void setup() { nh.initNode(); nh.advertise(sensor_val); nh.advertise(sensor_voltage); nh.advertise(sensor_temp); }
int main() { int error = 0; t.start(); nh.initNode(); nh.advertise(pub_temp); nh.advertise(pub_humidity); long publisher_timer = 0; temp_msg.header.frame_id = "/base_link"; humidity_msg.header.frame_id = "/base_link"; while (1) { if (t.read_ms() > publisher_timer) { error = sensor.readData(); if (0 == error) { temp_msg.temperature = sensor.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS); temp_msg.header.stamp = nh.now(); pub_temp.publish(&temp_msg); humidity_msg.relative_humidity = sensor.ReadHumidity(); humidity_msg.header.stamp = nh.now(); pub_humidity.publish(&humidity_msg); } publisher_timer = t.read_ms() + 1000; } nh.spinOnce(); } }
bool QuadrotorHardwareSim::initSim( const std::string& robot_namespace, ros::NodeHandle model_nh, gazebo::physics::ModelPtr parent_model, const urdf::Model *const urdf_model, std::vector<transmission_interface::TransmissionInfo> transmissions) { ros::NodeHandle param_nh(model_nh, "controller"); // store parent model pointer model_ = parent_model; link_ = model_->GetLink(); physics_ = model_->GetWorld()->GetPhysicsEngine(); // subscribe state std::string state_topic; param_nh.getParam("state_topic", state_topic); if (!state_topic.empty()) { ros::SubscribeOptions ops = ros::SubscribeOptions::create<nav_msgs::Odometry>(state_topic, 1, boost::bind(&QuadrotorHardwareSim::stateCallback, this, _1), ros::VoidConstPtr(), &callback_queue_); subscriber_state_ = model_nh.subscribe(ops); gzlog << "[hector_quadrotor_controller_gazebo] Using topic '" << subscriber_state_.getTopic() << "' as state input for control" << std::endl; } else { gzlog << "[hector_quadrotor_controller_gazebo] Using ground truth from Gazebo as state input for control" << std::endl; } // subscribe imu std::string imu_topic; param_nh.getParam("imu_topic", imu_topic); if (!imu_topic.empty()) { ros::SubscribeOptions ops = ros::SubscribeOptions::create<sensor_msgs::Imu>(imu_topic, 1, boost::bind(&QuadrotorHardwareSim::imuCallback, this, _1), ros::VoidConstPtr(), &callback_queue_); subscriber_imu_ = model_nh.subscribe(ops); gzlog << "[hector_quadrotor_controller_gazebo] Using topic '" << subscriber_imu_.getTopic() << "' as imu input for control" << std::endl; } else { gzlog << "[hector_quadrotor_controller_gazebo] Using ground truth from Gazebo as imu input for control" << std::endl; } // subscribe motor_status { ros::SubscribeOptions ops = ros::SubscribeOptions::create<airdrone_gazebo::MotorStatus>("motor_status", 1, boost::bind(&QuadrotorHardwareSim::motorStatusCallback, this, _1), ros::VoidConstPtr(), &callback_queue_); subscriber_motor_status_ = model_nh.subscribe(ops); } // publish wrench { ros::AdvertiseOptions ops = ros::AdvertiseOptions::create<geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped>("command/wrench", 1, ros::SubscriberStatusCallback(), ros::SubscriberStatusCallback(), ros::VoidConstPtr(), &callback_queue_); publisher_wrench_command_ = model_nh.advertise(ops); } // publish motor command { ros::AdvertiseOptions ops = ros::AdvertiseOptions::create<airdrone_gazebo::MotorCommand>("command/motor", 1, ros::SubscriberStatusCallback(), ros::SubscriberStatusCallback(), ros::VoidConstPtr(), &callback_queue_); publisher_motor_command_ = model_nh.advertise(ops); } return true; }
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++ main loop +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ void setup() { // init nh.initNode(); // setup setupMotor(); setupSensor(); setupServo(); // advertise nh.advertise(pub_sensor_tracks); nh.advertise(pub_range); // subscribe nh.subscribe(subscriberServo); nh.subscribe(motor_sub); }
int main() { unsigned long last_pub; /* set up interrupt handling */ // set up timer interrupts // fast PWM mode; interrupt and reset when counter equals OCR0A // prescalar 64 TCCR0A = (1 << WGM01 | 1 << WGM00); TCCR0B = (1 << WGM02 | 1 << CS01 | 1 << CS00); // interrupt on "overflow" (counter match) TIMSK0 = (1 << TOIE0); OCR0A = 249; // 250 counts per tick nh.initNode(); nh.advertise(pub); nh.subscribe(sub); last_pub = nh.now().toNsec(); while(1) { nh.spinOnce(); // do our best to publish once per second if( nh.now().toNsec() - last_pub > 1000000000ull ) { pub.publish(&msg); last_pub += 1000000000ull; } } }
int main(void) { // TivaC application specific code MAP_FPUEnable(); MAP_FPULazyStackingEnable(); // TivaC system clock configuration. Set to 80MHz. MAP_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_2_5 | SYSCTL_USE_PLL | SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ | SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN); uint8_t button_debounced_delta; uint8_t button_raw_state; ButtonsInit(); // ROS nodehandle initialization and topic registration nh.initNode(); nh.advertise(button_publisher); while (1) { uint8_t button_debounced_state = ButtonsPoll(&button_debounced_delta, &button_raw_state); // Publish message to be transmitted. button_msg.sw1.data = button_debounced_state & LEFT_BUTTON; button_msg.sw2.data = button_debounced_state & RIGHT_BUTTON; button_publisher.publish(&button_msg); // Handle all communications and callbacks. nh.spinOnce(); // Delay for a bit. nh.getHardware()->delay(100); } }
int main() { volatile unsigned int d; /* initialize ROS & subscribers & publishers */ //nh.initNode(); nh.initNode(rosSrvrIp); nh.advertise(sonar1); // advertise sonar range topic nh.subscribe(motorSub); // subscribe to motor speed topic nh.subscribe(servoSub); // subscribe to servo position // reset bit 0, set as output for sonar trigger gpio.SetData(0x0000); gpio.SetDataDirection(0x0001); // set callbacks on negative edge for both bits 0 (trigger) // and 1 (echo) gpio.RegisterCallback(0, NULL, callback); gpio.RegisterCallback(1, NULL, callback); gpio.SetInterruptMode(0, QEG_INTERRUPT_NEGEDGE); gpio.SetInterruptMode(1, QEG_INTERRUPT_NEGEDGE); // trigger sonar by toggling bit 0 while(1) { gpio.SetData(0x0001); for (d=0; d<120000; d++); gpio.SetData(0x0000); usleep(100000); // the interrupt breaks us out of this sleep usleep(100000); // now really sleep sonar1.publish( &range ); nh.spinOnce(); } }
int main() { t.start(); nh.initNode(); nh.advertise(pub_temp); long publisher_timer =0; while (1) { if (t.read_ms() > publisher_timer) { // step 1: request reading from sensor //Wire.requestFrom(sensorAddress,2); char cmd = 2; i2c.write(sensorAddress, &cmd, 1); wait_ms(50); char msb; char lsb; int temperature; i2c.read(sensorAddress, &msb, 1); // receive high byte (full degrees) i2c.read(sensorAddress, &lsb, 1); // receive low byte (fraction degrees) temperature = ((msb) << 4); // MSB temperature |= (lsb >> 4); // LSB temp_msg.data = temperature*0.0625; pub_temp.publish(&temp_msg); publisher_timer = t.read_ms() + 1000; } nh.spinOnce(); }
void setup() { nh.initNode(); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinEast1, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinEast2, OUTPUT); pinMode(pwmPinWest, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinWest2, OUTPUT); pinMode(pwmPinEast, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinWest1, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinSouthSway1, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinSouthSway2, OUTPUT); pinMode(pwmPinNorthSway, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinNorthSway2, OUTPUT); pinMode(pwmPinSouthSway, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinNorthSway1, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinSouthUp1, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinSouthUp2, OUTPUT); pinMode(pwmPinNorthUp, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinNorthUp2, OUTPUT); pinMode(pwmPinSouthUp, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPinNorthUp1, OUTPUT); nh.subscribe(subPwmForward); nh.subscribe(subPwmSideward); nh.subscribe(subPwmUpward); nh.subscribe(subPwmTurn); nh.advertise(ps_voltage); Serial.begin(57600); }
ros::Publisher ShapeShifter::advertise(ros::NodeHandle& nh, const std::string& topic, uint32_t queue_size_, bool latch, const ros::SubscriberStatusCallback &connect_cb) const { ros::AdvertiseOptions opts(topic, queue_size_, getMD5Sum(), getDataType(), getMessageDefinition(), connect_cb); opts.latch = latch; return nh.advertise(opts); }
/** * @brief Initializes the gyro/accelerometer and the magnetometer unit of the imu. * As well as the arduino subsystem */ void setup() { Wire.begin(); delay(1500); /********/ /* GYRO */ /********/ gyro.init(); gyro.writeReg(L3G_CTRL_REG4, 0x00); // 245 dps scale gyro.writeReg(L3G_CTRL_REG1, 0x0F); // normal power mode, all axes enabled, 100 Hz //8.75 mdps/LSB /****************/ /* MAGNETOMETER */ /****************/ compass.init(); compass.enableDefault(); compass.writeReg(LSM303::CTRL2, 0x08); // 4 g scale: AFS = 001 //0.122 mg/LSB compass.writeReg(LSM303::CTRL5, 0x10); // Magnetometer Low Resolution 50 Hz //Magnetometer 4 gauss scale : 0.16mgauss/LSB //ROS-TF base frame of the imu_data imu_msg.header.frame_id="base_imu_link"; //Register ROS messages nh.initNode(); nh.advertise(imu_pub); nh.advertise(mag_pub); //starting value for the timer timer=millis(); }
// Note: connector labeled "INPUT" on sonar sensor goes to // digital 1 (bit 0), and connector labeled "OUTPUT" goes to // digital 2 (bit 1). int main() { CQEGpioInt &gpio = CQEGpioInt::GetRef(); volatile unsigned int d; // reset bit 0, set as output for sonar trigger gpio.SetData(0x0000); gpio.SetDataDirection(0x0001); // set callbacks on negative edge for both bits 0 (trigger) // and 1 (echo) gpio.RegisterCallback(0, NULL, callback); gpio.RegisterCallback(1, NULL, callback); gpio.SetInterruptMode(0, QEG_INTERRUPT_NEGEDGE); gpio.SetInterruptMode(1, QEG_INTERRUPT_NEGEDGE); //nh.initNode(); nh.initNode(rosSrvrIp); nh.advertise(sonar1); // trigger sonar by toggling bit 0 while(1) { gpio.SetData(0x0001); for (d=0; d<120000; d++); gpio.SetData(0x0000); sleep(1); // the interrupt breaks us out of this sleep sleep(1); // now really sleep a second sonar1.publish( &range ); nh.spinOnce(); } }
void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: StepMotor.setSpeed(150); pinMode(Button, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(Sensor_Down, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(Sensor_Up, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(EnA, OUTPUT); pinMode(EnB, OUTPUT); nh.initNode(); nh.subscribe(sub); nh.advertise(answer_pub); nh.advertise(switch_pub); if(digitalRead(Button)){ deadman_activated = true; deadman_switch_.data = deadman_activated; deadman_switch_.header.stamp = nh.now(); switch_pub.publish(&deadman_switch_); } else{ deadman_activated = false; deadman_switch_.data = deadman_activated; deadman_switch_.header.stamp = nh.now(); switch_pub.publish(&deadman_switch_); } down(); }
void setup(){ nh.initNode(); nh.advertise(pause_pub); nh.subscribe(rate_sub); pinMode(PAUSE_PIN, INPUT); digitalWrite(PAUSE_PIN, HIGH);//enable pullup pinMode(LIGHT_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LIGHT_PIN, LIGHT_ON); }
void setup() { motor_VFL.attach(MOTOR_VFL_PIN); motor_VFR.attach(MOTOR_VFR_PIN); motor_VBL.attach(MOTOR_VBL_PIN); motor_VBR.attach(MOTOR_VBR_PIN); motor_HFL.attach(MOTOR_HFL_PIN); motor_HFR.attach(MOTOR_HFR_PIN); motor_HBL.attach(MOTOR_HBL_PIN); motor_HBR.attach(MOTOR_HBR_PIN); motor_VFL.writeMicroseconds(STOP_PWM); motor_VFR.writeMicroseconds(STOP_PWM); motor_VBL.writeMicroseconds(STOP_PWM); motor_VBR.writeMicroseconds(STOP_PWM); motor_HFL.writeMicroseconds(STOP_PWM); motor_HFR.writeMicroseconds(STOP_PWM); motor_HBL.writeMicroseconds(STOP_PWM); motor_HBR.writeMicroseconds(STOP_PWM); delay(1000); Wire.begin(); sDepth.init(); sDepth.setFluidDensity(997); pinMode(START_IN_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(STOP_IN_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); nh.initNode(); nh.advertiseService(server2); nh.advertise(pDepth); nh.advertise(pStart); nh.advertise(pStop); nh.advertise(chatter); nh.subscribe(sub); }
void setup() { Wire.begin(); nh.initNode(); nh.subscribe(joint_1_set_setpoint_listener); nh.advertise(joint_1_position_publisher); nh.subscribe(joint_2_set_setpoint_listener); nh.advertise(joint_2_position_publisher); nh.subscribe(joint_3_set_setpoint_listener); nh.advertise(joint_3_position_publisher); joint_1_current_setpoint = 0.0; // Default setpoint joint_1_new_setpoint = 0.0; joint_2_current_setpoint = 0.0; // Default setpoint joint_2_new_setpoint = 0.0; joint_3_current_setpoint = 0.0; // Default setpoint joint_3_new_setpoint = 0.0; }
int main() { // Initialize ADC Interrupts lastTimeInterruptLeft = avr_time_now(); lastTimeInterruptRight = avr_time_now(); out_msg.deltaUmLeft = 0; out_msg.deltaUmRight = 0; // Initialize ROS nh.initNode(); nh.advertise(io_board_out); ros::Subscriber<io_to_board> sub("to_ioboard", &ioboard_cb); nh.subscribe(sub); // Do timed/repeated stuff uint32_t lastTimeOdometry = 0UL; uint32_t lastTimeRake = 0UL; while(1) { // Stop engines and raise rake, if last recieved message is older then 2s // %TODO raise rake if ((lastTimeMessage != 0) && (avr_time_now() - lastTimeMessage > 1000)) { lastTimeMessage = 0; OCR1A = 0x8000; OCR1B = 0x8000; } // Publish odometry all 40ms if (avr_time_now() - lastTimeOdometry > 40) { out_msg.timestamp = avr_time_now(); io_board_out.publish(&out_msg); out_msg.deltaUmLeft = 0; out_msg.deltaUmRight = 0; lastTimeOdometry = avr_time_now(); } nh.spinOnce(); // LUFA functions that need to be called frequently to keep USB alive CDC_Device_USBTask(&Atmega32u4Hardware::VirtualSerial_CDC_Interface); USB_USBTask(); } return 0; }
void setup() { nh.initNode(); nh.advertise(pub_range); range_msg.radiation_type = sensor_msgs::Range::ULTRASOUND; range_msg.header.frame_id = frameid; range_msg.field_of_view = 0.1; // fake range_msg.min_range = 0.0; range_msg.max_range = 6.47; pinMode(8,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(8, LOW); }
void setup() { pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // Set up all of the Digital IO pins. pinMode(pin_leftCutterCheck,INPUT); pinMode(pin_rightCutterCheck,INPUT); pinMode(pin_leftCutterControl,OUTPUT); pinMode(pin_rightCutterControl,OUTPUT); // Turn off the cutters by default digitalWrite(pin_leftCutterControl,LOW); digitalWrite(pin_rightCutterControl,LOW); // Initialize the rear panel LED outputs pinMode(pin_ledHigh,OUTPUT); pinMode(pin_ledMid,OUTPUT); pinMode(pin_ledLow,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pin_ledHigh, LOW); digitalWrite(pin_ledMid, LOW); digitalWrite(pin_ledLow, LOW); temperatureTop.begin(); temperatureBot.begin(); // Make sure we have temperature sensors, if not, set to something // unreasonable. This would be 0 in Alabama. if(!temperatureTop.getAddress(topAddress,0)) { msgStatus.temperature_1 = 0.0; } else { temperatureTop.setResolution(topAddress,9); temperatureTop.setWaitForConversion(false); temperatureTop.requestTemperatures(); } if(!temperatureBot.getAddress(botAddress,0)) { msgStatus.temperature_2 = 0.0; } else { temperatureBot.setResolution(botAddress,9); temperatureBot.setWaitForConversion(false); temperatureBot.requestTemperatures(); } nh.initNode(); nh.advertise(status_pub); nh.advertiseService(cutter_srv); }
int main() { nh.initNode(); nh.advertise(chatter); while (1) { str_msg.data = hello; chatter.publish( &str_msg ); nh.logdebug(debug); nh.loginfo(info); nh.logwarn(warn); nh.logerror(errors); nh.logfatal(fatal); nh.spinOnce(); wait_ms(500); } }
/* * ROS rosserial publisher thread. */ msg_t rosserial_pub_thread(void * arg) { std_msgs::String str_msg; ros::Publisher pub("chatter", &str_msg); (void) arg; chRegSetThreadName("rosserial_pub"); nh.initNode(); nh.advertise(pub); for (;;) { char hello[] = "Hello world!"; str_msg.data = hello; pub.publish(&str_msg); nh.spinOnce(); chThdSleepMilliseconds(500); } return CH_SUCCESS; }
void setup() { nh.initNode(); last_time = nh.now(); current_time = nh.now(); //Serial.begin(38400); //#####delay(1000); rlog = new RosLogger(nh); //#####quadratureEncoder = new QuadratureEncoder(); // lineSensor = new LineSensor(); // lineSensor->calibrate(); nh.advertise(odom_pub); motor = new Motor(nh); /* Motor::Command c; c.direction = Motor::STOP; motor->enqueue(c); c.direction = Motor::BACKWARD; motor->enqueue(c); c.direction = Motor::FORWARD; motor->enqueue(c); c.direction = Motor::STOP; motor->enqueue(c); c.direction = Motor::RIGHT_TURN; motor->enqueue(c); c.direction = Motor::STOP; motor->enqueue(c); c.direction = Motor::BACKWARD; motor->enqueue(c); c.direction = Motor::STOP; motor->enqueue(c); c.direction = Motor::LEFT_TURN; motor->enqueue(c); c.direction = Motor::STOP; motor->enqueue(c); */ nh.subscribe(Motor::sub); while (!nh.connected()) { nh.spinOnce(); } rlog->info("START UP..."); }
int main(void) { SetSysClockTo56(); // ROS nodehandle initialization and topic registration nh.initNode(); nh.advertise(chatter); // Initialize LED GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_Config; RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOB, ENABLE); GPIO_Config.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_5; GPIO_Config.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP; GPIO_Config.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_Config); GPIO_WriteBit(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_5, Bit_RESET); while (1) { // Toggle LED if (GPIO_ReadOutputDataBit(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_5)) GPIO_WriteBit(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_5, Bit_RESET); else GPIO_WriteBit(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_5, Bit_SET); // Publish message to be transmitted. str_msg.data = hello; chatter.publish(&str_msg); // Handle all communications and callbacks. nh.spinOnce(); // Delay for a bit. nh.getHardware()->delay(100); } }
void setup() { hardware.init(); node_handle.subscribe(subscriber); node_handle.advertise(publisher); }
/// <summary> /// Runs the application /// </summary> /// <param name="hInstance">handle to the application instance</param> /// <param name="nCmdShow">whether to display minimized, maximized, or normally</param> /// <returns>WPARAM of final message as int</returns> int CMainWindow::Run(HINSTANCE hInstance, int nCmdShow) { sprintf_s(rosSrvrIp, ""); nh.initNode(rosSrvrIp, port); nh.advertise(sweep_pub); // Create application window if (FAILED(CreateMainWindow(hInstance))) { return 0; } // Create mutexes m_hColorResolutionMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); m_hDepthResolutionMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); m_hColorBitmapMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); m_hDepthBitmapMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); m_hPaintWindowMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); // Initialize default menu options and resolutions InitSettings(GetMenu(m_hWndMain)); // Create bitmaps and fonts CreateStreamInformationFont(); CreateColorImage(); CreateDepthImage(); CreateDepthImagePrev(); // Perform Kinect initialization // If Kinect initialization succeeded, start the event processing thread // that will update the screen with depth and color images if (SUCCEEDED(CreateFirstConnected())) { // Create window processing thread m_hProcessStopEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); m_hProcessThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ProcessThread, this, 0, NULL); NuiSetDeviceStatusCallback( &CMainWindow::StatusProc, this ); } // If Kinect initialization failed, disable the menus else { DisableMenus(); } // Display window ResizeWindow(); ShowWindow(m_hWndMain, nCmdShow); // Main message loop: MSG msg; while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { // Process message TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); nh.spinOnce(); } return static_cast<int>(msg.wParam); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // These following lines are used to Make sure that command lline args are correct if(argc<5) // if number of args are less than 5 { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <socket> <left_motor_port> <right_motor_port> <sensor_port> <hz>" << endl; return 1; } int milliseconds = 100; if(argc==6) milliseconds = 1000/atoi(argv[5]); // cout<<"milliseconds"<<milliseconds; string left_motor_port(argv[2]); string right_motor_port(argv[3]); string sensor_port(argv[4]); // if(left_motor_port<1||left_motor_port>4||right_motor_port<1||right_motor_port>4||left_motor_port==right_motor_port) // { // cerr << "Invalid motor port numbers. Must be 1, 2, 3 or 4 and distinct." << endl; // return 1; // } // TODO: Check if both are of same type left_motor = motor(left_motor_port); right_motor = motor(right_motor_port); s = sensor(sensor_port); if(s.type()!="ev3-uart-30") // sensor object s will not be used hereafter { cerr << "Invalid sensor type. Must be EV3 ultrasonic. Given sensor is of type " << s.type() << endl; return 1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO: Check if both were initialised left_motor.reset(); left_motor.set_position(0); left_motor.set_run_mode("time");// changed from forever mode to time left_motor.set_stop_mode("brake"); left_motor.set_regulation_mode("on"); right_motor.reset(); right_motor.set_position(0); right_motor.set_run_mode("time"); right_motor.set_stop_mode("brake"); right_motor.set_regulation_mode("on"); nav_msgs::Odometry odom_msg;// msg object for the publisher ros::Publisher odom_pub("/robot3/odom"/*topic name*/, &odom_msg); nh.advertise(odom_pub); // advertises that odom_pub is the publisher name tf::TransformBroadcaster odom_broadcaster; //broadcaster msg for the odometry tf::TransformBroadcaster scan_broadcaster; // broadcaster for the ultrasonic sensor nh.subscribe(pose_sub); ros::Time current_time, last_time; current_time = nh.now(); last_time = nh.now(); nh.initNode(argv[1]); odom_broadcaster.init(nh); //nh.advertiseService(server1); nh.advertiseService(server2); while(!nh.connected()) {nh.spinOnce();} // JUST TO KNOW IF THE NODE IS ALIVE cout<<"1. Gostraight service\n2.Trace an arc service"<<endl; while(1) { // check for incoming messages current_time = nh.now(); geometry_msgs::Quaternion odom_quat = tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(t); // odom_quat stores Quaternion cretaed from yaw // cout<<" Calculated quat: "<<endl; //first, we'll publish the transform over tf geometry_msgs::TransformStamped odom_trans;//message object odom_trans.header.stamp = current_time; odom_trans.header.frame_id = map_name;//map_name is just given as map const char base_link_name[18] = "/robot3/base_link"; odom_trans.child_frame_id = base_link_name; // cout<<" constructed header"<<endl; // loading the message object with data odom_trans.transform.translation.x = x; odom_trans.transform.translation.y = y; odom_trans.transform.translation.z = 0.0;// as we are dealing with xy plane odom_trans.transform.rotation = odom_quat;// this is quaternion created from yaw angle t // cout<<" Constructed full message"<<endl; //send the transform odom_broadcaster.sendTransform(odom_trans); //next, we'll publish the odometry message over ROS odom_msg.header.stamp = current_time; odom_msg.header.frame_id = map_name; //set the position odom_msg.pose.pose.position.x = x; odom_msg.pose.pose.position.y = y; odom_msg.pose.pose.position.z = 0.0; odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation = odom_quat; //set the velocity odom_msg.child_frame_id = base_link_name; odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.x = vx; odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.y = 0; odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.z = wt; // cout<<" sizeof "<<sizeof(odom_msg)<<endl; //publish the message odom_pub.publish(&odom_msg); cout<<"Services are being advertised. Waiting for request"<<endl; nh.spinOnce(); sleep(1); } return 0; }
void setup() { hardware.init(); nh.advertise(p); }