Пример #1
// Save & change and restore stream properties
    std::istream &  input,
    std::ostream &  output,
    std::ostream &  err
    using std::locale;
    using std::ios_base;

    boost::io::ios_tie_saver const    its( input, &err );
    boost::io::ios_rdbuf_saver const  irs( output, err.rdbuf() );
    boost::io::ios_iword_saver const  iis( output, my_index, 69L );
    boost::io::ios_pword_saver const  ipws( output, my_index, &err );
    output << "The data is (a third time; adding the numbers):\n";

    boost::io::ios_flags_saver const      ifls( output, (output.flags()
     & ~ios_base::adjustfield) | ios_base::showpos | ios_base::boolalpha
     | (ios_base::internal & ios_base::adjustfield) );
    boost::io::ios_precision_saver const  iprs( output, 9 );
    boost::io::ios_fill_saver const       ifis( output, '@' );
    output << '\t' << test_string << '\n';

    boost::io::ios_width_saver const  iws( output, 12 );
    output.put( '\t' );
    output << test_num1 + test_num2;
    output.put( '\n' );

    locale                             loc( locale::classic(),
     new backward_bool_names );
    boost::io::ios_locale_saver const  ils( output, loc );
    output << '\t' << test_bool << '\n';

    BOOST_CHECK( &err == output.pword(my_index) );
    BOOST_CHECK( 69L == output.iword(my_index) );

        boost::io::ios_exception_saver const  ies( output, ios_base::eofbit  );
        boost::io::ios_iostate_saver const    iis( output, output.rdstate()
         | ios_base::eofbit );

        BOOST_ERROR( "previous line should have thrown" );
    catch ( ios_base::failure &f )
        err << "Got the expected I/O failure: \"" << f.what() << "\".\n";
        BOOST_CHECK( output.exceptions() == ios_base::goodbit );
    catch ( ... )
        err << "Got an unknown error when doing exception test!\n";
Пример #2
// Return true if color should be used for the given stream.
// NOTE: I use the iword of a stream to store the color to indicate
// that a non-standard stream should use color, set iword to 1.
supports_color(std::ostream& os)
  return os.iword(ios_color_flag);
Пример #3
	raii_guard(std::ostream& os):
Пример #4
// Save, change, and restore stream properties
    std::istream &  input,
    std::ostream &  output,
    std::ostream &  err
    using std::locale;
    using std::ios_base;
    using std::setw;

    boost::io::ios_flags_saver const      ifls( output );
    boost::io::ios_precision_saver const  iprs( output );
    boost::io::ios_width_saver const      iws( output );
    boost::io::ios_tie_saver const        its( input );
    boost::io::ios_rdbuf_saver const      irs( output );
    boost::io::ios_fill_saver const       ifis( output );
    boost::io::ios_locale_saver const     ils( output );
    boost::io::ios_iword_saver const      iis( output, my_index );
    boost::io::ios_pword_saver const      ipws( output, my_index );

    locale  loc( locale::classic(), new backward_bool_names );

    input.tie( &err );
    output.rdbuf( err.rdbuf() );
    output.iword( my_index ) = 69L;
    output.pword( my_index ) = &err;

    output << "The data is (again):\n";
    output.setf( ios_base::showpos | ios_base::boolalpha );
    output.setf( ios_base::internal, ios_base::adjustfield );
    output.fill( '@' );
    output.precision( 9 );
    output << '\t' << test_string << '\n';
    output << '\t' << setw( 10 ) << test_num1 << '\n';
    output << '\t' << setw( 15 ) << test_num2 << '\n';
    output.imbue( loc );
    output << '\t' << test_bool << '\n';

    BOOST_CHECK( &err == output.pword(my_index) );
    BOOST_CHECK( 69L == output.iword(my_index) );

        boost::io::ios_exception_saver const  ies( output );
        boost::io::ios_iostate_saver const    iis( output );

        output.exceptions( ios_base::eofbit );
        output.setstate( ios_base::eofbit );
        BOOST_ERROR( "previous line should have thrown" );
    catch ( ios_base::failure &f )
        err << "Got the expected I/O failure: \"" << f.what() << "\".\n";
        BOOST_CHECK( output.exceptions() == ios_base::goodbit );
    catch ( ... )
        err << "Got an unknown error when doing exception test!\n";
Пример #5
 // Say whether a given stream should be colorized or not. It's always
 // true for ATTY streams and may be true for streams marked with
 // colorize flag.
 bool is_colorized(std::ostream& stream)
     return is_atty(stream) || static_cast<bool>(stream.iword(colorize_index));