Ball(float mX, float mY) { shape.setPosition(mX, mY); shape.setRadius(defRadius); shape.setFillColor(defColor); shape.setOrigin(defRadius, defRadius); }
void Particles::initialize() { int displayxi = int(displayx); int displayyi = int(displayy); int radiusi = int(radius); int wallwidthi = int(wallwidth); srand(time(NULL)); for( int i = 0; i<Nparticles; i++ ) { float tempR = rand() % ((displayyi-24)/2); float tempAngle = rand() % 360; float tempX = -tempR*sin(tempAngle*conv); float tempY = tempR*cos(tempAngle*conv); sf::Vector2f temp(tempX, tempY); sf::Vector2f placeParticles = temp + centerofmap; particles.setPosition( placeParticles ); sf::Vector2f currentParticle = particles.getPosition(); sf::Vector2f tempPos(0,0); sf::Vector2f disVec(0,0); float distance = 0; // Need to check if particles overlap during initialization // if it does overlap, just move it by some amount // We do not need to check if there is just one particle if( i==0 ) { storeParticles.push_back( particles ); } else { for( it = storeParticles.begin(); it != storeParticles.end(); it++ ) { tempPos = (*it).getPosition(); disVec = currentParticle - tempPos; distance = sqrt(pow(disVec.x,2) + pow(disVec.y,2) ); if( distance < 2.2*radius ) deleted++; while( distance < 2.2*radius ){ (particles).setPosition( rand()%(displayxi-2*wallwidthi-3*radiusi)+(wallwidthi+1.5*radiusi), rand()%(displayyi-3*radiusi-2*wallwidthi)+(wallwidthi+1.5*radiusi) ); currentParticle = particles.getPosition(); tempPos = (*it).getPosition(); disVec = currentParticle - tempPos; distance = sqrt(pow(disVec.x,2) + pow(disVec.y,2) ); if( i>=2 ) { for( bit=storeParticles.begin(); bit != it; bit++ ){ tempPos = (*bit).getPosition(); disVec = currentParticle - tempPos; distance = sqrt( pow(disVec.x,2)+pow(disVec.y,2)); if( distance < 2.2*radius ){ (particles).setPosition( rand()%(displayxi-2*wallwidthi-3*radiusi)+(wallwidthi+1.5*radiusi), rand()%(displayyi-3*radiusi-2*wallwidthi)+(wallwidthi+1.5*radiusi) ); } } } } } storeParticles.push_back(particles); } } }
Pong() : gameWindow(sf::VideoMode(600, 480), "Pong") { ball.setFillColor(sf::Color::Cyan); ball.setPosition(100.0, 100.0); ball.setRadius(10.f); p1Paddle.setFillColor(sf::Color::Green); p1Paddle.setPosition(10.0, 100.0); p1Paddle.setSize(sf::Vector2f(10.0, 100.0)); p2Paddle.setFillColor(sf::Color::Red); p2Paddle.setPosition(580.0, 100.0); p2Paddle.setSize(sf::Vector2f(10.0, 100.0)); p1MovingUp = false; p1MovingDown = false; p2MovingUp = false; p2MovingDown = false; ballMovement = sf::Vector2f(ballSpeed, ballSpeed); font.loadFromFile("arial.ttf"); p1ScoreText.setPosition(150, 10); p1ScoreText.setFont(font); p1ScoreText.setString(std::to_string(p1Score)); p1ScoreText.setColor(sf::Color::Red); p1ScoreText.setCharacterSize(24); p2ScoreText.setPosition(450, 10); p2ScoreText.setFont(font); p2ScoreText.setString(std::to_string(p2Score)); p2ScoreText.setColor(sf::Color::Red); p2ScoreText.setCharacterSize(24); }
/* Name: checkCircleCollision Desc: given to circles, it will check to see if they are colliding. Args: p_circle1, the first circle p_circle2, the second circle to check against. Rtrn: bool, if the two are colliding */ bool Game::checkCircleCollision(const sf::CircleShape &p_circle1, const sf::CircleShape &p_circle2) { float xDistance = p_circle1.getPosition().x - p_circle2.getPosition().x; float yDistance = p_circle1.getPosition().y - p_circle2.getPosition().y; return sqrt((xDistance * xDistance) + (yDistance * yDistance)) < p_circle1.getRadius() + p_circle2.getRadius(); }
/* * Mostra na tela os indicadores básicos do jogo: * vidas restantes, HP e pontuação. */ void Jogo::exibeHud() { float x = 0.10 * janela.getSize().x; float y = 0.15 * janela.getSize().y; /* Desenha vidas extras da nave */ static sf::CircleShape losango(20.0, 4); for (int i = 0; i < nave->getVidas(); i++) { double deltaX = 2.5 * losango.getRadius(); losango.setPosition(x + (i * deltaX), y); janela.draw(losango); } /* Desenha caixa da lifebar */ y += 3.0 * losango.getRadius(); static sf::RectangleShape caixa({200.0, 10.0}); caixa.setPosition(x, y); caixa.setFillColor(sf::Color::Blue); janela.draw(caixa); /* Desenha lifebar com parcial do HP */ float k = (float) nave->getHP() / nave->getHPMax(); sf::RectangleShape lifebar({k * caixa.getSize().x, caixa.getSize().y}); lifebar.setPosition(x, y); lifebar.setFillColor(k > 0.25 ? sf::Color::Green : sf::Color::Red); janela.draw(lifebar); /* Imprime pontuação (e, se for o caso, mensagem de pausa) */ y += 2.5 * lifebar.getSize().y; sf::String str = "Score: " + std::to_string(nave->getScore()); if (pausado) str += " (pausa)"; sf::Text texto(str, fonte, 20); texto.setPosition(x, y); janela.draw(texto); }
bool Engine::collisionCircle(sf::FloatRect box1, sf::CircleShape circle) { int d2 = (box1.left-circle.getPosition().x)*(box1.left-circle.getPosition().x) + (*(; if (d2>pow(circle.getRadius(),2)) return false; else return true; }
void ColorPalette::refresh(void) { selected.setFillColor(color); label.setColor(color); label.setString(ColorPalette::interpret(color, str)); rgb_c.setOutlineColor(Utility::Color::getInverseColor(color)); bw_c.setOutlineColor(Utility::Color::getInverseColor(color)); }
void Unit::setPosition(float x, float y) { if(_isLoaded) { _circle.setPosition(x,y); _sprite.setPosition(x,y); } else { _circle.setPosition(x,y); } }
Stone (float x, float y, float a, float b) { velocity.x = x; velocity.y = y; s.setRadius(radius); s.setOrigin(radius,radius); s.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black); s.setPosition(a,b); }
static void init(sf::RenderWindow &window) { window.setMouseCursorVisible(false); window.setVerticalSyncEnabled(true); crosshair.setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 0, 0, 0)); crosshair.setOutlineColor(sf::Color(0, 0, 0)); crosshair.setOutlineThickness(2.0f); srand(static_cast<unsigned>(time(0))); }
void set_circle(sf::CircleShape& circle, const float value, const float norm_radius, const sf::Vector2f& position, const sf::Color& color) { const float radius{sqrt_value_tot_radius(value, norm_radius)}; circle.setRadius(radius); circle.setOrigin(radius, radius); circle.setPosition(position); circle.setFillColor(color); }
// Costruttore: prende come parametri la posizione iniziale // della pallina, sotto forma di due `float`. Ball(float mX, float mY) { // SFML usa un sistema di coordinate avente l'origine // posizionata nell'angolo in alto a sinistra della // finestra. // {Info: coordinate system} shape.setPosition(mX, mY); shape.setRadius(defRadius); shape.setFillColor(defColor); shape.setOrigin(defRadius, defRadius); }
// Draw a ring around the object to show it's selected inline void set_select_state(bool select) { select_state = select; if (select) { circ.setOutlineColor(sf::Color::Green); circ.setOutlineThickness(OBJECT_SIZE/5); } else { circ.setOutlineColor(sf::Color::Black); circ.setOutlineThickness(OBJECT_SIZE/10); } }
Polygons(): _polygons(), __polygonsVect() { _polygons.setRadius(50); _polygons.setFillColor(sf::Color::Red); for(int i = 3; i < 9;i++) { _polygons.setPointCount(i); _polygons.setPosition(100.0 + (i*99) , 200.0); __polygonsVect.push_back(_polygons); } }
void bounceStone(std::vector<Stone>& stones){ sf::Vector2f loc = s.getPosition(); sf::Vector2f stonePos; bool collide = 0; std::vector<sf::Vector2f> Pos; for (int i=0; i<stones.size(); i++){ stonePos = stones[i].s.getPosition(); Pos.push_back(stonePos); } //comparing x and y positions of each stone //determines the distance between the x and y coordinates of each stone for(int i=0; i<Pos.size(); i++){ float d = sqrt(pow((loc.x-Pos[i].x),2)+pow((loc.y-Pos[i].y),2)); if (d<=80 && loc!=Pos[i]){ float newVelX1 = stones[i].velocity.x; float newVelY1 = stones[i].velocity.y; float newVelX2 = velocity.x; float newVelY2 = velocity.y; stones[i].velocity.x = newVelX2; stones[i].velocity.y = newVelY2; velocity.x = newVelX1; velocity.y = newVelY1; } } }
void World::RespawnApple() { _msgCallback("Respawning Apple"); int maxX = _windowSize.x / _blockSize - 2; int maxY = _windowSize.y / _blockSize - 2; _item = sf::Vector2i(rand() % maxX + 1, rand() % maxY + 1); _appleShape.setPosition(_item.x * _blockSize, _item.y * _blockSize); }
void update() { // Le classi shape di SFML hanno un metodo `move` che // prende come parametro un vettore `float` di offset. // {Info: ball movement} shape.move(velocity); }
// We define this function to print the current values that were updated by the on...() functions above. void print() { // Clear the current line std::cout << '\r'; // Print out the orientation. Orientation data is always available, even if no arm is currently recognized. std::cout << '[' << std::string(roll_w, '*') << std::string(18 - roll_w, ' ') << ']' << '[' << std::string(pitch_w, '*') << std::string(18 - pitch_w, ' ') << ']' << '[' << std::string(yaw_w, '*') << std::string(18 - yaw_w, ' ') << ']'<< std::endl; if(color_input == true) { shape.setFillColor(sf::Color((roll_w*10.75), ((270+pitch_w)*10.75), ((90 +yaw_w)*10.75))); } if (onArm) { // Print out the currently recognized pose and which arm Myo is being worn on. // Pose::toString() provides the human-readable name of a pose. We can also output a Pose directly to an // output stream (e.g. std::cout << currentPose;). In this case we want to get the pose name's length so // that we can fill the rest of the field with spaces below, so we obtain it as a string using toString(). std::string poseString = currentPose.toString(); std::cout << '[' << (whichArm == myo::armLeft ? "L" : "R") << ']' << '[' << poseString << std::string(14 - poseString.size(), ' ') << ']'; } else { // Print out a placeholder for the arm and pose when Myo doesn't currently know which arm it's on. std::cout << "[?]" << '[' << std::string(14, ' ') << ']'; } std::cout << std::flush; }
void update() { // We need to keep the ball "inside the window". // The most common (and probably best) way of doing this, and // of dealing with any kind of collision detection, is moving // the object first, then checking if it's intersecting // something. // If the test is positive, we simply respond to the collision // by altering the object's position and/or velocity. // Therefore, we begin by moving the ball. shape.move(velocity); // After the ball has moved, it may be "outside the window". // We need to check every direction and respond by changing // the velocity. // If it's leaving towards the left, we need to set // horizontal velocity to a positive value (towards the right). if(left() < 0) velocity.x = defVelocity; // Otherwise, if it's leaving towards the right, we need to // set horizontal velocity to a negative value (towards the // left). else if(right() > wndWidth) velocity.x = -defVelocity; // The same idea can be applied for top/bottom collisions. if(top() < 0) velocity.y = defVelocity; else if(bottom() > wndHeight) velocity.y = -defVelocity; }
// Atualiza o objeto movendo com a velocidade atual; void update () { shape.move (velocity); // Pra manter a bola dentro da tela, precisamos testar se está nas // extremidades da tela e inverter sua velocidade if (left() < 0 || right() > windowWidth) velocity.x *= -1; if (top() < 0 || bottom() > windowHeight) velocity.y *= -1; }
TestBox(bool isCollidable) : sg::Entity(isCollidable) { r0.setSize(sf::Vector2f(100.0f, 50.0f)); r0.setOrigin(50.0f, 25.0f); this->addDrawable(r0, false); bs.addShape(r0); r1.setRadius(40.0f); r1.setOrigin(40.0f, 40.0f); r1.move(100.0f, 0.0f); r1.scale(2.0f, 1.0f); this->addDrawable(r1, false); bs.addShape(r1); r2.setSize(sf::Vector2f(250.0f, 10.0f)); r2.setOrigin(125.0f, 5.0f); r2.rotate(-90.0f); this->addDrawable(r2, false); bs.addShape(r2); r3.setRadius(40.0f); r3.setOrigin(40.0f, 40.0f); r3.move(-100.0f, 0.0f); this->addDrawable(r3, false); bs.addShape(r3); //bs.rotate(-45.0f); this->addTransformable(bs); //this->rotate(45.0f); }
void update(EntityFixture &fixture, const sf::Time &delta) { playerUpdater->update(delta); velocitiesUpdater->update(delta); walker->update(delta); poseUpdater->update(delta); xformHistorian->update(delta); dot.setPosition(fixture.GetInput().getCursorPosition()); }
void ColorPalette::update(const sf::Time& dt) { if(sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Left)) { double x = Settings::mouse_position.x; double y = Settings::mouse_position.y; if((angular[0]*x+linear[0]-y)<=0 && (angular[1]*x+linear[1]-y)>=0 && (angular[2]*x+linear[2]-y)<=0) { rgb_c.setPosition(x, y); identify(rgb, x, y); refresh(); } else if((angular[3]*x+linear[3]-y)<=0 && (angular[4]*x+linear[4]-y)>=0 && (angular[5]*x+linear[5]-y)>=0) { bw_c.setPosition(x, y); } } }
void Game::update() { posicion_jugable_x = mPlayer.getPosition().x; posicion_jugable_y = mPlayer.getPosition().y; this->movement.y = 0.f; this->movement.x = 0.f; if (this->mIsMovingUp & this->mIsMovingUpRel & (posicion_jugable_y > 0) & movimiento_valido(0, -1)) { this->movement.y -= 50.f; this->mIsMovingUpRel = 0; } if (this->mIsMovingDown & this->mIsMovingDownRel & (posicion_jugable_y < 450) & movimiento_valido(0, 1)) { this->movement.y += 50.f; this->mIsMovingDownRel = 0; } if (this->mIsMovingLeft & this->mIsMovingLeftRel & (posicion_jugable_x > 0) & movimiento_valido(-1, 0)) { this->movement.x -= 50.f; this->mIsMovingLeftRel = 0; } if (this->mIsMovingRight & this->mIsMovingRightRel & (posicion_jugable_x < 650) & movimiento_valido(1, 0)) { this->movement.x += 50.f; this->mIsMovingRightRel = 0; } if(mPlayer.getPosition() == mPlayerObj.getPosition()) { this->mIsMapGenerate = true; Game::generacion_mapa(); } mPlayer.move(this->movement); }
void update(sf::Time timeChange) { sf::Vector2f p1Movement(0, 0); sf::Vector2f p2Movement(0, 0); if (p1MovingUp) p1Movement.y -= paddleSpeed; if (p1MovingDown) p1Movement.y += paddleSpeed; if (p2MovingUp) p2Movement.y -= paddleSpeed; if (p2MovingDown) p2Movement.y += paddleSpeed; p1Paddle.move(p1Movement * timeChange.asSeconds()); p2Paddle.move(p2Movement * timeChange.asSeconds()); // Check collision if (ball.getPosition().y < 0 || ball.getPosition().y > 480){ ballMovement.y *= -1; } if (ball.getGlobalBounds().intersects(p1Paddle.getGlobalBounds()) || ball.getGlobalBounds().intersects(p2Paddle.getGlobalBounds())){ ballMovement.x *= -1; } // Scoring if (ball.getPosition().x > 600){ // P1 scores ball.setPosition(300, 240); p1Score++; p1ScoreText.setString(std::to_string(p1Score)); } else if (ball.getPosition().x < 0){ // P2 scores ball.setPosition(300, 240); p2Score++; p2ScoreText.setString(std::to_string(p2Score)); } ball.move(ballMovement * timeChange.asSeconds()); }
void bounce(){ sf::Vector2f Pos = s.getPosition(); if (Pos.x >= 960 || Pos.x <=40){ velocity.x= -velocity.x; } if (Pos.y >=960 || Pos.y <=40){ velocity.y = -velocity.y; } }
// onPose() is called whenever the Myo detects that the person wearing it has changed their pose, for example, // making a fist, or not making a fist anymore. void onPose(myo::Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, myo::Pose pose) { currentPose = pose; // Vibrate the Myo whenever we've detected that the user has made a fist. if (pose == myo::Pose::waveIn) { myo->vibrate(myo::Myo::vibrationMedium); std::cout << "RGB Colour (" << (float)shape.getFillColor().r << " , " << (float)shape.getFillColor().g << " , " << (float)shape.getFillColor().b << ")" << std::endl; if(color_input == true) { color_input = false; } else { color_input = true; } } else if(pose == myo::Pose::waveOut) { //myo->vibrate(myo::Myo::vibrationMedium); // this proved to be a bit of a distraction INPUT ip; ip.type = INPUT_MOUSE; ip.mi.dx = 0; ip.mi.dy = 0; ip.mi.time = 0.2; ip.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN; SendInput(1, &ip, sizeof(INPUT)); ip.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP; // KEYEVENTF_KEYUP for key release SendInput(1, &ip, sizeof(INPUT)); } else if((pose == myo::Pose::fist)||(pose == myo::Pose::thumbToPinky)) { //myo->vibrate(myo::Myo::vibrationMedium); INPUT ip; ip.type = INPUT_MOUSE; ip.mi.dx = 0; ip.mi.dy = 0; ip.mi.time = 0.2; ip.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN; SendInput(1, &ip, sizeof(INPUT)); ip.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP; // KEYEVENTF_KEYUP for key release SendInput(1, &ip, sizeof(INPUT)); } }
void ColorPalette::plot(const sf::VertexArray& shape) { double l = ColorPalette::dist(shape[0].position.x, shape[0].position.y, shape[1].position.x, shape[1].position.y); double da = l*(color.r)/255; double db = l*(color.g)/255; double x = (linear[1]-linear[2]+da-db)/(angular[2]-angular[1]); double y = angular[1]*x+linear[1]+da; rgb_c.setPosition(x, y); }
cerclesTransparents(): _mesCercles(), __vectCercles() { sf::Vector2u tailleWindow = _window.getSize(); unsigned int hauteur = tailleWindow.y; unsigned int largeur = tailleWindow.x; float rayon = 400; for(int i = 0 ; i < 10; i++) { _mesCercles.setOrigin(rayon, rayon); _mesCercles.setPosition(400,400); _mesCercles.setRadius(rayon); _mesCercles.setFillColor(sf::Color(0.0, 0.0 + (25*i) , 255 - (25*i), 127)); rayon -= 25; __vectCercles.push_back(_mesCercles); } cout << "Taille du vect --> " << __vectCercles.size() << endl; }
void drawParticles(sf::RenderWindow &window, sf::CircleShape &particle_shape, b2ParticleSystem *particle_system) { for(int i = 0; i < particle_system->GetParticleCount(); i++) //loops through all the particles { b2Vec2 pos = particle_system->GetPositionBuffer()[i]; //gets the position of the current particle if( &pos != NULL ) //if the particle exists { particle_shape.setPosition( pos.x, pos.y ); window.draw( particle_shape ); } } }