Пример #1
QgsChunkedEntity::SceneState _sceneState( QgsCameraController *cameraController )
  Qt3DRender::QCamera *camera = cameraController->camera();
  QgsChunkedEntity::SceneState state;
  state.cameraFov = camera->fieldOfView();
  state.cameraPos = camera->position();
  QRect rect = cameraController->viewport();
  state.screenSizePx = std::max( rect.width(), rect.height() ); // TODO: is this correct?
  state.viewProjectionMatrix = camera->projectionMatrix() * camera->viewMatrix();
  return state;
Пример #2
bool Qgs3DMapScene::updateCameraNearFarPlanes()
  // Update near and far plane from the terrain.
  // this needs to be done with great care as we have kind of circular dependency here:
  // active nodes are culled based on the current frustum (which involves near + far plane)
  // and then based on active nodes we set near and far plane.
  // All of this is just heuristics assuming that all other stuff is being rendered somewhere
  // around the area where the terrain is.
  // Near/far plane is setup in order to make best use of the depth buffer to avoid:
  // 1. precision errors - if the range is too great
  // 2. unwanted clipping of scene - if the range is too small

  if ( mTerrain )
    Qt3DRender::QCamera *camera = cameraController()->camera();
    QMatrix4x4 viewMatrix = camera->viewMatrix();
    float fnear = 1e9;
    float ffar = 0;

    QList<QgsChunkNode *> activeNodes = mTerrain->activeNodes();

    // it could be that there are no active nodes - they could be all culled or because root node
    // is not yet loaded - we still need at least something to understand bounds of our scene
    // so lets use the root node
    if ( activeNodes.isEmpty() )
      activeNodes << mTerrain->rootNode();

    Q_FOREACH ( QgsChunkNode *node, activeNodes )
      // project each corner of bbox to camera coordinates
      // and determine closest and farthest point.
      QgsAABB bbox = node->bbox();
      for ( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
        QVector4D p( ( ( i >> 0 ) & 1 ) ? bbox.xMin : bbox.xMax,
                     ( ( i >> 1 ) & 1 ) ? bbox.yMin : bbox.yMax,
                     ( ( i >> 2 ) & 1 ) ? bbox.zMin : bbox.zMax, 1 );
        QVector4D pc = viewMatrix * p;

        float dst = -pc.z();  // in camera coordinates, x grows right, y grows down, z grows to the back
        if ( dst < fnear )
          fnear = dst;
        if ( dst > ffar )
          ffar = dst;
    if ( fnear < 1 )
      fnear = 1;  // does not really make sense to use negative far plane (behind camera)

    if ( fnear == 1e9 && ffar == 0 )
      // the update didn't work out... this should not happen
      // well at least temprarily use some conservative starting values
      qDebug() << "oops... this should not happen! couldn't determine near/far plane. defaulting to 1...1e9";
      fnear = 1;
      ffar = 1e9;

    // set near/far plane - with some tolerance in front/behind expected near/far planes
    float newFar = ffar * 2;
    float newNear = fnear / 2;
    if ( !qgsFloatNear( newFar, camera->farPlane() ) || !qgsFloatNear( newNear, camera->nearPlane() ) )
      camera->setFarPlane( newFar );
      camera->setNearPlane( newNear );
      return true;
Пример #3
    void checkSyncFrustumCullingExecution()
        // GIVEN
        Qt3DRender::QViewport *viewport = new Qt3DRender::QViewport();
        Qt3DRender::QClearBuffers *clearBuffer = new Qt3DRender::QClearBuffers(viewport);
        Qt3DRender::QFrustumCulling *frustumCulling = new Qt3DRender::QFrustumCulling(clearBuffer);
        Qt3DRender::QCameraSelector *cameraSelector = new Qt3DRender::QCameraSelector(frustumCulling);
        Qt3DRender::QCamera *camera = new Qt3DRender::QCamera();

        Qt3DRender::TestAspect testAspect(buildSimpleScene(viewport));

        // THEN
        Qt3DRender::Render::FrameGraphNode *leafNode = testAspect.nodeManagers()->frameGraphManager()->lookupNode(cameraSelector->id());
        QVERIFY(leafNode != nullptr);

        // WHEN
        Qt3DRender::Render::RenderViewBuilder renderViewBuilder(leafNode, 0, testAspect.renderer());

        // THEN
        QCOMPARE(renderViewBuilder.frustumCullingJob()->viewProjection(), QMatrix4x4());

        // WHEN

        // THEN
        QCOMPARE(renderViewBuilder.frustumCullingJob()->viewProjection(), camera->projectionMatrix() * camera->viewMatrix());