static void test_failure(skiatest::Reporter* r, const char* src, const char* error) { SkSL::Compiler compiler; SkSL::Program::Settings settings; sk_sp<GrShaderCaps> caps = SkSL::ShaderCapsFactory::Default(); settings.fCaps = caps.get(); compiler.convertProgram(SkSL::Program::kFragment_Kind, SkString(src), settings); SkSL::String skError(error); if (compiler.errorText() != skError) { SkDebugf("SKSL ERROR:\n source: %s\n expected: %s received: %s", src, error, compiler.errorText().c_str()); } REPORTER_ASSERT(r, compiler.errorText() == skError); }
void test(skiatest::Reporter* r, const char* src, type x, type y, type result) { SkSL::Compiler compiler; SkSL::Program::Settings settings; std::unique_ptr<SkSL::Program> program = compiler.convertProgram(SkSL::Program::kCPU_Kind, SkSL::String(src), settings); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, program); if (program) { SkSL::JIT jit(&compiler); std::unique_ptr<SkSL::JIT::Module> module = jit.compile(std::move(program)); type (*test)(type, type) = (type(*)(type, type)) module->getSymbol("test"); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, test(x, y) == result); } else { printf("%s", compiler.errorText().c_str()); } }
static void test(skiatest::Reporter* r, const char* src, SkSL::GLCaps caps, const char* expected) { SkSL::Compiler compiler; std::string output; bool result = compiler.toGLSL(SkSL::Program::kFragment_Kind, src, caps, &output); if (!result) { SkDebugf("Unexpected error compiling %s\n%s", src, compiler.errorText().c_str()); } REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result); if (result) { if (output != expected) { SkDebugf("GLSL MISMATCH:\nsource:\n%s\n\nexpected:\n'%s'\n\nreceived:\n'%s'", src, expected, output.c_str()); } REPORTER_ASSERT(r, output == expected); } }
/** * Very simple standalone executable to facilitate testing. */ int main(int argc, const char** argv) { if (argc != 3) { printf("usage: skslc <input> <output>\n"); exit(1); } SkSL::Program::Kind kind; SkSL::String input(argv[1]); if (input.endsWith(".vert")) { kind = SkSL::Program::kVertex_Kind; } else if (input.endsWith(".frag")) { kind = SkSL::Program::kFragment_Kind; } else if (input.endsWith(".geom")) { kind = SkSL::Program::kGeometry_Kind; } else if (input.endsWith(".fp")) { kind = SkSL::Program::kFragmentProcessor_Kind; } else { printf("input filename must end in '.vert', '.frag', '.geom', or '.fp'\n"); exit(1); } std::ifstream in(argv[1]); std::string stdText((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(in)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()); SkSL::String text(stdText.c_str()); if (in.rdstate()) { printf("error reading '%s'\n", argv[1]); exit(2); } SkSL::Program::Settings settings; settings.fArgs.insert(std::make_pair("gpImplementsDistanceVector", 1)); SkSL::String name(argv[2]); if (name.endsWith(".spirv")) { SkSL::FileOutputStream out(argv[2]); SkSL::Compiler compiler; if (!out.isValid()) { printf("error writing '%s'\n", argv[2]); exit(4); } std::unique_ptr<SkSL::Program> program = compiler.convertProgram(kind, text, settings); if (!program || !compiler.toSPIRV(*program, out)) { printf("%s", compiler.errorText().c_str()); exit(3); } if (!out.close()) { printf("error writing '%s'\n", argv[2]); exit(4); } } else if (name.endsWith(".glsl")) { SkSL::FileOutputStream out(argv[2]); SkSL::Compiler compiler; if (!out.isValid()) { printf("error writing '%s'\n", argv[2]); exit(4); } std::unique_ptr<SkSL::Program> program = compiler.convertProgram(kind, text, settings); if (!program || !compiler.toGLSL(*program, out)) { printf("%s", compiler.errorText().c_str()); exit(3); } if (!out.close()) { printf("error writing '%s'\n", argv[2]); exit(4); } } else if (name.endsWith(".metal")) { SkSL::FileOutputStream out(argv[2]); SkSL::Compiler compiler; if (!out.isValid()) { printf("error writing '%s'\n", argv[2]); exit(4); } std::unique_ptr<SkSL::Program> program = compiler.convertProgram(kind, text, settings); if (!program || !compiler.toMetal(*program, out)) { printf("%s", compiler.errorText().c_str()); exit(3); } if (!out.close()) { printf("error writing '%s'\n", argv[2]); exit(4); } } else if (name.endsWith(".h")) { SkSL::FileOutputStream out(argv[2]); SkSL::Compiler compiler(SkSL::Compiler::kPermitInvalidStaticTests_Flag); if (!out.isValid()) { printf("error writing '%s'\n", argv[2]); exit(4); } settings.fReplaceSettings = false; std::unique_ptr<SkSL::Program> program = compiler.convertProgram(kind, text, settings); if (!program || !compiler.toH(*program, base_name(argv[1], "Gr", ".fp"), out)) { printf("%s", compiler.errorText().c_str()); exit(3); } if (!out.close()) { printf("error writing '%s'\n", argv[2]); exit(4); } } else if (name.endsWith(".cpp")) { SkSL::FileOutputStream out(argv[2]); SkSL::Compiler compiler(SkSL::Compiler::kPermitInvalidStaticTests_Flag); if (!out.isValid()) { printf("error writing '%s'\n", argv[2]); exit(4); } settings.fReplaceSettings = false; std::unique_ptr<SkSL::Program> program = compiler.convertProgram(kind, text, settings); if (!program || !compiler.toCPP(*program, base_name(argv[1], "Gr", ".fp"), out)) { printf("%s", compiler.errorText().c_str()); exit(3); } if (!out.close()) { printf("error writing '%s'\n", argv[2]); exit(4); } } else { printf("expected output filename to end with '.spirv', '.glsl', '.cpp', '.h', or '.metal'"); exit(1); } }