Py::Object FuncXY::set_funcy(const Py::Tuple & args) { _VERBOSE("FuncXY::set_funcy"); args.verify_length(1); if (!Func::check(args[0])) throw Py::TypeError("set_funcy(func) expected a Func instance"); _funcy = static_cast<Func*>(args[0].ptr()); Py_INCREF(_funcy); return Py::Object(); }
Py::Object Image::get_size(const Py::Tuple& args) { _VERBOSE("Image::get_size"); args.verify_length(0); Py::Tuple ret(2); ret[0] = Py::Int((long)rowsIn); ret[1] = Py::Int((long)colsIn); return ret; }
Py::Object Bbox::overlaps(const Py::Tuple &args) { _VERBOSE("Bbox::overlaps"); args.verify_length(1); if (! check(args[0])) throw Py::TypeError("Expected a bbox"); int x = Py::Int( overlapsx(args) ); int y = Py::Int( overlapsy(args) ); return Py::Int(x&&y); }
Py::Object Image::buffer_rgba(const Py::Tuple& args) { //"Return the image object as rgba"; _VERBOSE("RendererAgg::buffer_rgba"); args.verify_length(0); int row_len = colsOut * 4; PyObject* o = Py_BuildValue("lls#", rowsOut, colsOut, rbufOut, row_len * rowsOut); return Py::asObject(o); }
Py::Object Image::reset_matrix(const Py::Tuple& args) { _VERBOSE("Image::reset_matrix"); args.verify_length(0); srcMatrix.reset(); imageMatrix.reset(); return Py::Object(); }
Py::Object _path_module::convert_path_to_polygons(const Py::Tuple& args) { typedef agg::conv_transform<PathIterator> transformed_path_t; typedef SimplifyPath<transformed_path_t> simplify_t; typedef agg::conv_curve<simplify_t> curve_t; typedef std::vector<double> vertices_t; args.verify_length(4); PathIterator path(args[0]); agg::trans_affine trans = py_to_agg_transformation_matrix(args[1], false); double width = Py::Float(args[2]); double height = Py::Float(args[3]); bool simplify = path.should_simplify() && width != 0.0 && height != 0.0; transformed_path_t tpath(path, trans); simplify_t simplified(tpath, false, simplify, width, height); curve_t curve(simplified); Py::List polygons; vertices_t polygon; double x, y; unsigned code; polygon.reserve(path.total_vertices() * 2); while ((code = curve.vertex(&x, &y)) != agg::path_cmd_stop) { if ((code & agg::path_cmd_end_poly) == agg::path_cmd_end_poly) { if (polygon.size() >= 2) { polygon.push_back(polygon[0]); polygon.push_back(polygon[1]); _add_polygon(polygons, polygon); } polygon.clear(); } else { if (code == agg::path_cmd_move_to) { _add_polygon(polygons, polygon); polygon.clear(); } polygon.push_back(x); polygon.push_back(y); } } _add_polygon(polygons, polygon); return polygons; }
Py::Object RendererAgg::draw_rectangle(const Py::Tuple & args) { _VERBOSE("RendererAgg::draw_rectangle"); args.verify_length(6); theRasterizer->reset_clipping(); Py::Object gcEdge( args[0] ); Py::Object rgbFaceMaybeNone( args[1] ); double l = Py::Float( args[2] ); double b = Py::Float( args[3] ); double w = Py::Float( args[4] ); double h = Py::Float( args[5] ); set_clip_rectangle(gcEdge); double lw = points_to_pixels ( gcEdge.getAttr("_linewidth") ) ; agg::path_storage path; b = height - (b+h); path.move_to(l, b+h); path.line_to(l+w, b+h); path.line_to(l+w, b); path.line_to(l, b); path.close_polygon(); agg::rgba edgecolor = get_color(gcEdge); if (rgbFaceMaybeNone.ptr() != Py_None) { //fill the face Py::SeqBase<Py::Object> rgbFace = rgbFaceMaybeNone; agg::rgba facecolor = rgb_to_color(rgbFace, edgecolor.a); rendererAA->color(facecolor); theRasterizer->add_path(path); agg::render_scanlines(*theRasterizer, *slineP8, *rendererAA); } //now fill the edge agg::conv_stroke<agg::path_storage> stroke(path); stroke.width(lw); rendererAA->color(edgecolor); //self->theRasterizer->gamma(agg::gamma_power(gamma)); theRasterizer->add_path(stroke); agg::render_scanlines(*theRasterizer, *slineP8, *rendererAA); return Py::Object(); }
Py::Object FT2Font::get_glyph(const Py::Tuple & args){ _VERBOSE("FT2Font::get_glyph"); args.verify_length(1); int num = Py::Int(args[0]); if ( (size_t)num >= gms.size()) throw Py::ValueError("Glyph index out of range"); //todo: refcount? return Py::asObject(gms[num]); }
Py::Object Image::apply_rotation(const Py::Tuple& args) { _VERBOSE("Image::apply_rotation"); args.verify_length(1); double r = Py::Float(args[0]); agg::trans_affine M = agg::trans_affine_rotation( r * agg::pi / 180.0); srcMatrix *= M; imageMatrix *= M; return Py::Object(); }
Py::Object Image::get_matrix(const Py::Tuple& args) { _VERBOSE("Image::get_matrix"); args.verify_length(0); double m[6]; srcMatrix.store_to(m); Py::Tuple ret(6); for(int i=0;i<6;i++) ret[i] = Py::Float(m[i]); return ret; }
Py::Object FT2Font::get_glyph_name(const Py::Tuple & args) { _VERBOSE("FT2Font::get_glyph_name"); args.verify_length(1); if (!FT_HAS_GLYPH_NAMES(face)) throw Py::RuntimeError("Face has no glyph names"); char buffer[128]; if (FT_Get_Glyph_Name(face, (FT_UInt) Py::Int(args[0]), buffer, 128)) Py::RuntimeError("Could not get glyph names."); return Py::String(buffer); }
Py::Object _path_module::point_in_path(const Py::Tuple& args) { args.verify_length(4); double x = Py::Float(args[0]); double y = Py::Float(args[1]); PathIterator path(args[2]); agg::trans_affine trans = py_to_agg_transformation_matrix(args[3], false); if (::point_in_path(x, y, path, trans)) return Py::Int(1); return Py::Int(0); }
Py::Object FT2Font::image_as_str(const Py::Tuple & args) { _VERBOSE("FT2Font::image_as_str"); args.verify_length(0); return Py::asObject( Py_BuildValue("lls#", image.width, image.height, image.buffer, image.width*image.height) ); }
Py::Object Affine::as_vec6(const Py::Tuple &args) { _VERBOSE("Affine::as_vec6"); //return the affine as length 6 list args.verify_length(0); Py::List ret(6); ret[0] = Py::Object(_a); ret[1] = Py::Object(_b); ret[2] = Py::Object(_c); ret[3] = Py::Object(_d); ret[4] = Py::Object(_tx); ret[5] = Py::Object(_ty); return ret; }
Py::Object Affine::deepcopy(const Py::Tuple &args) { _VERBOSE("Affine::deepcopy"); args.verify_length(0); try { eval_scalars(); } catch(...) { throw Py::ValueError("Domain error on Affine deepcopy"); } return Py::asObject( new Affine( new Value(_aval),new Value(_bval), new Value(_cval), new Value(_dval),new Value(_txval),new Value(_tyval) )); }
Py::Object Image::as_rgba_str(const Py::Tuple& args, const Py::Dict& kwargs) { _VERBOSE("Image::as_rgba_str"); args.verify_length(0); std::pair<agg::int8u*,bool> bufpair = _get_output_buffer(); Py::Object ret = Py::asObject(Py_BuildValue("lls#", rowsOut, colsOut, bufpair.first, colsOut*rowsOut*4)); if (bufpair.second) delete [] bufpair.first; return ret; }
Py::Object _transforms_module::new_funcxy (const Py::Tuple &args) { _VERBOSE("_transforms_module::new_funcxy "); args.verify_length(2); if (!Func::check(args[0])) throw Py::TypeError("FuncXY(funcx, funcy) expected a Func instance for funcx)"); if (!Func::check(args[1])) throw Py::TypeError("FuncXY(funcx, funcy) expected a Func instance for funcy)"); Func* funcx = static_cast<Func*>(args[0].ptr()); Func* funcy = static_cast<Func*>(args[1].ptr()); return Py::asObject(new FuncXY(funcx, funcy)); }
Py::Object _path_module::path_in_path(const Py::Tuple& args) { args.verify_length(4); PathIterator a(args[0]); agg::trans_affine atrans = py_to_agg_transformation_matrix( args[1].ptr(), false); PathIterator b(args[2]); agg::trans_affine btrans = py_to_agg_transformation_matrix( args[3].ptr(), false); return Py::Int(::path_in_path(a, atrans, b, btrans)); }
Py::Object RendererAgg::write_rgba(const Py::Tuple& args) { _VERBOSE("RendererAgg::write_rgba"); args.verify_length(1); std::string fname = Py::String( args[0]); std::ofstream of2( fname.c_str(), std::ios::binary|std::ios::out); for (size_t i=0; i<NUMBYTES; ++i) { of2.write((char*)&(pixBuffer[i]), sizeof(char)); } return Py::Object(); }
Py::Object CyPy_Task::irrelevant(const Py::Tuple& args) { m_value->irrelevant(); if (args.size() > 0) { args.verify_length(1); Atlas::Objects::Operation::Error e; Atlas::Objects::Entity::Anonymous arg; arg->setAttr("message", verifyString(args.front())); e->modifyArgs().push_back(arg); e->setTo(m_value->>getId()); return CyPy_Operation::wrap(e); } return Py::None(); }
Py::Object Bbox::update(const Py::Tuple &args) { _VERBOSE("Bbox::update"); args.verify_length(2); Py::SeqBase<Py::Object> xys = args[0]; //don't use current bounds when updating box if ignore==1 int ignore = Py::Int(args[1]); size_t Nx = xys.length(); if (Nx==0) return Py::Object(); double minx = _ll->xval(); double maxx = _ur->xval(); double miny = _ll->yval(); double maxy = _ur->yval(); Py::Tuple tup; if (ignore) { tup = xys[0]; double x = Py::Float(tup[0]); double y = Py::Float(tup[1]); minx=x; maxx=x; miny=y; maxy=y; } for (size_t i=0; i<Nx; ++i) { tup = xys[i]; double x = Py::Float(tup[0]); double y = Py::Float(tup[1]); if (x<minx) minx=x; if (x>maxx) maxx=x; if (y<miny) miny=y; if (y>maxy) maxy=y; } _ll->x_api()->set_api(minx); _ll->y_api()->set_api(miny); _ur->x_api()->set_api(maxx); _ur->y_api()->set_api(maxy); return Py::Object(); }
Py::Object FT2Font::draw_glyphs_to_bitmap(const Py::Tuple & args) { _VERBOSE("FT2Font::draw_glyphs_to_bitmap"); args.verify_length(0); FT_BBox string_bbox = compute_string_bbox(); image.width = (string_bbox.xMax-string_bbox.xMin) / 64+2; image.height = (string_bbox.yMax-string_bbox.yMin) / 64+2; image.offsetx = (int)(string_bbox.xMin/64.0); if (angle==0) image.offsety = -image.height; else image.offsety = (int)(-string_bbox.yMax/64.0); size_t numBytes = image.width*image.height; delete [] image.buffer; image.buffer = new unsigned char [numBytes]; for (size_t n=0; n<numBytes; n++) image.buffer[n] = 0; for ( size_t n = 0; n < glyphs.size(); n++ ) { FT_BBox bbox; FT_Glyph_Get_CBox(glyphs[n], ft_glyph_bbox_pixels, &bbox); error = FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap(&glyphs[n], ft_render_mode_normal, 0, //&pos[n], 1 //destroy image; ); if (error) throw Py::RuntimeError("Could not convert glyph to bitmap"); FT_BitmapGlyph bitmap = (FT_BitmapGlyph)glyphs[n]; /* now, draw to our target surface (convert position) */ //bitmap left and top in pixel, string bbox in subpixel draw_bitmap( &bitmap->bitmap, bitmap->left-string_bbox.xMin/64, string_bbox.yMax/64-bitmap->top+1 ); } return Py::Object(); }
Py::Object TriContourGenerator::create_contour(const Py::Tuple &args) { _VERBOSE("TriContourGenerator::create_contour"); args.verify_length(1); double level = (Py::Float)args[0]; clear_visited_flags(false); Contour contour; find_boundary_lines(contour, level); find_interior_lines(contour, level, false, false); return contour_to_segs(contour); }
Py::Object FT2Font::set_size(const Py::Tuple & args) { _VERBOSE("FT2Font::set_size"); args.verify_length(2); double ptsize = Py::Float(args[0]); double dpi = Py::Float(args[1]); int error = FT_Set_Char_Size( face, (long)(ptsize * 64), 0, (unsigned int)dpi, (unsigned int)dpi ); if (error) throw Py::RuntimeError("Could not set the fontsize"); return Py::Object(); }
Py::Object RendererAgg::draw_image(const Py::Tuple& args) { _VERBOSE("RendererAgg::draw_image"); args.verify_length(4); int x = Py::Int(args[0]); int y = Py::Int(args[1]); Image *image = static_cast<Image*>(args[2].ptr()); std::string origin = Py::String(args[3]); if (origin!="lower" && origin!="upper") throw Py::ValueError("origin must be upper|lower"); bool isUpper = origin=="upper"; //std::cout << "agg says isupper " << origin << " " << isUpper << std::endl; //todo: handle x and y //agg::rect r(0, 0, image->colsOut, image->rowsOut); //rendererBase->copy_from(*image->rbufOut, &r, x, y); size_t ind=0; size_t thisx, thisy; size_t oy = isUpper ? y : height-y; //if (isUpper) oy -= image->rowsOut; //start at top //std::cout << "params " << height << " " << y << " " << oy << " " << image->rowsOut << std::endl; for (size_t j=0; j<image->rowsOut; j++) { for (size_t i=0; i<image->colsOut; i++) { thisx = i+x; thisy = isUpper ? oy+j : oy-j; if (thisx<0 || thisx>=width || thisy<0 || thisy>=height) { ind += 4; continue; } pixfmt::color_type p; p.r = *(image->bufferOut+ind++); p.g = *(image->bufferOut+ind++); p.b = *(image->bufferOut+ind++); p.a = *(image->bufferOut+ind++); pixFmt->blend_pixel(thisx, thisy, p, p.a); } } return Py::Object(); }
Py::Object _transforms_module::new_bbox (const Py::Tuple &args) { _VERBOSE("_transforms_module::new_bbox "); args.verify_length(2); if (!Point::check(args[0])) throw Py::TypeError("Point(p1,p2) expected a Point for p1"); if (!Point::check(args[1])) throw Py::TypeError("Point(p1,p2) expected a Point for p2"); Point* ll = static_cast<Point*>(args[0].ptr()); Point* ur = static_cast<Point*>(args[1].ptr()); return Py::asObject(new Bbox(ll, ur) ); }
Py::Object FT2Font::get_charmap(const Py::Tuple & args) { _VERBOSE("FT2Font::get_charmap"); args.verify_length(0); FT_UInt index; Py::Dict charmap; FT_ULong code = FT_Get_First_Char(face, &index); while (code != 0) { //charmap[Py::Long((long) code)] = Py::Int((int) index); charmap[Py::Int((int) index)] = Py::Long((long) code); code = FT_Get_Next_Char(face, code, &index); } return charmap; }
Py::Object _path_module::clip_path_to_rect(const Py::Tuple &args) { args.verify_length(3); PathIterator path(args[0]); Py::Object bbox_obj = args[1]; bool inside = Py::Int(args[2]); double x0, y0, x1, y1; if (!py_convert_bbox(bbox_obj.ptr(), x0, y0, x1, y1)) throw Py::TypeError("Argument 2 to clip_to_rect must be a Bbox object."); std::vector<Polygon> results; ::clip_to_rect(path, x0, y0, x1, y1, inside, results); npy_intp dims[2]; dims[1] = 2; PyObject* py_results = PyList_New(results.size()); if (!py_results) throw Py::RuntimeError("Error creating results list"); try { for (std::vector<Polygon>::const_iterator p = results.begin(); p != results.end(); ++p) { size_t size = p->size(); dims[0] = p->size(); PyArrayObject* pyarray = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_SimpleNew(2, dims, PyArray_DOUBLE); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { ((double *)pyarray->data)[2*i] = (*p)[i].x; ((double *)pyarray->data)[2*i+1] = (*p)[i].y; } if (PyList_SetItem(py_results, p - results.begin(), (PyObject *)pyarray) != -1) { throw Py::RuntimeError("Error creating results list"); } } } catch (...) { Py_XDECREF(py_results); throw; } return Py::Object(py_results, true); }
Py::Object _path_module::count_bboxes_overlapping_bbox(const Py::Tuple& args) { args.verify_length(2); Py::Object bbox = args[0]; Py::SeqBase<Py::Object> bboxes = args[1]; double ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1; double bx0, by0, bx1, by1; long count = 0; if (py_convert_bbox(bbox.ptr(), ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1)) { if (ax1 < ax0) std::swap(ax0, ax1); if (ay1 < ay0) std::swap(ay0, ay1); size_t num_bboxes = bboxes.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_bboxes; ++i) { Py::Object bbox_b = bboxes[i]; if (py_convert_bbox(bbox_b.ptr(), bx0, by0, bx1, by1)) { if (bx1 < bx0) std::swap(bx0, bx1); if (by1 < by0) std::swap(by0, by1); if (!((bx1 <= ax0) || (by1 <= ay0) || (bx0 >= ax1) || (by0 >= ay1))) ++count; } else { throw Py::ValueError("Non-bbox object in bboxes list"); } } } else { throw Py::ValueError("First argument to count_bboxes_overlapping_bbox must be a Bbox object."); } return Py::Int(count); }
Py::Object _transforms_module::new_interval (const Py::Tuple &args) { _VERBOSE("_transforms_module::new_interval "); args.verify_length(2); if (!LazyValue::check(args[0])) throw Py::TypeError("Interval(val1, val2) expected a LazyValue for val1"); if (!LazyValue::check(args[1])) throw Py::TypeError("Interval(val1, val2) expected a LazyValue for val2"); LazyValue* v1 = static_cast<LazyValue*>(args[0].ptr()); LazyValue* v2 = static_cast<LazyValue*>(args[1].ptr()); return Py::asObject(new Interval(v1, v2) ); }