bool Main::Config::ExecuteConfigCommands(Ui::Command & handler) { static char const * const vimpcrcFile = "/.vimpcrc"; static char const * const home = "HOME"; static bool configCommandsExecuted = false; pcrecpp::RE const commentCheck("^\\s*\".*"); if (configCommandsExecuted == false) { configCommandsExecuted = true; std::string configFile(getenv(home)); configFile.append(vimpcrcFile); std::string input; std::ifstream inputStream(configFile.c_str()); if (inputStream) { while (!inputStream.eof()) { std::getline(inputStream, input); if ((input != "") && (commentCheck.FullMatch(input.c_str()) == false)) { handler.ExecuteCommand(input); } } } } return true; }
// Returns true if parsing succeeded, false otherwise. Parsing can fail if the uri // reference isn't properly formed. bool cdom::parseUriRef(const string& uriRef, string& scheme, string& authority, string& path, string& query, string& fragment) { #ifdef USE_URIPARSER UriParserStateA state; UriUriA uri; state.uri = &uri; if ( uriParseUriA(&state, uriRef.c_str()) == 0 ) { scheme = fromRange(uri.scheme); authority = fromRange(uri.hostText); path = fromList(uri.pathHead, "/"); if (uri.absolutePath != URI_TRUE and uri.hostText.first == NULL) path = path.erase(0, 1); query = fromRange(uri.query); fragment = fromRange(uri.fragment); uriFreeUriMembersA(&uri); return true; } #else // This regular expression for parsing URI references comes from the URI spec: // static pcrecpp::RE re("^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?"); string s1, s3, s6, s8; if (re.FullMatch(uriRef, &s1, &scheme, &s3, &authority, &path, &s6, &query, &s8, &fragment)) return true; #endif return false; }
int32_t SongWindow::DetermineColour(uint32_t line) const { uint32_t printLine = line + FirstLine(); Mpc::Song * song = (printLine < BufferSize()) ? Buffer().Get(printLine) : NULL; int32_t colour = Colour::Song; if (song != NULL) { if ((song->URI() == client_.GetCurrentSongURI())) { colour = Colour::CurrentSong; } else if (client_.SongIsInQueue(*song)) { colour = Colour::FullAdd; } else if ((search_.LastSearchString() != "") && (settings_.Get(Setting::HighlightSearch) == true) && (search_.HighlightSearch() == true)) { pcrecpp::RE const expression(".*" + search_.LastSearchString() + ".*", search_.LastSearchOptions()); if (expression.FullMatch(song->FormatString(settings_.Get(Setting::SongFormat)))) { colour = Colour::SongMatch; } } } return colour; }
bool event_t::check_attributes(string &error_message, const attribute_t &a, bool empty_only) { static pcrecpp::RE known_keyword = "APPLICATION|TITLE|TEST|COMMAND|USER|CROUP|" "DBUS_SERVICE|DBUS_PATH|DBUS_INTERFACE|DBUS_METHOD|DBUS_SIGNAL|" "PLUGIN|BACKUP" ; static pcrecpp::RE upper_case = "[A-Z_]+" ; static pcrecpp::RE app_name = "[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*" ; bool app_name_found = false ; for(map<string,string>::const_iterator it=a.txt.begin(); it!=a.txt.end(); ++it) { if(it->first.empty()) return error_message += ": empty attribute key", false ; if(it->second.empty()) return error_message += ": empty value of attribute '"+it->first+"'", false ; if(empty_only) continue ; if(upper_case.FullMatch(it->first)) { if(!known_keyword.FullMatch(it->first)) return error_message = "unknown upper case event attribute key '"+it->first+"'", false ; if(it->first=="APPLICATION") { app_name_found = true ; if(!app_name.FullMatch(it->second)) return error_message = "invalid application name '"+it->second+"'", false ; } } } if(empty_only || app_name_found) return true ; else return error_message = "no application name given", false ; }
// Returns true if parsing succeeded, false otherwise. Parsing can fail if the uri // reference isn't properly formed. bool cdom::parseUriRef(const string& uriRef, string& scheme, string& authority, string& path, string& query, string& fragment) { // This regular expression for parsing URI references comes from the URI spec: // static pcrecpp::RE re("^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?"); string s1, s3, s6, s8; if (re.FullMatch(uriRef, &s1, &scheme, &s3, &authority, &path, &s6, &query, &s8, &fragment)) return true; return false; }
static int read_dnssec_keygen_file_as_map(std::istream& i, std::map<std::string,std::string>& m) { static pcrecpp::RE re_DNSKeyFile("(\\S+):\\s*(.*)"); std::string s; while (getline(i, s)) { std::string key; std::string value; if (re_DNSKeyFile.FullMatch(s, &key, &value)) { m[key] = value; } } return m.size(); }