bool mitk::SceneReaderV1::DecorateNodeWithProperties(DataNode* node, TiXmlElement* nodeElement, const std::string& workingDirectory) { assert(node); assert(nodeElement); bool error(false); for( TiXmlElement* properties = nodeElement->FirstChildElement("properties"); properties != NULL; properties = properties->NextSiblingElement("properties") ) { const char* propertiesfilea( properties->Attribute("file") ); std::string propertiesfile( propertiesfilea ? propertiesfilea : "" ); const char* renderwindowa( properties->Attribute("renderwindow") ); std::string renderwindow( renderwindowa ? renderwindowa : "" ); BaseRenderer* renderer = BaseRenderer::GetByName( renderwindow ); if (renderer || renderwindow.empty()) { PropertyList::Pointer propertyList = node->GetPropertyList(renderer); // DataNode implementation always returns a propertylist // clear all properties from node that might be set by DataNodeFactory during loading propertyList->Clear(); // use deserializer to construct new properties PropertyListDeserializer::Pointer deserializer = PropertyListDeserializer::New(); deserializer->SetFilename(workingDirectory + Poco::Path::separator() + propertiesfile); bool success = deserializer->Deserialize(); error |= !success; PropertyList::Pointer readProperties = deserializer->GetOutput(); if (readProperties.IsNotNull()) { propertyList->ConcatenatePropertyList( readProperties, true ); // true = replace } else { MITK_ERROR << "Property list reader did not return a property list. This is an implementation error. Please tell your developer."; error = true; } } else { MITK_ERROR << "Found properties for renderer " << renderwindow << " but there is no such renderer in current application. Ignoring those properties"; error = true; } } return !error; }
bool mitk::SceneReaderV1::DecorateBaseDataWithProperties(BaseData::Pointer data, TiXmlElement *baseDataNodeElem, const std::string &workingDir) { // check given variables, initialize error variable assert(baseDataNodeElem); bool error(false); // get the file name stored in the <properties ...> tag const char* baseDataPropertyFile( baseDataNodeElem->Attribute("file") ); // check if the filename was found if(baseDataPropertyFile) { //PropertyList::Pointer dataPropList = data->GetPropertyList(); PropertyListDeserializer::Pointer propertyDeserializer = PropertyListDeserializer::New(); // initialize the property reader propertyDeserializer->SetFilename(workingDir + Poco::Path::separator() + baseDataPropertyFile); bool ioSuccess = propertyDeserializer->Deserialize(); error = !ioSuccess; // get the output PropertyList::Pointer inProperties = propertyDeserializer->GetOutput(); // store the read-in properties to the given node or throw error otherwise if( inProperties.IsNotNull() ) { data->SetPropertyList( inProperties ); } else { MITK_ERROR << "The property deserializer did not return a (valid) property list."; error = true; } } else { MITK_ERROR << "Function DecorateBaseDataWithProperties(...) called with false TiXmlElement. \n \t ->Given element does not contain a 'file' attribute. \n"; error = true; } return !error; }