bool OBJCTXT<_DOF6>::merge(const OBJCTXT &ctxt, const DOF6 &tf, std::map<typename OBJECT::Ptr,bool> &used_out, const BoundingBox::TransformedFoVBB &fov, const bool only_merge) { Debug::Interface::get().sayTook("merge start"); ROS_INFO("nextPoint ctr %d", (int)Slam_Surface::___CTR___); ++frames_; const size_t old = objs_.size(); const float uncertainity = 0.01f; if(old>0 && (tf.getTranslationVariance()+tf.getRotationVariance())>0.3f )// && (tf.getSource1()->getTranslationVariance()+tf.getSource1()->getRotationVariance())>0.3 ) return false; ROS_INFO("add ctxt %d", (int)used_out.size()); std::cout<<tf<<"\n"; Eigen::Vector3f edges[8]; for(size_t i=0; i<objs_.size(); i++) { bool in=fov&objs_[i]->getNearestPoint(); if(!in) { objs_[i]->getBB().get8Edges(edges); for(size_t i=0; i<8; i++) if(fov&edges[i]) {in=true; break;} } if(objs_[i]->getBB().extension()>2.5f) in=false; if( in ) { #ifdef DEBUG_OUTPUT_ ROS_INFO("FoV: in"); #endif objs_[i]->processed(); //TODO: check FoV } else { #ifdef DEBUG_OUTPUT_ ROS_INFO("FoV: out"); #endif objs_[i]->notProcessed(); //TODO: check FoV } } Debug::Interface::get().sayTook("merge 1"); ROS_INFO("nextPoint ctr %d", (int)Slam_Surface::___CTR___); std::map<typename OBJECT::Ptr,std::vector<typename OBJECT::Ptr> > used; DOF6 tmp_link = tf.transpose(); for(typename std::vector<SCOR>::const_iterator it = used_cors_.begin(); it!=used_cors_.end(); it++) { if(!it->a || !it->b || !it->used_) continue; //used_out[it->b] = true; typename OBJECT::Ptr o=it->b->makeShared(); o->transform(tmp_link.getRotation(), tmp_link.getTranslation(), tf.getRotationVariance()+uncertainity, tf.getTranslationVariance()+uncertainity); it->a->used(); if(((*it->a) += *o) ) { used_out[it->b] = true; used[it->b].push_back(it->a); ROS_INFO("update object"); } else { //it->a->used(); ROS_INFO("NOT update object"); } } Debug::Interface::get().sayTook("merge 2"); ROS_INFO("nextPoint ctr %d", (int)Slam_Surface::___CTR___); for(size_t i=0; i<ctxt.objs_.size(); i++) { typename std::map<typename OBJECT::Ptr,std::vector<typename OBJECT::Ptr> >::const_iterator it = used.find(ctxt.objs_[i]); if(used.end() == it) { if(used_out.find(ctxt.objs_[i])!=used_out.end()) continue; if(!only_merge || (bb_.transform(tf.getRotation(), tf.getTranslation())&ctxt.objs_[i]->getNearestPoint()) ) //add to "first"/actual node or if its contained in this node { typename OBJECT::Ptr o=ctxt.objs_[i]->makeShared(); o->transform(((Eigen::Matrix3f)tmp_link.getRotation()),tmp_link.getTranslation(), tmp_link.getRotationVariance()+uncertainity, tmp_link.getTranslationVariance()+uncertainity); bool found = false; for(size_t j=0; j<objs_.size(); j++) { if( (objs_[j]->getBB()&(o->getBB()//.changeSize(0.8f) )) && (((*objs_[j]) += *o) //&& objs_[j]->getData().isPlane()==o->getData().isPlane() ) ) { ROS_INFO("found object"); found = true; used_out[ctxt.objs_[i]] = true; used[ctxt.objs_[i]].push_back(objs_[j]); } } if(!found) { ROS_INFO("adding object"); *this += o; used_out[ctxt.objs_[i]] = true; } else ROS_INFO("NOT adding object"); } } it=used.find(ctxt.objs_[i]); if(used.end() != it && it->second.size()>1) { ROS_INFO("merging objects %d", (int)it->second.size()); for(size_t k=1; k<it->second.size(); k++) { if(*(it->second)[0] += *(it->second)[k]) { for(size_t j=0; j<objs_.size(); j++) if(objs_[j] == (it->second)[k] //&& objs_[j]->getData().isPlane()==(it->second)[k]->getData().isPlane() ) { objs_.erase(objs_.begin() + j); --j; ROS_INFO("erase object"); } } } } } Debug::Interface::get().sayTook("merge up2"); if(enabled_all_merge_) { for(size_t i=0; i<objs_.size(); i++) for(size_t j=i+1; j<objs_.size(); j++) { int n=-1; bool b1, b2, b3; if( (b1=(objs_[i]->getBB().changeSize(0.7f)&(objs_[j]->getBB().setMinSize(0.05f).changeSize(0.7f)) )) && (b2=(objs_[j]->getBB().preassumption(objs_[i]->getData().getBB())>=std::cos(objs_[i]->getData().getBB().ratio()))) && (((*objs_[i]).op_plus(*objs_[j],n)) //&& objs_[j]->getData().isPlane()==o->getData().isPlane() ) ) { objs_.erase(objs_.begin() + j); --j; ROS_INFO("erase objectA23"); } else if(n!=-1) { switch(n) { case 0:Debug::Interface::get().addArrow(objs_[i]->getNearestPoint(),objs_[j]->getNearestPoint(),255,0,0);break; case 1:Debug::Interface::get().addArrow(objs_[i]->getNearestPoint(),objs_[j]->getNearestPoint(),0,0,0);break; case 2:Debug::Interface::get().addArrow(objs_[i]->getNearestPoint(),objs_[j]->getNearestPoint(),0,0,255);break; case -1: if(!b1) Debug::Interface::get().addArrow(objs_[i]->getNearestPoint(),objs_[j]->getNearestPoint(),128,0,0); else if(!b2) Debug::Interface::get().addArrow(objs_[i]->getNearestPoint(),objs_[j]->getNearestPoint(),128,44,255); break; } } } } // for(typename std::vector<SCOR>::const_iterator it = used_cors_.begin(); it!=used_cors_.end(); it++) // { // used_out[it->b] = true; // } Debug::Interface::get().sayTook("merge up"); ROS_INFO("nextPoint ctr %d", (int)Slam_Surface::___CTR___); update(); Debug::Interface::get().sayTook("merge stop"); ROS_INFO("nextPoint ctr %d", (int)Slam_Surface::___CTR___); Slam_Surface::___CTR___=0; return true; }
void AmclNode::laserReceived(const sensor_msgs::LaserScanConstPtr& laser_scan) { last_laser_received_ts_ = ros::Time::now(); if( map_ == NULL ) { return; } boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lr(configuration_mutex_); int laser_index = -1; // Do we have the base->base_laser Tx yet? if(frame_to_laser_.find(laser_scan->header.frame_id) == frame_to_laser_.end()) { ROS_DEBUG("Setting up laser %d (frame_id=%s)\n", (int)frame_to_laser_.size(), laser_scan->header.frame_id.c_str()); lasers_.push_back(new AMCLLaser(*laser_)); lasers_update_.push_back(true); laser_index = frame_to_laser_.size(); tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> ident (tf::Transform(tf::createIdentityQuaternion(), tf::Vector3(0,0,0)), ros::Time(), laser_scan->header.frame_id); tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> laser_pose; try { this->tf_->transformPose(base_frame_id_, ident, laser_pose); } catch(tf::TransformException& e) { ROS_ERROR("Couldn't transform from %s to %s, " "even though the message notifier is in use", laser_scan->header.frame_id.c_str(), base_frame_id_.c_str()); return; } pf_vector_t laser_pose_v; laser_pose_v.v[0] = laser_pose.getOrigin().x(); laser_pose_v.v[1] = laser_pose.getOrigin().y(); // laser mounting angle gets computed later -> set to 0 here! laser_pose_v.v[2] = 0; lasers_[laser_index]->SetLaserPose(laser_pose_v); ROS_DEBUG("Received laser's pose wrt robot: %.3f %.3f %.3f", laser_pose_v.v[0], laser_pose_v.v[1], laser_pose_v.v[2]); frame_to_laser_[laser_scan->header.frame_id] = laser_index; } else { // we have the laser pose, retrieve laser index laser_index = frame_to_laser_[laser_scan->header.frame_id]; } // Where was the robot when this scan was taken? pf_vector_t pose; if(!getOdomPose(latest_odom_pose_, pose.v[0], pose.v[1], pose.v[2], laser_scan->header.stamp, base_frame_id_)) { ROS_ERROR("Couldn't determine robot's pose associated with laser scan"); return; } pf_vector_t delta = pf_vector_zero(); if(pf_init_) { // Compute change in pose //delta = pf_vector_coord_sub(pose, pf_odom_pose_); delta.v[0] = pose.v[0] - pf_odom_pose_.v[0]; delta.v[1] = pose.v[1] - pf_odom_pose_.v[1]; delta.v[2] = angle_diff(pose.v[2], pf_odom_pose_.v[2]); // See if we should update the filter bool update = fabs(delta.v[0]) > d_thresh_ || fabs(delta.v[1]) > d_thresh_ || fabs(delta.v[2]) > a_thresh_; update = update || m_force_update; m_force_update=false; // Set the laser update flags if(update) for(unsigned int i=0; i < lasers_update_.size(); i++) lasers_update_[i] = true; } bool force_publication = false; if(!pf_init_) { // Pose at last filter update pf_odom_pose_ = pose; // Filter is now initialized pf_init_ = true; // Should update sensor data for(unsigned int i=0; i < lasers_update_.size(); i++) lasers_update_[i] = true; force_publication = true; resample_count_ = 0; } // If the robot has moved, update the filter else if(pf_init_ && lasers_update_[laser_index]) { //printf("pose\n"); //pf_vector_fprintf(pose, stdout, "%.3f"); AMCLOdomData odata; odata.pose = pose; // HACK // Modify the delta in the action data so the filter gets // updated correctly = delta; // Use the action data to update the filter odom_->UpdateAction(pf_, (AMCLSensorData*)&odata); // Pose at last filter update //this->pf_odom_pose = pose; } bool resampled = false; // If the robot has moved, update the filter if(lasers_update_[laser_index]) { AMCLLaserData ldata; ldata.sensor = lasers_[laser_index]; ldata.range_count = laser_scan->ranges.size(); // To account for lasers that are mounted upside-down, we determine the // min, max, and increment angles of the laser in the base frame. // // Construct min and max angles of laser, in the base_link frame. tf::Quaternion q; q.setRPY(0.0, 0.0, laser_scan->angle_min); tf::Stamped<tf::Quaternion> min_q(q, laser_scan->header.stamp, laser_scan->header.frame_id); q.setRPY(0.0, 0.0, laser_scan->angle_min + laser_scan->angle_increment); tf::Stamped<tf::Quaternion> inc_q(q, laser_scan->header.stamp, laser_scan->header.frame_id); try { tf_->transformQuaternion(base_frame_id_, min_q, min_q); tf_->transformQuaternion(base_frame_id_, inc_q, inc_q); } catch(tf::TransformException& e) { ROS_WARN("Unable to transform min/max laser angles into base frame: %s", e.what()); return; } double angle_min = tf::getYaw(min_q); double angle_increment = tf::getYaw(inc_q) - angle_min; // wrapping angle to [-pi .. pi] angle_increment = fmod(angle_increment + 5*M_PI, 2*M_PI) - M_PI; ROS_DEBUG("Laser %d angles in base frame: min: %.3f inc: %.3f", laser_index, angle_min, angle_increment); // Apply range min/max thresholds, if the user supplied them if(laser_max_range_ > 0.0) ldata.range_max = std::min(laser_scan->range_max, (float)laser_max_range_); else ldata.range_max = laser_scan->range_max; double range_min; if(laser_min_range_ > 0.0) range_min = std::max(laser_scan->range_min, (float)laser_min_range_); else range_min = laser_scan->range_min; // The AMCLLaserData destructor will free this memory ldata.ranges = new double[ldata.range_count][2]; ROS_ASSERT(ldata.ranges); for(int i=0;i<ldata.range_count;i++) { // amcl doesn't (yet) have a concept of min range. So we'll map short // readings to max range. if(laser_scan->ranges[i] <= range_min) ldata.ranges[i][0] = ldata.range_max; else ldata.ranges[i][0] = laser_scan->ranges[i]; // Compute bearing ldata.ranges[i][1] = angle_min + (i * angle_increment); } lasers_[laser_index]->UpdateSensor(pf_, (AMCLSensorData*)&ldata); lasers_update_[laser_index] = false; pf_odom_pose_ = pose; // Resample the particles if(!(++resample_count_ % resample_interval_)) { pf_update_resample(pf_); resampled = true; } pf_sample_set_t* set = pf_->sets + pf_->current_set; ROS_DEBUG("Num samples: %d\n", set->sample_count); // Publish the resulting cloud // TODO: set maximum rate for publishing if (!m_force_update) { geometry_msgs::PoseArray cloud_msg; cloud_msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); cloud_msg.header.frame_id = global_frame_id_; cloud_msg.poses.resize(set->sample_count); for(int i=0;i<set->sample_count;i++) { tf::poseTFToMsg(tf::Pose(tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(set->samples[i].pose.v[2]), tf::Vector3(set->samples[i].pose.v[0], set->samples[i].pose.v[1], 0)), cloud_msg.poses[i]); } particlecloud_pub_.publish(cloud_msg); } } if(resampled || force_publication) { if (!resampled) { // re-compute the cluster statistics // Test!! // pf_cluster_stats(pf_, pf_->sets); // } // Read out the current hypotheses double max_weight = 0.0; int max_weight_hyp = -1; std::vector<amcl_hyp_t> hyps; hyps.resize(pf_->sets[pf_->current_set].cluster_count); for(int hyp_count = 0; hyp_count < pf_->sets[pf_->current_set].cluster_count; hyp_count++) { double weight; pf_vector_t pose_mean; pf_matrix_t pose_cov; if (!pf_get_cluster_stats(pf_, hyp_count, &weight, &pose_mean, &pose_cov)) { ROS_ERROR("Couldn't get stats on cluster %d", hyp_count); break; } hyps[hyp_count].weight = weight; hyps[hyp_count].pf_pose_mean = pose_mean; hyps[hyp_count].pf_pose_cov = pose_cov; if(hyps[hyp_count].weight > max_weight) { max_weight = hyps[hyp_count].weight; max_weight_hyp = hyp_count; } } if(max_weight > 0.0) { ROS_DEBUG("Max weight pose: %.3f %.3f %.3f", hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[0], hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[1], hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[2]); /* puts(""); pf_matrix_fprintf(hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_cov, stdout, "%6.3f"); puts(""); */ geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped p; // Fill in the header p.header.frame_id = global_frame_id_; p.header.stamp = laser_scan->header.stamp; // Copy in the pose p.pose.pose.position.x = hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[0]; p.pose.pose.position.y = hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[1]; tf::quaternionTFToMsg(tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[2]), p.pose.pose.orientation); // Copy in the covariance, converting from 3-D to 6-D pf_sample_set_t* set = pf_->sets + pf_->current_set; for(int i=0; i<2; i++) { for(int j=0; j<2; j++) { // Report the overall filter covariance, rather than the // covariance for the highest-weight cluster //p.covariance[6*i+j] = hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_cov.m[i][j]; p.pose.covariance[6*i+j] = set->cov.m[i][j]; } } // Report the overall filter covariance, rather than the // covariance for the highest-weight cluster //p.covariance[6*5+5] = hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_cov.m[2][2]; p.pose.covariance[6*5+5] = set->cov.m[2][2]; /* printf("cov:\n"); for(int i=0; i<6; i++) { for(int j=0; j<6; j++) printf("%6.3f ", p.covariance[6*i+j]); puts(""); } */ pose_pub_.publish(p); last_published_pose = p; ROS_DEBUG("New pose: %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f", hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[0], hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[1], hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[2]); // subtracting base to odom from map to base and send map to odom instead tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> odom_to_map; try { tf::Transform tmp_tf(tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[2]), tf::Vector3(hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[0], hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[1], 0.0)); tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> tmp_tf_stamped (tmp_tf.inverse(), laser_scan->header.stamp, base_frame_id_); this->tf_->transformPose(odom_frame_id_, tmp_tf_stamped, odom_to_map); } catch(tf::TransformException) { ROS_DEBUG("Failed to subtract base to odom transform"); return; } latest_tf_ = tf::Transform(tf::Quaternion(odom_to_map.getRotation()), tf::Point(odom_to_map.getOrigin())); latest_tf_valid_ = true; if (tf_broadcast_ == true) { // We want to send a transform that is good up until a // tolerance time so that odom can be used ros::Time transform_expiration = (laser_scan->header.stamp + transform_tolerance_); tf::StampedTransform tmp_tf_stamped(latest_tf_.inverse(), transform_expiration, global_frame_id_, odom_frame_id_); this->tfb_->sendTransform(tmp_tf_stamped); sent_first_transform_ = true; } } else { ROS_ERROR("No pose!"); } } else if(latest_tf_valid_) { if (tf_broadcast_ == true) { // Nothing changed, so we'll just republish the last transform, to keep // everybody happy. ros::Time transform_expiration = (laser_scan->header.stamp + transform_tolerance_); tf::StampedTransform tmp_tf_stamped(latest_tf_.inverse(), transform_expiration, global_frame_id_, odom_frame_id_); this->tfb_->sendTransform(tmp_tf_stamped); } // Is it time to save our last pose to the param server ros::Time now = ros::Time::now(); if((save_pose_period.toSec() > 0.0) && (now - save_pose_last_time) >= save_pose_period) { this->savePoseToServer(); save_pose_last_time = now; } } }
void BundleAdjuster::adjustBundle(vector<CloudPoint>& pointcloud, Mat& cam_matrix, const std::vector<std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> >& imgpts, std::map<int ,cv::Matx34d>& Pmats ) { int N = Pmats.size(), M = pointcloud.size(), K = Count2DMeasurements(pointcloud); cout << "N (cams) = " << N << " M (points) = " << M << " K (measurements) = " << K << endl; #ifdef HAVE_SSBA /********************************************************************************/ /* Use SSBA-3.0 for sparse bundle adjustment */ /********************************************************************************/ StdDistortionFunction distortion; //conver camera intrinsics to BA datastructs Matrix3x3d KMat; makeIdentityMatrix(KMat); KMat[0][0] =<double>(0,0); //fx KMat[1][1] =<double>(1,1); //fy KMat[0][1] =<double>(0,1); //skew KMat[0][2] =<double>(0,2); //ppx KMat[1][2] =<double>(1,2); //ppy double const f0 = KMat[0][0]; cout << "intrinsic before bundle = "; displayMatrix(KMat); Matrix3x3d Knorm = KMat; // Normalize the intrinsic to have unit focal length. scaleMatrixIP(1.0/f0, Knorm); Knorm[2][2] = 1.0; vector<int> pointIdFwdMap(M); map<int, int> pointIdBwdMap; //conver 3D point cloud to BA datastructs vector<Vector3d > Xs(M); for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j) { int pointId = j; Xs[j][0] = pointcloud[j].pt.x; Xs[j][1] = pointcloud[j].pt.y; Xs[j][2] = pointcloud[j].pt.z; pointIdFwdMap[j] = pointId; pointIdBwdMap.insert(make_pair(pointId, j)); } cout << "Read the 3D points." << endl; vector<int> camIdFwdMap(N,-1); map<int, int> camIdBwdMap; //convert cameras to BA datastructs vector<CameraMatrix> cams(N); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { int camId = i; Matrix3x3d R; Vector3d T; Matx34d& P = Pmats[i]; R[0][0] = P(0,0); R[0][1] = P(0,1); R[0][2] = P(0,2); T[0] = P(0,3); R[1][0] = P(1,0); R[1][1] = P(1,1); R[1][2] = P(1,2); T[1] = P(1,3); R[2][0] = P(2,0); R[2][1] = P(2,1); R[2][2] = P(2,2); T[2] = P(2,3); camIdFwdMap[i] = camId; camIdBwdMap.insert(make_pair(camId, i)); cams[i].setIntrinsic(Knorm); cams[i].setRotation(R); cams[i].setTranslation(T); } cout << "Read the cameras." << endl; vector<Vector2d > measurements; vector<int> correspondingView; vector<int> correspondingPoint; measurements.reserve(K); correspondingView.reserve(K); correspondingPoint.reserve(K); //convert 2D measurements to BA datastructs for (unsigned int k = 0; k < pointcloud.size(); ++k) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<pointcloud[k].imgpt_for_img.size(); i++) { if (pointcloud[k].imgpt_for_img[i] >= 0) { int view = i, point = k; Vector3d p, np; Point cvp = imgpts[i][pointcloud[k].imgpt_for_img[i]].pt; p[0] = cvp.x; p[1] = cvp.y; p[2] = 1.0; if (camIdBwdMap.find(view) != camIdBwdMap.end() && pointIdBwdMap.find(point) != pointIdBwdMap.end()) { // Normalize the measurements to match the unit focal length. scaleVectorIP(1.0/f0, p); measurements.push_back(Vector2d(p[0], p[1])); correspondingView.push_back(camIdBwdMap[view]); correspondingPoint.push_back(pointIdBwdMap[point]); } } } } // end for (k) K = measurements.size(); cout << "Read " << K << " valid 2D measurements." << endl; showErrorStatistics(f0, distortion, cams, Xs, measurements, correspondingView, correspondingPoint); // V3D::optimizerVerbosenessLevel = 1; double const inlierThreshold = 2.0 / fabs(f0); Matrix3x3d K0 = cams[0].getIntrinsic(); cout << "K0 = "; displayMatrix(K0); bool good_adjustment = false; { ScopedBundleExtrinsicNormalizer extNorm(cams, Xs); ScopedBundleIntrinsicNormalizer intNorm(cams,measurements,correspondingView); CommonInternalsMetricBundleOptimizer opt(V3D::FULL_BUNDLE_FOCAL_LENGTH_PP, inlierThreshold, K0, distortion, cams, Xs, measurements, correspondingView, correspondingPoint); // StdMetricBundleOptimizer opt(inlierThreshold,cams,Xs,measurements,correspondingView,correspondingPoint); opt.tau = 1e-3; opt.maxIterations = 50; opt.minimize(); cout << "optimizer status = " << opt.status << endl; good_adjustment = (opt.status != 2); } cout << "refined K = "; displayMatrix(K0); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) cams[i].setIntrinsic(K0); Matrix3x3d Knew = K0; scaleMatrixIP(f0, Knew); Knew[2][2] = 1.0; cout << "Knew = "; displayMatrix(Knew); showErrorStatistics(f0, distortion, cams, Xs, measurements, correspondingView, correspondingPoint); if(good_adjustment) { //good adjustment? //Vector3d mean(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); //for (unsigned int j = 0; j < Xs.size(); ++j) addVectorsIP(Xs[j], mean); //scaleVectorIP(1.0/Xs.size(), mean); // //vector<float> norms(Xs.size()); //for (unsigned int j = 0; j < Xs.size(); ++j) // norms[j] = distance_L2(Xs[j], mean); // //std::sort(norms.begin(), norms.end()); //float distThr = norms[int(norms.size() * 0.9f)]; //cout << "90% quantile distance: " << distThr << endl; //extract 3D points for (unsigned int j = 0; j < Xs.size(); ++j) { //if (distance_L2(Xs[j], mean) > 3*distThr) makeZeroVector(Xs[j]); pointcloud[j].pt.x = Xs[j][0]; pointcloud[j].pt.y = Xs[j][1]; pointcloud[j].pt.z = Xs[j][2]; } //extract adjusted cameras for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { Matrix3x3d R = cams[i].getRotation(); Vector3d T = cams[i].getTranslation(); Matx34d P; P(0,0) = R[0][0]; P(0,1) = R[0][1]; P(0,2) = R[0][2]; P(0,3) = T[0]; P(1,0) = R[1][0]; P(1,1) = R[1][1]; P(1,2) = R[1][2]; P(1,3) = T[1]; P(2,0) = R[2][0]; P(2,1) = R[2][1]; P(2,2) = R[2][2]; P(2,3) = T[2]; Pmats[i] = P; } //TODO: extract camera intrinsics<double>(0,0) = Knew[0][0];<double>(0,1) = Knew[0][1];<double>(0,2) = Knew[0][2];<double>(1,1) = Knew[1][1];<double>(1,2) = Knew[1][2]; } #else /********************************************************************************/ /* Use OpenCV contrib module for sparse bundle adjustment */ /********************************************************************************/ vector<Point3d> points(M); // positions of points in global coordinate system (input and output) vector<vector<Point2d> > imagePoints(N,vector<Point2d>(M)); // projections of 3d points for every camera vector<vector<int> > visibility(N,vector<int>(M)); // visibility of 3d points for every camera vector<Mat> cameraMatrix(N); // intrinsic matrices of all cameras (input and output) vector<Mat> R(N); // rotation matrices of all cameras (input and output) vector<Mat> T(N); // translation vector of all cameras (input and output) vector<Mat> distCoeffs(0); // distortion coefficients of all cameras (input and output) int num_global_cams = pointcloud[0].imgpt_for_img.size(); vector<int> global_cam_id_to_local_id(num_global_cams,-1); vector<int> local_cam_id_to_global_id(N,-1); int local_cam_count = 0; for (int pt3d = 0; pt3d < pointcloud.size(); pt3d++) { points[pt3d] = pointcloud[pt3d].pt; // imagePoints[pt3d].resize(N); // visibility[pt3d].resize(N); for (int pt3d_img = 0; pt3d_img < num_global_cams; pt3d_img++) { if (pointcloud[pt3d].imgpt_for_img[pt3d_img] >= 0) { if (global_cam_id_to_local_id[pt3d_img] < 0) { local_cam_id_to_global_id[local_cam_count] = pt3d_img; global_cam_id_to_local_id[pt3d_img] = local_cam_count++; } int local_cam_id = global_cam_id_to_local_id[pt3d_img]; //2d point Point2d pt2d_for_pt3d_in_img = imgpts[pt3d_img][pointcloud[pt3d].imgpt_for_img[pt3d_img]].pt; imagePoints[local_cam_id][pt3d] = pt2d_for_pt3d_in_img; //visibility in this camera visibility[local_cam_id][pt3d] = 1; } } //2nd pass to mark not-founds for (int pt3d_img = 0; pt3d_img < num_global_cams; pt3d_img++) { if (pointcloud[pt3d].imgpt_for_img[pt3d_img] < 0) { //see if this global camera is being used locally in the BA vector<int>::iterator local_it = std::find(local_cam_id_to_global_id.begin(),local_cam_id_to_global_id.end(),pt3d_img); if (local_it != local_cam_id_to_global_id.end()) { //this camera is used, and its local id is: int local_id = local_it - local_cam_id_to_global_id.begin(); if (local_id >= 0) { //reproject Mat_<double> X = (Mat_<double>(4,1) << pointcloud[pt3d].pt.x, pointcloud[pt3d].pt.y, pointcloud[pt3d].pt.z, 1); Mat_<double> P(3,4,Pmats[pt3d_img].val); Mat_<double> KP = cam_matrix * P; Mat_<double> xPt_img = KP * X; Point2d xPt_img_(xPt_img(0)/xPt_img(2),xPt_img(1)/xPt_img(2)); imagePoints[local_id][pt3d] = xPt_img_; //TODO reproject point on this camera visibility[local_id][pt3d] = 0; } } } } } for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { cameraMatrix[i] = cam_matrix; Matx34d& P = Pmats[local_cam_id_to_global_id[i]]; Mat_<double> camR(3,3),camT(3,1); camR(0,0) = P(0,0); camR(0,1) = P(0,1); camR(0,2) = P(0,2); camT(0) = P(0,3); camR(1,0) = P(1,0); camR(1,1) = P(1,1); camR(1,2) = P(1,2); camT(1) = P(1,3); camR(2,0) = P(2,0); camR(2,1) = P(2,1); camR(2,2) = P(2,2); camT(2) = P(2,3); R[i] = camR; T[i] = camT; // distCoeffs[i] = Mat(); //::zeros(4,1, CV_64FC1); } cout << "Adjust bundle... \n"; cv::LevMarqSparse::bundleAdjust(points,imagePoints,visibility,cameraMatrix,R,T,distCoeffs); cout << "DONE\n"; //get the BAed points for (int pt3d = 0; pt3d < pointcloud.size(); pt3d++) { pointcloud[pt3d].pt = points[pt3d]; } //get the BAed cameras for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { Matx34d P; P(0,0) = R[i].at<double>(0,0); P(0,1) = R[i].at<double>(0,1); P(0,2) = R[i].at<double>(0,2); P(0,3) = T[i].at<double>(0); P(1,0) = R[i].at<double>(1,0); P(1,1) = R[i].at<double>(1,1); P(1,2) = R[i].at<double>(1,2); P(1,3) = T[i].at<double>(1); P(2,0) = R[i].at<double>(2,0); P(2,1) = R[i].at<double>(2,1); P(2,2) = R[i].at<double>(2,2); P(2,3) = T[i].at<double>(2); Pmats[local_cam_id_to_global_id[i]] = P; } #endif }
void BinaryWriter::Write(std::string fname, std::map<std::string, std::string> parameters, double *positions, std::vector<IntField*> intFields, std::vector<DoubleField*> doubleFields, int dim, long numParticles ) { std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it; int progress = 1; int j = 0; int k = 0; double temp; if(numParticles == 0) { std::cout << "Error: Number of particles is 0, exiting" << std::endl; std::exit(1); } ProgressBar pb(intFields.size()+doubleFields.size()+parameters.size()+1,"Writing output"); std::ofstream outfile((char*)fname.c_str(), std::ios::binary); if(outfile.is_open()) { std::cout << "Writing to output file..." << std::flush; outfile << "# vtk DataFile Version 1.0" << std::endl; outfile << "vtk output" << std::endl; outfile << "BINARY" << std::endl; outfile << "DATASET POLYDATA" << std::endl; outfile << "POINTS " << numParticles << " double" << std::endl; for ( int i = 0; i<numParticles; i++ ) // All positions, duplicate this loop to write extra arrays { j = 3*i; // SwapEnd(positions[j]); // outfile.write((char*)&positions[j], sizeof(double)); // SwapEnd(positions[j+1]); // outfile.write((char*)&positions[j+1], sizeof(double)); // SwapEnd(positions[j+2]); // outfile.write((char*)&positions[j+2], sizeof(double)); temp = std::stod(std::to_string(positions[j])); SwapEnd(temp); outfile.write((char*)&temp, sizeof(double)); temp = std::stod(std::to_string(positions[j+1])); SwapEnd(temp); outfile.write((char*)&temp, sizeof(double)); temp = std::stod(std::to_string(positions[j+2])); SwapEnd(temp); outfile.write((char*)&temp, sizeof(double)); } outfile << std::endl; // NEW LINE outfile << "POINT_DATA " << numParticles << std::endl; outfile << "FIELD FieldData " << doubleFields.size()+intFields.size() << std::endl; for (long intf=0; intf < intFields.size(); intf++) { IntField *thisField = intFields[intf]; outfile << thisField->name << " " << thisField->dim << " " << numParticles << " integer" << std::endl; for ( int i = 0; i<numParticles; i++ ) { k= thisField->dim * i; for( int l=0; l<thisField->dim; l++) { SwapEnd(thisField->data[k+l]); outfile.write((char*)&thisField->data[k+l], sizeof(int)); } } outfile << std::endl; } for (long intf=0; intf < doubleFields.size(); intf++) { DoubleField *thisField = doubleFields[intf]; outfile << thisField->name << " " << thisField->dim << " " << numParticles << " double" << std::endl; for ( int i = 0; i<numParticles; i++ ) { k= thisField->dim * i; for( int l=0; l<thisField->dim; l++) { SwapEnd(thisField->data[k+l]); outfile.write((char*)&thisField->data[k+l], sizeof(double)); } } outfile << std::endl; } outfile.close(); } std::string fname_par = fname.substr(0, fname.find(".", 0)); fname_par = fname_par + ".par"; std::ofstream outfile2((char*)fname_par.c_str(), std::ios::out); if(outfile2.is_open()) { outfile2 << "numParticles=" << numParticles << std::endl; // Number of particles for ( it = parameters.begin(); it != parameters.end(); it++ ) // All the parameters defined int he python script { outfile2 << it->first << "=" << space2comma2(it->second) << std::endl; } outfile2.close(); } pb.Finish(); }
void getProbsMorphs(std::map< int, std::map< int, std::string > >& sentMatrix, const lm::ngram::Model &model){ std::vector<std::pair<float, int> > sortedOpts; for(int opt=0; opt<sentMatrix.size();opt++){ //std::cerr << opt << ": "; std::map< int, std::string> sent = sentMatrix[opt]; lm::ngram::State state(model.BeginSentenceState()), out_state; // no sentence context //lm::ngram::State state(model.NullContextState()), out_state; const lm::ngram::Vocabulary &vocab = model.GetVocabulary(); lm::FullScoreReturn ret; float total =0.0; for(int i=0;i<sent.size();i++) { std::string w = sent[i]; //std::cerr << "word : "<< w << "sent size: "<< sent.size() << "\n"; // alternatives start with '/' and punctuation end with -PUNC-tag -> delete tag and leading '/' if(boost::starts_with(w,"/")){boost::erase_head(w,1);} if(boost::contains(w,"-PUNC-")){w = w.substr(0,1);} // proper names are marked with _NP -> use only NP for getting probs std::string newLem = "NP:"; boost::regex re("^.+_NP:"); if(boost::contains(w,"_NP:")){ w = boost::regex_replace(w, re, newLem); } // split word into morphs and get probabilities std::vector<std::string> strs; boost::split(strs,w,boost::is_any_of(":")); std::string lem = strs[0]; std::vector<std::string> morphs; boost::regex morphrx("\\+[^\\+]+"); if(strs.size() > 1){ boost::find_all_regex(morphs, strs[1], morphrx); } //std::cerr << "lemma: " << lem << ", morph size " << morphs.size() <<"\n"; /*for(int j=0;j<morphs.size();j++){ std::cerr << " morph: " << morphs[j] << "\n"; }*/ ret = model.FullScore(state, vocab.Index(lem), out_state); //std::cerr << "tested word " << w << " ,full p: " << ret.prob << " == " <<vocab.Index(w) << "\n"; total += ret.prob; state = out_state; // get Probs for morphs for(int j=0;j<morphs.size();j++){ ret = model.FullScore(state, vocab.Index(morphs[j]), out_state); total += ret.prob; //std::cerr << "tested morph " << morphs[j] << " ,p: " << ret.prob << " == " <<vocab.Index(morphs[j]) << "\n"; state = out_state; } } ret = model.FullScore(state, model.GetVocabulary().EndSentence(), out_state); total += ret.prob; //std::cerr << " total p: " << total <<'\n'; std::pair<float,int> mypair (total, opt); sortedOpts.push_back(mypair); } if(print_test_morph ==1){ // std::cerr << "printing test morphs" << std::endl; printTestMorphs(sentMatrix,sortedOpts); } else{ printSentsMorphGen(sentMatrix,sortedOpts); // std::cerr << "printing generated words" << std::endl; //std::cerr << "\n"; } }
void Input::RunBefore() { if (inputLocked) return; lockCallbackMaps = true; for(int i = 0; i < thisState.numDevices; ++i) { if (thisState.devices[i]) thisState.devices[i]->CopyInto(prevState.devices[i]); //TODO } // Set the focus to the display that has input focus (which // isnt necessarily the main display); std::vector<ViewID> dpys = ViewManager::ListViews(); Display * focus = nullptr; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < dpys.size(); ++i) { focus = ViewManager::Get(dpys[i]); if (focus && focus->HasInputFocus()) { focusID = dpys[i]; break; } focusID = ViewID(); focus = nullptr; } manager->SetFocus(focus); bool updated = manager->HandleEvents(); if (keyCallbackMap.size()) { for(auto i = keyCallbackMap.begin(); i != keyCallbackMap.end(); ++i) { if (Input::IsPressed(i->second)) i->first->OnPress(); if (Input::IsHeld(i->second)) i->first->OnHold(); if (Input::IsReleased(i->second)) i->first->OnRelease(); } } if (mouseCallbackMap.size()) { for(auto i = mouseCallbackMap.begin(); i != mouseCallbackMap.end(); ++i) { if (Input::IsPressed(i->second)) i->first->OnPress(); if (Input::IsHeld(i->second)) i->first->OnHold(); if (Input::IsReleased(i->second)) i->first->OnRelease(); } } /* // TODO: for pad support if (padCallbackMap.size()) { for(auto i = padCallbackMap.begin(); i != padCallbackMap.end(); ++i) { if (Input::IsPressed(i->second.first, i->second.second)) i->first->OnPress(); if (Input::IsHeld(i->second.first, i->second.second)) i->first->OnHold(); if (Input::IsReleased(i->second.first, i->second.second)) i->first->OnRelease(); } } */ if (strCallbackMap.size()) { for(auto i = strCallbackMap.begin(); i != strCallbackMap.end(); ++i) { if (Input::IsPressed(i->second)) i->first->OnPress(); if (Input::IsHeld(i->second)) i->first->OnHold(); if (Input::IsReleased(i->second)) i->first->OnRelease(); } } lockCallbackMaps = false; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < deletedListeners.size(); ++i) { auto b = deletedListeners[i]; auto pFind = padCallbackMap.find(b); if (pFind != padCallbackMap.end()) padCallbackMap.erase(pFind); auto mFind = mouseCallbackMap.find(b); if (mFind != mouseCallbackMap.end()) mouseCallbackMap.erase(mFind); auto kFind = keyCallbackMap.find(b); if (kFind != keyCallbackMap.end()) keyCallbackMap.erase(kFind); auto sFind = strCallbackMap.find(b); if (sFind != strCallbackMap.end()) strCallbackMap.erase(sFind); } deletedListeners.clear(); if (updated) { getUnicode(); } }
size_t operator()(const std::map<CborValue, CborValue> &map) const { return map.size(); }
void AbsDef::construct_compose( FirstOrderModelAbs * m, TNode q, TNode n, AbsDef * f, std::map< unsigned, AbsDef * >& children, std::map< unsigned, int >& bchildren, std::map< unsigned, int >& vchildren, std::vector< unsigned >& entry, std::vector< bool >& entry_def ) { if( n.getKind()==OR || n.getKind()==AND ){ // short circuiting for( std::map< unsigned, AbsDef * >::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it ){ if( ( it->second->d_value==0 && n.getKind()==AND ) || ( it->second->d_value==1 && n.getKind()==OR ) ){ //std::cout << "Short circuit " << it->second->d_value << " " << entry.size() << "/" << q[0].getNumChildren() << std::endl; unsigned count = q[0].getNumChildren() - entry.size(); for( unsigned i=0; i<count; i++ ){ entry.push_back( m->d_domain[m->getVariable( q, entry.size() ).getType()] ); entry_def.push_back( true ); } construct_entry( entry, entry_def, it->second->d_value ); for( unsigned i=0; i<count; i++ ){ entry.pop_back(); entry_def.pop_back(); } return; } } } if( entry.size()==q[0].getNumChildren() ){ if( f ){ if( Trace.isOn("ambqi-check-debug2") ){ for( unsigned i=0; i<entry.size(); i++ ){ Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << " "; } Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << "Evaluate uninterpreted function entry..." << std::endl; } //we are composing with an uninterpreted function std::vector< int > values; values.resize( n.getNumChildren(), val_none ); for( std::map< unsigned, AbsDef * >::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it ){ values[it->first] = it->second->d_value; } for( std::map< unsigned, int >::iterator it = bchildren.begin(); it != bchildren.end(); ++it ){ values[it->first] = it->second; } //look up value(s) f->apply_ucompose( m, q, entry, entry_def, values, vchildren, this ); }else{ bool incomplete = false; //we are composing with an interpreted function std::vector< TNode > values; values.resize( n.getNumChildren(), TNode::null() ); for( std::map< unsigned, AbsDef * >::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it ){ Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << "composite : " << it->first << " : " << it->second->d_value; if( it->second->d_value>=0 ){ if( it->second->d_value>=(int)m->d_rep_set.d_type_reps[n[it->first].getType()].size() ){ std::cout << it->second->d_value << " " << n[it->first] << " " << n[it->first].getType() << " " << m->d_rep_set.d_type_reps[n[it->first].getType()].size() << std::endl; } Assert( it->second->d_value<(int)m->d_rep_set.d_type_reps[n[it->first].getType()].size() ); values[it->first] = m->d_rep_set.d_type_reps[n[it->first].getType()][it->second->d_value]; }else{ incomplete = true; } Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << " ->> " << values[it->first] << std::endl; } for( std::map< unsigned, int >::iterator it = bchildren.begin(); it != bchildren.end(); ++it ){ Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << " basic : " << it->first << " : " << it->second; if( it->second>=0 ){ Assert( it->second<(int)m->d_rep_set.d_type_reps[n[it->first].getType()].size() ); values[it->first] = m->d_rep_set.d_type_reps[n[it->first].getType()][it->second]; }else{ incomplete = true; } Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << " ->> " << values[it->first] << std::endl; } Assert( vchildren.empty() ); if( incomplete ){ Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << "Construct incomplete entry." << std::endl; //if a child is unknown, we must return unknown construct_entry( entry, entry_def, val_unk ); }else{ if( Trace.isOn("ambqi-check-debug2") ){ for( unsigned i=0; i<entry.size(); i++ ){ Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << " "; } Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << "Evaluate interpreted function entry ( "; for( unsigned i=0; i<values.size(); i++ ){ Assert( !values[i].isNull() ); Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << values[i] << " "; } Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << ")..." << std::endl; } //evaluate Node vv = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( n.getKind(), values ); vv = Rewriter::rewrite( vv ); int v = m->getRepresentativeId( vv ); construct_entry( entry, entry_def, v ); } } }else{ //take product of arguments TypeNode tn = m->getVariable( q, entry.size() ).getType(); Assert( m->isValidType( tn ) ); unsigned def = m->d_domain[tn]; if( Trace.isOn("ambqi-check-debug2") ){ for( unsigned i=0; i<entry.size(); i++ ){ Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << " "; } Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << "Take product of arguments" << std::endl; } for( std::map< unsigned, AbsDef * >::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it ){ Assert( it->second!=NULL ); //process each child for( std::map< unsigned, AbsDef >::iterator itd = it->second->d_def.begin(); itd != it->second->d_def.end(); ++itd ){ if( itd->first!=it->second->d_default && ( def & itd->first )!=0 ){ def &= ~( itd->first ); //process this value std::map< unsigned, AbsDef * > cchildren; for( std::map< unsigned, AbsDef * >::iterator it2 = children.begin(); it2 != children.end(); ++it2 ){ Assert( it2->second!=NULL ); std::map< unsigned, AbsDef >::iterator itdf = it2->second->d_def.find( itd->first ); if( itdf!=it2->second->d_def.end() ){ cchildren[it2->first] = &itdf->second; }else{ Assert( it2->second->getDefault()!=NULL ); cchildren[it2->first] = it2->second->getDefault(); } } if( Trace.isOn("ambqi-check-debug2") ){ for( unsigned i=0; i<entry.size(); i++ ){ Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << " "; } Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << "...process : "; debugPrintUInt("ambqi-check-debug2", m->d_rep_set.d_type_reps[tn].size(), itd->first ); Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << " " << children.size() << " " << cchildren.size() << std::endl; } entry.push_back( itd->first ); entry_def.push_back( def==0 ); construct_compose( m, q, n, f, cchildren, bchildren, vchildren, entry, entry_def ); entry_def.pop_back(); entry.pop_back(); if( def==0 ){ break; } } } if( def==0 ){ break; } } if( def!=0 ){ if( Trace.isOn("ambqi-check-debug2") ){ for( unsigned i=0; i<entry.size(); i++ ){ Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << " "; } Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << "Make default argument" << std::endl; } std::map< unsigned, AbsDef * > cdchildren; for( std::map< unsigned, AbsDef * >::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it ){ Assert( it->second->getDefault()!=NULL ); cdchildren[it->first] = it->second->getDefault(); } if( Trace.isOn("ambqi-check-debug2") ){ for( unsigned i=0; i<entry.size(); i++ ){ Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << " "; } Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << "...process default : "; debugPrintUInt("ambqi-check-debug2", m->d_rep_set.getNumRepresentatives( tn ), def ); Trace("ambqi-check-debug2") << " " << children.size() << " " << cdchildren.size() << std::endl; } entry.push_back( def ); entry_def.push_back( true ); construct_compose( m, q, n, f, cdchildren, bchildren, vchildren, entry, entry_def ); entry_def.pop_back(); entry.pop_back(); } } }
void CDeskBand::Rename(HWND hwnd, const std::map<std::wstring, ULONG>& items) { // fill the list of selected file/foldernames m_filelist.clear(); if (items.size() > 1) { for (std::map<std::wstring, ULONG>::const_iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it) { size_t pos = it->first.find_last_of('\\'); if (pos != std::wstring::npos) { m_filelist.insert(it->first.substr(pos+1)); } } } else if (items.size() == 1) { for (std::map<std::wstring, ULONG>::const_iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it) { size_t pos = it->first.find_last_of('\\'); if (pos != std::wstring::npos) { m_filelist.insert(it->first.substr(pos+1)); } } } else { // no files or only one file were selected. // use all files and folders in the current folder instead IServiceProvider * pServiceProvider = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(GetIServiceProvider(hwnd, &pServiceProvider))) { IShellBrowser * pShellBrowser; if (SUCCEEDED(pServiceProvider->QueryService(SID_SShellBrowser, IID_IShellBrowser, (LPVOID*)&pShellBrowser))) { IShellView * pShellView; if (SUCCEEDED(pShellBrowser->QueryActiveShellView(&pShellView))) { IFolderView * pFolderView; if (SUCCEEDED(pShellView->QueryInterface(IID_IFolderView, (LPVOID*)&pFolderView))) { // hooray! we got the IFolderView interface! // that means the explorer is active and well :) // but we also need the IShellFolder interface because // we need its GetCurFolder() method IPersistFolder2 * pPersistFolder; if (SUCCEEDED(pFolderView->GetFolder(IID_IPersistFolder2, (LPVOID*)&pPersistFolder))) { LPITEMIDLIST folderpidl; if (SUCCEEDED(pPersistFolder->GetCurFolder(&folderpidl))) { // we have the current folder TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH] = {0}; // find the path of the folder if (SHGetPathFromIDList(folderpidl, buf)) { m_currentDirectory = buf; } // if m_currentDirectory is empty here, that means // the current directory is a virtual path IShellFolder * pShellFolder; if (SUCCEEDED(pPersistFolder->QueryInterface(IID_IShellFolder, (LPVOID*)&pShellFolder))) { // find all selected items IEnumIDList * pEnum; if (SUCCEEDED(pFolderView->Items(SVGIO_ALLVIEW, IID_IEnumIDList, (LPVOID*)&pEnum))) { LPITEMIDLIST pidl; WCHAR buf[MAX_PATH] = {0}; ULONG fetched = 0; ULONG attribs = 0; do { pidl = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(pEnum->Next(1, &pidl, &fetched))) { if (fetched) { // the pidl we get here is relative! attribs = SFGAO_FILESYSTEM|SFGAO_FOLDER; if (SUCCEEDED(pShellFolder->GetAttributesOf(1, (LPCITEMIDLIST*)&pidl, &attribs))) { if (attribs & SFGAO_FILESYSTEM) { // create an absolute pidl with the pidl we got above LPITEMIDLIST abspidl = CPidl::Append(folderpidl, pidl); if (abspidl) { if (SHGetPathFromIDList(abspidl, buf)) { std::wstring p = buf; size_t pos = p.find_last_of('\\'); if (pos != std::wstring::npos) { m_filelist.insert(p.substr(pos+1)); } } CoTaskMemFree(abspidl); } } } } CoTaskMemFree(pidl); } } while(fetched); pEnum->Release(); } pShellFolder->Release(); } CoTaskMemFree(folderpidl); } pPersistFolder->Release(); } pFolderView->Release(); } pShellView->Release(); } pShellBrowser->Release(); } pServiceProvider->Release(); } } // show the rename dialog m_bDialogShown = TRUE; CRenameDlg dlg(hwnd); dlg.SetFileList(m_filelist); if (dlg.DoModal(g_hInst, IDD_RENAMEDLG, hwnd, NULL) == IDOK) { try { const std::tr1::wregex regCheck(dlg.GetMatchString(), dlg.GetRegexFlags()); NumberReplaceHandler handler(dlg.GetReplaceString()); // start renaming the files IServiceProvider * pServiceProvider = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(GetIServiceProvider(hwnd, &pServiceProvider))) { IShellBrowser * pShellBrowser; if (SUCCEEDED(pServiceProvider->QueryService(SID_SShellBrowser, IID_IShellBrowser, (LPVOID*)&pShellBrowser))) { IShellView * pShellView; if (SUCCEEDED(pShellBrowser->QueryActiveShellView(&pShellView))) { IFolderView * pFolderView; if (SUCCEEDED(pShellView->QueryInterface(IID_IFolderView, (LPVOID*)&pFolderView))) { // hooray! we got the IFolderView interface! // that means the explorer is active and well :) // but we also need the IShellFolder interface because // we need its GetDisplayNameOf() method IPersistFolder2 * pPersistFolder; if (SUCCEEDED(pFolderView->GetFolder(IID_IPersistFolder2, (LPVOID*)&pPersistFolder))) { IShellFolder * pShellFolder; if (SUCCEEDED(pPersistFolder->QueryInterface(IID_IShellFolder, (LPVOID*)&pShellFolder))) { // our next task is to enumerate all the // items in the folder view and select those // which match the text in the edit control int nCount = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(pFolderView->ItemCount(SVGIO_ALLVIEW, &nCount))) { for (int i=0; i<nCount; ++i) { LPITEMIDLIST pidl; if (SUCCEEDED(pFolderView->Item(i, &pidl))) { STRRET str; if (SUCCEEDED(pShellFolder->GetDisplayNameOf(pidl, // SHGDN_FORPARSING needed to get the extensions even if they're not shown SHGDN_INFOLDER|SHGDN_FORPARSING, &str))) { TCHAR dispname[MAX_PATH]; StrRetToBuf(&str, pidl, dispname, _countof(dispname)); std::wstring replaced; try { std::wstring sDispName = dispname; // check if the item is in the list of selected items if (m_filelist.find(sDispName) != m_filelist.end()) { replaced = std::tr1::regex_replace(sDispName, regCheck, dlg.GetReplaceString()); replaced = handler.ReplaceCounters(replaced); if ( { ITEMIDLIST * pidlrenamed; pShellFolder->SetNameOf(NULL, pidl, replaced.c_str(), SHGDN_FORPARSING|SHGDN_INFOLDER, &pidlrenamed); // if the rename was successful, select the renamed item if (pidlrenamed) pFolderView->SelectItem(i, SVSI_CHECK|SVSI_SELECT); } } } catch (std::exception) { } } CoTaskMemFree(pidl); } } } pShellFolder->Release(); } pPersistFolder->Release(); } pFolderView->Release(); } pShellView->Release(); } pShellBrowser->Release(); } pServiceProvider->Release(); } } catch (std::exception) { } } m_bDialogShown = FALSE; }
MyGUI::KeyCode MYGUIManager::convertKeyCode( int key ) const { static std::map<int, MyGUI::KeyCode> s_keyCodeMap; if ( !s_keyCodeMap.size() ) { s_keyCodeMap['1'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::One; s_keyCodeMap['2'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Two; s_keyCodeMap['3'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Three; s_keyCodeMap['4'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Four; s_keyCodeMap['5'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Five; s_keyCodeMap['6'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Six; s_keyCodeMap['7'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Seven; s_keyCodeMap['8'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Eight; s_keyCodeMap['9'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Nine; s_keyCodeMap['0'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Zero; s_keyCodeMap['a'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::A; s_keyCodeMap['b'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::B; s_keyCodeMap['c'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::C; s_keyCodeMap['d'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::D; s_keyCodeMap['e'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::E; s_keyCodeMap['f'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::F; s_keyCodeMap['g'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::G; s_keyCodeMap['h'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::H; s_keyCodeMap['i'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::I; s_keyCodeMap['j'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::J; s_keyCodeMap['k'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::K; s_keyCodeMap['l'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::L; s_keyCodeMap['m'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::M; s_keyCodeMap['n'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::N; s_keyCodeMap['o'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::O; s_keyCodeMap['p'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::P; s_keyCodeMap['q'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Q; s_keyCodeMap['r'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::R; s_keyCodeMap['s'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::S; s_keyCodeMap['t'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::T; s_keyCodeMap['u'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::U; s_keyCodeMap['v'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::V; s_keyCodeMap['w'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::W; s_keyCodeMap['x'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::X; s_keyCodeMap['y'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Y; s_keyCodeMap['z'] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Z; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_F1] = MyGUI::KeyCode::F1; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_F2] = MyGUI::KeyCode::F2; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_F3] = MyGUI::KeyCode::F3; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_F4] = MyGUI::KeyCode::F4; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_F5] = MyGUI::KeyCode::F5; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_F6] = MyGUI::KeyCode::F6; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_F7] = MyGUI::KeyCode::F7; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_F8] = MyGUI::KeyCode::F8; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_F9] = MyGUI::KeyCode::F9; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_F10] = MyGUI::KeyCode::F10; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Escape] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Escape; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Tab] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Tab; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Return] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Return; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Space] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Space; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Minus] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Minus; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Equals] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Equals; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Backslash] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Backslash; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Slash] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Slash; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Semicolon] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Semicolon; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Comma] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Comma; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Period] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Period; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Insert] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Insert; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Delete] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Delete; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Home] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Home; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_End] = MyGUI::KeyCode::End; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Num_Lock] = MyGUI::KeyCode::NumLock; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Scroll_Lock] = MyGUI::KeyCode::ScrollLock; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Caps_Lock] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Capital; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_BackSpace] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Backspace; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Page_Down] = MyGUI::KeyCode::PageDown; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Page_Up] = MyGUI::KeyCode::PageUp; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Leftbracket] = MyGUI::KeyCode::LeftBracket; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Rightbracket] = MyGUI::KeyCode::RightBracket; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Quotedbl] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Apostrophe; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Left] = MyGUI::KeyCode::ArrowLeft; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Right] = MyGUI::KeyCode::ArrowRight; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Up] = MyGUI::KeyCode::ArrowUp; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Down] = MyGUI::KeyCode::ArrowDown; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_KP_1] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Numpad1; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_KP_2] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Numpad2; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_KP_3] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Numpad3; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_KP_4] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Numpad4; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_KP_5] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Numpad5; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_KP_6] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Numpad6; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_KP_7] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Numpad7; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_KP_8] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Numpad8; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_KP_9] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Numpad9; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_KP_0] = MyGUI::KeyCode::Numpad0; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_KP_Enter] = MyGUI::KeyCode::NumpadEnter; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Control_L] = MyGUI::KeyCode::LeftControl; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Control_R] = MyGUI::KeyCode::RightControl; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Alt_L] = MyGUI::KeyCode::LeftAlt; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Alt_R] = MyGUI::KeyCode::RightAlt; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Shift_L] = MyGUI::KeyCode::LeftShift; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Shift_R] = MyGUI::KeyCode::RightShift; s_keyCodeMap[osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Num_Lock] = MyGUI::KeyCode::NumLock; } std::map<int, MyGUI::KeyCode>::iterator itr = s_keyCodeMap.find(key); if ( itr!=s_keyCodeMap.end() ) return itr->second; return MyGUI::KeyCode::None; }
int read_matrix_and_rhs(char *file_name, int &n, int &nnz, std::map<unsigned int, MatrixEntry> &mat, std::map<unsigned int, double> &rhs, bool &cplx_2_real) { FILE *file = fopen(file_name, "r"); if (file == NULL) return TEST_FAILURE; enum EState { STATE_N, STATE_MATRIX, STATE_RHS, STATE_NNZ } state = STATE_N; // Variables needed to turn complex matrix into real. int k = 0; int l = 0; double* rhs_buffer = NULL; double buffer[4]; char row[MAX_ROW_LEN]; while (fgets(row, MAX_ROW_LEN, file) != NULL) { switch (state) { case STATE_N: if (read_n_nums(row, 1, buffer)) { if (cplx_2_real) { n = 2*((int) buffer[0]); rhs_buffer = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { rhs_buffer[i] = 0.0; } } else n = (int) buffer[0]; state = STATE_NNZ; } break; case STATE_NNZ: if (read_n_nums(row, 1, buffer)) nnz = (int) buffer[0]; state = STATE_MATRIX; break; case STATE_MATRIX: if (cplx_2_real) { if (read_n_nums(row, 4, buffer)) { mat.insert(std::pair<unsigned int, MatrixEntry>(k, MatrixEntry ((int) buffer[0], (int) buffer[1], buffer[2]))); mat.insert(std::pair<unsigned int, MatrixEntry>(k + 1, MatrixEntry ((int) buffer[0] + n/2, (int) buffer[1], buffer[3]))); mat.insert(std::pair<unsigned int, MatrixEntry>(k + 2*nnz, MatrixEntry ((int) buffer[0], (int) buffer[1] + n/2, (-1)*buffer[3]))); mat.insert(std::pair<unsigned int, MatrixEntry>(k + 2*nnz + 1, MatrixEntry ((int) buffer[0] + n/2, (int) buffer[1] + n/2, buffer[2]))); k = k + 2; } else state = STATE_RHS; } else { // if cplx_2_real is false. if (read_n_nums(row, 3, buffer)) mat[mat.size()] = (MatrixEntry ((int) buffer[0], (int) buffer[1], buffer[2])); else state = STATE_RHS; } break; //case STATE_MATRIX break. case STATE_RHS: if (cplx_2_real) { if (read_n_nums(row, 3, buffer)) { if (buffer[0] != (int) n/2-1) // Then this is not the last line in the input file { rhs[((int) buffer[0])] = (double) buffer[1]; rhs_buffer[l] = (double) buffer[2]; l = l + 1; } else // This is last line in the file. { // First read last line entry rhs[((int) buffer[0])] = (double) buffer[1]; rhs_buffer[l] = (double) buffer[2]; l = l + 1; // Take imaginary parts you saved, // and fill the rest of the rhs vector. for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { rhs[rhs.size()] = rhs_buffer[i]; } } } } else { // if cplx_2_real is false. if (read_n_nums(row, 2, buffer)) rhs[(int) buffer[0]] = (double) buffer[1]; } break; } } fclose(file); // Free memory delete [] rhs_buffer; // Clear pointer. rhs_buffer = NULL; return TEST_SUCCESS; }
static std::string key2symbol(SDLKey k, Uint16 unicode) { if(0==s_key2symbol.size()) { s_key2symbol[SDLK_BACKSPACE]="BackSpace"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_TAB]="Tab"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_CLEAR]="Clear"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_RETURN]="Return"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_PAUSE]="Pause"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_ESCAPE]="Escape"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_SPACE]="Space"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_EXCLAIM]="!"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_QUOTEDBL]="\""; s_key2symbol[SDLK_HASH]="#"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_DOLLAR]="$"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_AMPERSAND]="&"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_QUOTE]="'"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_LEFTPAREN]="("; s_key2symbol[SDLK_RIGHTPAREN]=")"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_ASTERISK]="*"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_PLUS]="+"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_COMMA]=","; s_key2symbol[SDLK_MINUS]="-"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_PERIOD]="."; s_key2symbol[SDLK_SLASH]="/"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_0]="0"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_1]="1"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_2]="2"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_3]="3"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_4]="4"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_5]="5"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_6]="6"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_7]="7"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_8]="8"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_9]="9"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_COLON]=":"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_SEMICOLON]=";"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_LESS]="<"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_EQUALS]="="; s_key2symbol[SDLK_GREATER]=">"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_QUESTION]="?"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_AT]="@"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_LEFTBRACKET]="]"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_BACKSLASH]="\\"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET]="]"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_CARET]="^"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_UNDERSCORE]="_"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_BACKQUOTE]="`"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_a]="a"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_b]="b"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_c]="c"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_d]="d"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_e]="e"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_f]="f"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_g]="g"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_h]="h"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_i]="i"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_j]="j"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_k]="k"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_l]="l"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_m]="m"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_n]="n"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_o]="o"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_p]="p"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_q]="q"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_r]="r"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_s]="s"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_t]="t"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_u]="u"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_v]="v"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_w]="w"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_x]="x"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_y]="y"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_z]="z"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_DELETE]="Delete"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_0]="World_0"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_1]="World_1"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_2]="World_2"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_3]="World_3"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_4]="World_4"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_5]="World_5"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_6]="World_6"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_7]="World_7"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_8]="World_8"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_9]="World_9"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_10]="World_10"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_11]="World_11"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_12]="World_12"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_13]="World_13"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_14]="World_14"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_15]="World_15"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_16]="World_16"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_17]="World_17"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_18]="World_18"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_19]="World_19"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_20]="World_20"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_21]="World_21"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_22]="World_22"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_23]="World_23"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_24]="World_24"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_25]="World_25"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_26]="World_26"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_27]="World_27"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_28]="World_28"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_29]="World_29"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_30]="World_30"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_31]="World_31"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_32]="World_32"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_33]="World_33"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_34]="World_34"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_35]="World_35"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_36]="World_36"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_37]="World_37"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_38]="World_38"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_39]="World_39"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_40]="World_40"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_41]="World_41"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_42]="World_42"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_43]="World_43"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_44]="World_44"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_45]="World_45"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_46]="World_46"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_47]="World_47"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_48]="World_48"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_49]="World_49"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_50]="World_50"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_51]="World_51"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_52]="World_52"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_53]="World_53"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_54]="World_54"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_55]="World_55"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_56]="World_56"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_57]="World_57"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_58]="World_58"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_59]="World_59"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_60]="World_60"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_61]="World_61"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_62]="World_62"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_63]="World_63"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_64]="World_64"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_65]="World_65"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_66]="World_66"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_67]="World_67"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_68]="World_68"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_69]="World_69"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_70]="World_70"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_71]="World_71"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_72]="World_72"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_73]="World_73"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_74]="World_74"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_75]="World_75"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_76]="World_76"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_77]="World_77"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_78]="World_78"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_79]="World_79"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_80]="World_80"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_81]="World_81"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_82]="World_82"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_83]="World_83"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_84]="World_84"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_85]="World_85"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_86]="World_86"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_87]="World_87"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_88]="World_88"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_89]="World_89"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_90]="World_90"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_91]="World_91"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_92]="World_92"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_93]="World_93"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_94]="World_94"; s_worldkey2symbol[SDLK_WORLD_95]="World_95"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_KP0]="KeyPad_0"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_KP1]="KeyPad_1"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_KP2]="KeyPad_2"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_KP3]="KeyPad_3"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_KP4]="KeyPad_4"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_KP5]="KeyPad_5"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_KP6]="KeyPad_6"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_KP7]="KeyPad_7"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_KP8]="KeyPad_8"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_KP9]="KeyPad_9"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_KP_PERIOD]="KeyPad_."; s_key2symbol[SDLK_KP_DIVIDE]="KeyPad_/"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY]="KeyPad_*"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_KP_MINUS]="KeyPad_-"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_KP_PLUS]="KeyPad_+"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_KP_ENTER]="KeyPad_Enter"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_KP_EQUALS]="KeyPad_="; s_key2symbol[SDLK_UP]="Up"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_DOWN]="Down"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_RIGHT]="Right"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_LEFT]="Left"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_INSERT]="Insert"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_HOME]="Home"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_END]="End"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_PAGEUP]="Prior"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_PAGEDOWN]="Next"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_F1]="F1"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_F2]="F2"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_F3]="F3"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_F4]="F4"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_F5]="F5"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_F6]="F6"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_F7]="F7"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_F8]="F8"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_F9]="F9"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_F10]="F10"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_F11]="F11"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_F12]="F12"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_F13]="F13"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_F14]="F14"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_F15]="F15"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_NUMLOCK]="Num_Lock"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_CAPSLOCK]="Caps_Lock"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_SCROLLOCK]="Scroll_Lock"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_RSHIFT]="Shift_R"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_LSHIFT]="Shift_L"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_RCTRL]="Control_R"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_LCTRL]="Control_L"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_RALT]="AltGr"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_LALT]="Alt_L"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_RMETA]="Meta_R"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_LMETA]="Meta_L"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_LSUPER]="Super_L"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_RSUPER]="Super_R"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_MODE]="Mode"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_COMPOSE]="Compose"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_HELP]="Help"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_PRINT]="Print"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_SYSREQ]="SysRq"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_BREAK]="Break"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_MENU]="Menu"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_POWER]="Power"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_EURO]="€"; s_key2symbol[SDLK_UNDO]="Undo"; } std::string s = s_key2symbol[k]; if(s.empty()) { if(unicode) { s_worldkey2symbol[k]=unicode; s=unicode; } else { s=s_worldkey2symbol[k]; } } if(s.empty()) { s="<unknown>"; } return s; }
void NETWORK::load_network2(std::map<std::pair<std::string , std::string>,float> network, bool _weighted, int edges ) { // message file //std::string msg_file = _output + ".msg"; //FILE *pMsg = NULL; // reset network for(int i=0; i<Order; i++) delete Nodes[i]; Nodes.clear(); Order = 0; Size = 0; // read edges // FILE_HANDLER f( _input_file.c_str(), "r" ); //int edges = f.rows(); //char line[1024] = {""}; std::map<std::string, int> hash_table; int source, target; double weight; //char source_label[128] = {""}; //char target_label[128] = {""}; int source_id = 0; int target_id = 0; int columns; if (network.size() !=0) { std::map<std::pair<std::string , std::string>,float>::iterator it; for (std::map<std::pair<std::string , std::string>,float>::iterator it=network.begin(); it!=network.end(); ++it) { //f.get_text_line( line, sizeof(line) ); //// check if line is valid (two or threee columns) //weight = 1.0; //columns = sscanf( line, "%s %s %lf", source_label, target_label, &weight ); //if( (!_weighted && columns < 2) || (_weighted && columns != 3) ) //{ // pMsg = fopen( msg_file.c_str(), "w" ); // fprintf( pMsg, "Error\nMissing column in line %i.", n+1 ); // fclose( pMsg ); // exit( 0 ); //} std::pair< std::map<std::string, int>::iterator, bool> added; // source node added = hash_table.insert( std::pair<std::string, int>(std::string(it->first.first), (int)Nodes.size()) ); if( added.second ) { source_id = (int)Nodes.size(); add_node( it->first.first.c_str() ); } else source_id = added.first->second; // target node added = hash_table.insert( std::pair<std::string, float>(std::string(it->first.second), (int)Nodes.size()) ); if( added.second ) { target_id = (int)Nodes.size(); add_node( it->first.second.c_str()); } else target_id = added.first->second; // add edge if( is_there_edge(source_id, target_id) ) { weight += get_edge_weight( source_id, target_id ); remove_edge(source_id, target_id); add_edge( source_id, target_id, abs(it->second) ); } else add_edge( source_id, target_id, abs(it->second) ); } } // if size limitazion is on, check network size //if( _size_limit != 0 && Order > _size_limit ) //{ // pMsg = fopen( msg_file.c_str(), "w" ); // fprintf( pMsg, "Error\nNetwork is too large." ); // fclose( pMsg ); // exit(0); //} // normalize weights // uncomment this part for normal hierarchy computation // this commented out for no weight hierarchy computation /*int deg; double max_weight = Nodes[0]->outweight(0); for(int i=0; i<Order; i++) { deg = Nodes[i]->outdegree(); for(int j=0; j<deg; j++) { if( Nodes[i]->outweight(j) > max_weight ) max_weight = Nodes[i]->outweight(j); } } for(int i=0; i<Order; i++) { deg = Nodes[i]->outdegree(); for(int j=0; j<deg; j++) Nodes[i]->setOutWeight( j, Nodes[i]->outweight(j)/max_weight ); }*/ // print network properties //pMsg = fopen( msg_file.c_str(), "w" ); //fprintf( pMsg, "Success\n%i\n%i", Order, Size ); //fclose( pMsg ); }
BOOL CBitmap::LoadBitmap(LPCTSTR lpszResourceName) { if (g_mapResBitMaps.size() == 0) { QString resPath = QDir::currentPath(); QDomDocument doc; QFile file(resPath + "\\Resources.xml"); int errorLine, errorColumn; QString errorMsg; if (! { return FALSE; } if (!doc.setContent(&file, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn)) { file.close(); return FALSE; } file.close(); /* * *<BITMAPTABLE> <BITMAP IDSTR="IDR_MAINFRAME" ID="128" NAME="Toolbar.bmp"/> </BITMAPTABLE> */ QDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement(); QDomElement bitmapTable = docElem.firstChildElement("BITMAPTABLE"); while(!bitmapTable.isNull()) { QDomElement bitmapTableItem = bitmapTable.firstChildElement("BITMAP"); while(!bitmapTableItem.isNull()) { QDomNamedNodeMap attrs = bitmapTableItem.attributes(); QDomNode idAttr = attrs.namedItem("ID"); QDomNode idStrAttr = attrs.namedItem("IDSTR"); QDomNode nameAttr = attrs.namedItem("NAME"); QString resPath = QDir::currentPath(); QString imagePath = resPath + "\\" + nameAttr.nodeValue(); QPixmap *image = new QPixmap; if (image->load(imagePath)) { if (!idAttr.isNull()) { g_mapResBitMaps[idAttr.nodeValue()] = image; } else if (!idStrAttr.isNull()) { g_mapResBitMaps[idStrAttr.nodeValue()] = image; } } else { delete image; } bitmapTableItem = bitmapTableItem.nextSiblingElement("BITMAP"); } bitmapTable = bitmapTable.nextSiblingElement("BITMAPTABLE"); } } if (mBitMap) { QPixmap *bitmap = (QPixmap *)mBitMap; delete bitmap; } if (g_mapResBitMaps.find(QString::fromWCharArray(lpszResourceName)) != g_mapResBitMaps.end()) { mBitMap = new QPixmap(*(g_mapResBitMaps[QString::fromWCharArray(lpszResourceName)])); } return mBitMap != NULL; }
void OpenCLConfig::apply(std::string &_devTy, std::map<cl_device_id, cl_context>& _devices) { _devicesPtr=&_devices; //Auto-enable CUDA if it was not done before if (!_enableOpenCL) { //ompss_uses_opencl pointer will be null (is extern) if the compiler did not fill it _enableOpenCL=((&ompss_uses_opencl)!=0); } if( _forceDisableOpenCL || !_enableOpenCL ) return; cl_int errCode; // Get the number of available platforms. cl_uint numPlats; if( clGetPlatformIDs( 0, NULL, &numPlats ) != CL_SUCCESS ) fatal0( "Cannot detect the number of available OpenCL platforms" ); if ( numPlats == 0 ) fatal0( "No OpenCL platform available" ); // Read all platforms. cl_platform_id *plats = new cl_platform_id[numPlats]; if( clGetPlatformIDs( numPlats, plats, NULL ) != CL_SUCCESS ) fatal0( "Cannot load OpenCL platforms" ); // Is platform available? if( !numPlats ) fatal0( "No OpenCL platform available" ); std::vector<cl_platform_id> _plats; // Save platforms. _plats.assign(plats, plats + numPlats); delete [] plats; cl_device_type devTy; // Parse the requested device type. if( _devTy == "" || _devTy == "ALL" ) devTy = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL; else if( _devTy == "CPU" ) devTy = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU; else if( _devTy == "GPU" ) devTy = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU; else if( _devTy == "ACCELERATOR" ) devTy = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR; else fatal0( "Unable to parse device type" ); // Read all devices. for( std::vector<cl_platform_id>::iterator i = _plats.begin(), e = _plats.end(); i != e; ++i ) { #ifndef NANOS_DISABLE_ALLOCATOR char buffer[200]; clGetPlatformInfo(*i, CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR, 200, buffer, NULL); if (std::string(buffer)=="Intel(R) Corporation" || std::string(buffer)=="ARM"){ debug0("Intel or ARM OpenCL don't work correctly when using nanox allocator, " "please configure and reinstall nanox with --disable-allocator in case you want to use it, skipping Intel OpenCL devices"); continue; } #endif // Get the number of available devices. cl_uint numDevices; errCode = clGetDeviceIDs( *i, devTy, 0, NULL, &numDevices ); if( errCode != CL_SUCCESS ) continue; // Read all matching devices. cl_device_id *devs = new cl_device_id[numDevices]; errCode = clGetDeviceIDs( *i, devTy, numDevices, devs, NULL ); if( errCode != CL_SUCCESS ) continue; int devicesToUse=0; cl_device_id *avaiableDevs = new cl_device_id[numDevices]; // Get all avaiable devices for( cl_device_id *j = devs, *f = devs + numDevices; j != f; ++j ) { cl_bool available; errCode = clGetDeviceInfo( *j, CL_DEVICE_AVAILABLE, sizeof( cl_bool ), &available, NULL ); if( errCode != CL_SUCCESS ) continue; if( available && _devices.size()+devicesToUse<_devNum){ avaiableDevs[devicesToUse++]=*j; } } cl_context_properties props[] = { CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, reinterpret_cast<cl_context_properties>(*i), 0 }; //Cant instrument here //NANOS_OPENCL_CREATE_IN_OCL_RUNTIME_EVENT( ext::NANOS_OPENCL_CREATE_CONTEXT_EVENT ); cl_context ctx = clCreateContext( props, devicesToUse, avaiableDevs, NULL, NULL, &errCode ); //NANOS_OPENCL_CLOSE_IN_OCL_RUNTIME_EVENT; // Put all available devices inside the vector. for( cl_device_id *j = avaiableDevs, *f = avaiableDevs + devicesToUse; j != f; ++j ) { _devices.insert(std::make_pair( *j , ctx) ); } _currNumDevices=_devices.size(); delete [] devs; } }
void load_interface_lane_map() { SWSS_LOG_ENTER(); if (g_interface_lane_map_file == NULL) { SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("no interface lane map"); return; } std::ifstream lanemap(g_interface_lane_map_file); if (!lanemap.is_open()) { SWSS_LOG_ERROR("failed to open lane map file: %s", g_interface_lane_map_file); return; } std::string line; while(getline(lanemap, line)) { if (line.size() > 0 && (line[0] == '#' || line[0] == ';')) { continue; } auto tokens = swss::tokenize(line, ':'); if (tokens.size() != 2) { SWSS_LOG_ERROR("expected 2 tokens in line %s, got %zu", line.c_str(), tokens.size()); continue; } auto ifname =; auto lanes =; if (!check_ifname(ifname)) { continue; } if (g_ifname_to_lanes.find(ifname) != g_ifname_to_lanes.end()) { SWSS_LOG_ERROR("interface %s was already defined", ifname.c_str()); continue; } tokens = swss::tokenize(lanes,','); size_t n = tokens.size(); if (n != 1 && n != 2 && n != 4) { SWSS_LOG_ERROR("invalid number of lanes (%zu) assigned to interface %s", n, ifname.c_str()); continue; } std::vector<uint32_t> lanevec; for (auto l: tokens) { uint32_t lanenumber; if (sscanf(l.c_str(), "%u", &lanenumber) != 1) { SWSS_LOG_ERROR("failed to parse lane number: %s", l.c_str()); continue; } if (g_lane_to_ifname.find(lanenumber) != g_lane_to_ifname.end()) { SWSS_LOG_ERROR("lane number %u used on %s was already defined on %s", lanenumber, ifname.c_str(),; continue; } lanevec.push_back(lanenumber); g_lane_order.push_back(lanenumber); g_lane_to_ifname[lanenumber] = ifname; } g_ifname_to_lanes[ifname] = lanevec; g_laneMap.push_back(lanevec); } SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("loaded %zu lanes and %zu interfaces", g_lane_to_ifname.size(), g_ifname_to_lanes.size()); }
int NumberOfKnownResidues() { InitializeAtomicPropertyMaps(); return residuename_to_number.size(); }
/** * Make a map of the conversion factors between tof and D-spacing * for all pixel IDs in a workspace. * map vulcan should contain the module/module and stack/stack offset * * @param vulcan :: map between detector ID and vulcan correction factor. * @param offsetsWS :: OffsetsWorkspace to be filled. */ void LoadDspacemap::CalculateOffsetsFromVulcanFactors( std::map<detid_t, double> &vulcan, Mantid::DataObjects::OffsetsWorkspace_sptr offsetsWS) { // Get a pointer to the instrument contained in the workspace // At this point, instrument VULCAN has been created? Instrument_const_sptr instrument = offsetsWS->getInstrument(); g_log.notice() << "Name of instrument = " << instrument->getName() << std::endl; g_log.notice() << "Input map (dict): size = " << vulcan.size() << std::endl; // To get all the detector ID's detid2det_map allDetectors; instrument->getDetectors(allDetectors); detid2det_map::const_iterator it; int numfinds = 0; g_log.notice() << "Input number of detectors = " << allDetectors.size() << std::endl; // Get detector information double l1, beamline_norm; Kernel::V3D beamline, samplePos; instrument->getInstrumentParameters(l1, beamline, beamline_norm, samplePos); /*** A survey of parent detector std::map<detid_t, bool> parents; for (it = allDetectors.begin(); it != allDetectors.end(); it++){ int32_t detid = it->first; // def boost::shared_ptr<const Mantid::Geometry::IDetector> IDetector_const_sptr; std::string parentname = it->second->getParent()->getComponentID()->getName(); g_log.notice() << "Name = " << parentname << std::endl; // parents.insert(parentid, true); } ***/ /*** Here some special configuration for VULCAN is hard-coded here! * Including (1) Super-Parent Information ***/ Kernel::V3D referencePos; detid_t anydetinrefmodule = 21 * 1250 + 5; std::map<detid_t, Geometry::IDetector_const_sptr>::iterator det_iter = allDetectors.find(anydetinrefmodule); if (det_iter == allDetectors.end()) { throw std::invalid_argument("Any Detector ID is Instrument's detector"); } referencePos = det_iter->second->getParent()->getPos(); double refl2 = referencePos.norm(); double halfcosTwoThetaRef = referencePos.scalar_prod(beamline) / (refl2 * beamline_norm); double sinThetaRef = sqrt(0.5 - halfcosTwoThetaRef); double difcRef = sinThetaRef * (l1 + refl2) / CONSTANT; // Loop over all detectors in instrument to find the offset for (it = allDetectors.begin(); it != allDetectors.end(); ++it) { int detectorID = it->first; Geometry::IDetector_const_sptr det = it->second; double offset = 0.0; // Find the vulcan factor; double vulcan_factor = 0.0; std::map<detid_t, double>::const_iterator vulcan_iter = vulcan.find(detectorID); if (vulcan_iter != vulcan.end()) { vulcan_factor = vulcan_iter->second; numfinds++; } // g_log.notice() << "Selected Detector with ID = " << detectorID << " ID2 // = " << id2 << std::endl; proved to be same double intermoduleoffset = 0; double interstackoffset = 0; detid_t intermoduleid = detid_t(detectorID / 1250) * 1250 + 1250 - 2; vulcan_iter = vulcan.find(intermoduleid); if (vulcan_iter == vulcan.end()) { g_log.error() << "Cannot find inter-module offset ID = " << intermoduleid << std::endl; } else { intermoduleoffset = vulcan_iter->second; } detid_t interstackid = detid_t(detectorID / 1250) * 1250 + 1250 - 1; vulcan_iter = vulcan.find(interstackid); if (vulcan_iter == vulcan.end()) { g_log.error() << "Cannot find inter-module offset ID = " << intermoduleid << std::endl; } else { interstackoffset = vulcan_iter->second; } /*** This is the previous way to correct upon DIFC[module center pixel] // The actual factor is 10^(-value_in_the_file) vulcan_factor = pow(10.0,-vulcan_factor); // At this point, tof_corrected = vulcan_factor * tof_input // So this is the offset offset = vulcan_factor - 1.0; ***/ /*** New approach to correct based on DIFC of each pixel * Equation: offset = DIFC^(pixel)/DIFC^(parent)*(1+vulcan_offset)-1 * offset should be close to 0 ***/ // 1. calculate DIFC Kernel::V3D detPos; detPos = det->getPos(); // Now detPos will be set with respect to samplePos detPos -= samplePos; double l2 = detPos.norm(); double halfcosTwoTheta = detPos.scalar_prod(beamline) / (l2 * beamline_norm); double sinTheta = sqrt(0.5 - halfcosTwoTheta); double difc_pixel = sinTheta * (l1 + l2) / CONSTANT; // Kernel::V3D parentPos = det->getParent()->getPos(); // parentPos -= samplePos; // double l2parent = parentPos.norm(); // double halfcosTwoThetaParent = parentPos.scalar_prod(beamline)/(l2 * // beamline_norm); // double sinThetaParent = sqrt(0.5 - halfcosTwoThetaParent); // double difc_parent = sinThetaParent*(l1+l2parent)/CONSTANT; /*** Offset Replicate Previous Result offset = difc_pixel/difc_parent*(pow(10.0, -vulcan_factor))-1.0; ***/ offset = difc_pixel / difcRef * (pow(10.0, -(vulcan_factor + intermoduleoffset + interstackoffset))) - 1.0; // Save in the map try { offsetsWS->setValue(detectorID, offset); if (intermoduleid != 27498 && intermoduleid != 28748 && intermoduleid != 29998 && intermoduleid != 33748 && intermoduleid != 34998 && intermoduleid != 36248) { g_log.error() << "Detector ID = " << detectorID << " Inter-Module ID = " << intermoduleid << std::endl; throw std::invalid_argument("Indexing error!"); } } catch (std::invalid_argument &) { g_log.notice() << "Misses Detector ID = " << detectorID << std::endl; } } // for g_log.notice() << "Number of matched detectors =" << numfinds << std::endl; }
int MidiInstrumentMapper::GetMapCount() { midiMapsMutex.Lock(); int i = midiMaps.size(); midiMapsMutex.Unlock(); return i; }
int str2vkey(String s) { if(strvkeymap.size()==0) { strvkeymap["[SPACE]"] = VK_SPACE; strvkeymap["[F1]"] = VK_F1; strvkeymap["[F2]"] = VK_F2; strvkeymap["[F3]"] = VK_F3; strvkeymap["[F4]"] = VK_F4; strvkeymap["[F5]"] = VK_F5; strvkeymap["[F6]"] = VK_F6; strvkeymap["[F7]"] = VK_F7; strvkeymap["[F8]"] = VK_F8; strvkeymap["[F9]"] = VK_F9; strvkeymap["[F10]"] = VK_F10; strvkeymap["[F11]"] = VK_F11; strvkeymap["[F12]"] = VK_F12; strvkeymap["[ESC]"] = VK_ESCAPE; strvkeymap["[TAB]"] = VK_TAB; strvkeymap["[DEL]"] = VK_DELETE; strvkeymap["[INS]"] = VK_INSERT; strvkeymap["[HOME]"] = VK_HOME; strvkeymap["[END]"] = VK_END; strvkeymap["[PGUP]"] = VK_PRIOR; strvkeymap["[PGDN]"] = VK_NEXT; strvkeymap["[PAUSE]"] = VK_PAUSE; strvkeymap["[ENTER]"] = VK_RETURN; strvkeymap["[SHIFT]"] = VK_SHIFT; strvkeymap["[CONTROL]"] = VK_CONTROL; strvkeymap["[ALT]"] = 0xa4; strvkeymap["[BACK]"] = VK_BACK; strvkeymap["[LEFT]"] = VK_LEFT; strvkeymap["[UP]"] = VK_UP; strvkeymap["[RIGHT]"] = VK_RIGHT; strvkeymap["[DOWN]"] = VK_DOWN; strvkeymap["[NUMLOCK]"] = VK_NUMLOCK; strvkeymap["[0]"] = 0x60; strvkeymap["[1]"] = 0x61; strvkeymap["[2]"] = 0x62; strvkeymap["[3]"] = 0x63; strvkeymap["[4]"] = 0x64; strvkeymap["[5]"] = 0x65; strvkeymap["[6]"] = 0x66; strvkeymap["[7]"] = 0x67; strvkeymap["[8]"] = 0x68; strvkeymap["[9]"] = 0x69; strvkeymap["[+]"] = 0x6b; strvkeymap["[-]"] = 0x6d; strvkeymap["[=]"] = 0xbb; } std::map<String,int>::iterator it = strvkeymap.find(s); if(it==strvkeymap.end()) return 0; return it->second; }
void CIMIContext::getCandidates (unsigned frIdx, CCandidates& result) { TCandiPair cp; static std::map<wstring, TCandiPair> map; std::map<wstring, TCandiPair>::iterator it_map; map.clear(); result.clear(); std::vector<unsigned> st; getBestSentence (st, frIdx); cp.m_candi.m_start = m_candiStarts = frIdx++; for (;frIdx < m_tailIdx; ++frIdx) { CLatticeFrame &fr = m_lattice[frIdx]; if (!fr.isSyllableFrame ()) continue; cp.m_candi.m_end = frIdx; if (fr.m_bwType != CLatticeFrame::NO_BESTWORD && fr.m_bestWord.m_start == m_candiStarts) { cp.m_candi = fr.m_bestWord; cp.m_Rank = TCandiRank(fr.m_bwType & CLatticeFrame::USER_SELECTED, fr.m_bwType & CLatticeFrame::BESTWORD, 0, false, 0); map [cp.m_candi.m_cwstr] = cp; } bool found = false; CLexiconStates::iterator it = fr.m_lexiconStates.begin(); CLexiconStates::iterator ite = fr.m_lexiconStates.end(); for (; it != ite; ++it) { TLexiconState & lxst = *it; if (lxst.m_start != m_candiStarts) continue; int len = lxst.m_syls.size() - lxst.m_num_of_inner_fuzzies; if (0 == len) len = 1; found = true; unsigned word_num; const CPinyinTrie::TWordIdInfo *words = lxst.getWords (word_num); for (unsigned i=0; i<word_num; ++i) { if (m_csLevel < words[i].m_csLevel) continue; cp.m_candi.m_wordId = words[i].m_id; cp.m_candi.m_cwstr = _getWstr (cp.m_candi.m_wordId); cp.m_candi.m_pLexiconState = &lxst; if (!cp.m_candi.m_cwstr) continue; //sorting according to the order in PinYinTire cp.m_Rank = TCandiRank(false, st.front() == cp.m_candi.m_wordId, len, false, i); it_map = map.find(cp.m_candi.m_cwstr); if (it_map == map.end() || cp.m_Rank < it_map->second.m_Rank || cp.m_candi.m_wordId > INI_USRDEF_WID) map [cp.m_candi.m_cwstr] = cp; } } if (!found) continue; // FIXME: need better solution later if (m_bDynaCandiOrder) { CLatticeStates::iterator it = fr.m_latticeStates.begin(); CLatticeStates::iterator ite = fr.m_latticeStates.end(); for (; it != ite; ++it) { TLatticeState & ltst = *it; if (ltst.m_pBackTraceNode->m_frIdx != m_candiStarts) continue; cp.m_candi.m_wordId = ltst.m_backTraceWordId; cp.m_candi.m_cwstr = _getWstr (cp.m_candi.m_wordId); cp.m_candi.m_pLexiconState = ltst.m_pLexiconState; if (!cp.m_candi.m_cwstr) continue; int len = cp.m_candi.m_pLexiconState->m_syls.size() - cp.m_candi.m_pLexiconState->m_num_of_inner_fuzzies; if (0 == len) len = 1; cp.m_Rank = TCandiRank(false, st.front() == cp.m_candi.m_wordId, len, true, ltst.m_score/ltst.m_pBackTraceNode->m_score); it_map = map.find(cp.m_candi.m_cwstr); if (it_map == map.end() || cp.m_Rank < it_map->second.m_Rank || cp.m_candi.m_wordId > INI_USRDEF_WID) map[cp.m_candi.m_cwstr] = cp; } } m_candiEnds = frIdx; } std::vector<TCandiPairPtr> vec; vec.reserve(map.size()); std::map<wstring, TCandiPair>::iterator it_mapE = map.end(); for (it_map = map.begin(); it_map != it_mapE; ++it_map) vec.push_back(TCandiPairPtr(&(it_map->second))); std::make_heap(vec.begin(), vec.end()); std::sort_heap(vec.begin(), vec.end()); for (int i=0, sz=vec.size(); i < sz; ++i) result.push_back(vec[i].m_Ptr->m_candi); }
Double_t CalibTree::Loop(int loop, TFile *fout, bool useweight, int nMin, bool inverse, double rmin, double rmax, int ietaMax, int applyL1Cut, double l1Cut, bool last, double fraction, bool writeHisto, bool debug) { if (fChain == 0) return 0; Long64_t nbytes(0), nb(0), kprint(0); Long64_t nentryTot = fChain->GetEntriesFast(); Long64_t nentries = (fraction > 0.01 && fraction < 0.99) ? (Long64_t)(fraction*nentryTot) : nentryTot; if (detIds.size() == 0) { for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries; jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; // Find DetIds contributing to the track bool selRun = (includeRun_ ? ((t_Run >= runlo_) && (t_Run <= runhi_)) : ((t_Run < runlo_) || (t_Run > runhi_))); if (selRun && (t_nVtx >= nvxlo_) && (t_nVtx <= nvxhi_)) { bool isItRBX = (cSelect_ && exclude_ && cSelect_->isItRBX(t_DetIds)); ++kprint; if (!isItRBX) { for (unsigned int idet=0; idet<(*t_DetIds).size(); idet++) { if (selectPhi((*t_DetIds)[idet])) { unsigned int detid = truncateId((*t_DetIds)[idet], truncateFlag_,debug); if (debug && (kprint<=10)) { std::cout << "DetId[" << idet << "] Original " << std::hex << (*t_DetIds)[idet] << " truncated " << detid << std::dec; } if (std::find(detIds.begin(),detIds.end(),detid) == detIds.end()){ detIds.push_back(detid); if (debug && (kprint<=10)) std::cout << " new"; } if (debug && (kprint<=10)) std::cout << std::endl; } } // Also look at the neighbouring cells if available if (t_DetIds3 != 0) { for (unsigned int idet=0; idet<(*t_DetIds3).size(); idet++) { if (selectPhi((*t_DetIds3)[idet])) { unsigned int detid = truncateId((*t_DetIds3)[idet], truncateFlag_,debug); if (std::find(detIds.begin(),detIds.end(),detid)==detIds.end()){ detIds.push_back(detid); } } } } } } } } if (debug) { std::cout << "Total of " << detIds.size() << " detIds and " << histos.size() << " histos found" << std::endl; // The masks are defined in DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalDetId.h for (unsigned int k=0; k<detIds.size(); ++k) { int subdet, depth, zside, ieta, iphi; unpackDetId(detIds[k], subdet, zside, ieta, iphi, depth); std::cout << "DetId[" << k << "] " << subdet << ":" << zside*ieta << ":" << depth << ":" << iphi << " " << std::hex << detIds[k] << std::dec << std::endl; } } unsigned int k(0); for (std::map<unsigned int, TH1D*>::const_iterator itr = histos.begin(); itr != histos.end(); ++itr,++k) { if (debug) { std::cout << "histos[" << k << "] " << std::hex << itr->first << std::dec << " " << itr->second; if (itr->second != 0) std::cout << " " << itr->second->GetTitle(); std::cout << std::endl; } if (itr->second != 0) itr->second->Delete(); } for (unsigned int k=0; k<detIds.size(); ++k) { char name[20], title[100]; sprintf (name, "Hist%d_%d", detIds[k], loop); int subdet, depth, zside, ieta, iphi; unpackDetId(detIds[k], subdet, zside, ieta, iphi, depth); sprintf (title, "Correction for Subdet %d #eta %d depth %d (Loop %d)", subdet, zside*ieta, depth, loop); TH1D* hist = new TH1D(name,title,100, 0.0, 5.0); hist->Sumw2(); if (debug) { std::cout << "Book Histo " << k << " " << title << std::endl; } histos[detIds[k]] = hist; } std::cout << "Total of " << detIds.size() << " detIds and " << histos.size() << " found in " << nentries << std::endl; nbytes = nb = 0; std::map<unsigned int, myEntry > SumW; std::map<unsigned int, double > nTrks; int ntkgood(0); for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries; jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; if (std::find(entries.begin(),entries.end(),jentry) != entries.end()) continue; bool selRun = (includeRun_ ? ((t_Run >= runlo_) && (t_Run <= runhi_)) : ((t_Run < runlo_) || (t_Run > runhi_))); if (!selRun) continue; if ((t_nVtx < nvxlo_) || (t_nVtx > nvxhi_)) continue; if (cSelect_ != nullptr) { if (exclude_) { if (cSelect_->isItRBX(t_DetIds)) continue; } else { if (!(cSelect_->isItRBX(t_ieta,t_iphi))) continue; } } if (debug) { std::cout << "***Entry (Track) Number : " << ientry << std::endl; std::cout << "p/eHCal/eMipDR/nDets : " << t_p << "/" << t_eHcal << "/" << t_eMipDR << "/" << (*t_DetIds).size() << std::endl; } double pmom = (useGen_ && (t_gentrackP > 0)) ? t_gentrackP : t_p; if (goodTrack()) { ++ntkgood; double Etot(0), Etot2(0); for (unsigned int idet=0; idet<(*t_DetIds).size(); idet++) { if (selectPhi((*t_DetIds)[idet])) { unsigned int id = (*t_DetIds)[idet]; double hitEn(0); unsigned int detid = truncateId(id,truncateFlag_,false); if (Cprev.find(detid) != Cprev.end()) hitEn = Cprev[detid].first * (*t_HitEnergies)[idet]; else hitEn = (*t_HitEnergies)[idet]; if (cFactor_) hitEn *= cFactor_->getCorr(t_Run,id); Etot += hitEn; Etot2 += ((*t_HitEnergies)[idet]); } } // Now the outer cone double Etot1(0), Etot3(0); if (t_DetIds1 != 0 && t_DetIds3 != 0) { for (unsigned int idet=0; idet<(*t_DetIds1).size(); idet++) { if (selectPhi((*t_DetIds1)[idet])) { unsigned int id = (*t_DetIds1)[idet]; unsigned int detid = truncateId(id,truncateFlag_,false); double hitEn(0); if (Cprev.find(detid) != Cprev.end()) hitEn = Cprev[detid].first * (*t_HitEnergies1)[idet]; else hitEn = (*t_HitEnergies1)[idet]; if (cFactor_) hitEn *= cFactor_->getCorr(t_Run,id); Etot1 += hitEn; } } for (unsigned int idet=0; idet<(*t_DetIds3).size(); idet++) { if (selectPhi((*t_DetIds3)[idet])) { unsigned int id = (*t_DetIds3)[idet]; unsigned int detid = truncateId(id,truncateFlag_,false); double hitEn(0); if (Cprev.find(detid) != Cprev.end()) hitEn = Cprev[detid].first * (*t_HitEnergies3)[idet]; else hitEn = (*t_HitEnergies3)[idet]; if (cFactor_) hitEn *= cFactor_->getCorr(t_Run,id); Etot3 += hitEn; } } } eHcalDelta_ = Etot3-Etot1; double evWt = (useweight) ? t_EventWeight : 1.0; // PU correction only for loose isolation cut double ehcal = ((puCorr_ == 0) ? Etot : ((puCorr_ < 0) ? (Etot*puFactor(-puCorr_,t_ieta,pmom,Etot,eHcalDelta_)) : puFactorRho(puCorr_,t_ieta,t_rhoh,Etot))); double pufac = (Etot > 0) ? (ehcal/Etot) : 1.0; double ratio = ehcal/(pmom-t_eMipDR); if (debug) std::cout << " Weights " << evWt << ":" << pufac << " Energy " << Etot2 << ":" << Etot << ":" << pmom << ":" << t_eMipDR << ":" << t_eHcal << ":" << ehcal << " ratio " << ratio << std::endl; if (loop==0) { h_pbyE->Fill(ratio, evWt); h_Ebyp_bfr->Fill(t_ieta, ratio, evWt); } if (last){ h_Ebyp_aftr->Fill(t_ieta, ratio, evWt); } bool l1c(true); if (applyL1Cut != 0) l1c = ((t_mindR1 >= l1Cut) || ((applyL1Cut == 1) && (t_DataType == 1))); if ((rmin >=0 && ratio > rmin) && (rmax >= 0 && ratio < rmax) && l1c) { for (unsigned int idet=0; idet<(*t_DetIds).size(); idet++) { if (selectPhi((*t_DetIds)[idet])) { unsigned int id = (*t_DetIds)[idet]; unsigned int detid = truncateId(id,truncateFlag_,false); double hitEn=0.0; if (debug) { std::cout << "idet " << idet << " detid/hitenergy : " << std::hex << (*t_DetIds)[idet] << ":" << detid << "/" << (*t_HitEnergies)[idet] << std::endl; } if (Cprev.find(detid) != Cprev.end()) hitEn = Cprev[detid].first * (*t_HitEnergies)[idet]; else hitEn = (*t_HitEnergies)[idet]; if (cFactor_) hitEn *= cFactor_->getCorr(t_Run,id); double Wi = evWt * hitEn/Etot; double Fac = (inverse) ? (ehcal/(pmom-t_eMipDR)) : ((pmom-t_eMipDR)/ehcal); double Fac2= Wi*Fac*Fac; TH1D* hist(0); std::map<unsigned int,TH1D*>::const_iterator itr = histos.find(detid); if (itr != histos.end()) hist = itr->second; if (debug) { std::cout << "Det Id " << std::hex << detid << std::dec << " " << hist << std::endl; } if (hist != 0) hist->Fill(Fac, Wi);//////histola Fac *= Wi; if (SumW.find(detid) != SumW.end() ) { Wi += SumW[detid].fact0; Fac += SumW[detid].fact1; Fac2+= SumW[detid].fact2; int kount = SumW[detid].kount + 1; SumW[detid] = myEntry(kount,Wi,Fac,Fac2); nTrks[detid] += evWt; } else { SumW.insert(std::pair<unsigned int,myEntry>(detid,myEntry(1,Wi,Fac,Fac2))); nTrks.insert(std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int>(detid, evWt)); } } } } } } if (debug) { std::cout << "# of Good Tracks " << ntkgood << " out of " << nentries << std::endl; } if (loop==0) { h_pbyE->Write("h_pbyE"); h_Ebyp_bfr->Write("h_Ebyp_bfr"); } if (last) { h_Ebyp_aftr->Write("h_Ebyp_aftr"); } std::map<unsigned int, std::pair<double,double> > cfactors; unsigned int kount(0), kountus(0); double sumfactor(0); for (std::map<unsigned int,TH1D*>::const_iterator itr = histos.begin(); itr != histos.end(); ++itr) { if (writeHisto) { std::pair<double,double> result_write = fitMean(itr->second, 0); (itr->second)->Write(); } // The masks are defined in DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalDetId.h int subdet, depth, zside, ieta, iphi; unpackDetId(itr->first, subdet, zside, ieta, iphi, depth); if (debug) { std::cout << "DETID :" << subdet << " IETA :" << ieta << " HIST ENTRIES :" << (itr->second)->GetEntries() << std::endl; } } for (std::map<unsigned int,TH1D*>::const_iterator itr = histos.begin(); itr != histos.end(); ++itr,++kount) { std::pair<double,double> result = fitMean(itr->second, 0); double factor = (inverse) ? (2.-result.first) : result.first; if (debug) { int subdet, depth, zside, ieta, iphi; unpackDetId(itr->first, subdet, zside, ieta, iphi, depth); std::cout << "DetId[" << kount << "] " << subdet << ":" << zside*ieta << ":" << depth << " Factor " << factor << " +- " << result.second << std::endl; } if (!useMean_) { cfactors[itr->first] = std::pair<double,double>(factor,result.second); if (itr->second->GetEntries() > nMin) { kountus++; if (factor > 1) sumfactor += (1-1/factor); else sumfactor += (1-factor); } } } std::map<unsigned int, myEntry>::const_iterator SumWItr = SumW.begin(); for (; SumWItr != SumW.end(); SumWItr++) { unsigned int detid = SumWItr->first; int subdet, depth, zside, ieta, iphi; unpackDetId(detid, subdet, zside, ieta, iphi, depth); if (debug) { std::cout << "Detid|kount|SumWi|SumFac|myId : " << subdet << ":" << zside*ieta << ":" << depth << " | " << (SumWItr->second).kount << " | " << (SumWItr->second).fact0 << "|" << (SumWItr->second).fact1 << "|" << (SumWItr->second).fact2 << std::endl; } double factor = (SumWItr->second).fact1/(SumWItr->second).fact0; double dfac1 = ((SumWItr->second).fact2/(SumWItr->second).fact0-factor*factor); if (dfac1 < 0) dfac1 = 0; double dfac = sqrt(dfac1/(SumWItr->second).kount); if (debug) { std::cout << "Factor " << factor << " " << dfac1 << " " << dfac << std::endl; } if (inverse) factor = 2.-factor; if (useMean_) { cfactors[detid] = std::pair<double,double>(factor,dfac); if ((SumWItr->second).kount > nMin) { kountus++; if (factor > 1) sumfactor += (1-1/factor); else sumfactor += (1-factor); } } } double dets[150], cfacs[150], wfacs[150], myId[150], nTrk[150]; kount = 0; std::map<unsigned int,std::pair<double,double> >::const_iterator itr=cfactors.begin(); for (; itr !=cfactors.end(); ++itr,++kount) { unsigned int detid = itr->first; int subdet, depth, zside, ieta, iphi; unpackDetId(detid, subdet, zside, ieta, iphi, depth); double id = ieta*zside + 0.25*(depth-1); double factor = (itr->second).first; double dfac = (itr->second).second; if (ieta > ietaMax) { factor = 1; dfac = 0; } std::pair<double,double> cfac(factor,dfac); if (Cprev.find(detid) != Cprev.end()) { dfac /= factor; factor *= Cprev[detid].first; dfac *= factor; Cprev[detid] = std::pair<double,double>(factor,dfac); cfacs[kount] = factor; } else { Cprev[detid] = std::pair<double,double>(factor,dfac); cfacs[kount] = factor; } wfacs[kount]= factor; dets[kount] = detid; myId[kount] = id; nTrk[kount] = nTrks[detid]; } if (higheta_ > 0) highEtaFactors(ietaMax, debug); std::cout << kountus << " detids out of " << kount << " have tracks > " << nMin << std::endl; char fname[50]; fout->cd(); TGraph *g_fac1 = new TGraph(kount, dets, cfacs); sprintf (fname, "Cfacs%d", loop); g_fac1->SetMarkerStyle(7); g_fac1->SetMarkerSize(5.0); g_fac1->Draw("AP"); g_fac1->Write(fname); TGraph *g_fac2 = new TGraph(kount, dets, wfacs); sprintf (fname, "Wfacs%d", loop); g_fac2->SetMarkerStyle(7); g_fac2->SetMarkerSize(5.0); g_fac2->Draw("AP"); g_fac2->Write(fname); TGraph *g_fac3 = new TGraph(kount, myId, cfacs); sprintf (fname, "CfacsVsMyId%d", loop); g_fac3->SetMarkerStyle(7); g_fac3->SetMarkerSize(5.0); g_fac3->Draw("AP"); g_fac3->Write(fname); TGraph *g_fac4 = new TGraph(kount, myId, wfacs); sprintf (fname, "WfacsVsMyId%d", loop); g_fac4->SetMarkerStyle(7); g_fac4->SetMarkerSize(5.0); g_fac4->Draw("AP"); g_fac4->Write(fname); TGraph *g_nTrk = new TGraph(kount, myId, nTrk); sprintf (fname, "nTrk"); if(loop==0){ g_nTrk->SetMarkerStyle(7); g_nTrk->SetMarkerSize(5.0); g_nTrk->Draw("AP"); g_nTrk->Write(fname); } std::cout << "The new factors are :" << std::endl; std::map<unsigned int, std::pair<double,double> >::const_iterator CprevItr = Cprev.begin(); unsigned int indx(0); for (; CprevItr != Cprev.end(); CprevItr++, indx++){ unsigned int detid = CprevItr->first; int subdet, depth, zside, ieta, iphi; unpackDetId(detid, subdet, zside, ieta, iphi, depth); std::cout << "DetId[" << indx << "] " << std::hex << detid << std::dec << "(" << ieta*zside << "," << depth << ") (nTrks:" << nTrks[detid] << ") : " << CprevItr->second.first << " +- " << CprevItr->second.second << std::endl; } double mean = (kountus > 0) ? (sumfactor/kountus) : 0; std::cout << "Mean deviation " << mean << " from 1 for " << kountus << " DetIds" << std::endl; h_cvg->SetBinContent(loop+1,mean); if (last) h_cvg->Write("Cvg0"); return mean; }
void halo_impl::unrender(std::set<map_location> invalidated_locations) { if(preferences::show_haloes() == false || haloes.empty()) { return; } //assert(invalidated_haloes.empty()); // Remove expired haloes std::map<int, effect>::iterator itor = haloes.begin(); for(; itor != haloes.end(); ++itor ) { if(itor->second.expired()) { deleted_haloes.insert(itor->first); } } // Add the haloes marked for deletion to the invalidation set std::set<int>::const_iterator set_itor = deleted_haloes.begin(); for(;set_itor != deleted_haloes.end(); ++set_itor) { invalidated_haloes.insert(*set_itor); haloes.find(*set_itor)->second.add_overlay_location(invalidated_locations); } // Test the multi-frame haloes whether they need an update for(set_itor = changing_haloes.begin(); set_itor != changing_haloes.end(); ++set_itor) { if(haloes.find(*set_itor)->second.need_update()) { invalidated_haloes.insert(*set_itor); haloes.find(*set_itor)->second.add_overlay_location(invalidated_locations); } } // Find all halo's in a the invalidated area size_t halo_count; // Repeat until set of haloes in the invalidated area didn't change // (including none found) or all existing haloes are found. do { halo_count = invalidated_haloes.size(); for(itor = haloes.begin(); itor != haloes.end(); ++itor) { // Test all haloes not yet in the set // which match one of the locations if(invalidated_haloes.find(itor->first) == invalidated_haloes.end() && itor->second.on_location(invalidated_locations)) { // If found, add all locations which the halo invalidates, // and add it to the set itor->second.add_overlay_location(invalidated_locations); invalidated_haloes.insert(itor->first); } } } while (halo_count != invalidated_haloes.size() && halo_count != haloes.size()); if(halo_count == 0) { return; } // Render the haloes: // iterate through all the haloes and invalidate if in set for(std::map<int, effect>::reverse_iterator ritor = haloes.rbegin(); ritor != haloes.rend(); ++ritor) { if(invalidated_haloes.find(ritor->first) != invalidated_haloes.end()) { ritor->second.unrender(); } } // Really delete the haloes marked for deletion for(set_itor = deleted_haloes.begin(); set_itor != deleted_haloes.end(); ++set_itor) { // It can happen a deleted halo hasn't been rendered yet, invalidate them as well new_haloes.erase(*set_itor); changing_haloes.erase(*set_itor); invalidated_haloes.erase(*set_itor); haloes.erase(*set_itor); } deleted_haloes.clear(); }
UINT CIniFile::GetAllKeyWordsAndValues(const wchar_t *const pwchSection, std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring> &mKeyWordsAndValues) { assert(NULL != pwchSection); // 清空map mKeyWordsAndValues.erase(mKeyWordsAndValues.begin(), mKeyWordsAndValues.end()); const DWORD dwMaxSize(MAX_PATH*5); wchar_t wchAllKeyWordsAndValues[dwMaxSize]; wchar_t wchKeyWordAndValue[dwMaxSize]; wmemset(wchAllKeyWordsAndValues, L'\0', _countof(wchAllKeyWordsAndValues)); wmemset(wchKeyWordAndValue, L'\0', _countof(wchKeyWordAndValue)); DWORD dwReturn = GetSection(pwchSection, wchAllKeyWordsAndValues, dwMaxSize); if (L'\0' == wchAllKeyWordsAndValues[0]) { // 第一个等于L'\0' // 无该Section } else { // 第一个不等于L'\0' // 有该Section // 分离出有用信息 // 因为Section在数组中的存放形式为“KeyWord1=Value1”,“\0”,“KeyWord2=Value2”,“\0”,“\0”。 // 所以如果检测到连续两个0,则break int i(0); for (i=0; i<dwMaxSize; i++) { if (wchAllKeyWordsAndValues[i] == L'\0') { if (wchAllKeyWordsAndValues[i] == wchAllKeyWordsAndValues[i+1]) { break; } } } i++; // 将有用信息进行分解 const int nActualSize(i); int j(0); int nPos(0); for(j=0; j<nActualSize; j++) { wchKeyWordAndValue[nPos++] = wchAllKeyWordsAndValues[j]; if (wchAllKeyWordsAndValues[j] == L'\0') { std::wstring wstrKeyWord; std::wstring wstrValue; const wchar_t *pwchEqualSign = wcschr(wchKeyWordAndValue, L'='); const int nCopySize = pwchEqualSign - wchKeyWordAndValue; wchar_t *pwch = new wchar_t[nCopySize+1](); wmemcpy(pwch, wchKeyWordAndValue, nCopySize); wstrKeyWord = pwch; wstrValue = ++pwchEqualSign; if (NULL != pwch) { delete[] pwch; pwch = NULL; } mKeyWordsAndValues.insert(std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring>::value_type(wstrKeyWord, wstrValue)); wmemset(wchKeyWordAndValue, L'\0', _countof(wchKeyWordAndValue)); nPos = 0; } } } return mKeyWordsAndValues.size(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { srand(time(NULL)); int fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd == -1) { printf("%s\n", strerror(errno)); } struct sockaddr_in servaddr; servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; servaddr.sin_port = htons(11000); inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &servaddr.sin_addr); int ret = connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&servaddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if (ret == -1) { printf("%s", strerror(errno)); return 0; } int epfd = epoll_create(1024); if (epfd == -1) { printf("create failed"); return 0; } set_io_nonblock(fd, 1); struct epoll_event event; = fd; = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET; ret = epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &event); struct epoll_event *evs = (struct epoll_event *)malloc(sizeof(struct epoll_event) * 200); int done = 0; while (!done) { int i; recv_again: int n = epoll_wait(epfd, evs, 1024, 100); if (n == -1 && errno != EINTR) { printf("%s", strerror(errno)); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int fd = evs[i].data.fd; printf("fd=%u type=%u\n", fd, evs[i].events); if (evs[i].events && EPOLLIN) { char recvbuf[102400]; int ret = safe_tcp_recv_n(fd, recvbuf, 102400); if (ret == 0) { printf("fd closed"); return 0; } else if (ret > 0) { printf("recvbuf len=%d\n", ret); int len = ret; int readlen = 0; struct timeval end; struct timeval start; while (readlen < len) { gettimeofday(&end, NULL); char* ptr = recvbuf; proto_pkg_t *msg = (proto_pkg_t *)(ptr + readlen); start = seq_time_map[msg->seq]; printf("recv: %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%s:%lu,%lu\n", msg->id, msg->cmd, msg->seq, msg->ret, msg->len, msg->data, msg->len - sizeof(proto_pkg_t), (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec) ); readlen += msg->len; seq_time_map.erase(msg->seq); } } else { printf("recv error"); return 0; } } else if (evs[i].events && EPOLLOUT) { } } if (seq_time_map.size()) { goto recv_again; } sleep(1); //getchar(); char input[200] = {'\0'}; int num = rand() % 200+ 1; //int num = 30; gen_str(input, num); // scanf("%s", input); char buf[1024]; for (i = 0; i < 200; ++i) { proto_pkg_t *pkg = (proto_pkg_t *)buf; pkg->id = i; pkg->cmd = i + 1; pkg->ret = i + 2; pkg->seq = ++seq; struct timeval start; gettimeofday(&start, NULL); seq_time_map[pkg->seq] = start; pkg->len = sizeof(proto_pkg_t) + strlen(input) + 1; input[strlen(input)] = '\0'; memcpy(pkg->data, input, strlen(input) + 1); send(fd, buf, pkg->len, 0); printf("send: id=%u,cmd=%u,seq=%u,ret=%u,%s:%lu\n\n", pkg->id, pkg->cmd, pkg->seq, pkg->ret, input, strlen(input) + 1); // getchar(); } // sleep(1); //if (rand() % 2) { //} } free(evs); close(epfd); close(fd); return 0; }
bool func1(std::map<int, double> i, std::map<int, double> j) { return i.size() < j.size(); };
bool CCoinsViewDB::BatchWrite(const std::map<uint256, CCoins> &mapCoins, const uint256 &hashBlock) { LogPrint("coindb", "Committing %u changed transactions to coin database...\n", (unsigned int)mapCoins.size()); CLevelDBBatch batch; for (std::map<uint256, CCoins>::const_iterator it = mapCoins.begin(); it != mapCoins.end(); it++) BatchWriteCoins(batch, it->first, it->second); if (hashBlock != uint256(0)) BatchWriteHashBestChain(batch, hashBlock); return db.WriteBatch(batch); }
//Добавляет часть речи в полный список частей речи int POS_add(char* strPOS) { int i = POS_map.size() + 1; POS_map[strPOS] = i; return i; }
void BVH_balancing::Solve( const std::map<int, std::set<int> > &compatibility, size_t no_bones, std::map<int, int>& assignments ){ std::map<int, int> Bn_to_index, index_to_Bn; size_t index = 0; size_t no_branchings = compatibility.size(); assert( no_bones > 0 ); assert( no_branchings > 0 ); for( const auto& item : compatibility ){ if( Bn_to_index.count(item.first) > 0 ) { continue; } // skip if alredy mapped Bn_to_index[item.first] = index; index_to_Bn[index] = item.first; ++index; } // entire optimization goes inside a try catch statement. // in case of errors, I want it to crash! try{ GRBEnv env; GRBModel model = GRBModel( env ); /* CREATE VARIABLES */ std::vector<GRBVar> vars( no_bones * no_branchings ); for( size_t r = 0; r < no_bones; ++r ){ for( size_t c = 0; c < no_branchings; ++c ){ size_t idx = matIndex( r, c, no_branchings ); std::stringstream var_name; var_name << "A( " << r << ", " << c << " )"; assert( compatibility.count( index_to_Bn[c] ) > 0 ); bool is_connected = index_to_Bn[c] ).count( r ); vars[idx] = model.addVar( 0.0, ( is_connected > 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0 ), 1.0, GRB_BINARY, var_name.str()); } } model.update(); // Create Objective Function. // for each branching node i : #bones( Bn_i )^2 // hence I need to sum the number of bones assigned to each branching node GRBQuadExpr obj; std::vector<GRBLinExpr> cols( no_branchings ); for( size_t c = 0; c < no_branchings; ++c ){ for( size_t r = 0; r < no_bones; ++r ){ size_t idx = matIndex( r, c, no_branchings ); cols[c] += vars[idx]; } } for( size_t c = 0; c < no_branchings; ++c ){ obj += cols[c] * cols[c]; } model.setObjective( obj ); model.update(); // create constraint : each bone can be assigned to only one branching node. // this means that the summation of each row's values must be equal to 1.0 for( size_t r = 0; r < no_bones; ++r ){ GRBLinExpr row_sum; for( size_t c = 0; c < no_branchings; ++c ){ size_t idx = matIndex( r, c, no_branchings ); row_sum += vars[idx]; } model.addConstr( row_sum == 1.0 ); } model.update(); // Optimize model.optimize(); int status = model.get(GRB_IntAttr_Status); if (status == GRB_OPTIMAL) { std::cout << "The optimal objective is " << model.get(GRB_DoubleAttr_ObjVal) << std::endl; // return results! // printResults(vars, no_bones, no_branchings ); getResults( index_to_Bn, vars, assignments, no_bones, no_branchings ); return; } /************************************/ /* ERROR HANDLING */ /************************************/ if (status == GRB_UNBOUNDED){ std::cout << "The model cannot be solved because it is unbounded" << std::endl; assert(false); } if ((status != GRB_INF_OR_UNBD) && (status != GRB_INFEASIBLE)) { std::cout << "Optimization was stopped with status " << status << std::endl; assert( false ); } GRBConstr* c = 0; // do IIS std::cout << "The model is infeasible; computing IIS" << std::endl; model.computeIIS(); std::cout << "\nThe following constraint(s) cannot be satisfied:" << std::endl; c = model.getConstrs(); for (int i = 0; i < model.get(GRB_IntAttr_NumConstrs); ++i){ if (c[i].get(GRB_IntAttr_IISConstr) == 1) { std::cout << c[i].get(GRB_StringAttr_ConstrName) << std::endl; } } } /* EXCEPTION HANDLING */ catch (GRBException e) { std::cout << "Error code = " << e.getErrorCode() << std::endl; std::cout << e.getMessage() << std::endl; assert( false ); } catch (...){ std::cout << "Exception during optimization" << std::endl; assert( false ); } }
/// return the number of entries in the store int size(void) throw() { return mapMJD_EOP.size(); }