void JustSummoned(Creature* pSummon) { SummonList.push_back(pSummon->GetGUID()); AggroAllPlayers(pSummon); }
void DoSummonGrandChampion(uint32 uiBoss) { ++uiSummonTimes; uint32 VEHICLE_TO_SUMMON1 = 0; uint32 VEHICLE_TO_SUMMON2 = 0; switch(uiBoss) { case 0: VEHICLE_TO_SUMMON1 = VEHICLE_MOKRA_SKILLCRUSHER_MOUNT; VEHICLE_TO_SUMMON2 = VEHICLE_ORGRIMMAR_WOLF; break; case 1: VEHICLE_TO_SUMMON1 = VEHICLE_ERESSEA_DAWNSINGER_MOUNT; VEHICLE_TO_SUMMON2 = VEHICLE_SILVERMOON_HAWKSTRIDER; break; case 2: VEHICLE_TO_SUMMON1 = VEHICLE_RUNOK_WILDMANE_MOUNT; VEHICLE_TO_SUMMON2 = VEHICLE_THUNDER_BLUFF_KODO; break; case 3: VEHICLE_TO_SUMMON1 = VEHICLE_ZUL_TORE_MOUNT; VEHICLE_TO_SUMMON2 = VEHICLE_DARKSPEAR_RAPTOR; break; case 4: VEHICLE_TO_SUMMON1 = VEHICLE_DEATHSTALKER_VESCERI_MOUNT; VEHICLE_TO_SUMMON2 = VEHICLE_FORSAKE_WARHORSE; break; default: return; } if (Creature* pBoss = me->SummonCreature(VEHICLE_TO_SUMMON1,SpawnPosition)) { switch(uiSummonTimes) { case 1: { uiVehicle1GUID = pBoss->GetGUID(); uint64 uiGrandChampionBoss1 = 0; if (Creature* pBoss = Unit::GetCreature(*me, uiVehicle1GUID)) if (Vehicle* pVehicle = pBoss->GetVehicleKit()) if (Unit* pUnit = pVehicle->GetPassenger(0)) uiGrandChampionBoss1 = pUnit->GetGUID(); if (pInstance) { pInstance->SetData64(DATA_GRAND_CHAMPION_VEHICLE_1,uiVehicle1GUID); pInstance->SetData64(DATA_GRAND_CHAMPION_1,uiGrandChampionBoss1); } pBoss->AI()->SetData(1,0); break; } case 2: { uiVehicle2GUID = pBoss->GetGUID(); uint64 uiGrandChampionBoss2 = 0; if (Creature* pBoss = Unit::GetCreature(*me, uiVehicle2GUID)) if (Vehicle* pVehicle = pBoss->GetVehicleKit()) if (Unit* pUnit = pVehicle->GetPassenger(0)) uiGrandChampionBoss2 = pUnit->GetGUID(); if (pInstance) { pInstance->SetData64(DATA_GRAND_CHAMPION_VEHICLE_2,uiVehicle2GUID); pInstance->SetData64(DATA_GRAND_CHAMPION_2,uiGrandChampionBoss2); } pBoss->AI()->SetData(2,0); break; } case 3: { uiVehicle3GUID = pBoss->GetGUID(); uint64 uiGrandChampionBoss3 = 0; if (Creature* pBoss = Unit::GetCreature(*me, uiVehicle3GUID)) if (Vehicle* pVehicle = pBoss->GetVehicleKit()) if (Unit* pUnit = pVehicle->GetPassenger(0)) uiGrandChampionBoss3 = pUnit->GetGUID(); if (pInstance) { pInstance->SetData64(DATA_GRAND_CHAMPION_VEHICLE_3,uiVehicle3GUID); pInstance->SetData64(DATA_GRAND_CHAMPION_3,uiGrandChampionBoss3); } pBoss->AI()->SetData(3,0); break; } default: return; } for (uint8 i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (Creature* pAdd = me->SummonCreature(VEHICLE_TO_SUMMON2,SpawnPosition,TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_DESPAWN)) { switch(uiSummonTimes) { case 1: Champion1List.push_back(pAdd->GetGUID()); break; case 2: Champion2List.push_back(pAdd->GetGUID()); break; case 3: Champion3List.push_back(pAdd->GetGUID()); break; } switch(i) { case 0: pAdd->GetMotionMaster()->MoveFollow(pBoss,2.0f,M_PI); break; case 1: pAdd->GetMotionMaster()->MoveFollow(pBoss,2.0f,M_PI / 2); break; case 2: pAdd->GetMotionMaster()->MoveFollow(pBoss,2.0f,M_PI / 2 + M_PI); break; } } } } }
void Inventory::MarkDirty(ItemInst *inst) { if(inst) { dirty_inst.push_back(inst); } }
void processTree() { TriSet::iterator tit; ClassMap::iterator cit, cit2; int c, cOld; NTriangulation* t; for (NPacket* p = tree; p; p = p->nextTreePacket()) if (p->type() == PACKET_TRIANGULATION) { // A triangulation to process. t = static_cast<NTriangulation*>(p); fprintf(stderr, "Processing %s ...\n", t->label().c_str()); nTris++; nonMin = false; orig = static_cast<NTriangulation*>(p); equivs.clear(); equivs.insert(orig); tryMovesUp(orig, argUp); if (nonMin) { allNonMin.push_back(orig); nNonMin++; continue; } // In equivs we now have a list of all triangulations // equivalent to orig. // Is this an equivalence class we're already seen? for (tit = equivs.begin(); tit != equivs.end(); tit++) { cit = eClass.find(*tit); if (cit != eClass.end()) break; } if (tit != equivs.end()) { // We found an equivalence class. Insert everything we // haven't seen yet, and merge the classes of everything // we have. c = cit->second; for (tit = equivs.begin(); tit != equivs.end(); tit++) { cit = eClass.find(*tit); if (cit == eClass.end()) eClass.insert(std::make_pair(*tit, c)); else if (cit->second != c) { // Merge the two equivalence classes. cOld = cit->second; for (cit = eClass.begin(); cit != eClass.end(); cit++) if (cit->second == cOld) cit->second = c; nClasses--; } } } else { // No such equivalence class. Insert everything. c = nextClass++; for (tit = equivs.begin(); tit != equivs.end(); tit++) eClass.insert(std::make_pair(*tit, c)); nClasses++; } } // Finished progress reporting. fprintf(stderr, "\n"); // Write the summary of results. if (! allNonMin.empty()) { printf("NON-MINIMAL TRIANGULATIONS:\n\n"); for (std::list<NTriangulation*>::const_iterator it = allNonMin.begin(); it != allNonMin.end(); it++) printf(" %s\n", (*it)->label().c_str()); printf("\n"); } if (nClasses) { printf("EQUIVALENCE CLASSES:\n\n"); if (outFile) { newTree = new NContainer(); newTree->setLabel("Equivalence Classes"); } int classNum = 1; std::string className; NContainer* classCnt = 0; for (cit = eClass.begin(); cit != eClass.end(); cit++) if (cit->second >= 0) { // The first triangulation of a new equivalence class. c = cit->second; std::ostringstream s; s << "Class " << classNum << " : " << cit->first->homology().str(); className = s.str(); classNum++; printf("%s\n\n", className.c_str()); if (outFile) { classCnt = new NContainer(); classCnt->setLabel(className); newTree->insertChildLast(classCnt); } // Find the triangulations in this class, and erase the // class as we go. for (cit2 = cit; cit2 != eClass.end(); cit2++) if (cit2->second == c) { printf(" %s\n", cit2->first->label().c_str()); if (outFile) { t = new NTriangulation(*(cit2->first)); t->setLabel(cit2->first->label()); classCnt->insertChildLast(t); } cit2->second = -1; } printf("\n"); } } printf("Final statistics:\n"); printf(" Triangulations read: %ld\n", nTris); printf(" Equivalence classes: %ld\n", nClasses); printf(" New triangulations: %ld\n", nNew); printf(" Non-minimal triangulations: %ld\n", nNonMin); }
void SetGUID(uint64 const guid, int32 id/* = 0 */) { if (id == DATA_INTENSE_COLD) intenseColdList.push_back(guid); }
void RTLInstDict::fixupParamsSub( std::string s, std::list<std::string>& funcParams, bool& haveCount, int mark ) { ParamEntry ¶m = DetParamMap[s]; if ( param.params.size() == 0 ) { std::cerr << "Error in SSL File: Variant operand " << s << " has no branches. Well that's really useful...\n"; return; } if ( param.mark == mark ) return; /* Already seen this round. May indicate a cycle, but may not */ param.mark = mark; for ( std::list<std::string>::iterator it = param.params.begin(); it != param.params.end(); it++ ) { ParamEntry &sub = DetParamMap[*it]; if (sub.kind == PARAM_VARIANT ) { fixupParamsSub(*it, funcParams, haveCount, mark ); if (!haveCount) { /* Empty branch? */ continue; } } else if (!haveCount ) { haveCount = true; char buf[10]; for (unsigned i=1; i <= sub.funcParams.size(); i++ ) { sprintf( buf, "__lp%d", i ); funcParams.push_back(buf); } } if (funcParams.size() != sub.funcParams.size() ) { std::cerr << "Error in SSL File: Variant operand " << s << " does not have a fixed number of functional " "parameters:\n" << "Expected " << funcParams.size() << ", but branch " << *it << " has " << sub.funcParams.size() << ".\n"; } else if (funcParams != sub.funcParams && sub.asgn != NULL ) { /* Rename so all the parameter names match */ std::list<std::string>::iterator i,j; for ( i = funcParams.begin(), j = sub.funcParams.begin(); i != funcParams.end(); i++, j++ ) { Exp* match = Location::param(j->c_str()); Exp* replace = Location::param(i->c_str()); sub.asgn->searchAndReplace( match, replace ); } sub.funcParams = funcParams; } } // if( param.funcParams.size() != funcParams.size() ) // theSemTable.setItem( n, cFUNCTION, 0, 0, funcParams.size(), // theSemTable[n].sName.c_str() ); param.funcParams = funcParams; }
void SetTarget(std::list<WorldObject*>& targets) { targets.clear(); if (_target) targets.push_back(_target); }
void cnx_dolink(bt_session_cnx_t *cnx) throw() { cnx_db.push_back(cnx); }
void JustSummoned(Creature* summoned) { lDwarfGUIDList.push_back(summoned->GetGUID()); summoned->AddThreat(me, 0.0f); summoned->AI()->AttackStart(me); }
void LineAccumulator::new_line() { //std::cerr << "NEW LINE" << std::endl; Line line; m_lines.push_back(line); }
void swarm_dolink(bt_swarm_t *swarm) throw() { swarm_db.push_back(swarm); }
int AStarPathFind::PathFind(int nStartX, int nStartY, int nEndX, int nEndY, std::list<Point>& oListPath) { if (m_poMapConf == NULL) { return -1; } nStartX = XMath::Max(0, XMath::Min(nStartX, (int)m_poMapConf->nPixelWidth - 1)); nStartY = XMath::Max(0, XMath::Min(nStartY, (int)m_poMapConf->nPixelHeight - 1)); nEndX = XMath::Max(0, XMath::Min(nEndX, (int)m_poMapConf->nPixelWidth - 1)); nEndY = XMath::Max(0, XMath::Min(nEndY , (int)m_poMapConf->nPixelHeight - 1)); int nSX = nStartX / gnUnitWidth; int nSY = nStartY / gnUnitHeight; int nEX = nEndX / gnUnitWidth; int nEY = nEndY / gnUnitHeight; if (nSX == nEX && nSY == nEY) { return -2; } if (!CanWalk(nSX, nSY) || !CanWalk(nEX, nEY)) { return -3; } m_uSearchVersion++; ASTAR_NODE* pNode = GetNode(nSX, nSY); ASTAR_NODE* pEnd = GetNode(nEX, nEY); if (pNode == NULL || pEnd == NULL) { return -4; } m_OpenedList.Clear(); pNode->bOpened = true; m_OpenedList.Push(pNode); static int tDir[8][2] = { { -1, 1 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, -1 }, { 0, 1 }, { 0, -1 }, { 1, 1 }, { 1, 0 }, { 1, -1 } }; while (!pEnd->bClosed && m_OpenedList.Size() > 0) { pNode = m_OpenedList.Min(); m_OpenedList.Remove(pNode); pNode->bOpened = false; pNode->bClosed = true; ASTAR_NODE* pTmpNode = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int nX = pNode->nX + tDir[i][0]; int nY = pNode->nY + tDir[i][1]; pTmpNode = GetNode(nX, nY); if (pTmpNode == NULL || !CanWalk(nX, nY)) { continue; } if (!CanDiagonalWalk(pNode, pTmpNode)) { continue; } int nG = pNode->nG + GetG(pNode->nX, pNode->nY, pTmpNode->nX, pTmpNode->nY); int nH = GetH(pTmpNode->nX, pTmpNode->nY, pEnd->nX, pEnd->nY); int nF = nG + nH; if (pTmpNode->bOpened || pTmpNode->bClosed) { if (pTmpNode->nKey > nF) { pTmpNode->nG = nG; pTmpNode->nH = nH; pTmpNode->nKey = nF; pTmpNode->pParent = pNode; if (pTmpNode->bOpened) { m_OpenedList.Update(pTmpNode); } } } else { pTmpNode->nG = nG; pTmpNode->nH = nH; pTmpNode->nKey = nF; pTmpNode->pParent = pNode; m_OpenedList.Push(pTmpNode); pTmpNode->bOpened = true; } } } if (!pEnd->bClosed) { return -5; } m_oTmpListPath.clear(); ASTAR_NODE* pTarNode = pNode; //XLog(LEVEL_DEBUG,"Robot path0:"); while (pTarNode != NULL) { ASTAR_POINT oASPos; oASPos.nX = pTarNode->nX; oASPos.nY = pTarNode->nY; //XLog(LEVEL_DEBUG, "[%d,%d] ", oASPos.nX, 35 - oASPos.nY); m_oTmpListPath.push_front(oASPos); pTarNode = pTarNode->pParent; } //XLog(LEVEL_DEBUG,"\n"); if (m_oTmpListPath.size() > 2) { Floyd(m_oTmpListPath); } ASLITER iter = m_oTmpListPath.begin(); ASLITER iter_end = m_oTmpListPath.end(); //XLog(LEVEL_DEBUG,"Robot path1:"); for (; iter != iter_end; iter++) { ASTAR_POINT& oPos = *iter; int nPosX = (int)((oPos.nX + 0.5f) * gnUnitWidth); int nPosY = (int)((oPos.nY + 0.5f) * gnUnitHeight); oListPath.push_back(Point(nPosX, nPosY)); //XLog(LEVEL_DEBUG,"[%d,%d](%d,%d) ", nPosX, nPosY, oPos.nX, 35-oPos.nY); } //XLog(LEVEL_DEBUG,"\n"); return 0; }
void StatsD::ParseMetrics( std::string const &stats_metrics_string, char const *param_name, std::list< classad::ClassAd * > &stats_metrics ) { // Parse a list of metrics. The expected syntax is // a list of ClassAds, optionally delimited by commas and or // whitespace. int offset = 0; while(1) { if(offset >= (int)stats_metrics_string.size()) break; int this_offset = offset; //save offset before eating an ad. std::string error_msg; classad::ClassAdParser parser; classad::ClassAd *ad = new classad::ClassAd; bool failed = false; if(!parser.ParseClassAd(stats_metrics_string,*ad,offset)) { int final_offset = this_offset; std::string final_stats_metrics_string = stats_metrics_string; final_stats_metrics_string += "\n[]"; // add an empty ClassAd if(parser.ParseClassAd(final_stats_metrics_string,*ad,final_offset)) { // There must have been some trailing whitespace or // comments after the last ClassAd, so the only reason // ParseClassAd() failed was because there was no ad. // Therefore, we are done. delete ad; break; } failed = true; } if( failed ) { EXCEPT("CONFIGURATION ERROR: error in metrics defined in %s: %s, for entry starting here: %.80s\n", param_name,error_msg.c_str(),stats_metrics_string.c_str() + this_offset); } classad::ClassAd *ad2 = new ClassAd(m_default_metric_ad); ad2->Update(*ad); delete ad; ad = ad2; int verbosity = 0; ad->EvaluateAttrInt(ATTR_VERBOSITY,verbosity); if( verbosity > m_verbosity ) { delete ad; continue; } // for efficient queries to the collector, keep track of // which type of ads we need std::string target_type; ad->EvaluateAttrString(ATTR_TARGET_TYPE,target_type); if( target_type.empty() ) { classad::ClassAdUnParser unparser; std::string ad_str; unparser.Unparse(ad_str,ad); EXCEPT("CONFIGURATION ERROR: no target type specified for metric defined in %s: %s\n", param_name, ad_str.c_str()); } StringList target_types(target_type.c_str()); m_target_types.create_union(target_types,true); stats_metrics.push_back(ad); } }
void TemplateSimplifier::expandTemplate( TokenList& tokenlist, const Token *tok, const std::string &name, std::vector<const Token *> &typeParametersInDeclaration, const std::string &newName, std::vector<const Token *> &typesUsedInTemplateInstantiation, std::list<Token *> &templateInstantiations) { for (const Token *tok3 = tokenlist.front(); tok3; tok3 = tok3->next()) { if (tok3->str() == "{" || tok3->str() == "(" || tok3->str() == "[") tok3 = tok3->link(); // Start of template.. if (tok3 == tok) { tok3 = tok3->next(); } // member function implemented outside class definition else if (TemplateSimplifier::instantiateMatch(tok3, name, typeParametersInDeclaration.size(), ":: ~| %var% (")) { tokenlist.addtoken(newName.c_str(), tok3->linenr(), tok3->fileIndex()); while (tok3->str() != "::") tok3 = tok3->next(); } // not part of template.. go on to next token else continue; int indentlevel = 0; std::stack<Token *> brackets; // holds "(", "[" and "{" tokens for (; tok3; tok3 = tok3->next()) { if (tok3->isName()) { // search for this token in the type vector unsigned int itype = 0; while (itype < typeParametersInDeclaration.size() && typeParametersInDeclaration[itype]->str() != tok3->str()) ++itype; // replace type with given type.. if (itype < typeParametersInDeclaration.size()) { unsigned int typeindentlevel = 0; for (const Token *typetok = typesUsedInTemplateInstantiation[itype]; typetok && (typeindentlevel>0 || !Token::Match(typetok, ",|>|>>")); typetok = typetok->next()) { if (Token::Match(typetok, "%var% <") && templateParameters(typetok->next()) > 0) ++typeindentlevel; else if (typeindentlevel > 0 && typetok->str() == ">") --typeindentlevel; else if (typeindentlevel > 0 && typetok->str() == ">>") { if (typeindentlevel == 1) break; typeindentlevel -= 2; } tokenlist.addtoken(typetok, tok3->linenr(), tok3->fileIndex()); } continue; } } // replace name.. if (Token::Match(tok3, (name + " !!<").c_str())) { tokenlist.addtoken(newName.c_str(), tok3->linenr(), tok3->fileIndex()); continue; } // copy tokenlist.addtoken(tok3, tok3->linenr(), tok3->fileIndex()); if (Token::Match(tok3, "%type% <")) { //if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok3, (name + " <").c_str())) //done = false; templateInstantiations.push_back(tokenlist.back()); } // link() newly tokens manually else if (tok3->str() == "{") { brackets.push(tokenlist.back()); indentlevel++; } else if (tok3->str() == "(") { brackets.push(tokenlist.back()); } else if (tok3->str() == "[") { brackets.push(tokenlist.back()); } else if (tok3->str() == "}") { assert(brackets.empty() == false && brackets.top()->str() == "{"); Token::createMutualLinks(brackets.top(), tokenlist.back()); brackets.pop(); if (indentlevel <= 1 && brackets.empty()) { // there is a bug if indentlevel is 0 // the "}" token should only be added if indentlevel is 1 but I add it always intentionally // if indentlevel ever becomes 0, cppcheck will write: // ### Error: Invalid number of character { break; } --indentlevel; } else if (tok3->str() == ")") { assert(brackets.empty() == false && brackets.top()->str() == "("); Token::createMutualLinks(brackets.top(), tokenlist.back()); brackets.pop(); } else if (tok3->str() == "]") { assert(brackets.empty() == false && brackets.top()->str() == "["); Token::createMutualLinks(brackets.top(), tokenlist.back()); brackets.pop(); } } assert(brackets.empty()); } }
// return number of faces and score void detectFaces(const CxImage& img, std::list <Face>& lFaces, int nRot) { if (cascade_el == NULL || cascade_er == NULL || cascade_f == NULL || cascade_m == NULL || cascade_n == NULL) init(); CxImage imgRotated (img); imgRotated.Rotate180(); IplImage *pIplImage = cvCreateImageHeader (cvSize (img.GetWidth(), img.GetHeight()), 8, img.GetBpp() / 8); pIplImage->imageDataOrigin = (char*)imgRotated.GetDIB(); pIplImage->imageData = (char*)imgRotated.GetBits(); CvMemStorage *storage; /* setup memory storage, needed by the object detector */ storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); assert(cascade_f && cascade_el && cascade_er && cascade_m && cascade_n && storage); /* haar detection for faces */ CvSeq *pFaces = cvHaarDetectObjects( pIplImage, cascade_f, storage, 1.2, 2, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, cvSize( 40, 40 ) ); if (pFaces->total == 0) return; CvSeq seqFaces (*pFaces); list <CvRect> lrFaces; for(int idxFace = 0; idxFace < seqFaces.total; idxFace++ ) { CvRect *r = (CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem(&seqFaces, idxFace); if (r) lrFaces.push_back (*r); } /* haar detection for eyes */ list<pair <RECT, RECT>> lpairEyes; detect_eyes (storage, pIplImage, lpairEyes); /* haar detection for mouths */ list<RECT> lMouths; detect_mouths (storage, pIplImage, lMouths); /* haar detection for noses */ list<RECT> lNoses; detect_noses (storage, pIplImage, lNoses); for(list <CvRect>::iterator itFace = lrFaces.begin(); itFace != lrFaces.end(); ++itFace) { CvRect r (*itFace); CvRect rFace (*itFace); rFace.x = img.GetWidth() - r.x - r.width; rFace.y = img.GetHeight() - r.y - r.height; RECT rcFace; rcFace.left = img.GetWidth() - r.x - r.width - 10; rcFace.right = img.GetWidth() - r.x + 10; rcFace.top = img.GetHeight() - r.y - r.height - 10; rcFace.bottom = img.GetHeight() - r.y + 10; /* detect current eyes */ pair <RECT, RECT> pairEyes; match_eyes_with_face (lpairEyes, rFace, pairEyes); /* detect current mouth */ RECT rcMouth; match_mouths_with_face (lMouths, rFace, pairEyes, rcMouth); /* detect current nose */ RECT rcNose; match_noses_with_face (lNoses, rFace, pairEyes, rcMouth, rcNose); lFaces.push_back (Face (rcFace, pairEyes, rcMouth, rcNose, nRot)); } Face::adjustRectFaces(lFaces); cvReleaseMemStorage (&storage); cvReleaseImageHeader (&pIplImage); }
void FilterTargets(std::list<Unit*>& unitList) { unitList.remove_if(PactOfTheDarkfallenCheck(true)); unitList.push_back(GetCaster()); }
void detect_eyes(CvMemStorage *storage, IplImage* img, std::list <std::pair <RECT, RECT>>& lpairEyes) { /* reset buffer for the next object detection */ cvClearMemStorage (storage); /* Detect objects */ CvSeq* pEyesLeft = cvHaarDetectObjects( img, cascade_el, storage, 1.2, 2, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, cvSize(40, 20) ); CvSeq cvSeqEyeLeft (*pEyesLeft); cvClearMemStorage (storage); CvSeq* pEyesRight = cvHaarDetectObjects( img, cascade_er, storage, 1.2, 2, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, cvSize(40, 20) ); CvSeq cvSeqEyeRight (*pEyesRight); std::list <CvRect*> lRectsEyeLeft; for(int i = 0; i < (pEyesLeft ? pEyesLeft->total : 0); i++ ) { bool bFound = false; CvRect* pRc = (CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem(&cvSeqEyeLeft, i); if (!pRc) continue; for(std::list <CvRect*>::iterator itEye = lRectsEyeLeft.begin(); itEye != lRectsEyeLeft.end(); ++itEye){ RECT rcInt; rcInt.left = max ((int)(*itEye)->x, (int)pRc->x); rcInt.top = max ((int)(*itEye)->y, (int)pRc->y); rcInt.right = min ((int)((*itEye)->x + (*itEye)->width), (int)(pRc->x + pRc->width)); rcInt.bottom = min ((int)((*itEye)->y + (*itEye)->height), (int)(pRc->y + pRc->height)); if ((rcInt.left < rcInt.right) && (rcInt.top < rcInt.bottom)){ bFound = true; break; } } if (!bFound) lRectsEyeLeft.push_back (pRc); } std::list <CvRect*> lRectsEyeRight; for(int i = 0; i < (pEyesRight ? pEyesRight->total : 0); i++ ) { bool bFound = false; CvRect* pRc = (CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem(&cvSeqEyeRight, i); if (!pRc) continue; for(std::list <CvRect*>::iterator itEye = lRectsEyeRight.begin(); itEye != lRectsEyeRight.end(); ++itEye){ RECT rcInt; rcInt.left = max ((int)(*itEye)->x, (int)pRc->x); rcInt.top = max ((int)(*itEye)->y, (int)pRc->y); rcInt.right = min ((int)((*itEye)->x + (*itEye)->width), (int)(pRc->x + pRc->width)); rcInt.bottom = min ((int)((*itEye)->y + (*itEye)->height), (int)(pRc->y + pRc->height)); if ((rcInt.left < rcInt.right) && (rcInt.top < rcInt.bottom)){ bFound = true; break; } } if (!bFound) lRectsEyeRight.push_back (pRc); } RECT rcNo = {-1,-1,-1,-1}; for(std::list <CvRect*>::iterator itEyeLeft = lRectsEyeLeft.begin(); itEyeLeft != lRectsEyeLeft.end(); ++itEyeLeft){ CvRect* rl = *itEyeLeft; RECT rcEyeLeft = rcNo; RECT rcEyeRight = rcNo; for(std::list <CvRect*>::iterator itEyeRight = lRectsEyeRight.begin(); itEyeRight != lRectsEyeRight.end(); ++itEyeRight){ CvRect* rr = *itEyeRight; if (eye_match(rl,rr)){ rcEyeLeft.left = img->width - rl->x - rl->width; rcEyeLeft.right = img->width - rl->x; rcEyeLeft.top = img->height - rl->y - rl->height; rcEyeLeft.bottom = img->height - rl->y; rcEyeRight.left = img->width - rr->x - rr->width; rcEyeRight.right = img->width - rr->x; rcEyeRight.top = img->height - rr->y - rr->height; rcEyeRight.bottom = img->height - rr->y; lpairEyes.push_back(pair<RECT,RECT> (rcEyeLeft, rcEyeRight)); } else if (eye_match(rr,rl)){ rcEyeLeft.left = img->width - rl->x - rl->width; rcEyeLeft.right = img->width - rl->x; rcEyeLeft.top = img->height - rl->y - rl->height; rcEyeLeft.bottom = img->height - rl->y; rcEyeRight.left = img->width - rr->x - rr->width; rcEyeRight.right = img->width - rr->x; rcEyeRight.top = img->height - rr->y - rr->height; rcEyeRight.bottom = img->height - rr->y; lpairEyes.push_back(pair<RECT,RECT> (rcEyeLeft, rcEyeRight)); } else{ rcEyeLeft.left = img->width - rl->x - rl->width; rcEyeLeft.right = img->width - rl->x; rcEyeLeft.top = img->height - rl->y - rl->height; rcEyeLeft.bottom = img->height - rl->y; rcEyeRight = rcNo; } } if ((rcEyeRight.left == rcNo.left) && (rcEyeRight.right == rcNo.right) && (rcEyeRight.top == rcNo.top) && (rcEyeRight.bottom == rcNo.bottom)) lpairEyes.push_back(pair<RECT,RECT> (rcEyeLeft, rcEyeRight)); } for(std::list <CvRect*>::iterator itEye = lRectsEyeRight.begin(); itEye != lRectsEyeRight.end(); ++itEye){ RECT rcEyeRight; rcEyeRight.left = img->width - (*itEye)->x - (*itEye)->width; rcEyeRight.right = img->width - (*itEye)->x; rcEyeRight.top = img->height - (*itEye)->y - (*itEye)->height; rcEyeRight.bottom = img->height - (*itEye)->y; lpairEyes.push_back(pair<RECT,RECT> (rcNo, rcEyeRight)); } }
void RetroshareDirModel::getFilePaths(const QModelIndexList &list, std::list<std::string> &fullpaths) { #ifdef RDM_DEBUG std::cerr << "RetroshareDirModel::getFilePaths()" << std::endl; #endif if (RemoteMode) { #ifdef RDM_DEBUG std::cerr << "No File Paths for remote files" << std::endl; #endif return; } /* translate */ QModelIndexList::const_iterator it; for(it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); it++) { void *ref = it -> internalPointer(); DirDetails details; uint32_t flags = DIR_FLAGS_DETAILS; flags |= DIR_FLAGS_LOCAL; if (!requestDirDetails(ref, details, flags)) { #ifdef RDM_DEBUG std::cerr << "getFilePaths() Bad Request" << std::endl; #endif continue; } if (details.type != DIR_TYPE_FILE) { #ifdef RDM_DEBUG std::cerr << "getFilePaths() Not File" << std::endl; #endif continue; /* not file! */ } #ifdef RDM_DEBUG std::cerr << "::::::::::::File Details:::: " << std::endl; std::cerr << "Name: " << details.name << std::endl; std::cerr << "Hash: " << details.hash << std::endl; std::cerr << "Size: " << details.count << std::endl; std::cerr << "Path: " << details.path << std::endl; #endif std::string filepath = details.path + "/"; filepath += details.name; #ifdef RDM_DEBUG std::cerr << "Constructed FilePath: " << filepath << std::endl; #endif if (fullpaths.end() == std::find(fullpaths.begin(), fullpaths.end(), filepath)) { fullpaths.push_back(filepath); } } #ifdef RDM_DEBUG std::cerr << "::::::::::::Done getFilePaths" << std::endl; #endif }
bool SQLite3Backend::getBuddies(long id, std::list<BuddyInfo> &roster) { // SELECT id, uin, subscription, nickname, groups, flags FROM " + m_prefix + "buddies WHERE user_id=? ORDER BY id ASC BEGIN(m_getBuddies); BIND_INT(m_getBuddies, id); // "SELECT buddy_id, type, var, value FROM " + m_prefix + "buddies_settings WHERE user_id=? ORDER BY buddy_id ASC" BEGIN(m_getBuddiesSettings); BIND_INT(m_getBuddiesSettings, id); SettingVariableInfo var; long buddy_id = -1; std::string key; int ret; int ret2 = -10; while((ret = sqlite3_step(m_getBuddies)) == SQLITE_ROW) { BuddyInfo b; RESET_GET_COUNTER(m_getBuddies); b.id = GET_INT(m_getBuddies); b.legacyName = GET_STR(m_getBuddies); b.subscription = GET_STR(m_getBuddies); b.alias = GET_STR(m_getBuddies); std::string groups = GET_STR(m_getBuddies); b.groups = StorageBackend::deserializeGroups(groups); b.flags = GET_INT(m_getBuddies); if (buddy_id == b.id) { std::cout << "Adding buddy info " << key << "\n"; b.settings[key] = var; buddy_id = -1; } while(buddy_id == -1 && ret2 != SQLITE_DONE && ret2 != SQLITE_ERROR && (ret2 = sqlite3_step(m_getBuddiesSettings)) == SQLITE_ROW) { RESET_GET_COUNTER(m_getBuddiesSettings); buddy_id = GET_INT(m_getBuddiesSettings); var.type = GET_INT(m_getBuddiesSettings); key = GET_STR(m_getBuddiesSettings); std::string val = GET_STR(m_getBuddiesSettings); switch (var.type) { case TYPE_BOOLEAN: var.b = atoi(val.c_str()); break; case TYPE_STRING: var.s = val; break; default: if (buddy_id == b.id) { buddy_id = -1; } continue; break; } if (buddy_id == b.id) { std::cout << "Adding buddy info " << key << "=" << val << "\n"; b.settings[key] = var; buddy_id = -1; } } // if (ret != SQLITE_DONE) { // LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, "getBuddiesSettings query"<< (sqlite3_errmsg(m_db) == NULL ? "" : sqlite3_errmsg(m_db))); // return false; // } roster.push_back(b); } if (ret != SQLITE_DONE) { LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, "getBuddies query "<< (sqlite3_errmsg(m_db) == NULL ? "" : sqlite3_errmsg(m_db))); return false; } if (ret2 != SQLITE_DONE) { if (ret2 == SQLITE_ERROR) { LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, "getBuddiesSettings query "<< (sqlite3_errmsg(m_db) == NULL ? "" : sqlite3_errmsg(m_db))); return false; } while((ret2 = sqlite3_step(m_getBuddiesSettings)) == SQLITE_ROW) { } if (ret2 != SQLITE_DONE) { LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, "getBuddiesSettings query "<< (sqlite3_errmsg(m_db) == NULL ? "" : sqlite3_errmsg(m_db))); return false; } } return true; }
void DpsHunterDebuffStrategy::InitTriggers(std::list<TriggerNode*> &triggers) { triggers.push_back(new TriggerNode( "no stings", NextAction::array(0, new NextAction("serpent sting", 50.0f), NULL))); }
void JustSummoned(Creature* summon) { SummonList.push_back(summon->GetGUID()); }
void FilterTargets(std::list<WorldObject*>& unitList) { unitList.remove_if(Trinity::UnitAuraCheck(true, SPELL_COUNTDOWN)); unitList.push_back(GetCaster()); }
void add_player(int _pid) { mtx_all_games.lock(); players.push_back(_pid); mtx_all_games.unlock(); }
void DoActionTag::execute(MovieClip* parent, std::list < std::pair<PlaceInfo, DisplayObject*> >& ls) { Depth=0x20000; ls.push_back(make_pair(PlaceInfo(),this)); }
void mapbuffer::save_quad( const std::string &filename, const tripoint &om_addr, std::list<tripoint> &submaps_to_delete, bool delete_after_save ) { std::ofstream fout; fopen_exclusive(fout, filename.c_str()); if(!fout.is_open()) { return; } std::vector<point> offsets; offsets.push_back( point(0, 0) ); offsets.push_back( point(0, 1) ); offsets.push_back( point(1, 0) ); offsets.push_back( point(1, 1) ); JsonOut jsout( fout ); jsout.start_array(); for( std::vector<point>::iterator offset = offsets.begin(); offset != offsets.end(); ++offset ) { tripoint submap_addr = overmapbuffer::omt_to_sm_copy( om_addr ); submap_addr.x += offset->x; submap_addr.y += offset->y; if (submaps.count(submap_addr) == 0) { continue; } submap *sm = submaps[submap_addr]; if( sm == NULL ) { continue; } jsout.start_object(); jsout.member( "version", savegame_version); jsout.member( "coordinates" ); jsout.start_array(); jsout.write( submap_addr.x ); jsout.write( submap_addr.y ); jsout.write( submap_addr.z ); jsout.end_array(); jsout.member( "turn_last_touched", sm->turn_last_touched ); jsout.member( "temperature", sm->temperature ); jsout.member( "terrain" ); jsout.start_array(); for(int j = 0; j < SEEY; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < SEEX; i++) { // Save terrains jsout.write( terlist[sm->ter[i][j]].id ); } } jsout.end_array(); // Write out the radiation array in a simple RLE scheme. // written in intensity, count pairs jsout.member( "radiation" ); jsout.start_array(); int lastrad = -1; int count = 0; for(int j = 0; j < SEEY; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < SEEX; i++) { // Save radiation, re-examine this because it doesnt look like it works right int r = sm->get_radiation(i, j); if (r == lastrad) { count++; } else { if (count) { jsout.write( count ); } jsout.write( r ); lastrad = r; count = 1; } } } jsout.write( count ); jsout.end_array(); jsout.member("furniture"); jsout.start_array(); for(int j = 0; j < SEEY; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < SEEX; i++) { // Save furniture if( sm->get_furn( i, j ) != f_null ) { jsout.start_array(); jsout.write( i ); jsout.write( j ); jsout.write( furnlist[ sm->get_furn( i, j ) ].id ); jsout.end_array(); } } } jsout.end_array(); jsout.member( "items" ); jsout.start_array(); for(int j = 0; j < SEEY; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < SEEX; i++) { if( sm->itm[i][j].empty() ) { continue; } jsout.write( i ); jsout.write( j ); jsout.write( sm->itm[i][j] ); } } jsout.end_array(); jsout.member( "traps" ); jsout.start_array(); for(int j = 0; j < SEEY; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < SEEX; i++) { // Save traps if (sm->get_trap( i, j ) != tr_null) { jsout.start_array(); jsout.write( i ); jsout.write( j ); jsout.write( traplist[ sm->get_trap( i, j ) ]->id ); jsout.end_array(); } } } jsout.end_array(); jsout.member( "fields" ); jsout.start_array(); for(int j = 0; j < SEEY; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < SEEX; i++) { // Save fields if (sm->fld[i][j].fieldCount() > 0) { jsout.write( i ); jsout.write( j ); jsout.start_array(); for(std::map<field_id, field_entry *>::iterator it = sm->fld[i][j].getFieldStart(); it != sm->fld[i][j].getFieldEnd(); ++it) { if(it->second != NULL) { // We don't seem to have a string identifier for fields anywhere. jsout.write( it->second->getFieldType() ); jsout.write( it->second->getFieldDensity() ); jsout.write( it->second->getFieldAge() ); } } jsout.end_array(); } } } jsout.end_array(); jsout.member( "graffiti" ); jsout.start_array(); for(int j = 0; j < SEEY; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < SEEX; i++) { // Save graffiti if (sm->get_graffiti(i, j).contents) { jsout.start_array(); jsout.write( i ); jsout.write( j ); jsout.write( *sm->get_graffiti(i, j).contents ); jsout.end_array(); } } } jsout.end_array(); jsout.member("cosmetics"); jsout.start_array(); for (int j = 0; j < SEEY; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < SEEX; i++) { if (sm->cosmetics[i][j].size() > 0) { jsout.start_array(); jsout.write(i); jsout.write(j); jsout.write(sm->cosmetics[i][j]); jsout.end_array(); } } } jsout.end_array(); // Output the spawn points jsout.member( "spawns" ); jsout.start_array(); for( std::vector<spawn_point>::iterator spawn_it = sm->spawns.begin(); spawn_it != sm->spawns.end(); ++spawn_it ) { jsout.start_array(); jsout.write( spawn_it->type ); jsout.write( spawn_it->count ); jsout.write( spawn_it->posx ); jsout.write( spawn_it->posy ); jsout.write( spawn_it->faction_id ); jsout.write( spawn_it->mission_id ); jsout.write( spawn_it->friendly ); jsout.write( spawn_it->name ); jsout.end_array(); } jsout.end_array(); jsout.member( "vehicles" ); jsout.start_array(); for( std::vector<vehicle *>::iterator vehicle_it = sm->vehicles.begin(); vehicle_it != sm->vehicles.end(); ++vehicle_it ) { // json lib doesn't know how to turn a vehicle * into a vehicle, // so we have to iterate manually. jsout.write( **vehicle_it ); } jsout.end_array(); // Output the computer if (sm->comp.name != "") { jsout.member( "computers", sm->comp.save_data() ); } // Output base camp if any if (sm->camp.is_valid()) { jsout.member( "camp" ); jsout.write( sm->camp.save_data() ); } if( delete_after_save ) { submaps_to_delete.push_back( submap_addr ); } jsout.end_object(); } jsout.end_array(); fclose_exclusive(fout, filename.c_str()); }
void MainClass::init() { Scene2D& scene2D = Engine::instance().getScene2DMgr(); Int2 winSize = scene2D.getWindowSize(); Engine::instance().startRender(); //Engine::instance().clearScreen(Color(57,155,230, 255)); Engine::instance().getScene2DMgr().drawRectangle(Int2(0,0), winSize, Color(57,155,230, 255), true);//clearScreen(Color(57,155,230, 255)); Bitmap* loading = new Bitmap("data/loading.png"); Int2 bitmapPos = winSize*0.5f - loading->size()*0.5f; loading->draw(winSize*0.5f-loading->size()*0.5f, 1.f, Float2(1.f, 1.f)); #if defined(USES_WINDOWS8_METRO) Engine::instance().getScene2DMgr().drawRectangle(bitmapPos + Int2(362, 411), bitmapPos + Int2(463, 440), CoreUtils::colorWhite, true);// hide "Esc: quit" #endif delete loading; Engine::instance().endRender(); //----- m_isHelpOpened = true; m_help = new Sprite("data/help.png"); m_help->setPosition(winSize*0.5f-m_help->getScaledSize()*0.5f); m_pressF1Help = new Sprite("data/pressf1help.png"); m_pressF1Help->setPosition(Int2(10, winSize.height()-30)); m_background = new Sprite("data/background.png"); m_background->setPosition(Int2(0,0)); m_collisionImage = new Image("data/collision.png"); m_structure = new Bitmap("data/structure.png"); m_structureForeground = new Bitmap("data/structure_foreground.png"); m_engineSystem = new EngineSystem; m_chara = new Chara(); m_cannon = new Cannon(); m_clouds.push_back(new Cloud); m_clouds.push_back(new Cloud); m_clouds.push_back(new Cloud); m_clouds.push_back(new Cloud); m_burning = new Burning; m_waterSystem = new WaterSystem; m_swarm = new Swarm; m_gameOver = new Bitmap("data/game_over.png"); #if defined(USES_WINDOWS_OPENGL) || defined(USES_LINUX) m_music = Engine::instance().getSoundMgr().loadSound("data/sounds/opengameart_cynicmusic_battleThemeA.ogg"); #else m_music = Engine::instance().getSoundMgr().loadSound("data/sounds/opengameart_cynicmusic_battleThemeA.wav"); #endif m_music->setVolume(m_musicVolume); m_music->play(); }
void add_runtime_data(RuntimeData* rd) { runtime_data_.push_back(rd); }
CASE_TEST(channel, io_stream_tcp_basic) { atbus::adapter::loop_t loop; uv_loop_init(&loop); atbus::channel::io_stream_channel svr, cli; atbus::channel::io_stream_init(&svr, &loop, NULL); atbus::channel::io_stream_init(&cli, &loop, NULL); CASE_EXPECT_EQ(&loop, svr.ev_loop); CASE_EXPECT_EQ(&loop, cli.ev_loop); g_check_flag = 0; int inited_fds = 0; inited_fds += setup_channel(svr, "ipv6://:::16387", NULL); CASE_EXPECT_EQ(1, g_check_flag); CASE_EXPECT_NE(NULL, svr.ev_loop); if (0 == inited_fds) { uv_loop_close(&loop); return; } inited_fds = 0; inited_fds += setup_channel(cli, NULL, "ipv4://"); inited_fds += setup_channel(cli, NULL, "dns://localhost:16387"); inited_fds += setup_channel(cli, NULL, "ipv6://::1:16387"); int check_flag = g_check_flag; while (g_check_flag - check_flag < 2 * inited_fds) { uv_run(&loop, UV_RUN_ONCE); } svr.evt.callbacks[atbus::channel::io_stream_callback_evt_t::EN_FN_RECVED] = recv_callback_check_fn; cli.evt.callbacks[atbus::channel::io_stream_callback_evt_t::EN_FN_RECVED] = recv_callback_check_fn; char* buf = get_test_buffer(); check_flag = g_check_flag; // small buffer atbus::channel::io_stream_send(cli.conn_pool.begin()->second.get(), buf, 13); g_check_buff_sequence.push_back(std::make_pair(0, 13)); atbus::channel::io_stream_send(cli.conn_pool.begin()->second.get(), buf + 13, 28); g_check_buff_sequence.push_back(std::make_pair(13, 28)); atbus::channel::io_stream_send(cli.conn_pool.begin()->second.get(), buf + 13 + 28, 100); g_check_buff_sequence.push_back(std::make_pair(13 + 28, 100)); // big buffer atbus::channel::io_stream_send(cli.conn_pool.begin()->second.get(), buf + 1024, 56 * 1024 + 3); g_check_buff_sequence.push_back(std::make_pair(1024, 56 * 1024 + 3)); while (g_check_flag - check_flag < 4) { uv_run(&loop, UV_RUN_ONCE); } // many big buffer { check_flag = g_check_flag; atbus::channel::io_stream_channel::conn_pool_t::iterator it = svr.conn_pool.begin(); // 跳过listen的socket if (it->second->addr.address == "ipv6://:::16387") { ++it; } size_t sum_size = 0; g_recv_rec = std::make_pair(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 153; ++ i) { size_t s = static_cast<size_t>(rand() % 2048); size_t l = static_cast<size_t>(rand() % 10240) + 20 * 1024; atbus::channel::io_stream_send(it->second.get(), buf + s, l); g_check_buff_sequence.push_back(std::make_pair(s, l)); sum_size += l; } CASE_MSG_INFO() << "send " << sum_size << " bytes data with " << g_check_buff_sequence.size() << " packages done." << std::endl; while (g_check_flag - check_flag < 153) { uv_run(&loop, UV_RUN_ONCE); } CASE_MSG_INFO() << "recv " << g_recv_rec.second << " bytes data with " << g_recv_rec.first << " packages and checked done." << std::endl; } atbus::channel::io_stream_close(&svr); atbus::channel::io_stream_close(&cli); CASE_EXPECT_EQ(0, svr.conn_pool.size()); CASE_EXPECT_EQ(0, cli.conn_pool.size()); uv_loop_close(&loop); }
/** * Pretty basic lexical analyzer * Breaks up the input character stream into tokens and puts them into the list provided. * Ignores # as a line comment */ void Config::Tokenize(FILE *input, std::list<std::string> &tokens) { char c = fgetc(input); std::string lexeme; while(c != EOF) { if(isspace(c)) { if(lexeme.size() > 0) { tokens.push_back(lexeme); lexeme.clear(); } c = fgetc(input); continue; } if(isalnum(c)) { lexeme.append((const char *)&c, 1); c = fgetc(input); continue; } switch(c) { case '#': { if(lexeme.size() > 0) { tokens.push_back(lexeme); lexeme.clear(); } while(c != '\n' && c != EOF) { c = fgetc(input); } break; } case '[': case ']': case '=': { if(lexeme.size() > 0) { tokens.push_back(lexeme); lexeme.clear(); } lexeme.append((const char *)&c, 1); tokens.push_back(lexeme); lexeme.clear(); break; } default: { lexeme.append((const char *)&c, 1); } } c = fgetc(input); } if(lexeme.size() > 0) { tokens.push_back(lexeme); } }
void Summon(uint8 uiCase) { switch(uiCase) { case 1: me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[0], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[1], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[2], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[3], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[4], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[5], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[6], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[7], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[8], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[9], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); break; case 2: if (GameObject* pGo = me->SummonGameObject(183410, -533.140f, -105.322f, -156.016f, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1000)) { GoSummonList.push_back(pGo->GetGUID()); pGo->SetFlag(GAMEOBJECT_FLAGS, GO_FLAG_UNK1); //We can't use it! } Summon(3); break; case 3: me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[0], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[1], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[2], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[3], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); DoScriptText(SAY_BLASTMASTER_19, me); break; case 4: if (GameObject* pGo = me->SummonGameObject(183410, -542.199f, -96.854f, -155.790f, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1000)) { GoSummonList.push_back(pGo->GetGUID()); pGo->SetFlag(GAMEOBJECT_FLAGS, GO_FLAG_UNK1); } break; case 5: me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[0], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[1], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[2], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); DoScriptText(SAY_BLASTMASTER_15, me); break; case 6: me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[10], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[11], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[12], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[13], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); me->SummonCreature(NPC_CAVERNDEEP_AMBUSHER, SpawnPosition[14], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); break; case 7: if (GameObject* pGo = me->SummonGameObject(183410, -507.820f, -103.333f, -151.353f, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1000)) { GoSummonList.push_back(pGo->GetGUID()); pGo->SetFlag(GAMEOBJECT_FLAGS, GO_FLAG_UNK1); //We can't use it! Summon(6); } break; case 8: if (GameObject* pGo = me->SummonGameObject(183410, -511.829f, -86.249f, -151.431f, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1000)) { GoSummonList.push_back(pGo->GetGUID()); pGo->SetFlag(GAMEOBJECT_FLAGS, GO_FLAG_UNK1); //We can't use it! } break; case 9: if (Creature* pGrubbis = me->SummonCreature(NPC_GRUBBIS, SpawnPosition[15], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000)) DoScriptText(SAY_GRUBBIS, pGrubbis); me->SummonCreature(NPC_CHOMPER, SpawnPosition[16], TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 1800000); break; } }