Пример #1
std::ostream &JavaTabCodeGen::RANGE_LENS()
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Emit length of range index. */
		ARRAY_ITEM( INT(st->outRange.length()), st.last() );
	return out;
Пример #2
std::ostream &JavaTabCodeGen::SINGLE_LENS()
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Write singles length. */
		ARRAY_ITEM( INT(st->outSingle.length()), st.last() );
	return out;
Пример #3
std::ostream &JavaTabCodeGen::EOF_ACTIONS()
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Write any eof action. */
		ARRAY_ITEM( INT(EOF_ACTION(st)), st.last() );
	return out;
Пример #4
std::ostream &RubyTabCodeGen::EOF_ACTIONS()
    int totalStateNum = 0;
    for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
        /* Write any eof action. */
        ARRAY_ITEM( INT(EOF_ACTION(st)), ++totalStateNum, st.last() );
    return out;
Пример #5
std::ostream &RubyTabCodeGen::SINGLE_LENS()
    int totalStateNum = 0;
    for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
        /* Write singles length. */
        ARRAY_ITEM( INT(st->outSingle.length()), ++totalStateNum, st.last() );
    return out;
Пример #6
std::ostream &RubyTabCodeGen::RANGE_LENS()
    int totalStateNum = 0;
    for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
        /* Emit length of range index. */
        ARRAY_ITEM( INT(st->outRange.length()), ++totalStateNum, st.last() );
    return out;
Пример #7
std::ostream &JavaTabCodeGen::KEY_OFFSETS()
	int curKeyOffset = 0;
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Write the key offset. */
		ARRAY_ITEM( INT(curKeyOffset), st.last() );

		/* Move the key offset ahead. */
		curKeyOffset += st->outSingle.length() + st->outRange.length()*2;
	return out;
Пример #8
std::ostream &RubyTabCodeGen::KEY_OFFSETS()
    int totalStateNum = 0, curKeyOffset = 0;
    for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
        /* Write the key offset. */
        ARRAY_ITEM( INT(curKeyOffset), ++totalStateNum, st.last() );

        /* Move the key offset ahead. */
        curKeyOffset += st->outSingle.length() + st->outRange.length()*2;
    return out;
Пример #9
std::ostream &JavaTabCodeGen::INDEX_OFFSETS()
	int curIndOffset = 0;
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Write the index offset. */
		ARRAY_ITEM( INT(curIndOffset), st.last() );

		/* Move the index offset ahead. */
		curIndOffset += st->outSingle.length() + st->outRange.length();
		if ( st->defTrans != 0 )
			curIndOffset += 1;
	return out;
Пример #10
std::ostream &JavaTabCodeGen::EOF_TRANS()
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Write any eof action. */
		long trans = 0;
		if ( st->eofTrans != 0 ) {
			assert( st->eofTrans->pos >= 0 );
			trans = st->eofTrans->pos+1;

		/* Write any eof action. */
		ARRAY_ITEM( INT(trans), st.last() );
	return out;
Пример #11
std::ostream &TabCodeGen::EOF_ACTIONS()
	out << "\t";
	int totalStateNum = 0;
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Write any eof action. */
		if ( !st.last() ) {
			out << ", ";
			if ( ++totalStateNum % IALL == 0 )
				out << "\n\t";
	out << "\n";
	return out;
Пример #12
std::ostream &TabCodeGen::RANGE_LENS()
	out << "\t";
	int totalStateNum = 0;
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Emit length of range index. */
		out << st->outRange.length();
		if ( !st.last() ) {
			out << ", ";
			if ( ++totalStateNum % IALL == 0 )
				out << "\n\t";
	out << "\n";
	return out;
Пример #13
std::ostream &TabCodeGen::SINGLE_LENS()
	out << "\t";
	int totalStateNum = 0;
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Write singles length. */
		out << st->outSingle.length();
		if ( !st.last() ) {
			out << ", ";
			if ( ++totalStateNum % IALL == 0 )
				out << "\n\t";
	out << "\n";
	return out;
Пример #14
std::wostream &CSharpTabCodeGen::COND_LENS()
	out << L"\t";
	int totalStateNum = 0;
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Write singles length. */
		out << st->stateCondList.length();
		if ( !st.last() ) {
			out << L", ";
			if ( ++totalStateNum % IALL == 0 )
				out << L"\n\t";
	out << L"\n";
	return out;
Пример #15
std::ostream &RubyTabCodeGen::EOF_TRANS()
    int totalStateNum = 0;
    for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
        /* Write any eof action. */
        long trans = 0;
        if ( st->eofTrans != 0 ) {
            assert( st->eofTrans->pos >= 0 );
            trans = st->eofTrans->pos+1;

        /* Write any eof action. */
        ARRAY_ITEM( INT(trans), ++totalStateNum, st.last() );
    return out;
Пример #16
std::ostream &TabCodeGen::KEY_OFFSETS()
	out << "\t";
	int totalStateNum = 0, curKeyOffset = 0;
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Write the key offset. */
		out << curKeyOffset;
		if ( !st.last() ) {
			out << ", ";
			if ( ++totalStateNum % IALL == 0 )
				out << "\n\t";

		/* Move the key offset ahead. */
		curKeyOffset += st->outSingle.length() + st->outRange.length()*2;
	out << "\n";
	return out;
Пример #17
std::ostream &CSharpFlatCodeGen::COND_KEY_SPANS()
	out << "\t";
	int totalStateNum = 0;
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Write singles length. */
		unsigned long long span = 0;
		if ( st->condList != 0 )
			span = keyOps->span( st->condLowKey, st->condHighKey );
		out << span;
		if ( !st.last() ) {
			out << ", ";
			if ( ++totalStateNum % IALL == 0 )
				out << "\n\t";
	out << "\n";
	return out;
Пример #18
std::wostream &CSharpTabCodeGen::COND_OFFSETS()
	out << L"\t";
	int totalStateNum = 0, curKeyOffset = 0;
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Write the key offset. */
		out << curKeyOffset;
		if ( !st.last() ) {
			out << L", ";
			if ( ++totalStateNum % IALL == 0 )
				out << L"\n\t";

		/* Move the key offset ahead. */
		curKeyOffset += st->stateCondList.length();
	out << L"\n";
	return out;
Пример #19
std::ostream &CSharpFlatCodeGen::COND_INDEX_OFFSET()
	out << "\t";
	int totalStateNum = 0, curIndOffset = 0;
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Write the index offset. */
		out << curIndOffset;
		if ( !st.last() ) {
			out << ", ";
			if ( ++totalStateNum % IALL == 0 )
				out << "\n\t";
		/* Move the index offset ahead. */
		if ( st->condList != 0 )
			curIndOffset += keyOps->span( st->condLowKey, st->condHighKey );
	out << "\n";
	return out;
Пример #20
std::ostream &CSharpTabCodeGen::INDEX_OFFSETS()
    out << "\t";
    int totalStateNum = 0, curIndOffset = 0;
    for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
        /* Write the index offset. */
        out << curIndOffset;
        if ( !st.last() ) {
            out << ", ";
            if ( ++totalStateNum % IALL == 0 )
                out << "\n\t";

        /* Move the index offset ahead. */
        curIndOffset += st->outSingle.length() + st->outRange.length();
        if ( st->defTrans != 0 )
            curIndOffset += 1;
    out << "\n";
    return out;
Пример #21
std::ostream &TabCodeGen::EOF_TRANS()
	out << "\t";
	int totalStateNum = 0;
	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Write any eof action. */
		long trans = 0;
		if ( st->eofTrans != 0 ) {
			assert( st->eofTrans->pos >= 0 );
			trans = st->eofTrans->pos+1;
		out << trans;

		if ( !st.last() ) {
			out << ", ";
			if ( ++totalStateNum % IALL == 0 )
				out << "\n\t";
	out << "\n";
	return out;
Пример #22
void CodeGenData::setValueLimits()
	redFsm->maxSingleLen = 0;
	redFsm->maxRangeLen = 0;
	redFsm->maxKeyOffset = 0;
	redFsm->maxIndexOffset = 0;
	redFsm->maxActListId = 0;
	redFsm->maxActionLoc = 0;
	redFsm->maxActArrItem = 0;
	redFsm->maxSpan = 0;
	redFsm->maxCondSpan = 0;
	redFsm->maxFlatIndexOffset = 0;
	redFsm->maxCondOffset = 0;
	redFsm->maxCondLen = 0;
	redFsm->maxCondSpaceId = 0;
	redFsm->maxCondIndexOffset = 0;

	/* In both of these cases the 0 index is reserved for no value, so the max
	 * is one more than it would be if they started at 0. */
	redFsm->maxIndex = redFsm->transSet.length();
	redFsm->maxCond = condSpaceList.length(); 

	/* The nextStateId - 1 is the last state id assigned. */
	redFsm->maxState = redFsm->nextStateId - 1;

	for ( CondSpaceList::Iter csi = condSpaceList; csi.lte(); csi++ ) {
		if ( csi->condSpaceId > redFsm->maxCondSpaceId )
			redFsm->maxCondSpaceId = csi->condSpaceId;

	for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		/* Maximum cond length. */
		if ( st->stateCondList.length() > redFsm->maxCondLen )
			redFsm->maxCondLen = st->stateCondList.length();

		/* Maximum single length. */
		if ( st->outSingle.length() > redFsm->maxSingleLen )
			redFsm->maxSingleLen = st->outSingle.length();

		/* Maximum range length. */
		if ( st->outRange.length() > redFsm->maxRangeLen )
			redFsm->maxRangeLen = st->outRange.length();

		/* The key offset index offset for the state after last is not used, skip it.. */
		if ( ! st.last() ) {
			redFsm->maxCondOffset += st->stateCondList.length();
			redFsm->maxKeyOffset += st->outSingle.length() + st->outRange.length()*2;
			redFsm->maxIndexOffset += st->outSingle.length() + st->outRange.length() + 2;

		/* Max cond span. */
		if ( st->condList != 0 ) {
			unsigned long long span = keyOps->span( st->condLowKey, st->condHighKey );
			if ( span > redFsm->maxCondSpan )
				redFsm->maxCondSpan = span;

		/* Max key span. */
		if ( st->transList != 0 ) {
			unsigned long long span = keyOps->span( st->lowKey, st->highKey );
			if ( span > redFsm->maxSpan )
				redFsm->maxSpan = span;

		/* Max cond index offset. */
		if ( ! st.last() ) {
			if ( st->condList != 0 )
				redFsm->maxCondIndexOffset += keyOps->span( st->condLowKey, st->condHighKey );

		/* Max flat index offset. */
		if ( ! st.last() ) {
			if ( st->transList != 0 )
				redFsm->maxFlatIndexOffset += keyOps->span( st->lowKey, st->highKey );
			redFsm->maxFlatIndexOffset += 1;

	for ( GenActionTableMap::Iter at = redFsm->actionMap; at.lte(); at++ ) {
		/* Maximum id of action lists. */
		if ( at->actListId+1 > redFsm->maxActListId )
			redFsm->maxActListId = at->actListId+1;

		/* Maximum location of items in action array. */
		if ( at->location+1 > redFsm->maxActionLoc )
			redFsm->maxActionLoc = at->location+1;

		/* Maximum values going into the action array. */
		if ( at->key.length() > redFsm->maxActArrItem )
			redFsm->maxActArrItem = at->key.length();
		for ( GenActionTable::Iter item = at->key; item.lte(); item++ ) {
			if ( item->value->actionId > redFsm->maxActArrItem )
				redFsm->maxActArrItem = item->value->actionId;