(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> &pointCloud, const Eigen::Matrix4f &pose)
    if (!initialized) { return true; }
    if (viewer->wasStopped()) { return false; }

    if (cloudInit->empty())
        pcl::copyPointCloud(pointCloud, *cloudInit);
        cloudInitUpdated = true;
        pcl::copyPointCloud(pointCloud, *cloud);
        cloudPose = pose;
        cloudUpdated = true;

    // while(pausing) { boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(1)); }
    pausing = true;

    return !viewer->wasStopped();
Пример #18
void createPC() {
    for( int y=0; y<480; y++) {
       for( int x=0; x<640; x++) {
          Scalar intensity = fgMaskMOG.at<uchar>(y,x);
          if (intensity.val[0]==255) {
             float d=(float)depth_image.at<ushort>(y,x);
             Vec3b color = rgb_image.at<Vec3b>(y,x);
             Vector4f temp;
             temp << x*d,y*d,d,1.0;
             Vector4f point = t_mat*temp;
             pcl::PointXYZRGBA  result;
             result.x = point(0);
             result.y = point(1);
             result.z = point(2);
             result.r = color.val[2];
             result.g = color.val[1];
             result.b = color.val[0];
Пример #19
template <typename PointT, typename Scalar> inline unsigned
pcl::computeCovarianceMatrix (const pcl::PointCloud<PointT> &cloud,
                              const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 4, 1> &centroid,
                              Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 3> &covariance_matrix)
  if (cloud.empty ())
    return (0);

  // Initialize to 0
  covariance_matrix.setZero ();

  unsigned point_count;
  // If the data is dense, we don't need to check for NaN
  if (cloud.is_dense)
    point_count = static_cast<unsigned> (cloud.size ());
    // For each point in the cloud
    for (size_t i = 0; i < point_count; ++i)
      Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 4, 1> pt;
      pt[0] = cloud[i].x - centroid[0];
      pt[1] = cloud[i].y - centroid[1];
      pt[2] = cloud[i].z - centroid[2];

      covariance_matrix (1, 1) += pt.y () * pt.y ();
      covariance_matrix (1, 2) += pt.y () * pt.z ();

      covariance_matrix (2, 2) += pt.z () * pt.z ();

      pt *= pt.x ();
      covariance_matrix (0, 0) += pt.x ();
      covariance_matrix (0, 1) += pt.y ();
      covariance_matrix (0, 2) += pt.z ();
  // NaN or Inf values could exist => check for them
    point_count = 0;
    // For each point in the cloud
    for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud.size (); ++i)
      // Check if the point is invalid
      if (!isFinite (cloud [i]))

      Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 4, 1> pt;
      pt[0] = cloud[i].x - centroid[0];
      pt[1] = cloud[i].y - centroid[1];
      pt[2] = cloud[i].z - centroid[2];

      covariance_matrix (1, 1) += pt.y () * pt.y ();
      covariance_matrix (1, 2) += pt.y () * pt.z ();

      covariance_matrix (2, 2) += pt.z () * pt.z ();

      pt *= pt.x ();
      covariance_matrix (0, 0) += pt.x ();
      covariance_matrix (0, 1) += pt.y ();
      covariance_matrix (0, 2) += pt.z ();
  covariance_matrix (1, 0) = covariance_matrix (0, 1);
  covariance_matrix (2, 0) = covariance_matrix (0, 2);
  covariance_matrix (2, 1) = covariance_matrix (1, 2);

  return (point_count);
void ConvexConnectedVoxels::surfelLevelObjectHypothesis(
    pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr cloud,
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>::Ptr normals,
    std::map<uint32_t, pcl::Supervoxel<PointT>::Ptr > &convex_supervoxels) {
    if (cloud->empty()) {
    std::map<uint32_t, pcl::Supervoxel<PointT>::Ptr > supervoxel_clusters;
    AdjacencyList adjacency_list;
    std::map<uint32_t, int> voxel_labels;
    // cloud->clear();
    for (std::map<uint32_t, pcl::Supervoxel<PointT>::Ptr>::iterator it =
            supervoxel_clusters.begin(); it != supervoxel_clusters.end();
         it++) {
       voxel_labels[it->first] = -1;
       // pcl::Supervoxel<PointT>::Ptr supervoxel =
       //    supervoxel_clusters.at(it->first);
    int label = -1;
    AdjacencyList::vertex_iterator i, end;

    std::cout << supervoxel_clusters.size()  << "\n\n";
    for (boost::tie(i, end) = boost::vertices(adjacency_list); i != end; i++) {
       AdjacencyList::adjacency_iterator ai, a_end;
       boost::tie(ai, a_end) = boost::adjacent_vertices(*i, adjacency_list);
       std::cout << adjacency_list[*i]  << "\t ->";
       for (; ai != a_end; ai++) {
          std::cout << adjacency_list[*ai]  << ", ";
       std::cout  << "\n";
    std::vector<uint32_t> good_vertices;
    for (boost::tie(i, end) = boost::vertices(adjacency_list); i != end; i++) {
       AdjacencyList::adjacency_iterator ai, a_end;
       boost::tie(ai, a_end) = boost::adjacent_vertices(*i, adjacency_list);
       uint32_t vindex = static_cast<int>(adjacency_list[*i]);
       // Eigen::Vector4f v_normal = this->cloudMeanNormal(
       //    supervoxel_clusters.at(vindex)->normals_);
       Eigen::Vector4f v_normal = supervoxel_clusters.at(
       std::map<uint32_t, int>::iterator it = voxel_labels.find(vindex);
       if (it->second == -1) {
          voxel_labels[vindex] = ++label;

       bool vertex_has_neigbor = true;
       if (ai == a_end) {
          vertex_has_neigbor = false;

          std::cout << "SKIP CHECKING : "<< vindex << "\t"
                    << vertex_has_neigbor  << "\n";
         if (!supervoxel_clusters.at(vindex)->voxels_->empty()) {
            convex_supervoxels[vindex] = supervoxel_clusters.at(vindex);
       std::vector<uint32_t> neigb_ind;
       while (vertex_has_neigbor) {
          bool found = false;
          AdjacencyList::edge_descriptor e_descriptor;
          boost::tie(e_descriptor, found) = boost::edge(
             *i, *ai, adjacency_list);
          if (found) {
             float weight = adjacency_list[e_descriptor];
             uint32_t n_vindex = adjacency_list[*ai];

             std::cout << "processing: " << n_vindex  << "\t"
                       << supervoxel_clusters.size() << "\n";

             Eigen::Vector4f update_normal = this->cloudMeanNormal(
                supervoxel_clusters.at(vindex)->normals_, true);
             Eigen::Vector4f update_centroid;
             pcl::compute3DCentroid<PointT, float>(
                *(supervoxel_clusters.at(vindex)->voxels_), update_centroid);

             Eigen::Vector4f dist = (
                supervoxel_clusters.at(vindex)->centroid_.getVector4fMap() -
                (supervoxel_clusters.at(vindex)->centroid_.getVector4fMap() -
             Eigen::Vector4f dist = (
                update_centroid - supervoxel_clusters.at(
                   n_vindex)->centroid_.getVector4fMap()) / (
                      update_centroid - supervoxel_clusters.at(
             float conv_criteria = (
                // this->cloudMeanNormal(supervoxel_clusters.at(vindex)->normals_) -
                // supervoxel_clusters.at(vindex)->normal_.getNormalVector4fMap()-
                update_normal  -

             // conv_criteria = (supervoxel_clusters.at(
             //                     n_vindex)->centroid_.getVector4fMap() -
             //    update_centroid).dot(supervoxel_clusters.at(
             // n_vindex)->normal_.getNormalVector4fMap());
             if (conv_criteria <= static_cast<float>(this->convex_threshold_) ||
                 isnan(conv_criteria)) {
                boost::remove_edge(e_descriptor, adjacency_list);
             } else {
                                               vindex, n_vindex);
                AdjacencyList::adjacency_iterator ni, n_end;
                boost::tie(ni, n_end) = boost::adjacent_vertices(
                   *ai, adjacency_list);
                for (; ni != n_end; ni++) {
                   bool is_found = false;
                   AdjacencyList::edge_descriptor n_edge;
                   boost::tie(n_edge, is_found) = boost::edge(
                      *ai, *ni, adjacency_list);
                   if (is_found && (*ni != *i)) {
                      boost::add_edge(*i, *ni, FLT_MIN, adjacency_list);
                      // boost::remove_edge(n_edge, adjacency_list);
                   } else if (is_found && (*ni == *i)) {
                      // boost::remove_edge(n_edge, adjacency_list);

                   std::cout << "\t\tREMVING: " << adjacency_list[*ni]  << "\t"
                             << n_vindex << "\t" << vindex << "\t"
                             << adjacency_list[*ai] << "\n";

                boost::clear_vertex(*ai, adjacency_list);
                // std::cout << adjacency_list[boost::source(
                //       e_descriptor, adjacency_list)]  << "\n";
                // std::cout << adjacency_list[boost::target(
                //       e_descriptor, adjacency_list)]  << "\n";

                // boost::clear_vertex(v1, adjacency_list);
                voxel_labels[n_vindex] = label;

          boost::tie(ai, a_end) = boost::adjacent_vertices(*i, adjacency_list);
          if (ai == a_end) {
             convex_supervoxels[vindex] = supervoxel_clusters.at(vindex);
            vertex_has_neigbor = false;
          } else {
             vertex_has_neigbor = true;
       if (ai == a_end) {
          // convex_supervoxels[vindex] = supervoxel_clusters.at(vindex);
    // convex_supervoxels.clear();
    // std::vector<bool> flag;
    // for (int i = 0; i < label; i++) {
    //    flag.push_back(false);
    // }
    // for (std::map<uint32_t, int>::iterator it = voxel_labels.begin();
    //      it != voxel_labels.end(); it++) {
    //    if (!flag[i])
    //    convex_supervoxels[]
    //    std::cout << it->first << ", " << it->second  << "\n";
    // }

    std::cout << "\033[31m LABEL: \033[0m"  << label << "\n";
    std::cout << convex_supervoxels.size()  << "\t" << good_vertices.size()
              << "\n\n";
Пример #21
static EControl vscanDetection()

    if (_vscan.empty() == true || _closest_waypoint < 0)
        return KEEP;

    int decelerate_or_stop = -10000;
    int decelerate2stop_waypoints = 15;

    for (int i = _closest_waypoint; i < _closest_waypoint + _search_distance; i++) {
	if (!g_obstacle.isDecided())

        if (decelerate_or_stop > decelerate2stop_waypoints ||
	    (decelerate_or_stop >= 0 && i >= _path_dk.getSize()-1) ||
	    (decelerate_or_stop >= 0 && i == _closest_waypoint+_search_distance-1))
	    return DECELERATE;
        if (i > _path_dk.getSize() - 1 )
            return KEEP;

	// Detection for cross walk
	if (i == vmap.getDetectionWaypoint()) {
	  if (CrossWalkDetection(vmap.getDetectionCrossWalkID()) == STOP) {
	    _obstacle_waypoint = i;
	    return STOP;

	// waypoint seen by vehicle
	geometry_msgs::Point waypoint = calcRelativeCoordinate(_path_dk.getWaypointPosition(i),
	tf::Vector3 tf_waypoint = point2vector(waypoint);

        int stop_point_count = 0;
	int decelerate_point_count = 0;
        for (pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::const_iterator item = _vscan.begin(); item != _vscan.end(); item++) {

	    tf::Vector3 vscan_vector((double) item->x, (double) item->y, 0);
	    // for simulation
	    if (g_sim_mode) {
	      tf::Transform transform;
	      tf::poseMsgToTF(_sim_ndt_pose.pose, transform);
	      geometry_msgs::Point world2vscan = vector2point(transform * vscan_vector);
	      vscan_vector = point2vector(calcRelativeCoordinate(world2vscan, _current_pose.pose));

	    // 2D distance between waypoint and vscan points(obstacle)
            double dt = tf::tfDistance(vscan_vector, tf_waypoint);
            if (dt < _detection_range) {
	      geometry_msgs::Point vscan_temp;
	      vscan_temp.x = item->x;
	      vscan_temp.y = item->y;
	      vscan_temp.z = item->z;
	      if (g_sim_mode)
		g_obstacle.setStopPoint(calcAbsoluteCoordinate(vscan_temp, _sim_ndt_pose.pose));
		g_obstacle.setStopPoint(calcAbsoluteCoordinate(vscan_temp, _current_pose.pose));
            if (stop_point_count > _threshold_points) {
	      _obstacle_waypoint = i;
	      return STOP;

	    // without deceleration range
	    if (_deceleration_range < 0.01)
	    // deceleration search runs "decelerate_search_distance" waypoints from closest
	    if (i > _closest_waypoint+_deceleration_search_distance || decelerate_or_stop >= 0)

            if (dt > _detection_range && dt < _detection_range + _deceleration_range) {
	      bool count_flag = true;

	      // search overlaps between DETECTION range and DECELERATION range
	      for (int waypoint_search = -5; waypoint_search <= 5; waypoint_search++) {
		if (i+waypoint_search < 0 || i+waypoint_search >= _path_dk.getSize() || !waypoint_search)
		geometry_msgs::Point temp_waypoint  = calcRelativeCoordinate(
		tf::Vector3 waypoint_vector = point2vector(temp_waypoint);
		// if there is a overlap, give priority to DETECTION range
		if (tf::tfDistance(vscan_vector, waypoint_vector) < _detection_range) {
		  count_flag = false;
	      if (count_flag) {
		geometry_msgs::Point vscan_temp;
		vscan_temp.x = item->x;
		vscan_temp.y = item->y;
		vscan_temp.z = item->z;
		if (g_sim_mode)
		  g_obstacle.setDeceleratePoint(calcAbsoluteCoordinate(vscan_temp, _sim_ndt_pose.pose));
		  g_obstacle.setDeceleratePoint(calcAbsoluteCoordinate(vscan_temp, _current_pose.pose));

	    // found obstacle to DECELERATE
            if (decelerate_point_count > _threshold_points) {
	      _obstacle_waypoint = i;
	      decelerate_or_stop = 0; // for searching near STOP obstacle


    return KEEP; //no obstacles
cv::Mat PointCloudImageCreator::projectPointCloudToImagePlane(
    const pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr cloud,
    const jsk_recognition_msgs::ClusterPointIndices::ConstPtr indices,
    const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo::ConstPtr &camera_info,
    cv::Mat &mask) {
    if (cloud->empty()) {
       return cv::Mat();
    cv::Mat objectPoints = cv::Mat(static_cast<int>(cloud->size()), 3, CV_32F);

    cv::RNG rng(12345);
    std::vector<cv::Vec3b> colors;
    std::vector<int> labels(cloud->size());
    for (int j = 0; j < indices->cluster_indices.size(); j++) {
       std::vector<int> point_indices = indices->cluster_indices[j].indices;
       for (auto it = point_indices.begin(); it != point_indices.end(); it++) {
          int i = *it;
          objectPoints.at<float>(i, 0) = cloud->points[i].x;
          objectPoints.at<float>(i, 1) = cloud->points[i].y;
          objectPoints.at<float>(i, 2) = cloud->points[i].z;
          labels[i] = j;
       colors.push_back(cv::Vec3b(rng.uniform(0, 255),
                                  rng.uniform(0, 255),
                                  rng.uniform(0, 255)));

    float K[9];
    float R[9];
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
       K[i] = camera_info->K[i];
       R[i] = camera_info->R[i];
    cv::Mat cameraMatrix = cv::Mat(3, 3, CV_32F, K);
    cv::Mat rotationMatrix = cv::Mat(3, 3, CV_32F, R);
    float tvec[3];
    tvec[0] = camera_info->P[3];
    tvec[1] = camera_info->P[7];
    tvec[2] = camera_info->P[11];
    cv::Mat translationMatrix = cv::Mat(3, 1, CV_32F, tvec);

    float D[5];
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
       D[i] = camera_info->D[i];
    cv::Mat distortionModel = cv::Mat(5, 1, CV_32F, D);
    cv::Mat rvec;
    cv::Rodrigues(rotationMatrix, rvec);
    std::vector<cv::Point2f> imagePoints;
    cv::projectPoints(objectPoints, rvec, translationMatrix,
                      cameraMatrix, distortionModel, imagePoints);
    cv::Scalar color = cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0);
    cv::Mat image = cv::Mat(
       camera_info->height, camera_info->width, CV_8UC3, color);
    mask = cv::Mat::zeros(
       camera_info->height, camera_info->width, CV_32F);

    for (int i = 0; i < imagePoints.size(); i++) {
       int x = imagePoints[i].x;
       int y = imagePoints[i].y;
       if (!std::isnan(x) && !std::isnan(y) && (x >= 0 && x <= image.cols) &&
           (y >= 0 && y <= image.rows)) {

          image.at<cv::Vec3b>(y, x)[2] = labels[i] + 1;
          image.at<cv::Vec3b>(y, x)[1] = labels[i] + 1;
          image.at<cv::Vec3b>(y, x)[0] = labels[i] + 1;
          mask.at<float>(y, x) = 255.0f;
    return image;
bool convertMeshToPCLPointCloud(const osg::Geometry* geometry, pcl::PointCloud<PointT>& pointcloud) {
	insertPoints(geometry, pointcloud);
	return !pointcloud.empty();
// global variables used: NONE
vtree_user::compute_features( pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr & point_cloud,
							  			pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr & keypoints,
							  			pcl::PointCloud<FeatureType>::Ptr & features )

	// Define Parameters
	// IMPORTANT: the radius used for features has to be larger than the radius used to estimate the surface normals!!!
	#if FEATURE == 1	// FPFH
		float keypoint_radius_(0.032f);
		float normal_radius_(0.04f);
		float feature_radius_(0.063f);
	#elif FEATURE == 2	// PFH
		float keypoint_radius_(0.02f);
		float normal_radius_(0.03f);
		float feature_radius_(0.04f);	
	#elif FEATURE == 3	// VFH
		float keypoint_radius_(0.02f);
		float normal_radius_(0.03f);
		float feature_radius_(0.04f);	

	ROS_INFO("[vtree_user] Starting keypoint extraction...");
	clock_t tic = clock();
	pcl::PointCloud<int>::Ptr keypoint_idx(new pcl::PointCloud<int>);
	extract_keypoints( point_cloud, keypoints, keypoint_idx, keypoint_radius_ );
	ROS_INFO("[vtree_user] Keypoint extraction took %f msec.", static_cast<double>((clock()-tic)*1000)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC );
	if( keypoints->empty() )
		ROS_WARN("[vtree_user] No keypoints were found...");
	// Compute normals for the input cloud
	ROS_INFO("[vtree_user] Starting normal extraction...");
	tic = clock();
	pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>::Ptr normals_(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>);
	SearchMethod::Ptr search_method_xyz_ (new SearchMethod);
	pcl::NormalEstimation<PointT, pcl::Normal> norm_est;
	norm_est.setInputCloud ( point_cloud );
	norm_est.setSearchMethod (search_method_xyz_);
	norm_est.setRadiusSearch (normal_radius_);
	norm_est.compute (*normals_);
	ROS_INFO("[vtree_user] Normal extraction took %f msec.", static_cast<double>((clock()-tic)*1000)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC );

	// Get features at the computed keypoints
	ROS_INFO("[vtree_user] Starting feature computation...");

	boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<int> > key_idx_ptr( new std::vector<int>);
	for( pcl::PointCloud<int>::iterator it = keypoint_idx->begin();
		it != keypoint_idx->end(); ++it)
		key_idx_ptr->push_back( *it );
	tic = clock();
	FeatureEst feat_est;
	feat_est.setInputCloud ( point_cloud );
	feat_est.setInputNormals (normals_);
	feat_est.setIndices( key_idx_ptr );
	search_method_xyz_.reset(new SearchMethod);
	feat_est.setSearchMethod (search_method_xyz_);
	feat_est.setRadiusSearch (feature_radius_);
	feat_est.compute ( *features );
	feat_est.setSearchSurface (point_cloud);
	feat_est.setInputNormals (normals_);
	feat_est.setInputCloud ( keypoints );
	search_method_xyz_.reset(new SearchMethod);
	feat_est.setSearchMethod (search_method_xyz_);
	feat_est.setRadiusSearch (feature_radius_);
	feat_est.compute ( *features );
	ROS_INFO("[vtree_user] Feature computation took %f msec.", static_cast<double>((clock()-tic)*1000)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC );
Пример #25
template <typename PointT> int
pcl::PCDWriter::writeASCII (const std::string &file_name, const pcl::PointCloud<PointT> &cloud, 
                            const int precision)
  if (cloud.empty ())
    throw pcl::IOException ("[pcl::PCDWriter::writeASCII] Input point cloud has no data!");
    return (-1);

  if (cloud.width * cloud.height != cloud.points.size ())
    throw pcl::IOException ("[pcl::PCDWriter::writeASCII] Number of points different than width * height!");
    return (-1);

  std::ofstream fs;
  fs.open (file_name.c_str ());      // Open file
  if (!fs.is_open () || fs.fail ())
    throw pcl::IOException ("[pcl::PCDWriter::writeASCII] Could not open file for writing!");
    return (-1);
  fs.precision (precision);
  fs.imbue (std::locale::classic ());

  std::vector<sensor_msgs::PointField> fields;
  pcl::getFields (cloud, fields);

  // Write the header information
  fs << generateHeader<PointT> (cloud) << "DATA ascii\n";

  std::ostringstream stream;
  stream.precision (precision);
  stream.imbue (std::locale::classic ());
  // Iterate through the points
  for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud.points.size (); ++i)
    for (size_t d = 0; d < fields.size (); ++d)
      // Ignore invalid padded dimensions that are inherited from binary data
      if (fields[d].name == "_")

      int count = fields[d].count;
      if (count == 0) 
        count = 1;          // we simply cannot tolerate 0 counts (coming from older converter code)

      for (int c = 0; c < count; ++c)
        switch (fields[d].datatype)
          case sensor_msgs::PointField::INT8:
            int8_t value;
            memcpy (&value, reinterpret_cast<const char*> (&cloud.points[i]) + fields[d].offset + c * sizeof (int8_t), sizeof (int8_t));
            //if (pcl_isnan (value))
            //  stream << "nan";
              stream << boost::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(value);
          case sensor_msgs::PointField::UINT8:
            uint8_t value;
            memcpy (&value, reinterpret_cast<const char*> (&cloud.points[i]) + fields[d].offset + c * sizeof (uint8_t), sizeof (uint8_t));
            //if (pcl_isnan (value))
            //  stream << "nan";
              stream << boost::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(value);
          case sensor_msgs::PointField::INT16:
            int16_t value;
            memcpy (&value, reinterpret_cast<const char*> (&cloud.points[i]) + fields[d].offset + c * sizeof (int16_t), sizeof (int16_t));
            //if (pcl_isnan (value))
            //  stream << "nan";
              stream << boost::numeric_cast<int16_t>(value);
          case sensor_msgs::PointField::UINT16:
            uint16_t value;
            memcpy (&value, reinterpret_cast<const char*> (&cloud.points[i]) + fields[d].offset + c * sizeof (uint16_t), sizeof (uint16_t));
            //if (pcl_isnan (value))
            //  stream << "nan";
              stream << boost::numeric_cast<uint16_t>(value);
          case sensor_msgs::PointField::INT32:
            int32_t value;
            memcpy (&value, reinterpret_cast<const char*> (&cloud.points[i]) + fields[d].offset + c * sizeof (int32_t), sizeof (int32_t));
            //if (pcl_isnan (value))
            //  stream << "nan";
              stream << boost::numeric_cast<int32_t>(value);
          case sensor_msgs::PointField::UINT32:
            uint32_t value;
            memcpy (&value, reinterpret_cast<const char*> (&cloud.points[i]) + fields[d].offset + c * sizeof (uint32_t), sizeof (uint32_t));
            //if (pcl_isnan (value))
            //  stream << "nan";
              stream << boost::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(value);
          case sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT32:
            float value;
            memcpy (&value, reinterpret_cast<const char*> (&cloud.points[i]) + fields[d].offset + c * sizeof (float), sizeof (float));
            if (pcl_isnan (value))
              stream << "nan";
              stream << boost::numeric_cast<float>(value);
          case sensor_msgs::PointField::FLOAT64:
            double value;
            memcpy (&value, reinterpret_cast<const char*> (&cloud.points[i]) + fields[d].offset + c * sizeof (double), sizeof (double));
            if (pcl_isnan (value))
              stream << "nan";
              stream << boost::numeric_cast<double>(value);
            PCL_WARN ("[pcl::PCDWriter::writeASCII] Incorrect field data type specified (%d)!\n", fields[d].datatype);

        if (d < fields.size () - 1 || c < static_cast<int> (fields[d].count - 1))
          stream << " ";
    // Copy the stream, trim it, and write it to disk
    std::string result = stream.str ();
    boost::trim (result);
    stream.str ("");
    fs << result << "\n";
  fs.close ();              // Close file
  return (0);
Пример #26
void OpenniFilter::cloud_cb_ (const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::ConstPtr &cloud)
    if (!viewer.wasStopped())
        if (cloud->isOrganized())
            // initialize all the Mats to store intermediate steps
            int cloudHeight = cloud->height;
            int cloudWidth = cloud->width;
            rgbFrame = Mat(cloudHeight, cloudWidth, CV_8UC3);
            drawing = Mat(cloudHeight, cloudWidth, CV_8UC3, NULL);
            grayFrame = Mat(cloudHeight, cloudWidth, CV_8UC1, NULL);
            hsvFrame = Mat(cloudHeight, cloudWidth, CV_8UC3, NULL);
            contourMask = Mat(cloudHeight, cloudWidth, CV_8UC1, NULL);

            if (!cloud->empty())
                for (int h = 0; h < rgbFrame.rows; h ++)
                    for (int w = 0; w < rgbFrame.cols; w++)
                        pcl::PointXYZRGBA point = cloud->at(w, cloudHeight-h-1);
                        Eigen::Vector3i rgb = point.getRGBVector3i();
                        rgbFrame.at<Vec3b>(h,w)[0] = rgb[2];
                        rgbFrame.at<Vec3b>(h,w)[1] = rgb[1];
                        rgbFrame.at<Vec3b>(h,w)[2] = rgb[0];

                // do the filtering 
                int xPos = 0;
                int yPos = 0;
                xPos = mouse_x;
                yPos = mouse_y;

                // color filtering based on what is chosen by users
                cvtColor(rgbFrame, hsvFrame, CV_RGB2HSV);
                Vec3b pixel = hsvFrame.at<Vec3b>(xPos,yPos);

                int hueLow = pixel[0] < iHueDev ? pixel[0] : pixel[0] - iHueDev;
                int hueHigh = pixel[0] > 255 - iHueDev ? pixel[0] : pixel[0] + iHueDev;
                // inRange(hsvFrame, Scalar(hueLow, pixel[1]-20, pixel[2]-20), Scalar(hueHigh, pixel[1]+20, pixel[2]+20), grayFrame);
                inRange(hsvFrame, Scalar(hueLow, iLowS, iLowV), Scalar(hueHigh, iHighS, iHighV), grayFrame);

                // removes small objects from the foreground by morphological opening
                erode(grayFrame, grayFrame, getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(5,5)));
                dilate(grayFrame, grayFrame, getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(5,5)));

                // morphological closing (removes small holes from the foreground)
                dilate(grayFrame, grayFrame, getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(5,5)));
                erode(grayFrame, grayFrame, getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(5,5)));

                // gets contour from the grayFrame and keeps the largest contour
                Mat cannyOutput;
                vector<vector<Point> > contours;
                vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;
                int thresh = 100;
                Canny(grayFrame, cannyOutput, thresh, thresh * 2, 3);
                findContours(cannyOutput, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_TREE, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Point(0, 0));
                int largestContourArea, largestContourIndex = 0;
                int defaultContourArea = 1000; // 1000 seems to work find in most cases... cannot prove this
                vector<vector<Point> > newContours;
                for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
                    double area = contourArea(contours[i], false);
                    if (area > defaultContourArea)

                // draws the largest contour: 
                drawing = Mat::zeros(cannyOutput.size(), CV_8UC3);
                for (int i = 0; i < newContours.size(); i++)
                    drawContours(drawing, newContours, i, Scalar(255, 255, 255), CV_FILLED, 8, hierarchy, 0, Point());

                // gets the filter by setting everything within the contour to be 1. 
                inRange(drawing, Scalar(1, 1, 1), Scalar(255, 255, 255), contourMask);

                // filters the point cloud based on contourMask
                // again go through the point cloud and filter out unnecessary points
                pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr resultCloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>);
                pcl::PointXYZRGBA newPoint;
                for (int h = 0; h < contourMask.rows; h ++)
                    for (int w = 0; w < contourMask.cols; w++)
                        if (contourMask.at<uchar>(h,w) > 0)
                            newPoint = cloud->at(w,h);

                if (xPos == 0 && yPos == 0)
                imshow("tracker", rgbFrame);
                imshow("filtered result", contourMask);
                char key = waitKey(1);
                if (key == 27) 
                cout << "Warning: Point Cloud is empty" << endl;
            cout << "Warning: Point Cloud is not organized" << endl;
Пример #27
	inline void
	hit_same_point(	const image_geometry::PinholeCameraModel &camera_model,
								const pcl::PointCloud<PointT> &in,
								pcl::PointCloud<PointT> &out,
								int rows,
								int cols,
								float z_threshold = 0.3)
		std::vector<std::vector <std::vector<PointT> > > hit( cols, std::vector< std::vector<PointT> >(rows, std::vector<PointT>()));

		// Project points into image space
		for(unsigned int i=0; i < in.points.size();  ++i){
			const PointT* pt = &in.points.at(i);
			if( pt->z > 1) { // min distance from camera 1m

				cv::Point2i point_image = camera_model.project3dToPixel(cv::Point3d(pt->x, pt->y, pt->z));

				if( between<int>(0, point_image.x, cols )
					&& between<int>( 0, point_image.y, rows )
					// Sort all points into image

		for(int x = 0; x < hit.size(); ++x ){
			for(int y = 0; y < hit[0].size(); ++y){
					PointT min_z = hit[x][y][0];
					float max_z = min_z.z;
					for(int p = 1; p < hit[x][y].size(); ++p){
					// find min and max z
						max_z = MAX(max_z, hit[x][y][p].z);
#ifdef DEBUG
						std::cout << hit[x][y].size() << "\t";

						if(hit[x][y][p].z < min_z.z)
							min_z = hit[x][y][p];
#ifdef DEBUG
					std::cout << min_z.z << "\t" << max_z << "\t";
					if(max_z - min_z.z > z_threshold){
#ifdef DEBUG
						std::cout << min_z << std::endl;
#ifdef DEBUG
		std::cout << "hit_same_point in: "<< in.size()  << "\t out: " << out.size() << "\n";
Пример #28
template <typename PointT> int
pcl::PCDWriter::writeBinary (const std::string &file_name, 
                             const pcl::PointCloud<PointT> &cloud)
  if (cloud.empty ())
    throw pcl::IOException ("[pcl::PCDWriter::writeBinary] Input point cloud has no data!");
    return (-1);
  int data_idx = 0;
  std::ostringstream oss;
  oss << generateHeader<PointT> (cloud) << "DATA binary\n";
  oss.flush ();
  data_idx = static_cast<int> (oss.tellp ());

#if _WIN32
  if(h_native_file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    throw pcl::IOException ("[pcl::PCDWriter::writeBinary] Error during CreateFile!");
    return (-1);
  int fd = pcl_open (file_name.c_str (), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, static_cast<mode_t> (0600));
  if (fd < 0)
    throw pcl::IOException ("[pcl::PCDWriter::writeBinary] Error during open!");
    return (-1);

  std::vector<sensor_msgs::PointField> fields;
  std::vector<int> fields_sizes;
  size_t fsize = 0;
  size_t data_size = 0;
  size_t nri = 0;
  pcl::getFields (cloud, fields);
  // Compute the total size of the fields
  for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size (); ++i)
    if (fields[i].name == "_")
    int fs = fields[i].count * getFieldSize (fields[i].datatype);
    fsize += fs;
    fields_sizes.push_back (fs);
    fields[nri++] = fields[i];
  fields.resize (nri);
  data_size = cloud.points.size () * fsize;

  // Prepare the map
#if _WIN32
  HANDLE fm = CreateFileMappingA (h_native_file, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, (DWORD) (data_idx + data_size), NULL);
  char *map = static_cast<char*>(MapViewOfFile (fm, FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, data_idx + data_size));
  CloseHandle (fm);

  // Stretch the file size to the size of the data
  int result = static_cast<int> (pcl_lseek (fd, getpagesize () + data_size - 1, SEEK_SET));
  if (result < 0)
    pcl_close (fd);
    throw pcl::IOException ("[pcl::PCDWriter::writeBinary] Error during lseek ()!");
    return (-1);
  // Write a bogus entry so that the new file size comes in effect
  result = static_cast<int> (::write (fd, "", 1));
  if (result != 1)
    pcl_close (fd);
    throw pcl::IOException ("[pcl::PCDWriter::writeBinary] Error during write ()!");
    return (-1);

  char *map = static_cast<char*> (mmap (0, data_idx + data_size, PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0));
  if (map == reinterpret_cast<char*> (-1)) //MAP_FAILED)
    pcl_close (fd);
    throw pcl::IOException ("[pcl::PCDWriter::writeBinary] Error during mmap ()!");
    return (-1);

  // Copy the header
  memcpy (&map[0], oss.str ().c_str (), data_idx);

  // Copy the data
  char *out = &map[0] + data_idx;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud.points.size (); ++i)
    int nrj = 0;
    for (size_t j = 0; j < fields.size (); ++j)
      memcpy (out, reinterpret_cast<const char*> (&cloud.points[i]) + fields[j].offset, fields_sizes[nrj]);
      out += fields_sizes[nrj++];

  // If the user set the synchronization flag on, call msync
#if !_WIN32
  if (map_synchronization_)
    msync (map, data_idx + data_size, MS_SYNC);

  // Unmap the pages of memory
#if _WIN32
    UnmapViewOfFile (map);
  if (munmap (map, (data_idx + data_size)) == -1)
    pcl_close (fd);
    throw pcl::IOException ("[pcl::PCDWriter::writeBinary] Error during munmap ()!");
    return (-1);
  // Close file
#if _WIN32
  CloseHandle (h_native_file);
  pcl_close (fd);
  return (0);
Пример #29
template<typename PointT> int
pcl::PCDWriter::appendBinary(const std::string &file_name, 
                             const pcl::PointCloud<PointT> &cloud)
    throw pcl::IOException("[pcl::PCDWriter::appendBinary] Input point cloud has no data!");
    return -1;

    return writeBinary(file_name, cloud);

  std::ifstream file_istream;
  file_istream.open(file_name.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary);
    throw pcl::IOException("[pcl::PCDWriter::appendBinary] Error opening file for reading");
    return -1;
  file_istream.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end);
  size_t file_size = file_istream.tellg();

  pcl::PCLPointCloud2 tmp_cloud;
  PCDReader reader;
  if(reader.readHeader(file_name, tmp_cloud) != 0)
    throw pcl::IOException("[pcl::PCDWriter::appendBinary] Failed reading header");
    return -1;
  if(tmp_cloud.height != 1 || cloud.height != 1)
    throw pcl::IOException("[pcl::PCDWriter::appendBinary] can't use appendBinary with a point cloud that "
      "has height different than 1!");
    return -1;
  tmp_cloud.width += cloud.width;
  std::ostringstream oss;
  pcl::PointCloud<PointT> tmp_cloud2;
  // copy the header values:
  tmp_cloud2.header = tmp_cloud.header;
  tmp_cloud2.width = tmp_cloud.width;
  tmp_cloud2.height = tmp_cloud.height;
  tmp_cloud2.is_dense = tmp_cloud.is_dense;
  oss << PCDWriter::generateHeader(tmp_cloud2, tmp_cloud2.width) << "DATA binary\n";
  size_t data_idx = oss.tellp();
#if _WIN32
  if (h_native_file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    throw pcl::IOException ("[pcl::PCDWriter::appendBinary] Error during CreateFile!");
    return (-1);
  int fd = pcl_open (file_name.c_str (), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, static_cast<mode_t> (0600));
  if (fd < 0)
    throw pcl::IOException ("[pcl::PCDWriter::appendBinary] Error during open!");
    return (-1);
  // Mandatory lock file
  boost::interprocess::file_lock file_lock;
  setLockingPermissions (file_name, file_lock);

  std::vector<pcl::PCLPointField> fields;
  std::vector<int> fields_sizes;
  size_t fsize = 0;
  size_t data_size = 0;
  size_t nri = 0;
  pcl::getFields (cloud, fields);
  // Compute the total size of the fields
  for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size (); ++i)
    if (fields[i].name == "_")

    int fs = fields[i].count * getFieldSize (fields[i].datatype);
    fsize += fs;
    fields_sizes.push_back (fs);
    fields[nri++] = fields[i];
  fields.resize (nri);

  data_size = cloud.points.size () * fsize;

  data_idx += (tmp_cloud.width - cloud.width) * fsize;
  if (data_idx != file_size)
    const char *msg = "[pcl::PCDWriter::appendBinary] The expected data size and the current data size are different!";
    throw pcl::IOException (msg);
    return -1;

  // Prepare the map
#if _WIN32
  HANDLE fm = CreateFileMappingA (h_native_file, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, (DWORD) (data_idx + data_size), NULL);
  char *map = static_cast<char*>(MapViewOfFile (fm, FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, data_idx + data_size));
  CloseHandle (fm);
  // Stretch the file size to the size of the data
  off_t result = pcl_lseek (fd, getpagesize () + data_size - 1, SEEK_SET);

  if (result < 0)
    pcl_close (fd);
    resetLockingPermissions (file_name, file_lock);
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PCDWriter::appendBinary] lseek errno: %d strerror: %s\n", errno, strerror (errno));

    throw pcl::IOException ("[pcl::PCDWriter::appendBinary] Error during lseek ()!");
    return (-1);
  // Write a bogus entry so that the new file size comes in effect
  result = static_cast<int> (::write (fd, "", 1));
  if (result != 1)
    pcl_close (fd);
    resetLockingPermissions (file_name, file_lock);
    throw pcl::IOException ("[pcl::PCDWriter::appendBinary] Error during write ()!");
    return (-1);

  char *map = static_cast<char*> (mmap (0, data_idx + data_size, PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0));
  if (map == reinterpret_cast<char*> (-1)) //MAP_FAILED)
    pcl_close (fd);
    resetLockingPermissions (file_name, file_lock);
    throw pcl::IOException ("[pcl::PCDWriter::appendBinary] Error during mmap ()!");
    return (-1);

  char* out = &map[0] + data_idx;
  // Copy the data
  for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud.points.size (); ++i)
    int nrj = 0;
    for (size_t j = 0; j < fields.size (); ++j)
      memcpy (out, reinterpret_cast<const char*> (&cloud.points[i]) + fields[j].offset, fields_sizes[nrj]);
      out += fields_sizes[nrj++];

  // write the new header:
  std::string header(oss.str());
  memcpy(map, header.c_str(), header.size());

  // If the user set the synchronization flag on, call msync
#if !_WIN32
  if (map_synchronization_)
    msync (map, data_idx + data_size, MS_SYNC);

  // Unmap the pages of memory
#if _WIN32
  UnmapViewOfFile (map);
  if (munmap (map, (data_idx + data_size)) == -1)
    pcl_close (fd);
    resetLockingPermissions (file_name, file_lock);
    throw pcl::IOException ("[pcl::PCDWriter::writeBinary] Error during munmap ()!");
    return (-1);
  // Close file
#if _WIN32
  CloseHandle (h_native_file);
  pcl_close (fd);

  resetLockingPermissions (file_name, file_lock);
  return 0;