void eval(MonteCarloNode& n) { auto& b = n.board; auto sym = n.orientation; feats.fill(Features()); oriented.fill(Features()); extractFeatures(b,feats); dihedralTranspose(feats,oriented,sym); inVec.clear(); convertToTCNNInput(oriented,inVec); result = &nn.fprop(inVec); std::vector<size_t> inds; inds.assign(n.moves.size(),0); double total = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < n.moves.size(); ++i) { inds[i] = /*IX(n.moves[i]);*/IX(dihedral(n.moves[i],sym)); total += (*result)[inds[i]]; } for(size_t i = 0; i < n.moves.size(); ++i) { n.probabilities[i].store((*result)[inds[i]]/total); } }
void update_ctrlkeys() { SDL_PumpEvents(); ctrlkeys.fill(0); auto r = SDL_GetModState(); if (r & KMOD_RSHIFT) ctrlkeys[0] |= 1; if (r & KMOD_LSHIFT) ctrlkeys[0] |= 2; //if (r & KMOD_SCROLL) // ctrlkeys[0] |= 16; if (r & KMOD_LALT) ctrlkeys[0] |= 16; // relocating this to right alt instead of left alt if (r & KMOD_RALT) ctrlkeys[0] |= 32; if (r & KMOD_CAPS) ctrlkeys[0] |= 64; }
bool Validator::isDisplayable(const Action::Type type) { if (type == Action::Type::anyItem) return true; const auto displayedType = [this](Action::Type t) -> bool & { return displayedType_[static_cast<std::size_t>(t)]; }; if (! checkedType_) { displayedType_.fill(true); for (const QString & name : itemNames_) { if (QFileInfo(commonItemPrefix_ + name).isDir()) { displayedType(Action::Type::file) = false; if (! displayedType(Action::Type::directory)) break; // both file and dir were found. } else { displayedType(Action::Type::directory) = false; if (! displayedType(Action::Type::file)) break; // both file and dir were found. } } checkedType_ = true; } return displayedType(type); }
void Module::registerMembaseFunctions() { sMemArenas.fill(nullptr); RegisterKernelFunction(MEMGetBaseHeapHandle); RegisterKernelFunction(MEMSetBaseHeapHandle); RegisterKernelFunction(MEMGetArena); RegisterKernelFunction(MEMiInitHeapHead); RegisterKernelFunction(MEMiFinaliseHeap); RegisterKernelFunction(MEMFindContainHeap); RegisterKernelFunction(MEMDumpHeap); RegisterKernelDataName("MEMAllocFromDefaultHeap", pMEMAllocFromDefaultHeap); RegisterKernelDataName("MEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx", pMEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx); RegisterKernelDataName("MEMFreeToDefaultHeap", pMEMFreeToDefaultHeap); RegisterInternalFunction(internal::defaultAllocFromDefaultHeap, sDefaultMEMAllocFromDefaultHeap); RegisterInternalFunction(internal::defaultAllocFromDefaultHeapEx, sDefaultMEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx); RegisterInternalFunction(internal::defaultFreeToDefaultHeap, sDefaultMEMFreeToDefaultHeap); RegisterInternalData(sForegroundMemlist); RegisterInternalData(sMEM1Memlist); RegisterInternalData(sMEM2Memlist); }
void clear() { csi = false; state = State::Ground; postfix = '\0'; parms.fill(0); inside.clear(); parm_count = 0; }
explicit InverseAlphabet(std::string const& digits) { map_.fill(-1); int i = 0; for(auto const c : digits) map_[static_cast< unsigned char>(c)] = i++; }
bool hist(cv::Mat img, std::array<unsigned int, 256>& bins) { assert(img.type() == CV_8UC1); bins.fill(0); for(int row = 0; row < img.rows; ++row) { uchar* p = img.ptr(row); for(int col = 0; col < img.cols; ++col) { ++bins[*p++]; //points to each pixel value in turn assuming a CV_8UC1 greyscale image } } return true; }
static bool WipeFile(const string& Name, int TotalPercent, bool& Cancel, ConsoleTitle* DeleteTitle) { bool Result = false; api::SetFileAttributes(Name,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); api::FileWalker WipeFile; if(WipeFile.Open(Name, FILE_READ_DATA|FILE_WRITE_DATA, FILE_SHARE_READ, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT|FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH|FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN)) { const DWORD BufSize=65536; if(WipeFile.InitWalk(BufSize)) { static std::array<BYTE, BufSize> Buf; static bool BufInit = false; if(!BufInit) { Buf.fill(Global->Opt->WipeSymbol); // используем символ заполнитель BufInit = true; } DWORD StartTime=GetTickCount(); do { DWORD Written; WipeFile.Write(Buf.data(), WipeFile.GetChunkSize(), Written); DWORD CurTime=GetTickCount(); if (CurTime-StartTime>(DWORD)Global->Opt->RedrawTimeout) { StartTime=CurTime; if (CheckForEscSilent() && ConfirmAbortOp()) { Cancel=true; return false; } ShellDeleteMsg(Name, DEL_WIPEPROCESS, TotalPercent, WipeFile.GetPercent(), DeleteTitle); } } while(WipeFile.Step()); WipeFile.SetPointer(0,nullptr,FILE_BEGIN); WipeFile.SetEnd(); } WipeFile.Close(); string strTempName; FarMkTempEx(strTempName,nullptr,FALSE); Result = api::MoveFile(Name,strTempName) && api::DeleteFile(strTempName); } return Result; }
void ConfigCache::SaveConfig(const SConfig& config) { valid = true; bCPUThread = config.bCPUThread; bJITFollowBranch = config.bJITFollowBranch; bEnableCheats = config.bEnableCheats; bSyncGPUOnSkipIdleHack = config.bSyncGPUOnSkipIdleHack; bFPRF = config.bFPRF; bAccurateNaNs = config.bAccurateNaNs; bMMU = config.bMMU; m_EnableJIT = config.m_DSPEnableJIT; bSyncGPU = config.bSyncGPU; iSyncGpuMaxDistance = config.iSyncGpuMaxDistance; iSyncGpuMinDistance = config.iSyncGpuMinDistance; fSyncGpuOverclock = config.fSyncGpuOverclock; bFastDiscSpeed = config.bFastDiscSpeed; bDSPHLE = config.bDSPHLE; bHLE_BS2 = config.bHLE_BS2; iSelectedLanguage = config.SelectedLanguage; cpu_core = config.cpu_core; Volume = config.m_Volume; m_EmulationSpeed = config.m_EmulationSpeed; strBackend = config.m_strVideoBackend; sBackend = config.sBackend; m_strGPUDeterminismMode = config.m_strGPUDeterminismMode; m_OCFactor = config.m_OCFactor; m_OCEnable = config.m_OCEnable; std::copy(std::begin(g_wiimote_sources), std::end(g_wiimote_sources), std::begin(iWiimoteSource)); std::copy(std::begin(config.m_SIDevice), std::end(config.m_SIDevice), std::begin(Pads)); std::copy(std::begin(config.m_EXIDevice), std::end(config.m_EXIDevice), std::begin(m_EXIDevice)); bSetEmulationSpeed = false; bSetVolume = false; bSetWiimoteSource.fill(false); bSetPads.fill(false); bSetEXIDevice.fill(false); }
void ConfigCache::SaveConfig(const SConfig& config) { valid = true; bCPUThread = config.bCPUThread; bEnableCheats = config.bEnableCheats; bSyncGPUOnSkipIdleHack = config.bSyncGPUOnSkipIdleHack; bFPRF = config.bFPRF; bAccurateNaNs = config.bAccurateNaNs; bMMU = config.bMMU; bDCBZOFF = config.bDCBZOFF; m_EnableJIT = config.m_DSPEnableJIT; bSyncGPU = config.bSyncGPU; bFastDiscSpeed = config.bFastDiscSpeed; bDSPHLE = config.bDSPHLE; bHLE_BS2 = config.bHLE_BS2; bProgressive = config.bProgressive; bPAL60 = config.bPAL60; iSelectedLanguage = config.SelectedLanguage; iCPUCore = config.iCPUCore; Volume = config.m_Volume; m_EmulationSpeed = config.m_EmulationSpeed; strBackend = config.m_strVideoBackend; sBackend = config.sBackend; m_strGPUDeterminismMode = config.m_strGPUDeterminismMode; m_wii_language = config.m_wii_language; std::copy(std::begin(g_wiimote_sources), std::end(g_wiimote_sources), std::begin(iWiimoteSource)); std::copy(std::begin(config.m_SIDevice), std::end(config.m_SIDevice), std::begin(Pads)); std::copy(std::begin(config.m_EXIDevice), std::end(config.m_EXIDevice), std::begin(m_EXIDevice)); bSetEmulationSpeed = false; bSetVolume = false; bSetWiimoteSource.fill(false); bSetPads.fill(false); bSetEXIDevice.fill(false); }
void Module::initialiseMembase() { sMemArenas.fill(nullptr); MEMInitList(sForegroundMemlist, offsetof(CommonHeap, link)); MEMInitList(sMEM1Memlist, offsetof(CommonHeap, link)); MEMInitList(sMEM2Memlist, offsetof(CommonHeap, link)); CoreInitDefaultHeap(); // TODO: getAddress should not be neccessary here... *pMEMAllocFromDefaultHeap = sDefaultMEMAllocFromDefaultHeap.getAddress(); *pMEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx = sDefaultMEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx.getAddress(); *pMEMFreeToDefaultHeap = sDefaultMEMFreeToDefaultHeap.getAddress(); }
int main( void ) { dm.fill(0); uint16_t max = 0; uint32_t num = 0; for (uint32_t i = 1; i < 1000000; ++i ){ uint16_t v = collatz(i); dm.at(i-1) = v; if (v > max) { max = v; num = i; } } std::cout << num << std::endl; return 0; };
ResultCode FormatConfig() { ResultCode res = DeleteConfigNANDSaveFile(); if (!res.IsSuccess()) return res; // Delete the old data cfg_config_file_buffer.fill(0); // Create the header SaveFileConfig* config = reinterpret_cast<SaveFileConfig*>(cfg_config_file_buffer.data()); // This value is hardcoded, taken from 3dbrew, verified by hardware, it's always the same value config->data_entries_offset = 0x455C; // Insert the default blocks res = CreateConfigInfoBlk(0x00050005, sizeof(STEREO_CAMERA_SETTINGS), 0xE, reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(STEREO_CAMERA_SETTINGS.data())); if (!res.IsSuccess()) return res; res = CreateConfigInfoBlk(0x00090001, sizeof(CONSOLE_UNIQUE_ID), 0xE, reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&CONSOLE_UNIQUE_ID)); if (!res.IsSuccess()) return res; res = CreateConfigInfoBlk(0x000F0004, sizeof(CONSOLE_MODEL), 0x8, reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&CONSOLE_MODEL)); if (!res.IsSuccess()) return res; res = CreateConfigInfoBlk(0x000A0002, sizeof(CONSOLE_LANGUAGE), 0xA, &CONSOLE_LANGUAGE); if (!res.IsSuccess()) return res; res = CreateConfigInfoBlk(0x00070001, sizeof(SOUND_OUTPUT_MODE), 0xE, &SOUND_OUTPUT_MODE); if (!res.IsSuccess()) return res; res = CreateConfigInfoBlk(0x000B0000, sizeof(COUNTRY_INFO), 0xE, reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&COUNTRY_INFO)); if (!res.IsSuccess()) return res; res = CreateConfigInfoBlk(0x000A0000, sizeof(CONSOLE_USERNAME_BLOCK), 0xE, reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&CONSOLE_USERNAME_BLOCK)); if (!res.IsSuccess()) return res; // Save the buffer to the file res = UpdateConfigNANDSavegame(); if (!res.IsSuccess()) return res; return RESULT_SUCCESS; }
void onMessageReceived(const error_code& ec, size_t nrBytes) { auto onMessageReceivedWrapper = [this](const error_code& ec, size_t nrBytes) { this->onMessageReceived(ec, nrBytes); }; cout << "Received " << data_.data() << "\n"; try { socket_.read_some(boost::asio::buffer(data_)); socket_.async_read_some(boost::asio::buffer(data_), onMessageReceivedWrapper); data_.fill(0); } catch(std::exception& e) { cout << e.what() << "\n"; } }
void Module::initialiseMembase() { sSystemHeap = nullptr; sMemArenas.fill(nullptr); sForegroundMemlist = coreinit::internal::sysAlloc<MemoryList>(); MEMInitList(sForegroundMemlist, offsetof(CommonHeap, link)); sMEM1Memlist = coreinit::internal::sysAlloc<MemoryList>(); MEMInitList(sMEM1Memlist, offsetof(CommonHeap, link)); sMEM2Memlist = coreinit::internal::sysAlloc<MemoryList>(); MEMInitList(sMEM2Memlist, offsetof(CommonHeap, link)); CoreInitDefaultHeap(); *pMEMAllocFromDefaultHeap = findExportAddress("internal_defaultAlloc"); *pMEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx = findExportAddress("internal_defaultAllocEx"); *pMEMFreeToDefaultHeap = findExportAddress("internal_defaultFree"); }
void Module::registerMembaseFunctions() { sMemArenas.fill(nullptr); RegisterKernelFunction(MEMGetBaseHeapHandle); RegisterKernelFunction(MEMSetBaseHeapHandle); RegisterKernelFunction(MEMGetArena); RegisterKernelDataName("MEMAllocFromDefaultHeap", pMEMAllocFromDefaultHeap); RegisterKernelDataName("MEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx", pMEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx); RegisterKernelDataName("MEMFreeToDefaultHeap", pMEMFreeToDefaultHeap); RegisterKernelFunction(MEMiInitHeapHead); RegisterKernelFunction(MEMiFinaliseHeap); RegisterKernelFunction(MEMFindContainHeap); RegisterKernelFunction(MEMDumpHeap); // These are default implementations for function pointers, register as exports // so we will have function thunks generated RegisterKernelFunctionName("internal_defaultAlloc", coreinit::internal::defaultAllocFromDefaultHeap); RegisterKernelFunctionName("internal_defaultAllocEx", coreinit::internal::defaultAllocFromDefaultHeapEx); RegisterKernelFunctionName("internal_defaultFree", coreinit::internal::defaultFreeToDefaultHeap); }
void Module::initialiseExceptions() { sExceptionCallbacks.fill(nullptr); }
TrieNode() : nearest_leaf{nullptr}, nearest_leaf_distance{INFu}, ids{nullptr} { children.fill(nullptr); }
Triangle(int a, int b, int c) : v {{a, b, c}} { n.fill(nullptr); }
vector() { elements.fill(T{0}); }
/*! * \brief By default all elements are set to zero. */ Matrix(){ d.fill( T(0.0) ); }
TSTNode() { buckets.fill(0); }
// // Do all command-line argument parsing. This includes building up the work-items // to be processed later, and saving all the command-line options. // // Does not return (it exits) if command-line is fatally flawed. // void ProcessArguments(int argc, char* argv[]) { baseSamplerBinding.fill(0); baseTextureBinding.fill(0); baseImageBinding.fill(0); baseUboBinding.fill(0); ExecutableName = argv[0]; NumWorkItems = argc; // will include some empties where the '-' options were, but it doesn't matter, they'll be 0 Work = new glslang::TWorkItem*[NumWorkItems]; for (int w = 0; w < NumWorkItems; ++w) Work[w] = 0; argc--; argv++; for (; argc >= 1; argc--, argv++) { if (argv[0][0] == '-') { switch (argv[0][1]) { case '-': { std::string lowerword(argv[0]+2); std::transform(lowerword.begin(), lowerword.end(), lowerword.begin(), ::tolower); // handle --word style options if (lowerword == "shift-sampler-bindings" || // synonyms lowerword == "shift-sampler-binding" || lowerword == "ssb") { ProcessBindingBase(argc, argv, baseSamplerBinding); } else if (lowerword == "shift-texture-bindings" || // synonyms lowerword == "shift-texture-binding" || lowerword == "stb") { ProcessBindingBase(argc, argv, baseTextureBinding); } else if (lowerword == "shift-image-bindings" || // synonyms lowerword == "shift-image-binding" || lowerword == "sib") { ProcessBindingBase(argc, argv, baseImageBinding); } else if (lowerword == "shift-ubo-bindings" || // synonyms lowerword == "shift-ubo-binding" || lowerword == "sub") { ProcessBindingBase(argc, argv, baseUboBinding); } else if (lowerword == "auto-map-bindings" || // synonyms lowerword == "auto-map-binding" || lowerword == "amb") { Options |= EOptionAutoMapBindings; } else if (lowerword == "flatten-uniform-arrays" || // synonyms lowerword == "flatten-uniform-array" || lowerword == "fua") { Options |= EOptionFlattenUniformArrays; } else if (lowerword == "no-storage-format" || // synonyms lowerword == "nsf") { Options |= EOptionNoStorageFormat; } else if (lowerword == "source-entrypoint" || // synonyms lowerword == "sep") { sourceEntryPointName = argv[1]; if (argc > 0) { argc--; argv++; } else Error("no <entry-point> provided for --source-entrypoint"); break; } else if (lowerword == "keep-uncalled" || // synonyms lowerword == "ku") { Options |= EOptionKeepUncalled; } else { usage(); } } break; case 'H': Options |= EOptionHumanReadableSpv; if ((Options & EOptionSpv) == 0) { // default to Vulkan Options |= EOptionSpv; Options |= EOptionVulkanRules; Options |= EOptionLinkProgram; } break; case 'V': Options |= EOptionSpv; Options |= EOptionVulkanRules; Options |= EOptionLinkProgram; break; case 'S': shaderStageName = argv[1]; if (argc > 0) { argc--; argv++; } else Error("no <stage> specified for -S"); break; case 'G': Options |= EOptionSpv; Options |= EOptionLinkProgram; // undo a -H default to Vulkan Options &= ~EOptionVulkanRules; break; case 'E': Options |= EOptionOutputPreprocessed; break; case 'c': Options |= EOptionDumpConfig; break; case 'C': Options |= EOptionCascadingErrors; break; case 'd': Options |= EOptionDefaultDesktop; break; case 'D': Options |= EOptionReadHlsl; break; case 'e': // HLSL todo: entry point handle needs much more sophistication. // This is okay for one compilation unit with one entry point. entryPointName = argv[1]; if (argc > 0) { argc--; argv++; } else Error("no <entry-point> provided for -e"); break; case 'h': usage(); break; case 'i': Options |= EOptionIntermediate; break; case 'l': Options |= EOptionLinkProgram; break; case 'm': Options |= EOptionMemoryLeakMode; break; case 'o': binaryFileName = argv[1]; if (argc > 0) { argc--; argv++; } else Error("no <file> provided for -o"); break; case 'q': Options |= EOptionDumpReflection; break; case 'r': Options |= EOptionRelaxedErrors; break; case 's': Options |= EOptionSuppressInfolog; break; case 't': #ifdef _WIN32 Options |= EOptionMultiThreaded; #endif break; case 'v': Options |= EOptionDumpVersions; break; case 'w': Options |= EOptionSuppressWarnings; break; case 'x': Options |= EOptionOutputHexadecimal; break; default: usage(); break; } } else { std::string name(argv[0]); if (! SetConfigFile(name)) { Work[argc] = new glslang::TWorkItem(name); Worklist.add(Work[argc]); } } } // Make sure that -E is not specified alongside linking (which includes SPV generation) if ((Options & EOptionOutputPreprocessed) && (Options & EOptionLinkProgram)) Error("can't use -E when linking is selected"); // -o or -x makes no sense if there is no target binary if (binaryFileName && (Options & EOptionSpv) == 0) Error("no binary generation requested (e.g., -V)"); if ((Options & EOptionFlattenUniformArrays) != 0 && (Options & EOptionReadHlsl) == 0) Error("uniform array flattening only valid when compiling HLSL source."); }
/// Default constructor verify_info() { hist.fill(0); }
/*! * \brief Constructor using a user defined default value to fill the container. * \param value default value */ Matrix(const T& value){ d.fill(value); }
void CEXIMemoryCard::Shutdown() { s_et_cmd_done.fill(nullptr); s_et_transfer_complete.fill(nullptr); }
static void clearBuffers() { labelsBuffer.fill(0); countersBuffer.fill(0); }
node_t() : ends(false) { nexts.fill(nullptr); }
int main(const int argc, const char* argv[]) { ba.fill(string("-")); testApplyVectorLambda(); testApplyVectorMemberFn(); testApplyVectorFunctionPtr(); testApplyListLambda(); testApplyListMemberFn(); testApplyListFunctionPtr(); testApplyTupleLambda(); testApplyTupleMemberFn(); testApplyTupleFunctionPtr(); testApplyMixedTupleGenericFunctor(); testApplyArrayLambda(); testApplyArrayMemberFn(); testApplyArrayFunctionPtr(); testApplyBigArrayLambda(); testApplyBigArrayMemberFn(); testApplyBigArrayFunctionPtr(); testApplyConstVectorLambda(); testApplyConstArrayMemberPtr(); testApplyConstArrayLambda(); testApplyConstArrayMemberPtr(); testApplyMutableVectorLambda(); testApplyMutableVectorMemberPtr(); testApplyMutableArrayLambda(); testApplyMutableArrayMemberPtr(); testMapVectorLambda(); testMapVectorMemberFn(); testMapVectorFunctionPtr(); testMapListLambda(); testMapListMemberFn(); testMapListFunctionPtr(); testMapArrayLambda(); testMapArrayMemberFn(); testMapArrayFunctionPtr(); testMapArrayLambdaExplicitSize(); testMapVector2ListLambda(); testMapList2VectorLambda(); testMapArray2VectorLambda(); testMapArray2ListLambda(); testMapVector2ArrayLambda(); testCurryFunctionPtr(); testCurryLambda(); testUnCurryFunctionPtr(); testUnCurryLambda(); testUnCurryMemberFnNoParam(); testUnCurryMemberFnParam(); auto sum1 = functional::foldr([] (int a, int b) { return a + b; }, 0, v); auto sum2 = functional::foldl([] (int a, int b) { return a + b; }, 0, v); auto sum3 = functional::foldl([] (int a, int b) { return a + b; }, 0, l); auto sum5 = functional::foldr<std::string>(&string::concat, string(), vs); std::cout << sum5 << std::endl; std::cout << typeid(sum5).name() << std::endl; auto sum6 = functional::foldl<std::string>(&string::concat, string(), vs); std::cout << sum6 << std::endl; std::cout << typeid(sum6).name() << std::endl; auto fac1 = functional::foldl([](int a, int b) { return a * b; }, 1, v); std::cout << sum1 << " " << sum2 << " " << sum3 << " " << fac1 << std::endl; auto vs = functional::map([](int a) { return to_string(a); }, v); std::cout << typeid(vs).name() << std::endl; std::cout << typeid(std::vector<std::string>).name() << std::endl; std::vector<std::string> vvs{ "1", "2", "3" }; auto cs = functional::map(&std::string::length, vvs); std::cout << typeid(cs).name() << std::endl; auto ls = functional::map([](int a) { return to_string(a); }, l); std::cout << sum1 << std::endl; std::cout << sum2 << std::endl; std::cout << fac1 << std::endl; std::cout << factorial(4) << std::endl; std::cout << factorial(uint64_t(20)) << std::endl; auto v12 = functional::zip(v, v); auto v1and2 = functional::zipWith([](int a, int b) { return a + b; }, v, v); return 0; }
void init() { values.fill(T(0)); high = true; }